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Motivational Tricks


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Does anyone reward themselves for weight loss milestones? I have a list of things I plan to "give" myself for each 5lb loss along the way. So far I haven't been able to reach any of these goals:(, so I am considering buying a few of the things and just not allowing myself to have them until I get there. Has anyone ever purchased an outfit in a smaller size and actually lost enough weight to be able to wear it? I would only go down one size..

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not only do I buy an outfit in the next smaller size, I hang it up on the outside of my closet door, so I can see it every day, and admire it, and visualize myself actually being able to wear it. Generally, for me, a size is about 15 pounds.


I also put a dollar in the "kitty" for every pound lost, then an additional $5 when I get to 5 pounds, and so on. It adds up very quickly that way, and I have money to splurge on new clothes when I get to the desired weight.

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not only do I buy an outfit in the next smaller size, I hang it up on the outside of my closet door, so I can see it every day, and admire it, and visualize myself actually being able to wear it. Generally, for me, a size is about 15 pounds.


I also put a dollar in the "kitty" for every pound lost, then an additional $5 when I get to 5 pounds, and so on. It adds up very quickly that way, and I have money to splurge on new clothes when I get to the desired weight.


Very Good ideas. I think I will order that dress I have my eye on and the earrings and.. well. I better stop at that, but the dollar in the "kitty" idea is great.

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My motivational trick, it may sound mean but it works quite often when I need to change nutrition or lose some weight.


I honestly drive by a fastfood restaurant that's busy and full of heavy people. I hate to say it, but it's a fear of mine to get big so when I see bigger people it's my motivation NOT to look like them. It may be okay for them and that's fine with me, but I need that extra reminder why I don't eat fast food or don't look like that.


I train pretty hard already (triathlete) but sometimes you need the extra boost.


Buying clothes in smaller sizes never work for me since the goal of the cruise or vacation is to let lose and eat and drink. So chances are you will still not fit into that outfit perfectly. In my opinion.


You can also cut out sugars and carbs, replace it with a bit more protein, iron and such. More veggies and a tiny bit more meath usually will help . Especially after a work out, it will repair your muscles and make you feel less soar. There are a ton of things I can share but won't bore you with.


Also, this helps a lot of my friends maintain, drinking HOT tea during a meal. This is how the ancient chinese culture celebrates the body. It's like an extra cleanse. Oh, there is also another suggestion. Whole body clease every six months. The first time you can lose easily 10 lbs. Whole foods sells it in all forms for colon, liver, or whole body. Try it. It's a two week intense pill regiment twice a day but well worth it.

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another motivational tool I use is that I equate weight loss with sticks of butter---every .25 of a pound lost is a stick of butter. My doctor told me that body fat is about the same consistency and color of butter, so this is a great visual. 1 pound = 4 sticks of butter.


Imagine that coming off your body as you lose weight. And, when the weight loss is slower (perhaps a .25 loss in a week) it is helpful to visualize that you lost a stick of butter off your waist, hips, wherever.


And then, when you get to, say, a five pound total loss, go to the store and pick up 5 one-pound packages and lift them up. Then do the same for 10 pound mark, etc. It puts into perspective just what that looks like!


(and just a comment about the above "body cleanse" recommendation---I don't think that is a healthy way to lose weight. Seems to me our bodies are designed to rid themselves of toxins, etc. in a natural way, not thru artificial means. To me, it is no different than using/abusing laxatives, etc. Temporary weight loss, at best. Just my opinion, as well as my doctor's.)

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My motivational trick, it may sound mean but it works quite often when I need to change nutrition or lose some weight.


I honestly drive by a fastfood restaurant that's busy and full of heavy people. I hate to say it, but it's a fear of mine to get big so when I see bigger people it's my motivation NOT to look like them. It may be okay for them and that's fine with me, but I need that extra reminder why I don't eat fast food or don't look like that.



