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~WeightWatchers Support~


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Good job on the weight loss! I can't wait for our cruise! I've been dreaming about it for years and now I can finally start making arrangements. Where are you going in May? I would love the Panama Canal...maybe in the future :))




I am really looking forward to my next mini-goal of 183...that is when I am no longer obese!!! Only 6.8 pounds to go ;)!

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Hello! My name is Crystal and I am a 30 year old Female from California. I just started weight watchers and will begin thier menu next week. Its been hard to convince my husband that its worth it but he has come around and hopefully I am right and it does work for me. I have tried numerous other diets since I have gained my weight but none have worked. I gained weight over the years due to medication changes. I am bipolar and some of the meds I have tried make you gain weight horribly. I finally told my doc NO MORE of that! I am starting a new body weight exercise regime tomorrow and plan on doing lots of cardio seeing as how I dont work. I am cruising on the carnival paradise in October of this year and hope to lose as much weight as possible before then! I know I will be so much more comfortable the more weight I lose ( I am very self conscious unfortunatly). I hope to be a regular on this thread and find as well as give support! Here are my Stats.


SW: 243

CW: 243

GW: 130


Thats over 100 lbs!! I have my work cut out for me!!! :o

My weight in days are Saturdays at the end of the week!!

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Hello! My name is Crystal and I am a 30 year old Female from California. I just started weight watchers and will begin thier menu next week. Its been hard to convince my husband that its worth it but he has come around and hopefully I am right and it does work for me. I have tried numerous other diets since I have gained my weight but none have worked. I gained weight over the years due to medication changes. I am bipolar and some of the meds I have tried make you gain weight horribly. I finally told my doc NO MORE of that! I am starting a new body weight exercise regime tomorrow and plan on doing lots of cardio seeing as how I dont work. I am cruising on the carnival paradise in October of this year and hope to lose as much weight as possible before then! I know I will be so much more comfortable the more weight I lose ( I am very self conscious unfortunatly). I hope to be a regular on this thread and find as well as give support! Here are my Stats.


SW: 243

CW: 243

GW: 130


Thats over 100 lbs!! I have my work cut out for me!!! :o

My weight in days are Saturdays at the end of the week!!


Welcome! I am new to WW too. (Well, I did WW about 15 years ago but the plan was not as easy and fun then)


I have had some medical issues that have caused some weight gain too. AND I have now realized that I was in a food trance. I am allergic to many grains, including wheat. So, I loved those new Betty Crocker Gluten Free Brownies---until I realized that they are 12 points each! :eek: I was making and eating a whole batch of those every week before WW.


I knew that I was over weight but my big wake up call was photos from our last cruise in April. I showed our friends all the photos and they asked, "why arent you in any of the photos?". I had edited those out and thrown them away.


Our next cruise is in October too. You will see me on the board often too.


Take care,



PS: My husband has not joined me with the WW plan, but I am working on him. Our grocery and restaurant bill actually dropped quite a bit; so, he is thrilled about that already.

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Hello everyone,


I just finished Week 2 and am down 6 lbs on the WW on-line program. Love it! I added it to my Blackberry and IPod and use it all the time.


My biggest thing to overcome is that I have to eat Gluten Free. So, I am allergic to most of the WW prepared meals, regular breads--anything with wheat, oats, barley or rye. I have had to get really creative because Gluten Free pre-made products have tons of points (all made with rice and potato flour).


I also gave up eating out. (which is saving a lot of money...to spend on new clothes)


I eat the bulk of my points before 3PM and eat veggies only for dinner. That is really working for me.


I also went through my kitchen with a sharpie marker and wrote the points per serving on the outside of all of the packages. It was shocking :eek:


Thanks for the support!




SW: 210

CW: 204

GW for 10-10-10 Cruise: 180

GW for 9-3-2011 Cruise: 135

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Hello! My name is Crystal and I am a 30 year old Female from California. I just started weight watchers and will begin thier menu next week. Its been hard to convince my husband that its worth it but he has come around and hopefully I am right and it does work for me. I have tried numerous other diets since I have gained my weight but none have worked. I gained weight over the years due to medication changes. I am bipolar and some of the meds I have tried make you gain weight horribly. I finally told my doc NO MORE of that! I am starting a new body weight exercise regime tomorrow and plan on doing lots of cardio seeing as how I dont work. I am cruising on the carnival paradise in October of this year and hope to lose as much weight as possible before then! I know I will be so much more comfortable the more weight I lose ( I am very self conscious unfortunatly). I hope to be a regular on this thread and find as well as give support! Here are my Stats.


