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Cruising to Healthy


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Jess that is GREAT! That's like a lb a day! I know you want to win the game, but geez forget the %, you rock! Wish I could lose 6lbs in a week, lol.

We soooo would be awesome roomies!




How's the baby girl, well not a baby, but that's what mom calls me.




I see you get some rest, I hope it helps move things along. I'm sad you had to cancel your cruise.


Last night I had leftover bbq, but it was only 3oz and I spread it between two wheat buns to get my whole grain in and had some mashed potatoes with it, but I starting getting full, so I let Fat Dog have the rest. Then I had some vanilla milk and snack cake for dessert. Mom fixed me a homemade steamer too, I couldn't say no to it b/c she was trying to be so nice. I didn't get any exercise in though. I was just tired and needed to do a bit of cleaning up of my room, so I did that instead and then hit the bed.


Today I had cereal with toast.

We didn't have leftovers at the house, so I guess I'll go to the subway on campus for lunch, but my workstudy student brought me some fruit from our cafe yesterday, so I some good stuff to snack on today.

Dinner: Mom isn't working today b/c we got some freezing rain so they canceled school. I hope she makes something for tonight. I fear that she will make pizza.....my enemy.


Anyway, I'm excited about the cruise. I need to get the insurance. I really can't afford it right at the moment. Well, I can, but it will be stretching the budget I planned. Do you guys use what the cruise ship offers or do you use alternate insurance. Cruise Critic members seem to like the insuremytrip website.


Happy Weekend!

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CONGRATS JESS!!!! 6lbs is amazing. I don't think I could do that. Good luck with the contest but even if you don't win its great motivation.


Brooke- I used the RCCL insurance that they offered. When I was pricing for the next one I used the Carnival ins price. Of course, I have never heard of the other one you are talking about. I might look into it.



I take Brittany this afternoon to see what the Dr says about surgury or not. Must admit I am nervous but she is very nervous. I will fill you in on what he says.

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Thanks guys!


Went to the gym again today.


today so far I've had:


1 egg over easy on half english muffin and slice of cheese


1/2 off a Soy Joy bar for a snack


Salad and small side of chicken salad


but I was still sooo hungry that I got a small bag of sun chips and had a cho. chip cookie.


Tonight I was invited out witha few girls from work and I'll try to make healthy choices there.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!


EDIT: Brooke - check out Travel Insured International

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Hello, Sorry I missed a couple of days, work was so busy could not get on computer then after work was watching my nephews basketball and indoor soccer games. But I'm on today LOL


Brooke - good for you and I know you'll be able to lose those extra pounds by June, your cruise critc friends will be on your shoulder " you can do it brooke, you go girl" Check out Travel Guard-It depends on my cruise as Hawaii was cheaper through Carnival.


Kim- Glad to hear everything went well, I am just going to have to get on facebook. Prayers are with you that they get everything figured out before you return home :)


Annette- you are so sweet thanks for missing me. Sounds like your household is a zoo too making sure everybody gets some attention and carted around to their extra curricular activites and doctor appointments. What a wonderful mom you are.


Jess-How are the soy bars, I was always going to try them but never have. Congrats on your weight loss


Since I went back to yogert and bagels for breakfast and cereal or salad for lunch I feel much better but still have not got on the scale. I will tomorrow as it is my monthly weigh in at Curves Ugh! not looking forward to it. But maybe I did lose and just bringing me down who knows

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Well, no weight loss this week, but I didn't gain either. I stayed exactly the same. Its not a bad thing, so I won't be too disappointed, it just puts me back on my goal of a 1lb a week. I know what the problem was though. It was like the more exercise I did the more I wanted to eat. It was crazy. I need to really watch the kinds of food I'm putting into my body. I've been eating too many things with high fat and empty calories. I have to realize that just b/c I have the points for it doesn't mean that I need it. I think it will help me out this week if I just really pay attention to whats in my food and how much I'm eating of certain things. With my increase in exercise I think I should do better this week. Even though my arms are sore and my back has been getting sore too. I may have to stop using the weights win I do squats b/c I think its too much pressure. Any other exercises that you know of that are easy to do at home that are easy on the back?


Last night I had a lean hamburger on a wheat bun with reduced mayo, mustard, ketchup, and pickle with a serving of tater tots. Then I had some banana pudding that I made earlier. Thats all I had besides about two big cups of water.


I did my 30 mins on the bike, 5 mins of dumbells, and 5 mins of squats and dumbells.


I did 6 days of exercise last week, mainly what is above, give or take a few. Sat. I did two workouts. My upper arms and back are starting to feel like I have shoulder pads on, lol.


This morning I'm having fiber one cereal, with whole grain toast with smart balance butter.


