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My husband & I are sailing on May 1st on the NCL Pearl from Vancouver to Seattle. This is our 25th anniversary present to each other :)(May 11th is anniversary). This is our second cruise, our first was on "The Big Red Boat" in either '93 or '94. I started Weight Watchers on January 21, 2010, through their program at our work. I've struggled with my weight all my life and it seems I've tried everything to lose weight, and if I had any success, it would always come back, plus more. :( I've lost 4.8 pounds so far with WW and while that may not sound like much to most people, I'm please. As long as I can keep up a steady loss, then I'm content to keep at it. I am concerned about sticking with the plan while on the cruise, so any suggestions, words of wisdom, that anyone has to offer will be greatly appreciated.


SW: 219.0

CW: 214.2

GW: 130.0




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Kameko, that's a great article, thanks for sharing! I had not seen it before. What I like about it is that it gives realistic strategies for eating well on a cruise.


Having said that, my plan on our cruise is NOT to track points, but to use those strategies and some of my own, as well as to exercise quite a bit. I LOVE all the fruits and veggies that are available on a ship, so they make up a big proportion of what we eat onboard. Will I indulge on some sweets and "adult beverages"? You bet I will! Will I kick myself if I am up a couple pounds after the cruise? No way! It is a time for relaxation, time with my DH, exploring new places, and getting away from the everyday stresses and obligations.


Good luck to everyone this week!



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Hope everyone is doing well...


Great WI for me this morning, down 2.8. After a few weeks of half-pound-ish WI's, I was pretty happy! I knew it was a good week, but I did not do anything drastic or even different. My body just responds however it darn well pleases! But that's not a bad thing, because it makes me take a long-term view of everything. I know the choices I am making are healthy ones, and however much weight drops off is a bonus.


Now I really do have hope that I might be in the 170's before my DD and I take our spring break road trip in 4 weeks. (And if I'm not, that's okay, too!) We really need the break, for relaxation, visiting some great friends, and seeing a little of New Orleans and the beach. Yes, I will relax a bit on my food choices (beignets at Cafe du Monde for sure!), but I feel good that I have many good habits ingrained now, so I will not go crazy! My main goal this go-round is that after we are back from that trip, I will get right back on track, shooting to get as close to goal as I can by our June cruise.


Keep on working the program, all!




SW 200

CW 186

GW 160

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Two weeks today and our cruise begins, we fly from the UK to Barbados and spend about 10 days around the carribean, then we cruise transatlantic to Maderia, Spain, Sicily, Crete then fly back to the UK. Three weeks of warm sunshine and wall to wall eating!!!!!! Went to w/w today and had lost 4.5lb. Since joining a gym a month ago my weight hasn't moved, even went up but the extra excercise has kicked in and the weight is moving again.

SW 254

CW 210.5 :D

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Hi All! I've been doing WW online for a little over a week now. I'm down 6 pounds (wish that type of loss would continue, but I know it won't. I think the bulk of that came from cutting out a ton of salt.)


Today I went walking/shopping on my lunch hour. I found a really vacation-y pair of white shorts. Something to work for. I thought I'd try to drop a size before buying a pair for my upcoming cruise.

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Sorry for the Looonnnnng post!


Two and a bit weeks 'till my cruise and my weight is not budging!!! I joined a gym at the beginning of this month and all the extra excercise is not making the weight shift, in fact last week i was UP 0.5lb.

I have been sorting out my summer clothes and two pairs of cropped trousers fell off me. =)




Jane, I've been there with that weight/exercise thing. We were just talking about this in our meeting today. I think one of the things the body does when sore is to retain some water to help flush the muscles of their lactic acid (or whatever). Have you tried really pushing the fluids (like extra extra?), and if so, did it make a difference?


Congrats on finally getting that scale to budge, however! And those trousers... I think you will need a belt or a smaller size :D... well done, you!!


And have a FABULOUS time on your voyage -- I know you will!



Welcome to the thread, Kameko & Terrafreaky!


...my plan on our cruise is NOT to track points, but to use those strategies and some of my own, as well as to exercise quite a bit. I LOVE all the fruits and veggies that are available on a ship, so they make up a big proportion of what we eat onboard. Will I indulge on some sweets and "adult beverages"? You bet I will! Will I kick myself if I am up a couple pounds after the cruise? No way! It is a time for relaxation, time with my DH, exploring new places, and getting away from the everyday stresses and obligations.



