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I haven't seen the WW candy bar ice cream yet . . . sounds good!

When I weighed in Thurs. I'd lost 1.8 pounds! Less than 10 to go and a cruise that starts a week from today. I'll go to the meeting the night before I leave and then see what happens. I can do this!

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i haven't seen the ww candy bar ice cream yet . . . Sounds good!

When i weighed in thurs. I'd lost 1.8 pounds! Less than 10 to go and a cruise that starts a week from today. I'll go to the meeting the night before i leave and then see what happens. I can do this!



Who-hoo!!! 1.8 pounds and only 10 more to go!! Great job!



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Guest Crazeecat5
I haven't seen the WW candy bar ice cream yet . . . sounds good!

When I weighed in Thurs. I'd lost 1.8 pounds! Less than 10 to go and a cruise that starts a week from today. I'll go to the meeting the night before I leave and then see what happens. I can do this!

Yes you can do this!! Great job losing!:D

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I haven't seen the WW candy bar ice cream yet . . . sounds good!

When I weighed in Thurs. I'd lost 1.8 pounds! Less than 10 to go and a cruise that starts a week from today. I'll go to the meeting the night before I leave and then see what happens. I can do this!


Great job! WHOOHOO!!! Keep it up!

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Good Afternoon all. I hope you all had great Father's Day weekends. I made daisies all weekend for the baby cake. Oh wait, I did go with my DD to see the wedding dress she wanted and ending up buying it. It's beautiful. Didn't count the first point all weekend :(. Just didn't have it in me.


Andrea, I see you're on the same cruise with the Miracle Maniacs. Sounds like it will be a blast.


You guys are getting so skinny. Congrats for all poundage lost.


Sheryl, here is a virtual b'day cake just for you



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Guest Crazeecat5
Good Afternoon all. I hope you all had great Father's Day weekends. I made daisies all weekend for the baby cake. Oh wait, I did go with my DD to see the wedding dress she wanted and ending up buying it. It's beautiful. Didn't count the first point all weekend :(. Just didn't have it in me.


Andrea, I see you're on the same cruise with the Miracle Maniacs. Sounds like it will be a blast.


You guys are getting so skinny. Congrats for all poundage lost.


Sheryl, here is a virtual b'day cake just for you


OMG, Mel! I would love to sink my teeth into that cake! That's for virtual sugar rush!!:D

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Yea 1.8 down and less than 10 to go. Keep it up.


If only you did have the cruise in between.:rolleyes:


How much did you lose so far?


I weighed in this afternoon and lost 2.4 so I'm thrilled. As long as I keep going forward (even after a gain) I'll get there.


Skinny vibes and dances for all who have to weigh in this week.




SW 221

CW 192

GW 146

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Hi to all, Congrats to all the weight losses this week.

I was down another 1.2 on my weigh in. Almost 50 pounds! (46.8)

We barbecued and had lobster for Fathers day. I did watch what I ate though. As the leader said at our meeting on Saturday, if you really want something, then eat it, just count the points! Thats why I like this program, you never have to feel deprived.

We have been having heavy rain for the last couple of days so no biking for me. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

Good luck to everyone for a great week.



SW 264

CW 217.2

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Good Afternoon all. I hope you all had great Father's Day weekends. I made daisies all weekend for the baby cake. Oh wait, I did go with my DD to see the wedding dress she wanted and ending up buying it. It's beautiful. Didn't count the first point all weekend :(. Just didn't have it in me.


Andrea, I see you're on the same cruise with the Miracle Maniacs. Sounds like it will be a blast.


You guys are getting so skinny. Congrats for all poundage lost.


Sheryl, here is a virtual b'day cake just for you


That's OK if you skipped the point counting this weekend, that's the beauty of WW. An "off" weekend doesn't ruin things, you can always just pick back up. That cake looks adorable, by the way!



Yea 1.8 down and less than 10 to go. Keep it up.


