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Cruising to Healthy


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Brooke - I hear ya if Shay can do it so can we! I think if you add your fruits and veggies that will fill you up and you won't think of all the bad stuff.


Jess - Thanks for all your help in the positive reinforcement.


I just need to focus, with Christmas around the corner I myself have been making poor choices. I try to limit one Christmas cookie at lunch and dinner. I changed from a dinner plate to a salad plate and instead of putting my salad in a bowl I have been putting it on my plate to make it look like I have more. I place what Mom or I fix and don;t go back for 2nd helpings unless it is more salad. That has been a hard choice for me but it is working I am full just not showing on the scale yet. I still walk and go to Curves each day so I am happy about that except you see other woman that have been losing the last 3 months and now it is showing on their bodies and me I look the same that is depressing since I am doing what they are doing. I drink water or green tea all the time so I know I am hydrated. I am not giving up I think of all the biggest loser contestants and hope by next finale' I can be the one proud of myself. My sister and I are going to challenge each other to do our own Subway contest like Shay. Subway is giving her 1,000 for each pound. We have not come up with our incentive yet. I just want to light a firecracker to get me in gear to lose lose lose. LOL

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Well, last night I did get in two workouts......it wasn't that fun and I had to push myself, but I did it. I did go into my flex points........and I wasn't even hungry, it was just compulsive. But, one day at a time and today is a new day.


We had BLT's last night and I had tortilla. Then I had some Dibs, the little chocolate ice cream bites. I thought I could not eat them all, but I just ended up eating half before dinner and then the other half later that night. That's the flex points. Oh well.


Today was cereal for BK

Popcorn for snack

I have Tomato soup for lunch and I'm not sure if that will be enough.

ff pudding for another snack.


I'm hoping I can get two more work outs in tonight. This time I'll try to go straight to the bike when I get home and then do the other workout closer to bedtime.




Good challenge. I don't know what you should use as an incentive either. Something not involving food, is obvious. Clothes? Jewelry? Make-over?


Here is to the Holidays!

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Brooke thanks we have not come up with the incentive yet. Might just be money so we each can use as we wish. BUt I need something to focus on.


Brooke right attitude, TODAY IS A NEW DAY!


that's why this page is good we help each other....

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All I have to say is me and Mother Nature are going to have it out! I'm up like almost 200 mins in exercise for the week and she is making it really hard not to eat those mins away.


Back to bike b/c its the only way I'm finishing this week on a high.


Hope you guys are having a better weekend!

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Almost forgot to write today.


Annette, Welcome Back! Hope you had a great time!


The Holidays are here and my my how they are not my friend right now. But its a new start to a new WW week for me tomr. So no matter the outcome I will just have to begin again.


Had oatmeal for BK

cup of potato soup for lunch with an orange and some light popcorn.


Dinner is up in the air b/c mom went to the store today (School was closed). So, we will see.


Fighting a nasty sinus headache, but still kickin. :)


Good luck everyone!

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Welcome Back Annette! How was the trip?


Jess - Sorry you too have been having some bad days, join the crowd. Sorry to hear that work has been so busy you could not even break for lunch. Hope things get better . . .


Brooke - You're right the Holidays, where we are bumbarded with many different food choices, at least I know that I am. Glad to see that you are still exercising and Mother Nature didn't take over that.


Hi Kim you still out there? LOL I have not saw your post in awhile.


Well since last posting I received an e-mail from my boss that because of budget restrictions for 2010. We are limited to the amount of vacation we take because otherwise the alternative is to lay off the police officers, at least 2 fulltime. So we are doing what we can as we already work short. But I was granted the time off for my Hawaii cruise, so I am so relieved I have been looking forward to this forever. I had put my time off sheet in April and that was what saved me because I put it in 1 1/2 in advance. So you can imagine that with the stress of this that food was my best friend. I managed to stay within 1500-1900 calories but some of my choices were not the right choices. I could have done better.


