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That's wonderful Kimmer!!! Seems like despite the economy people are still having babies (my sisters was planned) so it must not be too bad, lol! My husband and I still plan to start trying in Feb/March, but we'll see how my surgery goes and the outcome of that is.

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Think positive, the surgery will go well and then we hope for a baby. My sisters was unexpected but she is so excited. She has been real sick with this one so I hope she feels better soon. They are so spaced out 14, 6, baby


This week I have been doing so good.

Breakfast-special K with yogert Mon-Thurs

Snack - green tea, sometimes a 100 calorie pack for crunch Mon-Thurs

lunch- Mon- chicken sandwich Tues 1/2 Ham sandwich Wed 1 piece pizza & Thurs taco

dinner-Mon chicken sub (subway) Tues- taco, Wed fish & veggies Thurs - snacks going to new years eve party



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Happy New Years everyone!!!! Only 5 more days until Vegas! At leat right now in Florida, the weather is giving me a dose of it's coldness so I'm ready for Vegas's cold weather and then Cinci. I am relatively optimistic about my surgery, just nervous. I'm just hoping for the best.

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Hey guys,


Sorry for being MIA. Holidays always throw me off and this was two almost in a row.


I will confess that I started off trying to record my food, but by the third day in WVA it was just too much stuff going in my mouth. Maybe I sweated some of the weight off though b/c its like 85 degrees in my grandparents house and I had to sleep in the living room right next to the stove.


Of course when I got home I tried to get back on track, but then there are all these other people that you have to do post Christmas-Christmas with and food is involved. Then New Years happened. WOW! But the good thing is that I'm back to a routine now and I can get back to normal, which I will make my advantage of getting back on track. I'm going to weight later this morning and check out the damage.


I look at the positive in this situation. I will know how my body reacts to being off my plan and it will also show me how quickly you can change habits.


I found a medical digi scale on Amazon for $135, it was $300. I think I might buy it, just so I can have a scale at home for when I can't get to one at work.


Okay, So food.


Today I started off with a skim milk sugar free caramel Steamer. With the wind chill here it feels like 4 degrees outside. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. It will be fiber one shredded wheat with 1% milk. I have a couple of clementine oranges, a fruit cup and some popcorn. I brought light ranch dressing for me to go get a salad for lunch. Leftovers for dinner.


Good luck!

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Gained 5lbs over Christmas and New Years. This is about what I expected so no big surprise. And I know what I need to do to get it off. So, next goal. Get off the weight I gained over break. I don't know if I can do 5lbs in a week. But I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and say, YES! I CAN!

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Hi guys


Sorry I've been missing too. Holidays here didn't go so well. My aunt who had terminal cancer passed away two days before christmas (I was with her when she passed) and my grandmother was also in the hospital and had to have a blood transfusion. Meanwhile we were going to go to another great Aunts house for christmas (that weekend) but her back was out and her other sister was also in the hospital. It has been a very stressful holiday but I'm glad 2009 is over with!


Tomorrow is my 25th birthday and I don't think I will be doing much of anything. I'm hoping to get some more will power back though and keep fighting for my health back.


Happy New Year Everyone!


May the best of 2009 be the worst of 2010! ;)

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Well, I'm home sick. I caught a cold sometime over New Years, bleh. I thought I'd take a sick day and see if I could get over the worse of it.


I did do 20 mins on the bike last night and used my old ww dvd to do a toning work out for another 20 mins. My backs sore this morning though.




I'm so sorry about your aunt. Its always hard to say goodbye even when you prepare yourself for it. I hope your other family members feel better as well. Sometimes when it rains it pours. But I'm glad you haven't forgot about yourself, its easy to do when other people need you so much more.




Thanks! I keep saying, I think I can, I think I can....lol. Have fun in Vegas, it wil def. be nice a toasty there.


I'm basically gonna nap all day and take meds and drink lots and lots of water. Mom make corn cowder soup on Sunday, so I will probably eat that for lunch or chicken noodle.


Happy Tuesday.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!! You and my brother share a birthday!


Believe it or not, Vegas will be warmer than Florida! Wow!!! The low tonight is going to be 22 degrees! Yikes! I don't think Florida has seen this kind of coldness before! HAHA!


