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~WeightWatchers Support~


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Just wondering how all you WW feel about the changes, and if you'll do the healthy natural route versus the pre-packaged stuff they sell.


Well, I am allergic to gluten and was never able to eat any of the WW pre-packed items. But I was able to eat pre-packaged gluten free items and have lost a lot of weight on WW in the past year. I LOVED the old WW because it helped me stick to a normal-for-us lifestyle. Our family is faced with weekly opportunities to have a glass of wine with friends, or some fries with kids, or a restaurant meal with a spouse. WW let us stick to a normal-for-us lifestyle and not turn down some food opportunities because they were not especially "healthy". As a matter of fact, most people didnt even know that I was doing WW, unless I told them.


I have tried a totally healthy lifestyle and was only able to stick to it for a few months. I like my weekly treats that WW provides! WW is a fun, relaxed way to lose weight and adopt it as a lifestyle.


I am very worried about this new plan. I feel gross and like I am gaining weight already. I caught myself eating fruit last night, even when I really wasnt that hungry.


I am also seeing this as a total marketing/sales opportunity for WW. All of my supplies are now out-dated. Of course, WW released a whole new store today with new supplies, new food, new cook books, etc.


Those are my thoughts. WW cheerleaders may not agree, but I liked the old plan better!



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...Seems to me that reducing points as you lost weight was key to losing weight...


You are thinking that way because WW has you so used to thinking it's all about points. And I am not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, a little brainwashing is what we all need to start thinking of food in a new way!


But really, think of the big picture and how you will eat the rest of your life. It's not really all about points. Points are like a metaphor, merely a simpler way to think of a food's nutritional value. They sort of 'dumbed it down', so you didn't have to analyze the nutritional values on your own. Again, that may not be a bad thing. If it helps people who don't really want to study nutrition then that's good.


Dieting is really pure physics - it's about calories in versus calories burned...along with a little knowledge about how our bodies process proteins, fats, and carbs. Once you know what food can you eat without gaining weight and what to avoid, you have it down. Sure, bananas have fructose and a few more calories than an apple - but they are loaded with potassium which will help you with water bloat and they have lots of fiber which will help you lose weight by staying regular...which again will help you lose weight! So bananas are more good than bad as long as you don't eat them all the time...or for that matter anything with fructose and extra calories.

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...I am also seeing this as a total marketing/sales opportunity for WW. All of my supplies are now out-dated. Of course, WW released a whole new store today with new supplies, new food, new cook books, etc.


Those are my thoughts. WW cheerleaders may not agree, but I liked the old plan better!





Kim, I am also concerned that WW cheerleaders might not want to hear my questions and thoughts on nutrition...but what is a forum for if not to discuss? I will take my chances, and I am glad you are putting a very sensitive but important subject out there for discussion.


I always get a little suspicious whenever anybody who is selling something tells me I have to stop using all their old products which I paid a fortune for and start using their new products...which I would pay another fortune for. Personally, I would do a lot of research and find out on my own whether their new program is really and truly better - is it based on new science or research (research and science done by a third party and not by their hired marketing team), for example? If so, then I would say bite the bullet and go ahead and buy all the new stuff because this sounds like the best thing since sliced bread. But if ... after lots of your own careful research... you feel that they are simply trying to line their wallets - I'd think long and hard about it.

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...Seems to me that reducing points as you lost weight was key to losing weight...


You are thinking that way because WW has you so used to thinking it's all about points. And I am not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, a little brainwashing is what we all need to start thinking of food in a new way!


But really, think of the big picture and how you will eat the rest of your life. It's not really all about points. Points are like a metaphor, merely a simpler way to think of a food's nutritional value. They sort of 'dumbed it down', so you didn't have to analyze the nutritional values on your own. Again, thay may not be a bad thing. If it helps people who don't really want to study nutrition then that's good.


Dieting is really pure physics - it's about calories in versus calories burned...along with a little knowledge about how our bodies process proteins, fats, and carbs. Once you know what food can you eat without gaining weight and what to avoid, you have it down. Sure, bananas have fructose and a few more calories than an apple - but they are loaded with potassium which will help you with water bloat and they have lots of fiber which will help you lose weight by staying regular...which again will help you lose weight! So bananas are more good than bad as long as you don't eat them all the time...or for that matter anything with fructose and extra calories.


