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Cruising to Healthy


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I so had to have some of the jelly beans last night, lol.


Yesterday I did my afternoon session at work. My trainer is really pushing strengthening exercises for my back and body. So, I have to make up the cardio at night. And tomr. is a group workout, so they should have some cardio. He is def. pushing me to do somethings I wasn't sure if I could even do. I was surprised at what I could do. I think they are switching my trainer though. Apparently, he is trained in Karate and someone wants to train for that, so we are getting switched. I know the girl they are switching him with, but I was just starting to like the way he explained how to do the exercise and what not to do and he explained what they exercise did for my body. I was also feeling challenged and I hope that continues.


Last night:


Went with the Lean hamburger on wheat bun and tator tots. Then I had a WW dessert with a glass of milk and some chips to finish off a few points.


Then I did 20 mins of Fat burning exercise on my dvd, went straight to the bike for 20 mins and then right to the weights for 10. I def. got my heart pumping and broke a nice sweat.


This morning


BK-Fiber one cereal

Lunch-Early lunch for our workstudies-we are going to get them food from Wendy's to celebrate Work study appreciation week. So I think I will have a grilled chicken sandwich and I'm debating on weather I want a baked potato or just some fruit. Maybe if I get broccoli on the baked potato too I can get some veggie servings in?

Snack-Special K bar



Good Choices

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Well I was doing so good then wam I was craving some foods :(. and we all know how that goes. LOL

wed snack nothing

wed dinner - went mexican I was craving salsa & cheese I did well though had some chips between 4 of us only had only the one bowl so we all were proud of that since we normally have a bowl for each one of us ( I guess I am rubbing off on them :)). Then I had chicken chimichunga unfried with salsa & lettuce on top - no gucamole or sour cream and 1/4 cup rice as I have measured rice before at home so I measured approx a 1/4 cup and put the rest off to the side. Then I had no dessert and I always have fried ice cream. So I had mexican but was trying to be smart about it.


thurs breakfast- whole grain ceral & milk

thurs snack- granola bar

thurs lunch- hamburger & 1 handfull baked fries

thurs snack ?

thurs dinner?


Brooke stay positive I would rather stick to a trainer I started with too but don't get negative because they are switching trainers. It does not sound as if your too mad but stay positibe your doing so well.

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hey girls- I am in the icu waiting room so I read everything but probably missed a few things lo.


Nana has a set back she has developed pnuemonia (sp???) so she won't get out of ICU for a few more days.


I really really can tell the difference in my body since I am not walking and eating right. I KNOW that I should be but just don't have the will power to do it yet. Looking forward to being able to walk in the mornings again. I think I am going to go back to 5 miles a day in the summer so I can make my goal of 6oo miles for 2010. I don't even remember how many miles I had walked I need to check it out and right it down.

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I think you made good choices. What I would do is think about what you wanted to order and want you really would have ate, then compare it to what you ate in calories (the best you can) and that often is a good motivator to show you how much you have changed your eating styles and it always makes me feel better.




I'm sorry your Nana had to go back to ICU. Hopefully, she will get better soon.


But I think you need to let yourself off the hook for the diet and exercise. Your just giving yourself one more than to stress about. When you Nana is healthier you can get back to focusing on you, but there are times when your focus has to be on others and that's okay. I just don't want you stressing over this. I know the feeling of trying to worrying about everything and its not at all healthy. Sending some more prays up for you and your family.




Yesterday was a wild day compared to most of my work days. My boss sent me over to do some trivia sheets with students for our Philanthropy Week for two hours. I came back to cold Wendy's food that my co-worker had brought to me for our work study appr. week. Then I had an hour in the office and back out to help with our 5K race for Philanthropy Week until 5:30. Not to mention I had to try to keep the tension down between my boss and the other director in our dept. They were tiff'ing like children. I got home and was absolutely exhausted. Mom fixed breakfast for dinner and It was a late dinner. So, I went straight upstairs and went to bed. I was out in like 5 mins. And I slept all the way through until about 5 mins before my alarm went off. Lucky that I was pretty much on my feet all day and moving or I would have felt more guilty about not exercising. And OMGosh! I was soooooo sore from the workout on Wed. It hurt to move anything in my body. It feels better today, but I have a group workout today. Its a full body workout, but its all sitting down in chairs. I'm interested in seeing how that turns out.


This morning


I forgot to get more cereal for BK so.....


I had a ham and egg on an english muffin and a skinny latte from sheetz this morning and an apple.

Snack-Special K bar

Lunch-Lean Pocket and fruit



Good Choices!

Good Weekends!

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Brooke - just wanted to say I'm so proud of you :D


Just poping in to say Hello to everyone!


