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Hi all, my name is Marilyn, & I'm sailing June 1st out of San Francisco to Alaska. I started back on WW a month ago to take of about 35-40 pounds of my knee replacement & not so great hip. I love WW, and recently surived a11 day road trip eating all in restarants!!! I lost 9.8 pounds this first month, even with the restaurant.

Anyone else going on my cruise? Would love to get together :)

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Hi Marilyn...WELCOME! What a great month!!!!


At WI yesterday I was down .8...not much, but it did put me under 200 :)! I decided to check my measurements, hoping to cheer me up...it worked! I am down 3" in my waist, and 2" in my hips and thighs! I guess I'll have to step it up this week!


I've looked at those Flatbread pizzas SO many times and wondered...now I can't wait to try one :)


Good luck all. I'm one week closer to my cruise (May/June 2011). I am SO excited to book on the 13th!

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Goodmorning everyone and Happy Monday. :)



Welcome Marilyn. How awsome that you did your road trip and lost weight at the same time! You should share some of your tips with us on how you made healthy choices during this time.



Congrats Janice, Way to go---Under 200 !!! The small goals are the best ones. Just to see the scale register on a lower set of numbers is a great motivator in itself. You should be proud of yourself.



Frances, I made the pie this weekend and it was good but next time I will use the actual Jello brand of gelatin. I used Walmart brand and while the pie was good it did have that artificial sweetner after taste. I am wondering if using a better brand would make any difference. I did use the Jello brand for the pudding mix. When I try it again, I am going to experiment with perhaps using the Jello S/F Peach flavor. I bet this would be good. This would probably work well with different types of fruit too. The strawberries are at such a great price now though. .99 cents a qt.

My fiance Rick, had his with some crushed graham crackers on top and a dallop of FF Cool Whip. Very good.



Social, I hope you had a great time at Disney. It sounds like you are doing fantastic on your plan. What will power! I'm not sure about Disney Land but when we were in Disney World in Fla, they had a little fruit market type stand where they sold fresh fruit by the piece or cut-up fruit bowls and vegetable bowls. They also had baked potatoes and sweet potatoes with different toppings to choose from. I got a baked potato with a packet of FF Ranch dressing. I also bought a side salad and just poured this over top of the potato. The stand also had roasted corn on the cob but they were all drenched in butter. They sold hot dogs in this location as well so this kept the kids happy.



****** I found the FlatoutBread at our local Meijer Store. It was in the deli area on it's own display stand,near the gourmet cheese area. They are on sale this week 2 for $5. They only had the whole wheat variety, unless the other flavors were already sold out. Will have to check.


I have been using the "La Tortilla Factory Smart & Delicious" brand low-carb tortillas. They are 1 pt each. 50 cal 2gm fat and 7g fiber. They are a medium size and could be used for a wrap if you cannot find the FlatOuts. I have been putting the Smart Ones Santa Fe chicken 2pts for the entire box, into one of these tortillas and it makes a very filling meal. There is enough filling in the Santa Fe Smart Ones for 2 tortillas. So I either share with Rick or put saran wrap over the container and save it for another lunch. I usually add lettuce and tomato so one tortilla with 1/2 of the box of Smart Ones only comes to 2 pts. This is one of my Go-To lunches as it is very filling and low in points.




Have a great week everyone. Cari :)

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Welcome Marilyn! Congrats on your weight loss, that's awesome! I will be doing a long road trip next month and can only hope to do as well as you!


