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I don't know if your WW meetings had this recipe but I tried it and it is really good.


4 cups sliced berries

1 pkg "cook" type sugar free vanilla pudding

2 cups water

1 small pkg strawberry sugar free jello


Put berries in pie plate or 8" square pan

Mix pudding mix with water in saucepan and bring to boil

Take off heat and stir in the jello mix and let cool

Pour mixture over berries and refrigerate


1/6 = 0 points or 1/4 = 1 pt.


I make it in the 8" square pan and have 1/4 of it which is a huge portion. I put a dab of Cool Whip on it and it is really good.



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Well, WI today wasn't as bad as it might have been, and I know a ton of it is water gain from eating restaurant food all last week. Up 3 pounds from two weeks ago (skipped WI last week as I headed out of town). So to meet my mini-goal of below-200 by the cruise I've got to lose 14 pounds in 8 1/2 weeks. I am really going to try to make it - my average per week is about 1.4 pounds, so it will be a stretch.


It's so good to be back home where I can cook/prepare my own meals!! Traveling is my big challenge, but since my job has me travel one week out of every month, I've got to figure out how to deal with it and not make excuses. Luckily, my more regular trip is to San Francisco, where our home office is located - I've gotten into a bit of a routine there in knowing where to get low-points lunches and dinners, and my hotel has a nice exercise room (with free laundry for workout clothes!). Plus tons of walking!!


Cari, that's very adventurous of you to try Cantonese cooking! I never did try, although I love to cook. I'm sure your exchange student appreciated it. The best I can do with Asian cuisine is to give something an "Asian" flare with ginger or something. Much more comfortable with Mediterranean cooking - hello, garlic and olive oil!!!


Janice, congratulations on your 10%!!!

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Well, WI today wasn't as bad as it might have been, and I know a ton of it is water gain from eating restaurant food all last week. Up 3 pounds from two weeks ago (skipped WI last week as I headed out of town). So to meet my mini-goal of below-200 by the cruise I've got to lose 14 pounds in 8 1/2 weeks. I am really going to try to make it - my average per week is about 1.4 pounds, so it will be a stretch.


It's so good to be back home where I can cook/prepare my own meals!! Traveling is my big challenge, but since my job has me travel one week out of every month, I've got to figure out how to deal with it and not make excuses. Luckily, my more regular trip is to San Francisco, where our home office is located - I've gotten into a bit of a routine there in knowing where to get low-points lunches and dinners, and my hotel has a nice exercise room (with free laundry for workout clothes!). Plus tons of walking!!


Cari, that's very adventurous of you to try Cantonese cooking! I never did try, although I love to cook. I'm sure your exchange student appreciated it. The best I can do with Asian cuisine is to give something an "Asian" flare with ginger or something. Much more comfortable with Mediterranean cooking - hello, garlic and olive oil!!!



Janice, congratulations on your 10%!!!


A 3 lb gain is GREAT for being out of town. Good Job!!! Heck, I can gain 2 lbs in one meal! And that isn't even pigging out or anything terrible! It sure sucks to be getting older and having the metabolism slow down more and more.

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It sure sucks to be getting older and having the metabolism slow down more and more.


Luv2travel, you are not kidding!! :mad: My motto of "slow and steady wins the race" is more out of necessity than any kind of philosophy!!! There is no other option but SLOW! ;)


~~~ waving to all my WW buddies ~~~~~ it is a journey!!

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Luv2travel, you are not kidding!! :mad: My motto of "slow and steady wins the race" is more out of necessity than any kind of philosophy!!! There is no other option but SLOW! ;)


~~~ waving to all my WW buddies ~~~~~ it is a journey!!


Slow is right. My weigh in this week I was down .8! I sure wish I could loose 1-2 lbs every week...it feels like the sacrifice is worth it, but I have to remind myself that .8 is much better than nothing, and LOTS better than gaining. I hope everyone has a successful weigh in this week! Keep up the good work!

