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Past Guest Party


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Thank you all for your quick responses. This will my 1st Past guest party. I didn't know what was what and if anyone could attend with me... I am sorry that I bothered some of you, I am sure you had these questions at one point or another. I will just wait and see when we get on the ship. Thanks again

Don't let those certain people bother you. You will notice the more you are on these boards it is usually the same ones that have an attitude about just about everything anyone has to say.:rolleyes: As far as your question goes, no it really is not for anyone other than past guests, but you could always ask if they will allow you to take someone. When we went we had to hand them our invites. Good Luck and have a great time.:)

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I just got back from the Ecstasy. It was my 2nd cruise and my mom's first cruise (it was just the two of us). They sent me 2 invitiations...one for me and one for a guest. So, she went with me.


Nothing wrong with taking a guest in that case!


I think I understand people's different opinions on the matter. My question (being only a 1 cruise-chump at this time) is....Is this party that big of a deal?


Is it like the Captain's cocktail party (a couple free drinks and some meatballs) or is it that big of an "event" to warrant such an emotional exchange?


Oh...and since my wife and I are both past guests...but our room is only booked under my past guest number (at least according to the booking info I have) I wonder if she'll even get an invite?


If you look at your Fun Pass, there's a question asking if the passenger is a past guest. If that's checked, you should both get invited. Also, they tend to automatically lookup past guest numbers by name and DOB. I think you'll be okay. I haven't given my past guest # to anyone in years, yet everything always shows up just fine. :)

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When did the FUN ships stop being FUN???


Carnival is known for their lax "rules" regarding this event. More importantly if a Newbie is Cruising in a Past Guests Room, both get the Past Guest Rate.


I am guilty of bringing my better half with me to my first past guest party. Did anyone give me a hard time? I think not. Its a 1 hour cocktail party where you usually get 2-3 drinks dance a bit, and watch a quick flick. Let your friend enjoy the event if your friend is booked under your past guest stateroom.


If your friend is in a different stateroom, I tend to agree with other posters that say your friend/sister can entertain herself with others.

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Amazed... simply amazed. All the uproar about a party that shows a time share sales themed sales pitch about the fleet of ships and a few drinks.


I would agree with the poster earlier that said more past guests stay away from the party than go. Count us in that group more often.


The OP asked a question that merited a simple response. She got it and I hope she does go to the Pursers Desk and ask. Remember, the people pleasing business is crying for your entertainment dollar.


How can a few posters brag about using Rum Runners to smuggle booze, sharing soda cards, describe how to bring home Cuban cigars, talk about what others should and should not wear and then complain about their fellow passengers asking the Purser a question...


If you have a problem with the OP bringing one person to the party and that is the topic at your table for dinner the rude person stares you in the mirror.


I truly think if Carnival took the sign down that says PRIVATE EVENT many of the people that post here would not go.


If I am on your cruise and you are a first time cruiser and want my ticket then find me. You can have them all. Go watch the DVD and grab all the alcohol you can.


The rest of us will not class rank on how many funnels are in your travel history...



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I think I understand people's different opinions on the matter. My question (being only a 1 cruise-chump at this time) is....Is this party that big of a deal?


Is it like the Captain's cocktail party (a couple free drinks and some meatballs) or is it that big of an "event" to warrant such an emotional exchange?


Oh...and since my wife and I are both past guests...but our room is only booked under my past guest number (at least according to the booking info I have) I wonder if she'll even get an invite?


Hey Ripper - I don't understand the big deal made either. It is the same sort of party as the Captain's cocktail party.


I think people might be making an issue of it because they feel strongly that they are entitiled to something as a past guest and are threatened if they hear that others are getting the same perk without putting in the time. It's only 1 cruise people! Those "interlopers" will be in the same category, as a past guest, once that cruise is over - when is that, in 2 or 3 days??

I can understand not letting everyone in obviously, but if people are travelling together, let them attend the party together.


I travelled solo on a cruise to Bermuda (on Princess) and met this very nice couple and their daughter at my dinner table. They had at least 25 cruises under their belt. We usually met for a pre-dinner drink and on the night of the past guest party invited me along since it took place prior to dinner. I thought that was so thoughful and really appreciated it.


I would make sure that your lovely wife's ticket is booked against her past guest #, you want it to count toward platinum for her when eventually you get there (hopefully a number of those cruises being on the same ship as me :D)

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In my experience if you're a repeater and your friend, fiend, spouse, louse, significant other, or insignificant other is not a past guest they are permitted to go.

