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Just off the Gem....today!


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We are going on the Gem 4/11 and have been reading some pretty bad reviews. Did it take a long time for dinner? Was the restaurants crowded? Did it take a long time for your luggage to be delivered? Was there enough room at the pools? I may think of more questions later,, but any comments you could give would be nice.



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Hey Kelly.....well lets see. Me and my hubby are "early" eaters. We would be up early in the am to go to the Garden Cafe, so there was few people there. But if you went around 9am or after it would be really crowded. Not many places to sit and eat at that time. We also would eat also early around 530pm and not too many people at that time either. We would eat at 530pm and then go to the 730pm show. When we went to Tequilla, LaCuncia, and Mageata we made reservations. Which I would say if you can plan your night out that would be the best way to go. The luggage came really quick. I read online 6pm it would be delievered by. I would say it was there by 2pm! Okay, the pool issues was def a problem. People would throw their towels down on chairs and walk away. It was very frusterating to see all these empty chairs and no people. I never saw anyone from the staff moving towels to the front desk to "open" up chairs. One day me hubby, and son sat on the edge of the pool because there were no places to sit. More chairs on port days. But when you were at sea forget it!!! Hope this helped. Please let me know of anything else you think of. I would be happy to answer anything.......Have fun counting down the days. Amanda

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Sounds like you had a good time.


How was the weather on your cruise? Were you hit with any of the rain in the Northeast?


Also, how were the ports of call?


We were considering going this time of year, but were hesitant. Maybe next year.


Thanks for any info.

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I will be leaving this coming weekend here are a few questions?


How would you rate your overall experience 1 through 10?


Did they offer the photo package, how much if they did?


How easy was it to park at the pier for the week?


Did people wear shorts at dinner in the main dining room?


How were the shows , cruise staff, ETC.


How was the tender service did it move along quickly?


How was the day on the private island?


Thank you in advance for your help we can't wait to leave.

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I Was On The March 21 Sailing On The Gem, And Had A Great Time!!

I Too Was Worried About The Reviews Of The Gem, But Once I Sailed Her, All The Negative Reviews Went OverBoard!:eek:



The Food Was Great, I Ate At Two Specialty Restaurants, The Orchid,& The Tex-Mex Place! The Dining Room Food Was Good Too!


Entermainment Was Good I Think I Saw About 3or4 Shows!!


Just Have An Open Mind, And Say To Your Self I'm On A Cruise, Life Is Great!!!


