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Thank you for your wonderful words! I was feeling a little down because I only lost 1/2 lb this week and now I feel better. That's why this group is so important.

Here are my numbers now. I like to look at it!

SW 297

CW 277 1/2

GW 135ish


Yay, I'm so glad I could help!


I'm new to this thread. Glad to join you ladies.:)


Welcome! Listen to Peaches advice, it's right on. And remember to cut yourself some slack -- try to only say stuff to yourself that a good friend would say. If you're being meaner than that, you're being too hard on yourself! This is one piece of advice where I could say: "Take my advice, I'm not using it!" :o LOL


It's hard to stop the self-criticism, but it's the only way to move forward. I look at your situation with envy because I would love to be only 25 pounds from my goal weight, but that isn't right -- we're all in our own tough little canoe and have to do our own paddling to get anywhere, right?


Plus, I dream of being a SAHM... we're all so different, aren't we? Hey, how about I stay home with your kids, and you can go to work on my behalf. Hahahaha!


Lani, I'm a numbers cruncher too (accountant) but for some reason I can go without looking at my weight. I think looking every week when I was previously doing WW caused me a lot of stress. I would be having a stellar week and "felt" like I had lost weight that week just knowing when I went to WI it was going to be at least 2 lbs. only to gain 0.2. It discouraged me a lot. Of course the next week I would lose 2.2 and feel fabulous. So the last time I joined WW I sealed my WI book in an envelope and told the girl that weighed me all I wanted to know was:

Did I lose weight?

Did I gain weight?

Did I stay the same?

Do I need to drop another daily point?

When I was told to drop a point it gave me a very good idea what my weight was but when I gained I had no idea if was 0.2 or 2.0 which is what I wanted. If I had 2 gains in a row she would tell to look over my journal and maybe I needed to re-evaluate something.


I'm not sure I'm making any sense but I'll use Sheryl (sorry) as an example. She got sad for a little bit that she only lost 1/2 lb this week. I do the same and measure my success only by the number on the scale instead of my other accomplishments/goals I have achieved by losing weight.


Anywho, I'll post more later, right now it's about 5:00 and I'm going home. There is a jack and diet coke calling my name.......only 2 points!!!


I totally get why (my weeks where I've gained have made me feel TERRIBLE!!!), but I just don't think I could do it! :p I love to watch things as they progress, and I sometimes go back and re-look at my progress and try to correctly (as possible) forecast what my future losses will be. Yes, I often get saddened (at myself), but I find it EXTREMELY motivating when I'm looking at those numbers.


In fact, I finally realized that I think one contributing factor to my overeating is the fact that I don't have that chart of "forecasted losses" in front of me unless I'm looking at the Excel spreadsheet on my computer... so I printed out a mini-version to put in my WW Pocket Guide. That way, when I'm eating my dinner, contemplating seconds, or ice cream, or M&Ms, I can refer to that and remind me just HOW MUCH I want to hit that next number. If I still decide I need to indulge, at least I'm doing it with my eyes wide open. Otherwise, somehow, it's as if when my micro-mini-goals are out of sight, they are totally out of mind and I can pretend they don't exist.


Man, our crazy little psyches are messed up, huh??? :rolleyes:

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We haven't abandoned our dream to move to Florida.


Won't you miss the snow? :D


I know I would miss the snow but not the shoveling. I really should just hire someone to shovel.


A few Alaska pictures.









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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Denise,

Nope....don't think I'd miss the snow at all. Yes, it looks so pretty when it first falls, especially up here in the mountains. But, after all winter long of snow, it gets a bit boring and quite annoying!

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Well I weighed in today and am down .6. Not great but better up than down. Last week I was down 1.8 and the week before that 2.2. I guess I'm feeling better since I am now in a groove of loosing. Hopefully next week I'll see a bigger loss.

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Weighed in on Friday this week because we were going away for the weekend. Down .8, so I lost half of what I gained last week. I'm happy with that! We went camping and I did a lot of swimming so hopefully that will help with next week.

Mel- I looked at the itinerary for your cruise next Sept. Glory used to come to Sydney but that is not one of the stops this time. That's too bad, I could have met you and taken you for your own private tour. The closest you will be to me is Halifax and that is a 5 hours drive away.