Yesterday Breakfast - rice chex w/ 2% milk - I picked the wrong one up by accident & can tell the difference need to go back to my 1 %

Lunch- taco salad no meat just beans,cheese, onion, peas (i know they were there so I added them) with some doritos (yep bought them when I was mad, have not had them in a year and boy they are good) and 2 peppermint cookies 3 glasses of water

Dinner-shredded chicken and water



snack - orange

breakfast burrito and coffee

lunch - plan chicken salad, but who knows what I will have . . Christmas lunch w/ a friend

Dinner-who knows

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Hey guys,




Glad you got your vacation time! If I was smart I would go on a cruise during Christmas b/c we practically get two weeks off for Christmas and New Years b/c the students are all gone. Hawaii has been a place I've wanted to go for a while. Good food choices BTW.


Last night we had spaghetti and green beans with garlic bread aka hot dog buns with butter and garlic salt, lol. I had a few snacky moments with pretzels and then some ff whipped topping with ff hot coco mixed in. Then later before I exercised I had a snack cake. Didn't go over my daily points last night though, so I felt good about that. Still got in two 35 min workouts although they were slow b/c my hip was hurting. Today is weigh in so I will see the results of my test. Is it that I need to up my exercise to lose or is my food intake the colpurit (sp). Kinda hard to tell with mother nature being in the mix, but I'll get an idea. I don't feel good about this week though.


Today was fiber one cereal with 1 %

Apple for snack

leftover spaghetti and bread

Popcorn for a snack

FF pudding for a back up


Dinner as usual for me is IDK.


Good luck and I'll let you know how the weigh in goes.

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Glad to be able to catch up with reading about everyone. I really need it to kick in and let my body know that I am no longer on that cruise ship. lol I did workout 2 mornings on the ship and tried to take the steps as much as I could without my husband getting to angry. He can't do steps to much because of his back plus I think the extra weight is really putting a lot of pressure on his knees. Not even counting all the walking around the ship/port of calls. On the food side I am not even going to go there.



I haven't done so good as far as getting up early and working out since I have been home. We got home late evening on Sun I had all the kids home yesterday and Brittany's arm popped completely out of place during her physical therapy appt and they had to pop it back in then today Nat was home with a tummy ache so reality came fast and heavy for me.


I did relax a lot on the cruise though. I spent at least 5 hours on the balcony everyday and read 5 novels while I was gone. I know that sounds like a bad vacay to some but for me it was pure heaven. I have a bunch of photos that I hope to get uploaded but with my fast pace family that might have to wait till the nest time I am cruising.:p I did see every sunrise and two mornings in a row I got to see a rainbow in the sky. I have gotten half of the laundry done and hope to finish the rest tomorrow. Britt has another pt appt and they are going to see where we need to go from there. I keep laughing at her telling her she is like humpty dumpty since they have all this tape on her arm.


It has halped just being able to see all the choices you girls have been making. Keep it up.


PS I am not brave enough to face the scale just yet.

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Hey everyone! Yes, I'm here, just working and being busy. I'm trying different workouts, inside and outside, to see if there is a difference in this constant throat clearing thing I have. It started a while back, and hasn't gone away. That and my breathing issues do not mix very well. This visit to Cinci cannot come fast enough, but first stop is Vegas, which I am really trying to get excited for. I'm sure I'll be excited when we're on the plane, or even when I'm packing, lol!!!


My weight and exercise has been the same. I've actually lost weight but probably should put some back on. I don't really need to lose anymore, just maintain it.


Annettte, I want to hear a whole review on your cruise, lol!!


Hope everyone is ready for the holidays!!! It's coming up quick and will be gone before we know it! Time really flies by!

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Hey Ladies,




Sorry to hear about your kids. I hope things get better. And don't worry it always takes a week or two to get back on schd. from a vacation. I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise the way you wanted to and can't wait to see the pics.




