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Here is another EASY muffin recipe. They are so darn yummy. They freeze great and it just takes a couple of minutes for them to thaw.


1 Can pumpkin (14 oz)

1 cake mix (I prefer spice, but you can use yellow, white, banana)


Mix well. It takes a little work to mix, you can add a tiny bit of water to make it easier. Put in the mini muffin tins. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.


1 point muffins. Makes 24.


Recipe sharing is great with WW. Hope you all have a great week.

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lkakers - I am not 'really' as stringent as my cruise plan suggestions is. I figure if I keep those rules in my mind, I will make SOME better choices, but I do give myself lots of leniency while on vacation. The HARD part is getting back to plan after that.


My goal this week had been to hit the 20 lb mark, and I just managed (although I think losing 0.2 lbs this week had more to do with wearing a tank top!):p


I didn't stay on plan for the long weekend - I started with the best of intentions, but slipped up too many times. Started out with a plateful of only stir-fry veggies, 1/4 cup rice, egg drop soup and some sushi at the Chinese Buffet that my DD wanted to go to, but then started the 'I'll just take a drop of this and a taste of that'. For our memorial day barbecue, the grilled portabella mushroom with just a 'slider' turkey burger, and the WW recipe potato salad were a great start, but how could I resist the neighbor's ice cream cake:o.


This is a short week to 'make up for it' before weigh-in, but I can get to goal by the end of the summer if I get out of my routine of 'off-plan for weekends, repair the damage during the week'.


4piffs - thanks for the Bran Muffin recipe. One of my breakfast staples is Vitamuffin Cran-Bran VitaTops with a WW yogurt (1 pt each), but I've been looking for a recipe to make something like them from scratch. The other breakfast I like is from the South Beach diet. I mix 1 cup any flavor eggbeaters, 3/4 cup shredded fat-free cheese, and any combo of veggies (spinach, red peppers, onions, mushrooms, asparagus, etc) spray a 12-muffin pan with non-stick spray, and divide the mixture in the pan. Bake at 350 for approx 20 minutes. It makes 6 servings for 1 pt each.


luv2travel2beaches - I've made the pumpkin spice cake recipe many times; it goes especially well in the fall. I've made cookies from that, adding cranberries, raisins and/or chopped nuts (it's a bit weird cause it's hard to get them on the cookie sheet, they bake to that shape and you have to watch the time). The points depend on how big they are, and what you add to it, so I use the e-tools recipe builder for that.


Anyway, hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend...back to the grind!




SW 182.8

CW 162.8

GW 150

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Hello again to you all! I am back from our cruise. We had a fantastic time! The weather was great in Mexico, nice and hot. Perfect for laying on the beach.


I have definitely put back on some pounds... eek :eek: but that's all right. I really enjoyed myself on the cruise and wasn't too picky about what I ate. I did make some smarter choices. I tried to eat filling foods when I could. I also never had butter the WHOLE cruise, that's a big deal for me. I ate bread, but no butter, not once :) We worked out in the gym twice and took the stairs often, oh and DANCED!! I did have dessert after dinner each night and when we ate in the specialty Italian restaurant we really stuffed our faces... not to mention Johnny Rockets too. The big thing of course was the alcohol. I'm sure that's where most of my weigh gain came from. But that's all right because we're home now and I'm back on track. Yesterday I only went 2 pts over my daily points and that was even with dinner out with friends. I had my Greek salad and that was it. I have weigh in tonight so that is good motivation to get right back on track. I'm a little nervous for the scale, but hopefully after tracking again for a week I will see quick results. I need to get to the grocery store today to stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. I have none right now! At least I have my Green Giant frozen veggies (0 pts) in the freezer. Those are a big help when I'm hungry for more! It has been a bit tough getting back on track.


Next week my husband and I move to Canada! I'm Canadian, so I'm just moving home. I will have to find a new meeting in my home town and search the grocery stores for WW endorsed food. I think my little sister might join WW with me, so I'm quite excited for a new buddy! I hope I can stay on track while we're on the road. It's a 21 hour drive (not including border wait times). Luckily my parents are very healthy and they're helping us drive up to Vancouver. I will bring healthy snacks and opt for Subway if we stop along the way.


