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Cruising to Healthy


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Hello ladies,


I probably won't post the rest of the week. It depends on how busy I am.


The weekend went okay, lol. I tried to be careful of what I ate, but I did have an obsession with some sugar cookies that we bought for snacks. I think I ate half a dozen in two days. But, I didn't do bad when we went out to eat. I ate grilled chicken with a salad and mashed potatoes. I shared my salad. It was only lettuce, tomato, and croutons and I dipped my dressing. I made spaghetti the next night with lean meat and whole wheat pasta and a salad with light dressing. Then next night we had pizza, but it was buafflo chicken, so not as bad as four meat. I only had 2 extra small pizza and some leftover spaghetti. I had brunch on one day and had Eggs benedict with the hollendaise sauce on the side with home fries and water. I had a bagel the morning I left. I had fast food on the way home and pizza when I got home.


I didn't get any formal exercise in, but I did got out one night and we danced some, so I felt like at least I wasn't being pure lazy. I felt sexier than I have in a long time. The small changes I see in my body makes me feel better about myself and I think that is important.


Got home and did my weights and my 30 mins on the bike and I up'd the resistance too. I'm going to try and weight today or tomr. I haven't in two weeks and I need to know the damage or good before thanksgiving, so I can account for that. I'm def. getting exercise in this week. I'm going to try and do add at least 1/2 more.


I wish everyone a great Thanksgiving!

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Brooke so glad that you are noticing the changes your body is making. That always helps me on the motivation side.


Really hoping that I can get my act in order. Felt nausea's on Sat so I drank a coke and it did make my belly hurt so I am glad that I have been trying so of the unhealthy stuff before I get on the cruise. I am sooooo ready to leave in my head but I still have a lot of things to do to get ready or at least have ready here before I leave.


Need to get myself up from here and get started.


Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!:D

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Brooke- Glad you are noticing some body changes that is the true test right there. Because it makes you feel good.


Annette- so to here you have not been feeling well. It is from the pop you are drining now that was not or just not feeling well. It is probably from wearing yourself out running the kids to the doctor then you picked up some germs.


Kim- I did not realize you were orginally from Cinncinnati, I am only 2 1/2 hrs to the North of that. In fact we usually come there to go shopping or to the Waterpark. I guess I never heard you mention anything and thought you both were from Florida. So you have Buckeye in your blood LOL. Glad to see you know how to help your lungs when exercising. Hope all goes well


Happy Thanksgiving to all if I happen not to make it back on but I should find some time to get back on here as I have to work both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Usually I get one off but didn't work in the schedule this year to have off both.

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Hi guys


I have been really sick. Not sure what I had but I'm on meds and I'm slowly getting better.


Eating was pretty much only soups as I could not even swallow my own saliva it hurt so much, and I haven't worked out since last Monday for obvious reasons. This week is a VERY busy week at the company I work for so I wont be able to post much.


Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

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Kim- I did not realize you were orginally from Cinncinnati, I am only 2 1/2 hrs to the North of that. In fact we usually come there to go shopping or to the Waterpark. I guess I never heard you mention anything and thought you both were from Florida. So you have Buckeye in your blood LOL. Glad to see you know how to help your lungs when exercising. Hope all goes well


Happy Thanksgiving to all if I happen not to make it back on but I should find some time to get back on here as I have to work both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Usually I get one off but didn't work in the schedule this year to have off both.


Kimmer, I'm not from Cincinnati, I just went there for surgeries. I am a born and raised Floridian. HAHA! My mother found Dr. Cotton up there when I was little, while doing research on what to do with me. I know that sounds bad, but it's true.

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Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!! I am off to bed because I have only slept 4 hours the last 2 nights and I am feeling next to dead. :confused:


Kimmers- I think my tummy trouble has been part trying to eat different foods then I have been, drinking a little more soda, and also stressing on what I need to do still.


Hope all of us are feeling 100% next week.:D

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Hey ladies,


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and had lots of time and fun with their families.


