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Cruising to Healthy


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Jess- Sorry you have to miss the rest of this week but proud that you are kind enough to stay with your sister. It doesn't matter how much you weigh if you don't have a heart for others you will never be beautiful. Good luck at work. We are all cheering you on.


Brooke-Hope that nasty cold goes away soon. I am excited about Biggest Loser this year haven't decided if I am going to watch American Idol this season or not it just hasn't kept me as interested the last few seasons.


Kim- Glad you are back and had a great time. I know that you are ready to get to Cinn and take care of that as well. Hope its getting warmer in Florida.


Yesterday was good long but good. Today off to a great start and even found the Nabisco 100 calorie snacks buy 1 get 1 free today as well as my favorite soup. Then even found some energy blend nuts on close out. So I have plenty to have at work and not be tempted by fast food.


Most of you know Brittany goes back to the Dr Thursday for her arm. Lets just say I may get loud if I show up and they try to give us the PA again. Even my pediatriton was upset about what we were told in early Nov by the PA and said she needed to see the Dr himself. Hoping they can give her something for pain. Tylenol is not working. Yesterday in gym as she was changing into her workout clothes it popped out and it was 3 hours before someone could get it back in. The gym teacher told her not to come back to school until she had an arm sling. Which I got last night but now the teachers probably think I am a terrible mother but I can only try what they tell me.

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Thanks Annette and Brooke. :)


Brooke - I wish I had extra money, cause I'd totally go with you. I haven't had an actual vacation in like 5 years (last cruise was in 05). :(

I hope it works out for you though! ;)


Annette - I hope your daughters arm get's better and she gets the right treatment she deserves.


BTW- I love getting good deals. Are you a couponer? :D

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Hey everyone! Yes, I had such a good time in Vegas! It was soooo much fun but I will tell ya, I'm soooo ready for Cinci to get this problem taken care of! 3 more working days. Apparently I had, possibly still have bronchitis which isn't fun when you end up choking on it trying to cough it up. Sorry to be graphic, but it's true. Scary as heck!


Vegas was a lot of walking, sightseeing and breathtaking with all the hotels and mountains as the background. Simply beautiful!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Hey guys,




My mom is a couponer. She taught me about checking prices per the amount in the container and all. LOL. Keep us up on how the Biggest Loser goes. I soooo, wish you could go with me too. I need someone my own age to go, but I guess mother/daughter time will be nice.




I hope your daughter gets things cleared up. Its such a pain when Doctors think they can shove their work off. But I guess we are in a Dr. shortage right now too, but no excuses.




I hope going to cinnci. really helps. Its no fun having breathing problems. I know how you feel about the coughing. I spent half the night coughing so much that sometimes it was like I was going to throw up.


I GOT TO EXERCISE LAST NIGHT! I finally had enough energy to get on the bike. I did a good 30 mins of a pretty high pace. So, I hope I'm getting back into the swing of things.


I did do a bad thing yesterday. I felt so bad, I left work early and got a Dr. apt. for later. I hadn't ate lunch yet, sooooooooooo I stopped by a Wendys on my way home. I got a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo (I added reduced fat at home), but I got the fries and a diet coke. When I get sick, especially after lasting this long I search for "comfort" food. And right then I was so tired and felt bad that I didn't make a good choice, then I went home and ate a cup cake thingy. Even worse. I mean I had all the points for it, but I'm not going to lose 50lbs making choices like that. Anyway, my confession is complete.


I had taco salad for dinner with deer instead of beef. I did use some flex points for an ww bar and oreos, but it wasn't that bad. I felt better when I got on the bike.


Today, it was cereal and toast.

I'm gonna get around to that leftover sloppy joe today.

Fruit and popcorn for snacks.

Maybe grilled cheese for dinner.


Good Choices guys.

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Jess- I should be a couponer but I haven't done real good at it in the last few years. I do get excited when I find a great deal and am going to try and do better at getting stuff we need and not getting stuff we don't. I just don't know when I would do coupons plus my kids seem to get into them and think they are fun toys.


