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Jess get out of my head! I was just watching some clips from the show online this morning. I don't have cable, but they show some of it online. In the last clip she weighed on the scale and it was 365 and she was upset that she hadn't made it to 350 yet. I'm like, I can't believe someone is trying to be my weight, but I guess someone who weighs 250 couldn't believe that I would die to be there either.

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Too funny. You know I used to say I wanted to be a size 16 or 14(when I was an 18) and that I would "NEVER" get any bigger then a size 18. Now that I hear people say or tell me they are a size 18, 20...I say "I wish I was that" when the truth it when I WAS that size..I never wanted to be that size.


She was much larger then me and since she has started the show has gotten lower by me by about 10lbs...so now I'm feeling determined to keep up with her!

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I hear you there is a girl that I work with that's 126 and she complains that she is fat all the time. Now I have no issues with someone who wants to be healthy at any weight but she thinks she is actually fat not just that she isnt in shape ( I do know the difference but some don't) Now I read your thread posts and I almost feel like the girl I work with. I feel I am fat at 234 but I am sure that you guys would love to be what I am at now : ( I hope hope hope so badly that my guilt isn't offensive. I know I am obese accord to my dr standards and society for that matter, but at the same time at least I am an 18 and I should be grateful I am making a change in my lifestyle now at this weight. I cant imagine being larger, I have issues at this weight. I mostly started deciding to do this because I hardly buy clothes mostly because clothes at my size are like 2x more expensive to get something that's cute on me. Where as most of my girlfriends can get any cheap piece of cloth and be 5-10 bucks! Its not fair!!! I cant imagine what finding something larger can possibly feel like. My wardrobe now is all black basically because it makes me look the thinnest! I am going back to school in the fall and I want to be feeling better about wearing clothes by then. Sorry for my ranting I do that often when I am really thinking about things I tend to babble and make sense only to myself or those crazy enough to follow me.

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Yes the gold card is still around you just normally have to ask for one. As far as frapps go In 2004, Starbucks created a "Light" version which according to the company has 54% of the calories, 15% of the fat (0.5g vs 3g), and 52% of the carbohydrates of the original.[3] This version is prepared the same way as the original but uses a modified flavoring mix with less fat and Splenda as a sweetener. Now that 54% of the calories that makes the light still 180 calories. and 23 grams of sugar in it. Sodium is at 320 grams. The ingredients in the pre mix that we use are: (liquid base)Skim milk, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, inulin, creme, corn syrup solids, natural and artificial flavors, salt, cocoa powder, carragreenan, sodium caseinate,carboxymethly cellulose, sucralose, acesulfame K and disodium phosphate..............(powdered base) Starbucks coffee. Then we add milk and thats basically it with ice and flavoring of choice. I dont care for the ingredients that you cant even say and the artificial flavorings I am trying to get away from. They wont kill you but if your trying to lose weight its not the best choice for you. I would lean towards teas, iced green tea has a ton of antioxidants in it. I drink chai with soy in it for the extra protein, but I am sure nonfat is better yet. One girl who was diabetic use to get the passion tea alot that was basically all she could drink. Americanos iced are probably the absolute best for your since espresso is nothing in nutrition facts. its 0 for everything so if you can stand espresso. Even a frappucchino with a shot of espresso in it will bring down your calories and sugar and fat because the espresso subs in for the frappucchino mix for atleast 2oz. I hope this helped educate you on these drinks. Remember everything is ok in moderation. A drink once in a while isnt horrible for you. Just remember how much you take into your system as liquids and you try justifying that to yourself as "OH its only a drink" This goes for alcohol also but you usually hear about the calories in that stuff more then you do in everything else you drink all day.

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You brought up a really good point..low fat, light, etc. still doesn't always mean low calorie or lower sodium. Corn syrup solids..still means it has sugar content.


I love the black passion tea..non diluted..it is the BEST thing on the planet for bloating and I swear by it.


I used to love the espresso brownies at my starbucks here, until I saw once it had nearly 500 or so calories in it. I used to like the sweets there but they still aren't the same as homeade. I tried a sandwich once..DISGUSTING.