What a horrible thing to say to people who are overweight and struggling with various reasons for that weight! You should be ashamed of yourself! If you are so perfect then why don't you go "lurk" on another board because you obviously do not need to be here.


I train pretty hard already (triathlete) but sometimes you need the extra boost.


Buying clothes in smaller sizes never work for me since the goal of the cruise or vacation is to let lose and eat and drink. So chances are you will still not fit into that outfit perfectly. In my opinion.


You can also cut out sugars and carbs, replace it with a bit more protein, iron and such. More veggies and a tiny bit more meath usually will help . Especially after a work out, it will repair your muscles and make you feel less soar. There are a ton of things I can share but won't bore you with.


Why post here at all? If you want to be supportive and offer advice then DO THAT!

Also, this helps a lot of my friends maintain, drinking HOT tea during a meal. This is how the ancient chinese culture celebrates the body. It's like an extra cleanse. Oh, there is also another suggestion. Whole body clease every six months. The first time you can lose easily 10 lbs. Whole foods sells it in all forms for colon, liver, or whole body. Try it. It's a two week intense pill regiment twice a day but well worth it.



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My motivational trick, it may sound mean but it works quite often when I need to change nutrition or lose some weight.


I honestly drive by a fastfood restaurant that's busy and full of heavy people. I hate to say it, but it's a fear of mine to get big so when I see bigger people it's my motivation NOT to look like them. It may be okay for them and that's fine with me, but I need that extra reminder why I don't eat fast food or don't look like that.


I train pretty hard already (triathlete) but sometimes you need the extra boost.


Buying clothes in smaller sizes never work for me since the goal of the cruise or vacation is to let lose and eat and drink. So chances are you will still not fit into that outfit perfectly. In my opinion.


You can also cut out sugars and carbs, replace it with a bit more protein, iron and such. More veggies and a tiny bit more meath usually will help . Especially after a work out, it will repair your muscles and make you feel less soar. There are a ton of things I can share but won't bore you with.


Also, this helps a lot of my friends maintain, drinking HOT tea during a meal. This is how the ancient chinese culture celebrates the body. It's like an extra cleanse. Oh, there is also another suggestion. Whole body clease every six months. The first time you can lose easily 10 lbs. Whole foods sells it in all forms for colon, liver, or whole body. Try it. It's a two week intense pill regiment twice a day but well worth it.


Thanks snauk4u,


I don't purposefully seek out the fast food crowd for motivation, but I know what you mean. I know I could easily get there and have been close. All it takes is looking at those pictures and I lose my appetite!

As far as the cleanse, I tried that a year ago, and it didn't agree with me. I would have to take vacation to do it.


The hot tea is a great idea. I can stomach that. Any particular kind of tea? ( I really don't like green tea but have some in the cabinet)

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I don't think that's mean at all. I think it's called facing the cold hard truth because it's true. People try to be politically correct and not offensive by using the word "fat". Overweight, fat, it's the same ugly thing. Nobody wants to face reality bcause it hurts sometime. It's like on the fashion boards when a woman wears a dress that does her no justice, posts a picture for opinions, and nobody ever tells her the truth that the dress does not flatter her figure. People say junk like "oh, it makes your eyes so pretty", "oh, what a nice color on you"


My dad always said, the best exercise is to push oneself away from the table.


What I've done in the past is "mind games": "I don't NEED to eat 7 cookies when the serving size is 2". "If I don't do something to make even a small change, I lose my right to complain about my size", and "I have the rest of my life to eat this, I don't need to eat it today"


I also ask myself if I really want to eat some yucky conveneince food or some kind of pre packaged food with all the chemical crap. I returned from 2 weeks in Jamaica with my extended family and ate absolutely NO processd food, bread, or ANYTHNG with a chemical, additive or preservative in it. And this was at my "aunt in law's" Jamaican restaurant. Guess what...I lost 5 lbs without trying and ate probably 8 mangos a day, all kinds of meet, fish, veggies, and a few fried dumplings. And I didn't really exericse at all.


