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Good job Frances, keep up the great success !


Social, Way to go girl. Over 9 pounds!!! :eek: Maybe we should all go to Vegas :D I Know when I was in Vegas we did do a lot of walking. I also avoided the buffets and just stuck to a light lunch. We did do some nice dinners but I think the walking helped to balance everything out. Congrats and glad to have you back. Cari

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I used the WW olive oil rosemary pretzels for a breading on pork chops last weekend. I crushed them up really find, drizzled the chops with olive oil, pressed them into the crumbs and baked them. They were so good. I roasted potatoes and onions with rosemary seasoning to compliment the chops.


Congrats to everybody losing after vacations or unplanned meals!! You Go Girls!

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kleo, that does sound delicious!


Frances, the WW pretzel thins can only be bought at WW meeting locations. They are not available in store. This goes for other WW products such as granola bars, 1 pt bars, gummies, oatmeal, smoothies and merchandise such as WW pedometer, scale, etc.


Speaking of WW food, I will give my review of some stuff I ate today. I thoroughly enjoyed my 1 pt WW string cheese. I felt like a little kid again pulling it apart. It was kinda fun :p I ate a WW 1 pt peach yogurt. It was good, not great. I feel like I could taste the artificial sweetener quite a bit. Otherwise it wasn't bad. Now this I've had for a while, but not written about... the WW 1 pt cheese wedges (like Laughing Cow has). I had the garlic herb flavour I believe. I spread it on the new Wheat Thins flatbread (1 pt for TWO pieces and they are HUGE crackers and not full of air either, yummy yummy!). I quite like the spreadable cheese. It's a nice change from cream cheese once in a while. I've yet to try the Laughing Cow light cheeses yet, but I will next time since I'm sure they're cheaper.

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I'm extremely bored at work so I thought I'd post a delicious recipe, one that I'm making for dinner tonight! My step sister introduced us to it and yummmm!


Roasted Veggie Pizza


1 pizza crust (try to find whole wheat)

1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

1 cup halved plum tomatoes

1 cup chopped mushrooms

1 cup sliced bell peppers

1/2 chopped red onion

10 chopped olives


1-2 chopped garlic cloves (depends on how much you like garlic, I LOVE IT)

2 tbsp basil

1/2 tsp olive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1/4 tsp ground black pepper


1. preheat oven to 500 degrees F.

2. Measure oil, vinegar, basil, pepper and garlic in bowl and whisk together. Pour over chopped veggies and toss well to coat.

3. Place veggies on baking sheet and bake for 10 mins or until tender.

4. Remove veggies from oven and reduce heat to 450 degrees F.

5. Evenly spread veggies onto pizza crust. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 8-10 mins until cheese is melted.

6. Cut into wedges. 1/4 of 12 inch pizza is only 4 points!


The great thing about this recipe is you can mix and match any veggies you want. I have made it with broccoli, baby corn, cauliflower, asparagus, zucchini and carrots. I've also made it with chicken. Before WW I would put much more than 1 cup of mozza on it, but tonight I will make it properly. It's a very filling recipe. If you're someone who likes to dip their pizza, then try Wishbone Fat Free Ranch dressing. One serving is 0 points! Yes, ZERO!

It's an easy recipe. I chopped up all of the veggies this morning before work so it's all ready to go when I get home. Trust me, you will all love it! :)

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While we're recipe-ing/product reviewing.. I made the sausage and broccoli casserole that they featured on the WW website yesterday for dinner tonight. It was meh. Very bready. I ate it, it was fine, but I definitely don't think I'd make it again. Oh and I SWEAR those rosemary and olive oil pretzels make me sneeze, I know it sounds crazy, but the night we were giving out the samples, I was starving, so I was sneaking some between weighing people in, and I seriously sneezed after every single one I ate. I'm such a weirdo haha. Also, very easy to find other string cheese that is 1 point and cheaper than the WW stuff.. Sargento reduced fat, I know there are some others out there too.. I buy whatevers on sale. And the WW yogurt.. blech, I'm a HUGE fan of artificial sweetners, but I can't handle the awful taste the yogurt has, I also don't care for the Fiber One yogurt.