Been really busy and finally put in an application for an apartment and will hear back either tonight or tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! :o


Not sure what the weekend will bring ahead but I do need to get measured so I can order my bridesmaids dress.


I hope everyone has a great and healthy weekend!

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thurs snack-none

thurs dinner-2 slices turkey (white meat) 1 scoop mashed potatoes, 1/2 scoop stuffing, ice water

fri breakfast- 2 eggs, 1 potato fried in olive oil, rye toast, coffee

fri snack - jello

fri lunch-grilled cheese on wheat bread, 1/2 piece cocunut cream pie, water

fri snack- 1/4 cup nuts

fri dinner- fish, 1/2 baked potato, salad, one dinner roll, sprite

sat breakfast- 1 egg, 2 slices bacon, toast & coffee

sat snack-none

sat lunch - chips and cheese, ice water

sat snack-none

sat dinner- grilled chicken, baked fries, salad, water

sun breakfast- one frozen breakfast burrito, coffee

sun snack-none

sunday lunch-peanut butter & jam, veggie fries, water

sunday snack- jello & low fat whip cream

sun dinner-meatloaf, baked potato, a veggie of some sort


Jess- Hope you get your apartment


Brooke thanks for being positive your right on the calorie thing I did much better than I normally do thanks for letting me look at it in a different way.


Oh Annette- you poor thing, sorry to here she has pneumonia


Of course I broke down and got me an IPOD then my sister downloaded teh music so I could use today to go out walking after work only to find out is is pouring rain like cats and dogs and according to forecast does not look like it is going to let up any time soon. Just my luck LOL Hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready to start your work week.

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Thanks and good luck on the apt. I hope you get it!




I know sometimes I get down on myself, but I always try to find the best of the situation. I had to take my own advice this weekend, lol.




I already know I gained a lb this week. Still at a total of 30lbs, so I'm happy with that at this point. I didn't put it on in a couple of months I'm not going to get it off that quickly either. I knew this was going to be a multi-year process when I started and I just have to keep that in mind. Science has proven that the longer it takes to get off the longer it will stay off.


I've noticed, once again, I've slacked on my points counting (calorie counting), I've been using too many flex points, and then I've also lowered my exercise this week (I was trying something the professional athletes do where they lower their exercise a couple of weeks and then hit it hard again to jump their metabolism). However, if that is only a 1lb gain then I feel pretty good b/c the odds were stacked against me.


So, tomr. starts over my points and I will have to get back to being meticulous about my points and laying off the flex points. I'm going to add a little more exercise back in, but I'm also going to increase the intensity level, so hopefully I won't have to do as much.


Here is a Q for you......is it the number of workouts you need to count or the number of days you workout? Like on Mon. I do two workouts....one and lunch and one at night. I was just wondering. I guess you could do it either way.


This weekend I went to my friend's little boys 3rd bday. She had it at TGIF Fridays. This is one of the last restaurants that don't have a "healthy" option menu. (Kim, I know how you felt) Their menu is HUGE too. The more I looked, the more I wanted. So, I had to first steer myself away from the slushie drinks with free refills (don't drink your calories!) Then I had to steer myself away from the 3 course meal deals. Then I had to settle on my choice of protein. I settled on chicken. Then I had to weed through all the chicken dishes with heavy, creamy sauces. I finally found a Sizzling Chicken and shrimp meal. It had a grilled chicken breast, grilled shrimp, and mashed potatoes. It had melted cheese underneath the chicken (I should have nixed that, but I didn't) and then it was a basil/spicy sauce. it wasn't a creamy sauce. But I'm finding mixed calorie counts online for it. One says 1240 calories and one says 535 calories.....BIG Difference! But, at least I didn't listen to the chiding of my friend Carma who wanted me to eat a hamburger with her. If anything, I ate healthier protein. Then we had cupcakes......lol. I had one and one without as much icing. I also had like 5 tortilla chips. I did get a workout before I left to go shopping and then to the party. So a workout and I did some walking around the mall. I parked away from where I needed to be, so I would have to walk further in the mall to get there and back.


Even though I'm kinda "re-pledging" myself I have a trail this weekend. Not b/c its Easter, but b/c my grandmother and aunt's family are coming in. I don't if it is emotional or just environmental, but I always falter when I'm around them. Since I know food is really really really hard around them......I'm going to push exercise while they are here. I have Friday off, so I'm gonna hit it hard on Friday and I'm going to get in exercise on Sat. and Sun. even if its just 20 mins on my dvd.


I have 2 months left, technically, before the cruise. I figure I should be able to hit 40lbs, but I'm just going to shoot for 35lbs. I've never be able to get past the 30lbs. I've always given up b/c for some reason my body hits a wall at this point. So, I will be really happy with 35lbs. I'm proud of myself for 30lbs.


