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Welcome to Carol.

Lani- 2.4 pounds and a total of 30 is awesome! I'm not even looking at the BMI anymore. Isn't it great to buy clothes in sizes less than 20!!! I was looking at clothes the first of the summer and saw crop pants on sale. I asked the sales lady if they came in size 18, (up to that time I was always in the plus size section and didn't know if "regular" clothes went to 16 or 18). Anyway she told me that they did because she had bought a pair of size 18. She then said she couldn't believe she had to buy size 18 and was disappointed. I was elated!!! Isn't it funny how we view things.


I buy "Curves" bars. they work out to 1 point and are really good.

Our leader is always reminding us to eat simply filling food so we are full longer. I try but don't always succeed.


My big news is the doctor has decreased my blood pressure medication again. This is what I was on several years ago, and then had to be increased twice. In May she decreased it and now again today. That alone shows me how much healthier I am with losing the weight.




Susan, Fantastic news about the BP meds! Congrats! As if you didn't already know you were doing well... but I hope this boosts your feelin'-good-about-yourself feelings! You are doing so well!


And yep, agree with you on that size thing... one person's trash is another's treasure. I'm sure there are plenty of people horrified at the idea of wearing a 14/16 or an 18, but they weren't wearing my tight 20s in January. :D


And I love those WW cookie bars as well. I like the chocolate mint ones. Have heard the caramel ones are good -- may have to track those down, especially for DH. He does love his caramel & chocolate.


OH, speaking of him, as many of you know, he's been following along with the WW program since I started 1/22/09. Sean started at about 235 (he didn't step on the scale just before, but that's where he usually was the prior months when he weighed himself). As of this morning, he's down to 197.2, so he's lost 37.8 pounds! WW works! And he, like I (go figure), has had plenty of weeks where the he blew his points (including Flex points) out of the water with over-eating/drinking... so yes, you can be human, mess up and get back on track. (He gained over 5 pounds on our cruise.) What an inspiration he is! (Though it still makes me envious he gets about 10 more points/day than I do... Men! ;)). He's 6'2", so only 2.2 pounds until he's in an acceptable WW weight range, though he's shooting for 185 (12.2 more to go).


I am happy!!! I weighed in 2.6 lbs lighter!!

We are going to friends tomorrow, we'll eat out so I am hoping I can make good choices!

I am going to try and concentrate on getting more exercize this week. It's pouring down rain here, so I have to find a subsitute for walking today.



Congrats, Rosemarie! That is a STUPENDOUS weight loss! Good luck with the eating out. What helps me is trying to fill up on veg, and then being really mindful about the food I'm eating. If I really pay attention to enjoying it, I can often stop eating it sooner and still feel satisfied by it. Also, keep up that water intake to fill you up... You'll do fine! Even if you splurge, you get to start a new day the next day. My DH's results (and mine, for that matter) are a testament to that. We eat out way too much (and often to well), and by getting back on plan after, we're slowly peeling the weight off. Just don't stress about it -- that shoots those stress hormones up, and makes it harder to lose. Be very nice to yourself.


Good luck with that exercise. A couple of weeks ago, I was GREAT with exercise... like every day, I think. Well... gotta get back on that horse this weekend. Been very busy after work lately.


Lani, happy dancing for you girl. 30 lbs. And I hate to be a bummer but when the book and the nutrition info differ we are supposed to use the N.I. to calculate points. I love to go shopping for smaller size clothes. Congrats on the new sizes. This time around I will get to go shopping right in my own closet and wear some things I used to love to wear and actually wear the new things I had bought (tags still on them) but never was able to wear because I didn't stick to the program. I know this won't make sense but sometimes clothes shopping has a negative effect on me. I buy the smaller sizes and am thrilled but then a few days later I start relaxing and don't track or I eat 1 meal of terrible stuff, then another and the chain reaction starts. I think to myself that I just bought size 12's and my goal is a comfortable size 10, and well I'm not far from my goal so eating this or that won't hurt anything. WRONG I AM !!! Sorry, I didn't mean to make this about me. 6 weeks, 6 lbs., piece of cake....pun intended.