Guess I'm spoiled..can't stand any premade food, food out of a box, fast food, or restaraunt food. I'd rather sacrfice something else timewise and control what I eat by making it myself. People don't realize that the 15 minutes you waste at the drive through or standing in line at the fast food joint you could have used that 15 minutes to make something nutrious at home. My opinion.


Yes the gold card is still around you just normally have to ask for one. As far as frapps go In 2004, Starbucks created a "Light" version which according to the company has 54% of the calories, 15% of the fat (0.5g vs 3g), and 52% of the carbohydrates of the original.[3] This version is prepared the same way as the original but uses a modified flavoring mix with less fat and Splenda as a sweetener. Now that 54% of the calories that makes the light still 180 calories. and 23 grams of sugar in it. Sodium is at 320 grams. The ingredients in the pre mix that we use are: (liquid base)Skim milk, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, inulin, creme, corn syrup solids, natural and artificial flavors, salt, cocoa powder, carragreenan, sodium caseinate,carboxymethly cellulose, sucralose, acesulfame K and disodium phosphate..............(powdered base) Starbucks coffee. Then we add milk and thats basically it with ice and flavoring of choice. I dont care for the ingredients that you cant even say and the artificial flavorings I am trying to get away from. They wont kill you but if your trying to lose weight its not the best choice for you. I would lean towards teas, iced green tea has a ton of antioxidants in it. I drink chai with soy in it for the extra protein, but I am sure nonfat is better yet. One girl who was diabetic use to get the passion tea alot that was basically all she could drink. Americanos iced are probably the absolute best for your since espresso is nothing in nutrition facts. its 0 for everything so if you can stand espresso. Even a frappucchino with a shot of espresso in it will bring down your calories and sugar and fat because the espresso subs in for the frappucchino mix for atleast 2oz. I hope this helped educate you on these drinks. Remember everything is ok in moderation. A drink once in a while isnt horrible for you. Just remember how much you take into your system as liquids and you try justifying that to yourself as "OH its only a drink" This goes for alcohol also but you usually hear about the calories in that stuff more then you do in everything else you drink all day.
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Nicole, you didn't offend us. Its just how things are. I'd die to be ur size, you'd probably die to someone elses' size. Its life, lol.


I've been doing very well on the WW diet though. I feel that I'm making a good decision everyday now. Sure I have my moments, but they are less and less. Sure I had like 8 oreo cookies today (through out the day), but I stayed in my points values, so I don't feel guilty about it. I've been keeping up with my exercise even with my leg, so that makes me feel good too. We went to the grocery today and mom and made some good choices. A few frozen meals, fruits, some frozen veggies, Low cal wheat buns (for hamburgers), 1 % milk instead of 2 %. Healthy grain cerel, heathly fiber one snack bars, some Edy's fresh Lime bars, Eggbeaters, yogurt etc.


We almost bought grilled chicken strips, but noticed that the bag had a hole in it, so we opted out of buying them. Oh, and I bought some Smart Ones Pizzas, so that when mom cooks pizza I can have my own without feeling bad. One more day of the weekend and if I can get through tomr without messing up I'll have gone an entire week On Point.


Anyone got any idea why Women's One a Day vitamens would make me sick to my stomach?

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Anyone got any idea why Women's One a Day vitamens would make me sick to my stomach?


You know it's funny you mentioned this because I was just talking with my sister about this today. She doesn't get nauseated, but I do. It says to eat something with it when you take it but that doesn't help me. I stopped taking them for that reason but need to start back up since I'll need them to help me in the future.


Maybe you should try taking it with a meal to help the upset stomach. Do you feel nauseated? I've read that depending on the person, the iron in the vitamin maybe the culprit. If you still want to keep taking it but can't get the nausea to go away, try taking it at night with dinner, or right before bed so you can sleep through the nauseated episodes.

