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Hope your Mom is doing better. Thanks for the oil hints. Do you think it makes a difference?

I stay within my points everyday but don't always eat everything such as fruit and whole grains. Maybe I should trying eat what I am suppose to.;)


My weigh in was last night and I was down .4. I was disappointed because that was a two week lose (no weigh in last week due to holiday). Yes I know its a loss. I started going to the Y 3x a week and even took a class tonight.


One of the ladies in my meeting uses her extra 35 points every week. The past two weeks she had lost 6 pounds and this is her 4th month. Granted she doesn't lose that every week but still a great total for this late in her weight lose.


I guess I have to switch things up a bit.


Good luck to all this week.




SW 221

CW 197

GW 149

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Misty you're doing awesome. Way to go on getting in the exercise....and it showed. Starting slow on the oil is good cause any oil is better than no oil :rolleyes:.


And yes, I do feel the oil works for me. It definately helps things move along (sorry TMI) not to mention it's good for your heart. Back on one of my journeys with WW I had gotten stuck for a while but when I purposely added the oil I started losing again. Also, my DH's hereditary bad cholesterol has come down over 50 points and for now he no longer needs meds. Try the oil and see if it works for you. If olive oil is not to your tasting try the sunflower oil as it's almost tasteless.


On what Denise said about the lady in her meeting.....I've seen a lot of people have success in eating either a few of the 35 extra's a day or have all 35 over the course of a day or two. Also, there is what some call the wendi plan where you have like 8 extra points one day, stick to your alloted the next, go below by 2, then eat 5 extra, etc... the theory in that is it keeps your metabolism guessing.


So I have a few cruise questions if anyone can help. Has anyone stayed at a hotel in San Pedro, CA before a cruise out of the World Cruise Center? Which hotel would you recommend? We are looking at the Crowne plaza or the Doubletree. Anyone used priceline to bid on a hotel before? Thanks.


Water check ! ! !

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Shoot, I was going to add this. It's a email I got this morning and I thought it was cute.


Words for Women to Live By!


1. Aspire to be Barbie - the b**** has everything.

2. If the shoe fits - buy them in every color.

3. Take life with a pinch of salt... A wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila. :p

4. In need of a support group? - Cocktail hour with the girls!

5. Go on the 30 day diet. (I'm on it and so far I've lost 15 days).

6. When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality :eek:.

8. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They know me here.

9. Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

10. Don't get your knickers in a knot; it solves nothing and makes you walk funny.

11. When life gives you lemons turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka.

12. Remember wherever there is a good looking, sweet, single or married man there is some woman tired of his bulls***! :D

13. Keep your chin up, only the first 40 years of parenthood are hard.

14. If it has Tires or Testicles it's gonna give you trouble. LOL LOL

15. By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong. (omg, how true)


Hope your day goes well.



Hopefully these didn't offend anyone.

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Guest Crazeecat5
As promised, I'm back to report my weigh in numbers:


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 265.6 (17.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155


I was down 2.2 pounds this week!! YAY!



I am so proud of you girlfriend! You are doing a terrific job! It must be all of the exercise you are getting running around the farm!!LOL

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Denise - YAY!! Down 0.4 is still down! and a double YAY for getting to the Y! And thanks for the smiley face. :)


Mel - I'm on my 5th serving of water and vow to get the 6th in by the end of the day. I took my multivitamin (logging on here reminded me). And I haven't gotten in my oil yet, but I will do it at dinner, I promise! :D And sorry, I can't help you on your questions, I haven't been to CA and I haven't used priceline. But thank you for the words of wisdom, they are hilarious!


Sheryl - LOL!! If only virtual farming burned as many calories as actual farming...I'd be a skinny minny!!


Skinny thoughts to all who are weighing in today, sorry I don't have my cheat sheet and I forget who weighs in on Wednesday. I think it is Jane and Judi, though. I'll think thin thoughts for everyone, just in case. :)

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Good Evening to all you W/W buddies.......went for my weigh in this morning and was down just 0.5lb. No reason for a small loss, i put it down to loosing 9.5lb in two weeks, hopefully there will be more off next week.

