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Thanks ladies. I'll be sure to let Doug know.


I thought I was the only one that was annoyed (maybe that's not the right word) by some of the members. We have 2 retired ladies that are friends and come to our meeting, sit on the front row and talk loudly through the entire thing. They go to FL in the winter and I am dreading them coming back.

Haha nope, you're definitely not.. and I'm the leader. :rolleyes: I have these three, grandmother, mother, and granddaughter who have been coming to my meeting for over a year now and have maybe lost 5lbs collectively. They do nothing but say over and over "Oh, well that won't work for me," every single suggestion they're given, they just shoot down, whether its from me, or other members. Grandma needs to eat a fun size Milky Way everyday, but if she keeps them in the house, granddaughter will eat the whole bag.. they seriously drive me crazy and I just want to yell at them "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!?" They're obviously don't want it and are not willing to give what it takes. A couple weeks ago, grandma starts with junk food portions being her problem.. she gets suggestions and then as soon as people are done giving her advice, she goes "Oh, well thats not my problem, eating out is." She seriously just makes me want to shake a baby.


Then I have my crier. Every single week without fail, she just sits there and cries through the entire meeting (while moving her dentures around in her mouth making a god awful noise, along with crinkling the plastic bag she keeps all her materials in) and always tries to make 90% of the meeting about her.. I spend most of my time trying to get the conversation back on everyone, as opposed to just her. Phew. That felt good haha.. rant over.

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Kelly- you and your husband look fantastic!!!


Amongthestars- Vent away! I recently joined a new location, and I remember at my last location, there was this lady who thought it was all about her. When the leader asked a question, she would scream out her answer even before the leader finished her sentence, LOL!!


I went over my point yesterday by 5 points, so I dipped into my WPA.

Today I am off from work and doing way better. I went food shopping today, and whatever snacks I bought, I wrote out how many points they are worth on them. I also made sure to buy snack size bags for when I return to work. I will have to be alittle more organized, and make time before bed so I can get my lunch and snacks together as I leave for work by 545am.


So I have 9 points left for dinner? Does that sound about right? I have 24 points a day.

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What a great idea to post before and after pictures...what a difference. You look great.

Amongthestars: loved your story about the McDonald's fries in the food court...also about some of the people who try to dominate meetings &/or undermine them. Hope to see more of your ideas!

We joined WW about 3 years ago. My husband, retired chef:rolleyes:, makes the most delicious food and loves snacks... So about 50 pounds later after moving here I started walking and water walking, then later yoga. I lost several pounds.

Meanwhile my husband's doctor hit just the right nerve with his "Got your lab results: You're dying...not today, not this week, but you are about to have serious problems."

We were thinking about Nutrisystem, but our health program nurse happened to call and mention that she had co-workers who were losing weight and successfully keeping it off with WW. So we decided to join.

My husband started hiking. (We could barely make it around a 1/4 mile long circle when we first moved here.) Weight melted off, and he hiked more and more...lost 70 pounds in about 6 months!

I moved into Jazzercise (5 day a week habit!:D), and with that and WW lost 40 pounds in about a year and a half.

To top it off my husband's daughter (in her 20's) lost 70# too!!

But we stopped going to meetings, and guess the rest! Now we're back at weekly meetings and following the program. My husband quickly reached goal, and I lost 3 # down, 7 to go. We ate well all week: a pork roast, broccoli, and sweet potatoes with cinnamon one night, chicken breast and salad another, lots of fruit recently, etc.

BTW at our last meeting one of our WW friends reached her 100# goal. We were so excited to celebrate her milestone!:):)

Loved the recipe and would love to see more. We need to change our meals and snacks to stay on track...

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Welcome Janice! Sounds like your already doing a fabulous job. Way to go!


I hear y'all on annoying members. My group is pretty good, very small too, so small we're getting canceled and combined with the earlier group :-( I hope I can make the earlier time! But we have a couple of women who reallllllly like to talk. Our team leader likes to get everyone involved and these 2 women do not know how to give a simple answer when asked a question. It's funny because one of the other members is thinking what the rest of us are and will try to cut them off so we can get back on track with the team leader. I get a good chuckle out of it.


AmongTheStars, I hear ya about the ladies who make excuses and aren't losing weight. I'm having the same issue with my coworker WW buddy... she's not a great buddy anymore. Lately she's always telling me how she did so bad the day before, ate a ton of junk food and drank so many beers. I keep trying to encourage her and tell her how good she'll feel to get back on track. She's already lost over 20 lbs. But it's getting seriously annoying when she talks about getting back on track and the next day tells me about the onion rings, chocolate, hot dogs and beer she drank... I wanna slap some sense into her. Even at work she will eat whatever anyone puts in front of her, which is usually deep fried and greasy (we work at a comedy club with a restaurant in it)! I easily refuse it because I always bring my own lunch from home with a chocolate 1 pt bar if I'm craving sweets, but she NEVER refuses. I just don't get it... But oh well, her loss... or gain I guess.