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Yes the gold card is still around you just normally have to ask for one. As far as frapps go In 2004, Starbucks created a "Light" version which according to the company has 54% of the calories, 15% of the fat (0.5g vs 3g), and 52% of the carbohydrates of the original.[3] This version is prepared the same way as the original but uses a modified flavoring mix with less fat and Splenda as a sweetener. Now that 54% of the calories that makes the light still 180 calories. and 23 grams of sugar in it. Sodium is at 320 grams. The ingredients in the pre mix that we use are: (liquid base)Skim milk, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, inulin, creme, corn syrup solids, natural and artificial flavors, salt, cocoa powder, carragreenan, sodium caseinate,carboxymethly cellulose, sucralose, acesulfame K and disodium phosphate..............(powdered base) Starbucks coffee. Then we add milk and thats basically it with ice and flavoring of choice. I dont care for the ingredients that you cant even say and the artificial flavorings I am trying to get away from. They wont kill you but if your trying to lose weight its not the best choice for you. I would lean towards teas, iced green tea has a ton of antioxidants in it. I drink chai with soy in it for the extra protein, but I am sure nonfat is better yet. One girl who was diabetic use to get the passion tea alot that was basically all she could drink. Americanos iced are probably the absolute best for your since espresso is nothing in nutrition facts. its 0 for everything so if you can stand espresso. Even a frappucchino with a shot of espresso in it will bring down your calories and sugar and fat because the espresso subs in for the frappucchino mix for atleast 2oz. I hope this helped educate you on these drinks. Remember everything is ok in moderation. A drink once in a while isnt horrible for you. Just remember how much you take into your system as liquids and you try justifying that to yourself as "OH its only a drink" This goes for alcohol also but you usually hear about the calories in that stuff more then you do in everything else you drink all day.


This is very interesting. Thanks for the info! I don't like real coffee taste so the Americano is out of the question. The Passion Fruit trea is pretty darn good and that's what my husband usually gets.

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Glad to help out and yes your right light doesnt always mean that light. For example the REDUCED fat cinn coffee cake is lower fat from like 800 calories I think its sitting at about 400 calories now, the fat is at 8g. So words can be VERY misleading. That goes for things labeled low fat and reduced fat arent always still that great for you. Brooke- Thanks for understanding me :) **HUGS** Keep up the great work ladies.

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Well ladies, I hope you all had a great weekend. I have this week to work and then I'm on vacation to the beach for a week! I can't wait, it's our annual family reunion and it's nothing but laying on the beach, playing games, and drinking!!! Now that my husband is at his goal weight, he'll be playing with us, rather than hiding at the canal fishing.

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Have a good vacation Kim! I wish I was going somewhere, anywhere, lol. I only get 10 days of vacay a year, but we get almost two weeks off at Christmas, so I guess its fair.


Hope ya'lls weekend was good. Here's to the week being the same.

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Wow Nicole, you are up and writing early this morning, lol.


Well, I tried to have a lean cuisine breakfast this morning. Unfortunately we didn't read the package that well. Sausage, egg, and SYRUP breakfast panini. Yep, sorry folks I'm not the southern stereotype of mixing my eggs and sausage in with my pancake syrup. Lucky I had some Lean pockets in the fridge at the office. So fruit and Lean pockets for BK. Then I'm having a Healthy choice, veggie and fruit for lunch. Banana and apple for snacks and a Fiber One bar for after the dentist, tehe.


I found these new steam meals...they are Picsweet brand. The one I had this weekend was chicken and rice asian style. All you have to do is pop it in the microwave and it only has two servings. Now I plopped it in a frying pan after I microwaved it to kind of dry it out a little and crisp the chicken a bit. I just used the moisture in the food, I didn't add anything. It was really delicious. It has carrots and peas in it, but I could have added some more veggies to make a serving a little more fuller, but I didn't. Anyway, its about 200 a serving (most of that from the rice). They have others. They had the one with the rubbery chicken and veggies one, but I didn't think to throw it in the pan before eating that, so I probably could have eaten it if I'd done that.


I think mom may be making taco salads tonight. We use Venision (sp) so its not as bad. The chips and cheese are usually the worst. I forgot to get low fat cheese at the store so I think I will go get some on my way home plus some baked tortillas (we saw them but they were $3.29 and there were reg. on sale for $2.00, so I didn't push the issue. The calorie difference 150/120).

