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Hi everyone--


I lost 18 lbs. on WW in 2004, and I've been Lifetime since Nov. 2004. I'm very physically active, although I have to be careful of an injured rotator cuff--I finished PT and it seems fine.


So, I'm about to cruise on Carnival Glory, 5 days NYC-Canada.


Please give me any advice/wisdom/tips to help me have a successful cruise from the food/health point of view. My plan right now:

1. exercise every day--I have a pedometer, plus I will use the fitness center

2. include fruit with breakfast and 2 vegetables with dinner

3. keep tracking--"If you bite it, write it" will certainly apply here.


Thanks in advance for helping me with this new challenge--


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Hi everyone--


I lost 18 lbs. on WW in 2004, and I've been Lifetime since Nov. 2004. I'm very physically active, although I have to be careful of an injured rotator cuff--I finished PT and it seems fine.


So, I'm about to cruise on Carnival Glory, 5 days NYC-Canada.


Please give me any advice/wisdom/tips to help me have a successful cruise from the food/health point of view. My plan right now:

1. exercise every day--I have a pedometer, plus I will use the fitness center

2. include fruit with breakfast and 2 vegetables with dinner

3. keep tracking--"If you bite it, write it" will certainly apply here.


Thanks in advance for helping me with this new challenge--



Hi Elana,


I went to my Roll Call board for my specific cruise and posted to that board about walking on the cruise. I have a group of 10 people to walk with on my 10-10-10 cruise. We are going to get together and walk every day.


I am still in the losing mode and probably will be until next year. So, I am really thinking about going hard-core on the cruise with this plan:


1. I am taking some of the WW smoothie powder packets and a shaker cup. I am going to have a smoothie and fresh fruit for breakfast. Or egg whites with veggies.


2. For lunch, I am going to the buffet carving station and getting 3-4 points of meat and then to the salad bar. I am taking my own dressing. Just lots of fresh veggies, the meat and the spray-on salad dressing by Wish Bone.


3. We are sailing on NCL so dinner will be a challenge. We love to eat in all the specialty restaurants. I have the menues for those restaurants (searched and found them on Cruise Critic) I am going to figure out some estimates on points before we leave.


4. I am taking my water bottles and Crystal Light packets and making my own drinks. No soda and mabe just one or two Mojitos.


5. We are sailing with some people that we met on past cruises through CC. I am telling them, on the ship, that I have lost a lot of weight with WW and I am not blowing the hard work.


6. I do WW on line but am purchasing a log book from the WW store to use on the cruise.


I usually gain about 5 lbs on a 7 day cruise! :eek: Our next cruise is a 12 day cruise and I am just not going to go off plan. Its not worth the effort to take the weight off again.


I am looking for any other ideas that you have!:D


Glad to meet you on our WW board!



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Thank you, Kim, that was so helpful. I've packed some Crystal Light packets.

Not a big fan of the WW smoothies.


Is (diet) iced tea free onboard? I know soda is not.




Yes, tea is free. On some ships it is good and on other ships it is not good. That's why I always carry the Crystal Light.



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I lost 2.8 this week. I guess all the walking and Zumba last night paid off.


I have to eat Gluten Free and GF Bisquick hit the market yesterday. I found it at the store yesterday and made biscuits last night. I went over on my points for the day by 3 points eating biscuits :( I usually dont go over my daily points but I just had to have another biscuit.


I opened the Zumba Fitness box last night. I did the 20 minute work-out and the Zumba Toning with the Zumba weight sticks last night. I really like those DVDs. I know some people dont like the DVDs who also go to a live class, but I thought that they were good. I was sweating buckets!


So, here is where I am right now:


SW: 210

CW: 195

GW for 10-10-10: 180

Dream Goal for 10-10-10: 175 (Thats 20 pounds in 10 weeks...)


10 Pound Challenge: -2.8


Have a great weekend,



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Congratulations Kim! You are half way there. -2.8 is impressive, specially when you factor in your road trip.


I didn't achieve the -4 I was hoping for but came pretty close. I have 23 days to shed 6.4. It is doable.


SW 158.2

CW 154.6

GW 148.2


10 lb challenge -3.6

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Congratulations Kim! You are half way there. -2.8 is impressive, specially when you factor in your road trip.


