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Triumph 05/10/09 Review With LOTS of PICS!!!


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Some Coral:




At the end of the day, you could buy Paul's CD of the pictures he took for $20. I thought that was a great deal. I'm sure he got better pictures than I did with my cheapie disposable. Right now my disc is in the mail somewhere between St. Maarten and Fort Myers. I'm not sure if I"ll be able to post any of his pictures, but if I can then I will once I get them.






After Pinal and Green Key, it was time to head back to St. Maarten. On board we were given crackers for a snack. It sounded small, but boy did those hit the spot. After Charlie ate a couple crackers, he said, "This is amazing. I thought on the cruise I needed all this food, but really all I need is crackers! This is great!" We also had access to a cooler with bottled water, soda, and beer.


The ride back to St. Maarten we hit the big waves again. It wasn't nearly as bad (or fun) this time because we were going with the waves instead of against them. Apparently though at this time the family that was also on this trip with us had had enough. The Mom and daughter were peuking in buckets. I should be more sympathetic, but it kind of added to the fun. I was having a blast riding the wives at the front, and a few feet behind me there were two girls vomiting. It just somehow added to the whole experience. And the poor dad was trying to comfort his wife, but he didn't feel good either. He didn't peuk while on the boat, but when we were walking back to the boat on the cruise pier, he had to run to the edge and let it all out. :eek:


We met our exursion at 8:00 and we got back to the boat house at 1:00. We then had our pre-arranged transportation take us back to the pier. While we were waiting, we had another down pour of rain. So it was great timing because we were able to enjoy the whole morning.


This is at the boat dock waiting for our ride, right before the rain started:






By the way, we did run into the other family at that night's show, and they were all fully recovered!

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Hey Erin, your review is awesome!!! I will be cruising very soon and hope that I can do a review that's half as good! :)


Congratulations for finishing school and getting the job you wanted!!!!! :D



I've read some great reviews on these boards and that is what has inspired me! I hope to read your review when you return, and is it you that is getting married? (I see your cruise is called "Wedding Cruise") If so, Congrats to you as well!!

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We got back to the ship and took super fast showers and had a quick bite to eat up on Lido. We had to be back on board at 4:30, and we wanted to do some shopping yet. I had read on the boards about Guavaberry Rum from the Guavaberry Emporium. I wanted to find that store and we also needed to find a souvenier for Charlie's little brother.


At 2:30 we went back outside. We first explored the little shops right at the pier, but learned that we would have to go into Phillipsburg to get the rum. The people at the Water taxi place assured me that we would have enough time to go into town, get our rum, and come back. I was absolutely TERRIFIED of missing the ship. After all, this was the last port before Miami. Can you imagine if we missed the ship!?!? But she said not to worry because the taxis run every 10 minutes and it's a short ride.


This is where you get on the taxi. For $6 per person you get a wrist band for round trip water taxi service all day.












There is a beach right there when you get off the water taxi, right in front of tons of shops and such. It's a nice enough beach (I was too rushed to take pictures) but after the amazing day we had, Charlie made the comment that he felt sorry for the people that just spent the day here because it's convenient.


After a bunch of walking around and asking people for directions, we did find the Emporium. They gave us free samples and we did end up getting the rum. It is SOOO yummy.


A couple doors down Charlie noticed a store with purses. Now on my last cruise I had seen this patchwork style coach bag knockoff that was so cute, but I didn't buy it. I regretted it ever since. So after we bought our rum I went to check out their purses. THey had a very similiar one to what I had seen in Nassau, priced at $48. I was VERY interested, but didn't want to pay $50 when I could have gotten in for less in Nassau. When the girl in the store noticed me looking at it, she said, "We can work on the price for you." She offered $40. I joined the game. I offered $30. She looked at me like I had two heads and pointed at the original price. I counter offered $35. She asked her manager. I got the bag!!!


We also found a great Bob Marley back pack that we knew Isaiah would love for only $5 at the same store. This turned out to be a GREAT shopping experience!!