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I hear you there is a girl that I work with that's 126 and she complains that she is fat all the time. Now I have no issues with someone who wants to be healthy at any weight but she thinks she is actually fat not just that she isnt in shape ( I do know the difference but some don't) Now I read your thread posts and I almost feel like the girl I work with. I feel I am fat at 234 but I am sure that you guys would love to be what I am at now : ( I hope hope hope so badly that my guilt isn't offensive. I know I am obese accord to my dr standards and society for that matter, but at the same time at least I am an 18 and I should be grateful I am making a change in my lifestyle now at this weight. I cant imagine being larger, I have issues at this weight. I mostly started deciding to do this because I hardly buy clothes mostly because clothes at my size are like 2x more expensive to get something that's cute on me. Where as most of my girlfriends can get any cheap piece of cloth and be 5-10 bucks! Its not fair!!! I cant imagine what finding something larger can possibly feel like. My wardrobe now is all black basically because it makes me look the thinnest! I am going back to school in the fall and I want to be feeling better about wearing clothes by then. Sorry for my ranting I do that often when I am really thinking about things I tend to babble and make sense only to myself or those crazy enough to follow me.



Nicole don't feel bad at all. When I was your size I still reconized my problem and still hated being that size BUT at the same time I was a LOT younger and didn't realize how important it was too lose weight...until recently. Everyone is different and has different goals but the important thing is the support - so we can all support each other, including you! ;)

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Hi Ladies!


This weekend was busy for me so I had no time to come online. Friday night my dad and I went to the Drive-In theater and I got a sub and I did have a soda :o. Saturday I don't remember much except I had a Sierra Turkey Sand. at Panera, then we went bra shopping which I HATE. :(


Later I think I had mac n cheese at home. I also picked up breakfast items for in the morning and my mom made them..they are light english muffins with egg beaters and turkey pastrami and fat free cheese. We used to eat these all the time when my parents were on diets years ago..they lost a TON of weight. If you haven't tried it..you should. It's excellent and turkey pastrami is much better for you then regular ham, sasauge or bacon.


Later my friend and I decided to go to Maine to hit the Ocean. We did grab snacks on the way but oh well. It was a wonderful day and while swimming in the ocean we say a sea about 20 feet from us! It was awesome. Later on the way home we found a Thai place and ate there I had chicken, broccoli and garlic with rice on the side.


This morning I was running late for work and got a Turkey, bacon and cheedar flat at Dunkin Donuts. I don't like their bacon, so I took it off.


Im drinking my morning coffee w/ splenda and I have water and crystal light and a sugar free pudding for later.


I only have to work today and tomorrow then I am off Wed, Thur, Friday and then I also get the weekend. No idea where my family and I are going but we will see. I definitley need a break!

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Sounds like a good weekend all around for us ladies! I have a Lean Cuisine for lunch, and a yogurt for a snack. Tonight is steak and mashed taters. We hardly have red meat like that, so I'm not worried about it. Tomorrow is spaghetti which is 97/3 lean meat. Pretty darn good too! This week will be crazy trying to get ready for vacation but I will be so happy when we get up there. In my down time, I am sure I'll get on here. I can email you ladies pictures if you want. BTW: are we allowed to post personal pictures on here or is it only cruise related?

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I'm pretty sure you can post any pics as long as they are explicit or at least pics that pertain to the subject of the post, which in this case they can be.



No no, they won't be explicit.

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Well Ladies, it looks like hard work pays off. 345.6! That was a good start to my morning.


But the pessimist that I am...I've already began to think about when or if I hit that plateau. That's what always stops me and turns me back in the wrong direction. But the optimist that I am I'm trying to already come up with ideas to win over a plateau in case it happens. I know the number one thing you can do is change up your work outs. Just a simple change like days or times can even jump start you, so I'm looking forward to trying to beat my own worst enemy.


I had a WW english muffin with Canadian bacon, egg, and cheese (frozen thingy) and banana. I have a apple for a morning snack, Oreo mini 100 calorie cakester for dessert with my lunch, popcorn for a filler and a fiber one bar for on my way home. I didn't have my frozen lunch yesterday b/c I worked through my lunch so I could go to the dentist. I had a wendy's grilled chicken with baked potato. And let me tell you that frosty looked really good, but I decided that I had WW cookies n Cream bars at home and I could have 4 of those for the points of a frosty. We did have tacos for dinner. I shouldn't have had a baked potato and chicken though b/c I didn't eat until 3 and then we ate at 5:30...way too much food at once. I did have my oreo bar, but just one and a edys fruit bar after my workout and I did go over into my flex points with a bowl of fiber one honey oats with a banana chopped up in it and 1 % milk. But I thought that was a better choice that a piece of chocolate cake with a glass of milk (mainly b/c I would have got enough cake for two ppl.)


