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Anne and Denise have a great time on your cruises...I'm sure you are used to eating so much less now that the weight thing won't even be an issue...but if you gain a little I'm sure you will be disciplined enough to take it off! If not, we will keep you in line. Be sure to report back! I weighed in on Wend and was hoping for my one pound loss, but only down .5! Bummer, but it is better than staying the same and far better than gaining, so I'm a little happy!:p No Happy Dances here, just a little cha-cha! It seems like everyone is showing some kind of progress...Maybe cuz of the weather...less clothes makes us pay more attention. I can actually see a waist!!!! Keep it up girls!!! Sheryl and Misty you guys are doing great too...Sorry I missed your Birthday Sheryl, but I had a 4 point Sonic cone in your honor!! (could account for my only .5 loss!) Have a great and healthy weekend kids!


SW 169.5

CW 142.5

GW 135.0 (7.5 left to lose!)(then the dreaded 6 week maintenance!):eek:

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Thanks for your good wishes. I know I should be happy with a pound a week and I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead, but at this rate, it will take me 3 years to lose all of the weight. That's a long time!


Ok, I said it out loud.....now I will not dwell on it!

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Hi all,

Thanks for your good wishes. I know I should be happy with a pound a week and I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead, but at this rate, it will take me 3 years to lose all of the weight. That's a long time!


Ok, I said it out loud.....now I will not dwell on it!


If your weight lose keeps up at the same rate for a couple of weeks you will have to do something to kick start your metabolism. Change something drastic.


Do you eat the same thing all the time? At last weeks meeting we talked about switching things up. Too many times we get comfortable in a routine.


It can't hurt to try. Whats the worst that could happen, a gain? This last month I lost -.4, -3.0, +.4, -2.4. No rhyme or reason to any of it.


Keep on plugging away.



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Anne and Denise have a great time on your cruises...I'm sure you are used to eating so much less now that the weight thing won't even be an issue...but if you gain a little I'm sure you will be disciplined enough to take it off! If not, we will keep you in line. Be sure to report back! I weighed in on Wend and was hoping for my one pound loss, but only down .5! Bummer, but it is better than staying the same and far better than gaining, so I'm a little happy!:p No Happy Dances here, just a little cha-cha! It seems like everyone is showing some kind of progress...Maybe cuz of the weather...less clothes makes us pay more attention. I can actually see a waist!!!! Keep it up girls!!! Sheryl and Misty you guys are doing great too...Sorry I missed your Birthday Sheryl, but I had a 4 point Sonic cone in your honor!! (could account for my only .5 loss!) Have a great and healthy weekend kids!


SW 169.5

CW 142.5

GW 135.0 (7.5 left to lose!)(then the dreaded 6 week maintenance!):eek:



I'll do a happy cha-cha for you!! Like you said, a loss is better than staying the same and better than gaining! Plus you're so close to goal I'm sure every little bit makes a big difference. :)

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Hi all,

Thanks for your good wishes. I know I should be happy with a pound a week and I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead, but at this rate, it will take me 3 years to lose all of the weight. That's a long time!


Ok, I said it out loud.....now I will not dwell on it!


Hang in there Sheryl!! It may take that long to lose everything you want to lose, but it most definately won't take that long to see improvement!

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I joined Sheryl's club. Down 1 pound today. I weighed in earlier in the day since I have the week off.


This puts my total over 30 pounds. :)


Funny thing is that I had a tough week. I used 20 extra points. I know we've had that discussion before but I still don't like using them. Yesterday I had a McFlurry. Yes I fit it in to my points but I didn't eat well.


There was also a lot of partying since it was the last week of school. I did make good choices.


Skinny vibes to everyone.



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Hi all, congratulations to everyone, don't fret about .8 and 1 pound losses! Every little bit counts, remember you didn't gain all your weight quickly, so you aren't going to lose it quickly. And if you do lose it quickly, then chances are it won't stay off!

I got weighed on Friday and was down 1.6, for a total of 48.4, getting closer to the 50. But I had to work the weekend and then to a funeral today, it seems like every week there is a challenge of some kind for me, and for everyone else too I'm sure. I guess that is life getting in the way, but also teaching us to make good choices, and to get right back on track if we do stray. So hopefully we will continue to make the good choices, as a life long commitment.