I'm definitely excited for Vegas! I haven't been working out since it's so cold out, but will jump on the treadmill once I see weight being put on, lol! Nah, I'm kidding, I do get on the treadmill and play some of my recorded shows but I go a the slowest pace ever! I'm just dumbfounded on that, but hey, at least I'll be getting looked at in 2 weeks. I'm hoping for the best!

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Sorry to hear of your bad Christmas but 2009 is past and hope 2010 will be great for you. I think you know that you want your aunt to be in a better place but alway tough to lose.


Brooke- I give you tons of credit girl even with me watching over the holiday I no way wanted to get weighed in. So I haven't yet and I have not even weighed at home. I feel like I lost so that's what I'm telling myself getting my brain trained first in case of a failure. because like the engine that could we both can do it.


Kim- have a wonderful vacation in Vegas, enjoy yourself!!!!


Hi Annette have not heard from you


I too try to write down everything I eat but seems like it takes too much time. I would rather come here instead. LOL

Today Breakfast 2 eggs scrambled, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 8 oz 1% milk

snack - green tea, handful of nuts

lunch- bowl of cereal, 1 slice whole wheat toast

snack chai tea and 100 calorie of cookies and 2 homemade carmels

dinner-roast beef and vegetables with red potatoes, water

snack - ?? biggest loser starts tonight so will probably make me not want to eat, maybe i'll have popcorn

have a good night

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I'm back and in more ways then one. I have been struggling a lot with getting back on track and the holidays as well as the stress didn't help but this morning I woke up and just knew I was back. YEA!!!!!!:D


Just caught up on everything I have missed and not a lot of posts but so much going on.


First- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS! I sent you a little flair on facebook. I am so sorry about your very hard Christmas. I hope all sickness is gone completely.


Brooke-YOU CAN DO IT! You keep a really positive attitude and that is great and encourages me a lot.:) I hope you feel better soon and that the cold meds are working well and you get some great sleep.


Kimmers- You seemed to do great at all those parties. Congrats on becoming an aunt again. I am watching The Biggest Loser right now. Some of my kids really enjoy it. Hopefully they will see something on here one day that they keep with them forever. (I can't believe they are having to be weighed in front of all those people. Give them all a grand prize just for that. I won't even let my husband watch me.)


Kim- I imagine the rush feeling before a trip will hit soon. At least if it was me it would lol. Hope your health issues are doing at least the same if not better. Congrats to you as well. Hopefully in the next 2 months we will be able to send some for yourself as well.;)


I still have not gotten on the scales since early Dec. I will get on them in about a week after this bloating from all the carbonated drinks goes away. My biggest struggle now is TAX SEASON.:( My Mom owns a tax office and I help her so 1) it brings stress because everyone in the US only has 3.5 months to do theres in 2) I have to pick up food and make sure my Mom doesn't miss a meal so that means more temptation 3) the freezer in the place we rent does not work right so that means no Lean Cusines or Healthy Choice.


I am planning to still get up early and have walking, Bible Study, and a little bit of cleaning done before going to the office each morning. I have had some Cherry Limeades from Sonic which is like crack to me lol. I just love them but I promise the cherry flavoring goes right to my booty.:eek:


Have a great night. I will check back in as soon as I can. I have really missed you all.

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Morning Girls,




I hope your birthday was GREAT!




So, jealous. I have 8 vacay days to use and I need a vacation soon, lol.




Soooo, was watching Biggest loser. Even though I felt like crud I got on my bike and rode for the first 30 mins of the show, then I did a some toning with weights and squats with weights for 10 more mins. Wish I could workout like those guys and lose 34lbs in a week!!!!!!!!! But I started getting light headed on my last set of squats. I'm gonna have so much trouble when American Idol comes on next week. Show Conflict!


That scale was scary. I really didn't want to see it go up. That five lbs took me (well this time) 2 weeks to get off. But I can't start anew until I know where I'm starting. But If I put it off I would just fall back into bad habits.




I knew you'd get back in the swing of things. Haha, it just takes a little bit after vacation and then a Holiday. BTW, I think you looked perfect on your cruise pics.