Kim- Yikes seems like you are going to be going on this trip just in time. You can relate to a friend of mine. Her grandaughter was born on Monday and has been on oxygen since birth. The parents only got to see her last night and then they moved her by helicopter to a childrens hospital. Seems she swallowed a lot of maconium (SP?) and the nurse didn't tell the dr till right before the delivery that the baby had a bowel movement in Mom's tummy. They believe that is whats wrong with her. Her oxygen level has dropped to 60 even with the oxygen on her.


Brooke- I totally understand about the sickness and comfort food. I am suprised you held out that long. When my allergies mess up I seem to eat and eat just to make my throat fell better. But today is a new day so it doesn't matter any more.


Kimmers- Miss you!


I am still hanging in there. Tried the yogurt covered pretzels yesterday and they were good as well as the Energy nuts mix I bought. I keep them in the kitchen instead of my desk because they might be a little to good. I am drinking 1 coke zero a day because I can't really bring my tea with splenda to work. I always have it around 10am so that way it doesn't keep me awake at night. Sleep has been great. Getting up at 4:30 am now so I am close to where I was before the cruise.

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Annette - See that's the odd thing, my O2 levels have always been in the normal range 96-100%. That's why I think it's part of my airway that is very small due it being rebuilt. I know that this doctor will be able to help me out, at least I'm hoping so!!!

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Hey guys,


Its Thursday and I have my first pre-stats class today....:eek:. I'll see how this goes. Anyway, I didn't exercise last night. I tried not to sit down until dinner b/c I was sooo tired that I knew I would fall asleep. Then i sat down to eat and I was full after so I got in the recliner to let the food settle before exercise and bam! I was out like a light. I had to wake myself up and go upstairs to bed at 8:30!!!!! Needless to say, no exercise b/c my body just wouldn't let me. Even though I feel much better, who knows. I even missed American Idol!


So, last night was stir fry with veggies, whole wheat rice and grilled chicken with a soy sauce mixed with water. I was so hungry before dinner that I scarfed down some chips and cheese dip, but I def. had the points for it. Ever have something just taste soooooo good b/c its just perfect timing that you just keep eating it? That's how the chips felt last night.


Today I had cereal for BK and I stopped and got a skim milk, sugar free caramel steamer b/c I had a $1 off.

Lunch is a leftover chicken breast and whole wheat rice.

Fruit and popcorn for snacks.




I wish you could go too, it seems like my plans are being sacked, possibly again.




I wish you lunch in Cinnci.




I know what you mean about snacks. Out of site, out of mind. Sometimes. :)


Good choices.

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Brooke - you missed the "Pants on the ground song"! ha..you could you tube it though - I thought it was so funny.


Well I finally got weighed last night..I seriously gained like 10lbs since the holidays started. I guess not only did that have to do with the holidays but the stress. I gotta learn to use my emotions in a different way.


Anyway today I started with not even having 5 minutes for breakfast so I threw in a half english muffin in the toaster with little bit of peanut butter and ran out the door eating it. lol


I took a bunch of waters and did have about half a cup of coffee with splenda and little bit of half in half.


Well I got a bunch of Free Soy Joy bars from CVS for freee this week so I decided to put them to good use and brought them to work. I shared one with a co-worker so I only ate half (and they are pretty small to begin with) but they are really healthy and it just satisfied a hunger.


I have no clue what I am gonna do for lunch or dinner but it's gotta be healthy.


As for the coupons - I myself am a big couponer. I slow down a lot during the holidays but now I'm starting to get back into it. I get things for free or profit off from them all the time. If it's something I don't need I sell it or give it away. Last year I made a tone of gift baskets that I called "Economy survival kits" I had bandaids, body wash, toothpaste, pain relivers..and I had a saying for each item related to the bad economy. I made like 10 of them just using the stuff I had already gotten for free - so I was making a profit and selling the baskets for cheap when they were stuffed full of good useful things.


