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First a little about myself, my name is Monica. I live in Germany. My husband is in the army and we've been stationed here for 3 years. We have 3 more to go. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids, ages 3 and 6. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Once I lost about 50 pounds but then I got pregnant with number two so I gave up and got up to an all time high of 326 pounds. I am an emotional eater and have always found it easier to cope with food. I joined weight watchers online May 2nd. It is very handy for me to calculate my points. I am addicted the app for my ipod touch....keeps me way more accountable to myself. What got me motivated may sound silly but I saw two friends lose a lot of weight with gastric bypass and I'm too chicken for surgery so I decided I can do this on my own.


I had no idea how much I was over eating until I had to stick to points. Talk about reality shock. Now I enjoy the challenge of reinventing our favorite meals to make them healthy.


We are going on a cruise in December so I'm trying to stick with it even more with what little time I have left. Grandma is coming to stay with my boys so it will be just my husband and I :). My weigh in day is Saturday so I'll be able to update this soon. I still have a long way to go.



SW: 326.2

CW: 282

GW: 165 or below :)


Hi there, welcome to the group. I say I go into "serving size shock" when I regroup and start measuring and weighing everything again. But I'll tell you who has been shocked. My Husband!!!!! He can't believe a serving of cereal is generally 3/4 to 1 cup. And then he can't believe a serving of veggies is generally only 1/2 cup.


boy everyone is doing so well!! I weighed in last night and lost 2.6lbs. A total of 27.6 My short term goal is to be under 200 for the first time in years. This morning (naked on the scales, :eek) sorry for the mental picture!! I was 201.4 so close and we usually slack off the weekend. Well, we'll see how I do.


I'll miss the weigh in next week too, we are going camping to Gatlinburg Tennessee. I'll really have to watch my self! Maybe just one somemore!!:)


Everyone keep up the good work, you are doing a great job.




I hope the weather is great for you in Gatlinburg. Are you getting a cabin up there? We go about every 2 years and get a cabin for the week. Last time we went Ober was open and the kids went skiing. They still talk about that :).


Hey, they make reduced fat graham crackers, use 1 large marshmellow, and about 1 tsp of chocolate chips. Lower points and tastes just as good. Then you can eat 2 ;).

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Good morning all,

I'm still here, plugging away.

Welcome to our new friends! Come back often....we need each other!!


Mel.....although we haven't met yet (but we will!), I can tell you are a great person. Just stick with it as best as you can right now, and soon, you will be back on track. The skinny person on the inside will win this battle and come to the outside!


Thanks Sheryl, that was sweet.



Hi All......Went to Spain the last week of Sept and when i weighed in i had gained MORE than i thought so just kept eating!!!!! I then had a few days away in England and still kept eating. On Wednesday i made myself get back on track and today at weigh in i was DOWN 0.5lb so i was well pleased. We also have a dog staying for a few days and i take her out for 2, 1 hour walks everyday, so that has helped. I have 10 more weigh ins before Christmas and would like to looseat least 12lb.

SW 254

CW 221


Keep walking that pup.....it's workin' for ya.


Hi All,

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it turned out to be a very long day. I did manage to go to WI and, yes, was up 1 lb. But I knew going in that I was going to be up, and figured at least 1. The Buffet called at lunch and we answered-but I did manage it better! Salad(with no creamy stuff at all), drumstick(and less than half the skin-couldn't resist), about 8 popcorn shrimp, rice instead of mashed potatoes and gravy. And did NOT go back for seconds! But I did also give in on the slice of Pumpkin Pie-first of the season. So I figure all my daily points plus some of my extra got used up there. But have been writing down everything!

Is it bad to say I am glad to read that so many of us have gone through the 'strugles' time? I was really wondering if it was just something with me. I have also decided that I will be running up the stairs at work at least 2 times a day - three days a week.

Barkingmad- good job with the doggie walks. That is wonderful that you have a companion for walking for a while.

Sheryl, I agree with Misty, I liked the comment about the skinny person on the inside. Am going to have to remember that!

Hope for a good week for everyone!

Good Healthy Vibes to All!


Ya know what? It could have been much worse. You could have gone with the full fat creamy ranch dressing, then had 2-3 chicken legs, something else fried, then had the pie with vanilla ice cream. All in all I think you did a great job at the buffet. I call them pig bars. I really can't stand going to buffets because of the pigging out effect. With that being said I love the buffet on a cruise so I'm hoping I do half as good as you did.