Hope everyone is doing well...


Great WI for me this morning, down 2.8. After a few weeks of half-pound-ish WI's, I was pretty happy! I knew it was a good week, but I did not do anything drastic or even different. My body just responds however it darn well pleases! But that's not a bad thing, because it makes me take a long-term view of everything. I know the choices I am making are healthy ones, and however much weight drops off is a bonus.


Now I really do have hope that I might be in the 170's before my DD and I take our spring break road trip in 4 weeks. (And if I'm not, that's okay, too!) We really need the break, for relaxation, visiting some great friends, and seeing a little of New Orleans and the beach. Yes, I will relax a bit on my food choices (beignets at Cafe du Monde for sure!), but I feel good that I have many good habits ingrained now, so I will not go crazy! My main goal this go-round is that after we are back from that trip, I will get right back on track, shooting to get as close to goal as I can by our June cruise.


Keep on working the program, all!




SW 200

CW 186

GW 160


Sue, I love that you are maintaining an even keel despite what your scale says -- your perspecive is perfect. You really are trying to make some long-term improvements, one step a time, and I think your attitude is one we all need to try to make second-nature.


As for travel strategies (that Kameko asked about), you and I have the same philosophy here. I've been on 2 vacations since starting WW last January, and my philosophy is I don't vacation all the time, and especially when traveling to a place I rarely go, I want to FULLY experience that place. If you don't live near New Orleans, how often do you get a chance to have a perfect Hurricane (drink) or a Café du Monde beignet? If you don't live in France, how often do you get a perfect croissant, perfect bread, perfect buttery yumminess that is French food at its finest? Almost never, right? Have one (or two), savor it, enjoy the heck out of it, and when you get back from vaca, get back to your daily drudge and get back OP, and you will drop whatever weight you may have gained. And then, later, during your daily drudge, you can think longingly and wistfully on that wonderful experience you had, secure in the knowledge that you didn't miss out on a thing!


When I travel, I don't like eating in chain restaurants I can find at home, and I certainly don't want to eat the same old things for the sake of my waistline (so I don't take my low-point snacks along and I don't cart Splenda anywhere --- which I wouldn't do, even if I used sugar substitutes, which I DON'T :p). I travel to gain experiences, and I want to experience the sights, sounds, feels, smells and tastes of that place. Fully.


A benefit to this way of traveling is you truly feel fulfilled and satisfied on your trip; you don't feel deprived. This approach would be disastrous if this is how you went on living when you got back, but if you go back to plan when you get home, you will be fine.


This is going to be repetitive for those who have been on this board for a long time (skip this if you've read it before! :rolleyes:), but I have to add that on my 2 vacations since starting WW, during the mealtimes when it was "just" an average meal offering, I tried to be "good." I loaded up on veggies (when at the buffet on a cruise, I tried to fill half my plate with vegetables), I drank a lot of water, I walked as much as possible (tried to get some extra activity), usually did wine/champagne instead of a more sugary cocktail, limited soda pop, and ate only as much of a "fattening" thing as I was still being absolutely THRILLED with it. The moment (or the bite after that moment) I thought, "hmm, that last bite wasn't as interesting as the first," I stopped. I wasn't perfect all the time: I definitely had sugary things (some desserts, milk/sugar in my daily tea, sugar in my daily coffee, buttery foods, plenty of bread/croissants, etc.), I just tried to be very mindful and not eat another bite of something that wasn't truly wonderful. The results? After a 16-day vacation (featuring a 14-day all-inclusive -- including booze -- cruise), I gained 0.8 lbs. After a 1-week vacation to Dallas, TX (and eating lots of caloric Southern goodness), I was up 0.4 lbs. Not bad at all -- I expected to gain about 4 lbs. per week each time!! [i do not hold back when it comes to eating or drinking! Which is why I need WW! :cool:]


Now on to my week: I've done really well. Last 2 weeks I've done better to getting back to plan after a long struggle to stay within points. The last 2 I think I've basically been right on (some guess work on dining out, and I may have under-counted some things, but hopefully there were some over-counts that made up for it). This week so far I've been absolutely terrific. I have 12 flex points left (I'm on day 6 of my week and usually those are long gone by Sunday if not Saturday), I've actually left 5 daily points on the table (3 on Tuesday, 2 last night) -- I know this is not strictly kosher, but trust me, I'm eating enough! And I started a 1-day/week yoga class at work (1st one yesterday) and even though it was super low intensity, it still works out to 2-3 activity points (It was an hour, which would be 3 points for me, but since there were moments of watching the teacher, even at 35-45 minutes of actual activity is still 2).