Just booked a cruise for March 2010!!!! We both enjoyed our first cruise in April that we are going again. Barbados-Crete.......anyone else planning on cruise the Carribean next year???? How about you Susan, will i be waving to you????????????????:p

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Good job Jane! .5 is still a loss and 9.5 in two weeks is wonderful! Even 10 pounds in three weeks is excellent!


I am crusing the Caribbean next year, but I'm going in February. :D


And yes, I did have my oil with dinner tonight! I put Mediterranean Garlic Olive Oil on my cooked carrots at dinner. It was pretty yummy. :) I felt a little silly adding oil (and fat and calories) to my veggies, but if it's good for me, I'm willing to give it a go.

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Well kids, I had weigh in this am and I am not doing a Happy Dance!! Not even a fox trot!! I stayed the same....shoot:(. Someone once said the last part of the trip is the longest, so I'm not too disspointed...I still have only ten pounds to go to goal:). EVERYBODY in my class lost except ME. Oh well, there's always next week!! I looks like our board is a bunch of losers too! Misty, you are doing great!! Keep it up everyone and maybe we'll all reach goal together.


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Janet, I forgot to post something for you. They sell these premoistened washcloths that you could use for when you go to the gym at work. They are Sage products, sold as Comfort personal cleansing Bath ultra-thick premoistened washcloths. Look in the convalescence area of Walgreen's, Rite-Aid or whatever drug store you use. They are very good.


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Well kids, I had weigh in this am and I am not doing a Happy Dance!! Not even a fox trot!! I stayed the same....shoot:(. Someone once said the last part of the trip is the longest, so I'm not too disspointed...I still have only ten pounds to go to goal:). EVERYBODY in my class lost except ME. Oh well, there's always next week!! I looks like our board is a bunch of losers too! Misty, you are doing great!! Keep it up everyone and maybe we'll all reach goal together.



OOOH, I like the quote - The last part of the trip is the longest. So very fitting.


I know you're disappointed this week, but I'll do a WHO-HOO for you anyways! If you're tried to stay on program all week then it's a success in my book no matter what the scale tells you. Sometimes the scale doesn't accurately reflect the good things we're doing for ourselves. Hang in there!!

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You made me giggle Misty. It does seem odd to add fat when you're trying to lose fat.


Judi, I'll second what Misty said. The scale won't show all the good things we are doing for our bodies. You're so close to goal so hang in there.


Jane, half a pound is great. Chin up, it probably is things slowing back down from losing 9.5 lbs in such a short time. I just have to commend you on coming back from a cruise and getting right back on program.


I was thinking maybe some of us could use a booster shot so to speak and reconfirm our commitment to ourselves. So.......why are you trying to lose weight? Short term reasons, long term reasons. Do you have a realistic mental image in your head of what you'll look like and feel like when you reach your goal?


For me.....I haven't always been heavy but I do come from a "heavy" family. I gained a lot of weight with my first child (who will be 23 soon) and have battled my weight ever since. Up and down, down then up, 2 more children, up and down again. It was when I was about 35 when I gained weight just because and started feeling really self conscience about it. It kept me from joining in on fun things that involved me being around a lot of people. That was the first time I had joined WW, exercised by hiney off and lost down to 133 lbs.. I felt great and had my confidence back but then I started slacking and the weight went back up. Then came a hysterectomy and I ballooned up to 200 lbs.. I was miserable, once again without confidence, found myself being put on high blood pressure meds, taking HRT and antidepressants. I got down to 155, gained again, down to 143, gained again, and at the first of 2009 found myself at 180 lbs again. My whole body ached and at 45 years old I am too young to hurt all over. I had zero energy, zero desire for much of anything, avoided family and friends pretty much and well, wallowed in self pity. That is when my DH and I joined the gym. I adopted my old philosophy (if someone doesn't like the way I look then don't look at me) and go head held high to the gym almost everyday, hired a personal trainer, and for the first time in my life I actually feel toned all over. I've only lost 12.8 lbs since the first of the year but at the last body test I had done I have lost 9% body fat. Of course I want to be skinny and look fabulous in size 8's and 10's but my main reason is to be healthy. I want to get off the blood pressure and depression meds (will take HRT until they make me stop :rolleyes:) and I want to be able to have a pain free as possible body that won't fail me. I want to be active with my grandkids when they come along, enjoy traveling and continue to be able to zipline in Alaska if I choose to. I want to play volleyball in the pool with my kids and their friends, energy to entertain, and have/keep my self confidence. I can picture myself doing all these things and I have the image in my head of what I will look like when I reach goal and clothes to go with it. Looking greatastic is a bonus in having a healthy body.....and size 10 doesn't hurt either.


