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Cruising to Healthy


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Mornin Ladies,


Well, it was a decent weekend. I did indulge myself slightly, but still tried to make good choices. I ended up eating at applebees on friday, but I had their steak with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies, I didn't finish the potatoes. Then saturday my aunt and uncle came down. We took her out while they picked their walnuts or whatever. I had a little extra for BK b/c I wasn't sure when we were going to eat. Good thing. B/c we actually didn't get lunch (or I didn't) we went to dinner early though. The hard thing was it was a buffet. I did pretty decent. 2 yeast rolls, 1/4 cup of green beans, corn, and mac n cheese. 3 oz taco meat 1/4 cup rice, 1 tsp of the cheese sauce and two taco shells. Then half of a baked potato with just a tbsp of butter. 1/4 slice of a piece of cake and about 3 tbsp of vanilla ice cream. My aunt and I stayed up late, so I had some tortilla's with melted cheese later.


Let's see Sunday was hard, I had a bowl of cereal, then half a biscuit with a patty hash brown. Then we hit the road to WVA to take my aunt back and we stopped for a Blizzard, then we stopped at Ruby Tuesdays. Their menu was way different. But i found a grilled chicken fresco. It had a butter garlic sauce on it, but I asked them to put that on the side. I ate half the 3 oz of chicken, broccli, and 1/2 mashed potatoes, then a small salad from the bar. We didn't eat again until we got back home. I ate mom's leftover fries and I was good for the night.


As far as exercise, we did some walking around on Saturday night. We got back late and I slept in, so I didn't have time to get a real session in. Sunday we detoured off the mountain lake (where they filmed part of Dirty Dancing) and walked around, so i got a little in there, then when I got home I got on the bike for 15 and did some weights. My back was kinda annoyed this weekend, so I thought maybe I'd been pushing it too much with 30 mins, so that's why I gave myself a break. But tonight I'm gonna have to try b/c I've almost used all my flex points for the week and so I feel like I need to compensate with exercise, just to be safe that I didn't under estimate any foods.


At least I learned some lessons this weekend, like, "Don't settle for a husband." My poor aunt has the worst husband ever! He has MS, so he gets all paranoid b/c of the meds and he is controlling. She doesn't even know how much money she has in the bank or the password for the account and its all her money b/c she works two jobs and he is on disability. Its so ridiculous. He didn't want to let her spend the night with us. I tried to be funny and say I was going to kidnapp her and he said, "Well, I'll file a missing persons report on her, no wait, I'll file one one you." Let me just tell you it took ever fiber of my being not to smack him for threatening me, but I knew it would get my aunt in trouble, she still probably got in trouble for coming with us anyway. Even though we took her and paid for her a manicure and a massage and we paid for her meals too. So, my list for what I want in a husband may be short, but what I DON'T want is long.


Today was fiber ceral and an english muffin. Usual snacks and probably a LC for lunch.




When you get to see your bridemaid dress we all want to know what it looks like!!! I've never been a bridesmaid. :eek:


Good choices

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Brooke - I really like Ruby Tuesdays but the last time we went (two weeks ago and we don't go but a few times a year) I think I made a wrong choice but I thought it was good. I got a grilled chicken sandwich and it did have bacon on it but when I got it the whole bottom was soaked in oil. It had cheese on it too but when I picked up the sandwich the oil just dripped all over. I did have some fries to and I got a salad which I love their salad bar. Everything was great with that until I thought I broke my tooth. I bit really hard on a pit from a black olive :( My tooth seriously hurt the rest of the day. I was gonna say something to the waiter but I didn't. It was like biting a rock. So my advice..always look closely at your food!!


I still would eat there again, I'd just make a better choice and keep an eye on everybite that goes into my mouth.


PS Brooke- Liked your dirty dancing pose! :p


This weekend was tough. I was going to start the Medifast on Saturday and I started the morning off with a medifast oatmeal and then I realised it really wasn't going to work because we had company and was probably going to go out. I snacked on some flavored pretzels, peanuts and popcorn between morning and 3:00pm. Looked for a new car, so I test drove a couple. Then we headed to a resturant we never had been to before and that's where we had the peanuts and popcorn. Opening peanuts is so addicting when you are sitting doing nothing. LOL


We did have my Aunt who has cancer with us..she is off treatment and just hanging in there. She walks really slow now and you constantly have to watch her. We didn't realise right when she walked in the resturant door there was a barrell full of those peanuts and she took a whole one and ate it with the shell! So she needs a lot of help doing regular things now and we are enjoying the times with her that we have left.