We didn't have leftovers to eat, so I'm going to subway today and having a 6 inch roasted chicken breast on garlic bread with lettuce, tomato, pickle and I put my own Light Mayo and mustard on there to control the amount. I'll get the meal with baked chips. I have a fruit cup of pears too. I might get their packet of apples on the side b/c they are zero points b/c its not a whole apple in the pack.


Light Popcorn and an apple for snacks.


Mom is out of school today b/c we had some flooding in our area, so I think I might call her this afternoon and ask if she has plans for dinner, so I can know what I'm eating or if I need to plan something else. Maybe that will help this week too.


It doesn't help that dad is trying to quit smoking again and they came home from shopping last week when they were off and brought home like every snacky thing you can thing of. All kinds of candy, snack cakes, desserts, chips, etc. its horrible and makes it sooooo hard on me. At least now I can usually make myself stop at one when I used to eat 2-3 at a time. I need some Will.




How did the apt. looking go? Are you thinking yes? When do you do your BL weigh ins at work?




I pray your surgery goes well this morning and recovery is quick.




Welcome back girl. Every little bit helps. Don't be afraid of that scale, all its there for is to let you know what your next step is.




I hope Brittany is doing okay. Are you still piled up with tax work? I have to get my done as soon as I get my W-2s, but I'm hoping this year is a refund.


Thanks for all the help on the insurance. I used the insuremytrip site and found a policy for $60 for the both of us with all the basics, so I think I will be fine. It doesn't cover unemployment though. Not that I think I will get fired anytime soon. Mom is finally getting a little excited I think. We finally got a chance to talk b/c dad had to go do some work for a friend. I showed her this website and she read some of the reviews and asked me questions. She looked online with me for "cruise clothes." She is nervous b/c this is her first cruise and she doesn't know anything and being a teacher she likes to be prepared. I think I might give her a cruise tip for everyday we have left towards the cruise, so she can learn as she goes. I mean its a lot to take it and can be confusing. Without cruise critic and just learning as I went along I would have never known half the stuff on my last cruise. And I'm still trying to think of ideas to "give" her the cruise for her bday in May. Some people say a tote bag with cruise stuff in it, or a treasure chest with the funpass in it, etc. I just don't know yet.


That's enough rattling for now.


Good choices.

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Well, I think I did better yesterday.


I had the subway sandwich and chips. I went to our bookstore and got a Special K bar for 180 calories and it satisfied my sweet tooth and it had 10g of protein, so it kept me full.


Then we had taco salads for dinner (with deer) and I had some banana pudding and a cup of milk.


I didn't exercise. I decided to take the night off. But BL is on and although I will be watching AI it motivates me that its on.


Today is leftover taco salad for lunch, though smaller portions.

popcorn, fruit for snacks.

I might have to get another one of those Special K bars for my pre-stats class snack today. I have to remember to pick some of those up in the store. I think the fiber one bars are done with for me....they are too rough on my tummy and they really don't make me feel full. So, I'll try the high in protein for a while.


Mom decided to get a passport for this trip. You should have seen us trying to hide what we were doing from dad (we haven't told him yet b/c he can be a grump butt about mom leaving him for too long-he is old school). It was funny b/c you have to list your spouse on the appl. and you have to give their birth place and we had to find his bc certif. to find out his birth place, lol. I hope we can keep this on the D-Low until May.


Good Choices!

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Hello all

I hooked up my wii fit and it is fun so far. Food I think I am doing ok with.

Breakfast this week was 100 calorie yogert, oatmeal on the go bar or bowl of special K Snack is kelloggs bar chocolate drizzle 90 calorie

Lunch has been salads or bagel and cream cheese with turkey bites for the protein

Snack in afternoon 1/4 cup nuts

Dinners have been good we have a 3-4 oz meat, vegetables, and fruit

but I sneak in my cookies with coffee for desert.

I found a vegetable casserole that is easy and good. I made it on Sunday and I have leftovers. I can provide recipe if anyone wants.


Brooke- sounds like things are going well for you. It is also good that you look at the ingredients. One of the items I was eating was good for calories but sodium was outrageous. I am trying to stay positive and will go for checkup next week at doctor. One of the Curves instructors has made me mad so I want to lose even more weight to prove her wrong. Thanks girls for letting me vent. Have a good day, I know I am as Biggest Loser.

