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Good Morning WW Buddies,


Glad to see so many of you still chatting and losing.


I had a wonderful vacation.



Welcome back! I dont think a 3 lb gain on a cruise is that bad. I have seen a lot worse! :eek: I am glad you came back to the board...keep us motivated!

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Hi everyone,


About a month ago, there was an article on WW on-line about plateaus. It said that about 90% of plateaus were caused by "user error"--or the dieter not following the plan and counting every point, cutting excercise corners, etc. It said that once a month you should re-check all your portions, weighing of food, etc to keep yourself honest.


Not only have I felt that I have plateaued, but I just did a mid-week WI, and I had gained...:mad: So, I took an honest look at my points and my portion control. One of the culprits was that WW whipped cream cheese. When I first started the plan, I measured out a table spoon to be exact. In the last month, I have been "estimating". My estimation was way off for the cream cheese and several other things too.


I have also been going to restaurants too often and estimating the points. I was using the points for the same food as if I had made it at home. Of course, it tastes better at the restuarant because they were probably using more butter than I am at home.


Just some feedback from someone trying to break out of the rut!

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Welcome back! I dont think a 3 lb gain on a cruise is that bad. I have seen a lot worse! :eek: I am glad you came back to the board...keep us motivated!


You are always so encouraging.


To be honest I don't think I gained the lbs on the cruise. It was probably when I visited with family and friends afterwards. It was too hot for regular exercise and every meal was a special occasion.


I'm writing this to let others know that it is possible to go on a cruise, enjoy great food and maintain your weight. Especially if you exercise (which is easy to do on an air conditioned ship) and stay away from the buffet!!!

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It's amazing but I never gain weight when I'm cruising. I actually eat way better while on the cruise than I do at home. I find that I am pretty much always full on the cruise so I guess I only eat for sustainability.


These are typical meals for me each day on a cruise. Breakfast on the Lido deck (an omelet, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 pancakes, coffee); lunch on Lido ldeck (deli corned beef sandwich, cole slaw & tea); dinner in MDR (whatever I order, I never finish it, not even dessert); night time snack (ice cream (in a cup) & 2 cookies).


Of course I have a couple of melon balls too throughout the day. My exercise consist of using the stairs, unless my mother is with me then we use the elevators. I usually dance and sweat the night away in the club each night. I walk all throughout the ship every day.


The only time I snack after meals is my night time snack after leaving the club. I sit on the lido deck and chill with my snack before going to the cabin to watch tv and fall asleep.



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This my first post here but have reading through the posts to get some inspiration. I have done ww in the past but there is no meeting near me that fits in my schedule. I lost 55lbs back in 2003-2004 and bit by bit it is nearly all back. It is so discouraging. I have a cruise booked for November and am trying to get some weight off before I go. I now have hit menopause and have turned into a bit of a couch potatoe so will need some big changes. I pulled out all my ww stuff and have started to feel some changes already. I will be looking for support of other ww to loose 20lbs before I go.


wk 1 -4



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This my first post here but have reading through the posts to get some inspiration. I have done ww in the past but there is no meeting near me that fits in my schedule. I lost 55lbs back in 2003-2004 and bit by bit it is nearly all back. It is so discouraging. I have a cruise booked for November and am trying to get some weight off before I go. I now have hit menopause and have turned into a bit of a couch potatoe so will need some big changes. I pulled out all my ww stuff and have started to feel some changes already. I will be looking for support of other ww to loose 20lbs before I go.


wk 1 -4



You can do it. Stay positive. I cruise in nov also. I started ww July 17 this yr. 207. Now down to 192.4. So if I can do it you can too. You may be able to lose more than 20 if you stick to it.

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I will be looking for support of other ww to loose 20lbs before I go.


wk 1 -4




Welcome Marion! We will be here to support you. I do WW on line because there is not a meeting near our home. This board keeps me motivated and is a great place to get ideas.



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uggghhh... weigh in tonight. I am NOT looking forward to it. Who knows, maybe it won't be as bad as I think. I ate too much sushi Saturday and didn't track, then probably ate too much at a picnic Sunday and didn't track. I wish I had the motivation that I had in the beginning.

Tonight I have friends coming over for a late dinner. I'm going to cook a healthy dinner, but I hope I can stick to just one glass of wine. Hanging out with friends and family has been my downfall and I need to stop giving in! Arg!

