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Congrats on all your losses, Sarya, Sheryl, WCAB, Happyhappy1, & Susan (and anyone else I may have missed... and if I did, apologies!).


Mel -- sorry to hear about your foot... hope it heals soon!


Welcome to Sailemite, Leilani & Eileen... nice to have you on this board, and hope you enjoy our crazy little group!


Denise & Misty: hang in there... you're making good progress, and you're doing a good job just by continuing to work at it. If you keep at it, good results will follow. Trust!


Remember, Be more stubborn than your scale... if you keep doing the right things, it WILL go down!


Thin vibes to you all!!

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I'm so happy to see all the newbie losers. Having what feels like one on one time with each other feels great.


My body is feeling better but my foot/leg is not. Long story, I'll spare ya'll the details unless you really want to know :D. I do plan on going to my meeting Thursday evening though. I'll be happy for a loss but also happy if I just stay the same....which I'm not sure what "the same" is officially. :rolleyes:


Judi, we are doing okay. 6 people have died, one was just a baby. There were major highways closed yesterday and again this morning because of the flooding. Schools have been closed as well as businesses. We have been very fortunate that the lake in our sub-division has been draining pretty well and not backing up because we would be in the path of the flood waters. It looks like something out of a movie around here, one street is fine, the next street the 2 story homes have water to the roof tops. Most folks here don't have flood insurance and I can't imagine losing every single thing to my name, including cars, to water with no financial help from the insurance company. The good news is most of the heavily flooded areas have not had anymore rain so far today but more is on the way as of this mornings news.


I'll be back tomorrow.


{{skinny vibes}} to all.

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Wow mel, I'm glad you're staying dry. My heart goes out to the people you mentioned who are under water with no one to turn to. wow... Sorry to hear that the leg/foot is still causing you trouble, I hope you aren't looking at a permanent issue.


Well, I didn't get the loss I had hoped. I was actually up 0.8. BUT, I'm not going to stress about it. I know this is a process that doesn't always have instant gratification, so I could still be paying for mistakes made a few weeks ago. So, I WILL hang in there because I AM "More stubborn than the scale!" (Thanks, Mel.)


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 263.2 (20.2 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +0.8 :p phooey!


Goal for last week - Track Everything and stay within my points (using Flex points). I did track everything & stayed within my points as planned. :D - YAY ME!


Goal for this week - Continue to track, stay in points and also measure portions this week.

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Gee Mel, I'm really sorry to hear about all that. My thoughts and prayers will be with everyone. Hopefully it will stop very, very soon!

loladuvall- up .8 is not bad, and you did track everything and count your points, so that is a positive. Just keep plugging along.

We all have to be more stubborn than the scales.

I just finished a book called The Bikini Club. It was about a group of women who were all trying to lose weight. They met once a week at one of their houses and scared recipes, etc. of course one had a husband who thought she was perfect the size she was and tried to sabotage her efforts all the time. I really liked reading it because it reminded me of all of us, and the support we get from each other. Anyway, one quote in it made me think- especially when I want that extra sweet, or pizza, or chinese or whatever- "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

So that is my new motto when I think I'd love to have something that I really shouldnt. Not that it will always work:o

And I did go to aqua aerobics tonight. It was awesome! I really missed it and I'm so glad to get back. I can't go the next two night though as I have other commitments, but I will be going again next week. (Its three nights a week plus Sunday morning, but then I'd miss church, and I'd rather not do that).

Skinny vibes to all, and may the scales all be lower this week!


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Gee Mel, I'm really sorry to hear about all that. My thoughts and prayers will be with everyone. Hopefully it will stop very, very soon!

loladuvall- up .8 is not bad, and you did track everything and count your points, so that is a positive. Just keep plugging along.

We all have to be more stubborn than the scales.

I just finished a book called The Bikini Club. It was about a group of women who were all trying to lose weight. They met once a week at one of their houses and scared recipes, etc. of course one had a husband who thought she was perfect the size she was and tried to sabotage her efforts all the time. I really liked reading it because it reminded me of all of us, and the support we get from each other. Anyway, one quote in it made me think- especially when I want that extra sweet, or pizza, or chinese or whatever- "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".

