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Hi all! Would like to join you, if I may.

I started WW 4/16/2010. This is my 3rd time with WW -- the third time is the charm right??!! Did well with it the 1st time (lost 35lbs) and then put it back on. The 2nd time wasn't successful at all - I was doing WW at home and not going to meetings - bad idea for me. So now - trying it again. My problem is not so much staying on plan -- it's the exercising part. I would rather sit here at the computer or in front of the TV.

I really don't want to go on my 1st cruise at this weight. So between that and my realization of how unhealthy I am at age 46 at this weight, have taken me back to meetings.

I've been on plan for 4 weeks and feeling pretty good about it right now.


Glad to have found you guys here!!!

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Hi Lisa,


I have been on the weight roller coaster for the past 20 years and have tried many diets. WW seems to be the only program that actually works for me. I re-started Jan 29/10 at WW and I'm determined to finally get the weight off and keep it off.


I am 46, married and a mother of 2 great teens (17 and 15). We love to cruise as a family and will be heading to Europe for 3 weeks in July with 1 week being on the RCL Navigator of the Seas July 11 out of Rome for 1 week. Anyway, I hope I will be at my goal weight by then.


Thanks for starting this thread!



SW: 156.6

CW: 142.2

GW: not sure yet aiming at 130 - 135

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Hello all! Had a great week...WI had me down 2.6 lbs! WOW!!! Today we went to my favorite Mexican Restaurant for dinner :) I followed the advice of my fellow-WW and ordered a to-go box with my dinner. As soon as it came, I cut my dinner in half and popped half away (probably a good thing, as it was SO good!). Hopefully this week will be good also...I am off to LA for a class this week...it is always tough "on the road". Hope you all have a great week!

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Welcome Stephanie!

4Piffs, way to go on your weight loss so far:)

Bronco, awesome job! Keep it up! Enjoy LA, but bring a jacket. We've had some chilly winds the past couple of days.


I'm off to weigh-in in 2 hours. I've been really strict with getting all of my Good Health Guidelines this week so hopefully that pays off! We shall see very soon. I will check back in with my new stats :D

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Woohoo!!! I lost 1.6lbs this week! Sticking to those Good Health Guidelines sure made a difference. I got my 2 tsp of oil in every single day, along with water, lean meat, dairy, fruit and veggies, and activity. The only thing I don't do is take a multivitamin. I also hardly touched my weekly points this past week. I'm very happy with the results :D


SW: 157.4

CW: 144.8 (under 145:eek::eek::eek:)

GW: 127.4

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socalcruiser23, WTG! That is awesome! You are right about the jacket, it is a little chilly! Just got done walking 4.75 miles :eek:. I walked from the Hermosa Beach pier, to the Manhattan Beach pier, UP to Starbucks (boy, is that ever a BIG hill) and back to the parking near Hermosa Beach pier! Now I am EXHAUSTED!!! Hopefully it will pay off at WI on Saturday :).

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Hi everyone....


Sorry to have not been on as much. I had strep throat last week, got better and then fell sick with food poisoning. I was in the worst pain.


Anyways, I went to my first weigh in on Saturday and lost 4 pounds.

I'm not doing too well this week as I haven't written anything down.




Congrats to all the losers!

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Kelly: You had a good loss and thanks for the tip about the Olive Garden breadsticks.


Luv2Travel: You did at Chili's. I haven't been there in a long time but that was a good choice.


Ashley: At least you walked after you lunch - it is hard when there isn't any good choices on the menu.


Social: Good loss and you must feel great with the smaller sizes!


Stephanie: I spend more time on the computer than I should. I like to walk but it has been cold for a week so I just won't do it. Stick with the plan and you should do well.


Ali: Keep at it and you'll make your goal.


Janice: Great loss - that was good that you saved half of your dinner right at the beginning. I've never done that but if the portion is big (even when not on WW) if I'm not starving I've brought half of it home but asked for the box at the end. I'll have to try getting it right away.


Mamalicious: Hope you're feeling ok now. A 4 lb loss is wonderful though!


I weighed in today and was very happy. I lost 1.4 and my five week total is exactly 10 lbs and I hit my 5% mark!



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Hey all,


My weigh in was yesterday and I was down another 2.6 lbs. I wanted to log on last night, but could barely drag myself into the house after my appointment with my fitness coach last night :D! Whew, his plan is kicking my butt:eek:! I'm so excited to see next weeks results after a full week of being a gym member.