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Thanks for the welcome. Kim, I did the ww online but did not feel it was that helpful for me. I have done the program so much that I really just need a little support for when I am struggling. I just bought a note pad and started writing everything down. So far I am doing okay. I still need to get moving but it was so hot today! I will do a weight in every week on my own scale. I will keep you posted.....

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Tomorrow is September 1/10. What a great date for a fresh start for everyone.


Yes, that is a great idea!


I feel like I am back on track. I went to Zumba this week and I am back to walking every day. I went back through my daily food lists and vowed to make some changes. I didnt even buy the box of Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars this week.

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I'm in shock!!! I was down 2.2 lbs last night. I was 100% DEAD SURE that I would be up. There was NO doubt in my mind I had gained. I still don't know if I believe it! -2.2 :D:D:D I'm ecstatic! Even better is that puts me at exactly 24 lbs lost. It's great motivation for me to stay on track this week so I can reach my 25 lb mark next week!

So I guess sushi and picnics don't always make you gain? News to me! But I don't plan on eatin sushi like that in a longgggggggg time. This weekend I'm going to Circe de Soliel and probably out for dinner before. I will have to be careful eating out. Luckily I will be driving that night and won't be tempted to drink any alcohol. We might spend the day at our friend's cabin one day too, but that will be easy to bring my own food and leave before dinner is served.


Happy losing everyone! Good luck with Labour Day Weekend! Don't be tempted into greasey food and if you are, try to stay within your extra 35 pts.


SW: 157.4

CW: 133.4

GW: 125


Slowly but surely! I can't wait for goal :-)

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I'm in shock!!! I was down 2.2 lbs last night. I was 100% DEAD SURE that I would be up. There was NO doubt in my mind I had gained. I still don't know if I believe it! -2.2 :D:D:D I'm ecstatic! Even better is that puts me at exactly 24 lbs lost. It's great motivation for me to stay on track this week so I can reach my 25 lb mark next week!

So I guess sushi and picnics don't always make you gain? News to me! But I don't plan on eatin sushi like that in a longgggggggg time. This weekend I'm going to Circe de Soliel and probably out for dinner before. I will have to be careful eating out. Luckily I will be driving that night and won't be tempted to drink any alcohol. We might spend the day at our friend's cabin one day too, but that will be easy to bring my own food and leave before dinner is served.


Happy losing everyone! Good luck with Labour Day Weekend! Don't be tempted into greasey food and if you are, try to stay within your extra 35 pts.


SW: 157.4

CW: 133.4

GW: 125


Slowly but surely! I can't wait for goal :-)

Good job! The weigh ins that i don't think I will lose anything, but lose anyways are my favorite:)

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I'm in shock!!! I was down 2.2 lbs last night. I was 100% DEAD SURE that I would be up. There was NO doubt in my mind I had gained. I still don't know if I believe it! -2.2 :D:D:D I'm ecstatic! Even better is that puts me at exactly 24 lbs lost. It's great motivation for me to stay on track this week so I can reach my 25 lb mark next week!

So I guess sushi and picnics don't always make you gain? News to me! But I don't plan on eatin sushi like that in a longgggggggg time. This weekend I'm going to Circe de Soliel and probably out for dinner before. I will have to be careful eating out. Luckily I will be driving that night and won't be tempted to drink any alcohol. We might spend the day at our friend's cabin one day too, but that will be easy to bring my own food and leave before dinner is served.


Happy losing everyone! Good luck with Labour Day Weekend! Don't be tempted into greasey food and if you are, try to stay within your extra 35 pts.


SW: 157.4

CW: 133.4

GW: 125


Slowly but surely! I can't wait for goal :-)

good for you welcome to the 20+ lost club

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I've often heard that people gain weight in the winter naturally. Something like hibernation theory. Well I'm wondering if heat is supposed to promote weight loss beyond perspiration. Anyone know?


It strikes me that although I might not eat as much when it is really hot, I'm not burning many calories either. When I exercise it is at a reduced pace and my body doesn't need any help to bring it up to 96.8 F.

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i'm in shock!!! I was down 2.2 lbs last night. I was 100% dead sure that i would be up. There was no doubt in my mind i had gained. I still don't know if i believe it! -2.2 :d:d:d i'm ecstatic! Even better is that puts me at exactly 24 lbs lost. It's great motivation for me to stay on track this week so i can reach my 25 lb mark next week!

