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Ooops, didn't mean to post Misty's cheer twice but I'll leave it since it's a cheer for MISTY FOR HITTING HER 10%.


I gained .2 this week (last week I was down 1lb) but I'm okay with it. (like I have a choice)


Tonight's WW topic about healthy guidelines got me to thinking that while I do stay within my points I don't always eat the required food. I lack in the fruit, milk and healthy grains.

Tracking has never been a problem with me.

This week I am going to make an effort to eat more of the required foods.


Skinny vibes to all.




SW 221.6

CW 190.8

mini goal 178.6 which is another 10%


You're still doing great. I've having a hard time with all the good health guidelines too. Hmmmmm, maybe we need a challenge.


Congratulations to all of you who have had weight losses. Mel, you have been so helpful in providing support and motivation, so I am sending some of that back your way. I know you will be able to keep on track. Misty, I laughed when I read your husband sometimes puts temptation in front of you. My husband will sometimes do that. He is a type A, skinny no matter what he eats and I do not think he fully understands it is not that way for some of us. I did make my 10%

this week so I am feeling positive about that. Lani, hope your Mom continues to heal. It is rough when our parents are in pain. Sending skinny, healthy vibes to all.




Thanks Carol. Ut oh, you hit your 10% too. Do I hear another cheer? :rolleyes:


No surprises for me... I had a gain. I was only up one pound according to my home scale, but up 2.2 at WW. :eek: Hoping I can get rid of it next week!! I'm going to try to focus on some mini goals: near 205 by Thanksgiving, and nearing 200 by end of the year (actually, our meetings won't be held the last 2 weeks of the year, so if I'm near 200 by the 1st week of January, I'll be thrilled).


Thin thought to everyone!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 212.8

GW: 154

Mini-Goals: Near 205 by Thanksgiving, near 200 by start of 2010


Keep plugging away. At least it wasn't a surprise. I hate it when it's a surprise gain.

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Hi Gals!!!! I'm still out here!!! I check in with you guys from time to time and am so glad to see so many new faces!!!! Misty you are doing great, and Cheryl you are wasting away!!! Mel and Lani and Jane, I started with you guys and I am so happy when you lose a pound or an ounce!!! I am HAPPY DANCIN' all over the place for you!!! I am a few pounds under goal...which is a good thing if I have a candy attack!! I have been at goal since August, still go to meetings about three times a month and weigh in once a month. I find my two liters of a water a day to be my saving grace. I flavor it with crystal light or buy the flavored water at Wal-Mart. I weigh myself everyday and still count my points. I still have to fight off the Candy Cravings, but it not nearly as difficult as it once was!!! I count EVERYTHING I eat, even if it is a bite and spit...I don't eat whole servings of things I don't love, and still use the luncheon plates instead of dinner plates. I have been really busy with traveling, getting two new kittens and planning my Life-Style lift, but promise to sign in more often. I'm in Chicago till Sunday and can't wait to get back to my South East Alabama weather....this sucks!!! Mel, I'll be in Atlanta on Nov. 2nd, but won't have time to visit...that's when I get my face nip-tucked!!!

Waving my Skinny Wand over all of you....



SW 170.0

GW 136.0

CW 134.0:eek:(who ever thought I could do it?!?)


{{{Judy}}} It's good to see you. You've become very inspirational to me. Being below your goal gives you a little wiggle room :p


Good for you to get "freshened" up. I'd love to have "the girls" freshened up :eek:. After 3 babies and being over weight they could use it :D. I hate you won't be here long enough to meet but I wish you a speedy recovery and please come back more often.


Congrats to everyone on the continued successes you are having with WW. I just got back from a 5 day cruise on RCCL Enchantment and wanted to share the great news. I lost 2.8 pounds on the cruise! Yep, that makes six cruises in a row that I have lost weight.


I wanted to share to let everyone know it is possible. I ate at least two desserts a day and sometimes a few sugar free CC cookies. Shh, do not tell the scale.


I keep a small piece a paper and a golf pencil in my pocket and wrote down what I eat at every meal and snack, obviously I cannot count the points, but I have found writing down everything on my plate helps. (First of all it takes time and second it helps you understand/review what you ate that day) People will ask what you are doing and I take that opportunity to brag about my success and challenge them as well. You can find the piece of paper and pencil in your room or on the boat in the library.