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Fantastic under water pictures really enjoying this review. Hope it isnt long until your next cruise so we have something great to read again:D


Unfortunately it will probably be awhile. I've actually got the baby bug. We've been married almost 5 years now, and together since we were 18, so I think I'm ready. We've been putting it off so I could get through school. Now that I'm done I don't have any more excuses! Of course I have to get settled into my new job first, so I do have a bit of time. But as addicted as I am to cruising, I don't have the desire to right now. I want to nest. :o But YOU however have a cruise just around the corner!! I expect a complete review upon your return!! :D:D:D

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Unfortunately it will probably be awhile. I've actually got the baby bug. We've been married almost 5 years now, and together since we were 18, so I think I'm ready. We've been putting it off so I could get through school. Now that I'm done I don't have any more excuses! Of course I have to get settled into my new job first, so I do have a bit of time. But as addicted as I am to cruising, I don't have the desire to right now. I want to nest. :o But YOU however have a cruise just around the corner!! I expect a complete review upon your return!! :D:D:D



Oh wow, keep us updated on the baby news then, how lovely, I have two grown up girls so all my nesting is done :D I dont think I could ever do a review like yours but will give it a go.:)


Maz x

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Hey~ I LOVE LOVE LOVE the underwater pics! what kind of camera did you use? if its been asked,sorry.


And to the UWTC, nope not at all just Carnival ppl! You just have to like Carnival. And its obvious you do! OUr crazy group is a free fall for everyone. dont matter who you sail on. But, yes, you do have to like Carnival.and sail sometimes on the line.And you have to be open minded. thats all. Me,Im just an honorary member, b/c DH and I have not sailed yet. We have a group thing in the works, nothing official on here yet. But its in the works for next July outta Jax.:D

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Maz, I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!


Sarah, I'll look into joining. but AFTER I take my nursing boards!! I'm on here way too much as it is!!


ON with the review:


On the water taxi back to the ship I got creative with the packaging of my purchases. I put my rum IN my new purse, then put my new purse back in it's original back. I wanted to see if they'd make me turn in my room. I wanted to share it with my table mates since they had shared their cigars the night before.




When we got back on, I put my bags through the scanner, and picked them up on the other side, and kept walking. No one said a word! Yes!!


Since we left a little bit earlier from St. Maarten than from St. Thomas, we were able to watch sail away before dinner.








I just love that 24 hour ice cream!



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Sarah, I forgot to tell you that the camera is a Kodak underwater disposable camera. You can pick them up at wal mart or target or wherever.


After dinner we went to the 8:45 show. It was a comedian named Phat Kat. This guy tanked for at least the first half of his show. No one was laughing. Then the second half he started talking about scooches, you know when your pants ride up and get scooched up when your walking. It was funny how he picked on these people cuz you always see them and you wonder why they just don't take the scooch out! I don't know what else he talked about, but it was a family friendly show. The classic toilet suction jokes are pretty much always the same, but he was able to put a new twist on them.



Doesn't Charlie look psychotic in this photo?




A note on where we sat. At the beginning of the cruise we sat up in the balcony. But then we discovered there is so much more leg room on the bottom floor of the lounge. And since Charlie is 6'4", he very much apprecciated the extra space.


After the show we met two other couples from our table out on the pool deck. We never saw the other couple. The 6 of us sat around until about midnight sipping on our Guavaberry rum mixed with lemonade. Yum!!! Too bad the ship doesn't have fruit punch any more!!


It was a fun night, but especcially after the alcohol I was falling asleep.


We had a frog on our bed! I like posing with the towel animals instead of just having the towel by itself, so Charlie told me to make a disgusted face.




Of course Charlie turned the TV on but I didn't get mad because he was letting me take all the pictures I wanted!!