So anyway my food came I did get a chicken sandwich that had honey dijon glazed over it and it was very good. I did have about half the fries on my plate and I drank just water with lemon.


We went to bingo and around 5:30 I had a 12oz regular rootbeer.


6:30 I had 2 fig newtons and not even half a vitamin water. My Aunt came with us to bingo and it's a good thing we got the electronic ones cause she was feeling tired so I took her back to the house early.


Honestly I cannot remember if I ate anything else when I got home.


Yesterday was hard, had another chicken sandwich and fries and then we had spaghetti (whole wheat with turkey meatballs).


This morning I went to the gym we did a fitness test. I did lose inches!! :D so I was happy about that and I started the medi fast today, so:


1 Medifast oatmeal (yuck! LOL)


1 Choc medi fast shake (which isn't as bad as I thought)


and I eat these "snacks" every 2-3 hours, drink plenty of water and I only eat a real meal when it's dinner time and it still has to be something good like lean chicken, veggies...it's called a lean and green on the Medifast program. I only have enough for today and maybe tomorrow though and I'm trying to see if I can find some cheaper then the regular price. My boss has some but she's already gone on a 2 week vacation. Oh well hopefully I'll find some more online for a good price.


Have a good Monday everyone!

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Good Luck Brooke!


I'm upstairs training. I am next to the Presidents office so I don't know that I will be here much but I will try even if I can do it at home.


So excited about my new position! Hopefully this week will come by fast and the money flows in so I can buy a new car that actually has heat! :D


Take Care all, I may post later.

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Hey guys,


Jess, that is SUPER about the inches!


I didn't get to go to weigh in b/c our leader is sick, so ww today, we have to wait until she reschd. and then that will be our last meeting of the year until January, but I will still be using the e-tools.


Its okay though, just gives me an extra time to work on me.


I'm trying to come up with a nice little trip for my aunts for Christmas, but working people's schds. and having to worry about affordability is getting tougher. But we will see.


Good choices all.

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I posted earlier and its gone ??? Can't even remember what I wanted to say.


Jess- Congrats on the promotion by the way I don't think I have said that yet.


Brooke-planning any trip with multiple people os hard.


I am in total freak out mode. Starting to go crazy with all that still needs to be done. I am starting to reach for food the more stressed I get so I am trying to stay positive but still have a fear that I am going to gain all my weight back then my dresses won't fit etc.... Wishes I could just get it all together. I am also worried that I will have a hard time getting back on track after the crusie but my honey has already told me if I am dieting he won't go and to be honest the food is something I am thinking about more and more.:eek:



Hope this one goes up. Good luck ladies

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Annette - I know things can get stressful and food is used as a reliever, but don't do it! Go for a walk or have a cup of coffee.....something other than food! You'll be so thankful when you put that dress on and it fits!


I have tomorrow off since it's Veteran's Day. Thanks to all you Veteran's.....including my Grampa, WWII Vet.

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Annette, don't stress. Just keep yourself busy with the preparation. Distraction is the key, lol.




I don't get the day off, but a def. thanks to Vets everywhere.


So yesterday was cereal for bk and toast.

Then leftover stir fry for lunch with ff pudding

applesauce and an apple for snack


I got home and had 2 grilled cheese with WW cheese and some tortilla chips. I tried to eat some progresso soup, but I think it tasted too much like peppers, so mom finished it.


Then I had some sherbert and some ww cheese and crackers to finish things off.


I didn't exercise b/c I think my pelvic is out of place again, but I thank God for the time he has given me with hardly any pain at all, so i won't complain. I will just call the chiro and get him to fix it.


Today is cereal and toast.

I might have to force myself to eat a LC, even tho I don't want to , but it is raining and I don't want to go get anything at the subway.