Make sure you are getting your walking/ecersie in on the boat as well, take the stairs, join the daily walk a mile, or put a comment on the bulletin board on the boat and you will be amazed sometimes strangers will meet you for your walk.


Challenge yourself, love yourself, and EVERYTHING is possible.




It's good to see you again David. I'm with Misty, I guess I never thought of writing it down even if we can't calculate points. Still gives a good idea of what you've been consuming. Thanks.

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The boards are really irritating me right now.:mad: Are your posts going poof? It's been happening for days. So now I have to copy my post over to a word doc in case it goes poof. Anyway.......


Went to weigh in........down 1.2 ! ! ! ! I was thrilled with that. My poor DH was only down 0.2. We have a friendly contest going to see who loses the most weight each week.......Iiiii won, Iiiii won. Yes, I am looking at my weight this time. When I get back from my cruise I'll prolly go back to not looking.


Okay, do as I say and not as I do. I've discovered another way to have my oatmeal. I love the weight control because it makes a whole cup of it then I added one of those mini milky ways. OMG, almost like the big "O" :eek:. Do not try this at home kids. You will become addicted. It fills me up for 4 points. There is something about that chocolate and caramel swirled thru the oatmeal (banana bread is fab) that is just amazing. If you try it....don't say I didn't warn you :D.


I hope everyone has a fabulous skinny weekend. Get some fresh air and do:

10 situps/crunches

10 lunges each leg

10 wall pushups each day

It will take you 10 minutes and we all have 10 minutes to spare.

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The boards are really irritating me right now.:mad: Are your posts going poof? It's been happening for days. So now I have to copy my post over to a word doc in case it goes poof. Anyway.......


Went to weigh in........down 1.2 ! ! ! ! I was thrilled with that. My poor DH was only down 0.2. We have a friendly contest going to see who loses the most weight each week.......Iiiii won, Iiiii won. Yes, I am looking at my weight this time. When I get back from my cruise I'll prolly go back to not looking.


Okay, do as I say and not as I do. I've discovered another way to have my oatmeal. I love the weight control because it makes a whole cup of it then I added one of those mini milky ways. OMG, almost like the big "O" :eek:. Do not try this at home kids. You will become addicted. It fills me up for 4 points. There is something about that chocolate and caramel swirled thru the oatmeal (banana bread is fab) that is just amazing. If you try it....don't say I didn't warn you :D.


I hope everyone has a fabulous skinny weekend. Get some fresh air and do:

10 situps/crunches

10 lunges each leg

10 wall pushups each day

It will take you 10 minutes and we all have 10 minutes to spare.


YES my posts have been going poof too!!! It's driving me crazy too, so it's not just you!


MMMmmmMMMMmmMMMmmm....that oatmeal sounds fabulous Hummm... You mentioned that the weight control oatmeal makes one cup, is that a larger serving than a regular packet of oatmeal? I hadn't tried the weight control because the calories were pretty much the same as the apple and cinnamon that I have been eating. BUT I didn't think to compare the serving size. Hmmm...


Thanks for the cheers!! :D

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YES my posts have been going poof too!!! It's driving me crazy too, so it's not just you!


MMMmmmMMMMmmMMMmmm....that oatmeal sounds fabulous Hummm... You mentioned that the weight control oatmeal makes one cup, is that a larger serving than a regular packet of oatmeal? I hadn't tried the weight control because the calories were pretty much the same as the apple and cinnamon that I have been eating. BUT I didn't think to compare the serving size. Hmmm...


Thanks for the cheers!! :D


The weight control instant packs of oatmeal makes one cup. And thats a cup of fairly thick consistency. It also has more fiber. I make it at work and use one of those styrofoam cups you always see at the work place and such and it fills up one of those cups. Only the weight control makes a cup. I tried the high fiber but it only makes the 1/2 cup like the regular instant. Get a variety box of it. Banana nut bread, cinnamon, maple brown sugar. All are super yummy. One pack is 3 pts. Try the milky way in it........unbelievable.


Weekend went pretty well although I did eat curly fries from Arby's yesterday. I did a pretty good bit of housework too. Ya know vacuuming the lamp shades and baseboards and junk....kind of house cleaning. I 'dust vacuum' from time to time and reach really high on things like the armoir and the top of the mirrors on the dressers. I actually worked up a sweat :D


Hope everyone else had a great weekend.


Now keeping my fingers crossed this actually posts.