It's all in how you view food, IMO. Food is the friend, not the enemy. We are our own worst enemies.


My motivational trick, it may sound mean but it works quite often when I need to change nutrition or lose some weight.


I honestly drive by a fastfood restaurant that's busy and full of heavy people. I hate to say it, but it's a fear of mine to get big so when I see bigger people it's my motivation NOT to look like them. It may be okay for them and that's fine with me, but I need that extra reminder why I don't eat fast food or don't look like that.


I train pretty hard already (triathlete) but sometimes you need the extra boost.


Buying clothes in smaller sizes never work for me since the goal of the cruise or vacation is to let lose and eat and drink. So chances are you will still not fit into that outfit perfectly. In my opinion.


You can also cut out sugars and carbs, replace it with a bit more protein, iron and such. More veggies and a tiny bit more meath usually will help . Especially after a work out, it will repair your muscles and make you feel less soar. There are a ton of things I can share but won't bore you with.


Also, this helps a lot of my friends maintain, drinking HOT tea during a meal. This is how the ancient chinese culture celebrates the body. It's like an extra cleanse. Oh, there is also another suggestion. Whole body clease every six months. The first time you can lose easily 10 lbs. Whole foods sells it in all forms for colon, liver, or whole body. Try it. It's a two week intense pill regiment twice a day but well worth it.

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The forum is about motivational tricks. If it's the trick that works for her and she shares it, why have a bee in your bonnet over it? I don't get it.


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I don't think that's mean at all. I think it's called facing the cold hard truth because it's true. People try to be politically correct and not offensive by using the word "fat". Overweight, fat, it's the same ugly thing. Nobody wants to face reality bcause it hurts sometime. It's like on the fashion boards when a woman wears a dress that does her no justice, posts a picture for opinions, and nobody ever tells her the truth that the dress does not flatter her figure. People say junk like "oh, it makes your eyes so pretty", "oh, what a nice color on you"


I don't see it that way. To me that is like calling a disabled person retarded. If someone said that to my sister I would be very upset and since my friend heard someone call me "Fat" the other day..she was upset and my friend is the healthiest person I know.


I can face the truth- to myself. I don't need other people's remarks reminding me. So what..it is the same ugly thing. But there is such a thing called manners :rolleyes:...especially from people you don't know. Seems like a lot of people have lost them :(.


To the OP, sorry to go a little OT.


To add to the motivational tricks I have a few little things to remind myself. Once I got a speeding ticket going to McDonalds and then to work and I was late for work! So now that's what I think about anytime I want to get a breakfast sandwich at McD's...it costed me in more ways then one...although I don't recommed getting yourself a speeding ticket. :D LOL.


I usually walk on a track at a school but recently started walking around my house. There is a huge hill with smaller hills in between. Everytime I walk I motivate myself too at least go up one. Then maybe the next day I think about how good I've done and tell myself I can go up the next one and I push myself each week or each day. It's not easy but I do it, and I feel great after and it makes me not want to ruin it with bad food. :)


Like another poster mentioned I buy one size smaller or buy the same size and know that if I could just lose a few more pounds..the shirt or pants would look better. Little things I think make a BIG difference.


Those are just a couple things that I do for motivation.

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So if your doctor said to your face, "You are fat and you are going to die of a heart attack if you don't lose weight" would you change doctors because he hurt your feelings or would you be grateful he told you the truth you you could face it?


I work with many doctors and that's exactly what they tell our patients. A peson with a disability is referred to as "disabled". A person with mental retardation is referred to as "mentally retarded". And an overweight person is referred to as "fat".


Fat is fat, no matter what language one speaks.


There is no personal judgements in those statements for they are facts.


Good luck to you.



I don't see it that way. To me that is like calling a disabled person retarded. If someone said that to my sister I would be very upset and since my friend heard someone call me "Fat" the other day..she was upset and my friend is the healthiest person I know.