I'm glad you think I have a positive attitude. Sometimes I think I'm just so negative and I hate that about other people, so I'm glad I'm come across positive. But you guys give me the same thing. A bunch of people could have read this post and just started bullying, calling names, etc. But you guys got on (all different places in your weight loss) and said we are going to help each other. Its def. a positive for me to come on and read encouragement and advice. So, thanks.


Okay, lets see.


yesterday I had


Cereal for BK with wheat toast and smart balance butter

Lunch I had a baked potatoe with smart balance sour cream and butter and I had a tblsp of chilli cheese dip with about 6 chips and some ff whipped cream and ff hot coco powder.

For dinner I had 2 lean hamburgers on light wheat buns with reduced mayo, mustard, ketchup, with about 10 frozen fries baked.

1/2 cup of ice cream for dessert.


Sounded better yesterday, lol.


Today I started with Cereal

I bought a chicken flavored ramen noodle pack for lunch mainly b/c it was only .18 cent. I could have got heathly with a can of soup, but I was buying $13 allergy meds and $10 mucinex.

I brought two clementines for snacks and I have popcorn and I do have some lunchables chicken nuggets in the fridge if I need some extra protein.


I'm gonna have some hot tea with splenda to help my throat and chest. And of course lots of water.


Dinner is always in the air.


Hopefully, I have energy for another workout tonight.


Have a good hump day!

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Hi Everyone!


Good to see you all back and thanks for the happy birthdays and encouragement.


I was supposed to go back to the gym this week but apparently there has been some big mis understandings with the trainer and the other girls. :rolleyes:

Looong story.


Not sure if I will continue there or what but I'm not gonna let others get in the way of my goals.


Hope you get better soon Brooke!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Evening ladies!!


I hope everyone was able to stay warm today. I like the cooler weather but this is crazy. Highs in the 30's low in the 10's for SC that is nuts for this long. Kim I am sure you know what I mean.


Brooke- Really hope you get better fast. Remember that your muscles are weaker when you have a cold so don't push yourself to hard and get yourself in a bunch of pain.


Jess- I hate when you have to deal with others issues. One of the reasons I like being home and exercise alone is other people. I know it sounds awful but I don't even like to workout with the kids. I like to just live in my own little world. Although I think a personally trainer would really be able to help me in my problem areas.



Kimmers- Since you don't see this on facebook I can fill you in. I have set myself a goal of walking 600 miles in 2010. So far I am 5 miles down. If I really get more involved I can always move the milage up. The summer is the easiest since the kids don't have school.


Today was not so bad. I only grabbed a couple of the kids fries from Chick Fil A but stayed mainly on track all day. Got 2 more miles in. I still need to get back to strength training but that will come in time. I am going to try and get up at 4:45am in the morning instead of 5am.

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Mornin ladies,




Did I cyber pass my cold on to you, sorry :( feel better.




Thanks, if the saying is true about colds are about 10 days, then I have about 4 days left, lol.


I hope things workout for you. Sometimes you have to make things all about you!




That's a great goal. If I would be smart I would put new batteries in my recumbent bike screen then I would know how many miles I peddle, but I def. put that on the bottom of my list every time, lol. And I def. agree about working out alone. I feel if people are around you that, me personally, I feel self conscious about my body and about how I'm working out. Not to mention its easy to get distracted in a gym. At home I go up stairs in my room. Turn on the tv, shut the door and its ME time. I wish I could afford to get a treadmill at home, but its okay b/c I'm not quit ready to do hard core walking yet anyway. I want to lose the 50lbs first. Most treadmills have a 300lb limit on them anyway, so its a good goal.




Last night mom fixed pizza. I wasn't feeling good between being nasusa (sp) from the "cold" and I didn't get enough protein yesterday so my blood sugar was trying to react. I was just exhausted. But I did have a "moment" last night. We buy tombstone pizza frozen b/c they are pretty cheap. Well, we cut it into 6 slices. Dad and I usually share a pizza b/c mom usually buys some crazy flavor we don't eat. usually I eat all three slices and if dad doesn't eat all his I would eat another slice. I mean, let me admit that in the past I've eaten a whole one of those pizzas by myself, but not recently. Last night..........I ate...........2 slices..........my dad even offered me another slice..........I said.........no thank you........then..........I kept having to go in and out of the kitchen........and everytime I looked at that slice of pizza........and everytime (though it was a close call once)........I said NO! If I would have ate that slice it would have put me over my daily points by 6 points b/c three slices adds extra points b/c of the volume. Instead I had a dessert and only went over by 1.5 points (flex points). However, b/c i was so tired I did retire by 8:30 last night and did not exercise. But I think Annette is right. My muscles were so tired the other morning that It was like my arms were asleep. When my alarm went off it was like I couldn't get my brain to tell my arms to move, they were all weak and limp. So, I took a night off. I still have 4 days to get in exercise. And the weekend I can really add some more in.