Judi- A great big congratulations on reaching goal. You are a great inspiration for the rest of us. You must be doing many happy dances.

Denise- the Alaska pictures are beautiful. I'm hoping to do an Alaskan cruise someday.

Mommy0000- welcome to you. There are a great bunch of ladies on here. Also congrats on your weight loss,

Lani- thanks for the words about the BMI. Actually, I wasn't too upset with what it was telling me. I figure my doctor should know what is good for me.

Arizona Sky- 2 pounds. that is fantaastic. Feel proud!

Have a great week everyone and good luck with the losses.


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I just read your post.




Way to go, nice job. Must feel good. Now to keep it up and to inspire the rest of us.:)


No weigh in for me today. I am going to try every other week for now. Cheaper that way especially since I don't get paid during the summer. I'll see what happens.


Hopefully when I go back to work in two weeks I can get back on track with eating right and exercising.



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I feel really horrible right now. I totally forgot to congratulate you Judy. OMG Goal!!!! That is awesome. Now in a few weeks you can become lifetime.


Aw Susan, what a bummer. That would have been fabulous. Neither of us have been up that way ever so we will be in need of a good guide. Perhaps you'll change your mind and join us on the cruise.


Great losses Arizona and Mommy.


Sheryl, as I sit here and think to myself that snow would be lovely for some of our winter "weeks" I guess it would get old. But I sure would love more snow here.


Denise, I love those pics. Are those the humpback whales feeding? When we went to Alaska we were supposed to see Tracy Arm Fjord but we couldn't get down in there due to the fog. Nice start to getting rid of that gain.


Lani, it is funny how we think so different sometimes.


I did really well with food this weekend. It's the vodka that might catch up with me. Spent the day at our pool Sunday and drank way tooooo much vodka. I journaled it and am moving on. I still have 8 of my extra 35 for the week and I know I can stay within daily points each day until weigh in. So fingers are crossed.


Skinny vibes to all.

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Guest Crazeecat5
I feel really horrible right now. I totally forgot to congratulate you Judy. OMG Goal!!!! That is awesome. Now in a few weeks you can become lifetime.


Aw Susan, what a bummer. That would have been fabulous. Neither of us have been up that way ever so we will be in need of a good guide. Perhaps you'll change your mind and join us on the cruise.


Great losses Arizona and Mommy.


Sheryl, as I sit here and think to myself that snow would be lovely for some of our winter "weeks" I guess it would get old. But I sure would love more snow here.


Denise, I love those pics. Are those the humpback whales feeding? When we went to Alaska we were supposed to see Tracy Arm Fjord but we couldn't get down in there due to the fog. Nice start to getting rid of that gain.


Lani, it is funny how we think so different sometimes.


I did really well with food this weekend. It's the vodka that might catch up with me. Spent the day at our pool Sunday and drank way tooooo much vodka. I journaled it and am moving on. I still have 8 of my extra 35 for the week and I know I can stay within daily points each day until weigh in. So fingers are crossed.


Skinny vibes to all.

Hey Mel,

Are you booked on that Carnival Glory Canada cruise on 9/25/10? I don't see a countdown clock on that one! We are seriously considering it. Will know for sure in a month or so.

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Hey Sheryl, not yet. I've been waiting for our cruise funds to build back up due to paying off our Hawaii cruise. I may do it over the weekend. I'm also watching for Carnival's Magic itinerary to become available. You probably already know this but there are already 2 threads on a group cruise. So I've also got that in the budget to put the deposit on it if it turns out to be something we'd like to do.


Have you booked their ES rate before? I'm concerned with the only inside cabins for the ES rate are forward, way forward. I do get motion sickness. I didn't have a problem at all on the Dawn Princess inside room because we were on the Baja deck, deck 10 I think, and about 3/4 back. I took Bonine everyday whether I needed it or not. I'm just concerned about being that forward.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Mel,

No I 've never booked ES before. I am considering it for the Glory cruise. I didn't know that you can only book certain cabins with ES. I am also waiting for Military discount to come out. Want to compare prices. Would love to go on the Magic but I doubt it will come out on NYC or Baltimore. Don't want to fly to Fla.

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Happy Hump Day!!!!!