I can face the truth- to myself. I don't need other people's remarks reminding me. So what..it is the same ugly thing. But there is such a thing called manners :rolleyes:...especially from people you don't know. Seems like a lot of people have lost them :(.


To the OP, sorry to go a little OT.


To add to the motivational tricks I have a few little things to remind myself. Once I got a speeding ticket going to McDonalds and then to work and I was late for work! So now that's what I think about anytime I want to get a breakfast sandwich at McD's...it costed me in more ways then one...although I don't recommed getting yourself a speeding ticket. :D LOL.


I usually walk on a track at a school but recently started walking around my house. There is a huge hill with smaller hills in between. Everytime I walk I motivate myself too at least go up one. Then maybe the next day I think about how good I've done and tell myself I can go up the next one and I push myself each week or each day. It's not easy but I do it, and I feel great after and it makes me not want to ruin it with bad food. :)


Like another poster mentioned I buy one size smaller or buy the same size and know that if I could just lose a few more pounds..the shirt or pants would look better. Little things I think make a BIG difference.


Those are just a couple things that I do for motivation.

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So if your doctor said to your face, "You are fat and you are going to die of a heart attack if you don't lose weight" would you change doctors because he hurt your feelings or would you be grateful he told you the truth you you could face it?


I work with many doctors and that's exactly what they tell our patients. A peson with a disability is referred to as "disabled". A person with mental retardation is referred to as "mentally retarded". And an overweight person is referred to as "fat".


Because I choose a doctor that is right for me...she would not say it like that. In fact I'm usually the one talking about myself like that so my doctor already knows that I know. :rolleyes:


But honestly it's all dependent on how you use the word. If some one were to say while I am walking "holy crap look at that fat girl" then yes I think using the "fat" word in that sense is offensive. I've heard it so much that I can ignore other people's ignorance. But I don't forget and neither the less still think it's rude.


Having a private conversation with someone you trust is another thing.


BTW..my sister is both mentally and physically disabled. I don't care I still don't like the word retarded.


The probelm is people only care about themselves. Maybe some people like hearing others calling them fat or retarded but not me or my friends or family. I was taught growing up and still believe that even though you may have a strong opinion about something watch what you say or what wording you use in front of others. Just because it doesn't effect YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't affect others.


Fat is fat, no matter what language one speaks.


I'm talking about english language and there is a way of using manners even with the word Fat..same as a lot of other words.



There is no personal judgements in those statements for they are facts.
Those are your own facts and beliefs. Thanks for sharing. :D


Good luck to you.
Thank you and good luck too you not offending anybody with your "facts" ;). I'm positive there will be some that won't be, just exclude me. :)
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Gosh... I didn't intend to start a fuss. I just need something to get myself going on losing this weight. I agree that I refer to myself as "fat", but if I was talking to someone else I would probably use the word obese or overweight, or the phrase my family likes to use..." she's a big girl ( or guy)." We all know what we mean.

I work with some really big gals and I feel for them. I don't see them overeating or being lazy, which is what I think a lot of people think when they see someone very overweight. I like to blame my metabolism but I know that even if I don't over eat I choose the wrong foods. ( yes I like my fried chicken wraps!)

I am going to order the smaller size dress , but not until I see that I am getting back on track. Any other ideas of what might work are appreciated

I'm starting back on WW again ( I've been off and on alot) and so far today is going well. \

Good luck to all of us!