I didn't do as well as I had hoped at Disneyland (DL). I'm not trying to make excuses but it was difficult with all of the peer pressure from my friend. Dinner was my downfall. I made myself a 3 pt sandwich for lunch and brought snacks. For lunch we went to downtown Disney and ate at Rainforest Cafe at the bar. They ordered burgers, beer and margaritas. I sat there with my glass of water. I had 12 potato chips off of my husbands plate just to shut everyone up (not my husband, he is very supportive), including the bartender who wouldn't stop bugging me about not eating/drinking at HIS bar. My girlfriend knows I'm on WW, we talked about it all day at DL. She's overweight as well, but not dieting by any means. At lunch they had a huge chocolate lava cake on the menu and she pointed it out and loudly said "Don't you miss this?! Are you telling me you can go without THIS?!" I was a bit embarrassed and said, "yes, I still eat chocolate and sweets, just in moderation and make sure they're lower in points." I don't think she truly understands that on WW you can eat whatever your heart desires as long as you stay within your points. I also said the line "nothing tastes better than SKINNY!" Everyone was hungry around 9pm for dinner so we went back to downtown Disney. Luckily my husband split a shrimp salad with me that seemed really healthy. I had one light beer. I had quite a bit of the hummus and pita appetizer... but what got me was eating french fries off of my friends' plates. They were so delicious :o I had 9 daily points and 30 weekly points left over. I'm pretty sure I used them all up, if not, I was close. I would've been ok if it wasn't for the stupid french fries. I felt guilty and my stomach was wondering why I ate so much unhealthy food, I felt kinda gross. So I guess I don't have the will power I thought I did, but at least one day won't kill me. It was just so difficult being in a situation where a close friend was saying "that sandwich CAN'T fill you up" "how can you NOT eat this delicious food" "c'mon, have a drink with me" "all I want is a greasy hamburger!". We talked about environments a few meetings ago. I know that I need to get out of the habit of eating meals with that friend and not be in the environment of food and drink when she's around!

I also don't want to make my friend sound horribly non-supportive. She did tell me how good I looked and could really see the difference after my 10 lbs loss. That felt good :) It was a tough day because I had really planned on being SO good. Oh well, time to get back on track today! Weigh-in tomorrow!


Have a fantastic week everyone :) Take care and happy losing!

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Well I have less than 4 weeks until I cruise and I have lost 22.5 lbs. Had to buy a few new things to wear. I just hope I don't blow it on the cruise. I usually gain a couple pounds of water weight for some reason every time I cruise and it usually come off quick. I think it may be the water on the boat. I keep thinking eat small and still eat a few things I want, even if it is just a bite. I am still 30 pounds from my goal but I feel a lot better with what I have lost. I really like WW. It is working for me. :)

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I think you did very well with the peer pressure you faced. I am sure you did better than you think. I also think your friend was jealous of how you looked and tried to trip you up by some of the comments she made. It is sad how some people cannot be supportive. I know she is your friend but was the egging on really necessary? You may need to love her from a distance for a while or limit your social eating times together. I am glad your husband is supportive and keep hanging in there. You will do it.:D

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Luckily my husband split a shrimp salad with me that seemed really healthy. I had one light beer. I had quite a bit of the hummus and pita appetizer... but what got me was eating french fries off of my friends' plates. They were so delicious :o I had 9 daily points and 30 weekly points left over. I'm pretty sure I used them all up, if not, I was close. I would've been ok if it wasn't for the stupid french fries. I felt guilty and my stomach was wondering why I ate so much unhealthy food, I felt kinda gross. So I guess I don't have the will power I thought I did, but at least one day won't kill me.


Have a fantastic week everyone :) Take care and happy losing!

It sounds like you had a lot of will power to me. You had a light lunch. You ate a salad and hummus and pita. You didn't order the fries yourself, so ate way less than you would have otherwise. AND you had points left. You did not throw the whole plan out the window, say screw it I messed up so will eat whatever I want. You stayed aware of what you were eating. And you're getting right back on track today No feeling guilty.

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Welcome Marilyn: 9.8 in first month is great - especially with the road trip - keep up the good work. You're lucky that you're cruise is coming up so soon. Have a great time. By the way....I'm originally a CA girl - grew up in Ferndale in Humboldt County and lived in Pacifica for 25 years.


Janice: That must be a good feeling for you to be under 200 - that was probably one of your goals.


Cari: We've been eating strawberries like mad because they are SO GOOD and really cheap now. I think I'll try a Santa Fe Smart One with a Flatout Wrap tonight.


Social: I hope your weigh-in goes ok today. Don't feel bad about Disneyland - I think you did good considering the temptations.


Cruisecrazyk: 22.5 is a good loss - you must be able to really tell the difference. You're lucky too to have a cruise coming up so soon. Mine isn't until May of 2011.