Tonight hubby and I are going out for sushi. I went online yesterday and read WW articles and Hungry Girl's blog to get tips for sushi. I already have a menu for the restaurant we plan on eating at so I started figuring out point values. I'm have a low point lunch to save for dinner, but don't really need to! Miso soup, edamame, sunomono salad and tuna rolls are really low in points for eating out. Even a california roll isn't too bad. I love tempura but will stay far away from it tonight. Luckily all hubby ever eats is sashimi (which I'm not a huge fan of, I like rolls), so he won't be ordering any unhealthy items I will be tempted into.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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Haha nope, you're definitely not.. and I'm the leader. :rolleyes: I have these three, grandmother, mother, and granddaughter who have been coming to my meeting for over a year now and have maybe lost 5lbs collectively. They do nothing but say over and over "Oh, well that won't work for me," every single suggestion they're given, they just shoot down, whether its from me, or other members. Grandma needs to eat a fun size Milky Way everyday, but if she keeps them in the house, granddaughter will eat the whole bag.. they seriously drive me crazy and I just want to yell at them "WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!?" They're obviously don't want it and are not willing to give what it takes. A couple weeks ago, grandma starts with junk food portions being her problem.. she gets suggestions and then as soon as people are done giving her advice, she goes "Oh, well thats not my problem, eating out is." She seriously just makes me want to shake a baby.


Then I have my crier. Every single week without fail, she just sits there and cries through the entire meeting (while moving her dentures around in her mouth making a god awful noise, along with crinkling the plastic bag she keeps all her materials in) and always tries to make 90% of the meeting about her.. I spend most of my time trying to get the conversation back on everyone, as opposed to just her. Phew. That felt good haha.. rant over.

That would seriously drive me UP A WALL! How do you smile and go on?


We have a friend that complains to us every week that she gained again; she doesn't track points or follow program so not sure what she expects. I feel like smacking her upside the head.


We had a fabulous meeting today. I love our leader and our meeting. This one is for those needing to lost 50+ lbs. Somehow that makes me feel more comfortable or something. Our leader lost 117 lbs. 7 years ago.


And I met my 50 lbs. since joining WW goal :cooldude: I made the goal of meeting that by my birthday, 2/19. That came and went and so did Easter. I was getting discouraged. I'd also fallen into the horrible habit of NOT counting on Friday. So 4 weeks ago I decided to start tracking on Friday and I'd give it 4 weeks and see what happens.


For the past 3 weeks my losses were the same piddly thing. Today I went in with the attitude that if I didn't lose more than .6, I was not tracking on Friday again, this being the end of my 4 week trial lol.


Well, I lost 1.8!! I got my 50 lbs. washer LOL. I'm now down 50.6 since joining WW (which was end of Feb. 09) and 64.6 total from my highest weight. I am so happy. And needless to say I am going to keep tracking on Friday. It just took 4 weeks for it to kick in.


Yesterday I was feeling so discouraged that I'd never reach my goal by my birthday next year. I want to get to goal by then so that I can have time to shop and buy all new clothes for our April cruise. I need to average a pound a week, and that just hasn't been happening. It may still not happen. I have 40.4 lbs. to go and only 42 weeks to do it. But I'll be a heck of a lot closer. And if I'm a size 10, well my sister gave me an adorable wardrobe in that size with sundresses, a cocktail dress, capris, skirts, slacks and shorts. I'll just need tops. I'm hoping to be an 8 when I get to goal, which she is also giving me :)


I am glad I've been looking toward the long-term goal and not just what I did this week, because I would have given up as discouraged as I was. This was the shot in the arm I needed for my mental state though.

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ATS: Thanks for the tip if I don't have my point calculator with me. I'll try to remember that. Also...you are at goal so maintaining is good. What cruise are you going to be on?


Welcome Janice - I hope you reach your 10% goal tomorrow.


Kelly: Good job!!! You must be thrilled with your 50 lb loss - keep up the good work.



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That would seriously drive me UP A WALL! How do you smile and go on?

I just constantly repeat "What works for some people doesn't always work for everyone else, so perhaps when you find something that works, share with us and it'll help someone else." It's hard to just smile and go on when I want to choke someone, but I just need to think about the struggles I faced on my journey and realize that to her right now it probably seems impossible, just as it did to me once.