This board is for those who use Weight Watchers and are trying to support each other in the diet that we have chosen to use. Most of us have looked at or even tried other diets. We chose Weight Watchers.


Dumbed down or not, I enjoy WW and my doctor is THRILLED.


There are boards on Cruise Critic for many other diets and plans. There is already a board for those who have chosen the lifestyle of no processed foods, no white food, etc.


We are a group of people trying to support each other and have already made the choice to use Weight Watchers. So, cheer us on in our choice to lose weight with WW.





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My meeting is tomorrow and I'll get the new plan then. I'm a couple pounds lower than my goal but wouldn't mind losing a few more. I think I may just keep doing the old plan because I'm happy with it. I guess it doesn't matter and I can still go to the meetings. If I had a lot more to lose I think I would probably try switching. I think the main thing that keeps me on track is that I can have my sweets and still lose weight. I never feel deprived.



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This board is for those who use Weight Watchers and are trying to support each other in the diet that we have chosen to use. Most of us have looked at or even tried other diets. We chose Weight Watchers.


Dumbed down or not, I enjoy WW and my doctor is THRILLED.


There are boards on Cruise Critic for many other diets and plans. There is already a board for those who have chosen the lifestyle of no processed foods, no white food, etc.


We are a group of people trying to support each other and have already made the choice to use Weight Watchers. So, cheer us on in our choice to lose weight with WW.







I think WW is just great, and everybody who loses weight with any method is to be congratulated. Positive reinforcement is important, of course. But we are not sheep who simply follow blindly. No matter how much you love a program, there is nothing wrong with discussion. Any good open discussion about pros, cons, questions and thoughts of ANY diet plan or theory should be welcomed with open arms.

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I am in Canada and the new plan will be announced on Dec. 6th. I'm happy for this forum so I can find out the new plan early! I appreciate the posts. The new plan sounds much more different than I anticipated. I am looking forward to it though. I truly believe that with the amount of times WW has changed over the years, this can only be another positive change. Research is constantly being done on diets and our bodies. It sounds like WW is changing their plan to keep up to date with the latest research.

It's really unfortunate for the people who have a lot of the old WW products or recently purchased them, but we have to remember that WW is a program that can be done successfully without purchasing any WW products or food. It is there to make things easier for us, but not a necessity. That is one of the things I love about WW. My mom is on Jenny Craig and has to buy the food. When I tell people about WW the first thing they assume is that you have to buy WW foods, to which I of course tell them "No way! That's the best part. You eat what you want!"


I am probably a little biased because I've reached goal; I'm a pretty big WW cheerleader because of that. I also have not been introduced to the new plan in my meeting. My thoughts could quickly change after having to try the new plan on my own. I do like change and am staying optimistic about it. I am very interested to see how the new plan is implemented for people on maintenance and lifetime. Maybe I will stay on the old plan just like Frances said. Who knows?!


Good luck to everyone on the new plan! It might take a while to get used to, but I'm sure we'll all do wonderful and lose that weight!


Lastly... with regards to fruit being 0 points and eating when you're not hungry. Well, I can tell you that I've reached goal and I definitly ate MANY times when I was not hungry. I still do and am maintaining It can't be all that bad that fruit is 0 :)

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My meeting is tomorrow and I'll get the new plan then. I'm a couple pounds lower than my goal but wouldn't mind losing a few more. I think I may just keep doing the old plan because I'm happy with it. I guess it doesn't matter and I can still go to the meetings. If I had a lot more to lose I think I would probably try switching. I think the main thing that keeps me on track is that I can have my sweets and still lose weight. I never feel deprived.




Hi Frances,


I agree, I never feel deprived on WW! :)


I am going to give the new plan a few weeks and see what happens. I still have some weight to lose. My only problem is that I have used the on-line version of WW for a long time and I dont have another version of a points calculator. (Although, I now own all of the Food Guides and Restaurant Guides.) If I dont lose weight on the new Points Plus, I am going back to the old plan.