I guess I'll do a short break down of Thanksgiving. I actually did pretty well on Thanksgiving. I indulged, but still had enough Flex Points leftover. I actually did worse after. My body was like WHoa! I like eating all that food, you should continue! Yep, so I plowed through daily points and then the rest of my flex and into my exercise points that I had built up. It was sad. But I didn't let it detour me. There was only one was to fix it and that was to get active and earn points back. So I did 3 session of exercise on Sat. and then another session on Sunday. I'm now in the positive by 1 point, lol. But I'm in the positive. And if I get to exercise tonight I'll be up by a total of 4. I doubt I'll lose any weight, but I'm proud that I took the time to get myself back on track. And of course I start over on Tuesday. This also tells me that I need to have a better plan for Christmas b/c I'll be with family for at least three days. Boredom is my enemy.


Started today off with fiber one cereal and 2% milk b/c mom accidentally bought it and toast.


Leftover lasagana, applesauce and ff pudding and popcorn.


Probably meatloaf and baked potato for dinner.


Good choices

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brooke - good to see you still losing even if only.5. and sounds like you did well on Thanksgiving too. Great job keep it up.


Jess - glad to see you are getting better. Did food even sound good to you on Thanksgiving or did you still have the blahs


Kim- That is so funny about your doctor. I thought I had missed something in these posts. I thought you were always from Florida but then when you mentioned Cincinnati I thought well maybe you had lived there. Must be an swesome doctor to travel that far. Good luck finding out your medical problems.


Annette- sounds like pop does not agree with you anymore...LOL Hope your stomach is calming itself down.


As for myself Thanksgiving went real well even though I worked. And the day after shopping our annual trip out we managed to get most items. It was a zoo at our store and some places they were organized but other areas they were not prepared. But you have to have patience to go out on that day.

I wish they would get my medications straightened around, as I gained some more weight instead of lose and counting my calories in to calories out I should have lost lbs. I pray everyday to get my thyroid/metabolism jumpstarted then lose lose lose.

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I hope you get things straight too. Its frustrating when your doing things right, but your body won't work with you.



I hope you are feeling better!



It must be nice to still have warm weather, I'm jealous.


Annette-When are you leaving again? Did I miss the big send off yet?


Well, guys you will never believe this, but I lost .5 lbs. Yep, I didn't believe it either. I couldn't believe after the week I had I lost. But I guess not giving up after doing so bad and trying to fix the situation was the right thing to do. So, just if your keeping track. That is officially 25lbs lost in 6 months. So, now I have another 7 months to lose another 25lbs to make it 50 for the year. Too bad I don't have that "I just started losing weight" kick off weight loss, lol. No more 4-5lb weight loss per week, but hopefully I'll still make it. If I lose 1lb a week until the end of June I can lose 30lbs. So, that at least gives me a 5lb cushion.


Had the normal for BK.


Going out for our Christmas lunch for my office (We have dept. lunch in 2 weeks.) I already looked at the menu and picked out what I think is my best choice and counted the points the best I can. I accounted for the sandwich, with the fixings they have listed on it and I accounted for fries too b/c I don't trust myself not to get them and I'd rather count them first hand and then maybe make a better choice. I also accounted for dessert, b/c we usually do have one, sometimes we share, so that will help, but I counted it. I'll have 8 points for dinner leftover, which is fine, plus my 35 flex points start over today.


Right now I'm waiting for Mother Nature to come into play. Usually its the week before and of that I have cravings, but not so much this week. That makes me worry for next week, lol. Oh, well. One day at a time right?


Good luck everyone, Good choices.

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Thanks for the well wishes ladies! This doctor seems to be the best (in my eyes) since he rebuilt my airway and saved me from further damage to my airway and lungs. I'll be going up to Cinci in January after our Vegas trip. I'm a bit nervous and scared but I know it's for the best and to see what is going on.


My thanksgiving was very good! We cooked dinner for his Aunt and we have tons of leftovers. I didn't seem to gain anything from thanksgiving either, so that's a good thing. We didn't have too many houses to go to this year, so that must have helped.