Social: It seems like the Healthy Eating Guidelines really made a difference! Great Job!!


Good Luck at WIs!

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Congrats Ashley and Frances with your weight loss! Way to go!!!


Mamalicious, good job! 4 lbs in your first week is awesome! It may take a bit to get into the habit of writing everything down. My advice is to plan your meals ahead of time. I write down everything I'm going to eat for the day in the morning before I go to work. Then I know how many points I have to throw around or not. I also pack my own lunch everyday so I'm not tempted to eat at the many surrounding restaurants. Good luck!


This week is still going well for me. I'm sticking to my Good Health Guidelines like crazy. It's really not that difficult getting in my healthy oils now that I've done it for a week or so. I'm enjoying sticking to the plan:D My weekly points will be used for a friend's 25th bday this weekend... mostly on beer:rolleyes: Within reason of course!


Have a fantastic weekend everyone and happy losing :)

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Ferndale Girl~ CONGRATULATIONS on hitting your 5%! That first 5% can be such a motivator!


I did my WI today, as I will be on a little road trip tomorrow...I lost 1.4 lbs!


I forgot to mention two of my favorite things! Costco has Mrs. May's freeze dried fruit (it comes in a variety box of 20). The apples and strawberries are 0 points and the pears are 1 pt. They come in an individual serving size bag so they are great to take with you!


My second favorite is taking the WW 1pt cream cheese (in the little tubs) and adding 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1 tsp of powdered sugar....YUM! The best part...it is still 1 pt :eek:! It is great on a bagel thin or as a dip for apples!


Sounds like everyone is doing great! I FINALLY booked my first cruise...May 28,2011 to Alaska! I can't wait! I have 50 lbs (or so) to lose before then. Thanks for all the support and great tips!

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Ashley: Good job on your weigh-in and all the working out you've been doing.


Social: Enjoy your friend's birthday party with your weekly points. Aren't you glad you saved them up? Your cruise must be coming up real soon.


Janice: Another good loss. We went on an Alaska cruise last August - you'll love it! You have a year to lose what you want - that can be a goal for you.


Stephanie: 3.4 is really good! You'll definitely hit your 5% if you keep on doing whatever you've been doing.


It was finally nice again today so I went for my walk - I refuse to go walking when it is cold. I have a treadmill but it just isn't the same as being out in the fresh air. Tomorrow I have a luncheon to go to and don't know what will be served so probably will just use my weekly points and not worry about it.



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Hey everyone, sounds like you're all having great WI weeks - way to go!!!!!


I'm in one of my difficult phases, with work kicking my butt big-time. This week was full of all-day meetings and evenings out with the out-of-town colleagues. That much "on" time for me is very stressful - I need my alone-time to recharge, and I didn't get any. So no tracking, not the best food choices (although I did pretty well during the day, most days). But I'll start again with WI tomorrow and just go from there. I've got a week of travel starting tomorrow night. Back to San Francisco - I've been there enough on business that I have a pretty good routine and plenty of choices. I'll take that opportunity to get back exercising.


I'll try to be better about posting during the week. I always do better when I'm checking in with other WW-ers!


6 more weeks til my cruise!!!!!!!!



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Hello everyone!!


Seems like everyone is having a good time with their weight loss.

I had my WI yesterday and lost -2.4 pounds bringing my total to 6.4 in 3 weeks. I have three more months before my cruise so I am hoping I can reach my goal. I am feeling a difference in my clothes too. I always make sure to have my pedometer on me, so I can make sure to hit 10,000+ steps.


Socalcruiser23- I've been planning my breakfast and lunch ahead of time too. I am saving a bit of money by doing so too.


I went to a buffet the day before my WI, and I ate in moderation. I tried to protein and veggies, and I left feeling satified and not like I was about to POP!! LOL!!

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Another pound. But it was expected. It's a new week, and I am getting back on track. I've got 6 weeks to get down below 200 before my cruise, and if I really focus I know I can do it. Have a great week everyone!!



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Sorry I've been AWOL. My husband is only home on the weekends and I've been staying off the computer when he's here.


My WI on Friday had me up .4 lbs. I was very happy to only be up that high. I had 3 horrible days last week; ate my way through lots of emotions. I am adjusting to two of my kids moving out within 8 weeks of each other better now. I've home schooled for 13 years. It is really strange to go from them being here to them not. Although the past few years these two have been very busy with social things, volunteer things and work, so were rarely home. But they were in and out. Anyway, I'm managing better.