I spoke to my doctor this morning as she is a huge fan of WW and has used it herself. Her only concern was the zero point fruit. She feels, as do I, that a disclaimer should have been used. Maybe a list of fruits that you can only choose one serving per day. Such as one bananna OR one serving of mango OR one serving of pineapple. Not a buffet of fruit set up in your kitchen. :rolleyes:


Has anyone that is going to meetings heard any disclaimer about the fruit? I use the on-line version (no meetings within 45 minutes of my house). I have been wading through the new site, but I have not seen any disclaimer about watching your fruit intake.


Any tips or input from those who go to meetings would be so helpful.





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I am in Canada and the new plan will be announced on Dec. 6th. I'm happy for this forum so I can find out the new plan early! I appreciate the posts. The new plan sounds much more different than I anticipated.


My thoughts could quickly change after having to try the new plan on my own. :)


The new plan is VERY different. I am looking forward to hearing what you think. Be glad that you are already at goal. Those of us that are still trying to lose were in for a shock with the new plan.


As far as losing while still eating zero point foods: I ate a lot of them too and lost weight. But that was when zero point foods were veggies and zero point veggie soup. Fruit is a whole new ballgame. A 160 calorie bananna can add up fast if you eat a few of them a day.


As far as WW supplies go, I really wish that WW had NOT sold me a bunch of books, scales, etc just two weeks ago. Those should have been pulled from the market and not sold so close to the launch of this new program. That is my only complaint. OR WW should offer a trade-in program. I love the Dining Out Guide but the guide that I purchased 2 weeks ago is now useless.



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Just added to the WW web site for on-line users:


"Enjoy the fact that fruits have a PointsPlus value of 0, but don’t go completely crazy. Only 10 percent of Americans eat the recommended amount of fruit, so most of us are not at risk of eating too much fruit on the new program. However, if you already eat a lot of fruit each day, doubling or tripling that will result in slower weight loss. When in doubt, use common sense, listen to your body’s signals (eat some fruit because you’re truly hungry, not because you can), and avoid mindless grazing (one of my personal pitfalls)."


WW must have been getting a lot of questions about the 0 point fruit list.


Since I am still in the "loose" mode, I am holding back to the 2 fruit servings that I was eating on the old plan.


The bread I use went up from 1 point to 2 points

WW brand cream cheese went up from 1 point to 2 points

banannas and apples are down to zero


but my daily points are up to 29...we shall see. I am sticking to it like glue! :rolleyes:



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Hello all,

I was very disappointed with the new plan. I had done very well with the old plan (lost 52 pounds) with 20 to go...I was (am) a very picky eater, so changing my eating habits was a very hard process (as I'm sure it was for everyone). I chose WW because it allowed me to eat some of my favorites (or at least reasonable substitutes). I was (am) a carbaholic! LOVE THEM! The fact that so many of the foods I was eating on WW are now double or even triple point values was the breaking point for me...I am no longer a WW subscriper and will continue the journey (using the old plan) on my own. I found a few apps for my iPhone which allow me to calculate/track points the "old" way, so at least I still have some tools to work with. I was disappointed that WW didn't give the option to choose a plan...I understand it makes it hard for them, but maybe if I could have weaned myself to the new program I would have been able to accept it better and find a way to make it work. I guess I feel that I have already given up so much, I'm not willing to give up anything else at this point :o

I look forward to "hearing" about your successes on the new plan and will let you know when I reach my goal!

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Hello all,

I was very disappointed with the new plan. I had done very well with the old plan (lost 52 pounds) with 20 to go...I was (am) a very picky eater, so changing my eating habits was a very hard process (as I'm sure it was for everyone). I chose WW because it allowed me to eat some of my favorites (or at least reasonable substitutes). I was (am) a carbaholic! LOVE THEM! The fact that so many of the foods I was eating on WW are now double or even triple point values was the breaking point for me...I am no longer a WW subscriper and will continue the journey (using the old plan) on my own. I found a few apps for my iPhone which allow me to calculate/track points the "old" way, so at least I still have some tools to work with. I was disappointed that WW didn't give the option to choose a plan...I understand it makes it hard for them, but maybe if I could have weaned myself to the new program I would have been able to accept it better and find a way to make it work. I guess I feel that I have already given up so much, I'm not willing to give up anything else at this point :o

I look forward to "hearing" about your successes on the new plan and will let you know when I reach my goal!


Hi Janice,


It was like hitting a brick wall for me! I am not too happy with the new plan either. I am following it for the next week so see what happens.


Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I have so enjoyed following you on this board. You have been an inspiration.


You are not the only one that is dropping the plan. I belong to a Diet Club and we had all voted earlier this year to do WW together. Out of the 8 people in the club, I am the only one that is trying Points Plus. Everyone else is going to stick to the old plan. I wish that I had one of those "old fashioned" regular points calculators--even the paper slide variety.


Take care and keep in touch with us.



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Hi Janice,


It was like hitting a brick wall for me! I am not too happy with the new plan either. I am following it for the next week so see what happens.


Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I have so enjoyed following you on this board. You have been an inspiration.


You are not the only one that is dropping the plan. I belong to a Diet Club and we had all voted earlier this year to do WW together. Out of the 8 people in the club, I am the only one that is trying Points Plus. Everyone else is going to stick to the old plan. I wish that I had one of those "old fashioned" regular points calculators--even the paper slide variety.


Take care and keep in touch with us.






Thank you! I really enjoy your posts also! I guess there have just been too many changes in my life in the past six months...I have my breast reconstruction surgery on the 10th and hopefully my life will get back to "normal"...I've been sleeping in a recliner for the past four months so maybe when I can sleep in my bed again I won't be so grumpy!:D


I have one of those paper slides I'd be happy to send to you. I did look on ebay last night and saw several of the WW calculator/trackers for sale...the price was a little steep ($30), but if I hadn't found an app that would work with my phone, I would have bought one! Also in my searching I came across this helpful website that explains how to make a WW calculator on excel...I tried it and it seemed to come up with the same point values as my iPhone app (WW) did: http://www.ehow.com/how_5921221_create-weight-watchers-points-calculator.html


If you are interested in my paper slide, send me an email at: BroncoLvrs@comcast.net and I'll get it to you:D


I really admire you (and the others) giving the new system a try and I'll be cheering for you!

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I am really excited about the new program. I do eat this way mostly anyway. I am thrilled that fruit is 0 points. I went from 24 to 29 points, but will free up 3-5 points a day that I used for fruit.


I am going to encourage us to all take a deep breath and give it a try. Yes, the old program worked. I've lost 62 lbs. following Momentum. I have 20-25 to go. But back in 1993, I lost 77 lbs. doing THAT plan. I am so very glad that I no longer have to count breads, proteins, fats, only 2 fruits with limited proteins, optional calories and personal selections with no more than 4 eggs a week. But it worked, I lost weight.


In my experience, and this is my 4th ww program (I am a repeat offender lol), every change they've made has been a shock and change is difficult, but after I've learned the program, it's been better.


I like that WW is encouraging us to eat healthier. A 2 point banana and a 2 point 100 calorie pack of cookies were both 2 points, but the nutrition on them wasn't the same. I'm finding it so much easier to meet the good health guidelines and still have treats.


Not everybody gets 29 points. My husband will have 60 points, lucky duck. And remember we now have 49 weekly points allowance and activity points. From what I've read on the WW forums, an activity point is earned every 80 calories instead of 100 calories.


Yes, foods are higher in points, especially processed foods. But we do have more points in every area. And it's still all about choices. You can still choose those foods. A lot of my favorites went up. I'll still eat them, but I may not eat baked pita and brown rice and oatmeal and a potato and a vitamuffin all in the same day.


Anyway, I hate change. But I am hoping that this one will kick start me out of the plateau I've been on since the beginning of June. I've been working my butt off and the scale isn't budging. So we'll see what happens at the scale.


Although I do agree that WW should not have sold any old program materials. It's been public for 6 weeks that the program was changing. The receptionists should have warned people that those materials would be obsolete.


If you use eTools or have a smartphone with the app, you probably won't need more than the calculator. Maybe the food scale if you love it. I love my food scale.


Anyway.......I'm rambling.

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Well....I went to my meeting today and decided I'd give it a try. I bought the point calculator because it was at a reduced price today - around $5.95 so that wasn't bad. I just hope I'll end up doing ok with this. I know fruit is healthier but I like my crackers and snack bars, etc. that now have more points. I get 29 points instead of 18 (and that would be going down to 17 after I lose two more pounds) so maybe it will all work out ok. Most people were excited about it.