Brooke - Great job on the loss, especially during Thanksgiving!

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Hi ladies sorry to have MIA. Been very busy getting things ready and then when I do sit in the chair in the evening I usually fall asleep with the laptop in my lap. LOL I have been thinking of everyone though. I didn't gain over the holidays which is great and right now that is my focus not to gain. I am still sticking with most of the same things right now but will grab something if I feel like it. My main thing has been feeling icky at times and needing coke and ice which after 4 babies that all came with weeks of morning sickness I know that is what helps the nausea go away. I still think a lot of it is the weather and allergy issues as well as the differrent routine, stress of the trip, and eating all the foods I haven't been use to. I have started taking Pepcid every morning and I plan to take it while on the cruise so hopefully that will keep working.


Kimmers-I hate that you are not on facebook because I can at least see update on how the other girls life's are going. :( I will be praying that they get your meds working right for you. I agree with Brooke it is awful to be doing what you should and not be able to see results.


Brooke-GREAT JOB. It seems your body is getting use to this new way of life and I am so happy for you. Keep up the good work.


Kim-Sorry that you have to go to Cinn but glad that you have a Dr you can trust that makes all the difference. I am glad they are going to get all this taken care of before Baby planning hits full swing. It may be a blessing in disguise. I am sure that your trip planning is keeping you busy and its getting closer day by day and then with the holidays it should even feel faster.


Jess- Hope your new position is going well and that life is being better to you then it was before. Did you get all the car issues worked out?


I will try and post again before I leave but if not everyone stay safe and miss me a little LOL. We leave early Saturday morning and won't return until late Sunday the 13th.

Edited by RARcruise
didn't finish and most have hit post by mistake.
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Hey ladies,




I'm glad you got things straightened out.




Seems like we all had a good holiday! Great job!


Great lunch yesterday. Didn't eat all of the sandwich and scraped some of the cheese sauce off. We had these cupcakes called Bubblecakes. In other words, really big cupcakes. I don't think it was worth the calories. I def. went into my flex points yesterday, but I knew that was going to happen.


Breakfast for dinner last night. Deer sausage, eggs and a biscuit.


The norm for BK today

leftovers for lunch.

Dinner, IDK.


Sorry so short. Gotta get back to some work.


Good choices

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hey ladies thanks for the positive reinforcement. I have been praying that i will see results soon.


I have been eating more fruits and veggies and I am feeling better but then I started baking my Christmas cookies but I have been good and eat 2 a day. I hope the medicine is straightened out soon.


Annette- If I forget to say anything - HAVE FUN on your cruise. I hope to be on facebook soon my sister is on it and she has been showing me things. I have been thinking about it.


Kim-Sorry you have to travel to Cinci but if you trust him I agree with Annette go for it.


Brooke-never heard of bubble cakes but my girfriend had margarita cupcakes of course only adaults were present. I did not have one so don't know what they tasted like but they went like hotcakes


Jess - hope your feeling better and will be on line soon

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Hey guys,


I guess the Holidays are taking their toll on all of us, busy busy busy.


I had subway yesterday. My co-workers decided to join me, but they all changed their minds and had pizza, but I stuck to what I had planned to eat. It seems mother natures drug of choice has been diet coke, M&M's and now tortilla chips and jalapeno dip. But all in moderation, so I feel good about that.


Last night it was bbq sandwich with chips, then cereal for a snack and 25 mins of exercise.


Today is cereal, then leftover steamed meal and rice with green beans and yogurt and some popcorn. Maybe some M&M's if I have the points for it, lol.


We are going to a annual playing of Scrooge, the musical, in our area tonight. Its free and very very well done. You just make donations to their charity. Then we have a downtown event called Dicken's of a Christmas and we will go to that after the show. It will be freezing and possible snow tonight...so that may or may not be fun.


I hope everyone is doing well.


Jess, I hope you are well......starting to worry about you.


Good choices

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Ladies I am down to the wire and have so much to do so wanted to jump on for a second and wish everyone luck this coming week.