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Quick update on Brittany. Dr basically was rude and told Brittany she was doing it on purpose and didn't listen to what we were telling him then told her to do a move everyday which is a move the PT told her to stop doing because it was making her arm pop out every time. We tried to tell Dr he said that didn't make any sense to him. Told us to come back in 3 months. I left didn't really ask any questions because I knew this Dr was not going to be the one for me. Brittany was mad as fire and we both left very upset (had to hold back the tears I was so mad). But luckly when I called my pediatrition he informed me that the Dr he recommended had changed offices. I called he takes our insurance and they got us in for an appt Feb 9th. I prayed this morning that God would open and close doors but I was thinking about treatment wise but I knew that the door that slammed was a door between me and that practice. I honestly think that it is because she is on Medicaid. I have waited on saying that even though I had a feeling that was why we kept seeing the PA instead on the Dr but I truly believe that now. I told my pediatrition who is kind enough to call me again on his lunch break to help me decide what to do next and when I told him that I missed some of what the Dr said because he had said she was doing it on purpose and I knew how mad Brittany was he was just like uh-oh. He has always complimented Brittany about being mature and standing up straight and making eye contact with him but he said that is a lot of responsiblility to be handing her heatlh over to just her at her age. But only 2 weeks until the next visit and I hope we get the same solution of no surgury but with just some answers and a decent attitude. It doesn't Make since Dr's tell you to avoid stress then they are one of the main causes of it. I tell you if you don't like a dr find a new one. Their life is no better then yours. I would rather have a really good Dr that cared about me then a great Dr that thinks he is better then me.


Diet for today:(:(:(:( Lets just say stress has been controling a lot of what is going in my mouth.



Kimmers- Anything that makes you work harder is a plus. LOL Good luck. I imagine it must have been pretty bad for her to upset you that bad.


Brooke- I am so excited for you and your Mom. A friend of mine on facebook is going on a cruise and I have been flooding her inbox with messages. Of course some girl told her to sneak beer on the ship it would save her money. Well I kindly told her in a private message since I didn't want to argue with strangers that since she had decided not to get a passport I definatly did not recommend her trying to sneak beer on the ship (not that I would anyway) but that by some chance if she got stuck in customs without a passport she would spend a whole lot more trying to get back in the US. Of course this same lady was telling her they got cuban cigars and smuggled them back in the United States I don't know about you all but I was afraid they were going to say something about a 16oz soda that I had opened and was drinking so I know I couldn't admit to everyone on facebook that I was smuggling stuff in the US. I hope things go good with your Dad too. It must be so hard to have to wait till May I would be told on myself I am a hugh planner and love to talk about everything I find. LOL I can just imagine you and your Mom sneaking around looking for your Dads birth cert. That is so funny.


Jess- How are things going with your new position and apartment desicions?


Kim- Miss you wish we could get an update from you. I have been worried that we haven't heard anything.

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Brooke- your doing great- keep up the good work ;)


Annette - sorry that happened to you and your daughter. Sometimes having to deal with certain doctors stinks because not all of them fit you. I had a big to-do with my doctor a couple years ago and she was HORRIBLE! I went through so much with that doctor- thank goodness I finally have a decent one that CARES about her patients! Some people IMHO shouldn't be in the health care field no matter how smart they are because some are just not people friendly at all. I hope everything works out for you and your daughter!


BTW- the new position is going well, I'm learning a lot of web stuff and getting more comfortable everyday. thanks for asking!


Kimmer - your lucky I want a Wii Fit so bad!! :)


The next official weigh in is tomorrow (Wed) at 6pm. To be honest I'm pretty nervous about it because my eating has not been great. It's always the weekends that really get me. I have cut down though and still making the small changes..but I don't think it's enough. We'll see tomorrow how it goes. I'm still excercising every morning for 30 min too.


I looked at another apartment last night. A lot smaller then the first one I saw but this price was $25 cheaper per month and included all utilites. In the same town I live in now (which is about 15 min away from work)...I compared the two last night and so far the first one has more Pro's for me.


I did email someone on the weekend (Sat) about a place I saw online that was only like 5 min away from work and it was $75 cheaper per month then the first one and also included heat and hot water and looked very spacious. I want to see it but I still haven't heard back from the guy.


I really do want to take this next step especially now that I've looked at the apartment and starting visualizing what it would look like. The only thing is I still have car payments..(thankfully I only have a few left) so I'd have to probably do something on the side to get some extra $. I'm already getting ready to sell some of my beloved Coach bags. lol.

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I got busy this morning. I have a few projects I've been kind of slack on that I just need to get off my desk.......so to move on to another project.




Last night was grilled cheese with chicken noodle (the campbells healthy ones). I had a ww ice cream with whipped cream mixed in. Then I had banana pudding for dessert and few tortilla chips with cheese dip for a snack.


I did 25 mins on the bike........waiting until after American Idol and then did my 10mins of weights. I only did 20 squats and then used the weights to stretch down and touch my toes a few times to stretch my back out. It still hurts, but I think my SI joint is out, which is causing stress on the nerve. So I will see the chiro on Friday and see if he can prevent going backwards b/c I can't afford to lose any exercise time right now.