Relax, And Enjoy!!:o

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Well, the wife and I got off the Gem yesterday, 4/4 and I have to admit the anticipation of the cruise may have been better then the actual cruise itself. We really tried to go into this, our third cruise with a positive attitude, although each prior cruise we both said was our last. We got unto the ship around 12:45 and hearing that the staterooms were not ready, we opted for lunch at the Grand Pacific, and had a pretty good meal. Good start, we both thought. Around 2:30 we started up to our cabin a mini-suite, starboard side aft, deck 11. We met our room steward who was just finishing up our cabin, and I tipped him nicely. Finally in our cabin I looked out unto the balcony and noticed there was only one deck chair, so I opened the UNLOCKED:eek: patio door and looked over to our neighbors deck, and observed they had three deck chairs. I was about to knock on their door, when a woman exited, so I asked her about our deck chair, and she stated, 'I don't have your chair,' great this is gonna be a looonnnng cruise. I then told the steward, and minutes later a deck chair miraculously reappeared, with our neighbors now having only two. I then heard from our neighbors cabin, a girl(around 20) yell, just loud enough over a CD player blasting rap music, 'I paid a thousand dollars for this trip, and I'll do what I what to do,' and another girl responding,' You can take the girl out of the ghetto, but not the ghetto out of the girl.' Man this may be a looonnnng cruise.:mad: The next morning I noticed the cabin steward had marked off on the mini bar slip, one rum bottle missing, which was amazing, since we didn't drink it. It was then I discovered the balcony partition was unlocked, and had been from the beginning. That, and the fact that our patio door was unlocked initially, our deck chair missing, and on our neighbors balcony, lead me to conclude, something is suspious here....now I know I just can't accuse, BUT?:confused: I immediately advised security, about the missing rum bottle, and the fact that the partition and our patio door was unlocked, and we didn't have to pay for something we didn't drink. That night, around 3am, our neighbors came back to their cabin, drunk out of their minds. Loud noise continued for about an hour, my wife thought she heard security at our neighbors door. Surprisingly, after that night, the neigbors were relatively quiet, I guess, that girl couldn't do 'what [she] wanted to do.' Rough sea's around Cape Hatteras caused the wife to be sea sick.....:eek:. Monday saw calm waters and really nice weather for our excursion to the Kennedy Space center. We ate dinner at the Asian restuarant, a twofer, and not bad. The next day was Stirrup Cay, and we had another great, beautiful day. I must add, we had about 300 Delaware college spring breakers on board. I was a little concerned initially, but I must say they were really courtious, and for the most part respectful. The spring breakers were probably better then most of the seniors on board. Getting back to Strirrup Cay, the problem there was, they didn't provide enough lounge chairs, and the beach got crowded real fast. The BBQ was not very good. Bring water with you, as I didn't see any provided. The next day was Nassau, and again, we lucked out with great weather. I read prior about getting a day pass for 'Breezes,' and about also getting a $5.00 per person coupon at the passenger terminal, inside the local map. The day pass costs $55.00 per person with that coupon. We walked though the terminal past the taxi's unto Bay street, and asked about the #10 jitney bus($1.25, exact) per person. It was about a 5-10 minute walk to the bus stop, and around 10-15 minutes to Breezes, the jitney drops off across the street(tell the driver.) Breezes was ok, food was good, and the drinks were plentiful. The beach was nice, and you could use all the facilities. After a wild Bohemian bus ride back to the ship terminal(the driver was a mad man)we were dropped off in front of Mcdonalds. We walked around the shops, which close around 5-5:30. That evening, we ate at Cagneys steak house, and had a pretty good meal. The next day, also OK weather, was Freeport, a rather short stop over, we just walked over to some shops near the pier. Unfortunately someone had a heart attack(I believe) on board,hope he's OK. I surprised my wife with the anniversary package, a bottle of champagne(Brut) upon arrival, some canapes on another night, and a nice meal at the 'Bristro,' with a bottle of wine, and we opted to use the $22.00 credit for a wine upgrade. On Friday we had a champagne and cake party, with a 5x7 photo taken. Amazingly, the trip back around Hatteras, the sea's was rough(graveyard of the Atlantic) and my poor wife got sea sick again. Unfortunately, she can't take anything, and the wrist bands were not effective. We thought the shows, what we saw, were just OK, we thought the shows on Royal Carribean were better. The concept of freestyle is very good, and overall NCL food was good. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Grand Pacific was decent, and the three times we ate at the special restaurants was also good. The Garden Cafe, with the buffet style was OK....... With regards to our cabin, a 'mini suite,' really a slightly expanded balcony cabin....I specifically called NCL to ask about our cabin, #11116, when I saw it was under the 'Garden Cafe.' I also wondered what was opposite our cabin. I was told, 'no crew rooms, ie. storage or supply rooms were nearby, they are 7-8 cabins away.' EERRR WRONG, crew elevators and supply room are opposite the cabin I received, buyer beware! That really wasn't too bad....the real noise seemed to come, starting at 0630hrs from above us, in the Garden Cafe, as they start up for the day. This grinding type noise continued until after closing, sometime after 2330hrs. Just a warning...if you still want this cabin, and you're a light sleeper....bring earplugs, or better yet, invest in a sound machine.........I feel sad, as I heard an elderly female on deck 11 passed away during the last night, or early morning back to NYC, my prayers for her and her family, very sad....Overall, we feel this may be our last cruise, I guess it's not for everybody. Please don't let my review of this cruise sway you, as you know what opinions are like. Sorry about my rant......hope I was able to provide some insight to help some......

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Hey CC posters....I just returned from the Gem today after a 7 noc cruise, NYC to FLA and Bahamas....Any questions......????? Fire away! I would be happy to answer anything I can.....Amanda


Hi Amanda, I read on another post from your cruise that there was a group of spring break students on your ship that had purchased an unlimited alcohol program. Do you know anything about this. Thanks.

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I'll answer your question regarding the spring breakers on the Gem(3/28.) This from my prior post, too long for some to read, I guess.....'I must add, we had about 300 Delaware college spring breakers on board. I was a little concerned initially, but I must say they were really courteous, and for the most part respectful. The spring breakers were probably better then most of the seniors on board.'

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Hey CC posters....I just returned from the Gem today after a 7 noc cruise, NYC to FLA and Bahamas....Any questions......????? Fire away! I would be happy to answer anything I can.....Amanda


Did you do any excursions Amanda? If so, would you recommend any of them? Also what is the NCL's private island like? Is there much shopping there or is it just the usual trinkets and BBQ pits.


jpf: I thought your review was fair and objective as possible under the circumstances dealing with the insolent students next door and DW getting seasick.