In the car on the way to the bday party I was trying to remind myself of why I started this journey. I was taking my mind back to the pain I was in with my back. The way I felt like I was smothering from my own body (I guess it really is/was). How I hated getting up b/c I knew that the pain would start. I hated taking a step down the stairs. How I used to spend my entire weekends sitting and watching tv or netflix, but now I exercise, clean, go out. So, I just have to keep on remembering how far I've come with such a small % of weight loss compared to how much I need to lose.


I spent the day on Sunday doing a Fashion show. I bought a few new things this weekend and I was so happy b/c I found a size 28 at Catos (if you don't shop there, they are suppose to carry 28's in pants, but I almost never find them!) and since their sizes are smaller fitting usually, I thought I wouldn't fit.....but I DID! I was excited! It made me feel better about not fitting those Avenue pants a couple weeks back. But I tried everything on that was in my suitecase for the cruise and took pictures of me wearing them. I went through the pics and I threw out about 2 shirts that I didn't think looked good anymore. But I got a sense of how things are fitting and looking better. I still am having problems dealing with sleeveless shirts. I just hate that I've been working my arms out so much, but they haven't slimmed out even just a little. I just want some of the lumps to come off. Maybe I'll ask my trainer today.


Last, but not least, lol. Mom and I were talking about my food choices at dinner on Sat. She asked me why I just didn't get a salad with grilled chicken. I don't know how many times I've explained to her that I don't get salads out b/c they don't usually have ff ranch dressing. And I don't like ff ranch, I like light ranch. She insisted that I didn't tell her that and then went on to say that I should try more dressing. I told her that I've tried some vinaigrette and a few others, but nothing I like. Here is the funny part. She was kinda of laying into me (the way concerned mothers do) and all of a sudden she says (loudly), "When we go on a cruise and they bring you these salads I'm going to make you try different dressings..." Then she stopped and turned to me (eyes wide), "Did I just say that out loud?" See dad was in the bathroom (they had to go to a funeral) and she had said that out loud...we haven't told dad yet. I simply nodded and said loudly, "HA! Like that will EVER happen, not from the lack of me trying though!" I really think we are going to have to tell him soon b/c we both have had slip ups and its just going to get worse. Like I said, my dad isn't a bad guy, but he just doesn't trust the world to be safe around me and mom, lol. Plus, he doesn't like to travel, so its even more of a bind b/c he doesn't want to go with us to make sure the "world" stays safe. That's the best way I can describe it without making my dad sound like some kind of brute.


Well, that is enough of me talking today...:D


Good Choices!

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Well, I was right. I gained, but it was more like another 10th of a lb....but those do start to add up. I'm going the wrong direction:rolleyes:. But as I stated, I'm getting back on top of things this week. Yesterday I had a great workout with my student trainer (they didn't switch on me, YAY!). We did cardio and strength. We also talked about how much exercise I need and switching things up so I can get over the hump on weightloss. I also asked about my jiggly arms, but he said to keep doing the weights for toning, but my body decides where it wants to burn the fat, so I just have to keep do aerobic exercise.


Yesterday, I stayed hungry. I couldn't stop having that hunger pang. I didn't know what was wrong. I ate fiber, protein, apples, fruits, my body kept feeling hungry. Today I'm starting with a punch.


BK: 1 2/3 cup of fiber one cereal with 1 1/2 cup of 1 % milk. Special K protein water packet (30 calories-0 points on my ww). It has 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. So I SHOULD stay full for at least 3 hours.

Snacks: Vegetable cocktail juice (6 oz), fruit cup, Special K bar.

Lunch: Chicken/broccoli/cheese (low fat) Lean pocket and fruit cup



Last night I had leftovers from Sunday. Mom made baked chicken breast with those onion thingys on top. I scraped most of those off. Then I had a serving of mashed potatoes and green beans. Like I told you I was starving all day so I went a little crazy last night (food and mind). I had fiber cereal (thought that would fill me up, nope still hungry) pickles (zero points, but no), wheat toast (nope), then I just went for the junk. Chips and ice cream. Then I was still hungry, so........I just went to bed to save myself.


Back to the positive. I'm going to make sure I count all my points, try to stay on point for the day and not go over. Keep and mix up my exercise. I need to at least get an hour in a day, at a time. My trainer said that there is a place where your body figures out that it can't burn its food energy anymore so it starts burning fat instead and that is usually after about 30 mins of moderate exercise. So, I have to keep it up for at least an hour. I don't have to do the same thing for an hour, but I have to keep my energy level up. So, that is my goal this week. At LEAST an hour exercise a day with variations in the exercise.