Some apples, and applesauce, ff pudding and some reduced fat ritz crackers for snacks.


Good choices.

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Hey ladies. My entire phone line is down at my house. I ran down to Mom's to pay a bill. They should have it fixed by later tonight. Yesterday spent hours dealing with Directv today the phone. But I did pray for God to help me get some things done and now internet is not a distraction so I can't complain to much I guess.


So far so good. Eating a little more then normal but not dreaming of everything this morning so I will take it. Still getting my workout in and have to start taking boxes in and out of the attice so that will just be extra weight lifting lol.

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I did pretty good last night. I ate dessert first, lol. But we had breakfast for dinner, which was good on such a nasty day. I didn't exercise though b/c my back is still sore from the chiropractor. I'm going to try tonight.


I ate oatmeal and toast for BK

I didn't even bring lunch b/c everything in the fridge, freezer, and cabinets made me queezy. I'm getting tired of LC and HC etc. Its rainy and flooding here, so I guess I'll have to march over to the subway in the rain.


I gotta get back to work b/c I was a little late coming in from all the back ups b/c of the flooding.


Good choices

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Hello to all

yesterday was stressfull fo me and I wanted to eat food but I did take Kim's advice and went for a walk then went to Curves this am and still think I had so anger in me as the workout went so so.


Yesterday I went to the doctor for the annual and after that things went down hill. Doctor was not pleased and where I am at he said I could do better. I said I changed my whole eating habits what more do you want? Then my dad's health is not good and he recieved bad results by phone when I came home I didn't feel like going to work but did anyways and they were swamped so I just had a rough day yesterday but I walked on my luch break as I wanted to go get some grease really bad and some CHOCOLATE!


Today is much better I just tell myself I am taking it one day at a time and that doctor sees me once a year. So he has not seen my ups and downs and struggles like my family doctor has. The Biggest Loser was awefull Tuesday as I had no clue 2 people would go home and between teh orange and Green Alan those were the 3 I was rooting for so my cycle all started Tuesday nifght then the bad day on Wednesday. I am glad tomorrow is Friday then that means I have one more day of work. I need it.

Maybe I should ahve taken Brooke's advice and ate dessert first LOL


Annette sounds like you have had a bad day also.... I hate talking to people to get things fixed.


Jess - -sorry you could not do medifast. Praying for your family too.

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Kimmer - You are doing a good thing by eating better and exercising. It just takes time for it to come off. It's like your metabolism needs to be woken up and once it does, you'll notice it. Don't fret, just keep doing what you're doing. Have you noticed any weight loss (weight or size)?

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Kimmers that does sound like a bad day. I have had some of those. I think weight is an issue even Dr's need to handle carefully. My sister had a Dr really make her feel bad for being 10 lbs overweight. I could not believe that she had said something to her. The Dr was also an ob. I wouldn't have gone back to her. My Mom had a Dr that refused to give her enough pain medicines after her hysterectomy and told my Nana it was because she was fat and she should have lost weight. It's a miracle that my Nana didn't kill that man. I do know that she went after him in the hallway but I was to young at that time to be told what went on when she got to him. LOL


GOt my massage today:D Now back to packing clothes in boxes. This has taken me the longest it ever has.


Hope everyone has a great week.

Everything is still the same here. Getting more and more done for the cruise though. yippee!!!

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Thanks for your positive comments. It all helps when you're felling blue and I know you friends understand the position I'm in! Thanks to all of you :)


Kim- I have not noticed anything since I have started taking the thyroid medicine, except the weight I had lost at Curves I have now gained per the Doctor scale. But I did not let me bother me that bad as the scales could be off. I only use the scale at Curves normally but sometimes will weigh at home. I am trying to concentrate on calories in to calories out to calories burn. My family doctor told me that I am on such a low dose that I will not notice anything for 2 1/2 months. When I talked with my friend (Health Specialist) she thinks I am not on enough medicine. Well we'll see My next checkup will be the end of Dec first of January.


Annette- I am so happy that your Cruise is almost here and your list alomost completed. If I was you Nana I probably would have said something.


I splurged today and went out for lunch. But I had a healthy option subway chicken breast with all the veggies. All have a good weekend

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Hey guys, Hope your weekends were great!