Last week (2/25) my weigh-in was disappointing. At home, last Wednesday, I was down a few, but then Thursday was back up... and up more than the prior Thursday at home (2/16). My official weigh-in last week at WW was down 0.4 from the prior week, but I still had expected more... That was disheartening (but later explained... was that time of the month, and I certainly was bloated).


This week was MUCH better: down 3.4 lbs!!!! Officially down 40.8 lbs. and finally got my stinkin' little 5 lb. star I've been chasing since mid-October!! :D


Ok, I've been going back and forth on my mini-goal (my goal before my cruise in April) and I had initially wanted to hit 190. As I got closer and I was not sticking to plan I realized I must amend so I made it 195. I've been wavering between that and 196.2 which would be an even 50 lbs. lost for me, so I'd be satisfied with that. I'm gonna use both as my target. When I get my 196.2 I'll be so pleased, but if I can get that 195 I'll feel even better! I really want to get under 200, and I don't want to see the scale go over 200 when I get back from my cruise, so I'd like to build in a little cushion in case that 4-5 lbs I was expecting during my previous vacations shows up this time! :eek: (But if it does, and the scale tips 200, that will be OK too. Look at where I was 15 months ago!!


Cheers to you all -- keep thinking those thin thoughts!


SW: 246.2

CW: 205.4

GW: 154

MiniGoal: 196.2/195 by 4/15/10

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Lani, all I have to say is "Amen, Sister!"


I really think travel is SO important to one's psyche. To step away from the everyday, to embrace new experiences, to fully appreciate what you are doing and seeing and yes, eating and drinking!


Congrats on the minimal gains on your travels! I hope for the same, but I am with you - if it's more, so be it! Back on track after the trip, and in the long run, the memories and escape from reality will be SO worth a few extra weeks of diligence.


I was not even on WW before our first two cruises, and I also gained less than a pound each time, mostly because I followed very similar strategies to yours: lots and lots of fruits and veggies (three quarters of my plate in the buffet, for sure!), plenty of extra walking, active excursions, and steps instead of elevators. And although I will very occasionally indulge in a "drink of the day" frou frou concoction (and definitely plan to try a Rum Swizzle in Bermuda!), I actually prefer wine or a mixed drink with a diet mixer.


But I still have over three months before the cruise, and I feel great about my progress so far. Not just on the scale, but also in the control I feel over my choices. I use a tracking app on my iPhone, and it really helps me to plan my day and make sure I get my good health guidelines in. The only one I often don't get is the dairy; I get 2, but since I am over 50 I am technically supposed to get 3. Some days I manage, but usually I have other things I want to use my points for!


Enough rambling for now - good luck making it to one-derland, I know you can do it! Best wishes to all.



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Hi to all, just checking in. Its been quite awhile since I posted here. I do read everyone's post quite often, and its great to see everyone is doing so well!:D

Jane, have a great cruise. I will miss seeing you in Barbados. We don't go until April 11. It would have been so great to be there the same time as you. Great job on your weight loss this week.

I have been struggling all Fall and winter. Gain one week, lose the next. But when I look back I have been slowly going down, just very slowly! My WI this week was down 2.2 but the week before was a stay the same. I was hoping to be at 190 by our cruise, now my mini goal is 200. But with my weigh in this week, I have surpassed 60 pounds, so good for me!

I see there are still lots of advice on here. Thanks for posting the weight watchers article about helpful hints for eating on a cruise. Last year, I was careful, but did eat when I wanted to, just used the stairs, walked everyday, and drank lots of water. When I got weighed the week after my cruise I was down 0.2.

This year I will basically do the same thing. I won't deprive myself of anything, but I will try to eat lots of salads and fruits, use the stairs, walk the track, maybe go to the exercise room, drink lots of water.