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Well, WI today wasn't as bad as it might have been, and I know a ton of it is water gain from eating restaurant food all last week. Up 3 pounds from two weeks ago (skipped WI last week as I headed out of town). So to meet my mini-goal of below-200 by the cruise I've got to lose 14 pounds in 8 1/2 weeks. I am really going to try to make it - my average per week is about 1.4 pounds, so it will be a stretch.



Janice, congratulations on your 10%!!!


Andy, I struggle with being gone out of town for work also. I've been gone a week in March, April and now May. I try to find a hotel with a small fridge and a microwave, then on my first day there I buy food for work (ie: bagel thins, sandwich thins, ham, fiber ones, etc). I make my lunch to take with me and then make dinner myself. It is not FUN or even good (I can't wait to get home and have something besides sandwiches), but it "forces" me to eat well while I'm gone (I can't spend the money and throw the food away...). This plan wouldn't work too well overseas though. Luckily my coworkers understand when I tell them I can't go out to eat with them :) 14 pounds is doable! Enjoy your walk :)

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I'm having a so-so week. I'm staying on program, but really struggling with emotional eating. My 17 year old is leaving for a year long internship with a traveling ministry on Saturday. My oldest just moved out 7 weeks ago. This mama is not quite ready for both of them to be gone at the same time. I still have one at home, and he is also having a hard time.


So I'm doing good, but fighting the emotional eating. It's much easier to feed those emotions than to feel them!

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Good Morning everyone!


I had weigh-in last night and am down 1.2 lbs for a total of 10.6 lbs! It feels fantastic to be over the 10 lbs mark. If I keep this up I think I can make my mini goal of 15 lbs by my cruise in 4 weeks. The last couple of days I've been cracking down and eating more fruit instead of mini bars and low point salty snacks throughout the day. Today I have my apple, strawberries and a wrap for lunch filled with veggies. I always carry 1 pt bars on me just in case I'm dying for some chocolate. This weekend I'm going to Disneyland again. At least I know from our last trip to the park that I can survive off of 3 pt sandwiches and mini bars all day. I can't wait to rack up some more activity points. This is going to be a great week for me. I feel really motivated :)


I am absolutely dying to buy some new clothes but I'm holding off until I've lost more weight. I've bought a few things lately, but not much. What I have gone crazy with is shoes :rolleyes: Macys is having a 25% off sale. I have 4 shoes waiting to be picked up and might buy a 5th pair when I get the others... eek! 4 of the pairs are going to be great for our upcoming cruise! I like to get dressed up for dinner every night. It's not often I have a fancy dining room to go to.


Kelli, sorry to hear about your kids moving away. Emotional eating is a tough habit to break. We talked about habits in the meeting last night and emotional eating came up a lot between members. I'm sure you'll do fine :)


Hope you're all having a great week so far! Take care

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I don't know if your WW meetings had this recipe but I tried it and it is really good.


4 cups sliced berries

1 pkg "cook" type sugar free vanilla pudding

2 cups water

1 small pkg strawberry sugar free jello


Put berries in pie plate or 8" square pan

Mix pudding mix with water in saucepan and bring to boil

Take off heat and stir in the jello mix and let cool

Pour mixture over berries and refrigerate


1/6 = 0 points or 1/4 = 1 pt.


I make it in the 8" square pan and have 1/4 of it which is a huge portion. I put a dab of Cool Whip on it and it is really good.





Frances, I am going to try this recipe as a dessert to serve when we have guest over this weekend. I will let you know how it goes. The recipe sounds delicious. Thanks. Cari

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Andy & BroncoLvrs: Eating while out of town is always a challenge for me. I've never traveled for work but when on vacation I always seem to have a hard time. I have good intentions but I usually cave in. My first vacation since joining earlier this month will be in July - I hope I'll have good habits by then and will be able to stay on program.


Kelly: At least you still have one child still at home. As time goes on you'll get used to not having the others around and it should get better. Good for you for staying on program.