Frances - I will be on the Carnival Miracle two weeks from today out of New York, going to Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, and Nassau.


Oh, and my names Erica.. not sure if I ever mentioned that. :)

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I've done weight watchers several times but never seem to stick it out until my goal weight. I'm hoping that the support on this board will help me. Baby steps right now, I want to lose just 10 lbs before my cruise at the end of May (May 31). It's doable, but will take some dedication. I'd rather not post my stats if that is okay, other than what I am losing. I weighed in on Monday and have lost 1.5 lbs so far this week. Had a family dinner at a restraunt tonight, didn't eat the whole entree but it sure didn't help things. Unfortunately, there weren't many options on the menu that seemed like good choices. Will be walking a few miles tomorrow to try to offset it, but think I'll still be under my points for the week (or right at it). My 20 year high school reunion is 2 weeks after the cruise, more motivation.



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Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I've done weight watchers several times but never seem to stick it out until my goal weight. I'm hoping that the support on this board will help me. Baby steps right now, I want to lose just 10 lbs before my cruise at the end of May (May 31). It's doable, but will take some dedication. I'd rather not post my stats if that is okay, other than what I am losing. I weighed in on Monday and have lost 1.5 lbs so far this week. Had a family dinner at a restraunt tonight, didn't eat the whole entree but it sure didn't help things. Unfortunately, there weren't many options on the menu that seemed like good choices. Will be walking a few miles tomorrow to try to offset it, but think I'll still be under my points for the week (or right at it). My 20 year high school reunion is 2 weeks after the cruise, more motivation.






Hi Becky, and welcome. 10 sounds very doable by the end of May, especially if you are walking. Activity points make a big difference. I usually see good results on the scale the weeks I stick to my excercise routine. I have also started walking with ankle and hand weights. I don't know if this is feasible for you but I can see a big difference since I have started, especially in my upper arm defination. My WW leader recommended this and so far a lot of ladies in the group have reported good results too. Some ladies even use 1lb cans of vegetables in leiu of the hand weights. Mine are 3lb, but they come in all different weights. The ankle weights just strap around with velcro. Very secure. I love them. Hope this helps. Cari.

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Strange question...I am going on my first cruise next year, probably on Princess (to Alaska). Does anyone know if I can get non-fat half and half onboard to go with my coffee? Thanks...Janice



Hi Janice, I don't know about the Princess Line so cannot answer that but I did wonder the same about CCL Legend. I called my PVP to ask how the room service coffee was served, cup- VS- carafe and did ask about the FF creamer too. I could not get a clear answer on the creamer issue so I decided since I am a big coffee drinker that I am just going to bring the smallest size of FF powdered creamer in my suitcase along with some splenda packets and then just order some skim milk from Room Service. Mixing the powdered creamer and skim really does work well. I use this trick all the time when we vacation. Usually the hotel rooms only give you those little packs with one sugar and one Sweet&Low and one little packet of creamer. I have also seen the Splenda flavored coffee creamers. I tried the Hazlenut and it was just OK. I'm just not a big fan of flavored creamers. Hope this helps a little. Cari. :)

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Hi Becky, and welcome. 10 sounds very doable by the end of May, especially if you are walking. Activity points make a big difference. I usually see good results on the scale the weeks I stick to my excercise routine. I have also started walking with ankle and hand weights. I don't know if this is feasible for you but I can see a big difference since I have started, especially in my upper arm defination. My WW leader recommended this and so far a lot of ladies in the group have reported good results too. Some ladies even use 1lb cans of vegetables in leiu of the hand weights. Mine are 3lb, but they come in all different weights. The ankle weights just strap around with velcro. Very secure. I love them. Hope this helps. Cari.




PS good luck with your weigh in today :)

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I had my WW weigh-in yesterday and I was only down .4. I did follow plan so I'm not going to obsess too much. We had a really full meeting yesterday, Our leader is really motivational and all of her classes are usually full. We have quite a few men in the group too, kind of surprising for a morning meeting. I try to get there a little early so I can weigh and get a seat but sometimes it is standing room only. We are located in a strip mall and just moved from a much larger space to a smaller one??? Cost effective measures I guess.



Our WW leader gave us a really good tip yesterday and I tried it last night so I will share. Get one of the WW 1pt Peanut Butter Bliss bars and put it in the freezer. OMG it was so good, tasted to me just like a frozen Heath Bar. I liked it because it took a little more time to eat verses just out of the box. I am going to just put the entire box in the freezer and only eat them this way from now on.