I bet you are excited about Vegas. Do be careful about the air there though. Its very dry, even this time of the year.


So, I lost 1.2 yesterday and if I had been better about food I probably could have had a 2-3lb loss. So this week is on. I have one more official weigh in before we leave for break. I really want to hit a 2lb loss. I did take the night off from exercise last night. I've been going non-stop all last week and doubling, so I figured I needed one night of freedom. Tonight is back to it. Two workouts on the bike and I think I'm safe to start doing hand weights again. Of course I will have to start all over again b/c Its been so long, but it will be good not matter what.


So, last night was two grilled cheese with light butter and light cheese with tortilla and salsa. A snack cake and some ff whipped cream.


BK is cereal with toast

apple for snack

lunchables- just the chicken nuggets and then I brought a fruit cup.

Popcorn for a snack

And a ff pudding for back up.

Might sneak a hershey kiss from downstairs.




I hope work is getting better and not worse :eek:.


Good luck

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Hi everyone!


Work wise..I am feeling, doing and yeah it's just been better since last friday. I think we all have those days sometimes..


I missed Mondays workout cause I overslept (I know lame excuse but it's true) so I came in this morning not feeling happy. Actually I have been really stressed not only with work but my best friend is leaving for the Army in one week and just a lot of personal issue's going on in my life right now that is making me hold back (I'm sorry to say). But I worked my butt off in the gym today..spoke with the trainer and we both agreed that it would probably be best if I trained one on one with her rather then the three of us (2 other co-workers) training together. There was one day last week when they were not there and it was just me and the trainer and we both came to the conclusion that I was more focused and got more training in... So we do have the next two weeks off for now then it's back to training and hopefully on my part more motivation and better eating habits since that seems to be the real factor here.


Thinking about it though - I would rather pay her for the one on one training time then train with the other two girls because for one I get more attention to my needs and goals and two...there isn't as much chit chatting. LOL


On another note: Is everyone done there Holiday shopping?


EDIT to say: Congrats Brooke on the weight loss! I look up to you because of your hard work and dedication. :-)

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Kim- I hope you are feeling better soon. I am sure the medical issues causes you to stress but remember that the dr appt is almost here so enjoy this season and your trip.


Brooke- WAY TO GO!!!! Not only do you weigh less but you got some awesome motivation behind you now.


Jess-I am sorry you have so much happening in your life right now. I could only imagine how hard it is with a friend going into the Army. I could see how much one on one training would be great. That is one reason I didn't go walk on the treadmill more then once on the ship because it was so crowded. Right now I am hating myself for it though.


Have a great day girls.

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Hello girls,




Your are doing great. You probably get way more out of your training then I get out of my exercise. If I could put it in my budget this next year I really want a personal trainer b/c then you have someone to not let you take the easy route. I'm sorry about your friend. We just had a family friend deployed last week. She is a Major now and is Kuwait, at least. Her last tour was Baghdad. She is probably the closes thing I have to a sister b/c she is 7 years older than me like my brother, so she took care of me when I was a baby. Its sad, but she is doing something she loves.


You guys inspire me on a daily basis!


Jess, funny you should mention holiday shopping. I just bought mom's present last night. I bought her an entire outfit from the shoes to the necklace. I always complain about her "teacher clothes" and she finally liked something "in Style" (the sweater dresses) so I bought the outfit for her. Dad is easy b/c he is a gift card to a "man store." My brother and SIL said they didn't want to do presents this year, so I guess I won't get them anything. Bought for my friend and her boys. Donated to American Cancer society in honor of people for Christmas cards, bought stuff for doing my grandmother's photos. I think I have it covered.


Going out for our dept. Christmas lunch today. Already checked the menu...What do you do when nothing sounds that great and the stuff that does is not a good choice????? Pray for me. Then I have to go out to dinner with my friend and her twins for an early Christmas.


Oh, I have one more gift for an out of town friend, but that can wait til New Years.