Fiber One also makes bars for just 2 points. The chocolate chip tastes like a candy bar to me. Lots of fiber doesn't usually bother me but those make me feel "fluffy" inside .


Mel, thanks for the good thoughts and skinny vibes! I do know I shoule be using 3 for a cup of Kashi, but... even though all those little points add up, DH and I have a saying about undercounting (very slightly) points of "good-for-you" foods. "I didn't get this way by eating too much __(insert healthful food here)___." In other words, I didn't get this way by eating too much (fiber-loaded) Kashi. :rolleyes:


We got that saying from a friend of ours who has done WW several times. She was in her meeting one week a few years ago, when Progresso came out with a few varieties of WW 0 pt soups -- and they were talking about the soup in her meeting. But the whole can of soup is 2 servings, and the point total for the whole can is something like 2 points. Some other WW'er in the meeting was outraged, just livid at this fact, because he/she thought it was SOoooo deceptive, and felt most people eating the soup for it's 0 damage would eat the whole can, and be thrown off track by this deceptive soup. The leader had to point out that, "None of us got here by eating too much vegetable soup."


I've decided that I'll start worrying about these kinds of things when I've truly had an unexplained plateau. (So far, any trouble I've had with my weight loss has been EASILY explained, LOL.) Right now, I still count as zero any 0-pt vegetable (ok, even a tiny hand of raisins), I'm eating, even if I'm eating so much that I should be counting it. I did not get this way from eating too much carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, or even those naturally sugary raisins. So for now, it's one way I'm going easy on myself. So far, as long as I'm paying attention to the higher-point items I'm eating, and tracking those properly, I'm losing well. (Of course, I could be losing more if I were counting points for those other things, but then I might want to quit altogether based on how little I could eat, so it's a tradeoff! :o)


And don't worry about making it about you... I always do! I hear you about the getting complaisant after acheiving something... that's what I've done with every really good accomplishment I've made. I'm really hoping to avoid that this week. My biggest goal this week will really to try to stick with my daily points and get some exercise in. I'm determined to not post a gain next week (as is my wont after a big loss). Yeesh.


And you're right about 6.2 lbs in 6 weeks... should be a piece of cake, but I really can be the queen of self-sabotage. Am trying to keep it in mind so I can will myself not to go there! This board (all of you) help me so much in that regard. I try to to be as nice to myself as you all are... It helps!


Continued skinny vibes to all of you!

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WOW!!! TONS of successes and great advice too!!! I think I'm going to have to re-read everything again to make sure I didn't miss anything!!


I am doing one heck of a happy dance for EVERYONE!!!


Lani !!! 30 total pounds and a drop in BMI "class" EXCELLENT!!

Sheryl! Got rid of that 1 pound, good job & I hope you're having a great trip!

Sanda - Terriffic news about the decreased meds!!

Rosemarie! 2.6 pounds!! YAY!!!

Mel!! Down again!!! Great job!


Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts and tips, this is probably the most valuable place I have to go for sharing my journey. Thank you!

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I agree, it is so nice to come to a place where everyone understands the struggle to loose weight and is so encouraging to the commitment to stick with the program. Went to meeting last night. Weight loss now stands at 20.4 lbs. The words of encouragement helped so much last week.



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Happy dancing for Carol. Keep up the good work.


Having an okay week this week. My problem is that I'm eating out at lunch too much. I am making the best choices possible and journaling all the points and am within my dailies and my extra 35 for the week but I just feel gross. Tomorrow I pledge to eat a lean cuisine for lunch and again on Thursday before weigh in.

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Good job Carol!!! I'll shimmy off a few calories by happy dancing for you too!!!


Mel - I struggle with the lunches out too. It's especially hard when the others are ordering and it would be do easy to join in. I'm trying to make an effort to get back out of that trap. Good luck to you too!!