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Hi all,

I will, finally, be going back to my WW meeting this Thursday. It's been about a month that I missed. Guess I'll rejoin. Make a fresh new start. I have been following, as best as I could, without the meetings. Hopefully, I either stayed the same or only went up a little. Whatever happens, I will keep my chin up and feel good, knowing I am back at the meetings, where I outta be!:D

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Only 5 more days until we cruise! Well I made my cruise goal to be under 200lbs before the cruise. Total weight off is 76lbs. Now comes the tricky part...to stay on plan during the cruise. Is anyone else out there traveling on the Carnival Valor on 11/1/09?


Starting Weight: 272.0

Current Weight: 196.0

WW 1st Goal: 160



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Dawn...Congrats on 76 Pounds gone...quite an accomplishment!!! The best is that there is absolutely no way you can regain that amount on your cruise!!!! So keep eating healthy and watch your portion control and IF you gain anything, just get back on track when you get back and lose it again!!! Have a great time and don't worry about anything...stress causes weight gain!!!;)


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The weight control instant packs of oatmeal makes one cup...


OK, I did try the weight control oatmeal this time. I'm happy to report that One packet was plenty to keep me satisfied until lunch. I made one packet of oatmeal with 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Breeze and 1/2 cup diced peaches (I drained the juice). It was pretty darn yummy and I got in one serving of fruit plus half a serving of dairy too. I think I got a serving of whole grains too... I've heard it debated whether instant oatmeal counts as a whole grain. According to Quaker, they use the whole grain in their instant, they just slice it thin to make it cook quicker. So, if Quaker says it's a whole grain, that works for me. :)


I haven't tried the Milky way yet, but I will.


Hi all,

I will, finally, be going back to my WW meeting this Thursday. It's been about a month that I missed. Guess I'll rejoin. Make a fresh new start. I have been following, as best as I could, without the meetings. Hopefully, I either stayed the same or only went up a little. Whatever happens, I will keep my chin up and feel good, knowing I am back at the meetings, where I outta be!:D


YAY Sheryl!!! YAY for getting back to the meetings and YAY for staying on track while you were "out". It's always nice to see you!!


Only 5 more days until we cruise! Well I made my cruise goal to be under 200lbs before the cruise. Total weight off is 76lbs. Now comes the tricky part...to stay on plan during the cruise. Is anyone else out there traveling on the Carnival Valor on 11/1/09?


Starting Weight: 272.0

Current Weight: 196.0

WW 1st Goal: 160




WHO-HOO Dawn!! CONGRATULATIONS on making your cruise goal. 76 bounds...THAT is an accomplishment!! If you're looking for tips on how to stay on track on the cruise, David posted some great tips recently. The two big ones were that he wrote down everything he ate (Didn't calculate points, but still wrote it down). And he exercised/took walks on the boat. Good luck to you on your cruise!!!


HI JUDI!!!! Excellent point. No matter what happens, you can't gain 76 pounds on a cruise. I'll have to remember that when I go on mine in Feb.


OK, I weighed in last night and I had a gain. I was pretty disappointed after just hitting my 10% last week. BUT, I finally noticed a pattern. I seem to have an "up" week at least once every 4 weeks. Hmmm.... looks to me like it just may be related more to my body's cycle than the WW program. Hmmm... I'll just have to keep an eye on that. If that is the case, I'm glad I finally noticed it. I know in the past I've had a good week, but then got discouraged when I had a gain on the scale. Now, I can know to expect it and not let it get to me.


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 256.0 (27.4 lost)

Short term goal - 241.4 (15%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +1.4

I hope everyone has the chance to "feel skinny" this week!

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hi everyone!!


i too am on ww, and been successful so far. i have twenty weeks to go for my cruise and i have a 20lbs goal to achieve too.


any tips or tricks you guys have used that have worked? im a first time cruiser.


thanks !!



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Welcome Back, Judi! Your success is SO inspiring… we really can do this???? :D


David – congrats on another successful cruise… great tips! I personally don’t have much interest in losing on a cruise (I’m ok with indulging on a vacation), but I do want to be reasonable – and managing weight/food is still a good idea. I do like your idea of writing down everything… I may keep that in mind…


You're so right about the husbands. My hubby has never worried about food, he could not care less about it. He has not comprehension of how I struggle, especially the thinking about food all of the time. To top it off, he eats junkfood nearly constantly, weighs about 165 and just got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. It makes me want to kick him while he's sleeping...