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One full week staying within my target points! Tomorrow is weigh in day so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have another motivational trick that presented itself today. A group of people at work are starting a biggest loser contest over the next three months. The top three percentages get to split the entry fees. I think I may join them, but I'm not positive. I guess it depends on how many people are involved. Most of the people are 20-30 years younger than I am and can probably lose alot faster than I can. They also are single gals, so they don't have to worry about cooking for a family. But it still may be a good incentive to keep from cheating. :)

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Misty, you didn't start a fuss at all. Everyone has posted some very good motivatioanal tricks. There are some who get offended easily when they need not be. I work as a physican and although my field is not obesity, I have worked with doctors regularly that have told people the honest truth and not sugar coated it. I have had late stage alcoholic patients and I have told them to their face that they are going to die if they don't stop being a drunk. It's not meant to be cruel. When someone hears the word "fat", etc. it SHOULD motivate them to face an ugly truth. If it's painful enough, and if the person has a strong enough ego, it SHOULD motivate them to change their eating habits. I am like the other poster who looks at "fat" people eating themselves silly at a fast food restaurant and think to myself "I do not want to be like that". Is it cruel? NO. Because it's the truth.


Good luck on your journey. Baby steps!


Gosh... I didn't intend to start a fuss. I just need something to get myself going on losing this weight. I agree that I refer to myself as "fat", but if I was talking to someone else I would probably use the word obese or overweight, or the phrase my family likes to use..." she's a big girl ( or guy)." We all know what we mean.

I work with some really big gals and I feel for them. I don't see them overeating or being lazy, which is what I think a lot of people think when they see someone very overweight. I like to blame my metabolism but I know that even if I don't over eat I choose the wrong foods. ( yes I like my fried chicken wraps!)

I am going to order the smaller size dress , but not until I see that I am getting back on track. Any other ideas of what might work are appreciated

I'm starting back on WW again ( I've been off and on alot) and so far today is going well. \

Good luck to all of us!

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One full week staying within my target points! Tomorrow is weigh in day so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have another motivational trick that presented itself today. A group of people at work are starting a biggest loser contest over the next three months. The top three percentages get to split the entry fees. I think I may join them, but I'm not positive. I guess it depends on how many people are involved. Most of the people are 20-30 years younger than I am and can probably lose alot faster than I can. They also are single gals, so they don't have to worry about cooking for a family. But it still may be a good incentive to keep from cheating.


Sorry Misty, and it's not your fault. The Dissusion between me and the other poster ended awhile ago so I'm not sure why that poster is still bringing up the same subject, but I'm DONE! Not worth it.


Good Luck!! :)

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Sorry Misty, and it's not your fault. The Dissusion between me and the other poster ended awhile ago so I'm not sure why that poster is still bringing up the same subject, but I'm DONE! Not worth it.


Good Luck!! :)

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Since this thread has returned to the original topic, I'll share my motivational trick. I tell EVERYBODY I am on a diet. It puts pressure on me to stick with it because it's not just me looking for success-everybody else is too! It helps me to ignore that chocolate craving if I know that people are going to be checking out if I've lost any weight!


I've been doing South Beach now for 3 weeks and I was pretty dedicated the first 2 weeks and lost 7 1/2 lbs. The last week has been a little iffy with end of school activities, my birthday and other parties but I'm trying to stick with the 80/20 rule. Eat healthy 80% of the time and give myself permission to have treats 20% off the time. I can definitely tell I've lost and still have another 10 lbs. to go. It's really hard with kids and all the craziness that goes with them but I've got clothes in my closet I like that don't look so good right now and I want to wear them again!

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I have a few motivational tricks to share.



I will buy (or pull out of the closet) a favorite dress or item and hang it in plain sight. Once a week I try it on. I did this with a fire engine red satin jumpsuit years ago. I told myself I was going to wear it New Year's Eve, and I did!!!


I try to embrace the feeling of hunger. In my world that growling in the stomach is a machine chewing up all the fat! :D


I wear a pedometer and it makes me take more steps, just to see the number go up.


Against most diet rules, I weigh every day, at the same time, wearing the same thing (um, nothing). I can adjust the day's intake accordingly.


I cut out SUGAR. It's the fastest way I know to lose a few pounds fast, and that first quick loss is the most motivating of all. I'd like to lose 10-15 more before Sept 4 when my cruise starts.