I also tried the new Arnold's bread rounds. Only 1pt. I got the whole wheat but they came in healthy white, honey wheat and multi-grain. I needed some variety and got some good ideas for using these. One lady in our group puts her salad on top and then just drizzles a little FF dressing over. I had one for lunch yesterday with 2oz of turkey breast and a little Mango Salsa, It was great.



I had been having issues getting in my excercise in each week, so I decided to change my treadmill routine and try it in the morning before leaving for work instead of trying to fit it in when I get back home. I tried this yesterday for the first time and It worked out very well. I did 30 minutes and then jumped in the shower and still had plenty of time before work. I do Home Health Care nursing a few days a week and the first thing I do when I walk in my door- after having direct patient contact all day, is jump in the shower. I would then put on my yoga pants and do the treadmill and then back in the shower before preparing dinner. This was a pain and I found myself often wanting to just skip the excercise on the days that I did patient care. I am hoping this works out for me, because I can see a big difference on the scale the weeks I stay on my daily excercise routine.



Today Rick and I are celebrating our 1 year dating anniversary. He is taking me out for dinner to the Casino. This is where we had our first date. They have a very nice upscale buffet and I am going to be really good. They have a seafood station so I will have some boiled,chilled shrimp with lemon and cocktail sauce and a nice salad. They prepare your vegetables to order, so I can pick out carrots, broccoli and whatnot and they will stir-fry them. They do have a killer dessert station too, but I will bypass and maybe have some strawberries.



Have a Great Saturday Everyone. :) Cari

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Welcome Becky! Good luck with your goal before you cruise! I'm hoping to be down a total of 15 lbs before my cruise in mid-May. I'm already down 9.4 lbs. 15 is doable but might be tricky if my weigh-ins slow down to under 1 lbs per week. Right now I'm averaging 1.6 lbs which, as etools tells me, is faster than normal and not to expect this all of the time. How wonderful would it be if it kept up tho! Etools also tells me I'm averaging 9.6 activity points a week. I have a treadmill and find the activity points really help, just like Cari said.


Cari, congrats on the weight loss! And have a good time out for your anniversary :) I am a huge advocate for exercising in the morning. Years ago when working for my dad I would go to the gym after work with him at 5pm which was all right because we wouldn't be eating dinner too late and didn't live far from work and the gym. Now I'm off work at 6pm and it takes approx. 30 mins to get home. No way I want to work out when I get home. I want to eat dinner and spend time with my husband. I'm fortunate that I don't start my current job until 10am so that gives me plenty of time to get up early and work out on the treadmill for 30-60 mins then have time to prepare my lunch and tidy up the house. I'm a morning person for sure. I love getting my day started with exercise. It wakes me up and puts me in a great mood! Such a good start to the day :D


Today I'm covering a shift at work starting at noon so my husband and I went to Macy's before because he needs new dress shoes. Of COURSE I dragged him to the womens shoes after he was done, despite his strong protest. He ended up seeing a pair of heels he liked and so did I. I tried them on and he said the weight loss was so noticeable and my legs looked great with the heels on. I bought them right away (and will wear them on our cruise in May)! It felt awesome to hear him say that and definitely gave me a burst of motivation. Tonight we're going to a friend's birthday party catered with Mexican. I will be on my best behaviour, steer clear of too much greasy food and don't plan on having a single alcoholic drink. Water and diet soda only. As much as I love beer, I really hate the empty calories. Unless it's a really big special night out on the town, I'm going to stay away from booze. I hate that one regular beer is 3 points:mad: I don't mind the MGD 64, but I don't want to be the only one drinking it tonight.


Anywhooooooo.... Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Keep up the good work!

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Hey everybody...have you tried Dairy Queen sugar free fudge bars? You have to buy them in a box of 6 for about $6, so not cheap. But they are GREAT and 0 points...yes 0!!!! They are really good and not real soft and airy the way some of the low cal ice cream treats are. AMAZING!


Great work to all of you loosers, you are true winners! Keep up the great work!

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Hey everybody...have you tried Dairy Queen sugar free fudge bars? You have to buy them in a box of 6 for about $6, so not cheap. But they are GREAT and 0 points...yes 0!!!! They are really good and not real soft and airy the way some of the low cal ice cream treats are. AMAZING!


Great work to all of you loosers, you are true winners! Keep up the great work!


Wow, sounds awesome! Where can you buy them? Only at DQ?


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Hi all my new friends :)

I am thrilled to report that I did get my 10% today! YEAH ME! My leader said something that I thought I'd share with you all...we were talking about going out to eat and my leader said someone had once told her that she holds onto her keyring (10%) while she walks into a restaurant and she reminds herself that this is not her last meal...we all laughed, but I thought how true that is...I used to eat like every meal was my last one...Janice

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Hi, ladies!