No, it's not bad to say you're glad you're not the only one going thru the struggles of weight loss. In fact I've been putting my true feelings out here, not only to help myself, but to hopefully help someone else. For me it's another form of therapy if you will. Be happy it's not just you.

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Hello fellow Weight Watchers! My family and I are going on our first cruise in 2 weeks and couldn't be more excited! I have been a WW member since sept 11, 2008. I reached my goal weight with them 6months later (lost 32 pounds) but wanted to continue to lose 10 more. So I continued and lost 7more. I then had major surgery in June and gained back those 7.:(

It is such a hard thing to maintain your weight, let alone gain some back then have to loose it again! So I have been trying over the last couple of weeks but not hard enough. I definitely have been exercising, but I can't seem to control what I put in my mouth everyday. I probably have 1 good day/3 bad days. So I love that I have found all of you! Maybe discussing this with you will help me to stay focused.


My goal now is to lose at least 4-5 pounds in the next 2 weeks. I know that is a little much, but it's not something I will make a habit of. And I know it's possible if I can just keep within my points.


My stats:


gain weight in my mid-section



Prefer GW:120




Really want to weigh 120!! But most of all get my body back in shape! I am 36 years old and have a 10 year old and 13 year old.

And My 10 year old is type 1 diabetic-all the more reason to eat healthy!:D


thanks everyone!


Welcome to the group. You've come a long way. Congrats on your first cruise.


A sure fire way to control what goes in your mouth is to NOT have it on hand. Trash the junk. We all have different lifestyles and what may work for one won't work for another. But I do find that if I don't have it in the house, I can't eat it. One night this summer I actually walked to the grocery store and bought a JR Mint Patty and ate it on the way home. I wonder if I walked it off?:D Probably, but I sure felt guilty for the next week.

Keep trying everyone. It's in you!!


Of all the Candy bar type stuff out there a peppermint patty is one of the lowest in points. And why feel guilty? If you had the points for it then there was no need to feel guilty. Worse case scenario would have been to drive to the store, get a whole bag of junior mint patties and eat half the bag. Speaking from experience each small patty is 1 point and a very satisfying sweet treat and a lot cheaper than 1 point bars at WW :p.


Becky - Excellent job at the buffet!! Gee, I just had dinner at home & I can't say I showed the same level of control. Those darn mashed potatoes. :o And no, I don't think it's bad to say that you're glad that others have gone through the struggles. I think it helps to know that it is a normal (or at least common) part of the process and it is possible to get through it. Otherwise, we (I) might be tempted to just throw in the towel because it's "too hard" and "I must not have what it takes".


I've had a pretty good week so far. I had a couple of splurges (Umm, Chipotle) but I worked them into my points and haven't used up all of my flex points. I hope to hit my 10% on Tuesday's weigh-in, but I've had a couple of pretty big losses lately so I won't be surprised if I have an adjustment week soon. Either way I'll keep plugging along!


I like the way you put that Misty. So often we (I) put ourselves down and don't think we have what it takes. But we do and we're all living proof of that.


I'm glad your week is going well. I have my fingers crossed for you on that 10% this week.

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I've had a pretty good week so far too. I've used about 25 of my extra's which is normal for me on the weekends. It is so much easier for me to stick to my daylies during the week. I already don't feel so bloated.


Judi, come out come out where ever you are. I'm anxious to hear if you're still maintaining and how you're doing it.


{{{skinny vibes}}} to all

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I've had a pretty good week so far too. I've used about 25 of my extra's which is normal for me on the weekends. It is so much easier for me to stick to my daylies during the week. I already don't feel so bloated.


Judi, come out come out where ever you are. I'm anxious to hear if you're still maintaining and how you're doing it.


{{{skinny vibes}}} to all


Good job on your good week so far! I agree, those flex points sure do come in handy on the weekends.


Thanks for crossing your fingers for me. I weigh in tonight, and I'm not sure I'll make my 10%. I've had a good week, but haven't seen much movement on my scale at home. I'm not too surprised, I had several big losses, so it has to catch up to me sometime. So, we'll see. But, I'll be OK either way. If I don't get it today, I'll get it next week. If I don't get it next week, it will be the week after that. What I do know for certain is I WILL get it!!