SW: 184

GW: 155

CW: 151

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Hi Ladies!! I go to WW and I peek in on your thread every so often. I joined 4 months ago and bought the membership packeage with the three books that came in a plastic case. I believe I paid $24.99 for it.


I emailed WW about how I put out money 4 months ago for these books and I was told that the points were staying. Silly me thought the points wouldn't change-like I was told they were staying.

I was advised to call their 800# which I did.


I pay the monthlyy fee so they are giving me credit for 2 weeks to compensate for the money I put out on the now old books. I think the weekly fee here is $13 so that is how they came up with my credit of two weeks.

The phones were ringing off the wall. They advised that anyone who has problems with the plan or feel negative about their new program, they should give them a call. I believe everybody is calling because you can hear all the converstaions going on in the backround.:)


I'm going to give the new plan a shot for a couple weeks but if I start gaining, I'm going to follow the old plan..



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Thank you! I really enjoy your posts also! I guess there have just been too many changes in my life in the past six months...I have my breast reconstruction surgery on the 10th and hopefully my life will get back to "normal"...I've been sleeping in a recliner for the past four months so maybe when I can sleep in my bed again I won't be so grumpy!:D


I have one of those paper slides I'd be happy to send to you. I did look on ebay last night and saw several of the WW calculator/trackers for sale...the price was a little steep ($30), but if I hadn't found an app that would work with my phone, I would have bought one! Also in my searching I came across this helpful website that explains how to make a WW calculator on excel...I tried it and it seemed to come up with the same point values as my iPhone app (WW) did: http://www.ehow.com/how_5921221_create-weight-watchers-points-calculator.html


If you are interested in my paper slide, send me an email at: BroncoLvrs@comcast.net and I'll get it to you:D


I really admire you (and the others) giving the new system a try and I'll be cheering for you!


Thank you! I will be emailing you soon!


Keep in touch,



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Hi Ladies!! I go to WW and I peek in on your thread every so often. I joined 4 months ago and bought the membership packeage with the three books that came in a plastic case. I believe I paid $24.99 for it.


I emailed WW about how I put out money 4 months ago for these books and I was told that the points were staying. Silly me thought the points wouldn't change-like I was told they were staying.

I was advised to call their 800# which I did.


I pay the monthlyy fee so they are giving me credit for 2 weeks to compensate for the money I put out on the now old books. I think the weekly fee here is $13 so that is how they came up with my credit of two weeks.

The phones were ringing off the wall. They advised that anyone who has problems with the plan or feel negative about their new program, they should give them a call. I believe everybody is calling because you can hear all the converstaions going on in the backround.:)


I'm going to give the new plan a shot for a couple weeks but if I start gaining, I'm going to follow the old plan..




Hi Linda,


Thanks for your post. I just bought the books and scale two weeks before the new plan. I am giving them a call. I am an on-line user: so, there was not a WW employee to tell me not to buy it. They should have stopped selling the supplies on their web site!


I am also calling them because I am GAINING a half pound a day on this new plan. That's 1.5 pounds since Monday morning. I am sticking to it like glue and still walking and excercising but GAINING!


I think its because I got a huge increase in points with the new plan. Not a lot of the foods that I was eating increased in points and the bananna and apples that I have been eating are now zero. (so with fruit being zero, thats another 3 points added to my day because I used to eat a bananna and an apple for 3 points a day) So, with a total of 9+ new points a day to eat, I am gaining weight fast. (The new plan gave me an immediate 9 new points...and then there's free point fruit)


I think that the new plan may be a good plan for those that are just starting and would have been placed at 29 points or more on the old plan but I think if you are now adding a bunch of points to your day, you will gain.


I can not keep gaining like this because I will not be able to get my new jeans zipped! And my new cruise clothes :eek:



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Hi Linda,


Thanks for your post. I just bought the books and scale two weeks before the new plan. I am giving them a call. I am an on-line user: so, there was not a WW employee to tell me not to buy it. They should have stopped selling the supplies on their web site!


I am also calling them because I am GAINING a half pound a day on this new plan. That's 1.5 pounds since Monday morning. I am sticking to it like glue and still walking and excercising but GAINING!