SW: 243

CW: 243

GW: 130


Thats over 100 lbs!! I have my work cut out for me!!! :o

My weight in days are Saturdays at the end of the week!!


Welcome to the board Crystal!! I can totally relate with you! I too have more than 100 lbs to lose, and it can be really duanting at times. I just try to focus on my much smaller goals then to focus to much on the big one. Just remember it didn't all just come on in one day and its not going to all fall off in one day either. Slow and steady will definitely win the race. Good Luck. You can message me anytime if you would like, it's nice to have others to talk to that are on this path as well!

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Good job on the weight loss! I can't wait for our cruise! I've been dreaming about it for years and now I can finally start making arrangements. Where are you going in May? I would love the Panama Canal...maybe in the future :))




I am really looking forward to my next mini-goal of 183...that is when I am no longer obese!!! Only 6.8 pounds to go ;)!


Janice that is a huge mini goal to break through! Best of Luck!

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faith413, I hear ya with the bloating! I hate having weigh in during that time of the month. I try to keep a LOT of veggies and fruit in the house during that time so when I crave food I go for those zero and low point foods instead of chocolate and chips. It's really tough though. I try to have veggies and fruit already washed and cut so I can reach into the fridge and grab and hand full. I find berries really have helped me in those times. I always want chocolate and sweets, so the berries ease my cravings. With regards to the frozen meals, yes, they do have a lot of sodium. I still took them to work every day for lunch. Maybe switch your lunch up once or twice a week to lower your sodium intake. Also, are you drinking enough water? I find the days that I don't drink enough water I feel WAY more bloated than usual. Make sure you get in your 8 glasses a day (or more!).

And oh my... Doesn't it feel GREAT to get rid of old clothes that are too big. Since we're moving this week I've been getting rid of a ton of stuff. I threw out almost half of my clothes since they just don't look good! Too baggy WOOHOO!!! I've got to be careful buying too many new clothes right now because I'm still not a goal, but it sure feels good to be down a couple sizes :D


Hope you all had a great weekend! Keep on tracking!


Socalcruiser, YES, I took your advice and bought more fruits and veggies to keep onhand, and it's helping. I had my weigh-in today, and lost .2 lbs. Not much, but better than gaining or staying at the same weight! :rolleyes: I've been doing some weight training, so I think the slow moving scale may have something to do with that. I had a size 16 dress, and also a size 14 dress, from last year, and I purchased a little red number in a size 10. Tried on the 10 yesterday and it FITS-PERFECTLY!! :eek:


Maybe I'm getting more toned instead of dropping the pounds because of muscle?! I'm getting complements about my weight loss but the scale is telling me something different. Whatever it is, I'm happy to fit into the 10. :D Here's the dress, can't wait to surprise my husband in this!




I'm reducing my intake of sodium and sugar, and working out a bit more. I find that I get a little bored doing the same exercise every day, so I signed up for some step aerobics, zumba, and latin dance classes. I'm cruising out of San Juan in about 2 months, so it can't hurt to brush up on those salsa moves. I also take my dog running with me in the morning on weekends, he loves running with me and it's a great time for us to bond.


I took a big black marker and crossed out half of the extra 35 points values on the side of my tracker. It's crunch time since our cruise is in two months! I'll report back next week and share my results. I love this thread, there's some wonderful advice here.


SW: 190.8

CW: 185.4

GW (for cruise): 175

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Crystal and Kim,


Welcome! It is great to have you and looking forward to hearing about your successes!


Faith413, I know what you mean about not seeing the "success" on the scale. I was SO glad that I had taken my measurements shortly after I started WW...now, when I feel that the scale isn't showing the results I think it should, I measure myself. So far, it hasn't failed. Last time I measured myself I'd lost 2 inches in my waist, hips and thighs! Yippee!


I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

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I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


You will be in my thoughts and prayers and we will be here to offer support.


Take care of yourself,



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I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


You will DEFINITELY be in my thoughts and prayers. There was a newscaster - I think that is what she is - on The View recently who made that decision. She was on there before she had the surgery and she was on there again either this week or last week. She also had the reconstruction. She said she feels good and looks great. She is very happy with her decision. She was always worried about getting breast cancer because of her family history and now she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Please keep us posted.



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Crystal and Kim,


Welcome! It is great to have you and looking forward to hearing about your successes!