SoCalCruiser: Congrats on hitting your 10 lb's! It'll be fun to shop for new clothes. My feet always hurt so I don't like to buy shoes but there are lots of cute ones out there that would be fun to wear if no pain!


Cari: I hope everyone likes the dessert. Please let me know.


I had my weigh-in this morning and was down 1.2 - not earth shattering but I'll take it.



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luv2travel 2 beaches~ .8...that's great! I am .8 away from dropping below 200...haven't weighed less than 200 in over 5 years! It would be so great if the pounds just melted off, but then they probably wouldn't stay off :) I struggle with the thought that even if I did lose 1 lb a week, that means at least a year before I get to goal...UGH! I want to reach "lifetime" BEFORE I go on our cruise next year...you are right though, it will be worth it!


Kelly~ wow! A year away! That would be hard! My youngest was going to move out last weekend, but decided to stay for another 3-6 months to save $ before he goes! WHEW! I will miss him terribly, but I think it will be fun to be just me and my DH! Of course, my two are here in town, which makes quite a difference! Hang in there! Where is he (?) going? I'd love to pray for him!


Frances~ It is hard to stick to plan while away! We recently went on vacation and I used all my 35 "extra" points, but made sure I got lots of excercising in! I just have to keep reminding myself that the only one I'm cheating is myself, and then I remind myself of how happy and proud I'll be of myself when I've reached my goal. 1.2 lbs is GREAT! Way to go!!!


Social Cruiser 23~ Disneyland!!! My favorite place! My husband and I went there last month for a day (he came on a business trip with me just for that purpose :) ). The walking was GREAT! I was careful all week and on Saturday, enjoyed a Mickey Mouse pretzel and Churro (can't go to Disneyland without them) and still managed to lose weight :) 1.2 lbs is fabulous! Congratulations! I love your mini-goal, so I think I'll add one of my own :)


SW: 223.4

CW: 200.6

GW: 150-170 (150 is my BMI max, but I haven't weighed that since HS, so we'll see)

mini-goal: under 195 by my birthday (June 5th)

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Sounds like everyone is having a really great week of WIs. My WI was last night and I nearly fell off the scale :D, I lost another 5 lbs this week. I never expected that much. That makes my 3 week total 10.4! I have been so excited all day for some reason it sounds so much better to me to say that I only have 139.6 lbs to go, rather than the 150 :eek: I started with! I know that's it's still a huge number and a very long road, but right now it seems so obtainable! So, good luck to the rest of you that have yet to weigh in this week!!!

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:eek::eek::eek: ASHLEY!!! WAY TO FREAKING GO!!! That is amazing! 3 weeks and you've already got your 5 and 10 lbs star! You go girl! You must be on cloud 9 :) I couldn't be happier for you.


Since most others' weight loss is slower, can you give us some tips on what you've been doing to have such great weigh ins?! What does a typical day of food consist of for you? Exercise?


Dang girl, keep up the good work!!!

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:eek::eek::eek: ASHLEY!!! WAY TO FREAKING GO!!! That is amazing! 3 weeks and you've already got your 5 and 10 lbs star! You go girl! You must be on cloud 9 :) I couldn't be happier for you.


Since most others' weight loss is slower, can you give us some tips on what you've been doing to have such great weigh ins?! What does a typical day of food consist of for you? Exercise?


Dang girl, keep up the good work!!!


I'm really not doing anything different that what they tell you to do. Other than, I typically don't eat my extra weekly points and just make wise choices. I have eaten a lot of Salmon Ceasar Salads lately for dinner. I can eat the same things over and over again and it doesn't bother me. When I was in high school the Sugarbusters craze was going on and I ate Buckwheat pancakes and lima beans everyday for a year. Of course that's not something I would ever want to commit to for life :eek:!! I started really working at working out this week as well. I've been trying to jog daily, but it's rained the last couple of days, too. Sorry, I don't have a better answer.