Oh, and once on the ship... I never use the elevator, stairs only. That helps keep me from catching whatever bug might be going around, tones my legs and butt, and burns extra calories. I learned on my first cruise that just because they offer 5 courses, I don't need to order all five. I order an appetizer OR soup OR salad. I eat all the vegetables on my plate, and half of the starch and half the entree. Then I indulge in dessert. Once you can convince the waiter that yes you liked the food, and no you don't want something else, this is very satisfying and useful!

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I find that having to write down everything I eat (I keep a notebook at my desk, so have to do it right away), keeps me honest. It makes me only want to eat things that I will be happy about when I put pen to paper. Good luck with your goals.

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They say a lot of times when you are hungry you really aren't, it's that you are thirsty so you should drink water. I lost weight on my two week trip to Jamaica by eating no bread, carbs, and sugar. You really do lose your taste for stuff after awhile. West Indian cooking uses lots of hot spices and oil but I still lost the weight. Ate a lot of starchy vegetables even. At the resort there werre a few times I wanted to overindulge in the heavy sugary alcoholic drinks but I kept reminding myself the taste of those drinks wasn't worth not being able to wear my fav. shorts or jeans. For me, the biggest tool is still the mind. "I have the rest of my life to eat some of this garbage". I saved my calories for good quality food, not junk.



I have a few motivational tricks to share.



I will buy (or pull out of the closet) a favorite dress or item and hang it in plain sight. Once a week I try it on. I did this with a fire engine red satin jumpsuit years ago. I told myself I was going to wear it New Year's Eve, and I did!!!


I try to embrace the feeling of hunger. In my world that growling in the stomach is a machine chewing up all the fat! :D


I wear a pedometer and it makes me take more steps, just to see the number go up.


Against most diet rules, I weigh every day, at the same time, wearing the same thing (um, nothing). I can adjust the day's intake accordingly.


I cut out SUGAR. It's the fastest way I know to lose a few pounds fast, and that first quick loss is the most motivating of all. I'd like to lose 10-15 more before Sept 4 when my cruise starts.


Oh, and once on the ship... I never use the elevator, stairs only. That helps keep me from catching whatever bug might be going around, tones my legs and butt, and burns extra calories. I learned on my first cruise that just because they offer 5 courses, I don't need to order all five. I order an appetizer OR soup OR salad. I eat all the vegetables on my plate, and half of the starch and half the entree. Then I indulge in dessert. Once you can convince the waiter that yes you liked the food, and no you don't want something else, this is very satisfying and useful!

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I serve dinner on luncheon plates. Smaller portions look bigger and you can safely belong to the clean plate club!!! I try to eat the reduced fat Progresso or Campbells Healty choice at least one meal three times a week. I eat the entire can for like 90 calories. It also helps that hubby is on this with me. Also, I agree with telling everyone you know that you are on a diet..keeps you accountable!!!! So far, since beginning of Feb. I'm down 22 pounds!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I must be a hopeless case because at 51 years of age I have yet to find any motivational tips that last very long. I've been on the diet yo-yo since I was 16. It's a horrible way to live. I wish I could just natually be a healthy weight and not have it be a life long struggle.


Now my bad cholesterol is very high and my doctor has told me I have to eat a low cholesterol diet. It's very hard, especially when my husband and son can eat anything they want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One really good tool is to write down 10 things that you would do or like to have if weight was absolutely no issue. This allows you to fully realize how much you're limiting yourself because of your food choices. Now this isn't something that you just arbitrarily write down, and it isn't just trivial things. This is something that you really sit down and do some soul searching for. For me, my goals center around my family. I'm 50 yrs old and have 11 grandchildren. (we have a large blended family). I'm their only Grandma who plays on the floor, or in the pool with them and can actually run circles around their parents. One of my goals is to teach them to snow ski as I did their parents. I plan on being around to nurture and guide them through adulthood and then I want to stick around for my great-grandchildren. Who knows, I may even be blessed to see a GGgrandchild or two.

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