I hope you all are doing well. Welcome to all the new members on the thread! Good luck with your weigh loss everyone :D

I will check back in tonight after weigh in *gulp* send thin thoughts my way!!!

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Well, after my gain last week, I came back with a vengence at the scale tonight and lost 5 lbs. :D That makes my total of 19.6 lbs since starting WW! I am so pumped, as this is exactly what I needed as I am going into a week that is going to be very emotional. Next Tuesday we will finalize the adoption of our son, and I am already crying and still have 6 days to go. This is something we have wanted for seven years and although we have had him since birth (he's almost 2 now) the finality of it all is so amazing and a little overwhelming.


Social- you did fantastic before and I'm sure it will be no time and you'll have the cruise weight dropped!


Best of luck to everyone else on your wi this week!!

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Well, after my gain last week, I came back with a vengence at the scale tonight and lost 5 lbs. :D That makes my total of 19.6 lbs since starting WW! I am so pumped, as this is exactly what I needed as I am going into a week that is going to be very emotional. Next Tuesday we will finalize the adoption of our son, and I am already crying and still have 6 days to go. This is something we have wanted for seven years and although we have had him since birth (he's almost 2 now) the finality of it all is so amazing and a little overwhelming.


Social- you did fantastic before and I'm sure it will be no time and you'll have the cruise weight dropped!


Best of luck to everyone else on your wi this week!!


What a wonderful blessing for you with the adoption of your little son. Congratulations on that and also your new drive for weight loss. You have a lot to be proud of.

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Ashley, good luck with everything! What a relief it will be for you to have it all finalized :)


Well, as for weigh in... I gained 3.6 lbs after the cruise. More than I would have liked, but at least I was under 5 lbs. That would've been a hard hit. I'm back on track and hope to see the 3.6 gone shortly! I went grocery shopping yesterday and got fruit and veggies so I can snack on those if I get hungry. I also bought 2 more boxes of 1 pt bars at my meeting last night. Those things are seriously heaven when I'm in need of sweets. Those and the WW giant fudge ice cream bars are probably my favourite. Only 1 pt?! Sounds good to me!!! :D Since we're moving next week I've got to get creative with meals so we can get rid of all the food in the house. It's a 21 hr drive so we definitely can't keep anything frozen or cold on the road. Anyone need any mayo, mustard, jam, etc? haha! I guess one of our lucky friends will get to raid our fridge before we leave.


Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you're all having a good week!

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Okay much better mood today! Just had my weigh in this morning and I'm down 4.8 lbs from last week! I sooo needed that. Last week was a real bummer. I am really carefull about points. I wonder why some weeks you lose a lot - then with the same points the next week, you bomb. Oh well - its cool because I'm on a 'lost a lot' high :D


I expect probably I won't have the same results next week because I'm going to incorporate a little more excersize into my world. I tend to retain water when I start a new workout routine. Does anyone have any tricks that help shed that water weight sooner rather than later?


:) Kerry


SW - Can't remember exactly - I think around 201.7

CW - 192.2

GW - 145

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Luv2Travel: 2.6 is a good loss - keep it up!


Kerry: .6 was at least a loss and then coming back with 4.8 must really make you feel good. That is hard to do.


Lani: 1.6 is good - I like those bagel thins too.


Deanna: Welcome. 4.1 so far is great - you should be able to lose the l5 lbs that you want by Sept 11th if you keep on track - you're doing really good.


Judi: Hitting the 20 lbs mark is good - that you give you an incentive to make your next goal - maybe 5 lbs??


Socialcruiser: Glad to hear that you had such a good cruise with nice weather. I don't eat bread with dinner at home but I had a roll (sometimes two) at dinner every night on Princess last January - they were so good. I didn't start WW until April so wasn't watching what I was eating. Our next cruise is a year away - don't know how I'll handle the bread then. 3.6 wasn't too bad - you can get it off soon now that you're back to counting. Good luck with the move to Vancouver - that is such a pretty area.


Ashley: 5 lbs - way to go!!!! You must be sooooo happy about the adoption being finalized and it is probably a relief too. Congratulations.


My weigh-in on Wednesday was my lowest yet - .8 - but I've lost 13 now so I'm still happy. We'll see what happens next week.


