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Cruising to Healthy


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Well, tonight I will probably sit home doing random stuff while my parents go to Sugarland, bleh!


I too def. plan on seeing transformers and I want to see My sisters Keeper since I just finished the book. I'm off Monday and Tuesday, so mom and I are going up to a friends to see her. I hope this will be my chance to talk her into this cruise! Other than that, I'm hoping to be good and stay on target this weekend. I feel that weekends are always the best test.


I want to see if I can walk tonight. Just a short, slow walk up the road. Nothing too strenuous. My leg seems to like it when it gets to move a little.


Someone please tell me to go for the Grilled chicken sandwich and baked potato from Wendy's and not the Tombstone pizza in my freezer at home. During these economic times my wallet and my diet are fighting it out.

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I really want to see My Sisters Keeper too but I haven't finished the book yet! :(


Choose healthier options Brooke. Sometimes I don't care what the price is - because I know the price of my health is more important. ;)

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Okay, I'm not even going to talk about friday...........I let my emotions get the best of me and totally went off any band wagon of any sort......it was horrendous and disgusting.


Today I did better, but not as good as I know I can be.


Each day is new so I'm hoping each day brings me closer to a better way of living.


I'm hoping I'll be back to exercising soon and I can take out all my emotions on my bike.

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Hey Jessica and Brooke!!! How was y'alls weekend? Mine was a lot of fun; Lots of family time, drinking and laughter.....Sunday I think I worked it all off playing in the pool with my neice, lol!!!


Brooke, don't let the economic times get to ya. That's just the way it is right now so if you're tight on money, here are some suggestions:


*Using turkey, mustard and lettuce which go a long way for really cheap you can make the following: sandwich, wraps, salad

*buy lean cuisines/smart one's when they're on sale

*chicken breast/tenderloins cooked at home (tyson 99% fat free in freezer section)

*any type of leftovers (we eat the same types of dinners as we used to, just healthier versions)


If you'd like some meal suggestions and/or recipes, let me know! I love talking nutrition and healthy foods.

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Hey girls!


Hope your weekends were better then mine! Not only did I do nothing but I ate all weekend.:( Friday was not too good - we went too see transformers and I grabbed a bad snack and I did have a diet soda.


I hate staying home on weekend and plans had fallen...also have the group that was planning on cruising in January decided they don't want too go (they are family) so I am really bummed out about that and my poor cousin who has autism (he's 21 I think) had severe seizures last night and had to be airlifted to another hospital and at one point he had stopped breathing. The weather has been rainy for what seems like the longest time which has depressed my mood and my motivation to go walking. Things just haven't been looking up for me lately.

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Hey guys, sorry I went away for so long, but I had some time off and went to visit a friend with my mom.


My week and weekend were horrible. I actually just said to myself, lets see what damage I can do when I just don't think about eating. Yep, and now I know....not thinking proves to be a bad thing on all levels.


I can't get a clean start on my WW. I know they say "don't put off today...blah blah." But I'm almost OCD about starting something new or "Starting over" it has to be fresh and new and to me that's starting on a Monday and going to my first meeting and officially weighing in. So, I couldn't do it this Monday b/c I was out of town, so next Monday. However, I don't plan on continuing on my BINGE the rest of the week. I plan on counting calories and recording until monday when I officially start WW.


Thanks for the ideas for the food! I went about this the wrong way. I started in the middle of the week when I hadn't gone to the grocery store, so I was working off what we had around. Bad idea....planning is part of WW and I should have remembered that. So, before I begin next week I am going to sit down and make up a grocery list of things to get me started on a better path and plan out some meals to keep me budget consc. too.




You are not alone my friend.....and I think that's all that needs to be said. Just remember that.


Plus side to all this....my nerve is getting there, enough that I could stand about 35 mins of pacing on my bike. So out of the neg....comes a positive.


Thanks for being so supportive guys!

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Took your advice Mrs. CO5 (by the way do you have a name? lol) I went to the store before work and just grab a few things to get me through the two days at work this week b/c those are the hardest to plan for. I did well I think. I picked up some organic strawberries and raspberries to have for breakfast and lunch. Then I got Smart ones breakfast Quesdillas and one of there bistro sandwiches. They have two servings so I can have one today and then one for lunch tomr. Plus I bought one of those Green Giant individual frozen steamed veggie trays. It has four servings of corn ( I know its a starch, but I like corn and it was either that or broccli and cheese.)