Someone asked me the other day what my biggest eating change was since starting WW a year ago. I said I really haven't deprived myself of anything, but I look at everything before I eat it and decide if I really want it or not, most times if its something not really healthy, I decide no.

The only thing I have not had in 14 months was a pepsi! I used to drink about 2 litres a day before I joined WW. I have had diet pepsi, but not the real thing. At first I was afraid if I had a drink of it, I would be right back drinking loads of it. Now I don't even ever want it. Of course I eat much healthier now, but that was probably my biggest single change.

Anyway, good luck to everyone this week, anyone with a cruise really soon, have a great one!


SW 264

CW 203.3

mini goal- 200 by Apr 11

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Goodmorning fellow WW friends. I am so glad that I found this forum.

My name is Cari and I live in Indiana. I am 47 yrs old, and was divorced last year after 25 yrs of marriage. I am a mother of 2. I have been a WW member since 2003 and made lifetime in 2004. I had gone to my meetings religiously until just before the divorce. I have put back on 26 lbs because I did not follow my plan during this time. :eek: I have now been blessed with a new man in my life and want to get back on track and get to goal before my cruise in Oct. ( or before) I am going to start tracking as of tomorrow and will do my weigh in next Friday. I weighed this morning on my own scale. Thanks for the opportunity to let me join in.


SW 157.8

CW 148.4

GW 125.0

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So, does anyone have any suggestions for getting their daily water intake in? For some reason, this very hard for me to accomplish. :confused: I've tried the WW water bottle, other cups with straws, bottled water, adding Crystal Light to water, taking water for home to work, etc. I just can't see to get more than 4, maybe 5, glasses of water drank during the day! Weekends seem to be even worse! :( I've repeatedly tried cutting my diet soda out of my drinking, but always end up going back to them. I drink 1% milk in the morning with breakfast, and once in awhile, I'll drink some of the "Fuze Slenderize" or the "Sobe LifeWater" that are zero calories, but they are really sweet tasting to me, so I don't drink them often. My next struggle is consistently adding exercise to my daily routine. :o I have a treadmill that I try to use, but it doesn't see as much use as I would like. There is a TV in the room where the treadmill is so I can watch while I walk, or I can even listen to my iTunes. I even committed to watching reruns of my favorite show (NCIS) only when walking at my WW meeting three weeks ago. That worked for about 10 days, and then I started backing off. :eek: So, HELP, fellow WW members! How do you get your water? :confused: How do you get your exercise? :confused:

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Hello Kameko, I have just returned to following the WW plan after a year long absence ( the post above yours ) and am trying to get back into the routine. Water and excercise is always an issue. For me, I just have to take the bite-the-bullet approach. I just measure out the water and know that at the end of the day it needs to be empty. I love my diet Coke, and reward myself with one each afternoon. I will not allow myself this unless I have faithfully had some of my allotted water. I just pick up the bottle and drink it and watch the level go down. It really surprises me that when I so this on a regular basis, I am not as hungry between meals and I really do feel better with the hydration. I do not like really sweet things either but did find a Crystal Light Flavor that was really good. It is the Natural Cherry Pomegranate Immunity Blend. I had literally tried every flavor out there and not one made we want to buy another box. This flavor however did the trick and I actually look forward to drinking one or two of these each day. You can also mix in cut up orange, lemon or lime slices into a glass of very cold ice water. This is a nice treat as well.


As far as the excercise, That is a bite-the-bullet thing as well. I have a treadmill in the living room in front of the TV. I just turn the TV on and do 30 min to 45 min and get it over with. I use the 3lb hand weights for part of the time. I then do 50 crunches afterwards. I have a problem with carrying my extra weight around the middle so this is necessary for me.


I read somewhere that it takes 3 weeks of doing a task each day to successfully develop a habit.


My problem is will power. My BF can eat anything he wants and not gain an ounce. It's hard for me to have a Lean Cusine Pizza when he has the real thing that is loaded down with the good stuff. I just keep thinking to myself, " You know you want to wear that bikini " Any advice for the Will power ?

Cari in Indy.

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Hello All!

I joined WW yesterday & attended my first meeting. I purchased the monthly pass so I could have access to etools and have a commitment to attend weekly meetings. No way I'm missing meetings if I've paid for them in advance!