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Good job on your good week so far! I agree, those flex points sure do come in handy on the weekends.


Thanks for crossing your fingers for me. I weigh in tonight, and I'm not sure I'll make my 10%. I've had a good week, but haven't seen much movement on my scale at home. I'm not too surprised, I had several big losses, so it has to catch up to me sometime. So, we'll see. But, I'll be OK either way. If I don't get it today, I'll get it next week. If I don't get it next week, it will be the week after that. What I do know for certain is I WILL get it!!



No IF'S, AND'S OR BUTTS :p, you'll get it.

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One more thing I am going to try again is the journaling-did that when I first joined, got my journal filled up, and never replaced it. Plan to do that this weekend and get back to that, cruise is coming up fast! And Lani, so glad to hear your mom is recovering. Sounds like it will be a long haul for complete recovery, wishing you all our best!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.


Becky -- thanks for the nice wishes! I do want to add that journalling has been key for me. Our leader says that she has a colleague who gives out "perky pencil" stickers to people who track for 7 days in a week and says that the people who do that lose about twice the weight as those who don't. I've been pretty stringent about tracking (up until this past week)... and I think I've been losing pretty slowly (~35 lbs since 1/22/09), but sometimes what I'm tracking ends up me going over my flex points by 200%!


My cruise is coming up in a short 3 weeks. So about 3 weeks ago I went shopping for some new pants. Today, they don't fit. Too baggy:D I wasted the money, but I'm happy about it. But stupidly, I had taken off the tags and trashed them. Live and learn. I love WW:):)

I love this! (and CONGRATS!!) When I had to purchase jeans in that consignment store a week ago, I bought 2 pairs. One fit perfectly (and I've been wearing them like crazy) and the other I tried on last night... and it seemed too big! Haven't worn them (though I may), but no big loss -- they only cost around $15... but still! I also have a neat pair of dressy tuxedo-style pants I bought last winter (Nov or Dec, I think)... when I went to try them on before our cruise in May, of course they were way too huge. I'm going to try to get them altered because I like them so well. And congrats on your success at that buffet!


Misty, your attitude continues to shine! You will make it, sooner or later. Sticking with it is the key!!


Welcome, Monica! I'm an Air Force brat myself, so I have some idea about that "being away from home" stuff. I hope you're able to enjoy it, and are learning lots about cultures/history/language, etc. That kind of education is priceless!


Congrats on the big loss, Wanda!


Mel, I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. As you well know, you just gotta keep at it. "And this too will pass" and all that... just try to stay OP as much as possible to minimize the damage. Take my advice... I'm not using it! I've been "bad" the past several days -- another weekend out of town, and sorta just been eating whatever the hell I wanted, despite those things being high points. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be up at least 2 lbs at my Thursday weigh-in! :o I gotta get back to tracking it, and being honest. I still have been trying to listen to myself, and have had some success (better than it would have been a year ago), but in some cases, kept eating despite being satisfied or full. What a process, huh? We really are just head cases, aren't we? For me, I think some of it fits what I read in a weight loss book years ago that said some of us are so used to hearing a negative internal monologue (I'm no good, I eat too much, I'm too lazy, I shouldn't be eating this, I'm fat and it's my own fault, etc.) that when we do good (and are feeling proud), our little brains start to feel uncomfortable (like maybe we're afraid of being uppity?) and we self-sabotage so that we can return to what we're used to: that negative internal monologue. At the bottom of this post, I'm going to re-post some poems from another thread... I think they can be very useful. And I'm so with you (as I'm sure you can tell) about this being a form of therapy! Our feelings, good and bad, have been so helpful for me to both write and read... I only hope my struggles and successes can help others as well.


Sheryl, good to see you checking in. Keep at it! :)


Congrats on your continued success, barkingmad!


Welcome, Bsybnchof4!


Beannie, I'm with Mel and the others... stop beating yourself up about the peppermint patty -- what you did was an extremely healthy thing to do. You wanted something, were active, gave yourself a reasonable amount of what you wanted.... just what a naturally "skinny" person would have done. That's the GOAL! :D Just try to applaud yourself, and treat yourself as you would want others to treat your best friend or child... you wouldn't let outsiders make your best friend feel guilty over that peppermint patty, would you? Then you shouldn't let your internal monologue do that to yourself, either. (I know, easier said than done, but practice makes perfect!)