So, I hope I'm starting off on a good note. I worry about dinner when I get home, but I'll try to have a solution for that before I leave work.

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I'm off to go do my Leg Magic machine......gosh I haven't done this in forever!!!!



I have a Leg Magic Machine that I bought at CVS on clearance for $4.99 ..before price was like $100 dollars. :eek:


I have not opened the box - I didn't think it was worth it but since you have one could you tell me if you like it? Does it actually work?

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I have a Leg Magic Machine that I bought at CVS on clearance for $4.99 ..before price was like $100 dollars. :eek:


I have not opened the box - I didn't think it was worth it but since you have one could you tell me if you like it? Does it actually work?


OMG!!! $4.99?!?!?!!? Yes, my mom bought it for me for my bday a year or so ago and it was around $99 then!! That's awesome!!!


Yes, it seriously works as long as you really use your legs instead of leaning on the handles to help you out. I've seen people do that and then they say it doesn't work. Well, you're doing it wrong, lol!

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Took your advice Mrs. CO5 (by the way do you have a name? lol) I went to the store before work and just grab a few things to get me through the two days at work this week b/c those are the hardest to plan for. I did well I think. I picked up some organic strawberries and raspberries to have for breakfast and lunch. Then I got Smart ones breakfast Quesdillas and one of there bistro sandwiches. They have two servings so I can have one today and then one for lunch tomr. Plus I bought one of those Green Giant individual frozen steamed veggie trays. It has four servings of corn ( I know its a starch, but I like corn and it was either that or broccli and cheese.)


So, I hope I'm starting off on a good note. I worry about dinner when I get home, but I'll try to have a solution for that before I leave work.


My name is Kimberly. That's great!!! I'm glad to hear I could help you out! For breakfast (if you eat at work) you could take a banana, chop it up and scoop 2 tablespoons of peanut butter into a bowl with it. Or take egg beaters to make (if you like those, I don't care for it but it's a great source of protein!). I eat cereal before leaving the house. Then I bring snacks and lunch with me.

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Well folks, its a miracle...I actually stayed right on target yesterday and I exercised. I even made good choices.


I did have fried chicken last night, but not store bought, mom made it. So, its not as breaded as what you get with fast food or frozen. She just dust it with flower. It was a really big piece, but bless my mom, knowing I would probably eat the whole thing, she didn't give me a choice. She cut it in half and put it on my plate while I was fixing my baked potato. She did, however, put out some left over mac n cheese and said I could finish it. MMMMMM, okay so I took like three bites and it did go on my plate, but I ate my baked potato and chicken with my wheat toast first, then I looked at it and I calculated the points in my head and well........"Fat dog, come here little girl, look what Brooke has for you." LOL. I know the dog didn't need it either, but I didn't want it to go to waste and she really wanted it.


Coming home was so hard yesterday though. Because I was hungry by the time I got home (which makes me think that I need a snack around 3 or 4 before I leave work). I even went to the grocery before going home and I bought some vitamins, ff whip cream, and sugar free dark choclate pudding, and light popcorn. All are low points on WW and almost needed. The dark chocolate pudding and 2 tbsps of ff whip cream was dessert.


This morning......two scrambled eggs with pieces of lunch meat chicken in it in a wheat tortilla with nonfat fiber one peach yogurt and possibly some strawberries (if my toothpast will stop making them taste bad.)


For lunch, the other half of the smart ones calzone with the single serving corn and a fruit cup. I brought popcorn for a snack.


For dinner I really want to try that KFC grilled chicken. Ppl say its wonderful with nothing on it. They have that meal for $3.99 with the two pieces of chicken a side, biscuit and drink. I went online last night and looked up the calories if I got the two chicken (I think they are thighs) green beans as the side, the biscuit and of course a diet drink. Its only like 8 points for all that on WW. I'll see how I feel about it on my way home.


I really hope I stay committed this weekend. My aunt and her family our coming in for the 4th and its like my mind automatically switches to "Its okay to eat crap b/c its family and its only a couple of days."


I just want to wish everyone a good 4th, just in case we all get too busy tomr.




I'm sorry about your friends. If I hadn't already promised my friend I'd go in April, I probably would "volunteer" to take a spot, lol.


PS-What is the leg thing you speak of? Is it safe for someone with back issues. I've been looking for anothe low impact work out piece.