Congrats to all who have had good weigh ins this week despite some struggles. I'll be on the scale tomorrow night.. and TWO WEEKS away from setting sail.. here's to hoping for some positive results!!

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Thanks for the recipe Social, it sounds wonderful.

We also received the samples of the Rosemary and Olive Oil pretzels back a few weeks ago. They would probably make a great breading but just to eat them out of the bag IMO the flavors were very strong. I do love the pizza flavor though. Oh and the 1pt chocolate-pretzel treats are to die for. Our WW location has been out of them for the past 2 weeks. They can't keep them stocked on the shelves. Those and the new 2pt choco-pb bars.


I do buy the WW brand string cheese because our meeting always supplies a stack of coupons for WW and some other healthy products. I find that with the coupon, they are a very good price. Without one though, I wouldn't hesitate to try another brand. I cut one of the string cheeses up into a salad and make a light dressing with my alloted olive oil, lots of oregano and garlic and a splash of balsamic or red wine vinegar. The new WW cheese wedges and Wheat Thin things sound really good, I will have to look for them when I shop this week. This might be a good idea for a light lunch too.



ATStars- I have not tried that WW recipe that you are talking about. It does sound very good though.

I am trying to build up a recipe collection for both breakfast and lunch ideas. I posted a thread to give me some new ideas as it is just myself for these two meals and I am eating the same things over and over again. When I get bored I tend to binge so I am trying to nip-it-in-the-bud ( I always thought it was butt, but Rick says it is bud) anyway, I got a few new ideas to go on and am going to check out some new healthy recipe sites. I just need something that I can portion out for mabye Bkft and lunch that will last a few days. I eat Sp K cereal and lite toast w/one egg over and over, same with my 3 or 4 lunchs that I rotate around. It is really hard to cook for just one.



Have a good Thursday everyone! :) Cari

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Nothing like a boring morning at work and being totally antsy about vacation.. I have total weekenditis already.. good thing I'm off tomorrow! Back to the string cheese thing.. I also use them for recipes that call for shredded mozzarella, I either take the time to sit there and pull it apart (it can be quite therapeutic! Haha) or cut it into thirds and just stick it in the mini food processor and pulse it a few times, I find it melts better.


I have a few weeks worth of menus at home that I've created so I have TONS of low point breakfast and lunch ideas.. I will be sure to type them up when I get a chance and add to the new thread. More than likely won't be until later tonight or tomorrow. Everything is very low point though, as I don't like to spend more than 3 points tops on breakfast and lunch, you can always add to them though!

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Nothing like a boring morning at work and being totally antsy about vacation.. I have total weekenditis already.. good thing I'm off tomorrow! Back to the string cheese thing.. I also use them for recipes that call for shredded mozzarella, I either take the time to sit there and pull it apart (it can be quite therapeutic! Haha) or cut it into thirds and just stick it in the mini food processor and pulse it a few times, I find it melts better.


I have a few weeks worth of menus at home that I've created so I have TONS of low point breakfast and lunch ideas.. I will be sure to type them up when I get a chance and add to the new thread. More than likely won't be until later tonight or tomorrow. Everything is very low point though, as I don't like to spend more than 3 points tops on breakfast and lunch, you can always add to them though!



ATStars, thank you. I am less then 20 lbs away from my goal now and know if I don't keep the mind-set that this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix diet then I will not be able to maintain. This is my second time around and I want it to be may last. With only 20 pts ( and I think I may actually lose a pt soon, not sure) anyway, yes low pt bkft and lunches would be a great idea for me. For me, meal planning with only 20 pts is always difficult.


We have a lady in our Friday morning meeting that has lost over 100 lbs and another that has lost almost 80, she also has 20 more to go to reach her goal. They are such an inspiration. Also, it doesn't matter if it is the first 20 or the last 20, a pound is a pound. They always come in to the meetings with some really good ideas. One brought in some brownies made with pumpkin. I didn't try one because they were 6pts each. I don't like spending 6 of my 20 for a snack. We also have a great leader, she is full of great ideas and is really a great at motivating.


