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thanks loladuvall.


this week has been pretty hard. weigh in is on thursday. gotta eat more veggies and get off my butt :)


I'll second that! (for myself, of course.)


Congrats on the good loss, and the 30 pounds gone! And since May?! You're kicking my butt; I only have 35 since January!! Great progress!


Misty: thanks for your kudos on my Saturday tailgater gameplan (pun intended)... unfortunately, it didn't go so well. Such a long day, and so little sleep... makes for lots of snacking, and drizzly/rainy/cool weather makes for too many hot buttered rums. There was some activity, which I have no idea how to count, but it wouldn't cover my over-consuming. I estimate I went over my daily points that day by about 74 points!!!! :eek: I did better the next day, only about 24 points over my daily allowance! :eek: Yesterday was even bettter, only 10 points over. Ugh. I wanted a HUGE loss this week, but I fear I may gain. Oh well. Need to get back on track.


Jane: interesting motivation! Unfortunately, I have too much on my plate right now to add another commitment like that, but I can see how that would motivate you!




Becky -- Welcome back! I, obviously, understand the indulging... but you can get back OP (and so can I!). Overall, you've been doing great... great idea to check the photo evidence for some validation!!


At my tailgater on Saturday, one person did stop me as I was walking by to tell me how fantastic I was looking, so that felt nice. 'Course, I did see a photo myself in a big, bulky parka looking particularly hefty (including in the face... drat the double chin/full cheeks, so I can't blame the parka for all of it!) that day, so I definitely need NOT to rest on any laurels!


Welcome, Misty (2)! Congrats on your already excellent loss! :)


YAY for compliments!!! WHo-HOO!! It's always nice when someone notices a difference.


I struggled quite a bit this weekend too. :o Potluck on Friday, Breakfast on Saturday, movies on Sunday. *sigh* OH well...good thing this program was designed for human beings who are bound to make a mistake or two. I'm back on track today and plan to stay that way. I don't expect great things from my weigh-in tonight, but I'm ready for it and it's not going to get me down!



I hear that.... we are in the same boat! Let's row together... in the right direction! :D


OOH, OOH, OOH can I help row the boat too?? How many activity points for that?? LOL!

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Hi Guys, I have been so busy at work trying to get everything done to be gone for almost 3 weeks that I haven't kept up with the thread much.


Congrats to all the losers and welcome to all the new folks.


Still doing pretty good ourselves but didn't make it to weigh in last week. We are hoping to get there this week.


This is my quick drive by. vrooooom.........I'm gone again :D.

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Hi Mel....Bye Mell!! Glad you took the time to pop in. It's good to see you are both doing well & I hope you make it to weigh in. :)


I had a pretty decent weigh-in. I re-lost my gain from last week. I'll take it.


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 254.6 (28.8 lost)

Short term goal - 241.4 (15%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1.4

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Hi Everyone! :)


Would love to join in as well. I'm 5'2" and almost 40. I've been on ww for about 2 years, but took a bit of a break once summer came (and went!!!) and have put 15 pounds back on. Have an upcoming mini beach break trip in January and would like to be back down if at all possible. I REFUSE to buy bigger clothes since I just got rid of them all last year.


I'm allotted 18 points a day, which leaves me HUNGRY all the time so I'm hoping if I'm held accountable to others (ie you guys) then I'll behave better! :) I've decided I'm going to learn to run and am on day 2 of a 8 week gradual program to get up to 2 miles.


SW 147

CW 125

GW 110 (had actually gotten to 105 but that was really too hard to maintain - 110 would be perfect on my frame)


Have a great day! :) Kendra

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Kendra - Welcome! It's nice to have another poster here with a WW history (there are only a few)... while I've had loved ones do WW before, I'm new to it this year, but I think the perspective of a WW veteran can really help sometimes! I have to say, being a larger person myself, I am envious of you only needing to drop 15 lbs., but I'm sure I'll be more sympathetic when I'm struggling with my last 15 lbs... :p


Jane, WAY to GO!! Happy dance for you! What do you have, only 7 lbs. to go by Christmas? You are WELL on track for that!


Jineane, sorry to hear you gained, but luckily only an ounce! You will get that back in no time.


