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Hi All!

Well, with one thing and another I didn't get weighed today:rolleyes:, but I know that I was up 1.6:(. But ever the optomist-back on plan!

Wanda, weekends are an issue with me also. We tend to have our main meal at noon on Saturday and Sunday, then eat light for the evening meal

and for me that then leads to snacking! So I have to just keep trying to fill up with water, and the good snack stuff. I am leaving in 30 days for a Panama Canal Cruise. Wanted to be at about 185 - keep telling myself I can get there, but - I CAN!

Susan - We were on Canada/New England cruise in October 2007 and stopped at Sydney! We just did a tour of the city and stopped at Membertou. If I had been on my own I would have gone over to the Fortress de Louisbourg, but since I was with a group, and I was the only one wanting to see the Fortress - Would love to get back up your way!

Well, here is to another week of being OP, and tracking - - - where did I put my tracker anyhow;)!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!

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Thanks Mel!! I would LOVE to hit my 10% soon!!


Lani, I'm glad you found some time to check in. I sure hope your mother heals swiftly. Also, congrats to you for staying in control of your eating through a situation that could have easily pushed you out of control. Impressive! Also, Happy Anniversary!. I peeked at the website, that place looks wonderful. I hope you had a fabulous evening.


Becky - Hang in there, you can do it! Just keep picking yourself back up and getting back on track. I don't know if this helps, but I've found that soup is a big help when I've had my big meal early in the day. I'm not usually a huge soup fan, but I've been keeping some of the light soups on hand for the days that I know I'm going to have one big meal so my other meal needs to be low in points meal but still have a decent volume. Progresso and Campbell's Healthy Harvest both have some 0, 1 & 2 point soups that are pretty good. (Just remember there are 2 servings in a can.)


Susan - Down 0.2 YAY!! any loss is a good loss!! I hope you are having a very nice holiday weekend & having successes staying OP. Once you take the Zumba class, please let me know what you think. I think it looks pretty interesting, but I haven't tried it yet. And, in case I miss you before you leave, I hope your trip to Calgary is wonderful!


Wanda - WELCOME!!! Congrats on you 25 pound loss! Way to go! A few of us do have cruises coming up, mine is in Feb. :D I think you'll find that this group is a great group and very supportive. We'll do whatever we can to help you out on those tough weekends!


Hi Sheryl!!


I've been doing pretty well so far this week. I made lunch (spaghetti) for my mom's birthday and I did have to break into my flex points a little yesterday. But I'm still within my flex points, so I'm still OP. That's what those flex points are for, right? I'm still very proud of myself because I made a couple of good choices yesterday. I bought cream puffs for desert, had a couple, counted the points and sent all of the leftovers home with my mom so I wouldn't be tempted later. I also chose to have soup for dinner instead of the pizza rolls my husband fixed. And when he made his "famous" milkshakes I had a teeny tiny glass and counted the points. (can you tell that my husband is just no help sometimes??) I've made it halfway through the weekend and today will be another good day.:)


I hope you get to feel skinny today!



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Sorry about your mother. Hope for a speedy recovery. Tough to eat properly in troubling situations. Think positively.



Husbands and sabotage go hand in hand.:rolleyes: Mine is the same way.

At last weeks WW meeting we talked about heavy/thin friends and family meaning well.


Weigh in last week was great. Down 2.4. :) I'm pleased.

Weigh in is tomorrow.


Skinny vibes to all.



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Hi Sheryl!!! YAY for sticking to it even if you can't make the meetings!!! Great 2 pound loss!!! Hopefully your doctor said all kinds of good things about you because you deserve the praise!!


Hooray Denise!! Down 2.4 even with that ol' sabotaging husband. We'll show them we can do it!! Although I will give mine a little credit, he did start dinner for me last night while I was in my meeting. And he stuck pretty close to my recipe, so my points were A-OK. :)

I got some great news from my scale last night. I jumped on with my fingers crossed for a 1 pound loss and i was pleasantly surprised by 3 pounds! YAY ME! I am this [] close to my 10%. It feels so much better being back on track!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 255.6 (27.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -3 WHO:DHOO!!


Wishing everyone a great week!!!