SW: 184

CW: 171

GW: 155



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Just found this thread and want to join in also! I am a WW lifetime drop out that has strayed, but decided since I will be cruising again with my hubby next March I would like to be thinner. So here are my stats:

Age 54

WT 143

GW 135

I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I did manage to lose the 10 pounds I gained during the holidays but now I am stuck. I am pretty short so every single extra pound shows!

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Hi everyone,


I just re-joined WW a week ago and found this thread. I live over an hour from a WW center and 45 minutes from a large grocery store. So, I am doing WW on line. And I need support! :)


Our next cruise is on 10-10-10 and I have a bunch of "cruise clothes" that are now too tight. I have a lot of weight to lose and have a long-term goal to reach before a two week TA cruise on 9-3-2011.


I lost weight last week, but my biggest problem is planning. I have to plan to drive to the store, take my lunch to work, etc. (We live and work in a resort and the food is cruise-style 24X7. I need to give up using my employee discount to eat in the resort restaurants and start bringing my own food to work) Unfortunately, I am also allergic to gluten so I can not use most of the WW pre-pared foods.


Although, I have found the 1 point Skinny Cow Fudge Bar. :D


Any help is greatly appreciated!




SW: 210

CW: 207.4

GW for 10-10-10 Cruise: 180

GW for 9-3-2011 Cruise: 135

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Hello vfb2girls: Welcome - you should be able to get to your goal by your cruise next March. You'll just have to really watch it over the holidays when they get here. Good luck.


Kim: I can't imagine being 45 minutes from the grocery store - I spend a lot of time at ours. That really would take a lot of planning. I don't know how the online WW works - I like going to the meetings but yours is too far to go to. I hope it will help you by checking in here - any extra help is good. I like your idea of two goals for the two cruises.



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Today was my WI and I finally hit my 10%! This time it has been very slow going, but I am determined to stay on plan and get the weight off and keep it off! Down 1.8 lbs today.


Small steps! ;)




SW: 155.4

CW: 140.2

GW: 130

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Kim: I can't imagine being 45 minutes from the grocery store - I spend a lot of time at ours. That really would take a lot of planning. I don't know how the online WW works - I like going to the meetings but yours is too far to go to. I hope it will help you by checking in here - any extra help is good. I like your idea of two goals for the two cruises.




Hi Frances,

Thanks for your message. I am trying to get organized to go to the store once a week with a list. That means that I am going to have to pre-plan meals--which is a whole new concept for me. I slipped into the bad habit of just walking over to a restaurant in the resort where I work and grabbing the next meal.


So far, I love WW on-line. It is actually fun. I just need to force myself onto the scale every Friday morning.


Looking for any advice or tips for grocery products.



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Hi! I too have re-joined WW last week. I am an on-again-off-again WW member. I have finally decided to get serious about my weight loss and have begun to really watch what I eat. I have diabetes, which is controlled and I'm only on 1 medication now, and the majority of my weight is belly fat. I've always known this thread was here but was afraid to join in until now. I am looking forward to hanging out with you all and supporting each other to get the weight off!



SW: 187.4

CW: 183.6

GW: 145

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Hi All! It's been a while since I've been here. At my last weigh-in, I didn't gain any weight, and didn't lose any. It was a relief because I had a very hard week with cravings, mood swings, water weight gain, and bloating (if you know what I mean). I usually have a hard time, but this time was much worse than normal. I felt like a giant, achy water balloon all week. I read somewhere that sodium can be a big contributor to the problem, and they mentioned eating too many frozen meals. I was a little upset because I take my Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine lunches to work, and they've worked well for me so far. However if they're causing the problem, I need to think of other things to eat at lunchtime.


Maybe that's not so bad since I need to learn to eat properly for life, and this will force me to do that. But I really love taking those meals to work! Oh well :o.


I'm so happy because I tried on a cocktail dress that I wore on my cruise last year, and it fits soooo much better than it did last year. I look slimmer. I'm selling a bunch of my old cocktail dresses so I can purchase some new ones for my upcoming cruises. Most of them are too big, which is a great indicator for me in such a short amount of time. Most of the weight so far has left my face and tummy, which is alright with me!!


