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~WeightWatchers Support~


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Gosh! I hate it when I'm timed out!


I'm new to this particular thread. But, you all seem very supportive, & that's what I need to get my motivation going again! I joined WW at Work 9/04, before my husband & I went on our 15th anniv cruise the following May. Lost almost 25 lbs. Since then, even w/WW, I have gained 15 back, & need to lose those again. My husband is a chef, who will be hanging up his hat next month, but will still be teaching here at Purdue, just not cooking for the University President anymore. He still cooks at home (or our boys & I would probably starve!), but he seems to be home less often now, since he's scrambling to do lesson plans for classes he hasn't taught before! I just don't like to cook, & I don't do it well. We go to the gym 4-5 days/week (elliptical, some lifting) for about 30 mins/visit. When I'm training for walking 1/2 marathons, I'll walk on Saturday mornings, too. I could walk at lunch, but I really prefer to knit!!! :D My job is rather sedentary, but I do walk a 15 min round trip to my WW at work meeting on Tuesdays.


Here are my stats:


Starting Wt: 183

Current Wt (ww scale is 2# more than mine at home)


Mini Goal: 168

Goal weight: 155 at most!


Thanks for your supoprt!!!! (I know...I really need to move more, & control my portions!)


I'm glad you found us. Stick around, post often, keep your chin up. Don't beat yourself up about the exercise too much. There are plenty of us here that aren't getting any exercise either (well me, I'm not exercising). :rolleyes:



On Saturday night at midnight i took part in a charity walk raising money for a local childrens hospice. Over 300 ladies took to the streets of Bedford here in the UK and we all had a great time. I took 2hrs 50mins to walk the 10miles.

Well it was my w/w meeting today and i had lost 3.5lbs, making a total of 22.5lb since the beginning of July and i am almost back to what i was at the beginning of December when i started faffing about. I joined w/w in Jan 08 and have lost a total of 38.5lb. I had lost 41lb but totally lost it and kept yo-yoing but i hope by December 09 i'm lighter than 08!!!!


SW 254





Wow Jane, great job. You walked 10 miles pretty fast too. You have a big heart Jane :).

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Hi, all! I'm back -- can't believe it's been over two weeks since I posted -- many apologies! I really meant to, 2 weeks ago (I was down a pound!), but last week I was out of town for a buisiness/pleasure trip. Was in Texas, so ate lots of yummy, fattening things I don't get often in my neck of the woods. (mmmm.... fried oyster po'boy... BBQ...mmmm)


Anyhoo, after that week [did good in some areas, really bad in others (though with my eyes WIDE open)], I came back only 0.4 lbs up. So I'm still down over 30 lbs! But it's looking less likely I'll hit my mini goal of 210 by 10/8/09... but 211 or 212 should be possible (3.6-4.6 lbs in 3 weeks) , and I'll just shoot for that.


I quoted Mel above because I read this post a few days ago (I've been catching up the past few days), and it really hit home for me. YUP, I can relate. Can definitely say that I sometimes decide just a few bites into something that I want seconds, or finish a too-huge portion rather than stop and put it away for later.


My parents will tell you (and recently did say, to my surprise) that our household was not a "clean plate club" one, but I will say that you were chastised if you ever took too much food, and left some on your plate... it was considered "wasting it," which was just about the biggest sin, in my recollection. I know in their hearts they were just trying to point out to take less the following time and that you could always take more if you were still hungry, but hearing "You didn't finish! You took too much! Take less next time!! What a waste! Tsk, tsk, tsk..." makes you want to finish everything you took the following time, whether you were satisfied or not. And I'd wager a child (or most people) have a hard time determining (easily) what a proper portion is. Human nature (survival) makes you want to take extra... just in case. So, without my parents intending it, I learned to clean my plate. Now I'm trying to un-learn that.


Anyhow, Mel, thanks for posting your experience! I'm trying to keep that in mind, and catch myself when I'm about to "pre-determine" when I'm going to have seconds (well before I've finished my firsts!).


Cheers, all... skinny vibes!


Oh, and welcome newbies and congrats to all of you who are still sticking with WW through thick and thin (hopefully thinner...)!!! :D


SW: 246.2

CW: 215.6

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 211ish by 10/8/09 (day before 10th wedding anniversary)



Lani, I'm really glad to see you back. I'm glad me sharing my experience can help someone else. This is one of the things I love about this thread. Putting feelings and thoughts in writing not only helps the person writing but it just may help others as well. I have been very aware of eating "just because" these past few weeks and it is working. Just last night we had KFC and I got a bbq chicken sandwich (6) and a small potato & gravy (3) and was satisfied about half way thru my sandwich, had a couple more bites then threw the rest away. I didn't finish it just because I could because I had the points, or just because it was there.