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Hey Misty,


Great loss! You are doing an AWESOME job! Can't wait to see your pics from the Dream!


Yes, my doctor was mighty pleased with my 21 lb. weight loss. Blood pressure was great, knees are doing a bit better, heart and lungs sounded good. Reports like this are part of what is keeping me motiviated!!

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Hey Misty,


Great loss! You are doing an AWESOME job! Can't wait to see your pics from the Dream!


Yes, my doctor was mighty pleased with my 21 lb. weight loss. Blood pressure was great, knees are doing a bit better, heart and lungs sounded good. Reports like this are part of what is keeping me motiviated!!


That sounds absolutely terriffic Sheryl!! It is really great to actually see your hard work pay off on your health!


I'll be sure to post plenty of pics for you!! Hopefully we'll get the chance to meet up some time!

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Although I will give mine a little credit, he did start dinner for me last night while I was in my meeting. And he stuck pretty close to my recipe, so my points were A-OK. :)

I got some great news from my scale last night. I jumped on with my fingers crossed for a 1 pound loss and i was pleasantly surprised by 3 pounds! YAY ME! I am this [] close to my 10%. It feels so much better being back on track!



I have a meeting in a half hour can your husband come start dinner? :D


Congrats on the 3 lbs. Yes it does feel good to stay on track. Keep it up.




PS Down 1 more pound last night.

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Woweee, look at all you losers! You are all doing so fantastically! Proud of you all!


Thanks to all of you for the nice thoughts about my mom... she is on the mend, slowly but surely. Her shiner is just about gone, and the cut on her face has healed amazingly -- luckily it was in that crease between the cheek & mouth/nose area, so you can't even tell that there was ever stitches needed. Her arm is a bit better as well. She's doing physical therapy for the shoulder -- that apparently is going pretty well. She still can't really feel her arm much below the elbow, but it is tingling a lot and the docs feel this is the nerves trying to heal, so appears to be a good sign. She has been able to move the arm some, and even wiggle a finger or two, even though she can't feel it, and can't really tell that she's "told" her arm/finger(s) to move at all, but something in there is trying to work, so we're counting our blessings! She's wearing my dad out (she usually takes care of him, lol!) a bit, but my sister is visiting for a few days to help out. Mom's getting a bit stronger every day, so hopefully that will help get them over "the hump."


On to happier news: We went out for our decadent anniversary dinner, and MY was it decadent! We got four appetizers between us (counting an unbelievably creamy, comforting butternut squash soup) 2 entrees (though we only really ate the equivalent of one entree between us), and had a few bites of dessert. Oh, and lots of drinks! :D


Went to Corvallis, OR (home of Oregon State University; DH is an alum, and has several good friends there) after that so we could attend the football game on Saturday (my University of Oregon Ducks had an away game... which we won!). We had an extremely fun-filled weekend with very good friends. Feel like I ate too much all weekend, but it was really nice. Came home Sunday afternoon and went to a local pumpkin patch with our best friends and their toddler (like a child to us, almost) and his older cousins (our actual godchildren). Beautiful crisp, sunny Fall weekend -- a GREAT time. :)


Oh, almost forgot -- in Corvallis, I realized I'd forgotten to pack my jeans (2 sizes down from where I started... these are still a bit snug, just like my "big" ones were when I started WW, LOL), and only had along a BAGGY pair of cargo pants that DH loathes (due to their being so big and baggy). After brunch on Sunday, went into a consignment shop near the restaurant (after telling DH, "nah, we shouldn't go in... they won't have anything to fit me..."). They had 2 pairs of 18s and 2 pairs of 16s. (Was always a 20-22 before WW). All of them went on me (one of the 16s was a little snug, one was weirdly too big), but I got both of the 18s ($31 for both pairs!). The shorter pair (can only wear flats with this one... almost too short), I LOVE the fit, and they make me feel so skinny! Wearing them, I've gotten several comments about how it looks like I've lost a bunch of weight. Victory! Oh, and went to Lane Bryant this week as well, and I am clearly solidly a 14/16 there, where I was always an 18/20 before. :)