It has rained for 5 days out of 8. We are way below seasonal temperatures too. We were having really nice weather and now all this cold and rain. And the long range forecast says rain for the rest of the week and weekend. We are waiting to go camping, we'll never get there at this rate.

Good luck to everyone with weigh ins this week.



SW 264

CW 215.6

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I joined Sheryl's club. Down 1 pound today. I weighed in earlier in the day since I have the week off.


This puts my total over 30 pounds. :)


Funny thing is that I had a tough week. I used 20 extra points. I know we've had that discussion before but I still don't like using them. Yesterday I had a McFlurry. Yes I fit it in to my points but I didn't eat well.


There was also a lot of partying since it was the last week of school. I did make good choices.


Skinny vibes to everyone.




YAY!! 1 pound gone!!! That's OK if you didn't eat as well as you think you should have, use as a learning experience and use your feelings now the next time you face a difficult choice. :D AND over thirty pounds, that's GREAT!!!

Hi all, congratulations to everyone, don't fret about .8 and 1 pound losses! Every little bit counts, remember you didn't gain all your weight quickly, so you aren't going to lose it quickly. And if you do lose it quickly, then chances are it won't stay off!

I got weighed on Friday and was down 1.6, for a total of 48.4, getting closer to the 50. But I had to work the weekend and then to a funeral today, it seems like every week there is a challenge of some kind for me, and for everyone else too I'm sure. I guess that is life getting in the way, but also teaching us to make good choices, and to get right back on track if we do stray. So hopefully we will continue to make the good choices, as a life long commitment.

It has rained for 5 days out of 8. We are way below seasonal temperatures too. We were having really nice weather and now all this cold and rain. And the long range forecast says rain for the rest of the week and weekend. We are waiting to go camping, we'll never get there at this rate.

Good luck to everyone with weigh ins this week.



SW 264

CW 215.6


YAY 1.6 pounds gone!!! and soooooo close to the 50 mark!! Many congrats!! And I'm with you, wouldn't things be so much easier if life didn't throw us curve balls??


I'm actually worried that a curve ball may have gotten to me this week. I went camping this weekend and I tried very hard to prepare ahead of time and make good choices. I drank plenty of water. I packed healthy snacks, like fruit and veggies. I indulged in a 1pt bar instead of a S'more, I used low cal bread for the pizza pocket. AND when the group I was with went to Der Dutchman for the brunch buffet I chose to order an eggbeater omlet loaded with veggies and fruit instead. BUT, according to my home scale I'm up about a pound from last week's weigh-in (which was up 1.4 pounds from the week before). I'm going to be pretty bummed if I gain again. I won't let it get me down & I'll keep plugging along. I KNOW that regardless of what the scale tells me I'm making better choices for myself. And, I also know that I had larger than normal losses for my first few weeks, and I don't expect to lose 2 pounds every week for the rest of my journey, but I don't want the scale to go the other way either. **Sigh*** Thanks in advance for "listening". :o

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I indulged in a 1pt bar instead of a S'more


Your a better person than me. ;)

I love s'mores. Thats the best part of camping.

I even have a s'more Christmas ornament.


Did you have a good time? Then it was worth it.


Sounds like you made good choices. Don't worry about it.


Keep on plugging away.



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Your a better person than me. ;)

I love s'mores. Thats the best part of camping.

I even have a s'more Christmas ornament.


Did you have a good time? Then it was worth it.


Sounds like you made good choices. Don't worry about it.


Keep on plugging away.




Thanks Denise, I try to remember it isn't always an instant cause and effect with the scale. Sometimes good choices take a while to pay off and sometimes the results from bad choices sneak up on me while I'm not looking. I try not to pay too much attention to the scale, but it's hard when that is the most tangible record of my efforts. In any case, after all of my bellyaching I was down 1.4 pounds in my weigh-in last night. So, I actually lost the 1.4 I'd gained the week before. I don't know if my scale at home was lying to me or the buckets of water I drank this week paid off, but I'm relieved. I should probably do myself a favor and lock my home scale away for a while. :o



Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 261.8 (21.6 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1.4 :p

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I should probably do myself a favor and lock my home scale away for a while. :o


Congrats on the 1.4. All that worrying for nothing.