I had cereal and toast for bk. I think the toast I've been using is higher in points that I though. Its a new brand mom bought and I didn't think to check the calories b/c it looked just like the other ones. That might have been part of the problem last week. 1 point can make a difference.


Lunch: Well, I was bad, but not horrible. I had a slice of cheese pizza from our Papa Johns on campus and a Special K protein bar.


I had an apple for a mid-morning snack. I have popcorn and fruit cup in case I need them. I'm hoping I can make it to dinner with out anymore food.


Tonight, we probably will have hamburgers and possibly tator tots. So I have an idea.


Jess, assert your independence! LOL. I hope you had a good weigh in!




Sounds like you are moving right along and making some good choices.




Hope the healing is going well.




We all those times in our lives where it seems God test our will on every level. If you slip on food choices b/c your under stress don't worry about it. Its just one time in your life, it won't last forever and when you are ready and the stress is gone you will know what to do. So, don't stress about stressing over stressing.....tehe.


Hope it works out for your daughter. And I totally get medicad/medicare thing. They are so annoying with things pertaining to my grandmother. If doctors realized we were people and not just a name/number on a chart they might show some humanity.


Good choices

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Brooke - I forgot to ask..are you still doing weigh in's on Tuesdays?


Tonight is my weigh in - I'm pretty sure I lost a couple but I know it's not a whole lot. I weighed myself on the weekend and earlier today and the scale said 3lbs so we will see!


Finally I am near the weight I started with before the holidays..now I really can start "losing".



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Hope weigh in's went well today! Good point about not stressing about stressing Brooke. I did better today then yesterday but still not like I should. Plus my Mom bless her had been bring BK breakfasts to work for me. I don't want to say please no because I know it was a big deal for her to actually stop and go through the drive thru window. This Sat will be one year since her wreck and she is still very very nervous about driving. Especially at night or in traffic. I have done good with kinda putting it aside and then giving it to JC when I pick him up from school. :rolleyes:


On the cruise front- I have changed my mind again about what I want to do. I have decided to do the Freedom Of The Seas which is the sister ship from the one we just went on. Now please don't get me wrong for anyone that likes Carnival or any other cruise line. I am just picking what I feel best about. I kept going back and forth and back and forth because RCI was 3000 more then Carnival for the 8 of us on a 7 night cruise. But then bad reviews about Carnival Dream were really bothering me, then I would think just go for it, then back, etc etc. Well I decided last night to look up the stats on each ship. Turns out that Carnival Dream is 24000 gross tonnage smaller then Freedom yet it holds 12 more passengers. Well to me that just means less room per person. Maybe why so many complaints about the lines for food and how crowded areas on the ship seemed. So I was still looking around today and found that if I take the exact cruise and port of calls in Nov instead of Dec it will save $2000. Or if we go on the Freedom and do the Eastern Caribbean instead of the Western we could save $2000. So that is my plan. (for now lol)


Well have a great night/day everyone.

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When I quit doing the "at work" ww program I changed my weigh in day to Monday. Its really just for my mind set. New week=start over. So, I will let you guys know each Monday morning, since I have my own scale at home.


I hope you weigh in went well! 3lbs would be awesome!




I do the same thing with my mom. Sometimes she thinks she is helping me and she really isn't, but you can't tell them that b/c when you really do need help they might not try, lol.


I say do what you are comfortable with on vacation. If you are comfortable with RC, then go with them. I went on them for my hs grad trip, one of the older, older ships though, so I don't think I was that impressed. I would love to go on the newer ones, but the price is not right for me. I'm going on Carnival b/c last time I had a great time, the service was good, the price was right. And I feel like I'm getting more of what I want out of a cruise than I would on the big RC ships b/c I don't surf, or zip line, or ice skate, lol. Plus Carnival has 185sq ft interior rooms compared to RC's 162 sq ft interior rooms for twice the money. But thats just what I'm looking for. I think with your family you should go with a ship that fits you and your family and heck yea, if you can get a deal, go for it! Don't apologize, lol.


Last night I was right about the hamburgers. So I had one of my lean hamburgers on my wheat bun with light mayo, ketchup, mustard and pickle. With a serving of tator tots. Then I had some banana pudding (thank god its gone now), a few chips to off set the sweet and a glass of milk. I'm trying to eat all my points by 8pm.


Then I did my 25mins on the bike. It was so cold in my room (I forgot to open my door to let the heat up) that I didn't even break a sweat, lol. I became my own personal heater. I didn't do weights. I think I will just start doing those every other workout b/c my shoulder feels pulled and my back is sore, so I might be over doing it.


Today is cereal, toast, and I made my own steamer at home, lol.