I've been overweight my entire life. My weight has been fluctuating like crazy since I got out of high school. I'm 23 years old, 5'3" and 157.4 lbs. At my lowest I was around 137 which is when I met my husband on a cruise and would love to be down to that again or even lower! I always lost weight before by exercising like crazy and going low-carb. Now that I'm living with my husband who can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound, it's been difficult doing low-carb or any sort of diet for that matter.

We're cruising in May of this year and I want to feel somewhat comfortable in a bikini in public. We love to stay up late and sleep it off at the pool the next day. I'm confident that WW will help me succeed! I'm already looking forward to my second meeting.


Good luck to everyone and I look forward to losing with you:D


SW: 157.4

CW: 157.4

GW: 127.4

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So, does anyone have any suggestions for getting their daily water intake in? For some reason, this very hard for me to accomplish. :confused: I've tried the WW water bottle, other cups with straws, bottled water, adding Crystal Light to water, taking water for home to work, etc. I just can't see to get more than 4, maybe 5, glasses of water drank during the day! Weekends seem to be even worse! :( I've repeatedly tried cutting my diet soda out of my drinking, but always end up going back to them. I drink 1% milk in the morning with breakfast, and once in awhile, I'll drink some of the "Fuze Slenderize" or the "Sobe LifeWater" that are zero calories, but they are really sweet tasting to me, so I don't drink them often. My next struggle is consistently adding exercise to my daily routine. :o I have a treadmill that I try to use, but it doesn't see as much use as I would like. There is a TV in the room where the treadmill is so I can watch while I walk, or I can even listen to my iTunes. I even committed to watching reruns of my favorite show (NCIS) only when walking at my WW meeting three weeks ago. That worked for about 10 days, and then I started backing off. :eek: So, HELP, fellow WW members! How do you get your water? :confused: How do you get your exercise?



I find that taking water from home to work with me is great! I have a 32 oz. Nalgene bottle that I fill up with Brita filtered water every day (or before I go to bed at night so it's ready in the morning). I sit at my desk all day with it next to me, always in sight, and take a drink not just when I'm thirsty. I start work at 10am and I'm usually finished it by 3pm and dying for more water! I also start my morning with green tea and another travel mug of it on the way to work. Either my husband or myself prepares it early enough so it's cooled down for the drive to work.

A good way to drink water is with a lemon wedge. At home I ALWAYS have my water with lemon. I never drink anything but water with lemon at home in the evenings, other than green tea that is. On the weekends I agree it's much more difficult to get in the water. My liquids are usually beer :p I just try my best.

For exercise, I suggest doing it in the morning. It's a great way to start your day! I own a treadmill and try to walk at least 45 mins every weekday morning. Once I get home from work I don't feel like exercising one bit.

Good luck with you liquids and exercise! Hope I helped!

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Okay fellow cruisers!!! I need MOTIVATION!!! We cruise in 32 days and I am so not near my goal of 10 lbs. I had said a few weeks back that I wanted to lose my 10 by the 19th of March so that when we went to the city for march break I could find my cute little two piece and sexy little black dress. I have been sick with bronchitis for a week and a half and you'd think I'd have no appetite, I do, just for junk, plus I'm pms'ing right now. Sorry for my rambling. I actually think I do better when I'm working lots and I've been off since last Thursday. Today I found myself on the CArnival website, drolling over the food! I'm really hoping I can get back to exercising really soon as I am still way too out of breath. Haven't done any exercise in two weeks! I really think I need to pull out one of my too small pairs of shorts and hang them on my bathroom vanity mirror or something!

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!!!!

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Sue, thanks for your support (and agreement!). I may be biased, but I think we vacation the right way. At least our way is more fun than trying to stay OP during that time! :D


Susan, nice to see you back! Keep posting, even if just a status update (but you can use more than 140 characters if you want). :cool:


Welcome Cari & Socialcruiser!


Kameko, I just want to add that you might want to relax a little on the water issue -- no reason to stress yourself out! Keep in mind that those "less desirable" drinks of coffee, soda, etc. do help to hydrate you. Recent studies have shown that they aren't as diuretic as previously believed, especially if your body is used to them, which is why even WW includes those in your beverage count. The downside of not-water is that some of those come with calories (tea and coffee don't by themselves, but many like sugar and/or milk/cream in them, so they can be a calorie temptation). Also the body doesn't NEED as much as previously thought, you really can go by your thirst.