So, I'm running on today.


Cereal for BK

We are going out to lunch. I don't know if its a set menu or not, so i will have to do my best.

Dinner, you know I don't know.lol.

Popcorn for a snack I forgot my oranges today.

More water.


Good luck everyone!


Oh Maybe we should say what our new years resolutions were, weight related or not.


I actually have to confess i didn't really make one. But I was going to get around to it. So, maybe I let you know tomr., lol.

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Hey Guys!


Last night my sister in law called me and after awhile of talking she invited me over to watch the Biggest Loser. She recorded the first episode from this week cause I missed it.

We got too talking afterwards until after 1 am! :eek:


Anyway we had a good conversation and a lot had to do with my weight and all. But today has been good so far- I finally spoke with the trainer today and we worked things out. I told her that if I continue training with her then I have to do it alone. I may make mistakes and not always do the "right" thing but not a day goes by where I don't think about doing something. If I am at least continuing to make a small change..even over a period of time then I think I'm doing something good. Slowly but surely. We had a bit of a talk and I stressed about how much I was ready to get this weight off and keep trying. It's seriously not just about losing some weight it's about hopefully losing meds I'm taking and adding more years to my life! I don't have the time to be thinking about anyone else and worrying about their problems because I've done that for so long that I have forgotten about myself and I don't want to do that anymore.

My trainer agreed with me and just said I was too stressed for my age and she wants me to be happy.


She wants to see me 5 days a week..half hour each day..told her it sounds great just depends on the $$..so I am meeting with her on Monday morning...just ME!


Back to biggest loser..I haven't watched it honestly since the very first season! :eek: Have any of you thought about applying or ever have? :D

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Mornin ladies,


Well, no more snow for us, but it is frigid outside and I was really wanting to stay in bed this morning. It probably would have done this sickness some good too. I went to bed at 8 again last night and was out like a light. Needless to say no exercise. I'm sad b/c I really wanted to lose the 5lbs this week and at this rate with this cold I don't know if I can. Although I'm being careful with my points. I guess I just have to work with what I have right now and hope for the best.




Putting you first is the right thing to do. If people depend on you and then you get run down and are unhealthy then you are no help to anyone, so you are totally right to put yourself first for now.


And yes, I sooooooo have thought about doing the biggest loser, but I just don't handle that kind of pressure well or competition. I can't even play card games b/c they make me nervous and anxious and bring out a side of my personality that I personally do not like. And I'm afraid that I would punch Jillian, lol. I guess b/c I grew up with a dad that didn't do much raising, but when he did he didn't know how to communicate very well, so he would just yell. So, that kind of confortation doesn't go over well with me. Haha, kinda made my dad sound bad there.....he isn't really, just a bit of a hardbutt sometimes.


Last night mom ate leftover pizza and dad had some kind of microwave meal neither very good. So, I opted for breafast. I had an egg and bacon sandwich on wheat bread. 2 eggs, scrambled with smart balance butter and the ready cooked bacon b/c its actually less calories for more. A little bit of reduced fat mayo and I had two sandwiches and split the bacon in half so I didn't have to use as much. Then I had a small bowl of cereal for a snack. Then mom pulled out powered donuts and I ate 3 of the minis with milk. I had the points, but I felt stupid afterwards for mindlessly eating something.


Today was cereal with 2% since I had to get at the little market down the street. I have clementines for snacks. And I guess I'll have to go out for lunch b/c we didn't have anything in the fridge good. So, I'm thinking a grilled chicken wrap form DQ, maybe with a side salad or just two wraps.

As usual nothing planned for dinner.


I'm just ready to get this day over with so I can go home and zonk for the whole weekend, lol.