This year I did not do that but I had a lady buy a bunch of stuff from me for cheap. I also sell some of it at yard sales and I do donate and of course we keep what we use. I notice I spend a lot less money doing it that way then not couponing at all. Just a little hobby I like to do on the side. :-)


Hope everyone has a splendid day! ;)

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Ugh, you know sometimes the cruise boards are helpful and sometimes people are just rude. Not you guys, on the main boards. I asked for help on getting my mom's friend's husband to come with us and though I got some ideas, most people just told me to leave him alone and it was none of my business.....geesh. If you didn't have a activity or idea to offer, why respond?


But you guys are always helpful. :D Anyway, last night was lasagna and a baked potato with wheat toast. Snacks were chips and cheese dip (I really got to throw that cheese dip away) and a ww ice cream bar.


I got my 30 min bike ride in and I kept the same pace throughout, I was proud that I didn't slow down at all. I still counted it as only a moderate workout. I don't want to say I earned more than I actually did, its okay it I underestimate.


Today it was fiber cereal with toast.

Leftover lasagna and a side salad with light dressing.

Fruit for snacks.

Dinner as you know is up in the air.




I know the feeling. Christmas was sooooo hard. Family and stress and emotions running high. Sometimes I think I put food in my mouth just so I wouldn't feel the urge to speak to something I shouldn't speak to. But you can do it b/c you already got back on track before you even knew you were off with your trainer.


Your awesome with coupons. I've seen stories on the news about people who practically make a livin off of just using coupons and entering sweepstakes and things. Its amazing what you can do when you sit down and put some effort in. Most people are just too lazy to take the time. I would be one of those people.....tehe.




I hope your daughter is okay. I pray that she doesn't need surgery, but if its what will fix the problem, then I pray that she gets what she needs.




Good luck!


Good choices!

Happy Weekend!

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Morning. The kids are out of school today so I have all of them here at the tax office and already thinking it might be a long day. lol I woke up very lazy this morning and I wasn't sure why. I did manage to make myself walk but still just feel slow. I did find my meds in my pocket this morning that I forgot to take before bed so maybe that has something to do with it. Of course PMS is really kicking my behind this month. Mood swings and kids not the greatest.


Brittany has to have an MRI and the Dr thinks she will need surgury. I hope that I don't give into a lot of stress eating but I started to think of all the stuff that needs to be done and her Dad coming and acting like Dad of the year and it makes me want to run. (too bad not on the treadmill).


Have to run but I will hop back on later and finish.


Good luck today

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Brooke- I know the feeling about just being so tired. I was like that yesterday. I think my sinus issues are starting to act up. :( I agree about some of the people who respond. If you really don't have an answer stay off the board. Why even take the time to post to say nothing helpful??? I have read other boards but only posted on 2. Our meet and mingle group was small. No one has even posted on there since we returned.


Jess- Sorry about the weight gain. I know that can really dampen your mood but I think you are doing great getting back on track. You didn't even have to tell us but you did so thats a start. Hope you get to work with your trainer next week.


Kim- Good luck with your visit to the Dr. Can't wait to hear what he says.



I did bad yesterday. Felt bad and just found myself snacking way to much. I still have a headache but its all on my left side. It starts from my left nostril then goes up to one part of my head. It feels odd but thats why I think it is sinus related.


Good news is that I walked 4 miles this morning instead of 2. :D That puts me at 28 miles for this year


I am thinking of a possible Disney Cruise with the kids in 2012. I know I am a bit early but Richard is in school for the rest of this year then he needs to find a job so we can save up for it. I know that it will cost more but I think the kids (and I) will really enjoy it. I know they will enjoy the shows more then on the other cruise ships. I just hope its not that late.


Brooke- I hope your plans work out for you soon.


Jess- Great job with the coupons. I am jealous.