HOWEVER, that said, I can vouch anecdotally (as many of us can), that I seem to feel less hungry on the days that I'm drinking more water, so if you're in the mood for a munch or meal when you know you don't "need" one, try guzzling some water or a beverage first. Like others here, I tend to keep a nalgene or stainless steel water bottle in my bag, and when I feel a little thirsty/board/snackish, I take a few drinks of water. It just seems to keep me satisfied more.


Another tip: some have mentioned lemon or Crystal Light in their water... you can also do other fruit/veg such as lime, orange, a maraschino cherry (I know, it has calories, but a couple won't kill your day) or even a slice of cucumber or melon. Also, some days, plain water depresses me, so I'll stir in some Tang -- I know it has sugar, but I don't do fake sugar so Crystal Light is out for me -- I don't do the whole recommended amount; just a teaspoon or two in a 32oz bottle gives me flavor for less than a point. Keep in mind that studies show that people who drink flavored water drink more water overall than people who don't, so feel free to indulge in a full-sugar Vitamin Water (20oz bottle = 2 pts; and I'll often water this down as well), but they also have the naturally sweetened Vitamin Water 10 and Vitamin Water Zero.


I know you've tried some of these, but I gotta be honest, the one that works the best is to always have a full bottle with me (if I let it get empty, I'll find reasons to avoid filling it up for some reason) and drink it if I get hungry.


As for the exercise, I've had trouble with this as well. In the past, what's worked best is tracking my progress -- I like to record my exercise time in my SparkPeople.com profile -- you can set a goal, and Sparkpeople tells you how close you are. I say this now, and I've been off the exercise thing for a while, though I've recently started a yoga class that's being held at my place of business during lunch time on Wednesdays. Today was class 2 and I'm still loving that. I've also had bouts of walking on my treadmill, and using my wii fit, both fairly regularly, but I've fallen off both those wagons for a while. If I find a trick, I'll let you know.


This is for both Kameko and Kelbre: I have a friend who once posted: "If you're tired, work out. If you're hungry, drink some water."


I have to say, sometimes that works for me. (Not as often as I'd like.)


And Kelbre, I just wanted to post to give you some encouragement. You CAN do this. I'm in a similar boat. I want to lose 10 more pounds by 4/15, and I think I might post a no-loss again tomorrow, though I've been mostly "good" this past week. Ugh.


But that mostly good gives me confidence; I've been able to make better food choices (those stinkin' filling foods that WW is so preachy about!:rolleyes:), and it really has been keeping me full. I've also gone back to embracing the idea that I don't have to put something in my mouth everytime I feel my stomach twinge. (I was so not ok with this during the Fall and holidays.) I realize that sometimes I talk my own stomach into grumbling when I feel like snacking, so I'm trying to wait it out or drink some water, or if the feeling won't go away, to choose a carrot or fat-free popcorn.


The WW discussion a few weeks back about real hunger helped, especially the bit about "if you are hungry for something specific, you probably aren't really hungry." I'm trying to wait until that carrot actually sounds appetizing. (And when it does, and then I eat it, it really is satisfying. God, stop me, I sound like a skinny person! How disgusting! :o)


And I'm trying to repeat some of my favorite mantras, such as: "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want in the moment." (This one wouldn't have worked for me during the Fall and the holidays, because in those moments, I would have told you that what I wanted most was to eat whatever I was about to eat. And it was true. I honestly thought about my weight goals before eating, but I wanted to eat more than I wanted to make my goal. That's when it's bad!)


I understand the sick (I'm about comfort food then, too) and the PMSing (big time on the comfort food!)... just try to portion it. If chocolate is your thing, go out and buy a wonderful chocolate bar (Godiva has a chocolate bar with 5 segments, and each one is about 1 point -- totally rich and creamy chocolate, that really satisfies... I'm not a sweets person, but hubby is, and a major chocoholic at that, and one of these squares satisfies each of us!), then break off 1-2 points worth (track it) and close your eyes and sit and do nothing but let it melt in your mouth. This will take a few minutes (and even if you're crazy busy you have enough time to sit for 2 minutes... go in the bathroom & lock the door if nothing else works!).