Sheryl, you don't fly? The talk is it could be Galveston, NOLA or Florida. Personally, I would love to see more cruises out of Jacksonville or Charleston so we can drive to port.


How is everyone's week going? Anyone care to post their typical daily menu? Give us some new idea's on meals or snacks.


Today for me:

Coffee w/cream = 1 pt

1 pack grits = 2

2 slices precooked turkey bacon = 1


pretzels for snack = 2


michelina's frozen meal = 5 (sometimes I find these on sale for 88 cents)


1 c strawberries for snack = 1

100 calorie oreo thin crisps = 2 (mmmm chocolate and strawberries)


3 oz baked chicken = 3

1 tsp olive oil = 1

1 c greenbeans = 0

1/2 c pinto beans = 2


1.5 oz jack daniel and diet coke = 2 (yes, I measure)


My DH and I like to have an afternoon cocktail while cooking dinner and talking about our day so I try to factor in my 2 pts. I'd rather have 1.5 oz of liquor than a measley 4 oz of wine for 2 pts. If I don't feel like a cocktail this afternoon I will usually have a WW ice cream instead.


I know I'm not getting all the healthy guidelines but right now this type of menu is working for me. I'm lactose sensitive so dairy is usually at a bare minimum of not at all....unless it's cheese. I can eat me some cheese. :p


Skinny Vibes to all.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Mel,

Prefer not to fly...can't stand it! We have driven to Florida many times. Would rather be living there!LOL


Your menu sounds great. Unfortunately, I get a lot of points (I know that sounds weird!) I like to have a bigger dinner so I have smaller lunches and breakfasts. I know it's not the best way but it works for me. Also, it keeps me fuller in the evening so I am not looking to snack too much. I cannot stand sugar substitutes of any kind so I have also worked in sugar. Here's a sample of my day:


Breakfast: coffee with fat free creamer and sugar 3 pts

Arnold flat roll with reduced cal Marg 2 pts

Lunch: tuna packed in water 3 pts

reduced cal mayo 1 pt

salad with salad spray 0 pts

water 0 pts

peach 1 pt

Dinner:2 pieces chicken,add 2 pts for preparaton 8 pts

baked potato with marg, large 4 pts

broccoli with olive oil 3ps

reg soda 3pts

Snack: 94% fat free popcorn 1 pt


That still leaves me 3 pts to play around with, if I need them Some days I do go over, then I use my extra points.

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Posting the menus is a great idea, thanks Mel. I think it will be fun to get ideas from everyone else's menu.



Weight Watchers yogurt - 1

Kashi Go Lean Crunch 1c - 3

Blueberries 1c - 1

(I mix all of that together for a "sundae")



Smart ones Salisbury Steak w/ asparagus - 4

unsweetened applesauce 1/2 c - 1

Sugar free dark chocolate pudding - 1



Fiber Plus dark chocolate and almond bar - 2



Flounder fillet w/ 1/4 cup whole wheat stuffing (2) - 12

(I rolled the flounder around the stuffing and baked it)

Broccoli w/ butter spray 1c - 0

Carrots w/ butter spray 1c - 1

tartar sauce - 3


Sugar free fudgesicle - 2

(Notice a weakness for chocolate???)


I also have quite a few points to play with & tend to eat more in the evenings. It's working for me at the moment, so I'm not too worried about it. But, as I lose points I'm sure I'll have to trim points from my dinner menus. It's just so hard because my daughter and husband are not on a "lifestyle change" and I don't want to have to cook two dinners. What do you guys usually do when you cook for someone else too?

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Your point values are so much different than here in the UK. Here is what i ate today...


Portion cereal, banana and semi-skimmed[2%]milk 4.0 points

Mid morning snack Apple .5


Brown salad roll 2.0

Orange .5


Salmon salad, potatoes 9.0

Yogurt 1.0

W/W snack bar 1.5

0.5 semi-skimmed milk 2.0

Total points for today 20.5

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OMG, I am so hungry right now looking at you guys' menu. Look at how different we all are. And hey......whatever works for us right?!!!!


Misty, your dinner sounds sooooo good. Are you getting somelike the stove top stuffing? If so I need to look closer for whole wheat. When I eat starchy carbs I prefer the whole wheat.