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This last week was so busy. Had to work full-time job and then help with Family Business (Photographers) had a big Upward basketball contract.

Tuesday wanted to watch Biggest Loser. Wednesday wanted to watch American Idol but agree with Annette just cannot get into it this year.

Friday was day off but had to run errands since didn't get that done during the week.


Diet was a little off this week but not much had subway one day and mcdonalds one day otherwise remained on the diet watching the calories. Still managed to get to Curves twice this week, which I thought was good with the hectic schedule. Also played the WII a couple of times to get in some more exercise.


I feel blessed that I was missed.


Good Luck Kim at Cincy -prayers are with you

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Morning all,




I hope all is going well in cinnci.




I'm not gonna miss this weeks Idol....I might have to miss biggest loser for it though......I don't have tivo........we don't even have a VCR anymore. How is the training going?




We did miss you! But we all understand hectic schd. Just glad to see you are doing well.




I know I just read your post, but did your daughter get anymore news yet? How about the "dad" thing?


Well, I did my home weigh in this morning. My official weight now is 323.2, which means I've lost 28.8 lbs. I'm almost to my 30lbs. If I keep losing 1lb a week I'll be good. I need to lose 21.8lbs by June to meet my 50lb goal. And with the cruise schd. I have 22 weeks....eeekkkkk it by. I'm gonna have a couple weeks of 2-3lb losses to make this. Maybe the cruise will give me the motivation.


I did the exercise this week, but I also over did some food choices. I have to try harder this week. I know I can do it.


This morning was a sheetz schmuffin with ham and egg with a skim milk steamer with sugar free caramel (I made them put only a half a shot of caramel, its too sweet otherwise.) Anyway, I only did that b/c mom is off today, so she is going to the store today and I had no cereal left.


Lunch is a cup of chili made with deer meat and some kind of mix mom had with home canned tomatoes. I equate to turkey chili to get my points. And a baked potato with ff sour cream and smart balance butter.

A large orange for snack and popcorn.


Dinner is probably going to be meatloaf b/c mom made it yesterday ahead of time. If I know her it will be with corn and mashed potatoes. But again the meatloaf is based with deer.


I got to get the exercise in tonight. They say that people are more inclined to exercise the rest of the week if they start off on Monday. I didn't last week and still got exercise, but I wasn't as much inclined, lol.


I'm so excited about this cruise. I keep thinking all of this stuff I need and need to do, but I have to be careful b/c paying for both of us is making things a bit tight, but I think I can pull it off. I need to make a list already b/c I'm getting things all jumbled in my head and its making it hard to sleep b/c my mind is so busy + work + the class I'm taking.


I'm going to sit at my desk this morning and make a "work list" and a "personal list", so I can get everything out of my head and on paper before I try and dive into all the work I have this week.


Good choices.

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I had a dentist apt. this morning for a cleaning, that was fun, lol.


Anyway, I haven't been able to book my cruise yet b/c my boss hasn't given me the okay on the dates b/c her boss has to give her the Okay. I'm hoping by the end of the week b/c this is driving me crazy. Good things is that I'll get my paycheck by Wed. and have my credit card all paid off, so I can slap $600 more dollars on it, haha. I found the perfect hotel though! Just so you know for future cruises, its the Hilton Garden Hotel in Miami, FL and it offers park and cruise deals. This includes: Parking your car there, the hotel stay, breakfast buffett for each person in the room, and a free shuttle to the cruise port. The price it has (with est. tax) is $123 for the night. I don't think that is horrible for what you get.


So, I did get exercise in last night. 20 mins on the bike, 10 mins of weights and squats. I did go into my flex points though, I can't believe I started the week off going into those! But b/c I had a bigger BK that morning it pushed my points a little for dinner and then mom had gone to the store. She brought home this beautiful chocolate bundt cake. How could I not?! I mean I know I could NOT, but honestly!


Today was cereal and toast, then some grapes after the dentist to get that nasty dentist taste out of my mouth.