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Well, I weighed in this evening and was down another 1.2 lbs. That makes my first month total 11.6 lbs. I'm stepping up my exercise now as my goal is to have my 10% by my son's adoption day June 6th. In all the times I have done weight watchers I have never stuck around long enough to make it to my 10%. This time is very different though, I will make it to the end :D!!!!

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Hi, I have been lurking on here a while. You guys are great.

I am sorta half a$$ doing WW online. afraid to not do good. I will hit plateaus and it shuts me down. I weigh well above and beyond my most ever and borderline diabetes.

I have gotten some great info and motovation from reading, so thought I would join in.

I started WW online March 15 and have lost 12 lbs. I set a mini goal for myself to just get under 200 lbs. so I have 23 pounds to go for that. My ultimate dream is to be 175. sounds sad I know but I have not been under 200. for years and years.


We are going to DisneyWorld next week. so will try to be good, hoping the walking will offset some of my bad.


Please keep food suggestions coming.

I am forever grateful for the Thomas thin bagels I read on here, that and the ww cream cheese is a life saver for me. I love the vita muffin tops and with some imagination dry Kix cereal tastes like cheese puffs without the orange powder, 1 1/4 cups for 1 point. I am a vegetarian so it makes dieting a little tricky.


keep up the good work


so thanks again.

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Frogfuzz, welcome. First of all if you commit and just loose 10% it may be enough to get you out of the borderline diabetes category. It was enough for me to get past that. Have a great time at Disney World and come back and give yourself 2 to 3 months of being committed and see if you make some good progress. It really makes a big difference. We will be happy to offer all the support we can!


My weigh in was tonight and I was happy I lost another .8! Slow but steady will win the race. Hope all of you are having a successful week. It's much easier for me now that the weather is getting nicer!

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I am seriously considering WW online. I am just afraid I won't stick with it without going to meetings. My problem is there isn't a meeting place local that is at a time when I could go. I would have to drive to another town to make a 6:00 meeting when I don't get off from work until 5:30. I don't think I would keep that up for very long either. Has many people had success with WW online? Years ago when I lived in another town, I did WW. This was before the points system. I did very well then. Is online doable?

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Welcome Sonchyne4u and frogfuzz! :D


Frogfuzz, great job on the weight loss so far! Sounds like you're doing just fine. I agree with luv2travel, 10% is a nice mini-goal to keep you on track. Oh the dreaded theme parks. I live in L.A. and have been to Disneyland twice in the last month. The first time I did phenomenal and even had 6 pts left over!!! Last weekend wasn't as great. I did really well until dinner time. I ate far too many french fries off of my friends plate. What I did to be successful at DL was bring lots of my own food. I made myself a 3 pt turkey sandwich on a sandwich thin, brought 1pt WW bars (only available at meetings) and other low pt foods. I also brought a big bottle of water. Soda's not an issue for me, but I could see how it would be for some people at theme parks, especially in the heat. The walking will be great for activity points but try to keep the mindset that all of the walking doesn't justify eating crappy foods. It's a theme park, so have fun and don't deprive yourself, but don't go too crazy with the churros, etc. They have lots of fresh fruit stands at Disney parks. Trail mix, fruit, pickles, VitaminWater, Powerade, water, etc. Good luck!!!:)


So I had my weigh in last night. I was down 0.4 lbs, for a total of 11 lbs. Definitely not the results I was expecting since this past week has been my BEST week so far. My only downfall was the dinner at Downtown Disney. Otherwise I fulfilled my fruit and veggie servings everyday, lean meats, stayed within my daily points and exercised a LOT. I felt really crappy after weighing in. I know it's still a loss, but I was SO good all week. Maybe the one bad dinner had something to do with it, but I couldn't imagine it being THAT detrimental. One lady at the meeting said my body probably went into shock from all of the healthy food and that's why I didn't lose a lot. We have a new team leader and she talked about her weight loss in beginning and how she was getting in all of her healthy checks... but never got her healthy oils! That is one thing I also NEVER get in. She said after she started getting the oils into her diet, the weight came off again. This is my new goal, to fulfill my healthy checks everyday and really make sure I get in the healthy oils. I hate wasting the points on them, but it is all part of the WW plan. They're recommended for a reason.