Stats for this week's weigh-in -


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 262.6 (20.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +2.4


Goal for this last week - Track EVERYTHING!! - I didn't quite make the goal, I did write everything down, but I did not calculate all of the points.


Goal for this week - write down everything I eat and fully calculate the points for at least 4 days.

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Interesting we are about neck and neck from where we started to our current weight. I am curious as to how tall you are. I am 5'10" and I think at 155 lbs., I would be terribly thin. Last real dieting was about 12 years ago, using Phen-Phen. Before quiting that, I got to about 173 and was pretty thin. I think my ultimate goal this time is at around 175. Once there, I will re-evaluate, if I should loose any further. Even this current loss I feel better and have more energy. Do you find that to be the case?




Good job Carol!!! I'll shimmy off a few calories by happy dancing for you too!!!


Mel - I struggle with the lunches out too. It's especially hard when the others are ordering and it would be do easy to join in. I'm trying to make an effort to get back out of that trap. Good luck to you too!!


Stats for this week's weigh-in -


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 262.6 (20.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +2.4


Goal for this last week - Track EVERYTHING!! - I didn't quite make the goal, I did write everything down, but I did not calculate all of the points.


Goal for this week - write down everything I eat and fully calculate the points for at least 4 days.

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Good job Carol!!! I'll shimmy off a few calories by happy dancing for you too!!!


Mel - I struggle with the lunches out too. It's especially hard when the others are ordering and it would be do easy to join in. I'm trying to make an effort to get back out of that trap. Good luck to you too!!


Stats for this week's weigh-in -


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 262.6 (20.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +2.4


Goal for this last week - Track EVERYTHING!! - I didn't quite make the goal, I did write everything down, but I did not calculate all of the points.


Goal for this week - write down everything I eat and fully calculate the points for at least 4 days.



I didn't do so well at bringing my lunch yesterday. I actually intended on grabbing my frozen thing but by the time I got in the garage where our 2nd frig is I had forgotten all about it. I did go thru my dining out book and picked cracker barrel for lunch and had the veggie plate.

greenbeans = 1

turnip greens = 1

bowl of dumplin's = 3

1/2 bowl of mashed taters = 2

I wanted the fried okra but it was 6 pts, the mac-n-chez was too high, corn was 4 pts, veggie of the day - brocolli casserole - yummmm but resisted. So all in all I think I made pretty good choices. Well :o the biscuit was 4 pts :o, buy hey a buttermilk biscuit was only 4 pts and it was delicious :rolleyes:. But I did bring a sandwich today (4 pts) with light chips (1 pt) :D.


Hang in there Misty, you're doing great and when the time is right you'll go full force into the program again. I find that when I either go off program totally or just start falling short that if I pick a day and decide that day will be the turning point then it usually works for me. But I do pick a day that is maybe a week or more away so I can psych myself out. When my day comes I'm good to go. You'll find your mojo again.

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I just found this thread and thought I would share my story and success using Weight Watchers.

Start Weight - 447

Goal Weight - 220

Current Weight - 198

That is correct; I have lost a total of 249lbs as of this morning. I have maintained my weight between 195-203 for the last 2.5 years. I went on six cruises during my weight loss process and lost weight on every cruise. I ate every meal and ate dessert at every lunch and dinner. I will be happy to share any "secrets" or strategies I used to accomplish my goals, but it was dedication to exercise and portion control. NO fad diets, no surgery, just the foundation from WW and loving myself.


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OMG David, you look totally amazing. You should submit your story and pics to be a published success story for WW.


Anything you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. Especially how you lost weight on your cruises. Vacation is usually where I start going wrong but I'm bound and determined not to let that happen this time.


Id love to hear your whole story as well.

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Hey, all!


I just found this thread and I'd LOVE to join in! I've been on and off WW for YEARS, but never stayed with it. My 1st wedding anniversary cruise is 11/29/09 and I'd like to lose 15 pounds. To make it official, I'll actually weigh myself in the morning and post the stats.


Here goes and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone on here!