But Friday I told myself it's a new week, you will not eat those emotions. I've been doing pretty good. Doug and I walked 6 miles over the weekend. I planned on walking every day this week, but the weather is rainy now and will be all week. I may mall walk.


Today I'm driving my youngest (he's nearly 16) to meet with our friends 1/2 way (a 3 hour drive each way for me). He's going to spend 10 days with them. We're meeting at a McD's in a truck stop. I never eat fast food and am unsure what to have for lunch. I'll need to spend some time looking that up in the Dining Out Companion. I am looking forward to having a few days alone. Most of the days are filled up with commitments, but tomorrow and Wed. promise to be very quiet :)


I'm glad to see ya'll are having such great losses this week. Keep up the great work!

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I have not packed but bought all I needed to wear. I am excited. I hope to hit 25 lbs off by the time I sail. WW has been good for me, but I have to watch my cravings and being able to stop when I am full. I am doing loads better with that now so I hope to come back with only a modest gain or even better no gain. I find eating in the dining room rather than the buffet helps with portion control. On most of the cruises I have been on, I am sick of food by the 5th day anyway. ;)

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Congratulations everyone on their weight loss! Sounds like we're all doing really well lately!

kleo, .4 is nothing to be concerned about and it sounds like you're handling it just fine :) I would consider .4 as maintaining. So considering you had some bad days, you're still doing great! I can only imagine the emotions you must be feeling. Good luck with everything!


Well, I set sail in SIX DAYS :eek::eek: I am SOOOO flipping excited! I was hoping to be down a total of 15 lbs before the cruise. Doesn't look like that will happen but I am close enough. I don't plan on tracking while on vacation, but I'm sure I will make smarter choices because I'm in the habit of it now and loving the results! Things like eating salads at lunch and saying no to cheese and butter on certain dishes. Alcohol will be my downfall, but I don't mind. I'm going to have a great time!!


Weigh-in is tomorrow and we'll see how I did. I had a good week and spent my weekly points at my friends birthday on Saturday. I had a few beers and a TINY piece of cake. I even have some weekly points left over. I was very proud of myself :) I wonder what weigh-in will be like when I get home from our cruise.... lol:rolleyes:


Have a wonderful week everyone and happy losing :D

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Kleo, I can totally relate as I to eat my emotions! It's something I am definitely working hard on. +.4 is not bad at all.


cruisecrazyk and social have a fabulous time on your cruises. You both deserve a reward for all your hardwork :D!


Well, tonight was my weigh in! I was down another 1.2 lbs which put me over my 5% lost! YAY!! I'm really pushing hard now to make it to the 10% mark. I would love to celebrate that huge accomplishment along with our son's adoption which is in June. The other times I have done WW I have never stuck it out enough to make it to my 10%, I will do it this time :D! Good luck to everyone else left to WI. I am off to work out.

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Ashley, WAY TO GO! You are doing absolutely fantastic! Congrats on your 5% :D


Another loss for me tonight! Only 0.8 lbs, but I'm very very happy with that! I'm short of my 15 lbs mini-goal before our cruise this weekend, but close enough. I feel really good :) I think I'll be semi-comfortable in a bikini by the pool. I've still got a ways to go, but I'm getting there! Like everyone says, slow and steady. I'm extremely close to my 10%! That's going to be a great feeling. The cruise might set me back a bit, but for the time being I'm not too worried about it. I'm not going to track, but I have a feeling I will keep a rough tally in my head since I'm so used to calculating the points in everything. I will get back on track in a major way when we get home! That's my plan :p


SW: 157.4

CW: 144.0

GW: 127.4

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Hey Everyone! I haven't been on this board since i believe November but its nice to see all the people that have joined! You all give just great advice and encouragment. Well since the last time on here i've lost another 13lbs which brings my weight loss total to 31.9. Im going on a land based vacation next month with a couple of my friends to the Dominican Republic and am hoping to lose another 5 by then!! We shall see :)






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Andrea: Don't feel bad - you can get back on track.

Cruisecrazy: Good loss - you must be getting very excited not that the time is so short.

Socialcruiser: Lucky you.....your cruise is almost here. You've done very well.

Ashley: Good job and make up your mind that you will stick with it this time. You can do it!

Youngcruiser: 31.9 is great! You must feel real good about that.


I had my WI this morning and lost 1 lb so down 11 now. I'm happy with that.



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