Lunch, IDK. No leftovers this week so I've been having to eat "out" all week for lunch. Today I might do the grilled chicken wrap from DQ, but I'm afraid I will get french fries. I might just do subway again. I like it, and its healthier and I have to walk to get there.


Dinner, I tried to pry it out of mom what she was thinking, but nothing. And I'm not sure what we have in the fridge I could even make.


We are suppose to get another snow storm this weekend, starting tomr. afternoon, so I guess my shopping for cruise clothes is not going to happen and I will have to fight against cabin fever and bordem eating again. But at least I'm taking off a half day tomr. before the snow hits for my chiro apt.


Good Choices

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Brooke- I think you should wait to buy you some cruise clothes you are doing so good I predict you will need more clothes by the time you go.;) I know exactly what you mean about boredom eating I find myself eating at times just to keep me awake. I had a freind tell me (out of kindness not being rude) that I messed up by going with the balcony room on such a big ship for my first cruise, because now I can't imagine me going without a balcony (again though I honestly would not be shocked if I was not the person on the entire ship that spent the most hours on my balcony- it really did not go to waste). I really wish Carnival would update their stateroom info on the Dream so I could see the sq footage. Its bad enough that the booklet I printed off their website doesn't match their website but I am like you I like to see the sg ft of the room itself.



Jess- I hope you did great last at weigh in.


I left my sandwich on the table this morning and when I called home to tell Richard to set it up on the counter for me he said it was gone. I asked him if the dog looked happy.:p So I did eat a sausage biscuit this morning but I haven't ate any snacks today so hopefully that will help. I have had a bad headache off and on for the last few days so it makes me feel a little queasy.


Getting ready to leave the office and go pick up kids from school. Tell next time ladies.

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Brooke, I tend to always get the insurance. I even got it on concert tickerts before. No one ever really knows what the future holds. Plus, as far as the cruise, I got it for the medical insurance as well.


Jess- How did your weigh-in go?


Kim- Sorry to see you had to cancel or postpone your cruise.


Brooke- I have been meaning to ask you what a steamer is???


Today's lunch was a plain potato and small chili from Wendy's. I put chili on the potato since I didn't have any butter spray at the office.



How did you enjoy Liberty. Though, is there really any bad ship? Looking forward to cruising in May aboard her. I too am aiming for the ever fitness. I celebrate 40 this year and would like to be super strong and healthy. It takes time, but I am determined to get there. I, like others on this thread, belong to sparkpeople-it is a fantastic tool. I always lose weight on cruises, because we are always on the move-we never use the elevators on board, just walk the stairs, and then on excursions we are on the move. I wish it would only stay off. I would like to be at the beginning of this cruise, what I was at the end of the last one. I use the pic of my last day aboard as inspiration. I tried the gym onboard once, and I too couldn't handle the motion.

Meals today, special k cereal, milk, salmon sandwich, unsweetened applesauce, chicken veg, rice soup(homemade), egg, zuchinni, eggplant, pepper, mushroom quiche, water, and I must confess, two Hersheys miniatures, oh ya, and a bag of those quaker crunchers-they say they are only 90 calories.

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How did you enjoy Liberty. Though, is there really any bad ship? Looking forward to cruising in May aboard her. I too am aiming for the ever fitness. I celebrate 40 this year and would like to be super strong and healthy. It takes time, but I am determined to get there. I, like others on this thread, belong to sparkpeople-it is a fantastic tool. I always lose weight on cruises, because we are always on the move-we never use the elevators on board, just walk the stairs, and then on excursions we are on the move. I wish it would only stay off. I would like to be at the beginning of this cruise, what I was at the end of the last one. I use the pic of my last day aboard as inspiration. I tried the gym onboard once, and I too couldn't handle the motion.

Meals today, special k cereal, milk, salmon sandwich, unsweetened applesauce, chicken veg, rice soup(homemade), egg, zuchinni, eggplant, pepper, mushroom quiche, water, and I must confess, two Hersheys miniatures, oh ya, and a bag of those quaker crunchers-they say they are only 90 calories.



Hi and Welcome Linda!


I haven't sailed on the Liberty yet, not until June, so I think you are ahead of me. I did sail on her sister ship the Freedom and really enjoyed it!


We are all friends here and hope you can feel part of the group. If we can help you in any way or you have advice for us, feel free.


We are all at different fitness levels and weight loss levels, but are always encouraging!


You seem to have the idea of what we do already. Just basically share our food choices, exercise options, weight loss, bad times, good times. But you don't have to share anything you don't want.


Look forward to hearing from you:D.

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Hi Linda. I look forward to getting to know you better. Depending on how much you read of these posts we pretty much bond over any and everything. I must say these girls have become a great inspiration to me. I always feel so blessed by the words of wisdom shared on here. Hope you feel free to share with us whatever you like. Sometimes I will jump on here just to vent and have a place to spill all my emotions so I don't end up eating them all.:eek:


Like Brooke said (she's one smart girl) feel free to ask anything you like. I think most of the time we don't mind answering.