I feel the same way about the scale.. My home scale is 10 pounds less than WW

and the Y scale is 6 pounds heavier. :confused:


I have to just stick to the WW scale.


Went to Applebees for lunch today. Nice to have WW points listed on the menu.

Makes it easy to stay on task.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Just me checking in. Of course I lost 1 lb. this week. I think the scale knows when I'm coming and automatically registers 1 lb. lost!

That's Ok though....I'm 12 lbs. down. I'm starting to see some small changes. Woo Hoo!!

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Hi all,

Just me checking in. Of course I lost 1 lb. this week. I think the scale knows when I'm coming and automatically registers 1 lb. lost!

That's Ok though....I'm 12 lbs. down. I'm starting to see some small changes. Woo Hoo!!


Keep it up. :)


Maybe try another scale?



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HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!:D Weigh in Weds and down 1.5!!! Yipppeeee!!!

Sheryl, I figure one pound down is one pound gone!!! I have been doing this since Feb. But there are people in my class that have been doing this for over a year...they are determined to get to their goal...Remember slow but sure wins the race!! Have a great 4th weekend and remember to "chew and spit" That's my new motto!!!!:)


SW 169.5

CW 141.0

GW 135.0 (only six more to go)


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Hi Gang!:)

I am cruising in 70 days...need to drop a boatload of weight, lol:o:eek:

Can I join the club?


Of course you can. Welcome to a great supportive group.


I like your signature tags. Where did you get them?




SW 221

CW 191

GW 146

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HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!:D Weigh in Weds and down 1.5!!! Yipppeeee!!!



How nice 1.5 down and 6 to go.


How tall are you?


When I did WW many years ago my goal weight was 135.

Now its 146. I guess its because I'm old now. :rolleyes:



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Of course you can. Welcome to a great supportive group.


I like your signature tags. Where did you get them?




SW 221

CW 191

GW 146

Thanks you for the nice welcome, Denise! I look forward to being less of myself with you all! lol:):D

The first two I made and the Oasis one was made by a guy on my b2b rollcall...The Grumpus/Fred.


Enjoy the holiday w/e!

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Welcome Sheila!!! Our group is full of tips and support! Just a group of "Fluffy Gals" getting rid of our extra feathers!!! There are a couple of web sites I like..DWLZ.com which is Dottie's Weight Loss Zone and has lots of info, but mostly the points for tons of restaurant foods...and Hungrygirl.com..great recipes and dieting tips...Plus, we are getting to be pretty good with this ourselves, so if you have any questions, just ask. I for one know what a horrible thing this dieting is cuz I am a candy junkie..never met a sweet I could resist, but I'm learning to control,compromise and substitute!!! This has been very difficult for me, but I manage to get rid of a pound or so a week, and then I do my Happy Dancing (that's actually all the exercise I get each week too cuz I don't exercise either). I have not gained, but stayed the same three different weeks! In my opinion that is much better than gaining!! The best is going into a different size of clothing..went from a 14 to a twelve and immediately into a 10...I'm thrilled!!! Good luck to you and Happy Losing!!


Denise, I am 5'2" and am 62 years old...135 is my max weight (actually 137). Maybe, just maybe, I'll try to get to 130, but I'm afraid I'll have to buy more clothes!! I'll be happy at 135 and a size 10, I am not a greedy person and also I'm also thinking I might need a face lift if I lose more than the 135!!!:o


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Welcome Sheila!!! Our group is full of tips and support! Just a group of "Fluffy Gals" getting rid of our extra feathers!!! There are a couple of web sites I like..DWLZ.com which is Dottie's Weight Loss Zone and has lots of info, but mostly the points for tons of restaurant foods...and Hungrygirl.com..great recipes and dieting tips...Plus, we are getting to be pretty good with this ourselves, so if you have any questions, just ask. I for one know what a horrible thing this dieting is cuz I am a candy junkie..never met a sweet I could resist, but I'm learning to control,compromise and substitute!!! This has been very difficult for me, but I manage to get rid of a pound or so a week, and then I do my Happy Dancing (that's actually all the exercise I get each week too cuz I don't exercise either). I have not gained, but stayed the same three different weeks! In my opinion that is much better than gaining!! The best is going into a different size of clothing..went from a 14 to a twelve and immediately into a 10...I'm thrilled!!! Good luck to you and Happy Losing!!