This cracked me up! My hubby was like your hubby when we started dating, but I fattened him up good when we got married (I'm a good cook!). :) He started out about 50 lbs overweight, but is down 40 since the end of January. Thank god I've had him along this journey with me... it would have been SO much harder without him struggling as well. I really feel for you!!


The boards are really irritating me right now.:mad: Are your posts going poof? It's been happening for days. So now I have to copy my post over to a word doc in case it goes poof. Anyway.......


Went to weigh in........down 1.2 ! ! ! ! I was thrilled with that. My poor DH was only down 0.2. We have a friendly contest going to see who loses the most weight each week.......Iiiii won, Iiiii won. Yes, I am looking at my weight this time. When I get back from my cruise I'll prolly go back to not looking.

A) Yes, posts have been going poof... and

B) Congrats on the loss!! And showing up DH! :rolleyes:


Oh, and good job with the house cleaning thing... I have been doing a little (too little!) of this as well, but not counting the activity points, though I think I should (just to see how the housecleaning affects the weight loss)... do you track the activity points?



Sheryl, so glad you will make it to a meeting, and I'm proud of you for sticking with the plan as much as possible and getting yourself to the meeting... your persistence will be rewarded! WAY TO GO! :)


Dawn.... WAY TO GO, yourself!! 76 lbs!!! Wowee, to be under 200

-sigh- :D


You should be so proud of yourself! My cruise advice is: feel free to indulge yourself, but just be mindful. If you're full, stop. If you just "like" something, only eat a little (save those calories for the OMG-this-is-amazing stuff) -- don't worry about "wasting". Likely your leftover food will be turned into pellets and sent into the ocean as fish food! Be mindful of sugary drinks (frou-frou cocktails, sodas, juice, etc.). Walk as much as possible (including stairs, if you can). But most of all RELAX! Stress increases cortisol, which packs on the fat... relaxing, especially about food, will cause you to weigh less! :-) I did all that (including the INDULGE bit... a LOT) on my cruise in May, and over 16 total days of vacation, I only gained 1.8 lbs.... I was beyond pleased -- but would have been ok with a 5 lb. gain! Judi's right -- you can't gain all 76 back during your trip, so just be sensible as much as possible (within moderation!), and get back OP when you get back. No worries!


And Misty -- sorry for your gain, but I definitely agree the cycle has something to do with it. I also tend to "celebrate" and gain a bit after a milestone (a 5lb. star, a goal hit, etc.)... so that's another cycle for me!


Dalia -- welcome! Your goal is agressive (but possible!)... see my thoughts above for cruising tips... and as Misty mentioned, there have been several posts on this thread about tips for managing weight/food on cruises... try searching this post for "tips" to see what that yields. Best of luck to you, and let us know what weight loss tips work (or not) for you!


Thin Thoughts, all!

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Weigh in today and 0.5lb lost. Lost the plot towards the end of the week so any loss is good!!

My cruise is not untill March but working hard to loose before Christmas. Would like to loose 12lb, so far 1.5lb gone so must try harder. :eek:


SW 254

cw 219.5

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Hi everyone! If you all don't mind i'd like to join. Im 23 i've been on weight watchers since 07 and i love it! My next cruise is October 9, 2010 and i'd like to lose 40lbs by then which i know is definitely duable! I could use the support and helpful tips from you guys. Since i restarted WW in september i've lost a total of 17.9lbs and im only 1.2lbs away from 10% which is really exciting!!! I know this board will be everything i need to help me through this hard but rewarding process. Thanks for listening!





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Congrats, Jane --you're well on your way to your mini-goal! I have a "sorta" one for end of year, but I'm not that confident... guess I need a real strategy and stick with it. Are you doing anything "special" to keep focused on your goal? Or just trying to track points, etc.? I'm looking for a boost! I REALLY want to be around 185 or under by the time of my cruise at the end of April, so I feel like I need to be agressive for the next 8 weeks so I can get there.... looking for some miracles! :D


Welcome, youngcruiser! Congrats on your great loss so far, that 10% is right around the corner! We have a pretty supportive group, so please feel free to join, share your thoughts and suggestions, and we'll all help each other. Your 40 lbs is very doable (I've lost 35 since January, and I've not been that disciplined). Best wishes to you!