He loves me.




and we BOTH LOVE the Carnival Comford beds. After my last 2 cruises on Royal, this seems TO ME to be the biggest difference. So silly. In fact an older lady at work asked what line I just went on because I was talking about how incredible it was. When I told her Carnival, she said, "OH, fun for you. That's just for the real young crowd." I was a bit offended. We are not big drinkers, we are not rowdy or loud. We just love to relax and watch the water. I just don't notice that much of a difference between the two lines, except SOMETIMES people that only cruise royal are a bit stuck up. Anyway, back to the beds. Royal's beds are hard, and Carnival's beds are absolutely incredible. I just love the duvet and the pillows... and coming in to the room at night and having the bed turned down and little chocolates on my pillow. It's so wonderful. *Sigh*

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My DH and I were in St. Maarten in November. A hurricane had hit the island right before and the snorkeling was not that good. I am glad to say it looks like the reefs are coming back. We had a lot of ash on the reefs. We took a similiar excursion that I won at the timeshare welcome to the island party. We loved it. We didn't have waves like you did. The pictures are making me want to go back to St. Maarten, it is a great island.


I have had sunburn like you describe. One way I avoid it is to put the sunscreen on before heading out and before putting on my suit. I hate it when the back of my legs get burned and I can't sit without pain. I trick I learned is to take Motrin after a burn. No one seems to think of it, but it sure does help along with aloe or pain relief spray.


Good luck with nesting.



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Although your review may be close to closing it's been a real treat reading thru all of it and enjoying all the great pictures. Were only taking a 5 day cruise out of Tampa next month on the Inspiratation but next year will be visiting these same ports of call on the new Carnival Dream. Your review and pictures have been a real delight. Best wishes on your new job and starting up of your new family. Your future children will be so lucky to have such a loving couple as new parents. Thank You again.

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enjoying your review and pictures! congrats on becoming a nurse.


Hi there Poptart! I saw you here and just had to tell you hello! I had such a great time meeting you on Legend! Please take care and I hope that we sail together again some time!



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The Triumph was my first cruise back in 2001 and this wonderful review brought a lot of memories back for me. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it :)


I am going to look up the tour you recommended in St Maarten right now :) You mentioned something about getting transportation back to the ship, was this something you had to arrange in addition to the booking the tour?

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Great review & FANTASTIC pictures! I'm taking you along with me on my next cruise.......you can be my personal photographer! LOL


Congratulations on your graduation from nursing school and best of luck with your new job. I hope you find it very rewarding!



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Karen, pay for my ticket and I'll be there to capture EVERY moment!! :D


Takemeaway, you could find your own transportation or captain alan offers to provide you round trip transportation for $12 per person. It might have been cheaper to find it on our own, but this was just so convenient. The driver met us right by the visitor center by the pier.


Carguylee, just like I told Karen... if you want to go ahead and pay for my ticket in advance, I would consider it an honor to do a very detailed review just for you. :D:D:D


Janice, Poptart, and MoreBeer. Haha, Poptart and More beer. I crack myself up. I digress. Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments. :)


Hopefully I'll be able to finish the rest tomorrow. I still have more ship pics and a galley tour. Also I got up early to watch us pull into Miami.

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Erin, It seems as if the weather wasn't very friendly for your trip :(. But it still seems as if you all had a good time :rolleyes:. Did the weather hinder any plans that you all had for excursions?



Yes, it did rain a lot. And yes, we still had a great time!! This was, in both of our opinions, the best cruise yet. It was a bit discouraging to have so much rain, but mostly just for picture taking purposes. :o


In fact, one of my favorite memories is sitting on the outside of deck 3 and watching this huge rain storm draw near. We stayed completely dry where we were seated, but it was just amazing and miraculous to watch this massive storm get closer and closer, until it finally was over us. But I really do like the rain anyways, it's very comforting and relaxing to me.


It delayed our plans in San Juan and prevented us from actually having time to go INTO the forts. But that was completely OK because I was mostly interested in the views from the outside anyway. Someday when we go back, either by cruise or by plane, we will hopefully have more time during the day to actually enjoy inside the forts.


It also delayed our venturing out in St. Thomas by about 45 minutes. But again this was no problem really. At home I am a stick-to-the-schedule-or-die type person, but on vacation I am SOOO go-with-the-flow. :cool::cool::cool:

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