Well, I didn't go to WI last night because of my foot. By the time I leave work it is so swollen that my skin feels super tight. All I can think about is getting home and getting it up and taking a pain pill. I'm still doing really well and staying within my points though and emailed my leader to let her know what is going on.


MAGIC WAND waving SKINNY VIBES over everyone today.

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Well, I was down this morning on my scale! YEA! But, I have serious problems with weekends, especially during football season!!! I watch games & knit most of the time. Not a good combination....Oh, & on Sundays, there's usually the food part! I think, since it's cooler out now, I'll have to get up & walk tomorrow morning...(especially since we didn't go to the gym this morning....)


I guess I joined this so I would have MORE accountability than the once-a-week meetings...;) Yup! It might be working! I guess this could be a good thing! :rolleyes:


One of my big hang-ups is that when I go down, even just a pound, I tend to reward myself with a "little" treat...unfortunately, it's usually food. Not good! Maybe I need to wait & reward myself when my tighter pants feel looser, & then I can get a smaller pair!


Just "talking" this out where people can give me relatively quick feedback is good motivation, too. So, thanks for the encouragement, everybody! I'm going to "lose for my cruise"!!!!!!!!!



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I lost the 3 lbs. that I gained on the cruise. I can't believe it....I'm so happy. Dancing all around my house!


Onward and upward ( I should say downward) from here!


Congratulations!:) Your a better person than me.


I haven't gotten back on the wagon yet. I will return to meetings Monday. I need to see a face and be held accountable.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Denise,

Come on....you can do it! Just take it one meal at a time. Make your next meal an "on program" meal. Just think about that meal, no others. When that one is done, start thinking about the next one and what good choices you will make again, and so on. Soon, you'll be right back on track.

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So, without my parents intending it, I learned to clean my plate. Now I'm trying to un-learn that.



I can echo the sentiment of trying to un-learn the "clean plate club" habits. I'm trying (slowly) to teach myself that eating it when I don't need it is a bigger waste than throwing it away. It's hard, but I'm trying. Luckily I can stop myself a little easier if I plan on bringing leftovers for lunch the following day. At least then I still get to eat it, I just do it later.



I lost the 3 lbs. that I gained on the cruise. I can't believe it....I'm so happy. Dancing all around my house!


Onward and upward ( I should say downward) from here!




Keep up the good work!


Congratulations!:) Your a better person than me.


I haven't gotten back on the wagon yet. I will return to meetings Monday. I need to see a face and be held accountable.





You'll get back on track, Denise. Just hang in there, you can do it!!



I found a new motivation recently. I used a virtual model to picture myself at 280 (approx starting weight) 260 (now, 20 pounds down) 240, (20 pounds from now) and 220 (another 20 pounds). It differences in the pictures are pretty remarkable. I dressed my model in a cute little swimsuit with the cover up & stood her in fron of the beach so I can picture myself as what I can look like on my cruise. I'm planting the pictures everywhere to help remind me of my goal. :)

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Hi everyone! Am fairly new at posting. I joined WW November 2007 after looking at photo's from our Canada/New England Cruise - Who was that person in those photos! We are doing a Panama Canal Cruise early November and I had wanted to be at - or close - to my goal weight. This year has been very hard, I hit 75 pounds gone in February, then got to 84 pounds gone by mid May, then everything went up in smoke:o. Am strugling now, am at 77 pounds gone, but still have a way to go. Just reading some of the comments tonight has helped, hopefully I will be able to keep going in the right direction (have passed up the bag of potato chips for 4 days now!;)), and have at least 10 more pounds gone by November 9th!

Sorry, am 57 and single

SW 271

CW 194

GW 160 ish

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Guest Crazeecat5
I can echo the sentiment of trying to un-learn the "clean plate club" habits. I'm trying (slowly) to teach myself that eating it when I don't need it is a bigger waste than throwing it away. It's hard, but I'm trying. Luckily I can stop myself a little easier if I plan on bringing leftovers for lunch the following day. At least then I still get to eat it, I just do it later.






Keep up the good work!