Denise, I am 5'2" and am 62 years old...135 is my max weight (actually 137). Maybe, just maybe, I'll try to get to 130, but I'm afraid I'll have to buy more clothes!! I'll be happy at 135 and a size 10, I am not a greedy person and also I'm also thinking I might need a face lift if I lose more than the 135!!!:o


Judi! Hello and thanks for the warm welcome! I enjoyed reading your post...especially about losing some feathers....I could open a down factory!:p haha I am in need of the support of folks that are more like myself, all my friends are skinny-minnies...eek! lol I can usually start a diet and do well, but after two weeks...I give into cravings, or I am so easily swayed by my DH into going out to eat....I never will order the salad when there are other goodies on the menu, LOL :rolleyes::D

Thanks again and I am looking forward to being less fluffy...cheers!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi everybody,

Happy 4th of July! Thanks to everyone for their supportive words. I'm OK with the 1 lb a week loss. I am not depriving myself of almost anything and I am working the plan in such a way that it makes me comfortable. I know I won't give up this way. So if it takes me a little longer to lose, so be it! As long as I am losing.......

Welcome Sheila! We are a great little group here. I have lost 12 lbs. in 9 weeks. I have a lot to go but I am not dwelling on it. Stick with us and you'll get rid of those "feathers" in no time!

SW 297

CW 285

GW 145 or there about!

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Hi everybody,

Happy 4th of July! Thanks to everyone for their supportive words. I'm OK with the 1 lb a week loss. I am not depriving myself of almost anything and I am working the plan in such a way that it makes me comfortable. I know I won't give up this way. So if it takes me a little longer to lose, so be it! As long as I am losing.......

Welcome Sheila! We are a great little group here. I have lost 12 lbs. in 9 weeks. I have a lot to go but I am not dwelling on it. Stick with us and you'll get rid of those "feathers" in no time!

SW 297

CW 285

GW 145 or there about!

Sheryl, hi there! Thanks for the welcome...you seem to have a winning attitude and I hope it rubs off on me! :Dlol Thanks again, can't wait to start posting my losing numbers!! hehe

Enjoy your holiday w/e!:)

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Hi to all, hope everyone had a nice 4th of July.

I was down another .6 this week. So a total of 49. Seems to be taking a long time to get the 50! Maybe next week, haha

Welcome to Sheila. You will find lots of encouragement and support from everyone here. And lots of tips too.

Congrats to all the weight losses last week. Remember any loss or stay the same is much much better than a gain.

I have had to buy a few new clothes, to keep me from looking like a frump with all those baggy clothes. It is so nice to be in the smaller sizes, and not PLUS sizes! And I love it when people say how good I look and how much weight I've lost.

We are still having rain everyday. 10 days out of the last 14.

I have switched my weigh in day to Friday for the summer so if it ever stops raining we can go camping on the weekends and not have to worry about missing my weigh ins.

Good luck to everyone this week with eating healthy and eating all the recommended foods.


SW 264

CW 215

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Hi to all, hope everyone had a nice 4th of July.

I was down another .6 this week. So a total of 49. Seems to be taking a long time to get the 50! Maybe next week, haha

Welcome to Sheila. You will find lots of encouragement and support from everyone here. And lots of tips too.

Congrats to all the weight losses last week. Remember any loss or stay the same is much much better than a gain.

I have had to buy a few new clothes, to keep me from looking like a frump with all those baggy clothes. It is so nice to be in the smaller sizes, and not PLUS sizes! And I love it when people say how good I look and how much weight I've lost.

We are still having rain everyday. 10 days out of the last 14.

I have switched my weigh in day to Friday for the summer so if it ever stops raining we can go camping on the weekends and not have to worry about missing my weigh ins.

Good luck to everyone this week with eating healthy and eating all the recommended foods.


SW 264

CW 215

Hi Susan---Thanks for the welcome!:)

Good luck to all with their losses...hopefully I will be adding my loss too very soon!;)

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Thanks you for the nice welcome, Denise! I look forward to being less of myself with you all! lol:):D

The first two I made and the Oasis one was made by a guy on my b2b rollcall...The Grumpus/Fred.


Enjoy the holiday w/e!


What program did you use?





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