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138 day until Mexican cruise - HELP! Need Buddies!

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My, my you have all been very busy!! CONGRATS on all the weight loss!!!!

That's wonderful that some of us are getting close to our goals. My throat is clearing up and started feeling much better, but then I had to go to the dentist yesterday and had 3 crowns put on and if that didn't hurt enough, the dentist hit my bottom lip with the drill :eek:. So, now I look as if I got my butt kicked in a fight and trying to eat just isn't easy. I did weigh in yesterday and happy to report that I lost 2.2lbs. I am also getting closer to my goal. maybe getting a little sick was a good thing, I mean I know thats not the proper way to take weight off but talk about trying not to put that back on. Since June 1st I am down 11.7lbs.

Gaye, I know how it is to get into a rut as you are. I agree that you need to change something drastically just for a day or two to get you going. Keep the faith!!!! We are all going to do this one way or another.:D

I am so late for work, I need to get out of here. Have a good day!


Oops almost forgot, welcome Drewswife!

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Ouch! Your dentist is a klutz. I hope you made up a thrilling story to go with the fat lip. Way to go on the weight loss! That's excellent!

Have any of you been reading the thread about chocolate? Too good to be true? I'll keep an eye on it.

Ok, last night DH asks if he should get some corn. There is a farm here that has the best corn on the cob....ever! Groan. Once a year thing, what to do, what to do? I told him to get a few, and I might have 1/2 a piece twice a week. The thing is, I love it with butter, mayo and parmasan cheese on it.(do ya wonder how I got to this weight?) If it's the only thing I had for dinner? Bad thoughts, bad girl.:mad: Truly very hard to pass up. Cake:pass, Potatoes:pass, Macaroni:pass, Seven Oaks corn on the cob? Maybe. It's a veggie....:o sorta.

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butter, mayo and parmesan on corn on the cob?? ewwwwwwwwwww LOL I very lightly butter the ears, wrap each on in foil, and throw them on the grill. YUUUMMMMYYYYY And I only eat one. That's easy as corn is a migraine trigger for me.

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Gaye, you can't judge by what I'm going to say about corn, because we also get the best corn (only in summer) here and I do eat as much as I can. Nothing better then home grown corn in the summer!!!! Now, about the mayo, cheese, butter, etc??? Well, I am just a butter person myself and have gone to using I Cant Believe Spray butter. I have heard of the mayo & cheese, here it is very popular with the hispanics. Have never trieed it myself, I don't eat mayo. So, there is my answer about the corn....mmmmmm!:p

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Ha ha ha. I read my last post, somehow, instead of reading "pass", it reads :pass. Sure did'nt mean to do that. (but hey, it fits)

I did first see the corn with "the works" at a hispanic place. Some guy selling it out of his station wagon. Tried it, loved it. He also was putting hot sauce on it. Non for me.

No carbs yesterday. I almost caved, but had string cheese instead. One more day of this, then I'll weigh. Sure am hoping for a result, if not I don't know what to try.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to fall off the radar again! With 4 kids ages 12-21, summer is just crazy busy for me. I always think things will slow down when we get out of school and it never does.

I spent 3 days last week chaperoning teenagers at a Youth Conference for our church. We stayed in a college dorm--on the 5th floor with only one very slow elevator so I took the stairs most times. It was exhausting but fun , and between the stairs and walking around the campus, I got some exercise in. I am down another 2 pounds for a total of 9 pounds since the beginning of June! I still have a long way to go but at least I'm seeing some progress.

Congrats to all of you who have met or are close to your goal weight!


I have one request from all of you. I am miserable at remembering names, especially of people I have never met. Would you please sign your posts with your names so I don't have to scroll back through old post to figure out who each person is? It would help me out so much :) I would much rather address you with a name than a login id.

Have a great day!


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Ouch! Your dentist is a klutz. I hope you made up a thrilling story to go with the fat lip. Way to go on the weight loss! That's excellent!

Have any of you been reading the thread about chocolate? Too good to be true? I'll keep an eye on it.

Ok, last night DH asks if he should get some corn. There is a farm here that has the best corn on the cob....ever! Groan. Once a year thing, what to do, what to do? I told him to get a few, and I might have 1/2 a piece twice a week. The thing is, I love it with butter, mayo and parmasan cheese on it.(do ya wonder how I got to this weight?) If it's the only thing I had for dinner? Bad thoughts, bad girl.:mad: Truly very hard to pass up. Cake:pass, Potatoes:pass, Macaroni:pass, Seven Oaks corn on the cob? Maybe. It's a veggie....:o sorta.

I have a big garden that includes corn. We've been eating corn on the cob every night this week. I put a little Smart Balance and cajun spice blend. YUM! I am fixing corn soup for dinner tonight. That's the bad thing about a garden, once something starts coming in you have to keep eating it, freeze it or give it away!