You'll get back on track, Denise. Just hang in there, you can do it!!



I found a new motivation recently. I used a virtual model to picture myself at 280 (approx starting weight) 260 (now, 20 pounds down) 240, (20 pounds from now) and 220 (another 20 pounds). It differences in the pictures are pretty remarkable. I dressed my model in a cute little swimsuit with the cover up & stood her in fron of the beach so I can picture myself as what I can look like on my cruise. I'm planting the pictures everywhere to help remind me of my goal. :)

Hi Misty,

Where did you find this? Would love to try it?

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Greetings fellow Cruiser losers,

My name is Eileen and I hail from San Pedro, Calilfornia. Today I am taking the plunge and joining WW in hopes of losing this weight for good. Yes, I am motivated by an up coming cruise in March to the Carribean and the fact that I can't take it anymore! I have been reading the thread for a few weeks and hope to stay motivated and informed by all of you! I'll touch base after my first meeting and weigh in.


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Okay, I'm back from my first meeting. Good topic today "Goals". Obviously my short term goal is to stay on task and lose these pounds. While staying on task, my goal to lose 25 pounds before my March cruise. I actually won this cruise playing bingo on a Mediterrean cruise last May. I had a wonderful time on that cruise although I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, I had hoped to lose before that cruise and didn't. You might be intrested to know that I did actually lose 4 pounds while on that 13 day cruise. I ate pretty freely three meals (sensible breakfast) a day with dessert at all the dinners, I did however commit to stairs only. Sometimes I was a huffing and puffing but it felt good in the end. Feel motivated and have that can do attitude (hope it lasts!!).


SW 186.6

CW 186.6

GW 135

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Hi everyone, back from our five day cruise out of Mobile. I go to my meeting tomorrow but did get on my home scale and am showing a two lb. loss. I did not deprive myself on the cruise. I did turn down most bread and did not finish most meals, although I ate until I felt full. I did have the Chocolate melting cake on two nights, I could not turn it down, once I had tried it. The Holiday is an older ship and elevators are at a premium, which worked out good for me. Rather then spend a long time waiting I took the stairs. We also did a lot of walking.

My goal is to be 20 lbs lighter by the next cruise in December.



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I have found that stairs are THE best thing on a cruise. On one of my cruises, I lost 5 pounds. I need to make sure that that happens again in December.


I walked about 4.5 miles yesterday. No walking today, but I'll be back on the elliptical in the morning. My home scale showed me a number this morning that I haven't seen in a LONG, long time, so I was REALLY happy about that. We're taking lasagna to our church tonight for the Purdue college students, & my husband bought some extra at Sam's for us. I'm supposed to weigh in tomorrow. He also bought garlic bread. Good thing that my number was lower this morning. I'll have to check that box for the numbers, & figure out the points. Maybe I'll do my hoopdaloop tonight (a weighted hoolahoop), & work off the lasagna!!! Wish me luck!



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Hello everyone, glad I found this board, we sail in March to Hawaii and I would like to lose 20 or better yet 30 pounds. Have done WW on and off I usually do well then fall off the wagon for some reason. I found all your postings very inspirational. So here we go again 1 meal at a time, 1 pound at a time.



MG 153/143


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WOW!!! Welcome to all of our new friends, I hope you all agree that you came to the right place!!

Sailemite - Even with a little "speedbump" you MUST be very proud!! I'm very impressed.

Eileen - Congrats on taking the plunge! You can do it!!! Obviously you can do it if you can lose 4lbs on a 13 day cruise!!

LeiLani - So true "One meal at a time, one pound at a time." I like it!

Congrats also to our "old" friends, Carol, it sounds like you did a great job on your cruise and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the WW scale matches your scale at home. Sara, you're doing a great job keeping active, I need to do more of that! YAY for getting back into numbers you haven't seen for a while.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

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I weighed in on Saturday...and was completely shocked...I was down 3.4 lbs. I didn't see that coming. I exercised all week, as I have been doing for months now, but the scale hasn't moved like that in forever. I have to look backa t what I ate and repeat this week.:rolleyes:


SW: 272 (pre WW)

SW: 261 (WW)

CW: 202

CGW: 199 (Cruise Goal Weight on Nov 1)

GW: 160 (1st WW goal)

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I weighed in on Saturday...and was completely shocked...I was down 3.4 lbs. I didn't see that coming. I exercised all week, as I have been doing for months now, but the scale hasn't moved like that in forever. I have to look backa t what I ate and repeat this week.:rolleyes:


SW: 272 (pre WW)

SW: 261 (WW)

CW: 202

CGW: 199 (Cruise Goal Weight on Nov 1)

GW: 160 (1st WW goal)



Who-hoo!! You go Dawn!! 3.4 lbs is terriffic!! You're so close to your cruise goal you can probably smell it!!