I did so-so. I'm getting closer to mother nature knocking and its like my body knows it and wants to start early, lol. Plus I knocked off exercise b/c of my SI joint being sore, but last night I did get back on the bike. I'm glad dad took his snack cakes with him hunting this week, that will help me a lot!


Today is shredded wheat and toast.

Salad for lunch with light ranch dressing.

And my various go-to snacks.


I bet Annette is getting so excited.


I actually think things might work for October. I think we've decided to not do anything but stockings this Christmas for my immediate family. So, that will save me a little money. I only have to buy for my friend and her little boys now. But I have to wait and see if my dad has work. The company he works for isn't getting that many jobs, so I'm gonna hold off on spending until I know. B/c if he doesn't have a paycheck coming in then I'll have to force the issue of me helping, even though they don't want me to. In that case, the cruise will have to wait. But that's life.


Good choices.

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Brooke- That is wonderful for you to think about your parents situation before you plan your cruise. I know a lot that wouldn't do that. I am getting excited and still a little stressed. I have to think positive or I start to feel so overwhelmed with all I need to do. Of course kids program for church that I am over seems to be way behind schedule but if I focus on the reason we are doing it I am sure it will all come together. I am trying to stress a little less which is always hard this time of year anyway but then throw in cruising and getting ready for a week and the only help I really have being busy with band from July-Oct it has really packed up this time. But I want to enjoy the Holidays I want to remember why we celebrate it. Not for the family, friends, parades, etc but that Christ was born. It's so easy to get swept up in all the rushing and stuff but I am trying. Same with the cruise I have been researching, chatting, planning, packing, etc but if I don't remember that the whole reason we took this cruise was to make sure Richard and I spend extra time on us then I will come home and feel like I missed something. I have been listining to a lot of love songs that remind me of how I feel and watching movies that I have watched with Richard or that make me think of marriage when I watch them. I guess its sad that I have to take time and remind myself to work at my marriage but with 4 kids, helping my mom, him in school, church stuff its very easy for me to not take the time out that I need to.


Anyway, I got a little sidetracked, I am not sure if this is the right thing to do are not so I would love your opinions. I have started eating a little more and drinking a swallow of coke if Richard has one because I don't want to get on the ship and then start doing those things and it make me sick to my tummy just because I am not use to it. I had that happen one year when we went out for our anniversary and ended up really sick for most of Christmas Eve. Does that make since? Do you think I am doing the wrong thing and need to stick with the food plan as it was? I haven't gained anything so far so I think that is good and so far I have still been able to walk and most time workout 45 mins. As you can tell I am an overthinker. LOL I even have my stuff ready to pack and am planning to wear the tighter things in the beginning and the loser things at the end of the trip.;)


Hope everyone has a fab. week and look forward to hearing everyone's thought on the matter.


Jess-Miss you hope all is going well at work.


Kimmers- Hope last week got better for you.


Kim-I forgot when you said you were going to Vegas. Was it in February?

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Hi guys


sorry I haven't been around. I am being trained half the day and the other half I am training a girl for my older job so no time for CC. :(


I am totally getting sick which really stinks and last night my dad's wound was oozing so bad we went through 2 boxes of gauze pads so this morning when walmart opened I went there to get some stuff for his wound and some medicine for me. He was healing well and they took the staples out but one of the butterfly sticker things came off and then there is a small hole that is just coming right out non stop so the doctor wasn't in last night and he will come my dad today.


I had a great weekend except for the fact that I drank to much (alcohol) at my cousins 30th b-day party and that's another story. :rolleyes:


Did my hour excercise with the trainer yesterday and she had me running on the treadmill! :eek:


Anyways gotta go, hope everyone is doing well! :)

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I just found this discussion and wanted to chime in with my story and share some things that really helped me lose around 60 lbs. :)


I was at 325 lbs, and all I did was get rid of all the sodas, no sweets, no dessert, and drank at least 8 glasses of water per day. I started taking multivitamins, Omega3, Spirulina Supplements, Glucosamine and eating lots more fiber. I also never take elevators (unless it is required) and always park as far away as possible when I go to the stores, it is awesome since I never have to fight for parking spots!