So that is my new motto when I think I'd love to have something that I really shouldnt. Not that it will always work:o

And I did go to aqua aerobics tonight. It was awesome! I really missed it and I'm so glad to get back. I can't go the next two night though as I have other commitments, but I will be going again next week. (Its three nights a week plus Sunday morning, but then I'd miss church, and I'd rather not do that).

Skinny vibes to all, and may the scales all be lower this week!



That sounds like a very interesting book. I may have to check it out. Thanks!!


YAY for getting back to aqua aerobics!! I need to find myself something fun to do that is active too.

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That book does sound interesting... might have to suggest it to my book group!


Weighed in today, ugh. The rest of my Southern-fried-indulgences from my prior week in Dallas, TX, finally caught up with me (coupled with my menstrual bloating and indulgences -- box of Hostess powdered Donettes, anyone??)... up one pound.


Definitely won't be hitting 210 by 10/8... but I could be down 3 in two weeks, couldn't I? Haven't exercised since I got back from Dallas, and I know that's holding me back. Also, it's football tailgate season, and that's tough, too. Happily, except for this menstrual indulgence this week, by and large I've done well with my points. (Except on football Saturdays. Have to curb the drinking!). I'll be even better this week, and actually factor in some exercise. Baby steps, huh?


Thin vibes to you all!


SW: 246.2

CW: 216.6

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 210 by Halloween?

Micro-mini Goal: 213.6 by 10/8

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Oh, my posts are always just about me, huh?


Hope you feel better soon, Mel... hope that foot heals, and I'm thinking about you and your neighbors during this time... hopefully everything works out ok eventually.


Misty, I know the "up" news is hard (I had to issue an "oh, please" to a woman in my meeting today who was down "only" 0.8 today... I shouldn't be too harsh, she was up 1.6 last week, so I know how she feels, but having been up 1.0 today, what I wouldn't give to be down 0.8, right!?). In any event, you have the exact right attitude. We just need to get back to business, and everything else (meaning, the scale) will work itself out. We CAN do this! Gotta chug that water!



Good on you to be back to your aqua aerobics! I need to use you as inspiration to get me back on exercise! I do like the idea of that book, but I have to say that one of my barriers to losing weight all these years (and really, why I've been gaining so long) is that I totally do NOT agree that nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I've tasted some things that are SO good, that thin would have to feel more AMAZING than it possibly could! :D


Oh, well, maybe part of my journey is deciding that the thin is better than the food. I doubt I'll ever get there (or that I truly want to!), but I gotta take it one day at a time!


Cheers, all!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Didn't go to WW tonight. Not feeling well all day, a stomach thing! I know I had a good week so I will continue in the right direction and hope for a good loss next week. Irks me that I have to pay for the missed meeting, though!:mad:

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Hi everyone!

Well today is my usual weigh in day, but was at a meeting all day and was not able to get weighed in - but, if I go by my scales at home I probably am up about .8 also:(. I know my problem - we opened the potato chips a couple of days ago, plus supper one night amounted to my whole days points! That was bad of me to eat everything, but I agree with Ikakers that there are some foods that do taste better than skinny feels:o! Anyhow I am on monthly pay, and my usual weigh in is on Thursday, if I went to a meeting on Saturday, would I be able to go to the regular meeting on Thursday - even though it would only be 5 days?

Thanks for all the help!


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Hi Becky, You should be able to go on a Saturday one week and a Thursday the next. My usual weigh in day is Saturday, but I have to work every third weekend and so I've weighed in on either Thursday or Friday on those weeks with no questions asked. Just remember your loss might not be as much after 5 days as the seven. I think I may get weighed tomorrow instead of Saturday this week, we are planing on going away for the weekend. I was going to stay home until after WW but now I'm thinking I could do it tomorrow and get it over with.

I know I said that was going to be my motto, but I do agree with all of you that lots of things taste better than skinny feels. Then again, I haven't felt skinny in a long time:D

Anyway, maybe I can convince myself.