And best yet, I weighed in 3.8 lbs down today!!! yippee!! Got another 5 lb. star; down 35.6 total! I'm just hopeful that my weekend of splurge doesn't come back to bite me next week. Will be going out of town this weekend as well, so may be scratching all my flex points by the time the weekend ends again! :eek:


Thin thoughts to you all!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 210.6

GW: 154

mini-Goal: near 205 by Thanksgiving



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Hi All,

Wow, it looks like everyone had a week of 2 or 3 pounds gone! What great news! I have my fingers crossed for this weekend. Usual weigh in would be today, but was out of town on another all day meeting - will be glad when this month is over! Right now I will be up, so unless something really strange happens it will be a gain for me:(. I have been trying to be really good, but keep having slipups. Need to get some low point, healthy stuff for around the house. Misty, thank you for the tip on the soup, will have to try that this weekend! One more thing I am going to try again is the journaling-did that when I first joined, got my journal filled up, and never replaced it. Plan to do that this weekend and get back to that, cruise is coming up fast! And Lani, so glad to hear your mom is recovering. Sounds like it will be a long haul for complete recovery, wishing you all our best!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.

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My cruise is coming up in a short 3 weeks. So about 3 weeks ago I went shopping for some new pants. Today, they don't fit. Too baggy:D I wasted the money, but I'm happy about it. But stupidly, I had taken off the tags and trashed them. Live and learn. I love WW:):)

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I have a meeting in a half hour can your husband come start dinner? :D


Congrats on the 3 lbs. Yes it does feel good to stay on track. Keep it up.




PS Down 1 more pound last night.


LOL!! Sorry, it only happens every couple months or so. He won't be cooking again for a while. UNLESS I can convince him it is chili weather...Hmmm...


YAY!!!! One more pound gone!!!


Woweee, look at all you losers! You are all doing so fantastically! Proud of you all!...



CONGRATULATIONS on your loss AND on your new clothes!! I think new sizes are exciting because that's when you really get to show off your progress!!! YAY!! Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend too. :D


I'm glad you're mom is recovering well, I hope her healing continues.


Hi All,

Wow, it looks like everyone had a week of 2 or 3 pounds gone! What great news! I have my fingers crossed for this weekend. Usual weigh in would be today, but was out of town on another all day meeting - will be glad when this month is over! Right now I will be up, so unless something really strange happens it will be a gain for me:(. I have been trying to be really good, but keep having slipups. Need to get some low point, healthy stuff for around the house. Misty, thank you for the tip on the soup, will have to try that this weekend! One more thing I am going to try again is the journaling-did that when I first joined, got my journal filled up, and never replaced it. Plan to do that this weekend and get back to that, cruise is coming up fast! And Lani, so glad to hear your mom is recovering. Sounds like it will be a long haul for complete recovery, wishing you all our best!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.


That's OK, even if you have a gain you have a plan. Get that new journal and get back on track, it will help tremendously. Just hang in there!!


My cruise is coming up in a short 3 weeks. So about 3 weeks ago I went shopping for some new pants. Today, they don't fit. Too baggy:D I wasted the money, but I'm happy about it. But stupidly, I had taken off the tags and trashed them. Live and learn. I love WW


I guess as far as problems go, this is a good one to have. I've been shopping for my cruise in Feb (I can't find Caribbean clothes in Ohio any closer to the cruise...). I guess I'll make sure to leave those tags on!;)


I guess you have more shopping to do!

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Hi guys, sorry I've been MIA but I was having a "whatever" attitude for the past 10 days or so. I feel better now.


Misty, you're doing so great. Indeed you are so close to that 10%. Next week for sure. They still give the 10% keychain....or at least here they do. I still have mine from years ago somewhere. I used to use it as a visual motivation.


Sheryl, congrats on the wonderful things the doc said. Keep it up.


Beannie, that is great about the clothes. Well, not great you spent the money on them but it's great :p. Take them to a consignment shop or donate them to a battered womans shelter or similar.


Sail, hang in there. We can both get back on track this weekend. Take it one day at a time. Ask yourself a couple of questions before eating something a little too high in points. Is it worth it? Do I want to continue to feel frumpy? Is this the last time I'll ever get to eat _____ ? These are a few of the strategies I'm going to start using on myself.