Hmmmm, breakfast ideas:

- Lean Pockets (I know they're probably not the best... too processed, huh? But they're hot, tasty, savory, and most only have 5 pts, and keep me satisfied until lunch.)

- Speaking of processed, if you're in need of a kid-sugared-cereal fix, the whole grain Froot Loops and Apple Jacks are only 2 points for a whole cup... plus milk, obviously.

- Kashi GoLean Crunch...yummy cereal (kinda like grown-up Sugar Smacks), only 1 pt per 1/2 C or 3 pts per 1C, plus the milk, of course. Lots of protein and fiber in this one.

- Kashi hot cereal; you may not like it as it's similar to (but not exactly like) oatmeal. A little packet like instant oatmeal; has to be heated (with water) in the microwave, but it's very filling and only 2 points. I prefer the Hearty Honey Cinnamon one, but they have a vanilla one as well. These also have a lot of protein and fiber.

- Eggs (2 points each) scrambled with veggies & herbs... yum

- I've been happy with the Sara Lee Delightful White bread... calculates out to 1 point per 2 slices.... makes passable toast.

- Fruit (fresh or frozen blueberries, peaches, strawberries, etc., thawed) with vanilla non-fat yogurt makes me pretty happy... especially with a couple of points of granola tossed in... could be dessert for me...


Hopefully something there works for you...


I had weigh-in today... was worried because of my BAD points weekend, but then... down 1.6!


Of course, I had been slightly disappointed with my results last week (thought I'd have lost more), so maybe this week was correcting last week? In any case, I hope my bad weekend doesn't show up NEXT weekend. :D


I'm still nervous about my ability to get under 200 by my birthday (1/11), but I know it's do-able... I just gotta DO it.


Thin thoughts to you all!



SW: 246.2

CW: 209.6

GW: 154

MiniGoals: near 205 by Thanksgiving, near 200 by end of year, under 200 by 1/7/10

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Hi Girls (and David)!!! I did it, and I would be Happy Dancin' all over, but I have to take it easy.....I had the Lifestyle Lift on Monday...pain and discomfort for the first 24 hours, but by yesterday I was only battered, swollen and bruised. Went out today and people were looking and I just said "The police have been notified". Tomorrow is my regular Friday night at the Country Club and I'm going! I worked for this by gum and I'm going to show it off!! Swelling isn't too bad right now, but the bruising is on my neck, cheeks and ears!!! As most of you know I have gone from 170 to 132, and being 62 years old, the skin isn't as elastic as it used to be...would like a tummy tuck too, but clothes can hide that...there's no hiding my jowls!!! I'm ecstatic and can't wait to go to my monthly meeting next Wed!!!!:D


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Good morning all! (or afternoon for you east coasters!) :)


Thanks for the welcome - I hardly feel like a ww expert but guess I should be by this time! :D If I could only train my brain and not fall off the wagon and learn to maintain!!!


I only have a few breakfast suggestions:


Fiber one bar - 2 points

Thomas' light high fiber english muffins toasted with lite cream cheese (I get the Brueggers salsa/jalapeno to get some flavor in there) - Pretty sure that's 2 points together but it's been a while

Vita top Muffin tops - 1 point. I used to have to mail order these but recently found them in the freezer section of my pavilions/safeway store. These are really yummy and satisfy a chocolate craving

Protein shake w/ banana thrown in - chocolatey banana goodness! :)


I snack throughout the day so have little meals all day long. So my breakfast suggestions are probably not hearty enough for most...


My new found favorite is to make 'gazpacho' soup -- easy style. Can of v-8 and throw in a spoon or two of salsa! voila! Pretty much non existent points but beware of sodium.


Other than that, popcorn is my friend. And I'm a pushover for reduced fat cheez-its - 29=3pts. Wish I could have 100 of them! (Yep, portion control is my problem!!!)


weigh in day - must behave this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


SW 147

CW 121

GW 110

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Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been AWOL.

I am still doing the program. I though I had a good week. My scale lied!

I was only down .2 but its better than up.

I have to get back into an exercise routine.

I did get rid of my "fat" summer clothes. No going back!


Skinny vibes to all.