Skinny vibes to all.


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Hi Susan!

Thanks for the info. Don't worry, I have written down the Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels - and plan on sticking it to my computer screen at work and at home;)! I need all the help to get myself back on track! Good luck Friday! If things go as I hope they do I will be getting weighed on Sat.


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Been busy but wanted to check in after my meeting on Monday. I was pleased that I showed a 2.6 lb. loss following my 5 day cruise.


I was never a huge meal eater and rarely went for seconds but if I found a snack I really liked such as white cheddar popcorn or there is a cookie my grocer carries that is call "No Bake Cookies" that once I had one I had to finish all of them. For now I will not buy either. I still snack but it is on the low fat popcorn or a weight watcher snack. Love their ice cream. I have also given up french fries for life. Most of the time they were not that good and so that is an easy one for me. My thought is that those things were adding weight so giving them up, I will continue to loose weight until my body adjusts and by then I will need to change the allowable points I have each day. I know if I can give up smoking I can make this a life long change.

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Lani and Becky - Hang in there & keep plugging along, we CAN do this!!!


Sheryl - I hope you feel better!!!


WCAB - CONGRATULATIONS on the 2.6 loss after a cruise!!! That is terriffic!! & another congrats on the quitting smoking, I am always impressed by anyone who is willing to tackle that obstacle!


Susan - I hope you have a wonderful weekend getaway!!!

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Hi All,

WCAB - WOOO HOOOO on the 2.6 loss! Good luck also on the stop smoking. I did that about 4 years ago, and feel it was one of the best things I have done. Guess it was kind of easy for me because I had made up my mind that it was time to quit. Am rooting for you!

Sheryl, hope the bug has left you!

Lani, you know I have a major problem with getting my water in. How do you guys do it?

loladuvall-Misty-thank you for the positive attitude.

You are right, we can do this. By the end of the day I just really feel bummed out, but I come to this board, and get pumped up again. I really need to make this an everynight stop.

Good healthy vibes to all.


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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Thanks for your good wishes. Am feeling better this evening. Still hoping for a good loss this week. Got to wait until Thursday now!


To all of my WW buddies.....keep up the good work. We can do this, one meal at a time!

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Hi All,

Sheryl, glad you are feeling better!

Well, got weighed this morning (not normal day) and was down .8 pounds. Yes! I realize I usually get weighed on Thursday and this was Saturday - gotta keep that in mind, but that gives me a loss 2 weeks in a row. Haven't had that for almost 6 months:o! So the bike riding has to be working!. And it finally hit me - Noting tastes as good as skinny feels. As I was walking through the stores today, just the way my whole body felt, it is starting to feel skinny! It is so hard to explain:confused:. Will try to come up with something!

Good Healthy Vibes To All!


SW 271.4 (to be exact)

CW 193.2

GW 160 ish (doctor will have final say on that!)

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Hi Susan!

Thanks for the info. Don't worry, I have written down the Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels - and plan on sticking it to my computer screen at work and at home;)! I need all the help to get myself back on track! Good luck Friday! If things go as I hope they do I will be getting weighed on Sat.



Hi, all,


I'm new to this thread, and am looking for support with trying to lose weight before our cruise on 11/22. I love your hint that Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels!



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Hi Marcia!

Welcome to the group! I am also fairly new on this board.

I do need to clarify something- the quote "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" was first mentioned by Susan (see post #954), and it is from a book she read - The Bikini Club. I need to find that book, sounds like a good one.

But, I have found quite a bit of inspiration with the group, and am looking at being at least 10, hopefully 15 pounds lighter for my cruise in 45 days! I want all my new clothes that are just a tad snug, to be nice and comfy!

Good Healthy Vibes!


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Thanks for the welcome, Becky. It's good to hear that this is a good forum for support --- every bit of help is appreciated!


It's 55 days until our cruise, and I'm kicking myself about not having lost weight already. But there's no time like now, with a little more pressure!


Thank you for giving credit for the "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" statement. It does sound like a fun book.


And congratulations on your weight loss so far! That's great!


I, too, would love to be down 10 to 15# before sailing. And I know it will take more than wishing!