Cari, I tried making the Santa Fe Chicken smartones into a wrap last night, kinda along the lines of the tacos you make. BIG mistake using the Flatout wraps. The santa fe was so juicy it made the wrap soggy and flop all over. I managed to slightly wrap it up and ate it over the sink, dripping and making a mess. I didn't have any tortillas so for some reason I thought the nice soft absorbent wrap would work haha :rolleyes: Silly me for not thinking about the obvious. It was still tasty, but what a flipping mess! I was starving after my weigh in and wasn't thinking straight.


New stats


SW: 157.4

CW: 146.4

GW: 127.4

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Hi, all!

Back from the end of tax season (DH and I have a tax preparation business on the side... in addition to our other full-time jobs) and our cruise!


Had meant to check in before the cruise, but was so dang busy with taxes and trying to wrap up everything and prep for our trip I just ran out of time.


As many know, I was trying to hit a mini-goal of around 195 (this fluctuated a lot in reaction to my sloooowww weight loss, LOL!), and if I'd hit it, be well aware I would have found the time to make a quick post :o.

So, obviously, nope did not get it. Weighed in at 202.0 my last weigh-in before the cruise... disappointed, as was 200.6 at home that day. Oh well.


Just flew in last night from our trip -- got home around 11:45pm. Yep, did get to work today! Did not track, did not try to be "good" on the trip, except did try to eat mindfully. Didn't do so well -- at least not as well as I think I did on previous vacations since starting WW. In the past, I've gone on a 1-week vaca with only 0.8 gain a 2-week vaca with only a 1.6 gain (no tracking, no holding back except eating mindfully, focusing on increasing veggies and activity and staying away from uber-caloric drinks). This time, activity levels were pretty good (in ports especially -- lots of walking), but didn't get as many veggies or water... and definitely ate more bread than I ought, and got over-full more often... my mindful-eating trick didn't work as well this time.


Stepped on the scale this morning just for grins and was at 205.2, which is up 4.6 lbs. Definitely retaining some water so it will be interesting to see how weigh-in goes tomorrow.


I've read through all the past posts and just want to welcome the newbies and note how proud I am of them and everyone else for sticking with the battle.


Some of you really seem to be beating yourselves up and trying to do really drastic things -- both of these behaviors are all right in moderation, but try to be gentle with yourselves: try to forgive yourself more, and don't eat anything you don't love -- even if it is low-point (you'll just swallow more self-loathing with every bite you don't enjoy - ha!).


Try to focus on changes you can see enjoying in the long haul. In some cases, it's great to get out of your comfort zone (getting used to being OK with being hungry, or trying to make a habit of regular activity, for examples), but really try to focus on sustainable changes.


I cannot stand fake butter or sugar, and I don't like that many low/non-fat items are chock full of fillers, for instance, and I cannot picture the thought of eating them forever so I don't eat them now... I just try to be wiser about eating the hi-caloric "real" foods and count the points. (On the plus side, it does make estimating restaurant food points/portions easier, since I'm more used to the proper amounts of full-calorie foods.)


Now, since I'm better at giving advice than taking it ("Take my advice; I'm not using it!" :rolleyes:), I will admit, I've been beating myself up for my slowing weight loss progress since last summer. I started WW 1/22/09, and lost 21 lbs in my first 15 weeks... and then in the next 50 weeks I lost only 23.2 lbs. Now, I fully realize that that's almost 45 lbs, and that is an awesome acheivement (especially for me, who has never dieted before and has been heavy... and getting heavier for most of her life)... but that doesn't stop me from being disappointed in myself. I haven't hit a plateau, per se, since I know EXACTLY what I've done or not done to create that slowness. And on the one hand, I have truly enjoyed myself, and the slow loss is a testament that I've stuck with it, and I can imagine that I've slowly been ingraining these habits rather than doing a quick fad that I might not stick with... but I'm right there with y'all; I need to get better about forgiving myself and moving on. Live and learn, huh?