Lani, I'm so glad to hear your Mom is doing better. I hope she continues to feel stronger each day. And you go girl *snap*. You're doing fantastic. 14/16 from Lane Bryant is a huge success. I love their clothes too. I still wear my 14 jeans just because they are so comfortable and stretchy.


Denise, you're doing a great job. I can 'hear' excitement in your voice again.


Wanda, welcome. This is a great place to be.


Hey Susan and everyone else I'm missing.


As for me......I'm not sure what happened with my attitude. After my fall it has been down hill. I did very well for about 2 weeks and could tell I had lost more weight, then week 3 I started straying, went back to my meeting week 4 and gained 1.2, didn't even last a whole week OP, skipped (actually had a deadline at work and couldn't go) my meeting last week. So I went back last night and gained another 1.2.


Right now I feel pretty pathetic. I just don't understand (inside my head) why I can be so faithful to the program for 6 weeks, lose 9 lbs., and have that "this is forever and I will do this" attitude, then poof. There it goes. I'm really trying to figure this out about myself. I sure feel better when I'm thinner, have more energy, brighter eyes, better hair, more confidence, etc... so I don't understand why I go back to eating like crap and feeling sluggish, bloated, which makes me not want to do anything at all, then that makes me feel even worse. My hair will look dull, my eyes seem darker (and I have very very green eyes) but when my DH asks me what I want for lunch (we work at the same company) my answer is a big mac and fries. I feel really strange at the moment emotionally because I'm on a high realizing my Hawaii cruise is so close but at the same time I'm depressed about not being able to get myself together. Yes, I'm having a pity party.


On a brighter note.....my DH joined WW last night. We've done WW together before and it does help to have him on the program too for obvious reasons. So I'm hoping I'll turn this attitude around soon. Thanks for listening to me whine.


{{{skinny vibes}}} to all.

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First a little about myself, my name is Monica. I live in Germany. My husband is in the army and we've been stationed here for 3 years. We have 3 more to go. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids, ages 3 and 6. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Once I lost about 50 pounds but then I got pregnant with number two so I gave up and got up to an all time high of 326 pounds. I am an emotional eater and have always found it easier to cope with food. I joined weight watchers online May 2nd. It is very handy for me to calculate my points. I am addicted the app for my ipod touch....keeps me way more accountable to myself. What got me motivated may sound silly but I saw two friends lose a lot of weight with gastric bypass and I'm too chicken for surgery so I decided I can do this on my own.


I had no idea how much I was over eating until I had to stick to points. Talk about reality shock. Now I enjoy the challenge of reinventing our favorite meals to make them healthy.


We are going on a cruise in December so I'm trying to stick with it even more with what little time I have left. Grandma is coming to stay with my boys so it will be just my husband and I :). My weigh in day is Saturday so I'll be able to update this soon. I still have a long way to go.



SW: 326.2

CW: 282

GW: 165 or below :)

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boy everyone is doing so well!! I weighed in last night and lost 2.6lbs. A total of 27.6 My short term goal is to be under 200 for the first time in years. This morning (naked on the scales, :eek) sorry for the mental picture!! I was 201.4 so close and we usually slack off the weekend. Well, we'll see how I do.


I'll miss the weigh in next week too, we are going camping to Gatlinburg Tennessee. I'll really have to watch my self! Maybe just one somemore!!:)


Everyone keep up the good work, you are doing a great job.



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Originally posted by GAPeachessweety

"As for me......I'm not sure what happened with my attitude. .

Right now I feel pretty pathetic. I just don't understand (inside my head) why I can be so faithful to the program for 6 weeks, lose 9 lbs., and have that "this is forever and I will do this" attitude, then poof. There it goes. I'm really trying to figure this out about myself."


Mel, I hear you loud and clear! That is exactly what I have been going through since May! Only I can get OP for a couple days then on the weekend - gone in a flash! Thank you for the brain ideas. We are going to a restaurant in the Allegheny National Forest tomorrow for lunch - it is on a hill, over looking the Allegheny river and the fall color is almost perfect around here. They have a wonderful buffet, but we have talked and are going to order off the menu and I am determined to make wise choices this time! Last time I did that I ordered baked fish, and rice and the waitress came back and said no more rice and I caved and got French Fries - ate every single one! Not this time!