New Years resolution..........Well, I just think there a lot of little things that I can work on, but I know the weight needs to come off. I want to learn more at my job, skills that I could use if I got a new job or wanted to move up. I want to curve my sometimes fowl mouth. And take control of my anxiety over things I cannot change. And of course, lose 25lbs by the end of June.


Happy weekend all.

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Hey Brooke I think your doing great and you notice everything you do right and things that may not be such a healthy choice but you really I think...think about it more when your eating which is such a great thing!


Speaking of biggest loser..I got an email through work that said they were having a company "biggest loser". Weigh in is on Wed and they will post on a board the percentage lost (they won't post personal weights) and it will cost $20 each weigh in and will continue for 8 weeks. Anyone who doesn't show up is disqualified. The winner wins all the money collected. We have about 50 people in our company and I'm thinking there will at least be 5-10 maybe more (although I'm the "biggest" :rolleyes:). I'm gonna do it even if I can't afford it.


I have too and I'm excited about it! :D


Hope everyone's weekend goes well!

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Annette-thanks for including me since I am not on Facebook yet, everybody keeps telling me to get on -but I haven't yet.


Jess-I am glad the trainer will work with you one on one. Hope it is not that expensive so you can continue.


Brooke-Making the little changes is the best as it is repition and you might not see the results as fast you would in a couple of months. Sometimes I think it is the little things that hurt me most. Most time I can take the bigger things and cut cold turkey then the little things bring me down. So Brooke I think you are smart finding the little things to work on first then graduate to the medium things, then larger and larger. You set yourself a good goal 25 lbs in June that is reasonable. I have not made no New Year resolutions but plan to continue to be healthy by watching what I eat and more fruits and vegetables.


Kim-Hope you are having so much fun!!

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Morning everyone!


This weekend was pretty good!!! I almost jumped on here Sat to rant because I knew how easy it would be for me to start eating everything in sight. Brittany spent the night with her Dad Fri for the first time since about 5 or 6 years (I think) I honestly can't remember the last time. Last year he only saw her like 5 times mostly Holidays. She even played with the praise band at his mothers church on his birthday and he didn't even go.:mad: He was digging holes. He was able to go to his birthday party that afternoon. I'm sorry but if you have no job, never see your child, and she is at your church you should at least get your butt there to see her. He has never seen her play the guitar, never seen her do colorguard (even though he lives about 10 mins from the high school she goes to. He calls her babygirl which makes me want to puke. Anyway she comes home sat. (late because I was kind enough to let her stay and go bowling with them) and says Daddy (whom until Christmas she refered to as BSD-biological sperm donor- her idea not mine I always tell her she shouldn't hate him) wants us to go bowling once a week and me come over every Friday night. Well I almost lost my mind right there. I said NO WAY!! First, we have family dinner at my Mom's every Friday and we have for years now. Secondly, I hated her being there one time, Third if he has money to go bowling weekly why in the world doesn't he catch up on child support. I said a few things I normally wouldn't have said about him to her. He is some kind of fighter and always brags on the computer about how he can beat up all these people that are bigger then him but I am telling you this 5 foot 116 lb women could have done some major damage to him if he had been there at that moment. :eek: But thankfully I didn't start grabbing food because I knew it really wasn't going to make me feel better. I haven't seen him nor spoke to him in like 8 years. I only communicate with his mom. Even when they brought her home I didn't so much as look that way. Usually I don't have to worry about him because he is never around hoping it gets back that way fast.


Ok Guess I still had some anger left over from Sat LOL I forgot to eat breakfast this morning which was what I was coming on here to say to begin with. Had a 100 calorie Little Debbie here at the tax office so hoping that will hold me till my morning snack. I still can't believe that I just forgot about breakfast. I usually always remember it.


Hope everyone has a great day!! Planning on jumping back on here tonight but have said enough for now. Sorry

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Hey girls,


My weekend was bleh....b/c I was still sick. Its hanging on, but I think its finally getting better. I didn't get anymore real exercise in b/c I was just so tired. But, guess what? I lost 5.4lbs! I guess going from eating over so much to being careful really shocked my body. So, I'm back to where I was before I left for Christmas. So, 30lbs is my next goal and I think if I add in some exercise this week, then I should make it. I got my new scale too and it weighs just fine. Really accurate, like the Dr. Scales. And now I can weigh without all my heavy winter clothes on, more like on the biggest loser. Every little bit helps, I say.