Good luck and planning and action for us, in our weight loss and healthy living efforts!



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Wow, so many new faces (so to speak). I am super happy to have more friends join our journey. I'm sorry I haven't been posting much these past couple of weeks but after my fall I just haven't been enthusiastic about anything. All but my foot/leg is feeling much better (I'm sitting in my work chair without a pillow :p). I haven't journaled since my fall. I don't think I've done bad but I haven't done good either. I didn't go to my meeting Thursday either (what was it about last Thursday?) because I was worn out after work. I'm back at it starting today and this weeks goals are to journal and go to my meeting.


Marcia, we leave on the same days for our cruises. Where you going? 8 weeks left. In 8 weeks my goal is to lose minimum of 10 lbs.


Congrats are in order for everyone. Looks like all of you lost weight last week.


Someone wanted water ideas.....Ocean Spray makes those mix-ins for water bottles. I use one packet for about 3 glasses of water (30 oz each) for just a taste of flavor. The white peach is my favorite. I only buy them when they are on sale. The store brands are good too. To me it is too strong to use one packet per bottle of water. In the morning I get a huge plastic cup, about 30 oz. (I take this to work every morning and use all day) and put 8 oz of diet cranberry or diet pommegranite juice for 0 pts @ 5 calories per 8 oz. and fill the rest up with water. Do you drink iced tea? I like mine unsweet but if you like it sweet use splenda. We keep tea bags here are work and I use the hot water from the coffee maker and make my own, by the glass, ice tea. Hope those suggestions help.


{{skinny vibes}} to all

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Greetings to everyone,

Didn't attend my Sunday a.m. meeting as we were away at Lake Havasu for a boat poker run. Prior to leaving for the weekend I had a good week. Being away (especially this early in my journey) was a challenge but I did the best I could considering. I brought healthy snacks and many laughed at celery and carrots (but I did notice that they indulged in them as well?!) I drank lots of water but had many jello shots. I started my period today and am feeling so huge and irritable not a good combination for the committee in my head! Just wanted to check-in so I don't check-out!!


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Greetings, all,


This seems like a good group of people; looking forward to being a part of it in this health journey. Glad your foot/leg is doing better, Mel / Peaches. Falls are never good! So our sail date is the same? We are leaving from LA for a South American cruise --- it's coming up fast! Where are you traveling? It would be too much of a coincidence to be on the same ship!


I'm just getting back into serious adherence, after too many temptations in September. It's good to read of others' successes, which is a motivation for me!



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while I have 14 months before Oasis cruise, I started doing a modified WW plan. My wife used to belong and has all the stuff. I am 41, 5'7 and was 213 or so after our 17 day florida trip back in July. While I have been going to the gym for the last several months the weight really wasn't coming off until I actually started the 'diet'. I started in Mid August and at that time I was 210. My current weight is 189. I have not set a goal weight but I am thinking about 165-170. Before we were married I went from 175 down to 149 but felt tired all the time.

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This will probably be my only post here as I don't post much. Just wanted to tell anyone who is doing WW that it really does work if you work it. I started on May 3 online with WW. I have lost 34 lbs and haven't been hungry one minute. I also have not drank a lot of water(shame on me). But I have walked every day since May 3 with the exception of 6 days when I was sick with a cold. I feel so much better and of course I think I look better too.:D I am doing a lot of cooking, but have learned to double up on the recipes so I'm not always in the kitchen. I only have 5 more lbs to go before I cruise on Nov 4, but I think that is going to be a little tough as it's coming off very slowly now.

I wish you all the best of luck and don't give up.

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Hi All,

Mel/Peaches. Thank you, I will try the Ocean Spray stuff. Have tried other mix ins but always hated the overpowering flavor. I will try mixing with the 30 oz of water instead of 8 or 16. After any injury or illness it is so hard to get back to work and have energy at the end of the day. Hope your healing continues!

Eileen - just watch those Jello Shots - they go down tooo easily!

And to mtebor - congrats on the 24 pounds, and to beannie same to you on the 34!

Good healthy vibes to all.


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