Brooke- I am so impressed by your determination. Keep it up.:D



I will be leaving in 18 hours and am not done with what I should be yet:eek:


It wouldn't be so bad if Britt didn't have therapy right after school and then family dinner at Mom's tonight. I really should have been more motivated to push to do more the last couple of days but no turning back now.


I will miss hearing from you guys and I have a feeling I will think about this chat as I start to eat to much.:o

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Hey ladies,


Well, it was a good weekend. I felt like I didn't got overboard and that I got enough exercise....haha, this will be the week I gain b/c I think I did good. But mother nature is here, so the chances of gaining are high anyway.


Mom made something called tortilla soup. It was good and low cal, but its not something I could eat on reg. basis. It has peppers and beans in it. Its like a salsa soup. But I tried it for mom and it wasn't bad, but again nothing I would crave. Mom also made peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses in the middle. They are not chewy, so I really don't have an issue not eating them. But she did make some homemade bread and ohhhhh so yummy. I LOVE homemade bread! If anything made me gain weight it was probably the like 3 slices of that bread I had, lol.


This morning I had to stop and get a biscuit b/c I was too un-organized this morning. But I have leftover lasagna for lunch with some whole wheat rice. Popcorn and pudding for a snack. I need to start adding the fruit and veggies back in. I've lost them along the line somewhere and I think I would do better if I got more in.




Your pic on FB looks wonderful! Why did you hide that pretty girl for so long???????



Are you feeling much better?




I know your on your cruise right now, but I'm sooooooooooo jealous.....Its so cold here right now, :(.




How are things going with the meds????



Good luck!

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Hi guys I'm back!


Yes I am feeling much better but my new job upstairs has prevented me from coming on CC! Eating is not that great but I need to get serious again..I still am doing my workouts though!


Brooke thanks for the compliment. :o


I just kept forgetting to put a picture on and then I lost my camera, then I was taking pics with my phone but then lost the cord. LOL, so my friend took some pics on Halloween.


I'll post more ;)


I hope everyone is doing well and not too stressed!

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I'm so jealous of Annette being on her cruise right now but mine is lined up perfectly! It'll be just what I need and want after my surgery in January! For whatever reason, my surgeries/past, is an emotional subject. I'll be okay and best of all my husband and Mom will be there with me to help.


The weather has been nice and cool here. It's nice to get some nice weather that is not so hot and humid.


My weight has been the same and my exercise has been about the same. I'm excited for Christmas and our Vegas trip!

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hello everyone,

yesterday was not a good day. I had one day off since I volunteered for the overtime on (Sunday) my day off. With all the Christmas parties & sickness there has been lots of overtime up for grabs. So yesterday was my only day off and I didn't get a chance to get on Cruise Critic. I had my weigh in and it did not go so hot. She showed me up and inch in the abdominal area and gaining 3 and a quarter lbs.


I go to doctor on Wed to see what they are going to do to jumpstart the metabolism. I should be losing weight instead of gaining so there is a problem somewhere. I have been very good on my diet. Last week it was oatmeal/chex cereal or Mcdonald's chicken biscuit for breakfast with a cup of coffee of course. I quit drinking 3 cups and went to one 12 oz cup a day. Lunch consisted of Spinach salad with craisens and walnuts with rasberry vinagrette dressing or ham and cheese on wheat crackers. Dinners have been leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, Chicken breast and last night we ate out at a local hamburger place. First time I had french fries in over 2 months so it was something I needed since I was so depressed, I know I should have made a better choice.


Today is a new day and I am ready to hit the bandwagon again of oatmeal and salads. Picked up some fresh fruit and vegetables to cut up. I am trying just my body doesn't want to cooperate with me.


I am so jealous that Annette is on her Cruise..... when we got snow yesterday.... I have to wait until Sept '10 for my cruise to Hawaii.


THANKS ALL for listening to me chatter.