I didn't achieve the -4 I was hoping for but came pretty close. I have 23 days to shed 6.4. It is doable.


SW 158.2

CW 154.6

GW 148.2


10 lb challenge -3.6


-3.6 is great! :D


What did you eat this week--or not eat? Are you eating bread? I have found that bread keeps my weight up.



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I find the 1st week looks the best on paper - yes, I've dieted before. It can be mostly fluid loss which is so easy to gain back. Week 2 will be harder because it is difficult to keep up the resolve and most excess fluid is gone. By week 3 you really need determination because watching what you eat is time consuming and boring. You can also begin to feel unwell if you don't eat enough. This is why I'm so impressed with your -2.8. That is hard to pull off 2+ weeks in.


I have not been eating bread. It is my favourite food. I am staying clear away from it because 1 slice is never enough and it tastes so good with other high calorie foods like butter and cheese.


I'll call my plan a blend of Atkins & Weight Watchers. It is low carb, low fat and modest exercise. The Atkins high protein part means I don't get hungry; the Weight Watchers part means I get variety and don't eat too many calories.


This is everything I ate:


hard boiled or poached eggs

low fat yogurt or cottage cheese

blueberries or strawberries or grapefruit

low fat/high fibre granola (President's Choice blue menu) or high fibre cereal (Fibre 1)

salad (mixed greens, mushrooms, sweet peppers, tomatoes} w grated cheese or grilled veggies (peppers, mushrooms, leeks)

cabbage roll casserole (cabbage, tomatoes, onions, ground turkey, brown rice)

or chicken or fish

protein bars (Protilife brand - very high in soy protein)


At least 8 beverages a day - water, tea w milk, iced tea no sugar, iced decaf coffee w milk, diet soda. I also had a lite beer and lite vodka.


That was it. Fortunately I didn't have to go out of town or to many social gatherings so I was able to plan what I was going to consume.


Friday nights can be tough but I've typed instead of snacking.


Good night and good weigh in to you all.



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You guys have done amazing. I was only down .2. I know I need to get exercising so I went for an hour walk tonight (with my new music) and had a great time. I am off again again in the morning.


I joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks before our 10 night cruise in February. People kept saying why don't you wait until after the cruise but I lost 8 lbs before going and knowing I had to be weighed when I got back kept me aware of everything I ate. I almost always used the stairs and never gained a pound. When I got home, I was some glad I had joined.


This is a great site. It is really nice getting to know everyone.

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I find the 1st week looks the best on paper - yes, I've dieted before. It can be mostly fluid loss which is so easy to gain back. Week 2 will be harder because it is difficult to keep up the resolve and most excess fluid is gone. By week 3 you really need determination because watching what you eat is time consuming and boring. You can also begin to feel unwell if you don't eat enough. This is why I'm so impressed with your -2.8. That is hard to pull off 2+ weeks in.




For better or worse, I am well-versed in diets. :rolleyes: I have a job that includes a lot of social eating so I am always looking for ways to fight back the calories. I have done WW and Atkins over the years. I dislocated my hip last year in an accident and spent 4 months on the sofa. So, I have a lot of extra pounds gained last year to burn off.


I was wondering what you were eating since you had posted that you were not doing the WW system.


I have been averaging about 2 pds a week on this ride with WW due to the 15-20 APs a week. Thats a combination of walking, zumba and swimming for an hour a day. I am being very conservation with the APs I give myself. For example Zumba is not on WW list, so I only give myself 3 points for an hour of Zumba. I never cash in those points for more food.


I always eat my daily points but I rarely go over those points--maybe one or two points of the weekly points.


Hopefully, the weight continues to come off as I stick to an hour of excercise a day.


Good luck to all!



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You guys have done amazing. I was only down .2. I know I need to get exercising so I went for an hour walk tonight (with my new music) and had a great time. I am off again again in the morning.


I joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks before our 10 night cruise in February. People kept saying why don't you wait until after the cruise but I lost 8 lbs before going and knowing I had to be weighed when I got back kept me aware of everything I ate. I almost always used the stairs and never gained a pound. When I got home, I was some glad I had joined.


This is a great site. It is really nice getting to know everyone.