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Brooke, that's fantastic!!!! Did you feel good at the end of the day with the progress you made?!!? I know I would be since I know that it would lead to weight loss which is what I wanted when I first started.


What time do you get up to start your day Brooke?


My day starts at 6am getting up, I eat breakfast around 6:30 and then head into work after that. I have a snack around 9:30am-10am. Lunch is at 11 or 12 and then I have another snack around 2:30 or so since hubby usually has dinner ready when I get home at 5. Yes, we eat early, but we do so because we have things to do at night - workout, run errands, clean up dishes, shower, etc.

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It felt really good Kim! I had another one of those moments this weekend although I didn't stay on course at all. Well, I guess I can't say at all since I did have a moment.


Back on track tomr. And I had some eye op6ening experiences too. My lil cousin it seems is unfortuantley going down our family path of obese women. At 9 she is already 120 lbs. She woofed down two bowls of salad at the Olive garden, 4 bread sticks and all of the adult sized chicken alfredo. I actually (this was my moment) order chicken palento and had one salad bowl (granted I forgot to dip instead of pour my salad dressing) and 2 bread sticks. Here is my moment, I asked the waitress for a box as soon as she set the food down in front of me. I had two chicken pieces with the pasta so I put one in the box with half of the pasta and set it to the side. I ate my food and stopped. But my cousin made me realize not only what you look like when you eat uncontrolably, but the path that she is going down is probably going to be worse than the path I went down. I know its not my place to tell her what to do, but I can set a better example and hope she sees it.


I get up at 6:45, get dressed, eat yogurt or fruit at the house around 7am, eat something at work around 8:30am, lunch 12pm, no snacks usually, then I get home around 5:30 and If I don't fix something and wait on what mom will fix we might eat around 6:30 or 7pm. I do my exercise around 7-8. On the weekends there isn't a real schd.


Hope all had a good 4th!


PS- I go to my 1st WW meeting tomr.

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I'm with you Brooke. On the weekdays I do really good but on the weekends I pretty much forget about everything. If I do go out I still try to make better choices, however this weekend when we went out I did get grilled chicken (which sucked because it tasted burnt) and sweet potato fries..but I also had onion rings as an app and we shared a toll house ice cream...so yeah I didn't do so well.


Also the diet soda has slowly been creeking back into my life day by day.


I weigh in on Thursday and I know I haven't lost anyweight. I'm very frustrated at the pace and everything else....:(


Good luck tomorrow btw! ;)

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hey Brooke and Jess!!! I hope you all had a great 4th of July.


I have not had a Diet Dr. Pepper in 2 weeks now. I've been wanting to wean myself off of it since I would have one a day. Lipton makes a Diet Sparkling Strawberry Kiwi Green tea which taste wonderful!!! I have no replaced that with the Diet Dr. Pepper. That is my new-found love for now, lol!!!


Tonight we're having fish and some sort of side. I'm not sure yet what to do for the side though, maybe rice or a veggie. I sure wish the hubby would eat asparagus!!! It's soo flipping good but he doesn't care for it.

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Hey ladies!!! Sorry I haven't been around school starting soon. I have been dealing with getting it all paid for. Plus holidays and parties!!! UGH THE FOOD there. On top of that I haven't been going to the gym : / I have been eating well actually in all of this. Been buying Edy's fruit bars instead of ice cream!! They are good!! and fudge pops are fat free so I eat those too. Jeff got me a wii fit today!!! It's amazing!!! I did a 30 minute work out and it was fun!!! Its nothing comparable to the gym but its something to add on. I also quit playing my video game again. I was getting too into it and i blame that for my downfall on going to the gym. I did loose 2 more pounds but I am still no where close to where I want to me. Sorry I havent been typing but I have been reading. Welcome Kim btw!!!

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I think we all understand that 'Life' happens Nicole,lol. Are these photography classes? I can't remember if I had asked or not.


Kim, fish and rice sounds good! I'm just not good at knowing how to cook fish and since my parents don't generally eat it its not kept around, except for canned tuna.


Jess, the holiday weekend was difficult and I almost let myself cont. that eating style yesterday, but thank God for Oprah having her Best Life rerun show on!