It's been a couple of weeks since I posted. Been traveling for work, and in fact I'm sitting in the Newark airport right now on an especially long layover coming back from Hong Kong. I am so tired! And completely let go this week, totally off-plan. So I have no idea what to expect at WI tomorrow - should be today, but it will have to wait until I get home.


Anyway, I just wanted to check in - I will be getting back on track this week, and still want to get under 200 before our cruise (that was 10 pounds away 2 weeks ago, but may be 20 now, after these past two weeks!). Welcome to all the newcomers! I look forward to getting to know you!



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Hi, ladies!


It's been a couple of weeks since I posted. Been traveling for work, and in fact I'm sitting in the Newark airport right now on an especially long layover coming back from Hong Kong. I am so tired! And completely let go this week, totally off-plan. So I have no idea what to expect at WI tomorrow - should be today, but it will have to wait until I get home.


Anyway, I just wanted to check in - I will be getting back on track this week, and still want to get under 200 before our cruise (that was 10 pounds away 2 weeks ago, but may be 20 now, after these past two weeks!). Welcome to all the newcomers! I look forward to getting to know you!




I would imagine it would be especially difficult to stay on program when you are traveling in a foreign county..especially Hong Kong where the foods are so different. I know when we travel it is extremely difficult. I do so much better when I can cook my own foods and not eat out. But BOY do I love eating out! Best wishes with that weigh in.

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Becky: I hope you get down to what you want by your cruise. You should be able to make it or at least get close.


Cari: .4 is certainly better than nothing or gaining. Congrats on your anniversary. How did you do at dinner?


Janice: 10% - good for you! Keep up the good work. That was a good tip about remembering that when you eat that it isn't the last meal you'll ever have.


We went to Friday's last night and I think I did well. Got the Chicken Bruschetta which I love but made a line down the middle of the plate right away and only ate half. I was going to have the other half tonight but then got a call to go somewhere with friends tonight. I've never been there before but will try to get whatever seems like the best choice and if a big portion bring some home again. Wed is my weigh-in and I would like to lose 1 lb if possible.



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Janice, congrats on getting your 10% :)


Love2travel-- thanks for the DQ tip, we have one less than a mile away, will have to try it.


Andy, Welcome Back. A few years ago we hosted an exchange student from Hong Kong. His mother sent me some favorite family recipes so our student would feel more at home. He translatted them and you should have seen me "attempt" to make these. I did do a good job trying and it was a nice learning experience for the whole famlily. It turned out that his new favorite American food was Corn Dogs. He would even eat these for breakfast before going to school. He told us a lot about living in Hong Kong and couldn't believe how big American houses are. In his country he stated that he and his brother and parents lived in a tiny little apartment no bigger than most U.S. living rooms. He was a very sweet kid and ended up loving American food. I sent him back with a few American cook books for his mother to try.



Have a great Monday everyone. Cari.

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Social, I love the new MGD-64 beer. Nothing like 1 pt !!!! :) Rick usually drinks Corona Light with a lime wedge and one time he accidently put a slice in my 64 and I have to tell you it was really good. This is the way that I drink them now. We found that Applebee's serves the 64's now so that is always good to know when going out. I have tried the new Bud-55 but since I do not like Bud products it did not taste good to me. Try it with lime next time and see if you like it. Cari.

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Cari, that does sound good with a lime! I will have to try that next time.


I did really well at the birthday party on Saturday. I had 2 chicken tacos (so glad they had something other than carne asada!), rice, beans and a slice of cake. I had no idea what kind of cake they would have but it was a simple white cake with fruit on top and a light icing, like cool whip almost. It was probably less points than I counted it for. I even have left over weekly points this week!


I found a new product at Costco. They are wraps that are reallllly soft. I think they're called Healthy Flat Wraps or something. I will double check when I get home. They are pretty thick and really soft... only 1 pt! They have 8 grams of fiber. I'm going to make chicken wraps for dinner tonight. Yum! For lunch today I have a cup of strawberries, a large granny smith apple, a 1 pt bar and smartones mac and cheese. I eat this throughout the day of course. I got another huge flat of strawberries from Costco. I am still on a berry kick. They're low in points too! I need to make more of an effort to get in my recommended serving of fruit and veggies. I eat fruit and veggies every day, but I don't always meet the recommended servings. Definitely something to work on. I did get my activity points in this morning. 1 hour on the treadmill and I pushed it hard. I am sore :(


Have a great week everyone and happy losing :D

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