Sheryl, you were serious about not eating much during the day huh :). I'm like that too sometimes, especially if I know we are going out to dinner or it's Friday night. It's against my rules to cook on Friday night so it's always something out or frozen pizza's or something.


Speaking of pizza....have you tried the new crispy flat bread pizza? I think it's Digorno. 1/3 of the pizza was 6 points. It was sooooooo good.


Barkingmad (sorry, I can't remember your name) I'm curious now about the 2 different systems. How much is an apple? 0.5 pts? A small apple here is 1 pt.


Well my DH is bugging me to get off the computer now so I guess I better go. Talk to ya'll tomorrow.

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Weigh in today and I didn't lose anything, but hey, I didn't gain either!!!! I stayed the same and I'm happy.... Today is my cheat night, so here's what I had...

Breakfast...Raisin Bran 3pts (9:30 am)

1c 2% milk 3pts

Lunch.... WW bar 2pts (1 pm)

Weigh in at 4pm

Dinner........Baked Sweet Potato/spray butter 3pts

sliced tomatoes 0pts

steamed green beans 0pts

steak 5pts

(it is almost finished grilling...DH cooks on Weds)

Cheat snack....CANDY BAR....Almond Joy 5pts.


I normally eat alot of veggies and fruit and drink 2 liters of water a day.

on non cheat nights, I might have a WW type sweet or pretzles, or those

Bryers Fudge bars (2pts)

I'm allowed 18 points per day and 35 to use during the week... I figure it is about 1200 or so calories. I don't exercise at all, except when I am shopping:rolleyes:. I'm Italian, but don't like pastas or pizza or mexican food or Chineese food. Many people say I'm a picky eater, but I just say I don't waste my taste buds on food I don't like...I only eat what I like!!! This has been so hard on me because I am a huge candy eater..or should I say "was" a huge candy eater...I don't even like ice cream!

Gotta go, time to eat!!!!

Good luck everyone and keep on being losers!!!! I'll check back later..


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Weight Watchers yogurt - 1

Kashi Go Lean Crunch 1c - 3

Blueberries 1c - 1

(I mix all of that together for a "sundae")


Thanks for this idea. :)

Never thought to do this.

What flavor yogurt do you use?



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Happy dance for Judi. Maintain is a good thing when you're at goal. I do what you do on weigh in days. I eat a regular breakfast, a light lunch, maybe a light snack (and when I say light, I mean it doesn't weigh anything like pretzels vs yogurt) and I stop drinking any liquids about 2:30 - 3:00 and I make sure to 'go' a couple times before I leave the office.


I also pretty much wear the same thing. I don't want to go one week in light weight capri's and a cotton top and then next week go in jeans and a heavier knit top. Can make the difference in whether I lose, maintain or gain. As long as I'm consistant every week then I feel like I'm getting my true weight.


What are your weigh in rituals?


Today will be:

coffee = 1

weight control oatmeal = 3

1 c cut fruit = 1


4 oz baked chicken = 4 (leftovers)

1 T bbq sauce = 0

1 c greenbeans = 0


weigh in


KFC bbq chicken sandwich = 6

small taters and gravy = 3


Jack and diet = 2


Leaves me 3 points to play with. I get 23 pts a day.


Skinny vibes to all.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Good morning all,

Weigh in day for me too. I, also, do a light breakfast and lunch, then weigh in. For dinner tonight, I will have some leftover eggplant parmigiana, 1 cup pasta and a big salad. For snack, I'm thinking watermelon.


Mel...Let's talk Canada cruise on the 9/25/10 roll call. Nobody goes on there right now so we can keep it alive. I am now leaning towards that date so we very well might be cruising together.

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I too wear the same outfit each week. It's a little baggy now but it didn't start out that way, very light cotton Capri's, tank top (like an undershirt), I usually cover with a long t-shirt (started out with a sweat shirt) and take the t-shirt off for weigh-in...no shoes, no jewelry and go relieve myself of unnecessary waste right before I step on the scale. Since my weigh-in as at 4pm I have no liquids after 1pm. I also pray allot.