I've found that there is always at least one noisy room be it in a fancy hotel, a house or a ship; too bad that you had one. Thanks for the review.

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You are welcome Tokaybean......the private island Stirrup Cay was 'OK,' the water was a little chilly, hard to believe, as the air temp was in the low to mid 80's. The BBQ was barely OK, hamburgers and hotdogs.....bring water with you, as I didn't see any provided. The beach got crowded really fast, possibly due to the spring breakers, although many of them didn't get to the island until after most of the lounge chairs were taken. Again, I have to say the spring breakers were NOT bad, better than some of the older folks. The straw market on the island was a few stands, selling hats and clothing, and the usual trinkets, wait for Nassau. Really hope you guys have a great time.....

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I can't speak for the other's but our cabin was under the Garden Cafe, and around 0630 hrs. a banging, grinding noise would start. The noise wasn't constant, it would just be about every 20 minutes or so, and continue until around 2330hrs. If you're worried about the noise, I would suggest bringing earplugs, or better yet one of those sound machines that drown out any noise. We were also directly across from the crew elevators, aft, so I'm certain some noise emanated from that location as well......Good luck, and happy sailing...

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we are staying in deck 11. is the noise really that bad?



Hi Chpichapo,


Deck 11 is wonderful. We were in a minisuite 11562 right across from staff staircase and linen storage and about 4 rooms from midship elevator and just below baby wading pool on deck 12. We never heard a sound from the hallway or from above. The balcony door vibrated in the rough weather and did actually open. But once we discovered the child safe lock located about 5' high right in the middle of the doors we were fine.


Our room steward did his job, but had to be reminded to refill dispensers and leave replacement towels. We do not care about towel animals, just the towels needed daily We really never saw him much. We have always been generous at the beginning of the cruise, but this time it did not pay off.


The pay restaurants are worth everything extra that you pay. We went to LeBistro twice, Cagney's once and La Cucina three times. Grand Pacific was fine, although we were there on the turbulant evening and I could not eat. The garden buffet was the best I have ever eaten on. I have always enjoyed the NCL buffets in comparison the RCCL that are poorly designed and always overcrowded.


GSC was a nice island, yes crowded but if you looked around up from the beach there was plenty of room. There was plenty of ice cold water available right beside the picnic tables at the barbecue and available for purchase at the drink stations. I was impressed with the food and especially the potato salad that I had read was not good. But then again we all know that food is a personal thing.:D


The Gem is decorated with lots of color, velvet and comfy seating. I did hear an older woman, although not much older than me, complain that it looked like a brothel.:rolleyes: Wonder how she knew what a brothel looked like??


The college kids were amazing and we became friends with 3 girls our daughters age and fondly called them "The Delaware 3"!!



Hope you all enjoy the Gem as much as we did. We plan to sail her again next year and will definately bowl next time.:cool:


Ann and Bernie

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I surprised my wife with the anniversary package, a bottle of champagne(Brut) upon arrival, some canapes on another night, and a nice meal at the 'Bristro,' with a bottle of wine, and we opted to use the $22.00 credit for a wine upgrade.

I appreciate your honest review. It was quite informative...especially about the cabin location. Please tell me why so many people upgrade the wine? Is it because they offer a bad or cheap kind? Does anybody know what kind is actually offered? May I ask what you upgraded to?

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Thank you jpf and 3rd time cruiser. Our cabin is also located bellow the buffet restaurant... :cool: I'm mostly concerned about my mother in law and also for my daughter who will be 7 months by then - meaning lots of naptime and basically more time in the room than normal. :/

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Thanks,.... with regards to upgrading the wine in the aniversary package(hint, it really doesn't have to be your aniversary) at the Bristro restaurant, the wine offered was a basic white or red, we opted to apply the $22.00 credit towards a Napa valley chardonnay. With regards to our cabin location under the garden cafe #11116, thats the noise we experienced, it may not be above your cabin, but if you're worried, you might bring ear plugs. Have a safe journey all.

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I'll answer your question regarding the spring breakers on the Gem(3/28.) This from my prior post, too long for some to read, I guess.....'I must add, we had about 300 Delaware college spring breakers on board. I was a little concerned initially, but I must say they were really courteous, and for the most part respectful. The spring breakers were probably better then most of the seniors on board.'

JPF, Thanks for the reply-- perhaps I phrased my question wrong. I wanted to know about the unlimited alcohol package that the kids had purchased according to another post. I haven't heard anything about this before and I wanted to know if there really is such a package. I've been on NCL many times and have never heard anything until now. Thanks

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