I echo Mel again... Judi, I've been thinking about you and hope you are doing well! Please check in!


OK, those poems. I know I've posted this one before, and probably will again (apologies if that's annoying... I just find it very helpful to go back to time and again).


If you're headed in a negative direction, getting back on track may seem hopelessly out of reach. Yet by taking just three steps you can completely change your prospects for the better.

Take one positive step, and you'll stop moving backwards. Take a second positive step, and you'll begin moving forward.

Then take the third step in a positive direction, and suddenly you've established real momentum. From that point, each successive positive effort comes more naturally and easily.

No matter how low you may be, at any point you are just three steps away from a whole different outlook. Just three small, positive actions can get you headed solidly in a new, empowering direction.

In addition, taking three positive steps will give you a real sense of commitment. These actions will get you quickly and firmly invested in your own success.

Wherever you are now, you are just three steps away from being well on your way to whatever goal you choose. Now is indeed the best time to act.

-- Ralph Marston


And another by the same author:

I just saw this poem by Ralph Marston posted on another board. It is similar to the other one, but well-worth passing along:


If you're not ready to climb a mountain, then see if you can walk up a gentle hill. If you're not ready to walk up a hill, then set out to take a leisurely stroll.

If you're not able to walk that far, then you can take a single step. After taking that step you'll likely find that you're ready to take another.

If you have trouble imagining yourself reaching your goal, then imagine yourself taking one small, simple action in the direction of that goal. Imagine it, and then do it.

After that first step, there will be another one you can take, something that's a little bit more challenging and yet not overwhelming. Keep it up, and soon the ultimate goal begins to come into view.

Anything can be accomplished if you are willing to keep taking the next step when it is time to do so. What you lack in brute strength, or resources, or knowledge, or skills, you can make up for with persistence.

You absolutely can get where you choose to go, step after step after persistent step. And now is the perfect time to begin.

-- Ralph Marston


Thin thoughts to you all!

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Good luck Misty. I know you will do it too. You have a great attitude about losing....that's how I know you will be successful!


No IF'S, AND'S OR BUTTS :p, you'll get it.


...Misty, your attitude continues to shine! You will make it, sooner or later. Sticking with it is the key!!...




Awww...Thank you guys so much!!! *blushing* All of your great thoughts paid off. I was down 1 pound this week so I hit my 10% goal!!! :D:D:D YAY!!! Now I get to set a new mini goal. :)


Lani - I know you were talking to several different people, but I feel like you wrote it just for me! I loved so much of what you had to say. I like the perky pencil idea. HUGE congratulations to you on getting smaller than your clothes. That is wonderful when you get to see your success like that. I also love, love, love the "Just try to applaud yourself, and treat yourself as you would want others to treat your best friend or child." Thank you also for the poems, I'm going to print them and post them around me.



Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 254.6 (28.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%) YAY! I made it!!!

NEW goal - 241.4 (15%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1

I hope everyone has great week!!!

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Lani, your words always seem to eloquent. I would really love to meet you some day. It is such a pleasure reading your posts. Those poems really hit home in more ways than just weight loss.


I have found my new favorite breakfast. Have any of you tried the new ginger snap cookies from WW? They are pricey and I will look into non WW ginger snap cookies but I take a pack of instant oatmeal weight control, either banana bread, cinnamon or maple brown sugar. Make according to the directions then when you're ready to eat it put a couple of cookies in it, let sit for just a few second. Mmmmm it is good. The cookies get too soggy if you put all them in at once.

Oatmeal = 3

Cookies = 2

A very filling 5 pt breakfast.

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Gosh, now I'm ::blushing:: !!!

You guys are so complimentary! [Must not let need for negative internal monologue make me go off program.... must not... :rolleyes:]


Misty ---- BIG congrats to you on your 10%!!!!! Like you, I got kinda close to it, and then just chased it around for the longest time before I made it... so I know the relief you feel (you kinda wondered if you'd ever get there, didn't you? ;)). But look, you powered through!! You did this, so you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. Just be PERSISTENT, even if it's just those baby steps!