Thanks Cari

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6 points on a brownie.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I would never. Most brownies from box mixes are only 4 points each.. did she she make them with pumpkin lard??? That seems crazy to me.


As far as weight losses go, I work with some truly inspiring women (and one guy!) out of all the leaders in my center, I've lost the least at 55lbs (but I'm the skinniest so I'll take it.. haha!), the others have lost 60 (two of them), 75, 80, 90, and 130lbs. I've also been at goal the shortest, it'll be 2 years for me on May 20th, some of them have been at goal for over 20 years.. thats the kind of success I want. Weight in general is a long journey, getting as heavy as you do, losing it all, and most important maintaining it. I've been lucky enough to realize early on that as long as I'm motivated, satisfied, and happy.. I am good to go. I don't want to be a 'repeat offender' I'm young, and I want this to be the one and only time in my life that I need to do this.


So as a question for the day, what was everyones breaking point.. when did you finally say enough is enough, I need to do something about this? For me, it was on September 25, 2007.. I had been busting out of my size 12's for a while (now keep in mind, I'm only 5' so for me to be a size 12 was huge) and had decided to try the Atkins diet.. I was probably 2 weeks in and craving carbs like none other.. I was at the mall, and decided to go to McDonalds in the food court and get a burger, lose the bun.. and for some reason, I got fries. Needless to say, I ended up sitting in the middle of the mall food court, I ate the burger and I decided it couldn't hurt to just put the fries in my mouth, you know, to get the taste and not eat them. So I literally sat there IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOOD COURT.. sucking the life out of these french fries. I then decided to go buy new pants.. size 14's. While walking through the mall I noticed the Weight Watchers center and decided to go in.. I filled out the paperwork and what do you know... there was a meeting about to start, so I went in, sat down and said to everyone that I didn't know why I was there and that there was no way I could do it. But I tried.. I followed the plan and was surprised at how easy it was.. I went back the next week and was down 1.4lbs, it was the best feeling ever. From then on, I was hooked. This was almost 3 years ago and to this day I have not missed a meeting. That saying 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,' is totally true for me. I often try to think about where I'd be today if it weren't for that mental breakdown in the mall..

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OMG, What a great story. How fortunate that there was a WW center right there. Was is near the food Court? :eek:



I was at the dentist's office reclined in the chair when he started to explain to me that certain procedures would not be recommended to be done on a pregnant woman, he asked me when I was due. I wasn't even pregnant! I was mortified. Tears started to run down my face and I couldn't stop crying. The dentist just laughed it off and covered his A** and said that he must have been thinking about another patient. Yeah-right!!! Needless to say I cried all the way home and never went back to that same dentist again. At this point I had already lost some weight by taking diet pills but did not excercise or eat healthy, so I was flabby and carried most of my weight around the middle. I went to my doctor for HBP and she took me off the diet pills (she was not the one who prescribed these) and directed me to a WW meeting. She herself was a member and had recently reached goal. She raved about the program and said it is the only one she would ever recommend to her patient's as it is safe and a life-style change not a fad-quick-fix-diet.


I was 205 at my highest wt but 157.8 at my first WW weigh-in in Oct of 2003. I got to goal by March 2004 and maintained until I went through a really bad divorce a couple of years ago and gained back 33 lbs of what I lost. I also stopped going to my meetings and stopped tracking. This time around I decided to lose for "me" so I went back several weeks ago and am doing OK. I would like to see a bigger loss each week but I know if I just stay on plan then it will come off.



BTW--the pumpkin brownies were cut into large squares. IMO they appeared to be double the portion size that I would normally eat.

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Social: Thanks for answering about the WW pretzel thins - I'll have to look for them and the pizza recipe sounds good. I just noticed how soon it is until your cruise - you must be getting excited!


ATS & Cari: Those are good stories. I can imagine how embarassing that must have been at the dentist!


I've been up and down all my adult life. I went to TOPS for several years in St. Louis until we moved to Omaha. I had lost at first but by the time we moved I had gained it all back. I looked up a meeting place here in Omaha and actually did very well but then the last few years it started coming back. I can't fit into many of my clothes and I decided I just don't want to buy any bigger ones. We went to Florida for the month of March and I decided that as soon as I got back home I would join WW and that is what I did. Just in these two weeks I already feel better!