I did have weigh-in today, and per my home scale, I had taken off exactly what I had gained last week, so not as successful of a week as I'd have liked. WW was a little worse, I'd only lost 1.8 of the 2.2 I gained last week. But still down, and I will push through... get the rest gone and then some, next week!!


Well, that will actually be quite the challenge however, as you know one of my struggles this Fall has been football tailgating. This weekend is even more dangerous, as our UO Ducks homegame this week is vs University of Southern California... They're #5 in the country, and we're #10, so BIG game. Biggest college football game in the nation, actually, so ESPN's College GameDay show will be broadcast live from our campus on Saturday morning. That show airs live at 7am our time (Pacific), so people will start showing up at 5am or earlier (we'll probably shoot for 6am). Our actual football game won't start until 5:00 P.M., so the party will be about 18 hours old by the time we leave the parking lot!


It'll probably be cold and rainy, so we'll be taking the makings for hot buttered rum (oh, boy -- danger, Will Robinson :eek:), but I'm bringing a big batch of our WW Taco Soup (2 pts per cup, and very nutritious, filling, and warming). Hopefully we can subsist on the low-point foods, and save our other points for the toddies! Wish me luck!


SW: 246.2

CW: 211

GW: 154

Mini-Goals: near 205 by Thanksgiving; near 200 by end of year. Would love to be under 200 by my birthday (Jan 11), but that's pretty darned agressive for me, especially considering the Holidays! :o

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hi all-

i weighed in last nite, lost 1.2lbs. i have officially lost over 30lbs. ive been on since may 09. i will post my stats a little later. just wanted to share .. i am SO happy with myself :p


Lani - thanks. i will search for tips.


Everyone have a great weekend and watch that candy :)

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Dalia - Hello & Welcome & Congratulations on your loss!!! Who-Hoo!! Over 30 lbs lost! Great Job! AND you're well on your way to you crusie goal!


Lani - Thanks for the support. Luckily, even though my hubby doesn't understand or have the same challenges I do, he does try to be supportive. So, I am happy about that. I have a friend at work whose boyfriend purposely sabotages her because he likes her "curvy". At least I don't have to deal with that! :eek: You do have a point about the "celebrations" after a goal. I did go out a couple of times last weekend and journaled after the fact. I may have glossed over some details that could have attributed to my gain. Not to mention that the sodium was probably higher than normal too...


Great job at your weigh-in, you were able to get rid of that pesky gain & now you can keep moving forward. Great plan for the tailgates too, save as much room as you can for the "good stuff".


barkingmad - Congrats on your loss! YAY!!! great job!!!


Jineane - WELCOME!! We love newbies!!! Great job on your loss so far and I can't wait for you to make your 10% :D I'm glad you found us, I think you'll like it here!

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Hi Lani


Earlier this year i signed up to do a charity trek in Slovenia. It's in June 2010 and i'm treking in the St Julian Alps raising money for Diabetes. I have to raise £1500 which i'm on target for.

I've been on W/W since Jan 08 but this year i've been faffing about and only just getting back on track. My mini goal is to loose 12lb by Christmas then another 14lb by Easter[but at Easter i will be on my cruise!!!!]

Now i'm trying to loose weight and get fit for my trek in June.


If you go onto justgiving.com/jane-wright you can read my story and even see my photo!!!!

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Hi Everyone!

Am going to try this again-got disconnected and lost the whole post:mad:! Anyhow, been missing in action for a week. My cousin came for a visit last Friday, and they walked in the door, and willpower walked out! It wasn't all that bad, but bad enough, per my home scale, it amountd to about 2.8pounds up:eek:. He cooked on Sunday a wonder meal with sweet potatoes, asparagus and salmon, but it was not WW friendly!

Anyhow, coming back on tonight, and catching up with everyone has been wonderful.

David, loved your post! Will have paper and pencil handy at all times, and when I get on board that ship in 10 days the elevator does not exist!

Mel, again, timing is perfect! I read your post about pulling out some of my heavy pants- well, I was looking for a photo of myself-I am always the one taking the photo's, and my sister helped by e-mailing me a photo. WOW, there was one when I was my heaviest and one after I had taken off 60 pounds - what a difference! I might just print out those photo's and paste them side by side!

Misty - I think you have hit on the monthly gain issue!

So many new faces, I am going to have to get my paper and pen out just to take notes and get caught up!