If only you did have the cruise in between.:rolleyes:


How much did you lose so far?


I weighed in this afternoon and lost 2.4 so I'm thrilled. As long as I keep going forward (even after a gain) I'll get there.


Skinny vibes and dances for all who have to weigh in this week.




SW 221

CW 192

GW 146


2.4!!! That's TERRIFFIC!!! **Happy Dance!!**



Hi to all, Congrats to all the weight losses this week.

I was down another 1.2 on my weigh in. Almost 50 pounds! (46.8)

We barbecued and had lobster for Fathers day. I did watch what I ate though. As the leader said at our meeting on Saturday, if you really want something, then eat it, just count the points! Thats why I like this program, you never have to feel deprived.

We have been having heavy rain for the last couple of days so no biking for me. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

Good luck to everyone for a great week.



SW 264

CW 217.2



1.2!! That's fabulous too!! AND almost 50!! WOW! I hope to be there someday!! ...another happy dance goin' on!!

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Denise - I've lost 35 so far . . . this time. I'm about 90 less than my all time high. Caught it earlier than before this time and it's been easier.


A day or weekend of not counting points isn't the end of the world. Our leader always says we have a 24 hour body clock and can start over right away. One day at a time!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Well, yesterday was not a great WW day for me either. Went out to dinner for my birthday. Although I had saved lots of points and did make some good choices, I really did make some not so good choices too. I kept saying how happy I was then but how unhappy I'll be on Thrusday (weigh in).

The good news is I'm back on track today.

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I had my weigh-in tonight and was up 1.4 pounds. :eek: Actually, I'm not too worried about it. I've had several really good weeks in a row and I knew it would catch up to me eventually. I'm just going to keep plugging along and I know I'll be successful in the long run!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 263.2 (20.2 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +1.4 :eek:




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Hi all,

The good news is I'm back on track today.


Happy Birthday and good for you for getting back on track.


Too many times we blow it then figure what the heck and continue blowing it.


Keep it up.



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Sheryl, don't beat yourself up too much. We only have birthday's once a year, thank goodness :o. I'm glad you enjoyed your virtual oreo b'day cake.


Misty, keep that train of thought on why you gained instead of everything you could have possibly done wrong because chances are it is just your body catching up with itself.


Susan, good gobley mobley, almost 50 pounds! I'm sure you need a whole new wardrobe :p.


Denise, awesome weight loss. Now I have the Paula Abdul song in my head.......I take 2 steps forward, you take 1 step back.....or something like that. I can just see her dancing on top of that fence in the video.


Flcatlover, first off woooo hooooo for a upcoming cruise. Bigger WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO for less than 10 lbs to goal. Just have a plan while on the ship and get some sort of exercise in and you'll be fine. Try always taking the stairs and never the elevator.


So we had our last personal trainer session last night and I was talking to him and told him I have only lost 3-4 lbs while working out this hard for the past 4 months. He seemed puzzled too. (our original trainer quit and he was our new one for 5 sessions) I think I need to vent for a minute so please forgive me.


We started the fitness center the 1st of February. We bought heart rate monitors at 250.00 each, we paid for a cardio fit point test at 99.00 each, we paid for a "where is your body now" test at 99.00 each, then we paid over 3,000 for personal training plus the 130.00 a month for a family plan. The where is your body now test said I was 33% body fat and like 110 lbs of muscle which I didn't think was toooo bad. My flexibility sucked and my strength was only so-so. With all those factors it said my body age was 50. Then we did the cardio fit test to see how many calories your body burns when your heart rate goes to different zones, measured the heart rate zones, and then gave us a cardio program to follow. Then we paid 99.00 each for a calorie point test which measures your basal metabolic rate at total rest. Mine was 914, then they added 300 calories to that for my normal day to day activity since I sit at a desk all day on my rear. So the minimum amount of calories I should eat at the end of the day when all is said and done, including any exercise, is 1214. Well they figured I burned an average of 300 calories exercising so I was to eat between 1500-1600 calories every day. Meeting with the nutritionist confirmed this and she said my body was probably in a constant "diet" mode from all the years of dieting. This made sense to me so I went with that. They say eat before you workout, eat again within 45 minutes after "optimize in 45" they call it. Well after 4 months of following that program I only lost like 3-4 pounds. They kept saying you're building muscle and the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be so don't concentrate on a number on the scale that my clothes should be fitting differently. Well they weren't. I stayed the same size except thru my back and the fat roll under my bra and then the next 2 rolls down to the waist of my pants :(. That is the only place on my body that has gotten smaller. Now I only have 1 small fat roll :rolleyes:. So then I started counting points again, came here for support, and now have only lost 0.4 one week and 1.4 another week, then gained 1 lb back but I was still following the same exercise routine.