Sw: 157.4

cw: 133.4

gw: 125


slowly but surely! I can't wait for goal :-)


congratulations! :d:):d

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Yes, that is a great idea!


I feel like I am back on track. I went to Zumba this week and I am back to walking every day. I went back through my daily food lists and vowed to make some changes. I didnt even buy the box of Skinny Cow Ice Cream Bars this week.

I but weight watchers brownie ice cream in individual little 1 point containers

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I've often heard that people gain weight in the winter naturally. Something like hibernation theory. Well I'm wondering if heat is supposed to promote weight loss beyond perspiration. Anyone know?


It strikes me that although I might not eat as much when it is really hot, I'm not burning many calories either. When I exercise it is at a reduced pace and my body doesn't need any help to bring it up to 96.8 F.


I have been eating a lot from the garden this Summer, and I am really going to miss those fresh foods being right outside our door.


I have been thinking about this Winter. It is very cold and lots of snow where we live. I usually gain in the Winter but I think it is "user error". I work long hours in the Winter and have not been taking my lunch and snacks to work. I had been going to a fast food restaurant in the ski resort where I work. I am getting ready to invest in a new mini cooler so that I can pack everything for work. It is almost soup time!


I am worried about my Winter excercise plan. I used to ski off the calories every Winter but dislocated my hip last year. I think that I am done with skiing.


By the time that I get back from our 10-10 cruise, it will be time to get into the Winter plan. Any ideas are welcome!

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I have been eating a lot from the garden this Summer, and I am really going to miss those fresh foods being right outside our door.


I have been thinking about this Winter. It is very cold and lots of snow where we live. I usually gain in the Winter but I think it is "user error". I work long hours in the Winter and have not been taking my lunch and snacks to work. I had been going to a fast food restaurant in the ski resort where I work. I am getting ready to invest in a new mini cooler so that I can pack everything for work. It is almost soup time!


I am worried about my Winter excercise plan. I used to ski off the calories every Winter but dislocated my hip last year. I think that I am done with skiing.


By the time that I get back from our 10-10 cruise, it will be time to get into the Winter plan. Any ideas are welcome!

I lose weight in winter. Well I do live in central fl. I guess that helps. Do you belong to a gym. Do you have a treadmill or elliptical at home.

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I have always found it easier to loose in winter. I also live in the north but do enjoy a brisk walk if it is not too cold. I think the main reason the summer is bad for me is too many barbeques, holidays and ICE CREAM. I have a treadmill so not really any excuses not to walk.


I also have found that packing my lunch is the only way to go. Failing to plan is planning to fail as far as lunches go for me. Hot soups or turkey chili might be a great option for a portable lunch. I get pretty sick of sandwiches and I try not to eat too much bread. I also love to use my slow cooker to have a hot meal ready for me when I get home.



That dislocated hip must have been a painful thing! Hope it is okay now. My son tried to get me to take up skiing a few years ago but I was not tempted at all. I am too afraid of falling.

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I have always found it easier to loose in winter. I also live in the north but do enjoy a brisk walk if it is not too cold. I think the main reason the summer is bad for me is too many barbeques, holidays and ICE CREAM. I have a treadmill so not really any excuses not to walk.


I also have found that packing my lunch is the only way to go. Failing to plan is planning to fail as far as lunches go for me. Hot soups or turkey chili might be a great option for a portable lunch. I get pretty sick of sandwiches and I try not to eat too much bread. I also love to use my slow cooker to have a hot meal ready for me when I get home.



That dislocated hip must have been a painful thing! Hope it is okay now. My son tried to get me to take up skiing a few years ago but I was not tempted at all. I am too afraid of falling.


I actually dislocated my hip when I fell running on my treadmill.:eek::D:o It was 4 months of physical therapy. Thank goodness, I was highly medicated through most of it. It pretty much ended my ski time though. The doctor says that I can ski if I want to, but I just dont want to risk it. Once your hip is dislocated--it can pop back out easily.


Yep, I still run on the treadmill. They got me back on it for PT. It did take more than 4 months to climb my first step though. The good side of this story is that I got to work daily with a sports therapist who put me on the track to being in shape.



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