Lunch is leftover meatloaf with green beans with just some oil on them and an orange.


Popcorn for a snack and I might have to go to our bookstore and get something to snack on b/c I have too many points for tonight if I don't. I might spend it on a real soda for my stats class today, so I can stay awake.


Dinner is up in the air, as usual.


Good choices.

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Still haven't heard from my boss and I'm getting annoyed. Geez, she wrote me an email about work I needed to do, but can't approve my vacay....:rolleyes:. The price hasn't gone up on the level I want yet, in fact the balconies have come down, but still a little too much for me right now. But Early Saver could still run out and the longer I wait the earlier I have to make the final payment and I at least need to have my March paycheck before that happens. I guess I'm not as patient as I thought I was:o.


Anyway, I opted for American Idol last night instead of Biggest Loser. I just love the auditions, I might go back to BL after the auditions are over.


I did get my workout in. Right now I'm doing 20 mins. at a little more than moderate rate on the bike. Then I go straight to hand weights with 10 reps, 3x and 4 different movements. Then I do 30 squats with the hand weights and 30 bends with the hand weights. That's about 10 mins. I can feel my legs getting stronger. Now I just have to continue this for the rest of the week and stop making bad food choices.


Food.....ugh. I went into flex points last night again. I know that's what they are there for, but this early in the week I just feel so silly.


Last night was bbq and chips, then a slice of that stupid chocolate cake, a pickle, and a slice of this pull-away bread.


This morning I had fiber cereal, toast, grapes

Lunch-Going to subway on-campus for a 6 inch chicken breast sub with baked chips.

Dinner, do I ever know?

Orange for snack and popcorn.


Here's to getting over Hump Day.

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Ok I must have missed my email telling me that someone had posted so decided to come see for myself. Good thing. lol


Brooke- So glad that you convinced your Mom to go. I want to know all the details when, where, ship. I am a research freak. I think I have decided that we are going to go on a family cruise with my family of 6 and my parents. If anyone else wants to go they can but I am letting people know up front that I am going to be doing what works best for my family and me because it is just too hard to try and please everyone on a vacation. The good news is I am pretty sure we will go on a Carnival cruise on the new ship Dream. I looked into a 7 day Western Caribbean cruise with 2 balcony rooms because I just can't imagine going on one without that. Its probably not to shocking to imagine that I don't really do a lot of the late night activites on the cruise. After dinner I was so stuffed that I just wanted to go relax in my room and wait for the sun to come up. :o I use to like to dance but Richard does not and I had no desire to go by myself. Anyway, off track, I'm back the sad part is it will not be until Dec of 2011 or Dec 2012. The kids will have to miss 5 days of school but to bad. They have never had issues with being out of school to much. I know there will be differences between Carnival and Royal Caribbean but we are saving $3000 for going with Carnival. I could have picked a smaller ship or an inside room, or waited till even furture in the future but I want to go before Brittany graduates and Dec 2012 will be the last Dec before graduation. :eek::eek::eek:!!!! It was only a little over $6000 for the 8 of us but really for what I am looking at that is not so bad. If life runs perfect we might could go in 2011 but Richard will not graduate from college until this Dec so he will not be looking for a job till Jan of 2011. Praise the Lord our home and cars are paid for already. He still gets unemployment but it is tight so if I stay on a good budget and he gets a decent paying job we might can save it that fast.


OK enough about that


Kimmers- Hope the schedule clears up soon.


Kim-I see you are having more surgury I will continue to watch for updates on facebook.


Jess- How are things going? Have you been back to the trainer this week?


Still having terrible tummy pains but hoping they end soon. Diet has been decent but nothing great. Still walking daily 36 miles so far;). I really need to get back to strength training before my butt starts clapping for me on the treadmill. LOL Planning to make myself get on the scales after this bloating leaves. Hope its not as bad as I fear.