A couple years ago I bought a treadmill and set it up so that it had a desk on top of it. I have my laptop on there, computer mouse and a holder for the TV remote, my bottle of water, etc. I also clipped a reading light on the table top as well as a vorando clip fan to help me keep cool. I now walk on it as much as possible while I am working on my computer, surfing the web, or watching TV. I have it set at a measly 2 mph much of the time. But I tend to be on it for 3 or 4 hours per evening. That is an extra 6-8 miles of walking per day than I was doing before! I will usually set the incline to 5 degrees or so as well, as inclining the treadmill helps a lot. Needless to say my couch does not get used as much as the treadmill! :)


On top of that, at work, I added one of those little cycling peddling things under my desk. So I actually sit at my desk, working, and peddle for 4-6 hours per day. Not sure how far it is in cycling, but comes up on the LCD as being between 12,000 to 16,000 "cycles" on the counter, give or take. Nothing super hard or sweat inducing but much better than being inactive. Besides I would rather not sweat at work and get all stinky. ;)


Those EXTREMELY easy, minor changes can make a big difference. They integrate into your schedule, and become habit. I am still not skinny, but I am a lot healthier, and I can hike, walk, or go anywhere without getting too worn out.


After doing this for a couple of years, I have gone down from 325 lbs to around 265 lbs.


I do wish you success in your endeavor and commend you for taking the first steps in fighting for your health, and ultimately, your life.

Edited by SirDomino
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Hey guys,


Sorry I'm behind today.


Its probably b/c I feel so guilty about eating what I knew would be over my points and flex points last night, though I did exercise.


I didn't even do weigh in today. I will do it next week. Although this might have been our last one, I will still go to the clinic and weigh. I want to know what I am before Thanksgiving.


Some kind of stress is on me and the worse part is that I don't know what is bothering me. I can't think of anything blaring. It must be something underlying. I'll try and fish it out, but in the mean time. Its my start over week and I will be hitting the exercise hard this week. I finally got up to 30 mins again last night and I hope I can do it again tonight and for Wed. Thursday i will be going to Richmond to see the Twilight Midnight premeir with my friend who just moved down from Boston. We both have the same taste in books and we both loved HP (Harry Potter), but were never able to see the films 2gether b/c of the distance. Now we can see a book>movie together. I'm hoping we can get a walk in. I know she will do it with me b/c she was going to the gym before she moved down and would be still if she had the money. But she is pretty skinny anyway. I'm going to bring my tennis shoes and some workout outfits, so I can at least get a walk or two in. I think she has internet, so I can record my food too.


I think we both need this get together. I've been so sullen lately, almost on the verge of tears for no reason. Of course Mother nature is about 2 weeks away, so I'm not sure if its that, the season, the Holidays, or a bigger issue I'm repressing. But I'm glad that I'm at least aware of it. And I know this will not be my only set back.


Can't say I'm really back on track today. I had two cookies with my subway today, but I'm within my points still with plenty to spare. And the exercise is on tonight. I'm going to really try to put a lot of effort in this week. I want to see how much it takes to pull off some sig. weight loss.




That's right don't lose sight of the purpose.




I bet your so excited about Vegas!




I hope your dad recovers quickly.




Keep it up.




Thanks for the ideas. I actually think the pedal thing under the desk would be great. I always get so sore from sitting for so long and I'm sure that will help. You've done great. I hope I can do as well.


PS-I ate a McAngus Burger with fries, then has some kind of creamy snack cake thing that dad left behind. The burger wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but the combination did push me over the line.


But darn it, IT WAS GOOD! Okay, but not a good choice, so...Bad Brooke.


Had to get that off my chest.


Better choices(Than me).

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I'm going in early January to Vegas. I'm super excited and have started picking out outfits but have heard it's pretty chilly out there that time of year.


Tomorrow I'm going to the Pulmonary doc to see if I truly have asthma and to see about what else is going on. Right now I've been getting headache's while I walk, which has come out of the blue and is not fun! Ugh!!! This is so aggrevating!!! I may switch things up to see if I can get it to stop or not happen!