I've found this to be true on all of the many cruise lines on which I've traveled including Carnival.

I don't recommend invite your entire deck or using it to pay back those nice people who bought you a martini at the bar last night...but if you're travelling with someone I think it's perfectly appropriate to bring them.

In fact on many cruise lines where I was a repeater and DW was not the invitation was addressed to Mr. & Mrs. DH.

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For all of you that seem to have no knowledge of manners and to those that THINK they are exceptions.


From Emily Post.






Rudeness Alert!

Question: What's ruder than yakking on your cell phone in a restaurant?

Answer: Bringing an uninvited guest to an event.


It seems that many people today have forgotten that invitations are issued only to the people whose names are on the envelope. The Emily Post Institute has had a deluge of letters lately from dismayed hosts and hostesses who have had to cope with uninvited guests. In some cases it’s just a question of annoyance or social embarrassment; in others it’s a matter of considerable additional expense.


Sadly, nowadays when many people receive an invitation they assume that they can bring their husband/date/fiancé and, if they have children, each of them as well. Well, they can’t. In fact, it is the height of rudeness if they do.


Here’s a little invitation 101


Invitations are addressed only to those who are invited. If the invitation says “Ms. Mary Smith,” only Mary is invited. If the invitation says “Ms. Mary Smith and Guest,” then Mary may bring a guest of her choosing. When Mary replies to the invitation, she should say, “I am delighted to join you for dinner on the thirteenth. I will be bringing my good friend Jim Alcott.”


Almost as rude as the people who show up with uninvited guests are those who try to bully the hosts into making exceptions. “Hi, Ginger I got your invitation. I want to let you know that I will be bringing the children to the wedding. After all, they are family and it would be rude not to include all the family at the wedding, right?” Wrong! Whether the hosts drew the line at “no children” or “no second cousins,” it is their decision and should never be questioned.


Now you have been informed. If you still wish to be rude.......................



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Here is another part of the article that Dan40 (Oh to be 40 again) gave us:


"Consider this. You are hosting your daughter’s wedding reception for 80 people at $75 per person for the catering. At the reception, you notice that your cousins Dick and Jane have brought their four children (under age 7); eight of the couple’s friends have brought dates and there are three people nobody seems to know. The caterer presents his bill for the 95 people who actually attended the event, busting your budget by $1,125.

Or imagine your child’s fourth birthday and one of the little guest’s mother calls to ask if she can bring along a sibling. You say, “Sorry, we were really just planning on four year olds and don’t have any activities for seven year old Johnny.” Imagine your dismay when you open the front door to Johnny and little Sara, and see Mom pulling away from the curb."


I think the key here is that it is NOT a private event such as a wedding or four year olds birthday. I've been to four year olds birthdays and it's harder to get a decent martini. But be that as it may, the repeaters party is as Blusry says: "Amazed... simply amazed. All the uproar about a party that shows a time share sales themed sales pitch about the fleet of ships and a few drinks."


So it is really more of a commercial venture than a party and although it is a way to thank people for their loyalty its main purpose is to promote whatever line you're sailing.

According to Miss Manners those kinds of parties have a different set of rules.

If I were giving a dinner party and someone showed up with a stray guest I would be upset. If I were giving a political fundraiser or selling something I would be delighted.

Maybe next we can tackle the secret of getting a decent drink at one of these functions.

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Amazed... simply amazed. All the uproar about a party that shows a time share sales themed sales pitch about the fleet of ships and a few drinks.


I would agree with the poster earlier that said more past guests stay away from the party than go. Count us in that group more often.


The OP asked a question that merited a simple response. She got it and I hope she does go to the Pursers Desk and ask. Remember, the people pleasing business is crying for your entertainment dollar.


How can a few posters brag about using Rum Runners to smuggle booze, sharing soda cards, describe how to bring home Cuban cigars, talk about what others should and should not wear and then complain about their fellow passengers asking the Purser a question...


If you have a problem with the OP bringing one person to the party and that is the topic at your table for dinner the rude person stares you in the mirror.


I truly think if Carnival took the sign down that says PRIVATE EVENT many of the people that post here would not go.


If I am on your cruise and you are a first time cruiser and want my ticket then find me. You can have them all. Go watch the DVD and grab all the alcohol you can.


The rest of us will not class rank on how many funnels are in your travel history...