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welcome mamalicious! and good luck with the plan. I have about the same amount to lose as you. I'm already down 9.4 lbs and hoping to lose another 20.


Amongthestars, good question about breaking points. I've been heavy all of my life. My heaviest was 175 lbs in high school. I am 5'3" so that was really heavy, especially for a teenager. I was teased a lot. I went to university and lost about 15 lbs from exercising and eating better. I can't say what my breaking point was back then, I think it was breaking up with my high school boyfriend and realizing that I wasn't an attractive single girl in college and that I did really want to be one, haha. My weigh fluctuated through college and has since I graduated. My lowest weight was 139 lbs which was due to a low carb diet tons and tons of exercise. I was at this weight on the 2007 cruise where I met my husband and I wish I could look like that for him again. I went back up to 150 lbs in my 4th year of college and have hovered around that ever since. I probably lost 5-10 lbs for our wedding, then immediately put it back on (all inclusive honeymoon OOPS!). I always struggle with the fact that my husband is smaller than me. I am so self conscious about it. A friend visited us a couple months ago. We went shopping and I couldn't even fit into a size 12... I felt TERRIBLE. He gave me and my husband a little spiel later that day about being overweight (he is too) and it gave me a burst of motivation. Dieting on my own wasn't working so after talking to a new coworker who was on WW I decided to give it a shot. Seeing 157.4 lbs at my first weigh-in was probably the ultimate breaking point when I knew I needed to take this seriously (since my home scale said I was around 150 eek!). My upcoming cruise is great motivation to keep me going! I would love to lose another 5 lbs by then, if not more.


Sorry if I rambled on there a bit! But this is a good place to do it, right? hehe:p

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Welcome Mamalicious - I'm sure you'll be able to lose what you want if you stick with it. I just started two weeks ago and am not hungry at all and don't feel deprived. Good luck!


Social: I forgot to ask what pizza crust you use - a certain brand? Where do you get it??? thanks



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Welcome Mamalicious - I'm sure you'll be able to lose what you want if you stick with it. I just started two weeks ago and am not hungry at all and don't feel deprived. Good luck!


Social: I forgot to ask what pizza crust you use - a certain brand? Where do you get it??? thanks





I bought Boboli brand pizza crust, the thin crust. The regular crust is only 1 more point. The whole wheat (which my grocery store, Ralphs, doesn't carry) is 1 point less than the thin crust. I'm sure you can find it in most big chain grocery stores.

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I bought Boboli brand pizza crust, the thin crust. The regular crust is only 1 more point. The whole wheat (which my grocery store, Ralphs, doesn't carry) is 1 point less than the thin crust. I'm sure you can find it in most big chain grocery stores.



I didn't have my calculator with me and didn't know if Boboli would be too many points. I saw the thin crust at the store today - I'll check the other stores and look for the whole wheat one - if not I'll get the thin crust. Thanks for the info.



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So as a question for the day, what was everyones breaking point.. when did you finally say enough is enough, I need to do something about this?

I am a repeat offender, but this time it is for life! I lost 70 lbs. when I was 24 and promptly got pregnant. My life was a mess then, my marriage was a mess and I didn't want a baby and really sank into depression. After the baby was born, I just kept gaining.


Then about 6 years ago I decided to try again and was doing really well and was to where I am right now and started having health problems, which I now deal with and will for the rest of my life. But my body went haywire and I started gaining and gaining no matter what, so I quit WW and again got depressed, which didn't help. Finally my body quit being totally whacked and I learned to live with this.