Misty- yes, this time of year trying to find 'summer' cruise wear is not an easy task in wonderful Ohio! I have been doing my shopping off & on over the summer.

Wanda, Great Job on the loss!

Mkubicz - Welcome, and great job on your loss so far! It is amazing how we overate and didn't even realize what we were doing! Portion control is a major factor with any program, but the thing I like with Weight Watchers is that they teach us how to prepare our old favorites in a healthier way.

Beannie - ain't baggy pants wonderful? Bad that the tags are gone and can't exchange - but look at what you did!

Well, hopefully things work out time wize for me that I can get on those scales, and suffer the consequences. I picked up a small spiral notebook today that will fit in my purse better than the WW journal, and am going to use it!

Good Healthy Vibes to All

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Good morning all,

I'm still here, plugging away.

Welcome to our new friends! Come back often....we need each other!!


Mel.....although we haven't met yet (but we will!), I can tell you are a great person. Just stick with it as best as you can right now, and soon, you will be back on track. The skinny person on the inside will win this battle and come to the outside!

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Hi All......Went to Spain the last week of Sept and when i weighed in i had gained MORE than i thought so just kept eating!!!!! I then had a few days away in England and still kept eating. On Wednesday i made myself get back on track and today at weigh in i was DOWN 0.5lb so i was well pleased. We also have a dog staying for a few days and i take her out for 2, 1 hour walks everyday, so that has helped. I have 10 more weigh ins before Christmas and would like to looseat least 12lb.

SW 254

CW 221

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Hi All......Went to Spain the last week of Sept and when i weighed in i had gained MORE than i thought so just kept eating!!!!! I then had a few days away in England and still kept eating. On Wednesday i made myself get back on track and today at weigh in i was DOWN 0.5lb so i was well pleased. We also have a dog staying for a few days and i take her out for 2, 1 hour walks everyday, so that has helped. I have 10 more weigh ins before Christmas and would like to looseat least 12lb.

SW 254

CW 221[/quote

Ok, shake it off! It's over and done....you are back on track and that's all that matters! You can do it....keep up the good work and I just bet those 12 lbs. will be gone in no time!!

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Mel - what you described pretty sums up what I did for the past 2 months. I was struggling and had more off days than on. So, you're definately not alone. Hang in there and look for the reasons that brought you to WW in the first place.


HELLO MONICA, WELCOME!!! And, congrats on your impressive weight loss so far!!!


Wanda - Congrats on your 2.6 pound loss!! Way to go!!!


Becky - Congrats on picking up your new journal! YAY for tracking! :D


Sheryl - Hi there!! Glad to see you're still going strong! I like your comment to Mel about the skinny person on the inside. That's such a good way to put it.


Barkingmad - Good job getting back on track!! Keep walking that doggie, it looks like it is working for you!!


Have a great week everyone!!

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Hi All,

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it turned out to be a very long day. I did manage to go to WI and, yes, was up 1 lb. But I knew going in that I was going to be up, and figured at least 1. The Buffet called at lunch and we answered-but I did manage it better! Salad(with no creamy stuff at all), drumstick(and less than half the skin-couldn't resist), about 8 popcorn shrimp, rice instead of mashed potatoes and gravy. And did NOT go back for seconds! But I did also give in on the slice of Pumpkin Pie-first of the season. So I figure all my daily points plus some of my extra got used up there. But have been writing down everything!

Is it bad to say I am glad to read that so many of us have gone through the 'strugles' time? I was really wondering if it was just something with me. I have also decided that I will be running up the stairs at work at least 2 times a day - three days a week.

Barkingmad- good job with the doggie walks. That is wonderful that you have a companion for walking for a while.

Sheryl, I agree with Misty, I liked the comment about the skinny person on the inside. Am going to have to remember that!

Hope for a good week for everyone!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!