OH, and all of you, please keep those recipes and food ideas coming... they really help! BTW, those Flat Outs do make a great pizza. And I don't ever do the "spray with PAM and pre-bake" thing -- my favorite Flat Out pizza is to smear one (uncooked) with a tablespoon or two of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, top with a two oz. of rotisserie chicken breast, handful of onions/mushrooms/bell pepper and an ounce of full-fat cheese... pop in the 350-375° oven (especially good if you have a pizza stone, but otherwise without a pan -- directly on the rack) until edges are brown -- 7-12 minutes. 7 pts and SO filling, so satisfying!


And MY VERY FAVORITE WW recipe... we ate this before we were on WW, thanks to a WW friend who first made it for us. This is THE winner recipe, guaranteed to lift us out of the "we're doing so badly, we'll never lose all our weight" slumps. So easy, so delicious, so filling!


PrincessTiff, this is similar to my Taco soup recipe. DH loves the one we make -- the turkey makes it very meaty, it really is just like regular chili to us.

WW Taco Soup

  • 1 lb. ground turkey or lean beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 (1 oz.) package Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Mix
  • 1 (1 oz) package Taco Seasoning Mix
  • 1 (16 oz.) can pinto beans
  • 1 (16 oz) can chili beans (either hot or regular)
  • 1 (16 oz) can whole kernel corn
  • 1 (8 oz) can Mexican-style tomatoes
  • 1 (8 oz) can diced tomatoes (any flavor)


  1. Brown meat & onions and drain.
  2. Mix Ranch & Taco seasonings into meat.
  3. Add rest of ingredients, undrained to mixture. Be sure you do NOT drain any of the canned goods before adding.
  4. Simmer 1 hour.

2 Weight Watchers points per cup.



Sometimes I SPLURGE and have 1.5 or 2 cups (3 or 4 points, respectively), especially if I've had a "I'm starving" day. This never fails to satisfy! I usually will top mine with finely chopped onions (A MUST for me...) and an ounce of full-fat cheese (add 3 points)... and I will usually wait until I've eaten 50-75% of my portion before adding the cheese, so my last bites are uber-cheesy. YUM!


Thin thoughts to everyone (especially to me, for my after-vaca weigh-in tomorrow.... especially since I have a birthday dinner to attend this evening!)! :D



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I am seriously considering WW online. I am just afraid I won't stick with it without going to meetings. My problem is there isn't a meeting place local that is at a time when I could go. I would have to drive to another town to make a 6:00 meeting when I don't get off from work until 5:30. I don't think I would keep that up for very long either. Has many people had success with WW online? Years ago when I lived in another town, I did WW. This was before the points system. I did very well then. Is online doable?


Hi Sonchyne4U,

I attend WW meetings, but my DH does WW Online and is doing well. He averages 1.3 lbs a week...not a great amount, but as others have said, slow and steady wins the race. We also both have the WW App on our phones, which I think really helps! It allows me to check point values while shopping and since I always have my phone with me, gives me no excuses for not tracking :).

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So I had my weigh in last night. I was down 0.4 lbs, for a total of 11 lbs. Definitely not the results I was expecting since this past week has been my BEST week so far. My only downfall was the dinner at Downtown Disney. Otherwise I fulfilled my fruit and veggie servings everyday, lean meats, stayed within my daily points and exercised a LOT. I felt really crappy after weighing in. I know it's still a loss, but I was SO good all week. Maybe the one bad dinner had something to do with it, but I couldn't imagine it being THAT detrimental. One lady at the meeting said my body probably went into shock from all of the healthy food and that's why I didn't lose a lot. We have a new team leader and she talked about her weight loss in beginning and how she was getting in all of her healthy checks... but never got her healthy oils! That is one thing I also NEVER get in. She said after she started getting the oils into her diet, the weight came off again. This is my new goal, to fulfill my healthy checks everyday and really make sure I get in the healthy oils. I hate wasting the points on them, but it is all part of the WW plan. They're recommended for a reason.

It sometimes takes my body a couple weeks to catch up to me when I have been doing great.