Well, better close and get to bed- later than I thought!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!

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Hi all,


Is there room for another Misty here? :D


I joined WW this time around on 7/13. I've lost 28.4 lbs since then. We're cruising on 11/30. I'm going to try really hard to not gain on this cruise. I've been on 4 Carnival cruises so far, so I've tried just about all the food on the ship, except for the light menu items. This time around, I want to stay OP while on the cruise. Has anyone succeeded in doing this? The plan is to go to the gym 3 days while on the cruise. I don't have to have a loss when I get back, but I'd really like to not gain.

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Hi all,


Is there room for another Misty here? :D


I joined WW this time around on 7/13. I've lost 28.4 lbs since then. We're cruising on 11/30. I'm going to try really hard to not gain on this cruise. I've been on 4 Carnival cruises so far, so I've tried just about all the food on the ship, except for the light menu items. This time around, I want to stay OP while on the cruise. Has anyone succeeded in doing this? The plan is to go to the gym 3 days while on the cruise. I don't have to have a loss when I get back, but I'd really like to not gain.


I'd love to make room for another Misty!! WELCOME!!! Congrats on your loss so far too!


I just joined WW in April and haven't cruised while on WW, so I can't really help in that aspect. There have been a few people that have been successful staying OP during recent cruises and have posted their tips. If you go back a few pages you might be able to find their tips. I know walking as much as possible, including stairs is a popular strategy that really seems to help quite a bit. You plan to hit the gym should help you out too.


Jane - Thanks for sharing your story. I'll go check it out.


Becky - Thanks for coming back to us! I completely understand slipping away for a bit. I had a potluck on Friday and haven't gotten myself back on track since. I'm pulling myself back together, though.

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hi all-

i weighed in last nite, lost 1.2lbs. i have officially lost over 30lbs. ive been on since may 09. i will post my stats a little later. just wanted to share .. i am SO happy with myself :p


Congrats on the good loss, and the 30 pounds gone! And since May?! You're kicking my butt; I only have 35 since January!! Great progress!


Misty: thanks for your kudos on my Saturday tailgater gameplan (pun intended)... unfortunately, it didn't go so well. Such a long day, and so little sleep... makes for lots of snacking, and drizzly/rainy/cool weather makes for too many hot buttered rums. There was some activity, which I have no idea how to count, but it wouldn't cover my over-consuming. I estimate I went over my daily points that day by about 74 points!!!! :eek: I did better the next day, only about 24 points over my daily allowance! :eek: Yesterday was even bettter, only 10 points over. Ugh. I wanted a HUGE loss this week, but I fear I may gain. Oh well. Need to get back on track.


Jane: interesting motivation! Unfortunately, I have too much on my plate right now to add another commitment like that, but I can see how that would motivate you!


Hi Everyone!

Am going to try this again-got disconnected and lost the whole post:mad:! Anyhow, been missing in action for a week. My cousin came for a visit last Friday, and they walked in the door, and willpower walked out! It wasn't all that bad, but bad enough, per my home scale, it amountd to about 2.8pounds up:eek:. He cooked on Sunday a wonder meal with sweet potatoes, asparagus and salmon, but it was not WW friendly!

Anyhow, coming back on tonight, and catching up with everyone has been wonderful.


Mel, again, timing is perfect! I read your post about pulling out some of my heavy pants- well, I was looking for a photo of myself-I am always the one taking the photo's, and my sister helped by e-mailing me a photo. WOW, there was one when I was my heaviest and one after I had taken off 60 pounds - what a difference! I might just print out those photo's and paste them side by side!


Becky -- Welcome back! I, obviously, understand the indulging... but you can get back OP (and so can I!). Overall, you've been doing great... great idea to check the photo evidence for some validation!!


At my tailgater on Saturday, one person did stop me as I was walking by to tell me how fantastic I was looking, so that felt nice. 'Course, I did see a photo myself in a big, bulky parka looking particularly hefty (including in the face... drat the double chin/full cheeks, so I can't blame the parka for all of it!) that day, so I definitely need NOT to rest on any laurels!


Welcome, Misty (2)! Congrats on your already excellent loss! :)

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thanks loladuvall.


this week has been pretty hard. weigh in is on thursday. gotta eat more veggies and get off my butt :)



I hear that.... we are in the same boat! Let's row together... in the right direction! :D

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