Kimmers- Did you watch Biggest Loser this week? I watched the 1st half this morning while I was on the treadmill and that lady on the red team had me talking to the tv again. (Sorry if she is your fav or if anyone on here or that happens to read this knows her) She just drives me crazy. I kept wanting Bob or Jillian to remind her that she agreed that she lost the weigh-in on purpose 2 weeks ago. How can she not remember that and then act like they are criminal for suggesting she did that. I haven't got to the 2nd half yet although I did see who went home when I walked in while Richard was watching it on Tuesday. I will watch the 2nd part in the morning.


Kim- I am still checking your facebook daily to see if anyone has posted anything that lets me know you are doing ok. I hope all is going well you are still in my prayers daily.


Brooke- Just wanted to say good job again. I know I have told you before but you really make me ashamed of some of the choices I make but then I think of your let it go and make better choices attitude.



I have my alarm set for 4:15am and I plan to get some strength training in. I am still walking my 2 miles (up to 52 miles for the year) but I really want to get my arms and lower half toned. If this darn headache doesn't make me go crazy. Tried some benadryl tonight. Nothing else seems to be working. I know this is going to sound crazy and would really get a laugh from those in my family but I honestly feel like I have to much air in my head. (I told you it sounds crazy) I don't know any other way to describe it.


Off to bed!!! My new goal is to be in bed by 9:30pm.

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Today is a short work day for me. I'm taking the afternoon off for a chiro apt. and just figured I'd take the rest off too, lol.


I would just like to say thanks to Linda and Annette for being my push last night. I was sooooooo not wanting to get on the bike and exercise and I was trying to think of every excuse in the book not to. But I got on here and saw our new friend Linda and read Annette's nice things about me and said to myself, "Your not going to lose any weight sitting on your butt and if you don't get up then I'm sure there are a couple of people who would give you a swift kick in the butt."


Needless to say, I got up and got straight on the bike for a good 25 min. workout, then a 5 min workout with weights........then I wanted 30 mins. and did another 5 min. weight workout. SO THANKS YOU GUYS FOR FOR THE PRAISING WORDS THAT MAKE ME THINK TWICE!


Last night was funny. Mom and I ended up both at CVS at the same time. I needed hair dye and milk and she was getting her passport photos and make-up. So, while we were getting stuff we both were in the food aisle trying not to eat everything in site b/c we were both hungry. So mom decided to drop by Wendy's before she came home. I asked for a grilled chicken plain with a baked potato plain. O course they gave me mayo on my chicken instead of plain, but I can deal with that, I was just going to put reduced fat mayo on it anyway. And I used smart balance butter and ff sour cream on the patato. Then I had cereal for dessert and I was done for the night. (Oh, I stole some caramels from dad's candy jar when I got home b/c I was sooooooooo hungry, but I counted them).


Today, since I'm leaving at lunch and then have a little bit of time before my chiro apt. I decided that I will get something to eat out. These past two weeks have been hard b/c mom hasn't really cooked anything that makes leftovers and I'm too lazy to fix something myself for lunch, so I have been eating out. I've tried this week to really keep up eating healthy things and besides the papa john's pizza mid week I've done well. So keeping with that theme.....I'm choosing Arby's roast beef with just ketchup and right across the street is a KFC and I'm going to get mashed potatoes (no gravy), green beans, and corn for a total of 10points and three servings of veggies.


This morning was cereal (a little more than usual) and toast.

Special K bar for a snack

Arbys, KFC lunch

Mom might make soup tonight since we are expecting snow, but I'm not sure.


I'm going to look around at our local Catos while I have some time to kill this afternoon, but Annette I think you are right. I need to wait a little bit before buying clothes for the cruise. Its just that I have a hard time finding capris to wear and if I don't start looking early, they run out of my size or run out completely. And I don't wear shorts and I don't really like dresses too much.


Did I mention I pulled my suitcase out, I can't remember if I typed that yesterday. lol. I'm soooo silly.


I'm going to print one of those Carnival brochures for first timers, some tips from CC and some sample menus I found for mom to read over.


Since I'm getting home early today I think I can fit in two workouts today. I really want that 30lbs!!!!!! argggh.


Good Choices.

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Brooke- I am glad you got some encouragement last night! I have decided that it is always a good thing to pass on praise to others. Not only does it help the other person but it also tends to make you notice your blessings more. I don't think you are strange at all for getting the suitcase out. I am driving my husband nuts with telling him stuff I am finding out for a cruise that we aren't going on anytime soon. :p



I have done good today as far as eating goes. I even did a 16 minute Taebo workout along with my 2 miles. So hopefully I can stick to going to bed at 9:30am and getting up at 4:15am for now then move it up to 4am. Of course JC is in the back room here at the office taking a nap and we have people starting to come in one right after the other so I can't really keep him awake. :rolleyes:


Have a great weekend!!