So what is your story? Why are you losing weight?

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Okay, my weight loss story....At age 39 I weighed 112 pounds. I'm 5'2" and never have been much of an exerciser. I had my first pregnancy that summer and put on 80 pounds!!:eek: Since the child did not weigh 70 pounds at birth, I had a lot of weight to lose!! It took a while, and a couple of Jane Fonda work out tapes but I lost a bunch of the weight down to 128! Fast forward twenty years and I slowly put on the pounds. When I went from a size 6 to an 8 I thought "Well, I'm getting older and this isn't so bad"... then size 8 to 10, still not so bad, 10 to 12 and I wasn't happy. Then last year I hit size 14 and thought "What the heck happened" The scale hit 169.5 and after recovering I thought..I have to lose this weight. Started WW in Feb and have lost 24.5 pounds . I need to lose anther ten to hit goal of 135.. I'm in a size 10 now, would love to be back in an 8 and feel great about myself. I am 61 years old now and realize that I have to "watch" what I eat. It had never been a problem so I let it get the best of me... Pictures can be brutal!!:eek:


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Guest Crazeecat5

My story-

I was an average kid. During my teens I started to put on some weight. By my 20's I had about 30 extra pounds on me. Had both my babies by the time I was 30 and each time gained weight that I never took off. I just continued to gain through my 30's and 40's. Now at 54 I am so unhealthy, with several weight related problems. So I decided, this is it! The weight will come off. Just have to deal with this water problem so that I can have better weight losses. I put on pair of pants today that were very tight last summer...now they are just a little tight at the waist.

I am leaving to get weighed in in a little while. Will check back in later.

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Hi all,

Another pound down! Hooray! 9 lbs. total loss!


WHO-HOO for Sheryl !!! One more pound down and 9 total is terriffic!!!


My story - I've been overweight and yo-yo dieting at least since high school. I weighed 180 my senior year of High School. I went off to college and was probably about 230 by the time I got out. I've spent most of the past 14 years since college up and down between 230 and 270. (A couple of times I made it down to about 180 through crash dieting.) I had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant and actually lost 40 pounds during my pregnancy. I got pregnant at 270 and weighed 230 after my daughter was born. Most of the reason for the loss was the healthier diet for gestational diabetes and all day - all pregnancy long morning sickness. Now my daughter is 5 and I put all of that weight back on, plus extra, bringing my total up to 283. At that time I realized several things - I was getting closer and closer to 300, and although, it's just a number it is a number I don't want to see on my scale. My brother-in-law lost weight and I realized that I weigh more than he does. I've been doing scrapbooks for my daughter and she has very few pictures of me in her books because I don't like getting in front of the camera. I've also realized that since I did have gestational diabetes while I was pregnant and diabetes runs in my family it's only a matter of time before I develop it if I don't do something about my weight. So, I've made a commitment to change my outlook towards food and make a lifelong improvement in my weight.


Now I'm off to do a cheer for Sheryl!! WHO-HOO

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Susan - I hope your weigh-in went well this weekend. :)


Janet - I hope yours did too if you switched to weekends. :)


Mel and Denise - I'm sending skinny thoughts to you (& your scales) for tomorrow's weigh-in. ;)

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Good Morning,


I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.


I have decided to change my weigh in day to Friday a.m. as I feel like it works better for me. I stay within my points during the week and usually spend some of my 35 on the weekend. I typically feel a little bloated or something on Monday mornings so I'll weigh in officially this Friday a.m. I did weigh last Friday and stayed the same.