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OMG David, you look totally amazing. You should submit your story and pics to be a published success story for WW.


Anything you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. Especially how you lost weight on your cruises. Vacation is usually where I start going wrong but I'm bound and determined not to let that happen this time.


Id love to hear your whole story as well.


I have found that the change is all about choices and bouncing back after a "bad" decision. I always was an overweight child, I have a smaller waist now then I did in 5th grade, so food was my life. I grew up in the typical family; every celebration/reward was food related and not the healthy food. The biggest factor I had to learn was it is ok to be hungry, what a weird concept for anyone who struggles with weight. The art of eating every 3-4 hours, but eating high proteins or low calorie foods is important. I snack on carrots and bags of 100 calorie popcorn or cheerios. I still drink plenty of alcohol and eat dessert, but I also incorporate exercise into my daily life. I completed my first marathon (26.2 miles) in December and have ran probably 40+ half marathons (13.1 miles), the funny thing was running a 5k (3.1 miles was my goal). I started off slow, my first mile took me about 28 minutes to walk, but I walked six days a week for almost 18 months, slowly increasing the mileage and picking up the speed. At my peak before running, I was walking six miles a day six days a week, it was a mandatory event in my day, I always took Friday off to enjoy happy hour at the local bar. I would not allow myself to go to sleep without exercising that day, there were plenty of days I was on the thread mile after 10:00 at night walking. I committed to myself and during the process started reading some self help books, working on my emotional side at the same time. My background story is a little different then most obese stories; I always had a girlfriend, never got made fun of at school, and had a fun circle of friends, so my self esteem was always good. The process was challenging, but simple at the same time. Eat what you want, within limitations and proper portions (use smaller plates and bowls for meals, WW tip) and continue to increase your exercise routine.

When on vacation, the same is true, just because you are on a cruise or on vacation, it does not mean you love yourself any less. Just because the food is already paid for, does not mean you have to eat everything in sight . I know, I fell in love with cruising when I was big, I remember eating 6+ rolls with dinner and two entrees and more then my share of desserts for every meal, but now I eat my entree without any bread (my taste buds have changed do not care for it now), but if two desserts (sugar free) sound good I order them. However, my day ALWAYS starts with a 30-60 minute workout, sometimes longer and sometimes twice a day. People always stop me on the stairs, "you are on vacation, relax, and stop working out" I always tell them, I am working out to eat more dessert as it is the favorite part of the cruise to me"

I have to get ready to go out, it is date night with my lovely future wife, and we have been dating for seven years, so she has been my support through this process.

Let me know if there are any more questions.



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OMG:eek:! I started to do a Happy Dance for Misty, Mel , Lani, Rosemarie, Linda, Susan, Carol and myself and along comes David and puts me into the Can-Can mode!! Good Lord man that is a couple of people you have lost there!! Makes my whining about 33 pounds seem stupid!! Congratulations!! I'm dancing myself into a stupor here!! How long did it take you to lose that much weight? Hey Beth, come on and join us..if nothing else, you can do allot of dancing around here!! Each of us has a great tale to tell about our wonderful WW journey. I'm at goal and am on my fourth week of maintaining!! I'm on my way to Miami Sunday to go on a shot cruise, but I'll be back next Friday and check in with you guys..waiving the skinny wand and hoping everyone stays on track over the Hoiday...Make me dance when I get back..


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OMG:eek:! I started to do a Happy Dance for Misty, Mel , Lani, Rosemarie, Linda, Susan, Carol and myself and along comes David and puts me into the Can-Can mode!! Good Lord man that is a couple of people you have lost there!! Makes my whining about 33 pounds seem stupid!! Congratulations!! I'm dancing myself into a stupor here!! How long did it take you to lose that much weight? Hey Beth, come on and join us..if nothing else, you can do allot of dancing around here!! Each of us has a great tale to tell about our wonderful WW journey. I'm at goal and am on my fourth week of maintaining!! I'm on my way to Miami Sunday to go on a shot cruise, but I'll be back next Friday and check in with you guys..waiving the skinny wand and hoping everyone stays on track over the Hoiday...Make me dance when I get back..