[For my 10%, I was SO close before I left on our cruise in May... I needed to lose 22.2 lbs, and I was at 21 right before the cruise. I didn't get my 10% until 5 weeks after our cruise.... including the 2 weeks OF the cruise, means it took me 7 weeks to lose 1.2 lbs!!! Seemed like forever at the time. :o]


And Misty, it's funny that you say that it was like I was talking right to you... just goes to show how helpful a thread can be.... and how universal some of this issues are!


Mel, you are so sweet. Funny, I look so forward to reading your posts -- you always have some insight for me! Like now... that breakfast sounds good. Though, I don't like the weight-control oatmeal, I might try it with regular, or with the Kashi hot cereal packets (2 pts). Mmmm.


Oh, and funny thing to help you all feel better about staying (or not) OP: I finally added up all my points from the week of 10/10 thru 10/16 (my trackiing week is Sat thru Fri).... I went OVER my flex points by 63.5 pts!!! :eek: (yes, as in 98.5 total points over my DPA.) :o And remember, that giant, buttery, mushroomy, winey, anniversary meal was the Friday night BEFORE that week. And this week, as of yesterday I'm already 41.5 points over my flex (total of 76.5 points over my daily points... and that's only after 4 days)!


Uggh.... I will be UP this week, I'm sure, the question is just how much. Strangely, I don't think it will erase my 3.8 lb loss from last week... Being out of town the past few weekends means I was estimating points a lot, and I was somewhat active (moderate to low intensity) but didn't count any activity points, so maybe I overestimated what I ate, and was more active than I thought?? Who knows. I'm still feeling thin in my uber-flattering consignment-store jeans, so who cares, right? Though people are gonna get sick of seeing them, since that's all I want to wear these days. :D


Thin thoughts, all!

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Oh, and funny thing to help you all feel better about staying (or not) OP: I finally added up all my points from the week of 10/10 thru 10/16 (my trackiing week is Sat thru Fri).... I went OVER my flex points by 63.5 pts!!! :eek: (yes, as in 98.5 total points over my DPA.) :o And remember, that giant, buttery, mushroomy, winey, anniversary meal was the Friday night BEFORE that week. And this week, as of yesterday I'm already 41.5 points over my flex (total of 76.5 points over my daily points... and that's only after 4 days)!


OK, I just looked in my tracker, and my math was bad for last night... Turns out I'm only :rolleyes: 30.5 points over my flex points this week (35 flex plus the 30.5 = 65.5 points total over my DPA). :eek:


Guess I can treat myself now. :D

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OK, bear with me.... I just have to correct myself on something probably NONE of you will care about, but since I realized my mistake, it'll just bug me if I don't correct it. (Yes, I'm a corrector. Of other people, AND myself.) :o


For my 10%, I was SO close before I left on our cruise in May... I needed to lose 22.2 lbs, and I was at 21 right before the cruise. I didn't get my 10% until 5 weeks after our cruise.... including the 2 weeks OF the cruise, means it took me 7 weeks to lose 1.2 lbs!!! Seemed like forever at the time.


Lordy, I am just a math IDIOT these past few days (sad, for someone whose career(s) are math-centered!!)...

My 10% was 24 lbs (took me to 222.2... that's where I messed up). So I only needed to lose 3 lb since the weigh-in before our cruise... And I got it 12 weeks later.... but I got there eventually. :p

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Misty - all I can say is WOW! Great Job! Congratulations on the 10% goal. I like your next realistic goal.

Jane - same to you- congrats on the 1 pound loss!

I am so glad to know you guys.

Lani, Mel, Misty, and everyone-I know it almost sounds like an admiration society, but it is inspiring to read everyone elses posts! I know what you all mean by going over points, I don't start counting again till Saturday, but all my flex points are gone, and as of last night was 6 pts over, and that doesn't count the WONDERFUL Chocolate/Peanut butter fudge brownie I had for supper! I figure I am a good 16 pts in the hole now:eek:! It is good to open up the website and get the inspiration from everyone to get back OP tomorrow!

Won't be able to get weighed this week (doctors appointment on Thursday and company on Saturday) so will have to go by what my scale says at home- it is usually pretty close.

All I can say is that it is wonderful reading what every one has to say each day and the poems - well, I printed them off and am going to post them also.

Good weighins for the Thursday group! I will have my fingers crossed for losses for everyone!

Good Healthy Vibes to All.

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Congrats Misty - way to go!