I hope you guys are getting it all done. Good choices.

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Hello girls,



Oh, I have one more gift for an out of town friend, but that can wait til New Years.



Well my birthday is coming soon..so I guess I can wait. :D



JK! :p


As for today..well guess what? I'm sick again!! :( Seriously I am so tired of being dragged down by whatever I keep getting. This time it's not soo bad as last time but it still does not feel good. It's more of a nasal congestion..add that, sneezing, blowing my nose and going on in below 0 weather and you got a hurtin' nose :( it started out clear but now the colors are changing so I made a appointment for tomrrow..last time I waited too long and just got worse so I'd rather have some sort of piece of mind by going even if it's just allergies. I don't want to go to Foxwoods and Mohegan being sick.


Last night..nothing but bad news. We were suppose to have a family get together with my great Aunt and some family memebers. First they said Saturday, then Sunday, then Saturday again and last night they called and said it's cancelled because one great Aunt is on her couch with her back completley OUT, the other Aunt (her sister) just had stomach surgery over a week ago and is not eating anything and is hallucinating.


We call my Grandmother to tell her about her sister's and she said she can't go see them because she's sick and fell the other day.


Not to mention my dad's side of the family calls also and tells us my Aunt with Cancer is going down hill and now cannot even walk. :( She now has hospice come in every other day instead of once a week.


I have to say this has (so far) been the most stressful holiday season ever. Between my new job, family, my health, having no money, having my best friend leaving..it's just crazy. I'm a wimp and it's been hard not to cry like everyday.


I'm sorry I'm not being much of an inspiration to everyone right now but I'm certain that down the "not too long" road things will get better.


I am happy though I get to hang out with my best friend tonight though :)

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That is a stressful holiday. I'm sure we all wish you well.


So, I did good yesterday. I had a grilled chicken sandwich with fries that I shared with a co-worker. I only ate of the sandwich and very few fries. No dessert. Then dinner with my friend was I had a 7 oz steak with 1/2 of the mashed potatoes and then the steamed veggies, 3 mozzerla sticks and a sprite. Then a diet cherry limemade on the way home. Didn't make it home in time to do exercise, but we are suppose to get massive snow today starting at noon. Looks like my work is going to let us leave early. Sooo, I can get extra workouts in today.


I hope I get to build a snowman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good weekend to you.

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Don't know where my post from yesterday went - - it is in outerspace.


I have been doing well this week

Mon-Fri Breakfast cereal and green tea -trying to stay away from McDonalds and Arby's. Mon-Fri Lunches -having 1/2 sandwich and veggies w/ dip or soup

Mon -Wed Supper - casserole - turkey hamburger, green beans, potatoes, mushroom soup

Tues-Thurs Supper - Whole Wheat Spagetti w/ chicken on side

Fri Supper - going out for Christmas w/ friends but already know what having chicken breast, baked potato, green beans, veg tray & dip, piece of pie we had to place our order at the end of last week.


This weekend is all of my Christmas Parties I hope I have enough willpower not to eat excessive and leave the sweets behind.


Does anyone watch Dr. Oz he is my favorite and he brought back 3 girls that had a 90 day challenge could not believe their results in 90 days I was totally amazed.


Jess -sorry your joyful time of year is so stressfull, mine has been up & down I decided no money or not I was treating myself to a full body massage the best present I gave myself. I hope everything works out with both of your families. Get yourself well.


Brooke - I wish I had your motivation/determination I guess my mind has been elsewhere but you need a atta boy you are doing great!!


Kim-hope your feeling better, Vegas is around the corner. . .


Annette- It always takes me a couple of weeks to get back to real life I always dream I am still sailing away. I love Enya song and when I am depressed play it alot. Hope you get teh things done you need to and get everyone well at your household.