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late start today b/c I was delayed into work b/c of our 10 inches of snow and possibly more coming this weekend. I've about had it with snow!


Anyway, So I weighed this morning........up 1lb! I can't believe it! I thought I really did better this week and I really put in the exercise, especially this weekend. I'm getting a little frustrated b/c all I want to do is hit 30lbs and I'm 2lbs away and I just can't reach it plus its slowing me down towards my 50lbs in June, arggghhh!


I have to calm down and stop the stress before it starts b/c that could make matters worse. I think I'm going to print out my eating for each day last week and look at. See where I might have gone wrong, where I might could improve.


Good news is that I did push some exercise this weekend. On Sat. I did three sessions on 20 mins on the bike and one weight session.


On Sun. I did 4 sessions of 30 mins on the bike and 2 weight sessions. I'm hoping if I can at least do 2 30 min. sessions on weekdays and a weight session every other day then I can make a diff. And I'm doing 2 30's b/c I can't sit on that bike for a whole hour without my butt going numb, which makes me not want to cont. the workout. So I take like a 10 min. break inbetween.


I'm also going to try some changes each week until I see some results. This week is going to be eating more points during the morning and afternoon hours and not leaving as many at night. It seems to me that I should burn more calories or have more time to burn more during the day. My body should need the full then and not so much when I get home.


So, I'm going to try eating a bigger breakfast with more protein like an scrambled egg with wheat toast and a small bowl of fiber cereal. And a well rounded lunch with protein, veggie, and fruit. Fruits and veggies for snacks and one protein bar or something else for a snack too.


So today,


I had 1/2 cup of shredded wheat (not fiber one b/c we ran out over the storm, so I had to eat the reg. frosted kind, but there was only about 6 nuggets left) and 1/3 of cup of wheat chex mix cereal both with 2% milk (dad bought the milk, he calls 1% water milk, *rolls eyes*). Then I scrambled one egg with 1 tsp of milk and 1 tsp of olive oil with a little salt and pepper. Put that on Low cal Wheat bread with 1 tsp of reduced mayo.


For lunch I brought 5 oz of Pork roast, 1/2 cup of green beans, and a Pear fruit cup.


For snacks I have 1 cup of baby carrots, 1 apple, and probably a Special K bar for right before I go home.


I want to eat something right before I go home b/c I want to start going home and doing 30 mins before I eat dinner and then 30 mins after I eat dinner, to break things up.


I will let you know how this experiment goes next week.


Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Good Choices

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I just had to come back and share......I'm finally getting my own office! I will no longer have to share with our work-study students! And this also makes me feel like they are wanting to keep me around for a while, lol.


This kinda turns my frown upside down from this morning's weigh in. God must have known I needed something to change my mood. YAY!:D

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Annette- the Carnival Dream has a family suite that is right up your alley (hosts 5 people in room). I know you like RC and that is fine anybody that saves money to go on vacation should surely get what they want. I have never travelled RC so don't know the difference. I have only been on Princess & Carnival.

Can't wait for tomorrow Biggest Loser episode. I was so happy that the one green went home. I thonk we need to get teh red girl and the other green gal and then it will be a good show. It's like they don't want to be there or are playing game play. Annette I think we are on the same page! LOL


Brooke - I agree you are doing so well and you'll want to wait to get those cruise Clothes ;)

Congrats on getting your own office.


Welcome Linda!


Jess-where are you?


Kim- Hope all is well with you.


Weekend went well and today was good bagel & cream cheese, yogert, fruit

snack was kelloggs special k bar

lunch-chicken noodle soup, key lime yogert, water

snack- probably nuts for protein

dinner- undecided might be hamburger green bean casserole

HAve a great day to all ")

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Kimmers- Oh yesh I was just a walking and fussing at the tv last week at that red girl still don't know why people don't remind them of what they said on previous shows. I must admit I am a little bit of a reality junky. I have been watching the Bachleor and it is kinda funny. This time hasn't been as bad but sometimes it has been me about to pull my hair out when they keep some of those people around. But it was the Trista and Ryan thing that has always kept me around. I am a sappy girl whatelse can I say.:o Thanks for the cruising tips!


Brooke- It could be muscle that caused you not to gain as well as water retention. I found out the few months before my cruise that I wouldn't lose anything for a couple weeks then I would drop 3 lbs in a couple days. There is always next week. You have some great ideas let me know if any of them work maybe I can try something new. No matter what you can't be making the choices you have been making and not be getting healtier. In your new office you can make a whole drawer of healthy snacks.