So here are my thoughts on this.......I don't think my body likes all this 6 meals a day, having so many calories, working out to build muscle and eating before I workout business. I think my body likes what I've always done to lose weight and that is to stay OP and count points, get some cardio exercise, exercise on a empty stomach and stick to eating 4 times a day. Don't get me wrong, I love all the muscle I have built over these past 4 months as I can feel ab muscles, my arms and legs are definately more toned with some muscle definition, and I will maintain it with some light weights and toning but I think all the scientific stuff we did just isn't for my body. I don't question any of it and how accurate it is and the knowledge of these people or all the supporting data at all.


So my game plan starting Friday a.m. is to journal everyday, count points and eat the things I used to eat instead of lots of protein and carbs, eat 4 times a day, get some light weight toning and cardio exercise in at least 5 days a week. In the 4 weeks of January before joining the gym I had lost 9 lbs with WW only and I know for a fact that WW works for me.


Thats my story and I'm sticking to it :).


Thanks for letting me vent and reading my "book" of a post today.

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Good attitude.


Like I told my leader last night as long as I go two steps forward for every step


backwards I'll be in good shape. Sounds like you feel that way too.




I like it!! I think I'm going to post that philosophy on my wall!! Thanks!


WOW Mel, that's a heck of a lot of work to go through just to determine you were better off where you started. :eek: But, at least you're willing to keep adjusting and give your body what it needs. Good luck to you!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Going to WW tonight. Since I missed weigh in last week and I had my birthday dinner this week, I don't know what to expect. Except for birthday dinner, I've been on the right track so we will see.....

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Guest Crazeecat5

In keeping with tradition, I lost 1 lb. again. So I am 11 lbs. down now. I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race!

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Down .8 last night and only 7.4 from goal! I leave for Vancouver today and the cruise on Monday. Am going to try to make a meeting in Anchorage while there. Knowing that should keep me on the straight and narrow. . . ;~)


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In keeping with tradition, I lost 1 lb. again. So I am 11 lbs. down now. I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race!


YAY SHERYL!! Keep it up!! :D:D


Down .8 last night and only 7.4 from goal! I leave for Vancouver today and the cruise on Monday. Am going to try to make a meeting in Anchorage while there. Knowing that should keep me on the straight and narrow. . . ;~)



YAY Anne!! Impressive dedication, seeking out a meeting in Achorage...:):)

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Down .8 last night and only 7.4 from goal! I leave for Vancouver today and the cruise on Monday. Am going to try to make a meeting in Anchorage while there. Knowing that should keep me on the straight and narrow. . . ;~)



Yay for you .8.

Enjoy your cruise. I leave July 17th.


I'm not going to be as good as you and find meeting. In fact I canceled my monthly pass for July.

I will weigh in July 6th then not again until August 10th.

I'm giving myself an extra week back.


With all of the tips I've gotten here and my determination to never have clothes with an

X in the size again I should be ok.



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In keeping with tradition, I lost 1 lb. again. So I am 11 lbs. down now. I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race!


Hooray for you. Another pound.


Good attitude.


Keep it up.



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