I did a 10 min exercise this morning, but not for exercise sake, I did it to see if it would help warm up my muscles in my leg and back to make the day a little more bearable. So far it feels better than it did. I'm gonna call my chiro and make sure this is okay and to ask about a good way to sit at my desk to keep from having such pain when I stand up after sitting for a while.


HP at Midnight!

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That sounds great Brooke!!! I've hit my plateau, but as long as I don't gain any weight, I'm happy with where I am. I'm hoping to not gain much weight when we start trying to have a family but I know that it will be impossible to NOT gain weight, which I know is unhealthy anyways. I just plan to maintain our workout regimen while I'm pregnant but that's not planned until Feb.


Anyways, I have my 8oz coffee here and a Dannon Light N Fit in the fridge for a snack later. Lunch is my last lean cuisine! Woohoo!!! I'm so glad to get rid of those, lol!! Tonight's dinner is Spaghetti with Light Ragu sauce, 97/3 lean hamburger meat and smart taste noodles with a little onions and green peppers. YUMM!!!


After our vacation next week, I plan to get up in the mornings to jog....I was jogging there for a while and was able to jog a mile without stopping. That was a big loop for me since I have a very small airway and exercise-induced asthma....I want to get back to doing that. Side note: I was a 3 month preemie, weighing 1lb 12oz and had a tracheotomy until I was 3 years old. Lots of surgeries in the past, but I'm perfectly healthy now. The song "I'm a Survivor" by Reba McEntire really says it all for me.

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This was in Barbados at Malibu Rum Distillery Beach....my favorite rum!!!!



This was at the past guest reception we decided to take advantage of and see what it was all about:



He's recently lost 90lbs and I'm so proud!!! I've lost about 20-25lbs. His highest weight was 243 and mine was 127. We're both pretty active now and I'm loving it!


This was him before he lost weight...I'm not sure what weight he was here:


Edited by Mrs.C05
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Well, ladies Its been a good day and I hope it will be a good night. Didn't plan for tonight, but I figure something small will do me. If I'm gonna stay up until midnight and later for HP.


I do plan on having nachos at the theatre. Its my guilty pleasure that I partake in at that particular movie theatre when I go see a movie. But I will make sure I have the points for it! Plus, maybe I'll be lucky and they won't do concessions at midnight and then I won't have to even think about it.


Oh well, some extra cardio should help tonight too. I hope I can get myself up in the morning though. At least its playing at a local theatre this time and not the one an hour away. This one is only 15 mins from my house.

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wow your husband looks 100 times better with 90 lbs down. You can really see it in his face. He just looks happier too!!! Well I am doing ok I guess down to 233 but I didnt go to the gym yet today. Jeff is at school until 9:30 so I am going to try and make myself go sometime this evening. We will see I just worked for 8 hours so I feel like I have been up all day and tomorrow another 8 hours starting early early. SOOOO maybe I wont go. Might just do the wiifit, then gym it tomorrow. Wii fit makes my tummy hurt alot which I dont get at the gym. I usually just do cardio at the gym and some weight training. Drinking ALOT of water lately but I did get KFC tonight grilled, since I actually hate the taste of crispy. Had weight control oatmeal for lunch and carnation instant breakfast for breakfast. My snack was a rice crispy treat :) Not too bad I guess. I wish I didnt go for the KFC however. I actually turned around in the gym parking lot to go to KFC and home instead of to the gym....:(

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Nicole, don't fret it, I've done the same thing. You get there and its like "Ugh." If you don't feel like working out, I always think that the workout will not be worth it b/c you only do it halfway. Actually, thats why I chuck the gym and bought my bike. Its easier when its at home. You made a good choice with the grilled chicken, although I had the meal and I have issues with chicken with bones especially fast food chicken that way. So I fed most of it to the dog. Be good to urself for a better choice.


Kim your hubby does look great! I can't imagine that you needed to lose any weight, you're so little, but sometimes its harder when your small and gain a few b/c you see it more. No one can really tell when I put on 10lbs, but then again can't really see it when I lose it either.


3 hours until HP....trying not to eat snacks b/c I want to have the points for those nachos, lol.

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