I thought of ya'll while I was preparing all of our meals for the week yesterday. I was putting the oil on our mcmuffin's and wondered if anyone got in their oils this weekend.


How are the vitamins coming along? Drinking your water?


Lets talk dairy. This is one where I have a problem. I am so not a milk drinker. I was drinking a cup of milk every morning to take my meds but then switched it to diet cranberry juice instead to save a couple of points. I know I know, bad idea but I don't think my body likes milk very much. I think I'm a little lactose intolerant. I will have milk on cereal, add cheese when I have the points and eat yogurt. Please share the way you're getting in dairy everyday.


So 4 weeks until the Peachtree Road Race 10k. We did get outside yesterday for cardio. I went 6.2 miles, jogging 1.5 miles. Man o man o man am I not in as good a shape as I thought. Walking outside instead of a treadmill is so totally different. We use a heart rate monitor when we do any of our exercises and generally on the treadmill my heart rate doesn't go above 145. Not the case yesterday. After 0.8 miles my heart rate went up to as high as 191 and never came back below 150 until the end when I was walking soooo slow trying to bring it back down. The good news is that I burned 677 calories, my DH about 1200. The heat was a factor at around 85 which is what we need to get used to as well. We'll go again tonight, don't know if I'll do all 6.2 miles though.


Skinny vibes to Denise and anyone else for weigh in today.

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Hi everyone,

I actually got weighed on Thursday, I was out of town to a conference all weekend. I left early Friday morning.


The good news is I lost 1.4 pounds which puts me at an even 45, the bad news is I ate very well all weekend! But I'm right back on it today, so hopefully will at least stay the same when I get weighed this week.


Congratulations Sheryl for the one pound loss and to Jane for the half pound. And Misty- 2.2 pounds, terriffic! Good idea Mel to change to Friday if you eat your extra points on the weekend. Great job on being able to do the 6.2 miles and jogging 1.5 of them. Keep it up and you will soon be doing it with no problems. I went for a bike ride today, only went 4 km but was against the wind all the way back, so felt like I was doing 100km! My legs were shaking and my breathing was very labored. I didn't take my pulse but will the next time.

Tomorrow I am going to have hubby drive me 2.5 km away and drop me off so I can walk home.


Good luck and skinny vibes to all who are weighing in tomorrow and Wednesday!




SW- 264

CW- 219

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Thanks to all for the skinny vibes.


I lost 3 lbs. YAH. This puts me over the 25 pound mark.


My son is giving me aggravation so I didn't eat properly for a few days but then again I am going to the gym three times a week.


Susan - nice weight lose. Someday I will get to 45 pounds.


Skinny vibes to everyone.



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:eek: Denise, doing the happy dance for you. 25 lbs is wonderful!!!!! The gym is paying off.


Susan, happy dance for you too. 45 lb weight loss has got to feel great. I'm sure you'll be okay for next weigh in.


Short and sweet this morning. I'll check back later.

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Mel - I'm still working on the water, oil and vitamins. I'm doing pretty well. I've found that putting oil on my popcorn is a decent way to sneak it in. Now dairy, I don't usually have a problem with that one. I have one yogurt every day and the other dairy is usually cheese. I buy the 2% cheese to cut the points from 3 to 2 per serving, but I don't do the fat free stuff. I also sometimes drink a slimfast for a mid afternoon snack, especially if I know it's going to be a late dinner (like WW meeting nights) and that counts as a dairy too. Great job on your training, it sounds like thing are going really well.


Susan - 1.4!!! Yippie!!! Happy dance for you. And, good job getting back on it after an out of town weekend. Nice job on the biking and walking!


Denise - 3 lbs AND over 25!! I'll just have to bust out another happy dance for you!! Great job on getting to the gym. I'll admit, my exercise has been lacking this week. Good for you for sticking to it!


Thin thoughts for everyone!

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Mel,Sandra and Denise.....I am doing such a vigorous Happy Dance that I am sure to be down at my weigh in tomorrow....All this dancing is wonderful for my non exercising body, so you girls keep it up!! Absolutely WONDERFUL!!


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