Amen... and those of you who want mine on the May 8th Miracle.. I will leave it in my mailbox.. first come first gets it! LOL

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For all of you getting your panties all twisted up in a wad who says they will even have a past guest party anymore. We were on the Splendor, South America, 2/17/09 and there was no past guest party. We got our pins but no party. I was told that almost everyone on the boat was a past guest so no party. This was told by the purser. So go figure. The first leg had a party but we got left out. I haven't found out if the last leg had one or not either.


It's not like its the party of the year either. And at the "Captain's Party" on the first formal night there was no snacks served either. But I have enjoyed reading all of everyone's so very polite responses.

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Ok fine, my boyfriend had cruised before. This cruise (March 2009) Carnival had the Past Guest party on the last evening of our cruise so he had previously cruised with Carnival the last 6 days. Whatever.


So, I booked the cruise under my past guest number and such and so I suppose he shouldn't have been able to take part in my special rate and free upgrade either? If I am in VIP check in he shouldn't come with me either??


I'm sorry, I don't mean to be facetious but this is pretty ridiculous. I have been on 8 Carnival cruises and spent countless evenings alone for several of those while my kids hung out in the children's program and didn't feel comfortable attending the Past Guest party alone - so I didn't go. Now that I have a special someone in my life I am still not comfortable going alone and shouldn't have to. Because of this I am emailing Carnival today to address this topic so that those that are so offended that a past guest would have the nerve to bring a guest can drop it.


This has nothing to do with being rude on the part of Carnival. What is rude is someone taking advantage of a party they were not invited to. Bringing

someone with them that is not a Past Guest that is what is rude. Past Guest parties are for guess who? "Past Guests".


This is not rocket science, it is a party for those that have cruised before. This has nothing to do with being uptight, but it has everything to do with being invited and not being invited. It may not be the party of the year, or even close to it, but it is a party that I am invited to and one I do enjoy going to.

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I am attaching a thread to Cruise critic in reference to a topic that comes up all too often and usually turns into a most heated conversation. Apparently some folks are very offended and threatened that a Past guest would bring a family member/significant other/spouse to the Past Guest party that has never cruised before. I personally think that your company would encourage their past guests to bring (1) guest as their date to the party regardless of previous cruising status with your company and wouldn’t want them to have to come alone. Any chance that going forward your invitation can start including “Past Guest +1”??

I apologize in advance if it is “rude” to make this type of request, I just think it would be really nice of your company to settle the debate once and for all and not leave it up to individual interpretation any longer.

Thanks for many great Carnival cruises, I very much look forward to sailing again with you soon!



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Seriously .... if you aren't throwing the party ... why do you care?


I ask again, does anyone really think Carnival is ignorant of the fact that people have Cruise Virgins tag-along with them? Do you really think they're going to say no and chance not having a return cruiser? Do you really think they don't include a basic number of tag-alongs into their prep?


Why is this thread five pages long? If the host decides to bend the rules, that's their right as the host. Who are we to second guess them?

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Seriously .... if you aren't throwing the party ... why do you care?


I ask again, does anyone really think Carnival is ignorant of the fact that people have Cruise Virgins tag-along with them? Do you really think they're going to say no and chance not having a return cruiser? Do you really think they don't include a basic number of tag-alongs into their prep?


Why is this thread five pages long? If the host decides to bend the rules, that's their right as the host. Who are we to second guess them?


Just something to argue about:rolleyes:

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Ouch, I am surprised at some of these harsh answers. I would simply just ask at the desk if she can accompany you. What are they going to say? NO GO ALONE. I dont think so. Never spoke to a sour Carnivel rep yet. Have fun!:D

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Amazed... simply amazed. All the uproar about a party that shows a time share sales themed sales pitch about the fleet of ships and a few drinks.


I would agree with the poster earlier that said more past guests stay away from the party than go. Count us in that group more often.


The OP asked a question that merited a simple response. She got it and I hope she does go to the Pursers Desk and ask. Remember, the people pleasing business is crying for your entertainment dollar.


How can a few posters brag about using Rum Runners to smuggle booze, sharing soda cards, describe how to bring home Cuban cigars, talk about what others should and should not wear and then complain about their fellow passengers asking the Purser a question...


If you have a problem with the OP bringing one person to the party and that is the topic at your table for dinner the rude person stares you in the mirror.


I truly think if Carnival took the sign down that says PRIVATE EVENT many of the people that post here would not go.


If I am on your cruise and you are a first time cruiser and want my ticket then find me. You can have them all. Go watch the DVD and grab all the alcohol you can.


The rest of us will not class rank on how many funnels are in your travel history...