I think its because I got a huge increase in points with the new plan. Not a lot of the foods that I was eating increased in points and the bananna and apples that I have been eating are now zero. (so with fruit being zero, thats another 3 points added to my day because I used to eat a bananna and an apple for 3 points a day) So, with a total of 9+ new points a day to eat, I am gaining weight fast. (The new plan gave me an immediate 9 new points...and then there's free point fruit)


I think that the new plan may be a good plan for those that are just starting and would have been placed at 29 points or more on the old plan but I think if you are now adding a bunch of points to your day, you will gain.


I can not keep gaining like this because I will not be able to get my new jeans zipped! And my new cruise clothes :eek:





Kim, you got me worried now. I went on the scale two days ago and it said I loss a pound. Tomorrow I will be on my scale to check. They will get an earful from me on Monday at my meeting if I gain.


I checked my online recipes I built and I counted the points on a recipe and the individual points add up to less than what was calculated. It appears that when you build a recipe the computer looks at the whole nutritional view and may decide to calculate a number higher than what the actual points on the screen show.

For example if the individual points add up to 10 the computer may spit out a total of 12. So if you write the ingredient points down on paper, your number will be lower than what WW calculates. It didn't happen on all the recipes but I noticed it on two of them so far. So I will think I'm eating 10 points but according to WW I'm eating 12 which means I'm eating more points than I thought I would be eating....:mad: People who don't have a computer would never know this.



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Kim, you got me worried now. I went on the scale two days ago and it said I loss a pound. Tomorrow I will be on my scale to check. They will get an earful from me on Monday at my meeting if I gain.


I checked my online recipes I built and I counted the points on a recipe and the individual points add up to less than what was calculated. Linda


Hi Linda,


We have gone out of town for an early Christmas family event. So, I am not going to weigh again until Monday. Even though we are on vacation, I am sticking to the plan. Walked a 5 mile trail yesterday and will probably walk it again today.


If I am still up in pounds on Monday, I am going to have to make some changes.


Thanks for the head's up on the recipe builder!



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Just got back from a 9 day cruise and gained 3 lbs. I decided to enjoy myself, didn't count points, but didn't go hog wild either. Just ate small portions, but enjoyed my desserts too! I have been back 5 days and already lost the 3 lbs. I did do the stairs everywhere I went. We were on the 5th floor and the food on the 12th, so got some good exercise in. I also walked about a mile on the ship everyday and swam alot. I was very happy I could do this and then jump right back on WW. I figure if I am going to do this the rest of my life, I need to enjoy life, live a little and not always count the points. It worked for me. Good luck on your cruises!

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Kim, you got me worried now. I went on the scale two days ago and it said I loss a pound. Tomorrow I will be on my scale to check. They will get an earful from me on Monday at my meeting if I gain.


I checked my online recipes I built and I counted the points on a recipe and the individual points add up to less than what was calculated. It appears that when you build a recipe the computer looks at the whole nutritional view and may decide to calculate a number higher than what the actual points on the screen show.

For example if the individual points add up to 10 the computer may spit out a total of 12. So if you write the ingredient points down on paper, your number will be lower than what WW calculates. It didn't happen on all the recipes but I noticed it on two of them so far. So I will think I'm eating 10 points but according to WW I'm eating 12 which means I'm eating more points than I thought I would be eating....:mad: People who don't have a computer would never know this.



The recipe builder discrepancy happens when you are putting 0 point fruits and veggie into the recipe. The recipe builder takes the nutritional info for the entire recipe and divides by however many servings; it doesn't realize some of that NI is for fruits and veggies.


I just want to encourage everybody. I've been following this plan since Monday. Yesterday (Friday) was my weigh in day. I lost 4.2 lbs.!! I have been on a 6 MONTH plateau. I'd be up a pound, down .2 lbs. At my previous weigh in I was only .8 lbs. less than I was June 11th, despite following the plan as written.


I went from 24 points to 29 points plus. I also used 3-5 points a day for fruit, so I really got 8-10 more points. But you can't compare the two. Points and Points Plus are not the same. So try not to do that.


For those gaining, your body may need a week or so to adjust. Also, are you eating all the dairy servings, oils, enough fruits and veggies and whole grains? How much processed foods are you eating?


If this plan isn't working after several weeks, by all means go back to what was. But I'll encourage you to give it a shot for several weeks first, working it as written, and see how it goes.

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