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Hello fellow Weight Watchers! My family and I are going on our first cruise in 2 weeks and couldn't be more excited! I have been a WW member since sept 11, 2008. I reached my goal weight with them 6months later (lost 32 pounds) but wanted to continue to lose 10 more. So I continued and lost 7more. I then had major surgery in June and gained back those 7.:(

It is such a hard thing to maintain your weight, let alone gain some back then have to loose it again! So I have been trying over the last couple of weeks but not hard enough. I definitely have been exercising, but I can't seem to control what I put in my mouth everyday. I probably have 1 good day/3 bad days. So I love that I have found all of you! Maybe discussing this with you will help me to stay focused.


My goal now is to lose at least 4-5 pounds in the next 2 weeks. I know that is a little much, but it's not something I will make a habit of. And I know it's possible if I can just keep within my points.


My stats:


gain weight in my mid-section



Prefer GW:120




Really want to weigh 120!! But most of all get my body back in shape! I am 36 years old and have a 10 year old and 13 year old.

And My 10 year old is type 1 diabetic-all the more reason to eat healthy!:D


thanks everyone!

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A sure fire way to control what goes in your mouth is to NOT have it on hand. Trash the junk. We all have different lifestyles and what may work for one won't work for another. But I do find that if I don't have it in the house, I can't eat it. One night this summer I actually walked to the grocery store and bought a JR Mint Patty and ate it on the way home. I wonder if I walked it off?:D Probably, but I sure felt guilty for the next week.

Keep trying everyone. It's in you!!

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Hello fellow Weight Watchers! My family and I are going on our first cruise in 2 weeks and couldn't be more excited! I have been a WW member since sept 11, 2008. I reached my goal weight with them 6months later (lost 32 pounds) but wanted to continue to lose 10 more. So I continued and lost 7more. I then had major surgery in June and gained back those 7.:(

It is such a hard thing to maintain your weight, let alone gain some back then have to loose it again! So I have been trying over the last couple of weeks but not hard enough. I definitely have been exercising, but I can't seem to control what I put in my mouth everyday. I probably have 1 good day/3 bad days. So I love that I have found all of you! Maybe discussing this with you will help me to stay focused.


My goal now is to lose at least 4-5 pounds in the next 2 weeks. I know that is a little much, but it's not something I will make a habit of. And I know it's possible if I can just keep within my points.


My stats:


gain weight in my mid-section



Prefer GW:120




Really want to weigh 120!! But most of all get my body back in shape! I am 36 years old and have a 10 year old and 13 year old.

And My 10 year old is type 1 diabetic-all the more reason to eat healthy!:D


thanks everyone!

Hi there,

Welcome to our group. You definitely came to the right place!

Ok, so you already made one step in the right direction by coming here. Now, why not try to take baby steps instead of setting such a goal so quickly? How about, instead of 1 good day /3 off days, go for 3 good days/1 off day. If you can succeed at that, then move on to getting, totally, back on program. This way, you don't lock yourself in to a certain number of pounds to lose and, possibly, set yourself up for a disappointment if you don't lose it all.

I could be totally off base here, but it sounds like a good way to get back on track.

Good luck, no matter how you do it!!

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Becky - Excellent job at the buffet!! Gee, I just had dinner at home & I can't say I showed the same level of control. Those darn mashed potatoes. :o And no, I don't think it's bad to say that you're glad that others have gone through the struggles. I think it helps to know that it is a normal (or at least common) part of the process and it is possible to get through it. Otherwise, we (I) might be tempted to just throw in the towel because it's "too hard" and "I must not have what it takes".


Hello busy bunch of 4!! Congratulations on meeting your goal. It's always nice to hear from someone who can testify that this stuff works. :D


Beannie - Hey, you may not have walked it all off, but you sure walked more of it off than you would have if you just had to go to the fridge and get it. I think you're right, I try to keep those little goodies out of my house too.


Hi Sheryl!!


I've had a pretty good week so far. I had a couple of splurges (Umm, Chipotle) but I worked them into my points and haven't used up all of my flex points. I hope to hit my 10% on Tuesday's weigh-in, but I've had a couple of pretty big losses lately so I won't be surprised if I have an adjustment week soon. Either way I'll keep plugging along!

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