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Hey guys, we've had some unpleasant events on our campus recently. One of our students was killed by a hunter in woods nearby the campus and another student was injured by the same bullet. They were working on a project and he thought they were deer. I didn't know the student, but our campus is def. hurting right now b/c we are such a small college. I'm glad I get half a day tomr. and Friday off. The campus is going to be in such a gloom. Thank God the students leave for break on Friday. They will have time to grieve at home and be comforted by their families.


Oh another note. I stayed within my points and got in my exercise. So, if this pattern continues I know I'm back on track no matter what the scale may say.


Shredded wheat for bk and toast

Salad for lunch and the reg. snacks.

Its just mom and me for dinner, so between the two of us we are coming up with pretty healthy stuff.


I'm trying to save my Flex points for the weekend. Somehow I know alcohol will be involved if my friends have anything to say. I'm hoping to stick with low cal beer or at least get the benefits from some wine.


I hope everyone has a good day.

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Kim- Hope the dr's news is good news.


Brooke-I am so sorry. My prayers are with your campus and the families of those involved. Brittany turns 14 tomorrow so her a friend and her boyfriend as well as my younger sister-in-laws are going to see New Moon.


SirD- great advise thanks so much




I am in major stressed mood which seems to be trying to slip into depression. Just can't get things done like I want to and then Brittany went to her 1st physical therapy appt yesterday and now has to go 2 times a week. Both of the younger kids are sick so dr's visit for both of them. As well as Mom has a visit with her primary dr on Wed. So in the 15 days I have left I still have 6 dr's appts to go to. Going to spend about the next 30 mins feeling woe is me then pick up JC from school and praise the Lord that I can get some stuff done.



I am still working out and still sticking with my normal eating routine most of the time but I can't put a lot of thought in it right now. My brain is spinning so much that it is making me exhausted. Twice in the last 2 days I have gotten to where I needed to go then couldn't remember anything about getting there which isn't safe because I counldn't have been that alert. Then if I sit still to long I fall asleep in an instant. It's so not like me.


Hope everyone is having a much better time dealing with the day to day then I am right now. Thanksgiving is almost here anyone got any tips of things they are going to try to help with staying on track?

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Thanks Annette! I've just gotta take it step by step and help the doctors rule things out. Right now, it's looking like possible surgery but I'm going to suggest something else that list my exact symptoms. *Sigh*

Sorry ladies but I'm in a down mood right now.

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hello guys

been off cruise critic a couple of days had to go to school a day to get in my hours for my certification. The school was 2 hours away from home. Nice to be out of the office. Learned some good things.

Meals: doing well at meal planning trying more fruits and veg and less on starches with protein. It is hard to do without potatoes but my mom likes to cook them everyday. I try to have them twice a week as they are a good source.


jess - Hope your dad is feeling better, and get yourself well to


Brooke - so stressfull situation with the campus, Don't fret that you went off just make today a new day and it will all work out. It seems like your mom is trying to help.


Annette- Don't fret all the doctor appointments, they will soon be over and you'll be on way cruising you lucky duck. At least you'll enjoy yourself knowing that all have been to the doctor and all is well at home. i know you hate all the running but it will all work out as planned.


Kim- I didn't realize you were feely so bad. I hope they can find your problem out. Are you going to Vegas over New Years or is it later January? I went in March and it was cooler at night but shorts weather by day. We layed around the pool a couple of days. You will enjoy yourself just by looking at every Casino. The fight free show at the trasure casino is awesome to see they perform every hour or half hour can't remember. I like the rainforest cafe' inside the grand casino. The M&M factory and Hoover dam was neat to see. You will enjoy yourself so much - -great present your dad gave. I know not a cruise but something still awesome to enjoy.


Sir Domino- Welcome and thanks for joining in. Your advice is some which I have already been doing.

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Hey ladies! I'm in a much better mood. I've been keeping track of how I'm doing and as long as I really concentrate on my breathing while exercising, I'm good. Like I said, I'm going to suggest something else to my pulmonist to have him take that into consideration and see if we can't test for that. Otherwise, we may be going to Cincinnati to have my original doctor take a look. I'm taking it all one step at a time.

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