Keep it up. Thanks for the idea a while ago about the yogurt/kashi cereal parfaits. Nice treat.


I gained .2 this week (last week I was down 1lb) but I'm okay with it. (like I have a choice)


Tonight's WW topic about healthy guidelines got me to thinking that while I do stay within my points I don't always eat the required food. I lack in the fruit, milk and healthy grains.

Tracking has never been a problem with me.

This week I am going to make an effort to eat more of the required foods.


Skinny vibes to all.




SW 221.6

CW 190.8

mini goal 178.6 which is another 10%

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Congratulations to all of you who have had weight losses. Mel, you have been so helpful in providing support and motivation, so I am sending some of that back your way. I know you will be able to keep on track. Misty, I laughed when I read your husband sometimes puts temptation in front of you. My husband will sometimes do that. He is a type A, skinny no matter what he eats and I do not think he fully understands it is not that way for some of us. I did make my 10%

this week so I am feeling positive about that. Lani, hope your Mom continues to heal. It is rough when our parents are in pain. Sending skinny, healthy vibes to all.



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Becky -- Sorry you won't be able to get to your meeting, but I know you can stay OP (or close)... just be sure to be kind to yourself. You're doing great!


Denise -- Sorry for your slight gain, but your attitude is great! You'll get back on track and see that gain erased next week, I'm sure! (I sure I can do the same!!)


Carol -- YAY for your 10%!!! What a mileston, congratulations! Way to go!! :)


No surprises for me... I had a gain. I was only up one pound according to my home scale, but up 2.2 at WW. :eek: Hoping I can get rid of it next week!! I'm going to try to focus on some mini goals: near 205 by Thanksgiving, and nearing 200 by end of the year (actually, our meetings won't be held the last 2 weeks of the year, so if I'm near 200 by the 1st week of January, I'll be thrilled).


Thin thought to everyone!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 212.8

GW: 154

Mini-Goals: Near 205 by Thanksgiving, near 200 by start of 2010

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Hi Gals!!!! I'm still out here!!! I check in with you guys from time to time and am so glad to see so many new faces!!!! Misty you are doing great, and Cheryl you are wasting away!!! Mel and Lani and Jane, I started with you guys and I am so happy when you lose a pound or an ounce!!! I am HAPPY DANCIN' all over the place for you!!! I am a few pounds under goal...which is a good thing if I have a candy attack!! I have been at goal since August, still go to meetings about three times a month and weigh in once a month. I find my two liters of a water a day to be my saving grace. I flavor it with crystal light or buy the flavored water at Wal-Mart. I weigh myself everyday and still count my points. I still have to fight off the Candy Cravings, but it not nearly as difficult as it once was!!! I count EVERYTHING I eat, even if it is a bite and spit...I don't eat whole servings of things I don't love, and still use the luncheon plates instead of dinner plates. I have been really busy with traveling, getting two new kittens and planning my Life-Style lift, but promise to sign in more often. I'm in Chicago till Sunday and can't wait to get back to my South East Alabama weather....this sucks!!! Mel, I'll be in Atlanta on Nov. 2nd, but won't have time to visit...that's when I get my face nip-tucked!!!

Waving my Skinny Wand over all of you....



SW 170.0

GW 136.0

CW 134.0:eek:(who ever thought I could do it?!?)

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Congrats to everyone on the continued successes you are having with WW. I just got back from a 5 day cruise on RCCL Enchantment and wanted to share the great news. I lost 2.8 pounds on the cruise! Yep, that makes six cruises in a row that I have lost weight.

I wanted to share to let everyone know it is possible. I ate at least two desserts a day and sometimes a few sugar free CC cookies. Shh, do not tell the scale.

I keep a small piece a paper and a golf pencil in my pocket and wrote down what I eat at every meal and snack, obviously I cannot count the points, but I have found writing down everything on my plate helps. (First of all it takes time and second it helps you understand/review what you ate that day) People will ask what you are doing and I take that opportunity to brag about my success and challenge them as well. You can find the piece of paper and pencil in your room or on the boat in the library.

Make sure you are getting your walking/ecersie in on the boat as well, take the stairs, join the daily walk a mile, or put a comment on the bulletin board on the boat and you will be amazed sometimes strangers will meet you for your walk.

Challenge yourself, love yourself, and EVERYTHING is possible.