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I fell apart yesterday. I told myself I could have sushi or my favourite chips for dinner (same amount of calories). I had a crappy day at work and ended up eating both. And then started eye-ing that second bag of chips - not because I was still hungry but because they taste so good! No snacks today!

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Betsy, thanks for requesting names! Darned if I can remember, so I usually just wing it. This will be so much easier.

Ok, I did 3 days of no, or very little carbs. Jumped on the *&^%^ scale this morning, and something happened. I don't have digital, but could see it was down a fraction, less then a pound, but something! Now what? Go back to N.S. all the time? Every other day? Everyday, but not all meals? Maybe all of the above, really shake it up. It gave me a boost to lose any thing finally.:p If it's going to be that slow, not sure if I'll lose the next 20 by cruise time, because we only have about 3 months! WooHoo! I'll give it everything I have, but if I have to go with a round butt, who cares? It's not till Halloween so it should cool down about mid Sept. here, and I can get back outside on the treadmill.

Man, this is a very successful bunch. Even when we're not losing, we're trying, and that is success.

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I completely agree with using the names, I do try to sign my name everytime. I know summer is a very busy time for everyone and its hard to get on here and give your update, but I do think it helps a lot to hear about everyones progress. No need to apologize if you cant make it, we'll still be here for you when you get to it.:) Got back to walking this week after being sick all last week, so after losing I am completely motivated again. I was getting ready for work this a.m. and thought I'd try to put on a pair of capri's that I haven't been able to wear for probably a good few summers and was able to wear them, so that was a huge boost for me. I will have to do some clothes shopping if I keep it up, I hate wearing belts and none of my dress pants fit without a belt.:D

So, keep it up gals!!!! We will do this! Somebody said there was 3 months until their cruise, I have 71 days until I leave!! Can't wait, our summer weather has been bad this year so far. It's been a lot coller then normal.


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I know it is not weigh-in day but I had to share. I weighed in this morning at 129.6, below my 130 goal for the first time! I am very happy, especially since this is on my new scales which weigh 1.6 lbs heavier than my old ones. Anything I lose between now and cruise time is insurance! :D

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Look at us! Wearing clothes from the back of the closet, getting under goal. We rock girls. Just got on the scale, it's moving! I guess changing up the diet worked for me. After 5 or 6 weeks of nothing, this is exciting.


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Did I mention I did it? Got on the scale today and was BELOW goal. 141.4 and my goal was 142. Now, to ever so slowly, ever so carefully add back in a few calories here and there. Or maybe more than a few and move my butt more too.


I've been going round and round trying to get the transmission fixed on my car. They have no problem fiixing it, but we bought an extended warranty and they had to inspect and approve it. So, I've been leaving the car at the dealership quite a few times in the past couple of weeks and walking to work - 1.1 miles. That's helped a lot. It's finally there today, for the actual repair to be done.

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I mentioned the corn "recipe" to DH. He agreed with me that the mayo had to go, but, he's absolutely obsessing about the butter and parmesan cheese. We were sitting out on the patio last evening and out of the blue he said "I can't stop thinking about it." About what? That corn with the parmesan. So, this weekend, guess what we'll be having????

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Did I mention I did it? Got on the scale today and was BELOW goal. 141.4 and my goal was 142. Now, to ever so slowly, ever so carefully add back in a few calories here and there. Or maybe more than a few and move my butt more too.


I've been going round and round trying to get the transmission fixed on my car. They have no problem fiixing it, but we bought an extended warranty and they had to inspect and approve it. So, I've been leaving the car at the dealership quite a few times in the past couple of weeks and walking to work - 1.1 miles. That's helped a lot. It's finally there today, for the actual repair to be done.


Congrats on beating your goal. Doesn't it feel good? We are sailing 2 weeks from today so I am going to stick to the plan until then. My DH still has 5 lbs to go so that will make it easier. He is pretty committed.


I'm not planning to deprive myself on the cruise but I do plan to work out, walk a lot and use a little restraint. My plan is to only eat things I love. If I taste it and it doesn't wow me, I'm not finishing it.


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Good plan Terri. We do not have to finish what we take on this cruise. If little children in China are starving, I'am still not eating what does not taste good. So there!

I had to laugh about the corn thing. I'am that way with this certain clam dip I'am not allowed to eat. LOL It gets in my head and won't leave.

I tried it last night with low-fat mayo. Nope, not the same at all. So I'll have to skip something else and use the real thing.

Yesterday DD came home with: corn on the cob, watermelon, cherries, grapes, cauliflower, broccoli, and we're getting tomatoes and zuccini from the yard. It sounds like we're turning into Vegetarians! No way!