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Who-hoo!! You go Dawn!! 3.4 lbs is terriffic!! You're so close to your cruise goal you can probably smell it!!


That is great. Even more so, because it came as a surprise. I have had the same thing happen, not sure why. I always think, "I'll take it".

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Wow! You are all doing so great! It's really nice to read all of these positive posts. You are all doing REALLY well! Congrats!


I had a weigh in today, & lost 0.8! Maybe walking twice today to the buiilding where I weigh in helped. (a meeting 2 hours before my weigh in, & then back for my lunchtime WW meeting) I'm pretty excited, considering I had lasagna yesterday, & a duck brat that my husband made. He's a chef, & has been cooking for the president of Purdue, so he gets to make some neat food. With the last president, there was a push to use Indiana products, & somebody must have a duck farm, so he developed a duck brat! YUM!!! Unfortunately, he's hanging up his chef hat at Purdue & will be teaching non-cooking classes, & will no longer be cooking for the Pres as of mid-October, so no more left-overs from dinners at the President's house. But, our boys (teenagers) are great with unfamiliar foods, so hubby can cook whatever he wants to at home!!! He is good at trying to keep the points down for me...MOST of the time. When he doesn't, I just need to watch my portion size. SO hard when the food is SO good!!!


Anyway, success today! Keep on going, folks! If Lil' ol' me can do it, I know that you can do it, too!!!!




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Hi all you enthusiastic new gals!!!! We are in this together and we will lose the weight as long as we really want to and really work at it. Every ounce gone is an ounce we don't want to see anymore..I found that losing slowly means you can keep it off easier. I'm at goal but want to lose six more "just in case" pounds. It was hard getting here...even harder losing this last six, but I am determined that I Will Do It! Journaling is very important, as is being accountable, not only to your group at meetings, but to us too. Check back often and tell us your concerns, someone will surly have a solution or suggestion. Two Web sites that are helpful are hungrygirl.com and dwlz.com Dwlz is Dottie's Weight Loss Zone and has a link to all kinds of restaurants and point value for their foods:eek:. I drink two liters of flavored water a day, and I find that it keeps my sweet tooth somewhat satisfied. Everyday and have to write down "NO CANDY" to try to keep me on track..

Hey Mel (Georgia Peaches) I hope you're still round and didn't get washed away!! I'm 3 hours south east of Atlanta and you guys are getting tons of rain..Try to keep dry, water adds weight!! Oh, that reminds me of another tip...don't drink your water for at least an hour before weigh in.. talk to you gals (and David) later...


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Welcome LeiLani - Good Luck! Misty, thank you for your words. Dawn, Way To Go!;) So many of you have written things that I am finding useful. This is just so great reading what people have posted. I also have a major problem with weekends, knitting doesn't always help! I have recently started riding my stationary bike, and am trying to walk at lunchtime. My usual weigh in day is on Thursday, but have an all day meeting in Cleveland - so will have to get weighed later in the day. Nice tip about not drinking for a good hour before weigh-in! I have found some inspiration in every post!




GW160 ish

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Hello to all, welcome to the newbies. We just keep growing in numbers to help each other as we keep losing our weights!

The more of us there are the merrier, and the more support for each other.

I got weighed on Saturday and was down 0.8. Not bad but not where I was either. but as my hubby said, it was a loss!

I am going to attempt the Water aerobics class again tomorrow night. Hopefully it will be happening this week!

We have been having some gorgeous weather. Hope it keeps up!

Happy first day of autumn to all and good luck with the weigh ins this week.

Keep tracking!


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Congrats Sara & Susan on your .8 losses!! Hey, a loss is a loss and 10 of those .8ers will add up to 8 pounds!!


I have weigh-in tonight and so far I've been very proud of myself this week. I finally logged like I should and didn't go over in points. I'm hoping for some downward movement on the scale as a little bit of positive reinforcement, but I pledge to stick with it no matter what I read on that scale tonight!!


Thanks everyone for the tips and sharing. It helps me immensely!!

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