Kim- Glad to see your updates on facebook about things. Can't wait till you can get back on here full time with us.



Took JC to the dr today. Both of his ears are badly infected. This year I seem to be going to the dr with someone once a week. At least I haven't had to go! Got up and walked but haven't done Taebo but that one time last week. Shame on me!!:mad: I have got to get it together before I go way back and just give it all up. It's so much easier for me when I have a goal and a cruise in 2-3 years is not enough pressure for me. I guess that is jsut proof that I still haven't gotten the healthy lifestyle down pat yet. But tomorrow is a new day!

Jess- Have you made your mind up about what to do appt wise?

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I so agree on the Red lady. I haven't watched a whole episode yet, but I can tell from what I watched that she is evil,lol. Again, I don't think they should kick people off the show, everyone should get the same amount of time on the show to lose the weight and whoever loses wins.




I hope is muscle. I did measurements and I only lost a inch in my waste, my thighs, arms, and bust all increased. The only thing that would make that make sense is that I'm gaining muscle in those areas and that makes sense b/c those are the areas I'm working on. But I'm not going to let that be an excuse. I should be able to lose the weight.




Are you too busy moving into your new apt.!!!??????? lol




Love the fact that you are walking around the hospital. That is dedication my friend.


Last night was spaghetti and as usual mom used venison. So 1 1/4 cup of wheat pasta, 1/4 cup tomato paste, 2 oz of venison, 1 wheat bun with 1 tsp of butter.


When I got home I had a ww bar mixed with 2 tbsp of ff whipped cream.


After dinner I had 2oz of mini tortilla chips with 1oz of shredded cheese melted on them with salsa.


Then I had a bowl of rice chex with milk for dessert.


I was planning on staying in my daily points all this week. But since I'm math challenged I subtracted wrong last night and went over by 4 points, but I guess thats what the extra points should be for and not for that extra piece of chocolate I want.


I was going to do 2 30 mins sessions, but I couldn't do it. After 30 mins and 5 mins of weights I was tired and my energy was drained. I even waited for a little while to see if I could recover, ate those chips for some energy to burn, didn't help. I took a shower and went to bed and I was out like a light. That's until the crazy dreams started. I have to calm myself before I got to sleep b/c these crazy dreams keep me our of a deep sleep.


I will see if I can do 2 30's tonight without weights.


Morning was: 1/2 serving of fiber wheat, 1 cup of 2% milk, 1 serving of Wheat bread, 1 tsp of reduced mayo, 1 scrambled egg w/ 1 tsp of milk/1 tsp of olive oil to cook with.


Snack: Apple


Lunch: 1 cup of wheat pasta, tomato paste, venison, 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes, fruit cup, 1/2 cup baby carrots


Snack: Popcorn or Special K bar


Drink: Mostly water, but mom bought me some Gatorade low calorie drinks for flavor (50 calories per bottle) and potassium since my legs have been hurting lately.


BTW: I checked my eating from last week and I noticed my food choices got worse as I got closer towards the end of the week. I only ate within my daily points on one day. I used all my flex points and thats if I calculated everything right. So, yea there are some things I can do better and I will work on it this week if I can use a calculator or learn how to subtract, lol.


Oh, Where is our new friend Linda?


Good choices.

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breakfast, 1/2 bowl rice chex, and 1/2 cup 2% milk (bought wrong one LOL)

snack Hot green tea and Special K Bar

Lunch- don't know possibly noodle soup

snack-popcorn - nephew has a game so that is my treat. I know the lady that makes it and she makes a fresh batch if I want some so it has no butter or salt I add the amount I need

dinner-the casserole i was to have yesterday I made for today and yesterday had chicken breat leftovers I had forgot about.


Biggest Loser is tonight. I did something I never did on Wii Fit last night I walked the tight rope that is hard for balancing. I am getting the hang of some of the games. My goal is to try and beat the record from the previous time. I have not been to Curves since Friday. My schedule just isn't jiving. I will not get their tonight because of JV Basketball game probably get there tomorrow. The Wii Fit advised I gained 7 lbs since last Mon. but I had ate a snack of nuts and 8 oz water. wasn't expecting to get weighed in on there. was disappointed but didn't let it effect my workout. Need to go to grocery I ran out of some of my snacks... like fruit and yogert only have oranges.


Annette - sorry to hear your kids are under the weather. Get some vitamin C in their bodies. At least your healthy to take care of them. :)


Brooke- keep up the good work Girl! I just tried deer meat in chili it wasn't to bad.


Jess-must be moving and no computer ..... WE MISS YOU!! :(


Linda-Welcome to the board, need to get to know you better

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