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Ashley, that's a fine answer :) I bet the salmon salads have a lot to do with it. I don't use up all of my weekly points either. I usually have 1 day per week that I go over my daily points, but only one week did I ever use all 35 weekly points. The last couple of days I've even been under my daily points which I'm hoping will show on the scale next week! *fingers crossed* :o


Ok, so I mentioned a few posts ago about these wraps I got at Costco but couldn't remember the exact name. I have the link now. They are only 1 point.


I bought the Flatout Healthy Grain - Multi-Grain flavour. Now I have to say that the wrap alone doesn't have a great taste, but when filled with hummus, veggies, meat, etc it's great. The wraps are so soft and so easy to roll. I hate when a wrap splits in half when you try to roll it up, it's so annoying. These make it simple! The most notable thing is how unbelievably filling they are. I have had one for lunch everyday this week with veggies, cheese and chicken or lunch meat in it. During my work day I typically have my morning snack, lunch and my afternoon snack or two. All this week I have had a large granny smith apple (2pts) for my morning snack, my wrap for lunch and haven't been hungry at all until I got home for dinner around 6:30-7pm! I had a nibble of my strawberries for something sweet after lunch, but wasn't hungry at all! I think it has to be the 8 grams of fiber in the wraps. SOOOO filling! Honestly, I've never had a food this filling and this healthy. Needless to say, I'm glad I bought the Costco size package of wraps and am so happy they're helping me control my eating habits. Other than Costco I'm not sure who sells them.


Happy Friday to everyone and have a great weekend!!!

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Wow it looks like everyone has had some really good losses this week. Congrats!! :)



I am ashamed to say that I was up 2/10-ths of a pound today at my WI. I really did expect a loss as I pumped up my excercise routine this past week and totally stayed within plan. I suppose that I should measure in inches though.


I will just have to try a little harder this week.



Social, I think that I have seen those wraps in our local Meijer grocery store. I will double check the next time I am there. They were in the Organic veggie section next to the deli if they are the same ones. The name does sound familiar.


Have a great weekend everyone. Cari

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Ladies, those wraps are fantastic for making pizza too. Give each wrap a little spray of Pam and bake for a few minutes then top with pizza sauce and toppings and bake again for a few minutes. You can also start by baking them for about 12 minutes till really crispy and putting refried beans, taco meat, a little Low fat cheese, bake a few more minutes and top with lettuce, tomato, salsa, jalapenos for a HUGE filling tostado. With the pizzas top with lots of veggies, Canadian bacon, And you can usually have a big pizza for about 7 points....watch the cheese though. Even dh LOVES them and they are super filling. ENJOY!!::D

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Ashley: You are REALLY doing good!!! Keep up the good work - it will take a while but you'll eventually get where you want to be. I've gone on lots of diets in my old life but....buckwheat pancakes and lima beans is one I've never heard of.....I think that would get old real fast.


Social and Luv2Travel: Thanks for the mention of Flatout breads. I'll have to look for them and give them a try - sounds good.


Cari: Sorry about your LITTLE gain - don't let it get you discouraged - this is a new week.


I made a cake last night to take somewhere and I can honestly say that this was the first time since I started on April 7th that I put something in my mouth that I didn't write down. I chopped walnuts and there was one piece that was bigger than the rest and I ate it and then I also licked the beaters. Normally I would have eaten handfulls of nuts and kept extra of the batter just for me so I did pretty good. Now....if I can just eat a small piece of cake today instead of a big hunk!!



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Ladies, those wraps are fantastic for making pizza too. Give each wrap a little spray of Pam and bake for a few minutes then top with pizza sauce and toppings and bake again for a few minutes. You can also start by baking them for about 12 minutes till really crispy and putting refried beans, taco meat, a little Low fat cheese, bake a few more minutes and top with lettuce, tomato, salsa, jalapenos for a HUGE filling tostado. With the pizzas top with lots of veggies, Canadian bacon, And you can usually have a big pizza for about 7 points....watch the cheese though. Even dh LOVES them and they are super filling. ENJOY!!::D

The tostado sounds fabulous! I'm going to pick up some of those today; I've not bought any in a long while.