SW: 190.8

CW: 185.6


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I signed up for WW last week in hopes of loosing belly fat and learning portion control. I'm doing good on sticking to my points, but I've noticed the meals aren't exactly low carb/sugar. It seems the focus is only low fat and calories. This is my first time to try WW. Any advice?

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faith413, I hear ya with the bloating! I hate having weigh in during that time of the month. I try to keep a LOT of veggies and fruit in the house during that time so when I crave food I go for those zero and low point foods instead of chocolate and chips. It's really tough though. I try to have veggies and fruit already washed and cut so I can reach into the fridge and grab and hand full. I find berries really have helped me in those times. I always want chocolate and sweets, so the berries ease my cravings. With regards to the frozen meals, yes, they do have a lot of sodium. I still took them to work every day for lunch. Maybe switch your lunch up once or twice a week to lower your sodium intake. Also, are you drinking enough water? I find the days that I don't drink enough water I feel WAY more bloated than usual. Make sure you get in your 8 glasses a day (or more!).

And oh my... Doesn't it feel GREAT to get rid of old clothes that are too big. Since we're moving this week I've been getting rid of a ton of stuff. I threw out almost half of my clothes since they just don't look good! Too baggy WOOHOO!!! I've got to be careful buying too many new clothes right now because I'm still not a goal, but it sure feels good to be down a couple sizes :D


Welcome to all of the newcomers. We really are getting a lot of new members to this thread. It's great to have more people to share with:) Since I have no future cruises booked, I find myself on CC less and less. And especially since I'm moving back home to Canada this week :eek: I will try my best to get on here once or twice a week. Definitely after weigh in!


So is everyone still subscribing to Hungry Girl?! I absolutely LOVE her emails! Through her site I found that the new Subway Chicken Orchard sub really isn't high in points! I was sure it was since it's covered in mayo, but NO! It's 7 points for a 6 inch without cheese. And for a sandwich like that, I don't think you'd need cheese, or dressing for that matter. Load it with veggies and you've got yourself one big meal! Now I know I can give it a try on our long drive to Vancouver. yummy!


Since being back from our cruise I've been doing well. A few days I was even under my daily points. I've been eating a lot of 0 point foods and fruit. We did have our going away dinner with friends on Saturday and I ate a lot. That's ok because I had all of my weekly points left. Tonight my husband and I are going to the Dodgers game! I'm so excited, I love baseball. I'm going to throw a 1pt bar and some low pt chips in my purse in case I'm dying for some ball park snacks. I know my husband is going to have hot dogs and beers. I said I will have a ball park diet soda, that will be my treat lol! I do have weigh in tomorrow, so I'm not taking any chances on hot dogs, popcorn, candy or GARLIC CHILI CHEESE FRIES! Evil evil things. haha.


Hope you all had a great weekend! Keep on tracking!

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Hi Social Cruiser,

I love Hungry Girl! I have 2 of her books! The egg mcMuggins are the greatest! Her e-mails are also very very informative. My all-time-favorite is her hot coleslaw dishes. I love cooking the coleslaw and adding a can of chopped tomatoes and grated cheese and then eating that with skinless boneless chicken breast. Very filling and taste great too! LOL!

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Hi everyone and welcome! I was SO happy at WI this week...I was down 2 lbs! I attribute at least some of that to my 5K...did you all do one?


I have booked our cruise, which sails 28 May 2011! My weight loss so far has been slow (at least it seems like it), but steady :)


My favorite thing is the WW app for my iPhone. I don't think I could be as successful without it, as I am ALWAYS losing things and would have a hard time keeping up with a food tracker ;) If I misplace my phone (which I do often), at least I can call it. I also LOVE having the app with me when I go shopping! If I find something that looks interesting I can calculate the points right away and see if it "makes the cut". I realize you can do that without the app, but I find it handy.


I finally got around to using the eTools Recipe Builder! What a great tool! I was surprised that some of our "old favorites" can be great with some minor modifications!




SW: 223.4

CW: 189.8 (Yippee, I am under 190!)

GW: 170 (at least for starters!)