Tonight is a party for my 21 year old grandson. The theme is Mexican.:( After all my hard work to lose 1 freaking pound, I may not eat there. Just have a drink, say "Happy Birthday" and get the heck out! LOL

I'am thinking I have to go to Wal-Mart this morning, I may look and see if they have any Maxi-dresses. I'am doing more sundresses this year, and less shorts. Just try to find pedi=pants anymore. Only us older ones will know what I'am talking about. It's like a split slip. Short pants made of slip material to wear under dresses. Anyway, impossiable to find under $15.00 bucks in this town. May cave in and pay it, but hate to. It's the principal!

I have a lot to do today, so better get on it. Have a good Sat. everyone.

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Gaye, I love peti pants. They work under anything and if you are wearing clingly fabrics, you don't end up with your slip bunched up around your waist, always a good look! :eek:


Back up TWO pounds this morning, but I know it's water weight, my fingers look like sausages. My fight now will be to convince myself, in a week or so, that this weight that feels and looks so good now, did not somehow become fat and ugly. Aggghh, it's all in the mind isn't it?

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Way to go Amy & Terri!!!!! It is such a wonderful feeling when you can actually see results.:D

We were suppose to be going to the beach today, but it was very overcast this morning so we decided not to go. Now we are thinking of going to see a movie but I love to have popcorn at the movies. I will have to eat before I go or I will want to get that.

I also agree that you shouldn't depprive yourself on any of our cruises. What's the point of spending all the money if you can't enjoy yourself, right?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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Good morning girls! Sunday with all the chores pretty will done. Awe! Just hanging out.

Had fun at the BBQ last night. Saw old friends. Mostly my family though. Everyone brought the BEST looking Mexican food. I brought a veggie/fruit plate. Did I eat mine? Oh hell no! Fixed myself up a nice little plate of cheesy, beanie, rice stuffed goodies! But very small amounts of everything. I had only had fruit and chicken all day, so what the heck. Today, more fruit, veggie and protein. I don't even feel quilty....much.

I had 1 beer and 1 Margarita. Had to stop drinking and eat, I was driving.

I wish tomorrow was'nt work yet!

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Happy Monday everyone! Happy at 142.4 this morning, which is close enough for me. I know I can't go lower than 142 and 145 is probably better, as everytime I stand up I get dizzy. Apparently my lowered weight has dropped my BP down to too low again. I figure if I only gain back 3 pounds on a cruise, I'm ahead.

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Weighed in at 130.4 this morning, .2 down from last week but up .8 from Friday. The diet gods apparently don't want me to stay below 130 even though I didn't exceed my calorie goals at any point since reaching my goal last Friday. Oh well, I'm not going to stress out about it. My clothes fit and I feel good and that's what is important. Only one more weigh in for me prior to our cruise next week!


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Congrats Terri & Amy! Yeah, you can't do that with your blood pressure. I guess it's you with that and me with my iron. I am trying to get it back up there but it's not happening.

Gaye, I think you did very well for yourself being at that bbq. You have to be able to have some treats once in a while or else you'll go crazy.

Well, I did not weigh in this a.m., I think I am looking for a really good number and I went to the movies on Sat and had my popcorn w/ butter

and it was sooooo good:p. I was at my nephews baseball tornament yesterday and it was a long day and we ended up going to Chili's for dinner so I had chips & salsa, cup of chicken enchilada soup, chicken ceasar pita with about 5 fries and a coke. I NEVER drink coke but I needed to wake up and thought the caffenine would help. So, I have been on such a good kick lately I didnt want to bring myself down if I weighed in today. Maybe it stayed the same or a gain/loss but I didnt want to take the chance. Hopefully next week it will be a terrific number!

Everyone is doing very well and we should all be proud of ourselves!


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Terri, cruise next week for you! Yippee! We're all getting real close to that time. I can't wait! I might jump ship and stay down in Mexico.:D The economy sucks here in So. Ore. It's about 18%, and killing us. Mexican people need hair cuts too right? LOL

It's going to be another hot one here. It's summer! My flowers are baking more each day, looking sad out there. Even the poor zuccini plant is cooking.

Did you notice I have'nt mentioned food or weight? Doing good, just tired of that topic for the day.

Have a happy and successful day!

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Terri, where are you guy's sailing to? All I can say is time is flying by. I can't believe it's almost August. Where did this year go?

I have been doing very good this week, hopefully the scale proves that. Each evening I walk, I have been adding a little more jogging to it. Tonight was my best jogging day. I am still having problems controling my breathing so I can't just jog, I have to switch back and forth. Hope all is well with everyone. Another weekend is approaching and getting closer to all of our cruises!!!!:D


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