I am up .2 this week. I consider up or down .2 to be maintaining, which is good. I decided no matter what the scale said this week that I was successful simply because I did not let Ben & Jerry comfort me this week :)


We went out last night and I drank more points than I anticipated. But I did have 5 points left and all my weekly points, so I am good. I still have 15 weekly points left. And I earned 6 activity points dancing. I do eat all of my weekly points and usually my activity points. I eat every single point coming to me because there is no way I'd be happy living on 20 points a day for the rest of my life. So I'm losing weight the way I want to live, and when I get to goal, I want those extra points so that I can drink or eat chocolate or whatever.


Anyway, after Isaac (my 17 year old that is leaving for a year) leaves this afternoon, Doug and I are going to the state campground and taking a walk. We're also getting Starbucks. I can induldge in a 3 point latte which is just milk anyway :)


So terrific to see such great losses this week! Keep up the great work.

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mmm that pizza does sound delicious! I'm always up for a good pizza recipe. I never thought of really using the wraps for a pizza crust (even tho a picture of pizza is right on the packaging lol) because their so thin, but I guess cooking them properly makes all the difference. Tonight hubby and I will be having chicken wraps for dinner with lettuce, tomato, olives, cucumber, cheese, Greek seasoning and hummus. My husband is Greek so I like throwing a Mediterranean flare into anything I can.


Last night we saw a comedy show at my work and it was great! Sometimes my drinks are comped and if not, 50% off, so I knew I would be tempted to drink a fair bit. We went straight to the bar when we got in and I told my friend I'd wait to have a drink until the show (especially since there's a 2 drink minimum per person regardless of being an employee or not). I ordered a Coors light and a water in the show room and that's it. I was so proud of myself. Usually I would drink many many more beers, plus the server told me I was getting food & drink comped for the night twice and to "DRINK UP!" haha. I was just about to order another beer then also looked at the multiple drinks in front of my husband and friends and thought...... who will drive home if I have a few more drinks? Yup, definitely didn't drink anymore. I find being designated driver has helped me a LOT. I never want anyone driving home drunk so when we go out I just offer to drive everyone. Once I've offered I can't turn back on that and start drinking (and because I'm too cheap to pay for a cab home). It works out well for losing weight!


Today at work I'm having the SmartOnes Chicken Enchilada Suiza. Anyone tried it yet? It's 2 enchiladas and Spanish rice. Looks like it will fill me up nicely. And if not, I have my apple and 1 pt bars. Sometimes those SmartOnes aren't enough. Tomorrow we're off to Disneyland and I'm hoping like last time we went my only "splurge" will be a giant dill pickle. I know that sounds ridiculous because it's hardly any points, but this week has been crunch time for me. I've been exercising a lot & eating really healthy. I'm hoping for big results on the scale Tuesday *fingers crossed* I miss seeing a 2.2 loss :( I'm also getting nervous about the dreaded plateau... dun dun dun. I feel like it's lurking around the corner ready to pounce on me ACK:eek:


Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday so far :)

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Socal, your Mediterranean wraps sound good too! I love hummus! It's the only way I can face raw veggies - that's my afternoon snack every day at work.


I was a bad girl and fixed Mexican last night - guacamole (which wasn't so bad b/c I made it the WW way with cannellini beans), beef tacos, the whole shebang. Invited the neighbors over and we pigged out. {Cari, I tried and failed to find the Santa Fe chicken to use for the tacos.} So WI was pretty bad this morning as I WAY overdid it on the chips. Bad part is, I did a sneak peek WI yesterday and was down 4 pounds (after my 3-pound gain while traveling). Today, back up 2.5 pounds. Oh well, back at it today! Filling up on watermelon this morning.


So my updated stats are:


Height: 5'6"

SW 229

CW 211.5

GW 145


I think I will win the record for slowest 10% lost!

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