I am with your leader. My weight loss is much better when I am meeting all the good health guidelines. Don't think of it as wasting points. Think of creative ways to get them in. Safflower oil has no taste, and if I am needing to get another oil I often put it in a smoothie, stir it into my yogurt, or drizzle it on toast. If a recipe calls for nonstick spray, I use olive oil. If it is a 4 serving recipe, I use 4 tsp. and add 1 point per serving and mark off an oil. I use oil and vinegar for salad now, drizzle olive oil on veggies, or saute mushrooms, onions, peppers, broccoli (whatever you like) in a tsp. of olive oil and stir in 1/2 cup egg beaters when the veggies are soft. It's 2 points and you get an oil serving, veggies and lean protein.


Don't get discouraged. Just keep on doing the right things and your body will catch up with you. I'd get discouraged and go off program and then gain and get discouraged....well you get the picture. I have a chronic illness that makes it difficult to lose weight. So my mantra is slow and steady wins the race. It's taken me 22 months to lose 64 lbs. I have 41 to go. But, it's going in the right direction; just not as quickly as I'd like.

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Welcome back lkakers! Thanks for all of the great advice. Good luck at your weigh in. I'm sure a lot of your extra weight after the cruise is water weight. It happens to most people. If not, then hop back on the plan and I'm sure you'll see good results after the one week. Your flatout pizza sounds delicious! I'm going to have to make a pizza out of them one day. I'm still just using them as wraps for lunches and dinner.


kleo, thanks for the support :) I think I'm being extra hard on myself because we cruise in 2.5 weeks and I was really hoping to meet my mini-goal of a 15lb loss by then. After my .4 loss it doesn't look like that's attainable. Regardless, I've lost 11 lbs and feel great. Just like you said, slow and steady. Even if I don't meet my mini goal, I am still losing weight and will meet my ultimate goal eventually! Even though your weight loss has been slow, kleo, you're doing such a fantastic job! I'm glad to hear that your weight loss is better when you stick the the good health guidelines. Thank you for all of your tips on oils! Time to cook with oil more often.


It's bittersweet today because I have been invited out to lunch with the managers for our owners birthday. I couldn't say no. Of course it's nice to be invited AND to get away from work (and they're letting me leave early after lunch woohoo!), but I'm dreading the food. The restaurant has no website... therefore, no menu for me to look at to help prepare. Everyone knows that me and another employee who's coming to lunch are on WW. The owners wife is on WW too actually, so he always asks how I'm doing. I've only been in this job since December and although everyone is fantastic, I feel a little uncomfortable going out for a meal with them. Mostly because they're a lot older than me. I'm sure lunch will be fine, but I'm a bit nervous about the menu and feeling uncomfortable around them. I know, I just need to grow a pair and suck it up :rolleyes: I hope there's something on the menu that's healthy and something that I don't need to ask a million questions about, ex. dressing on the side, no butter, veggies instead of fries, do you have fat free?, etc etc. I might feel awkward doing that. It's fine when I'm out with friends and family, but we'll see how I do with my coworkers/bosses. I work at a comedy club, so I'm prepared for the teasing that will come when I order a small salad and everyone else is chowing down on burgers/pizza.


Almost the weekend! Happy losing to all of you :D

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Yippee!!! Lunch yesterday went better than I could have imagined. There were 3 of us WW girls at lunch - myself, my coworker and the boss's wife (and we all sat together haha). We sat down and the boss, who's quite the jokester, took my menu away and said I can't eat because I'm on WW. They teased us a bit throughout lunch, but it was all in good fun. My coworker, who hasn't been sticking the plan at all (but still losing weight! arg!), was having trouble ordering. There were 2 very healthy salads on the menu... but she ordered the cobb salad with ranch dressing. I ordered a greek style salad with iceberg lettuce, cabbage, red onion, corn, olives, cucumber and feta. I asked for the dressing on the side and didn't use much of it at all because feta has such a strong taste. The table had also ordered appetizers along with the free bread AND 4 HUGE desserts plus the free ice cream the boss got for his birthday. Needless to say, there was food everywhere! The other 2 WW ladies told me I HAD to try the dessert. I didn't touch a thing. All I had was my water and salad, not a taste of anything else. My WW coworker tried EVERYTHING on the table. She admits she has no will power. I think I was so successful at lunch because of my terrible competitive nature. But hey, whatever works! Then last night I started doing little exercises between commercials. My husband was laughing because I looked ridiculous running around the living room, doing jumping jacks, lunges, stairs and using canned vegetables as weights for curls, etc. I only did it for maybe 30 mins, but at least I got in my activity for the day. Everything counts right? :D


How is everyone elses week going? Anyone have any recent tips or recipes to share?