I didn't go to my meeting yesterday.....Instead I went to the chiro. I'm not stressing about it though b/c he says that the nerve is actually healing nicely, however, the muscle around the nerve is still tensed from "protecting" the nerve. It hurts, but I have to know that it will take time to heal. I'm going back Thursday so he can check how quickly it is healing. I'm kinda glad I didn't go to the meeting b/c I needed the sleep. I started falling asleep half way through Oprah and was in and out until about 6:30. I decided that if my body needed sleep that I was going to give it sleep. I went upstairs and got in bed at 7pm! I slept pretty good considering my leg was so sore.


I kinda punched my own self yesterday b/c I let myself get too hungry. I ate yogurt and a banana before I left the house, but didn't have time to make an egg sandwich or something, so I swung by McD's and picked up a sausage/egg burrito. I got to work and looked up the points and thought it was a little high, so I opened it up and took out all the sausage and just left the egg and cheese and put that I ate 3/4 of it. Since I had my chiro apt. at 3:30 (I'd have to leave at 2:30) I decided not to take a lunch, but just snack on what I had. So, I ate my light popcorn around 12, then around 1:15 I ate the apples/grapes and yogurt out of the McD's walnut salad I got and the green beans I had brought. Then around 3 on my way to the chiro I stopped at Wendy's and got a Grilled Chicken sandwich. When I got home around 4:30 I had some sugar fee choc pudding and ff whipped cream. Then I got into trouble with the Tortilla chips and cheese dip that my aunt had left from their visit. I put those away and said to myself, "Gee, I must be hungry, so instead on snacking myself to death, why don't I just make dinner." Of course our fridge is full of leftovers. So I put on my plate some potato salad (mom makes hers with mustard not mayo) and two hotdogs, no bun and two pickles. That's when Oprah saved me. I sat down and started eating and listening. I ate the one hot dog and about 1/2 cup of potato salad (the pickles apparently didn't seal right when mom made them, so they were bad.) and stopped. Gave the dog the other hot dog and put the rest of the Potato salad back. I counted all the points and I only went over by one, which goes into my flex points.


Today was half of a yogurt, wheat bread with one scrambled egg and banana. Lunch is bologna, wheat bread, tomato, tsp of mayo, green beans and fruit cup. I have popcorn and frozen corn for snacks if I need them. Dinner is still a toss up. I have to see when mom is going to the store, so I can go with her and pick up some things so i can plan out some meals.

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I think we all understand that 'Life' happens Nicole,lol. Are these photography classes? I can't remember if I had asked or not.

They are! Actually since I changed majors I have to start at the beginner photography class. Ugh! Its ok I dont mind doing it. But I have a sociology, modern dramatic literature and a biology I am taking as well this semester. Next semester I can get into more advanced photo manipulation classes.
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I need to get back to being really active. Even riding a bike yesterday was pretty hard. I must have lost my endurance for it since last year I could go from Point A to Point B in 50 minutes....:mad:

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Yay! Nicole! You must be doing something right!


I've decided that dinner is my downfall. I don't really plan breakfast or lunch that far ahead, but I do at least have to plan for lunch b/c I bring it with me. But dinner is starting to become a major problem. Even though I'm having issues at least I'm learning where my problems are, so I can fix them. So, no plans for dinner last night and of course mom throws pizza in the oven and of course I eat it. Then she decided to make a chocolate cake, so of course I ate a piece of that. I just had no resolve yesterday. I did however put my butt on the exercise bike. If I was going to pig out like that I was gonna move. I think the exercise actually helped my leg, so tonight will be another session.


Anyway, no use in getting discourage b/c I slipped, so this morning was another half of the yogurt, egg sandwich and banana. I brought a hamburger patty, no bun, with ketchup, 1/2 cup of potato salad, an apple, and pickles for lunch. I have corn, peanut butter crackers, and an extra banana for snacks.

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That's great Brooke! (Is that really your name, lol?) I plan out the weeks dinner so that there is no backing out and doing drive-thru or eating out (except Fridays).


Today is my lunch date with the hubby! We're going to Sweet Tomatoes, we love that place and we get coupons so it makes it even better!


Tonight's dinner is homemade lasagna (very lean hamurger meat - 97/3, low fat ricatta, noddles, light spaghetti sauce, egg beaters, ff mozzarella, green peppers and onions). A whole pan of it last us 4 meals, so we freeze 2, leave one out for the week's dinner and eat one that night. I think next time we'll make it with just meat because I'm not fond of ricatta.

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