Hope I didn't forget anyone . . .Have a great weekend to all

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Hey ladies! Things are looking up for me....my 'cold' or whatever it is, is slowly going away. Lets hope I don't jinx myself now :p I have heard a lot of people have whatever this cough thing is, so I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have had it for a very long time, like since October or so. Whenever we had the first cold front here.


I am still getting excited for Vegas but it hasn't sunk in yet. LOL!!!


Tomorrow I'll be going out with my older sister to finish up Christmas shopping. That'll be some good one on one time with her. I'm very thankful that my sisters and I are very close, and even my brother too, although he's in Atlanta. I'm happy that he's coming home for Christmas!!! Woohoo!!


Annette - How are your kids doing? Are you slowly adjusting to 'real life'?


Brooke - Way to go on the weight loss! How much total is that?


Jess - I hope things get on the up side for you soon!!!


Kimmer - sounds like you're staying on track! It's always good to treat yourself to something every once in a while, wether it's food or shopping.


Everyone stay warm!!!

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Well ladies,


We got one heck of snow. I spent my weekend digging my car out, bringing in wood for the stove and building a snow woman. Now I'm at work b/c well...I don't know. We only have to work two days this week...seems like they would have just let us have them. Oh well, at least I got to come in late.


Last weigh on the year is today, I think, unless the canceled it. So, I let you know how that goes.


Had a skim milk, sugar free carmel/vanilla latte this morning with an english muffin with egg and ham. I'm thinking I'll just skip lunch sense I ate so late. My grandad has his Christmas/Birthday thing this evening. It consists of biscuits, ham, and chilli beans.....Yea, I know. I don't eat chilli beans so ham biscuit it is.


I leave for WVA on Wed and will be there all weekend, so I will have not contact, not even a cell phone, until I get back. So, if you don't hear from me, that's why.


Wish you guys luck!

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Hey girls,


Well, I left 24 points to eat at my grandad's last night and I ate every bit of it in biscuits, ham, and soda. Soda makes me feel yucky now though. My kidneys feel strained when I drink it. So, I'm gonna down some water today. Flush it all out.


Going to WVA tomr. Got to pack and clean my room tonight. I hate coming back to a messy room after a trip. Mainly, b/c when you come back it just gets twice the worse for wear b/c of the unpacking and such.


So, home made biscuits, sausage, bacon, gravy, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs and more carbs........here I come for 5 days....did I mention the enablers????? Oh well, I've made it my goal and only goal just to track my food intake. To write it down and count the points. I may go over, but I want to track it all. It may help me the next go round.



I just want to say thank you to everyone this year for posting your stories and helping me and everyone get through tough times and hard places. I think having a support system is so important. Thanks for the encourage and help, as always.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas to all


I am staying on track so far, at my parties I hovered over the meat & cheese tray instead of the sweets and other goodies that way at least it is protein I was eating and the other party I hovered over the vegetable tray adn had one chocolate truffle. Then my girlfriend at the next party made an horderve just for me it was ham roll ups with the FF vegetable cream cheese those were good.


Hope Santa brings everyone some item that you wanted.


Brooke- sorry to hear you got all the snow, the weather here is nasty too in fact we are getting freezing rain now.


Kim-glad to hear you are doing much better, just in time for the holidays so you can enjoy your family.


Jess-sorry to hear you went under the weather.


Annette- hope your life is back to normal, and the kids are better.

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Hey everyone!!! Well I made it through the holidays and not really gained anything. Woohoo!!! The best Christmas gift I got was being told I'm going to be an Aunt again!!! My older sister is 8 weeks pregnant. I'm very excited and I'm getting very excited for Vegas!!!


Hope everyone is well and slowly getting back into the grove.

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Kim - I know the feeling of excitement my sister told us at Thanksgiving that she was expecting in June. I was so excited I bought the baby it's first Christmas present.


I tried to do well over the holidays but I am 3 lbs heavier, oh well life goes on and I am back on track. Getting excited for the new biggest looser to start as that is my weekly motivation.

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