Misty, since I'm the "cooker" in the family, they have no choice but to eat what I am serving...I know kids are different and even before I was on WW I would cook stuff that DH and kids liked and I would only have salad or veggies. My family,since I have had them so long, has gotten used to my choices and cooking and tend to eat what I make...on WW my cooking really didn't change that much...never had a problem with food...it was the dang candy.

Lani, do you realize that we are the only two left from the original posters???


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Misty, I meant to answer your question last night and ran out of time then forgot this morning :rolleyes:.


Having a DH and 5 kids to cook for sometimes it is a struggle when I'm on program. Some of my strategies are to

1. make some low fat items anyway. I sub low fat ricotta cheese, low fat sour cream, 2% cheese, etc... They never know the difference.

2. I take a portion out for me when I want to make a casserole. If I use chicken I take my 3 oz out, only use 1 tbsp of cream of "whatever" soup, use low fat mayo, less cheese and just make my own small casserole. The best part is I get to eat the whole thing.

3. If I make something like Kraft Mac & Cheese and I think I may want some of it then I prepare it different. I only use a splash of skim milk and the cheese pack and leave out the butter. Nobody will ever know.

4. Most of time I stay away from the starchy carbs at night. That way I have extra points for a ice cream or cherry cheesecake yogurt treat.

5. I always keep low fat dressings on hand. Most of the time I just use 1 tsp oil and balsamic vinegar and it only cost me 1 pt. Goes perfect with strawberries on a salad.

6. I do actually measure and weigh what I eat. WW has the serving spoons so you can spoon up your portion easier than getting out the measuring cup. I also own their scale.

7. I never fry anything.

8. Try only having a half portion. If I really want some mashed potatoes I have 1/4 c instead of the 1/2 c portion. Lets me have something for only a point or 2.


Hope that helps a little bit.

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I think the W/W programme is a lot different here in the uk, we have an American lady who comes to class and she says our programme is a lot easier to follow. I am on 23 points a day and that is worked out on height, weight, age, lifestyle, as you loose weight so the points go down. We can also "earn" bonus points with excercise but don't have to use them.


portion of cereal, chopped apple and milk


Large salad and a yoghurt


Pork chop, few potatoes and lots of veg


Plums, they are in season here and i must of ate at least 20!!!!! 3 plums=0.5point

W/W snack bar

Todays total 20 points


SW 254

CW 224

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Lani, it is funny how we think so different sometimes.

I know, right? :)


I did really well with food this weekend. It's the vodka that might catch up with me. Spent the day at our pool Sunday and drank way tooooo much vodka. I journaled it and am moving on. I still have 8 of my extra 35 for the week and I know I can stay within daily points each day until weigh in. So fingers are crossed.

Congrats on hanging in there... I hear you with the "too much, journaled & moved on" routine... I'm convinced it's the way to stick to it for a lifetime!


A few Alaska pictures.




Beautiful photos!!!


Well I weighed in today and am down .6.



I am down another 2 lbs! That's 23 total!

Yay, you! Nice loss!



Weighed in on Friday this week because we were going away for the weekend. Down .8, so I lost half of what I gained last week. I'm happy with that!



Great loss, Susan, congrats!

Weigh in today and I didn't lose anything, but hey, I didn't gain either!!!! I stayed the same and I'm happy.... Today is my cheat night, so here's what I had...


Many people say I'm a picky eater, but I just say I don't waste my taste buds on food I don't like...I only eat what I like!!!


Congrats on your "maintain!"


Happy dance for Judi. Maintain is a good thing when you're at goal. I do what you do on weigh in days. I eat a regular breakfast, a light lunch, maybe a light snack (and when I say light, I mean it doesn't weigh anything like pretzels vs yogurt) and I stop drinking any liquids about 2:30 - 3:00 and I make sure to 'go' a couple times before I leave the office.


I also pretty much wear the same thing. I don't want to go one week in light weight capri's and a cotton top and then next week go in jeans and a heavier knit top. Can make the difference in whether I lose, maintain or gain. As long as I'm consistant every week then I feel like I'm getting my true weight.


What are your weigh in rituals?

Thanks for all the great tips, and good idea to share menus!