My tip (from our team leader) would be stirring in 1 tsp of olive oil into my oatmeal in the morning to get in my healthy oil serving (the second serving I get in at dinner). Obviously it has a bit of a taste that you might not be used to in oatmeal, but I don't find that it tastes bad, just oily. Like I said before, my goal this week is to get in my healthy guidelines every single day! So far it's going well :)


Happy Friday to you all! Have a fantastic weekend!!! Happy losing :p

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Hi ladies,

My name is Susan, I"ve 56 years old. I was very excited to see this WW post. My work started their own "at work lunch" meeting 10 weeks ago. This Thursday I reached 20.6 lbs, my first milestone with 100 lbs to go, so I really need all the support I can get.

I have not set up my Cruise Critic postings fancy like everyone else, but we have been on several cruises - I just need to dig up all my old info so I can list them.

My husband and I are departing May 23 with another couple on Carnival Spirit Alaska cruise. I have eaten healthy before, but I want to make a verbal commitment to watch the bread at dinner and will allow myself one roll if I choose. I also commit to walking all those stairs vs elevators.

I have been chunky all my life - while in high school my Mom put us in WW where I lost 35 pounds and was 140. When I met my husband I was tipping the 190's but proceeding to gain until I reached 268. I made the decision to have bypass surgery and 4 months later, at 209, I found out I was pregnant - I actually lost 5 lbs during my pregnancy. Now over 20 years later, I am up close to 300 lbs. But like they say, this is "old new", my "new news" is I'm actually working on changing my lifestyle. I've found that the new WW program and points is very easy - I can eat anything I choose as long as I write it down. Our leader is very supportive, as well as my co-workers (I'm the biggest one there).


One of my survival tricks is Oroweat's "thin sandwich" bread - OMG - toasted with a little peanut butter makes the best breakfast OR I microwave 2 eggs scrambled in a small cup (it makes a mini-quiche) and make an egg sandwich. My husband and I are also hooked on stir-fry veggies (onion, different colored bell peppers and zuchinni) with added shredded chicken (buy a roasted one). Also have you ever baked a sweet potatoe - split it, add a little butter, Slenda brown sugar & cinnamon. Then don't get me started on WW ice cream bars - the little thin was are only 1 point.


Have you ladies ever heard of "Hungry Girls" www. hungry-girl.com --- She's from Calif. - her website converts high calorie recipes to safer ones and she recommends restaurants that are WW friendly.



Carnival Spirit - Alaska - departing 5/23/2010

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Welcome, Susan. I'm also doing this for not the first time, and concentrating on changing my habits rather than just trying to lose x amount of pounds this year. It's slow going, and I still have over 60 pounds to go, but I'm happy with my progress. Glad you've joined this thread.


Socal, great job on your lunch! Nothing wrong with a little competitive nature, especially when it works for you.


Welcome also Frogfuzz and Sonchyne4u - I'm also doing WW online, and checking in on these boards helps keep me accountable. In a way, it's more help than the meetings because you can check in more than once a week. I have my bad weeks - this is one; I'm not looking forward to WI tomorrow - but that was true even when I did meetings. Still, I will go back to meetings after I get this first 10% off - I want credit for getting to goal, and lifetime!

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Welcome to the other newcomers. I check in on here every day and I think it helps. I was down 2 lbs at my weigh in on Wed. so I'm happy - 8.6 in four weeks.