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I have found my new favorite breakfast. Have any of you tried the new ginger snap cookies from WW? They are pricey and I will look into non WW ginger snap cookies but I take a pack of instant oatmeal weight control, either banana bread, cinnamon or maple brown sugar. Make according to the directions then when you're ready to eat it put a couple of cookies in it, let sit for just a few second. Mmmmm it is good. The cookies get too soggy if you put all them in at once.

Oatmeal = 3

Cookies = 2

A very filling 5 pt breakfast.


MMMmmm...Thanks Mel! I haven't tried them, but that sounds delicious. Right now I have 2 packs of oatmeal, but eventually as I get "skinny" and have to give up points, I'm going to have to switch to 1 packet. This sounds like a yummy compromise. Thanks for the tip!!



...Who knows. I'm still feeling thin in my uber-flattering consignment-store jeans, so who cares, right? Though people are gonna get sick of seeing them, since that's all I want to wear these days.


Thin thoughts, all!


I've DEFINITELY had those meals, or days, or weeks that blew my points & my flex points out of the water too!! But the important thing is you still kept track, were aware of what you were doing and vow not to do it every week! And, more importantly you're rocking your smaller jeans!!


Great attitude about your teeny setback and your mini goals too!!!


Had my weigh in today and had lost 1lb and that was from Saturday. I'm on my way to loosing 12lb by Christmas weigh in. Have a dog coming tomorrow for a week so lots of extra walking!!!!!

SW 254

CW 220


Who-hoo!!! One pound closer to your Christmas goal!!! Congrats!!


... It is good to open up the website and get the inspiration from everyone to get back OP tomorrow!...

Thanks for the kind words...I especially like your comment above. So, so true! I really like it here!


Congrats Misty - way to go!

Keep it up. Thanks for the idea a while ago about the yogurt/kashi cereal parfaits. Nice treat.


I gained .2 this week (last week I was down 1lb) but I'm okay with it. (like I have a choice)


Tonight's WW topic about healthy guidelines got me to thinking that while I do stay within my points I don't always eat the required food. I lack in the fruit, milk and healthy grains.

Tracking has never been a problem with me.

This week I am going to make an effort to eat more of the required foods.


Skinny vibes to all.




SW 221.6

CW 190.8

mini goal 178.6 which is another 10%


Thanks!! I'm glad you like the yogurt parfaits, With their creamy, fruity, crunchy goodness, I think they hit the spot. Lately I've been sneaking peaches into my oatmeal, it's pretty yummy too. I have some no sugar added diced peaches and I pour them into the bowl of instant oatmeal, juice and all. Then I add a little water & microwave. It has been a pretty good breakfast that keeps me full until lunch.


I'm trying to make an effort to get my healthy guideline foods in too, I'm struggling with dairy right now. (I have an on-off love affair with yogurt. Right now I'm off, hopefully we'll get back together soon.)


...Misty, I laughed when I read your husband sometimes puts temptation in front of you. My husband will sometimes do that. He is a type A, skinny no matter what he eats and I do not think he fully understands it is not that way for some of us. I did make my 10%

this week so I am feeling positive about that...



YAY Carol!!! :D:):p:):D (That's my happy dance) Congrats on your 10% Great job!!!


You're so right about the husbands. My hubby has never worried about food, he could not care less about it. He has not comprehension of how I struggle, especially the thinking about food all of the time. To top it off, he eats junkfood nearly constantly, weighs about 165 and just got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. It makes me want to kick him while he's sleeping...


I have found that I miss my soft drinks But I have found a half-decent replacement in Diet Squirt. But it has to be really really cold. Just thought I would pass that on.


Hi Beannie!! Thanks for the tip!!


Hi Gals!!!! I'm still out here!!! I check in with you guys from time to time and am so glad to see so many new faces!!!! Misty you are doing great, and Cheryl you are wasting away!!! Mel and Lani and Jane, I started with you guys and I am so happy when you lose a pound or an ounce!!! I am HAPPY DANCIN' all over the place for you!!! I am a few pounds under goal...which is a good thing if I have a candy attack!! I have been at goal since August, still go to meetings about three times a month and weigh in once a month. I find my two liters of a water a day to be my saving grace. I flavor it with crystal light or buy the flavored water at Wal-Mart. I weigh myself everyday and still count my points. I still have to fight off the Candy Cravings, but it not nearly as difficult as it once was!!! I count EVERYTHING I eat, even if it is a bite and spit...I don't eat whole servings of things I don't love, and still use the luncheon plates instead of dinner plates. I have been really busy with traveling, getting two new kittens and planning my Life-Style lift, but promise to sign in more often. I'm in Chicago till Sunday and can't wait to get back to my South East Alabama weather....this sucks!!! Mel, I'll be in Atlanta on Nov. 2nd, but won't have time to visit...that's when I get my face nip-tucked!!!