Kimmers- On Biggest Loser does that lady on the red team get on your nerves. She is just not honest about what she is doing in the game. Of course I didn't like the way she implied that is was only her husband that needed to learn something on the very first show. I think she started game playing way to early in the game and I have never known anyone to try and not lose weight 2 weeks in a row.

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Hello everyone!


Well I finally took a chance and decided to look for an apartment. I found one that had a perfect location and I have an appointment to see it tomorrow. Nothing is set in stone..so we will see.


Yes I have been seeing the trainer and also going on my own in the mornings. Today was a really hard work out day but I needed it because it's weigh in day at work! Not sure if I have lost anything cause I've only done okay on my eating habits...but I'm trying and starting to make small changes.


today I had


B- hardboiled egg and half english muffin with peanut butter

s- an apple

L-half cup chicken salad and veggie salad

S- small bag of Sunchips


Not sure what is for dinner tonight..have to baby my niece so we'll see.


Good choices everyone and I'll post back on how I did for weigh in.

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Morning all,




That is awesome. Nothing like searching for some independence. Wish I could get to that place. Good luck on your weigh in!




Well, Its on Carnival Liberty and its leaving from Miami on June 19th. We are going to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, and Ochos Rio. Mom and I are still planning on driving (14 hours) and I found a hotel in Miami that has a park and cruise rate. It had great reviews and it has a decent price. Tehe, it was funny last night when I booked it b/c they asked for Mom's legal name and her birthday and my mom goes by her middle name usually and then I had to remember what year she was born. Then I had to go downstairs and ask her, but every time I went to ask her dad was there and we aren't telling dad yet, b/c he can be Mr. Negativity when it comes to stuff like that. It was a good thing I was right in the first place, lol. So, I'm booked and ready to go. I just hope that nothing happens in the next 4 months to mess things up. I'm thinking about doing trip insurance. I got some quotes from insuremytrip, which has better prices and coverage than Carnival's. What do you guys think?




Hope all is going well. Glad the first round went well.




Busy busy busy, lol.


Okay, so last night I had grilled cheese sandwiches with tortilla chips with ff sour cream and salsa. Then I had a snack cake with low fat milk, a slice of bread, then I had some points so I made myself vanilla milk. Mom used to make me vanilla milk when I was little,I though it was sooooo cool. Its just milk with vanilla flavoring, but it does taste good, probably why I like steamers.


I got in 25 mins on the bike last night. I didn't do the weights and squats, I figure I needed to give my muscles a break, since they were kind of tense and sore. But I think its back on tonight. Gotta get that 21.5 lbs off by June for sure now.


Today is the cereal, toast

banana for snack

meatloaf, corn, fruit cup


IDK, lol


Its Thursday and rainy here and I have pre-stats class today. Bleh, but Good choices!:D

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Brooke, I tend to always get the insurance. I even got it on concert tickerts before. No one ever really knows what the future holds. Plus, as far as the cruise, I got it for the medical insurance as well.


Jess- How did your weigh-in go?


Kim- Sorry to see you had to cancel or postpone your cruise.


Brooke- I have been meaning to ask you what a steamer is???


Today's lunch was a plain potato and small chili from Wendy's. I put chili on the potato since I didn't have any butter spray at the office.

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My weigh in went great. I lost almost 6 lbs! :D


Unfortunatley out of 12 people that put me in number 9 and that's because it goes by percentage and I weigh the most :(


So now I'm back on and going full force..the only man in the competition lost 9lbs and is winning and you know what they say about how men lose it faster? Well I'm stepping up my game. LOL


I looked at the apartment today. The owner of the building is wicked nice and said he would even try to make it more affordable for me. It is at the third floor and there's a lot of stairs but that just get me more excercise. It's not far from home and I could walk to work! The location is GREAT!


Brooke- Wish you lived close in the area so you could be my room mate!

That would be awesome!


Your doing great on your workouts by the way..they seem to be getting more intense- keep up the great work!! and I DEFINITLEY recommend getting insurance FWIW! ;)

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