I like the happy dancing! :) Thanks for the kind words, it took me 22 months to geet down to 220 and the last 30 pounds came off over the 6 months training for the marathon. Every pound counts, I just happen with more weight to lose.


I know you can do it, just make yourelf number 1 and everything will "melt" away.


Good luck,


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Welcome to Beth and David. this is an awesome place to meet people trying to lose weight and succeeding!

David, that is awesome. You will definitely be an inspiration to us all.

I am a week behind. I got weighed on Aug 29 and lost 2.2 pounds. Now I have been on vacation since the 31st and haven't been tracking or counting points. I have been trying to be fairly good, but was not home to get weighed today. I looked up weight watchers meetings before I left home but forgot to bring my book with me. I will get right back on track when I get home and will get weighed next Sat as usual.

Good luck to all for a good week.


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It is going to take me awhile to recognize all of you but I cheer every time I read a success story and send encouragement to each of you that are struggling. It sure helps having a place like this to come to. Monday is my usual meeting night and there will be no meeting this Monday. I am leaving for a cruise on Friday so plan to visit the Thursday meeting to get an idea where I am at. I plan to do a lot of walking on this cruise.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Just got back from my wondeful 8 day cruise. I have something to say, " OK, so I ate like a FAT person!" I really did not watch much at all. I expect that I have gained quite a bit of weight but that's OK. There were many nights when I felt just plain lousy after eating all of that food. I never used to feel that way. I think I've learned some valuable lessons and have learned a bit more about the new me. So....I am now back on track. I will go to my weigh in on Thursday evening, hear the bad news and just take it from there. I have to say though...I enjoyed almost every morsel of food I ate!

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David, your words tell so much. I loved reading your journey and can relate to a lot of it. Weight loss is not just about eating less. There is so much more to it and it takes a lot for people to also help themselves from the inside as well. I was just telling my DH over the weekend that I want to start eating like a skinny person. We had pizza Saturday, my DH and my Son, and I did order ours with veggies only and very little cheese. My Son ordered a pepperoni and with lots of cheese. So we sit down to eat and I told myself that I was only going to have 1 slice (this place cuts them huge) and then walk away. I was completely satisfied, hunger wise, with 1 slice but as soon as I finished that one I got a 2nd slice. My mind instantly went to a 2nd slice while I was eating the last few bites of the first. My Son sat there after 1 slice and talked a bit and watched a little more TV (we were watching a football game) and he never got up to get a 2nd slice. I offered to get him another one when I got up to get us another but he responded that he would get another one in a minute. That was when I realized that he doesn't see food like I do. He doesn't have that mentality that he must eat his share of food before someone else gets it. I think deep down I feel the need to eat "my fair share" before it's gone as if it will never be there again. I'm not sure where that is coming from as there was always plenty when I was growing up and I'm not the president of the "clean my plate" club either. Lots of things to think about and reflect on.


I'm so glad you've joined our group.


Did you attend weekly meetings or on line? Did you feel your leader contributed a great deal to your success?


And a big WOOOO HOOOOOOOOO for the marathons. The most I've ever done is a 10k and I probably won't ever be running again. (knee problems) I do enjoy running and will try again when I'm closer to my overall goal weight in hopes that will make all the difference in the world with my knee.


Your girlfriend/fiance sounds like a wonderful woman and a tremendous support system.

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Hey, all!


I just found this thread and I'd LOVE to join in! I've been on and off WW for YEARS, but never stayed with it. My 1st wedding anniversary cruise is 11/29/09 and I'd like to lose 15 pounds. To make it official, I'll actually weigh myself in the morning and post the stats.


Here goes and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone on here!




Hey Beth, and welcome. We'd be thrilled for you to join in. Are you going to attend meetings or strictly on-line?


As you can see we have a wide variety of "losers" :p in the group. Tell us a little about yourself. How many times on WW? What made you quit in the past?

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