Last night we went to Olive Garden. I checked their nutrition online and decided on the Apricot Chicken and Minestrone Soup and one breadstick. I ended up not having a breadstick and was satisfied. The chicken was very good and just served with vegetables. I must say I would have liked some pasta or mashed potatoes to go with it but it was fine without it. It really helps to try to figure out what you're going to have before you get there if possible. I had my Crustless Strawberry Pie for dessert later in the evening.




SW: 184

CW: 175.4

GW: 155

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I am happy to say I lost 1.4 lbs. this week :) I love a big loss.


I did much better going out last night, too. I decided ahead of time what and how many drinks I'd have and only used 10 weekly points instead of 25 like last week :) It was exceptionally crowded, so only earned 3 activity points dancing.


A tip about Olive Garden breadsticks. We have an Olive Garden server in our meeting. She told us if we ask for breadsticks without butter, they are only 1 point. The nice thing about asking for them without butter is the server has to wait for fresh ones to come out of the oven to keep the butter off, so they are nice and warm.


SW: 250

CW: 184.2

GS: 145

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Thanks for the olive garden breadstick tip. Those are so darn good.


Yesterday a friend and I ate at Chilis for lunch. We chose the lunch special of chips and salsa (we ate very few chip), soup and salad. We picked the Chicken Green Chili soup and it was AMAZING. We were especially thrilled when we got home and read the Hungry Girl newsletter to find out that our soup was only 2 points per cup. We had made great choices, enjoyed a wonderful lunch out and it was even very reasonably priced!

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WOW, it sounds like everyone is really having great WIs this week! I had a rough day today. We had our annual Foster Care Appreciation Event at a local wildlife center with lunch provided. I had no idea what it would be, so I just planned to pick the healthiest of what was offered. Well, that wasn't an option, the choices were Fried Chicken Tenders, Potato Wedges, Baked Beans and Macaroni and Cheese :eek:! I mean really, I know I live in the South, but not one veggie or a fruit or anything. It was a total bummer as we had overslept and I had missed breakfast, too. So, I just made the best of what was offered kept my portions in check and toured the wildlife trails after lunch for some activity points. I hate when I don't have control over my meals it still throws me for a loop. Hoping everyone has a very Happy Mother's Day!!!

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Welcome Susan! Congrats on your weight loss so far :)


Frances and kleo, way to go!!! Awesome awesome awesome job! Thanks for the tip on the breadsticks. I love Olive Garden but haven't been in ages.


Sounds like everyone is doing well eating out lately. Even you Ashley. That's too bad you didn't have any healthy options, but it sounds like you knew what you were up against and made sensible choices. Good thing you were able to get in the activity points too! I ate out for lunch today with hubby. We ended up at a Vietnamese place. We both ordered soup. I had the seafood soup with rice noodles. It's tough counting the points but counting it as 15 was fair I think. I got in great activity points today. Treadmill in the morning then shopped for 3 hours at the mall AND bought 5 lbs. dumb bells and carried them across the mall back to the car lol! I've been trying not to buy clothes until I'm closer to goal, but some of my current "staples" are looking WAY too big so my husband gave me permission (hahaha, he thinks) to buy some new clothes. I was 1-2 sizes smaller! I got 2 super cute dresses for our cruise. Size 8! I haven't been a size 8 for 3 years and even then I was only that size for maybe 3 months. My main reason for going to the mall was because there's a DQ there and I wanted to pick up the ice cream bars that are ZERO pts but of course they didn't have them :-(

Speaking of ICE CREAM, has anyone tried the Skinny Cow ice cream cups? OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GOSHHHHHH! DELICIOUS!!!! The Ducle le leche is ammmmaaaaazzzzinggg!!! I bought 2 other flavours at Ralphs today. Caramel Cone and Cookies & Cream. I'm sure they'll be delicious too. Only 2 pts. I bought the WW 1pt giant fudge bars to try too. For a new snack I bought fat free sour cream and onion Pringles. They're actually really good! I could go on, I went crazy buying snacks today. Probably should have bought more veggies. At least I got bananas and strawberries.


Feel free to tell me if I'm blabbing too much on here. I've really taken a liking to our WW thread if you couldn't tell :p


Happy Mother's Day to all of you mom's on here :) Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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