SW 221

CW 189

mini goal 177 (another 10%)



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Hello to everyone.

I have not posted here for a few weeks, but have been checking everyone's progress whenever I could get a free minute. There have been so many changes on here I can't keep up with them all, so I will just say congratulations to all the losses! Welcome to all the new people. You will love this thread!

I see there have been a few challenges for some also. As always, that is why this thread is so good. Everyone has a challenge at one time or another, and everyone else is so supportive, with lots of advice and listening ears.

I have had an extremely busy fall, but things are starting to quiet down a bit now. Because of my busy schedule, I have been up and down on the scale. Not always watching my portions, and eating out a lot. Then we were to Calgary for almost two weeks, so we ate out a lot. The week we came home I was up 2.8 pounds, but I was ok with that, as I expected it to be more. This week I lost that 2.8. I got right back on the program, and was very careful all week. I am at 207.6, but this is the third time I have been there! That is still up 0.2 from my lowest weight so far. On July 25 I weighed 210.4 and I have been back there a couple of times since. So each time I gain I lose it the next week, but I can't seem to keep losing. I really need to start tracking, measuring, weighing, everything again.

I started Zumba classes. They are really hard but really fun. I am up when they are down and right when they are left, but my heart rate is up, I'm sweating like crazy and I'm moving so I figure its all good. I'm going to do Zumba some nights and water aerobics some nights.

Skinny thoughts to everyone for the week ahead. Keep on tracking and may everyone's scale be down this week.


SW 264


Mini goal- 200 (hopefully by Christmas);)

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Good morning everyone!!! I've been having a rough time of things this week. I haven't been on program at all & I'm fighting to get myself back on track. I know I'm going to be up at weigh-in tomorrow, and I've accepted that. But, I need to get myself refocused and on program. :o


Welcome newbies & welcome back "oldies" who have been away!!


Jineane, you asked for breakfast ideas & you've already gotten some great suggestions. I would add also that you don't have to feel obligated to have "breakfast foods" for breakfast. If traditional breakfast foods don't appeal to you, then there is no reason you can't have a soup, a sandwich, a salad, whatever you want for your first meal of the day. Have fun and switch it up if that helps!

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Hi everyone. As with most, have been very busy and have not been able to check in as often as I would like. Monday marked the 16 week mark and was surprised to receive a charm. At this benchmark I have lost 37 lbs. I still have a ways to go but there are three things that pop into my head that keep me going. The #1 reason, is that this was one of the last things I promised Mom I would do. Number 2 and three have to do with embarrassment. When eating out in the past with a group, I always hoped they would ask for a table and not a booth because sitting at a booth could be very uncomfortable for me. Number 3, has to do with a fear of getting on an airplane and having to ask for an extender. That one had not happened but I know I have come close to needing one. I know for each one of us, the reasons are very personal but we share the same goal and I am confident that we may take different turns and twists to get there but we will all be successful.


Sending skinny vibes out to everyone,



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Hi everyone,


I have been terribly sick since last thursday....should have gotten that flu shot two weeks ago :(


however, i did manage to get weighed in last thursday and lost 1 lb. yay!!! im on track to lose my 20lbs before i cruise in february. I am now going to keep track of the weight on here.


To everyone who is struggling .. keep going...keep going...keep going...you CAN do it. Every day i start over. My jeans tell me to keep going everyday...everyday they get looser.


To those not struggling so .... yay!! keep up the great work!!


Im anxious for tomorrows weigh in....

(cross your fingers)






Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Weeks to go: 16 weeks

CW lost: 4.4

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Misty -- its okay to go up. i've done that too!


Just do exactly what you said...refocus and stay on...i know you CAN do it.


I've never sent out skinny vibes before but I am sending them out to you :)


Awww....Thanks for the skinny vibes, I'm honored to be your first recipient! I'm switching to a Saturday meeting, so I haven't weighed in yet. I promise to report back after tomorrow...good news or bad... :o

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I weighed in last nite. and lost two more :) i thought i over ate but i guess not.

I am so happy :)

I've been on a lucky and determined streak. I hope I can keep it up.





Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 15 weeks

Lbs to go: 13.6

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Had to go to the doctor yesterday. I caught a cold about four weeks ago and the cold cleared up but left me with a bronchitis. The doctor has given me prednisone which can cause you to feel hungry. I think it also can make you puffy. I decided I will not weigh my self every day while on the medication because if I see I have gained, I will be discouraged. I will weight at the meetings and hopefully the damage will be minimal.

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I weighed in last nite. and lost two more :) i thought i over ate but i guess not.

I am so happy :)

I've been on a lucky and determined streak. I hope I can keep it up.





Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 15 weeks

Lbs to go: 13.6


That is great. Counting points helps but sometimes the scale still surprises us, one way or the other.

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Hi everyone, I have just found this thread and would like to join. I have been a member of ww since 07/30/2009 this time!! I have lost 29.8 lbs. so far and have about 70 more to go. I had reached my all time high of 271 lbs. and was absolutely miserable!!! We went on a cruise in january and I could not even walk up or down even one flight of stairs!! At the end of August we went on another cruise after being on ww for a month and I was able to walk up or down 3 flights of stairs and we walked a lot on the ship. When I went to my meeting after we got back I had lost 4.6 lbs. and I ate whatever I wanted. I did not deprive myself I did not over eat!!! I tried to eat a lot of the filling foods and just a little bit of the things that were bad for me. I also had dessert every night but I just took one bite just so I wouldn't feel deprived. Healthy eating has to become a life style. I am not on a diet I am starting a new healthy lifestyle!!! I quit smoking 3 years ago. I have not had a cigarette since 10,31,2006! I am now working on the weight issue which has also been a battle most of my life. Did I mention I am 66 yrs old and smoked since I was 16 so if I can quit after that many years I should be able to lose the weight also.


My husband joined with me and lost 20 lbs. and he is now a lifetime member. Having him on ww with me has really helped!!


SW 271.2

CW 241.4

GOAL 170 or size 12 to 14

We are going on the Carnival Dream on 12/03/2009, The Legend on 1/31/2010, and an African safari on 4/6/2010 so each future trip is like a new goal for me!!

My name is Ruth and my husband is Dan

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thank you WCAB. you're right about that scale, sometimes its not my friend, but sometimes IT IS :)


to ruth:

welcome n CONGRATULATIONS on everything. you are giving yourself a real good transformation. doesnt it feel fantastic? I completely understand about them pesky steps. i work on the second floor of a building that has no elevator. i used to hate those steps but now i actually like them. i think im burning a calorie or two. (maybe none but i still like them). Keep up the great work :) :) :)

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Hi All,


I saw this thread and would like to join you as well. I have been a WW member for years off and on. My most recent "re-joining" was this past May. I was motivated prior to my July cruise and have been inconsistent since then. My stats are:


SW: 170.2

CW: 165.6

Goal: 140 (but will settle on 150-155 prior to our Feb cruise)


We are going on a Caribbean cruise the end of Feb/beginning of March and I would love to break out the bikini. My biggest challenge will be getting in enough activity. My ellipse broke and I have no time to go to the gym. With New England winter about to start, there's no way I'll be motivated to be outside. Any tips would be be great!


Let the losing begin...

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Welcome to Ruthie101 and to Laurie. This is a great thread with lots of great advice.

I got weighed on Saturday and stayed the same. Not what I really wanted but its better than a gain!

I have started going to Zumba classes. They are a lot of fun but you really get a workout. the class tonight was cancelled due to unavailability of the gym, so I did the 2 mile Walk with Leslie Sansone. That was only 1/2 an hour but I was moving the whole time. I haven't done her tape in awhile, but I did buy the 3 and 4 mile walk as well so I'm hoping to build up to them.

Laurie if you can find these workouts I find they are great. they are called "Walk Away the Pounds" by Leslie Sansone. They come in 1,2 3 and 4 mile and I think there are other ones as well. The 1 mile is 15 minutes and the 2 mile is 30 minutes, and a more brisk movement. You don't just walk on the spot the whole time, there are some other leg movements as well as arm movements, but you do it in your own home, you don't have to go outside. I'm not sure how long the 3 and 4 mile ones are. I haven't done them yet.

How is everyone else doing with their weigh ins this week?

Have a good week everyone,


SW 264

CW 207.6

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