Or if you prefer wine, pour a glass, count the 2 points in your tracker, and sip and really enjoy the wine. You can make the room in your plan for this, and yet you will feel like you really indulged.


Just pick and portion those treats, and let yourself really enjoy them, and tell yourself you deserved them (Do NOT feel guilty!! Try to never swallow guilt with your treats -- they have 2x the calories this way! ;))


Ok, gotta run... Thin thoughts to you!!

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Yup, as I suspected, I posted no loss this week... actually a gain. Up 1.8. Frustrating! Because I had a pretty decent week... though I drank & ate too much at the Oscar party on Sunday. :o


I will keep at it! still shooting for 11 more lbs gone by 4/15 :eek:, which will be a feat! But hopefully by shooting for the stars, I'll at least hit the moon.


I've come to the conclusion that I really must get my activity in there. (Dang it! :rolleyes:) And sleep. Sleep would be good. But this stupid tax preparation thing is kicking my but, so sleep has been foresaken. May need to shoot for a nap at some point!!


Best wishes to you all -- keep thinking those thin thoughts!


SW: 246.2

CW: 207.2

GW: 154

MiniGoal: 195/196.2 by 4/15, in time for cruisin'!

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Goodmorning fellow Weight Watcher's, Hope everyone has had a good week and followed plan. I stepped back into a WW meeting this past Wed. after being MIA for more than a year. It felt really good to reconnect with others that are sharing the same " dream ", weight loss. I got on the scale and was a little put-off by what I saw but getting back on plan will help me to focus and start over. For me, I will not succeed if I do not: #1. attend weekly meetings, #2. Journal. I purchased a 3 mo. journal and have kept it handy. I will live by the motto, " It I bite it I will write it. "

We have a lady in our meeting that joined about 2.5 years ago, she hit goal and has gone through maintance. Her total loss, 140 lbs. !!! How awsome is that? She does not even look like the same person. She told us that prior to joining, she considered the Gastric-Bypass. She said she was so glad she went the WW rounte because the weight came off slow and healthy and she had the "Tools for Life " which I believe is so important. Yes, a quick fix would be nice sometime but having the tools to actually know how to change one's lifestye is the long term fix that is so important.

My little success this week was that my BF took me to see the new "Avitar" movie at the theatre yesterday and this was the very first time EVER that I did not order popcorn to view a movie. I brought a WW 1pt bar, a 100 cal pack of crackers and a bottle of water spiked with Crystal Lite. 3 pts total. My BF had the bucket of buttered popcorn, he sat next to me and it smelled SO good, but I kept this vision in my mind of how I wanted to look pool side on my upcoming cruise. I hope this vision will keep working for me. I will just take it a day at a time.

Good luck everyone. Cari in Indy. :)

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Hi Cari and all fellow WW supporters. I cruise in 82 days (Norweigan Jewel) and went back to WW 3 weeks ago.


SW 182.8

CW 178.0

GW 160.0


I'm on CruiseCritic all the time because I love looking foward to my upcoming cruises, planning, meeting folks on the roll call, etc.


Today was my 3rd week weigh in with WW, I did everything right this week and I was up .6 pounds. I was so disappointed so instead of feeing my disappointment with food I decided to pop back on CruiseCritic and see what folks were talking about on my roll calls, etc. Wow, talk about divine intervention :-), I found this thread. It's a long thread and I only read the last few posts but thought I'd say hi and hopefully find some people to walk along this WW journey with me.


Thanks -- Maria (Elationismyship)

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Wow I am so glad to have found this post! My name is Carrie, I am 32 from Arlington, TX. I have been going to WW for several years. I lost 80 lbs at one point but put it all back on. I struggled for about two years with virtually no motivation. Back in December I was hospitalized for six days with multiple pulimary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs). Then I was told at the end of January that I was going to have to have a hysterectomy since I had to stop taking birth control due to them being the main cause of my blood clots. Since I have been off the birth control I have had numerous problems. Ok I know I have bored you all but I said all that to say that the Dr. said he wouldn't do surgery til I lost 50 lbs. I had until the end of April. Well I have lost almost 17 lbs and am still going. I just need to keep going because the truth is the 50 lbs is just the tip of the iceberg. We are going on the Oasis in June and I wish I didn't have to always wonder if I will be able to fit in the chairs on the balcony, etc. I know I will get there in due time, but it is just so hard!