Faith413, I know what you mean about not seeing the "success" on the scale. I was SO glad that I had taken my measurements shortly after I started WW...now, when I feel that the scale isn't showing the results I think it should, I measure myself. So far, it hasn't failed. Last time I measured myself I'd lost 2 inches in my waist, hips and thighs! Yippee!


I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


I will be praying for you. Please keep us posted on your progress.

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Good Afternoon Ladies!!


So i had my weigh in this morning and i lost .9lbs which is great! Im trying to break that 150 mark which is my mini goal for now! I go on vacation starting Monday which im alittle nervous about since its land based and its all basically local food. Im going to the Dominican Republic and i picked a resort that does have some food that i will like. Im a picky eater so I only eat american food lol. Im simple just a burger and fries and im happy! Anyways im excited to be on vacation and at a beach but nervous for the food choices, we shall see how it goes when i get back! Hope everyone has an awesome day and weekend and stay OP!!!!!

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I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!



You are in my thoughts and Prayers! We are here for support and just to talk to if you need it!

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Crystal and Kim,


Welcome! It is great to have you and looking forward to hearing about your successes!


Faith413, I know what you mean about not seeing the "success" on the scale. I was SO glad that I had taken my measurements shortly after I started WW...now, when I feel that the scale isn't showing the results I think it should, I measure myself. So far, it hasn't failed. Last time I measured myself I'd lost 2 inches in my waist, hips and thighs! Yippee!


I am having a bit of a struggle. On Mother's Day I found a lump in my breast. Thankfully it appears benign and "they" are watching it. What makes this so hard is that my older sister passed away at 46 (I just celebrated my 49th birthday) from breast cancer. Needless to say, it has been a very stressful month and although I've done very well, it is SUCH a struggle! I have been having nightmares, so after much thought (over the past six years), I have decided to have a double masectomy. I go to the surgeon on the 23rd to discuss with her (which makes me anxious, nervous, etc). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


You will definitely be in my prayers as well!

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WI today was great! Down 1.8 lbs for a total of 35.4...now I am exactly 5 lbs from being "overweight" instead of obese! Oh happy day!!!


Congratulations! Keep us posted. I am looking forward to just being "overweight" myself. :D



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I just want to say that I went to a Mexican restaurant without over-eating last night. That is a huge "win" for me. Just some grilled shrimp over a salad with salsa and one bean taco. I did not eat an entire basket of chips. (ate no chips) Mexican is my trigger food, and I was really worried about going to our favorite Mexican restaurant last night.


I also just put a pair of capri pants in the "too big" box.


I hope you are all having a good weekend. If I can give up eating the "Mexican Platter" and a basket of chips, anything is possible!



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Congrats on the Mexican Food! Also my most dangerous! I have found that if I don't eat the chips (UGH!) and then cut my favorite meal in half (and put it in a to-go box right away so I'm not tempted to "cheat") I can still have it!


I must admit I was saddened to see that Princess doesn't seem to have a Mexican night ;)


Quick tip:

At my meeting on Saturday one of the member's was talking about craving sweet and salty and another member said she pops up the Jiffy (1 pt) microwave popcorn and then sprinkles a little Splenda (or whatever your favorite sweetener is), closes the bag and shakes. She says it tastes just like Kettle Corn!


Have a great week all!

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I do the same thing with my popcorn. I either sprinkle my popcorn with splenda and cinnamon for a sweet craving, or chili and garlic powders and some grated cheese to change it up. You can just about sprinkle any spice on your plain popcorn to make it a fantastic treat worth very few points!


I did find 100 calorie Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop (94% fat free) pop corn in Kettle Korn at Kroger. It's awesome!


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We have Zumba classes at our Y that I have been wanting to try out it just hasn't fit in to my schedule yet. Please let us know how it is!


Also, whoever first brought up Hungry Girl, THANK YOU! I am loving that website. We are going to try her Shrimp Scampi recipe on Thursday. Has anyone every tried the Shiritaki noodles? I hope they are yummy, because they sound like a fabulous substitute for high point noodles!!!

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I ordered the DVD kit but it hasnt arrived yet. As soon as I ordered it, I received an email with a link to Zumba classes. We live in a really rural area but someone teaches it at a church in our county. I emailed her and told her that I am recovering from a serious hip injury. (My doctor told me to get to Zumba) She said to join in and go at my own pace. The class starts next week. I will post a report. If I can do it, just about anyone can do it. :rolleyes:


The church is 30 minutes away and no one knows me there. So, I can go to my first class in disguise. :cool::D

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