Waving my Skinny Wand over all of you....



SW 170.0

GW 136.0

CW 134.0(who ever thought I could do it?!?)


HELLO JUDI!!! Thanks for stopping by!! I'm so glad that you're still on track and maintaining. It's good to "see" proof that it can be done.


Congrats to everyone on the continued successes you are having with WW. I just got back from a 5 day cruise on RCCL Enchantment and wanted to share the great news. I lost 2.8 pounds on the cruise! Yep, that makes six cruises in a row that I have lost weight.


I wanted to share to let everyone know it is possible. I ate at least two desserts a day and sometimes a few sugar free CC cookies. Shh, do not tell the scale.


I keep a small piece a paper and a golf pencil in my pocket and wrote down what I eat at every meal and snack, obviously I cannot count the points, but I have found writing down everything on my plate helps. (First of all it takes time and second it helps you understand/review what you ate that day) People will ask what you are doing and I take that opportunity to brag about my success and challenge them as well. You can find the piece of paper and pencil in your room or on the boat in the library.


Make sure you are getting your walking/ecersie in on the boat as well, take the stairs, join the daily walk a mile, or put a comment on the bulletin board on the boat and you will be amazed sometimes strangers will meet you for your walk.


Challenge yourself, love yourself, and EVERYTHING is possible.




Thanks for the wonderful tips David!! I especially like your point about writing everything down. I usually don't track on vacation because it's so hard and frustrating to estimate points, but it had never occured to me to just write it down anyways. So simple, yet so helpful! Thanks!!!

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Had my weigh in today and had lost 1lb and that was from Saturday. I'm on my way to loosing 12lb by Christmas weigh in. Have a dog coming tomorrow for a week so lots of extra walking!!!!!

SW 254

CW 220


You're doing really well........keep it up and you'll hit your mini goal.


Lordy, I am just a math IDIOT these past few days (sad, for someone whose career(s) are math-centered!!)...


Lani, I have to laugh at this since we are both in accounting. I'll tell on myself.....my family loves to play games and I always end up being the score keeper. I can not add and subtract to save my life sometimes without my calculator. (notice how I said sometimes :o) I have become very dependant on my calculator and that is not good.


Misty - all I can say is WOW! Great Job! Congratulations on the 10% goal. I like your next realistic goal.

Jane - same to you- congrats on the 1 pound loss!

I am so glad to know you guys.

Lani, Mel, Misty, and everyone-I know it almost sounds like an admiration society, but it is inspiring to read everyone elses posts! I know what you all mean by going over points, I don't start counting again till Saturday, but all my flex points are gone, and as of last night was 6 pts over, and that doesn't count the WONDERFUL Chocolate/Peanut butter fudge brownie I had for supper! I figure I am a good 16 pts in the hole now:eek:! It is good to open up the website and get the inspiration from everyone to get back OP tomorrow!

Won't be able to get weighed this week (doctors appointment on Thursday and company on Saturday) so will have to go by what my scale says at home- it is usually pretty close.

All I can say is that it is wonderful reading what every one has to say each day and the poems - well, I printed them off and am going to post them also.

Good weighins for the Thursday group! I will have my fingers crossed for losses for everyone!

Good Healthy Vibes to All.


Hey, hang in there. You'll get back to the point where you will resist the brownies and things. Do you still have any of your pants from when you were your heaviest? If so, try on a pair and see just how far you've come. Then do you have a pair of smaller goal pants? Hang them in sight in your bathroom or somewhere. Have you lost the mental picture of yourself you had in your head when you first started this journey? Find it again. Imagine how it would feel to be able to do ______ without feeling like you're the biggest, or take a hiking excursion on your next cruise. Imagine having the confidence to wear a little black dress cut down to here :rolleyes:. It's worth a shot.

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