And so in June of '08 I just had had it. I was back to 250, and the only time I had weighed that before when the day I delivered my 2nd baby. I decided that I had to do something, no matter how long it takes to lose the weight, because really I just needed to eat healthier for me whole life and not just to lose. But man is it hard to stay motivated when it is piddly. So I started doing WW at home on my own in June '08 and lost 14 lbs., then the holidays came and I quit tracking. Then my husband joined WW in Jan. '09 and I tried to do it at home to save on paying 2 membership fees. But the end of Feb. I joined. I've lost 48.8 lbs. more since joining WW, so a total of 62.8 since June '08. I am aiming to be 145, so I have roughly 42 lbs. to lose. I want to do that by my birthday in Feb., which is 43 weeks. I have been averaging .6 lbs. a week since Jan. 1, so I am not getting my hopes up that I will make that goal, but I will be closer than I am today. My chronic health issues makes weight loss so incredibly slow.


Anyway, my husband's success really encouraged me to join and follow the program like they wrote it. I was tracking my points, but still eating whatever I felt like and not following the healthy guidelines. So I figured if I'm paying for it, I will actually follow it. It works better when I do that. BTW, my husband has lost 60 lbs. and has about 126 to go.


This is us June '08.




This is us on Easter this year.



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Wow Kelly, what great before and after shots! I can only imagine the feeling looking at those photos side by side. You have both done an amazing job and look great!

My husband took a before picture of me (in a bikini so none of you get to see that!) and I can't wait to take an after picture in a few weeks to see my progress. It will be great motivation to keep losing until goal :)

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Wow Kelly! You both look awesome, pass along our words of encouragement and praise to hubby too!


I had my meeting/weigh in tonight.. maintained.. same as last week.. can't really complain as I did have a rough week food wise and didn't set foot in the gym once. I did have a great meeting though.. a few new members, and of course my usual bad eggs that just drive me nuts.. one of these days I will get through to them!


@Frances - if you forget your points calculator, 9 times out of 10 if you just assume 1 point for every 50 calories you'll usually end up within a point or two of what it actually is. Just an observation I've made over the years. I in no way condone doing this all the time or starting to count calories instead of points, just saying in a pinch, this usually works. Good luck!

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Hi everyone! What a GREAT idea!!!


My name is Janice and I joined WW the beginning of February. I weigh in on Saturday and hope to reach my 10% goal this coming Saturday! I have been overweight for years...I had two children in 18 months and then had a hysterectomy when my youngest was 6 weeks...UGH! My weight problems were compounded in 1995 when I broke my back! I FINALLY decided enough was enough and it was time to take action. I attend meetings and my DH has joined online! It really helps to have his support but I am so jealous of the extra 8 points he gets :)


SW: 223

CW: 202

GW: I think 170, but I'm not sure yet

I am 5'5' and will be 49 in June

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Wow Kelly! You both look awesome, pass along our words of encouragement and praise to hubby too!


I had my meeting/weigh in tonight.. maintained.. same as last week.. can't really complain as I did have a rough week food wise and didn't set foot in the gym once. I did have a great meeting though.. a few new members, and of course my usual bad eggs that just drive me nuts.. one of these days I will get through to them!


@Frances - if you forget your points calculator, 9 times out of 10 if you just assume 1 point for every 50 calories you'll usually end up within a point or two of what it actually is. Just an observation I've made over the years. I in no way condone doing this all the time or starting to count calories instead of points, just saying in a pinch, this usually works. Good luck!

Thanks ladies. I'll be sure to let Doug know.


I thought I was the only one that was annoyed (maybe that's not the right word) by some of the members. We have 2 retired ladies that are friends and come to our meeting, sit on the front row and talk loudly through the entire thing. They go to FL in the winter and I am dreading them coming back.

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Hi everyone! What a GREAT idea!!!


My name is Janice and I joined WW the beginning of February. I weigh in on Saturday and hope to reach my 10% goal this coming Saturday! I have been overweight for years...I had two children in 18 months and then had a hysterectomy when my youngest was 6 weeks...UGH! My weight problems were compounded in 1995 when I broke my back! I FINALLY decided enough was enough and it was time to take action. I attend meetings and my DH has joined online! It really helps to have his support but I am so jealous of the extra 8 points he gets :)


SW: 223

CW: 202

GW: I think 170, but I'm not sure yet

I am 5'5' and will be 49 in June

Hi Janice :)


I hear you on the extra points. Doug has 43 points a day; I have 23.


I hope you get your 10% Saturday!

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