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Hi Social Cruiser,

I love Hungry Girl! I have 2 of her books! The egg mcMuggins are the greatest! Her e-mails are also very very informative. My all-time-favorite is her hot coleslaw dishes. I love cooking the coleslaw and adding a can of chopped tomatoes and grated cheese and then eating that with skinless boneless chicken breast. Very filling and taste great too! LOL!


I am just learning about Hungry Girl on this thread. Just checked out the web site and signed up for the emails. Thanks for posting!


I have two boxes in my bedroom. One box is for clothes that are now too big. One box is of "cruise clothes" that I would like to wear on my 10-10-10 cruise. My goal is to fill up the "too big" box this Summer. There are just a few items in the box so far, but I have a pair of shorts on today that I could not wear last Summer.


This is just my second week on WW (well, for this try) and I feel a differnce already. Love WW On-Line and am getting ready to load up the IPone version.


Have a good week,



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oh my gosh, YES YES YES to the iPhone app for WW!!! I wouldn't survive without it! I have not tracked on paper once since I started. I only EVER use my phone for WW. I hear ya Janice about using it in the grocery store. If I see a new item on the shelf, I whip out my phone and calculate the points right there and am able to see how many points it would be to double the serving size, etc. I find it far easier than using the slider. The iPhone app and etools are the best thing about WW. Love em!


The app is FREE if you are a Weight Watchers member to all of you who may not know. I think it may be available on other smart phones but I'm not sure.

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All righty, I'm checking back after my weigh in. I lost almost all of my cruise weight! I was down 2.8 lbs today after the 3.6 lbs I gained last week.


Now onto my long roadtrip to Vancouver. I'm going to bring lots of fruit, 1 pt bars and snacks with us. I think I'll be able to stay on track on the road. I'm not too concerned about it.


I hope you're all doing well!


SW: 157.4

CW: 144.8

GW: 127.4

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Hi everyone. Sorry to have not posted in a long time. The past three weeks have been crazy, so crazy I never made it to my WI. I did manage to go this past weekend and was down .6. I was just glad I didnt gain, I tend to do some damage with emotional eating.


Thanks to the replies here, I downloaded the WW app on my Ipod touch. It is GREAT!!! And so easy to use. I am going to make sure I use it daily to keep me accountable. No excuses now.


So as of right now, I have alittle over 2 months for my vacation, and I am hoping to lose 10-15 pounds by then! I am also 2 pounds away from my 5%....

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes on the adoption! Everything went really well, and we are so relieved that it is all complete now. I now wish my weigh in could have went as well :(! I have volleyed back and forth these last couple of weeks. I gained again this week 1.4 lbs. I was shocked to say the least, but after I sat down and reviewed my week it started to make more sense. This week will be a better week, I am sure of it! Good Luck on the move Socialcruiser! Happy WI's ladies!

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Ali: You reached your 10% - good for you - that is my next goal.


Kim: It is easier to just eat in a restaurant than to plan things and pack your meals but....you have better control over what you eat if you do it yourself. I hope your "too big box" keeps getting fuller. I just love sandwiches on those little round 100 calorie deli rolls. I'm retired so usually eat lunch at home so it is easy for me but I never get tired of them. I'm sure you already know about them.


Sheryl: I would imagine that eating healthy would help with your diabetes so this will help all around.


Faith413: At least you stayed the same and didn't gain. Isn't it a great feeling when your clothes fit better?


Socialcruiser: I also noticed on Hungry Girl the Subway Chicken Orchard Sandwich and thought it looked good. I tried their breakfast sandwich recently and was happy with it. You had a good weigh-in - your cruise pounds will be gone soon. Good luck with the move.


Anjanu: That is good that you re-joined. I think it really helps.


Janice: 2 lbs is great! No....I didn't do the 5K. We go for a walk most days but certainly not that far. I see you have a cruise on the Coral next May. We were on her in January for the Panama Canal - I really liked her. Our next cruise is also next May on the Ruby.


Mamalicious: If you lost after not going for a few weeks you must be doing something right.


Ashley: You can settle down now after your celebration and get back on track.


My weigh in was today and I lost 1.6 so I'm happy. I hope I can keep it up. We're going to Friday's tonight and I'll get the Chicken Bruschetta but I'm only going to eat half and bring the rest home for tomorrow. I've done that a couple of times before and I lost.


Happy point counting to all!!!



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