I need to add some more music to my iPod. I am getting bored with the same stuff every day. I tend to walk slow when I am bored.


Thanks so much for posting about going on a cruise and not gaining weight. I am really going to try not to gain on this 12 night cruise. I am trying to not make food a focus this time. We are on deck 10 and most of the places that we want to go are on decks 11-13; so, I am taking the steps.



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Another thing I did. I eat fibre 1 cereal. I brought 10 baggies of the measured cereal. so every morning, I got the table and my husband picked up my bowl, skim milk and an orange for me. That helped me not to be tempted to have extra.


That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing.


We just got upgraded to a nice balcony. I could just order the milk and the fruit from room service and eat the cereal on the balcony. We usually dont have a balcony so that can just be the treat for breakfast.


Any other ideas for packing survival food? I am already going to pack WW shake powder packets and Crystal Light.



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Hang in there Elaine. -.2 is better than +.2 It's great that you are walking - we've had some very hot weather. Soon I'll be joining you.


I wore my orthotics for 1/2 hr on Wed and afterwards my feet ached so much I thought "this isn't going to work". Waited until evening to wear them on Thurs so I wouldn't ache all day. No problem. Fri I felt great all day so wore them for 1.5 hrs last night. Everything aches this morning. Took 2 Advil and will try again later.


My cruise is from Vancouver to Alaska. It is my 1st so your pointers are helpful. We decided to go because of my feet issues.

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If you are still looking for a treat try ProtiLife protein bars. There are many brands out there but these are very high in protein, low in fat & sugar. They also taste good and leave me feeling full for a few hours. I keep them at work for days when I have an early or light lunch and know I won't be eating again until late.

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I wore my orthotics for 1/2 hr on Wed and afterwards my feet ached so much I thought "this isn't going to work". Waited until evening to wear them on Thurs so I wouldn't ache all day. No problem. Fri I felt great all day so wore them for 1.5 hrs last night. Everything aches this morning. Took 2 Advil and will try again later.



It took me at least a month to get used to my orthotics and new shoes. Now, I dont even now that I am wearing them. I have noticed that it makes the shoes wear out faster.



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MFJune, Vancouver to Alaska is an AMAZING cruise. I did it from Alaska to Vancouver, but same diff. It is phenomenal! The port towns are small and good for a small walk around them if your feet aren't up for a TON of walking. Enjoy! You will love it. Take lots of pictures :)


I just returned from lunch out with my husband. I planned ahead by googling the restaurant. I didn't feel like a salad since it's my one "splurge" of the week, so I opted for the chicken souvlaki wrap. It was delicious and full of lettuce, tomatoes, onion and a few olives. Not as healthy as mixed greens, but not as bad as a hamburger and fries. I asked for the side salad with dressing on the side instead of french fries. I ate the side salad first to fill up, but ended up eating the entire wrap anyways. It was worth it, sooo good. And not too high in points. I wasn't planning on a drink, but I had a light beer. I didn't eat much this morning so I've just maxed out my daily points. If I get hungry this evening I'll have a 0 point Progresso soup or some lettuce with fat free italian dressing. I've been doing great with walking this week and want to see good results on the scale Tuesday.


I'm still struggling to get used to the Canadian grocery stores since there's not as much of a variety, but at least it's not tempting me to go over points. I just don't eat as creativly anymore. I'm trying to eat a LOT more fruit and veggies and it seems to be going well. I see more exciting salads in my future.


Good luck to you all for the rest of the weekend. Keep up the good work!

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Has anyone tried the new skinny cow low-fat single serve cup ice cream?

It sounds terrific for us ice cream lovers! I am crossing my fingers that we get it in Canada


I had one last week. The best 2 points of my week. :) I love the skinny cow ice cream bars, but the ice cream cup just feels like a lot of ice cream for 2 points.

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I just put the Chocolate Chip Banana Muffin recipe in the WW e-tools and it came out 1 point value. I was told that but was questioning it so I confirmed it myself.


I am going to try to make them gluten free. Since rice flour has more calories, the muffins will probably be 2 points each as gluten free. I am going to try them this week. If I can make a gluten free and low points muffin, I will be thrilled.


I will post back how they turn out.



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