I think I'm finally going to be able to plan a cruise. My mom's bday is in May, so between me and her best friend (who is going to have her first grandchild in Aug.) we are making plans to go on a cruise in June after mom is done with teaching. I hope this will be a reall motivator for me to lose that 50lbs and then I can celebrate too! Its gonna be a stretch to pay for mom and myself, but I'm a good budgeter. Maybe I can pick up some side jobs or get my brother to throw in some money for her bday too. June is soooooo much more expensive, but since mom is a teacher its the only time to go. I hope she doesn't resist this time. Last time we got in a big fight about it. I've mentioned it to her a few times this weekend and she didn't get upset, soooo maybe.




Have you started your 1-1 sessions yet? How are they going? I was going to ask about something else and now I've forgot...darn it.




Still Jealous! Hope you are having a blast.




Thanks, I think you have to think small b/c you get too overwhelmed otherwise. Veggies and fruits are a good thought.......I need to do that too. In fact I brought three fruits with me today for snacks!




That is what this forum is here for. Its situations like that where I would turn to food for comfort or release, but now with you guys I can come here and let it all out and not reap the bad decisions or judgement. So, don't apologize, just get it out!


This morning we had a meeting at work and breakfast was included. I tried to make good choices, but I did go a little over my usual breakfast intake. Hopefully, since I ate later and more, I want need to eat as much for lunch and I can eat later.


I had 1/2 cup of scrambled eggs, one small sasuage patty, 1 small hashbrown, 1 small biscuit with a tsp of butter, 1 glass of Apple juice and 3 slices of peaches.


Lunch is leftover dinner from last night, which is crusted broiled chicken breast and mashed potatoes.


I have a clementine, a apple, and a pair for a snack.


Good eating.

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Hello Ladies!


Brooke- Congrats on the weight loss! Hope your plans for the cruise goes well!


Annette- This one time I got into a big argument with my parents and left the house and took my gym bag. I sat in the car for about 20 min to really calm down and then I went into the gym and starting excercising. I can tell you that it really helped a lot. Normally I would eat like crazy but exercising not only made me feel better but it cleared the air for me...just a suggestion. And I always think it's good to talk to someone..anyone when your fustrated so they can't just at least listen.


Kimmer - Hoping all is well on your end..thanks for being so supportive. ;)


I too am jealous of Kim so let's not talk about it. LOL


As for me..yes Brooke I started my one on one training today..unfortunatley tomorrow will be my last day for the rest of the week because my parents are going to Atlantic City for three days and there is nobody in the morning's to watch my sister. She can't be left home alone and the nursing assistant doesn't come in until later (and by that time I'm getting ready for work) and I'm not gonna drag her out of bed at like 4 am (and then get her dressed and such). Apparently the trainer can't do it at night either..


Some people get fustrated because I can't always keep my plans but when you have a physically and mentally disabled sister and nobody to watch her - that becomes priority and I think people should understand that. (not that I'm saying most don't but I think some people get really bothered by it). I wasn't able to talk to the trainer today (she was busy) so I left her the message..I have a feeling she might be irritated. Oh well. In the meantime I'll have to use the equipment I have at home. :)


Did I mention I am soo excited about starting the biggest loser at work? :D

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Thanks. And I hope your trainer understands that life doesn't stop just b/c you decided to be healthy. I hope your work's Biggest Loser is fun and motivating! I'm watching it tonight on tv, well and switching back and forth between American Idol and riding my bike,haha.


Morning Everyone,




See you had fun in VEGAS! Have any good stories?


Last night I had sloppy joes made with deer meat on wheat buns with tortilla chips and cheese. I had a WW snack bar for dessert.


Today I had fiber cereal with wheat bread for toast.

Lunch, is leftover sloppy joe and chips

Fruit for snacks and I brought 2 oreo cookies.


I'm still working on this cruise thing. I've budgeted and re-budgeted....geesh. And I can't get my mom's best friend to get back to me. I wish I felt comfortable just going on a cruise by myself.


Good choices.

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