I too wear the same outfit each week. It's a little baggy now but it didn't start out that way, very light cotton Capri's, tank top (like an undershirt), I usually cover with a long t-shirt (started out with a sweat shirt) and take the t-shirt off for weigh-in...no shoes, no jewelry and go relieve myself of unnecessary waste right before I step on the scale. Since my weigh-in as at 4pm I have no liquids after 1pm. I also pray allot.

Misty, since I'm the "cooker" in the family, they have no choice but to eat what I am serving...I know kids are different and even before I was on WW I would cook stuff that DH and kids liked and I would only have salad or veggies. My family,since I have had them so long, has gotten used to my choices and cooking and tend to eat what I make...on WW my cooking really didn't change that much...never had a problem with food...it was the dang candy.

Lani, do you realize that we are the only two left from the original posters???



I'm with you -- I cook, and others have to eat what I cook (which means they have to eat what I like, as I only cook what I like!!). Luckily, my DH and friends are easy to feed. I wouldn't make anything different -- if what I'm making is good for me, then it's good for them... If I were making something that wasn't particularly points friendly, then I'd just watch my portions of it, fill up on veg/salad/etc. and let the others do as they deem appropriate. My whole strategy on WW is to eat regular food, all the time... that way when I'm at goal, I'll know (roughly) how much of the regular food to eat on a constant basis. I just know I need to eat less, rather than focusing on substitutions. But I do concede that low-fat sour cream is ok, and avoiding excess fats when cooking (especially when using non-stick cookware)... but full-fat sour cream does still tastes better... but low-fat is just fine! :p


Judi, I can't believe we're the only two... how sad! Hopefully the others are out there, lurking, and are still OP and doing well.... maybe they'll check in someday!


As for weigh-in ritual:

I also tend to wear basically the same thing... but really I just try to avoid wearing my heavy jeans -- I have some trouser ones I wear all the time, and they really do weigh a couple of pounds. On days when a gain would make me feel terrible and I suspect one, I typically will eat a 2-point Kashi hot cereal packet (low points and LOTS of fiber, LOL) instead of a 5-pt Lean Pocket for breakfast... and drink a ton of water. My weigh-in is at noon, so I try to stop drinking water around 11:30, and do make a "pit stop" on my way to the meeting! I also take off all jewelry and my shoes, and a jacket if I'm wearing one (try to keep it consistent).


My daily menu looks something like this (at the moment I get 28 points/day, though in a few more pounds it'll become 27):


Breakfast: Lean Pocket (current fave is White Chicken Garlic Pizza): 5 pts

Lg. travel mug of coffee with 2T sugar (!!) :p 2 pts


Lunch: leftovers or a Lean Cuisine lunch - anywhere from 5-10 pts


Snack (if I have one at all): fruit (1pt) and/or granola bar (2 pts)



BBQ chicken pizza:

2T bbq sauce - 1 pt

Flat Out (flat bread) - 1 pt

2 oz. diced chicken breast (from store bought rotisserie chicken) - 2 pts

chopped red onion & green bell pepper - 0 pts

1 oz shredded full-fat white cheddar cheese or co-jack - 3 pts

in the oven at 350 for 10 or so minutes... yum!



1.5C WW Turkey Chili - 4 pts

chopped onion (lots!) -0

1 oz full-fat cheese - 3 pts


Dessert: Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich - 2 pts

or 4 Hershey's kisses (eaten one at a time & very slowly) - 2 pts plus 1 C 1% milk - 2 pts


Sheryl, I'm with you -- can't stand fake sugar, and I've read a ton about it and it frankly scares me, so I just use real sugars, count the points & move on... Mel, it's funny you say what you do about the cocktails -- because I don't do the diet sodas, a cocktail is about the same points as a glass of wine and for that reason, I often have the wine instead!


OK, had weigh-in today. Last week I got a LOT of activity, and had stayed fairly good with points (despite a "dinner" at a baseball game and a wedding), so I had been hoping for a big loss... but then my periodic hormones kicked in so I'm a bit bloated and uncomfortable today... and still posted a 1.2 lb loss! Looking good, though I'd still love to get below my 217 next week... that'll take some really good work this week, but fingers crossed (so I can't grab as much food with them :o)!


SW: 246.2

CW: 218.6

GW: 154

mini-goal: under 217 (move from Obese Class II BMI to Class I!)


Cheers & happy losing, all!

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