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Goodmorning Fellow WW friends,

Is everyone ready for a great weekend? Weekends are always a challange due to breaking routine from the work week. My plan to get through it is to focus on the activity not the food. We are going to a local 4-H fundraiser today. The kids will have certain craft and food items for sale. I have already planned to focus on the crafts and just give a donation for the food items or to buy just a diet pop. It would be really nice if they had some fresh fruit for sale. Perhaps I will suggest that.


Maria, do not be discourged by the .6 gain. If you are following plan then you have nothing to worry about. It could just be all of the extra water that you are drinking or the time of day that you weigh. Keep following plan and you will see results. Do not lose motivation by this. You can do it. Go Maria ! :)


Carrie, Keep up the good work. One day at a time. You will get there.


This forum is so great to help each other with accountibility and encourgement. We all need this.

Has anyone tried the new WW chocolate-carmel-pretzel 1pt bars? They gave out free samples this week at the meetings here. They are so very good. They just hit the spot for that 3pm crash that I have every afternoon. One with a cup of herbal tea does the trick. I bought the Pizza-pretzel snack chips this week too. Havn't tried them yet. I have to keep a WW snack arsenal or I get in trouble.

Have a good Saturday everyone. Cari

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Hi, all, happy Saturday!


Haven't posted in a while, glad to see we have some new ladies joining us all on the journey.


I maintained last week, but I was okay with that, because I overindulged a bit on the weekend. It's all a process, I am learning, and I am getting much better about allowing myself to not be perfect! Just keeping the big picture in mind has been my best strategy.


Drinking water is one thing I do NOT have trouble doing. I drink water all day long! I am with everyone else, it definitely makes me feel less hungry when I drink a lot of it.


And the sentiment that if I am REALLY hungry, any food (including, say, 0-point veggies!) will satisfy that hunger, is a good one. If it feels as if only some type of junk food will fill that "hole", then it's not physical hunger, it's a craving.


Good luck to all, have a great weekend!


SW 200

CW 186

GW 160

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Today was my last weigh in before i leave for my cruise on Wednesday and i had lost 4.5lb making a total of 48lb.

Last year i cruised for the first time and gained 14lb on the 3 week cruise even though i thought i was "being good". This year i'm hoping not to gain so much!!! My plan is to walk the mile each morning, use the gym and take part on the mountain bike shore excursions. In August i'm taking part on a charity trek raising money for Diabetes so i don't want to gain.

For anyone one struggling with weight loss and excercise, i joined a gym at the beginning of February to improve my stamina and fitness ready for the trek and for the first 2 weeks STS, then the next week gained 1.5lb, even though i was following weight watchers, then last week and this lost 4.5lb. So don't give up as it will start falling off.


SW 254

CW 206

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Wow, you all have motiviated me so much by reading your last few posts. I weighted in on Friday and was up .6 pounds even though I did everything right . . . I was discouraged and had french fries that night and then Saturday was very hard to stay on plan, ate about 6 points over. But, I'm back to focus! Thanks again all.


Oh, and the chocolate pretzel bars are incredible!

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Have a great cruise Jane!!! We leave in 4 weeks. Even if you do gain a little during the cruise, don't be hard on yourself over it and just get back on track as soon as you get home. If you get right back to the gym you will be in great shape for your charity trek in the summer. Don't fret the whole cruise about whether you gain or not!


I weighed in yesterday and was up .2, I am okay with that as I was away last week for a couple of days to visit my daughter and we ate out a few times! Plus it was her birthday. Due to being really busy at work this week I only went to the gym once so that didn't help either. I vow to get there at least three times this week.


Hoosiercouple- I really like the WW snack bars and chees twists and pretzels too, however, watch them as they are very high in sodium so not good for anyone who has high blood pressure and they will make you retain water, therefore weight. As our WW leader always says, watch the low calorie things that taste so good, there4 has to be something in them to give the good taste. Now, having said all this, I do stil eat them all, I just try not to eat too many!


Have a good week everyone!



SW 264

CW 204

mini goal- 200 by April 10!

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