Kim- your in my prayers hopefully after surgery you will feel much better


Jess- good to hear from you, hopefully being upstairs your getting a little more exercise


Brooke- I make a taco soup that is not spicy, i'll have to look it up for you, maybe you would like it better.

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Hey guys,


Lets get right down to it. I gained back the .5 I lost last week. Good news it that's probably just from Mother nature. I'm all bloated and nasty feeling. It just means I need to work on not given in to cravings this week and drink a lot of water to flush the system out.


Cereal for BK


Then leftovers for lunch.


Tried a nonfat McDonalds cafe latte this morning. BLEH! Don't trust Mcdonalds with those things.......only starbucks or a local coffee shop who specializes. It smelled like stale cigs. and tasted like it had coffee in it that had been brewing for three days. I almost forced myself to drink it all, but figured it was not worth the points to try and drink it b/c it cost $2.


Dinner........hmmm. I have to cook b/c mom will be late. She didn't go to the grocery this week, so its kinda bare. So we will see. I might just get dad McD's and me a grilled chicken from Wendy's.




Hang in there.......its gotta get better.




I wish you the best of luck!




More pics, yay. I'm such a facebook photo stalker. I love looking a pictures.


Good luck girls.

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Hi Girls


Kim- I am jealous of your weather!


Kimmer- We got snow too and I can't even tell you when I'll have a vacation. As for your not so good day - put it behind you and keep going. Only you can make the changes!


Brooke- I love your pics btw, do you take them or does someone else? I wish I could take nice pics of myself. I stalk FB photos too! :o

BTW- I congratulate you for losing 25lbs in 6 months. WTG!!


I am going to be so busy until xmas and even after. Not sure if I told you guys this before but I finally got some heat back, cause my dad worked on it a bit..it's not fixed but it's got heat. I just put new tires on the front so I'll be set until I get my income tax back..then I'll use that for a down payment on another car.


I was the only one at the personal training session on Monday so I know she really pushed me and today my legs are killing me! Tomorrow it's gonna snow snow snow, hopefully it will start after I get to work cause I hate driving in it.


Today I had left over vegtable lasagna for lunch which was wicked good and a piece of cake, with no frosting or anything on it. Not sure what dinner will be tonight- I am trying hard to not go out and buy lunch as much as possible so I can save money for gifts and to go foxwoods/MGM/Mohegan Sun.


Hope you all have a great evening!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hey guys,


Last night, I gave in and went to McD's for dad and I. Turns out mom didnt' go to her dinner thing b/c we got some sleet last night. So, I didn't have to tempt myself and give in. I got a quarter pounder and fries with diet coke. I had the points for it, plus 1, so its not horrible, but I think I'm falling back into making not so good choices. Its also mother nature kicking in and the Christmas season. That's why I've decided to recommit myself to getting back to a stricter attitude. If Shea, from biggest loser, can lose 100lbs, so can I, eventually. I think I have the exercise down, its now the food choices that are causing me not to have the potential weightloss. I need a couple weeks of 2lb weightlosses to make my goal in June. So, I have to get back to looking at packages, thinking about the calories and the fat content, not just the points, adding veggies and fruits back in, and getting back to drinking more water. On top of that, I think I can start doing 2 workouts a night. I've worked up to 35 mins on the bike and as soon as my shoulder heals I can go back to weights. Last night I did 38 mins! So, I think I can fit in 2 35 min workouts on the bike a night. If I do that I can earn 40 exercise points a week and have free weekends if I want. I'm gonna give it a try.




Thanks. I took that one myself, with a timer on the camera. This new camera is awesome, it makes you look good, haha. I know we are all busy this Christmas season, but just don't forget about yourself! But you sound like you have it all planned out.


Good choices


PS-I hate mother nature, I'm so bloated, its gross.

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I hear you Brooke. I am in the same boat...got the fitness down but the hardest is the food for me. It's been harder then I thought it would be. :(

I'm still gonna try at it. Luckly I have great support from my trainer and friends and I'm not giving up until something clicks in my head or whatever. It will happen and when it does...watch out!

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