:D hehehe I like you

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Here is another part of the article that Dan40 (Oh to be 40 again) gave us:


"Consider this. You are hosting your daughter’s wedding reception for 80 people at $75 per person for the catering. At the reception, you notice that your cousins Dick and Jane have brought their four children (under age 7); eight of the couple’s friends have brought dates and there are three people nobody seems to know. The caterer presents his bill for the 95 people who actually attended the event, busting your budget by $1,125.

Or imagine your child’s fourth birthday and one of the little guest’s mother calls to ask if she can bring along a sibling. You say, “Sorry, we were really just planning on four year olds and don’t have any activities for seven year old Johnny.” Imagine your dismay when you open the front door to Johnny and little Sara, and see Mom pulling away from the curb."


I think the key here is that it is NOT a private event such as a wedding or four year olds birthday. I've been to four year olds birthdays and it's harder to get a decent martini. But be that as it may, the repeaters party is as Blusry says: "Amazed... simply amazed. All the uproar about a party that shows a time share sales themed sales pitch about the fleet of ships and a few drinks."


So it is really more of a commercial venture than a party and although it is a way to thank people for their loyalty its main purpose is to promote whatever line you're sailing.

According to Miss Manners those kinds of parties have a different set of rules.

If I were giving a dinner party and someone showed up with a stray guest I would be upset. If I were giving a political fundraiser or selling something I would be delighted.

Maybe next we can tackle the secret of getting a decent drink at one of these functions.



FYI, 40 has no connection with age.

The Emily Post site says what it says, What you think it means, is irrelevant. It is clear, period.

There are numerous CLOSED commercial events, because you haven't been invited, does not mean they don't exist. Check with any hotelier, there are thousands of commercial, "by invitation only," events daily. And no "party crashing guests."


Dan, way, way past 40. So is my son.

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FYI, 40 has no connection with age.

The Emily Post site says what it says, What you think it means, is irrelevant. It is clear, period.

There are numerous CLOSED commercial events, because you haven't been invited, does not mean they don't exist. Check with any hotelier, there are thousands of commercial, "by invitation only," events daily. And no "party crashing guests."


Dan, way, way past 40. So is my son.




"SPEND a trillion, BILL the children."


I like that... probably should read sell the children.. lol

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I can think of better things... lol


1. Passports -- Do you *really* need them? Should you take them off the ship?


2. To Smuggle Booze, or Not to Smuggle Booze, aka Intro to Debate


3. RCCL vs. CCL, or, Who Has Better Toilette Paper?


4. Why You Shouldn't Let Your Heathen Child Bring Their Video Games ... Or Get In An Elevator


5. If You Can Watch TV At Home, Why Is There One in My Cabin?


6. The Robert Browning Debate Series: Why Things Were Better Back When


7. Why My Leprosy Shouldn't Keep Me From Using the Pool


8. Tipping ... Not A City In China!


9. Chair-Hogging: Punishable By Death, Or Just Dismemberment?


10.WWJHD? (What Would John Held Do?)

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1. Passports -- Do you *really* need them? Should you take them off the ship?


2. To Smuggle Booze, or Not to Smuggle Booze, aka Intro to Debate


3. RCCL vs. CCL, or, Who Has Better Toilette Paper?


4. Why You Shouldn't Let Your Heathen Child Bring Their Video Games ... Or Get In An Elevator


5. If You Can Watch TV At Home, Why Is There One in My Cabin?


6. The Robert Browning Debate Series: Why Things Were Better Back When


7. Why My Leprosy Shouldn't Keep Me From Using the Pool


8. Tipping ... Not A City In China!


9. Chair-Hogging: Punishable By Death, Or Just Dismemberment?


10.WWJHD? (What Would John Held Do?)



She said better:p:D

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Ha, very funny :)


1. Passports -- Do you *really* need them? Should you take them off the ship?


2. To Smuggle Booze, or Not to Smuggle Booze, aka Intro to Debate


3. RCCL vs. CCL, or, Who Has Better Toilette Paper?


4. Why You Shouldn't Let Your Heathen Child Bring Their Video Games ... Or Get In An Elevator


5. If You Can Watch TV At Home, Why Is There One in My Cabin?


6. The Robert Browning Debate Series: Why Things Were Better Back When


7. Why My Leprosy Shouldn't Keep Me From Using the Pool


8. Tipping ... Not A City In China!


9. Chair-Hogging: Punishable By Death, Or Just Dismemberment?


10.WWJHD? (What Would John Held Do?)

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