Hope you got the apt.!




Have you had anymore check ups with your doctors and the program they have you on?




I hope your Nana is out of ICU.


Good Choices

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Okay, a little bit of unsolicited advice, Brooke...All in good spirit and not condescening at all.:p


As for you gaining a little bit, that is perfectly normaly especially if you have upped your exercise and your muscles are sore. When you are sore, it is because of microtears in your muscle fibers that occur when you lift weights or do body weight exercises. In order for these microtears to heal, your muscles will retain water. Ask your trainer to confirm this. Sometimes "the stupid scale" lies and it's best to step away and take measurements instead.


Now for the hard part...Food...You really should make sure that you are eating your weekly "flex" 35 points along with your daily points. You need these points esp if you are working out as much as you are. As you lose weight, you will get less daily points and you do not want to have too much of a calorie deficit. Try to get some additional protein for these points like eggs or lean turkey. Maybe even some milk after your workout.


As for salad dressings, have you ever looked at the ingredients for the FF and lite dressings? They both have a lot of sugar/corn syrup...You would be so much better off trying some others that are easy to whip up...like this one...


~3 tablespoons - 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

juice and zest of 1 lemon

ground black pepper to taste

~2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

1 garlic clove, minced


You can add some white balsamic vinegar to it too to make it more vinegary...

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computer at home went pycho so getting it fixed.

mon- breakfast- whole wheat cereal & milk, coffee

mon snack-apple w/ peanut butter

mon lunch- peanut butter & jelly, veggie sticks, green tea

mon dinner- chinese orange chicken and chicken noodle soup food alawys good just more sodium

tue breakfast burrito, coffee

tue snack - none

tue lunch- meatloaf patty, green tea

tue snack- dark chocolate 3 pieces, green tea

tue dinner- unknown


brooke - I am holding a lot of water weight, so not losing lbs. but losing inches . . . doctor put me on water pill every other day to see if that helps. He was impressed with the inches lost unknown how much as they write it in my charts and we were talking about other things forgot to ask. I can feel it in my clothes though. I hope you are enjoying your new routine and will see a difference soon to keep you inspired! It sounds like you are on the right track. How are the Kellogg's protein waters?


Jess- did you get the apt? I hope so would relieve some stress on your part.


Annette- Hows Nana? hope she is getting over the pneumoinia. How are you?

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Okay, a little bit of unsolicited advice, Brooke...All in good spirit and not condescening at all.:p


As for you gaining a little bit, that is perfectly normaly especially if you have upped your exercise and your muscles are sore. When you are sore, it is because of microtears in your muscle fibers that occur when you lift weights or do body weight exercises. In order for these microtears to heal, your muscles will retain water. Ask your trainer to confirm this. Sometimes "the stupid scale" lies and it's best to step away and take measurements instead.


Now for the hard part...Food...You really should make sure that you are eating your weekly "flex" 35 points along with your daily points. You need these points esp if you are working out as much as you are. As you lose weight, you will get less daily points and you do not want to have too much of a calorie deficit. Try to get some additional protein for these points like eggs or lean turkey. Maybe even some milk after your workout.


As for salad dressings, have you ever looked at the ingredients for the FF and lite dressings? They both have a lot of sugar/corn syrup...You would be so much better off trying some others that are easy to whip up...like this one...


~3 tablespoons - 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

juice and zest of 1 lemon

ground black pepper to taste

~2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

1 garlic clove, minced


You can add some white balsamic vinegar to it too to make it more vinegary...


That makes sense. I'll ask him about it, but I sure hope you are right. My clothes do feel better.


Lol, that's probably one of the few times someone told me to eat more. But maybe you are right. I'm just afraid I'm not keeping good track of the daily points and then I eat over and then I eat flex points and eat over everything. Which is why I have to better about daily points, I guess. I'll give anything a try though b/c I do notice I get hungers pangs more and about every couple hours.


The dressing is bad, but not as bad as the full fat. I'm just really picky about dressing. I'll try anything once though. But its one of the reason I don't eat salads often b/c I know I just put crap on them and it defeats all the good.


Thanks though :).




That sounds really good! If your doctor is happy then I say keep doing it.


The special K water is pretty good. I felt full and it was tasty. They had kiwi strawberry, tea, and lime or something. I got the kiwi strawberry. Expensive suckers though. $4 for a box of seven.

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Brooke: Think quality over quantity. Some chicken or fish might be more points than a Special K bar but so much better for you. Same for using Olive oil in your salad dressing. Essential fats are good for you! Maybe you can get together with your Mom on the weekend and try some new foods...Steel Cut oats in the morning over cold cereal, grilled chicken with Quinoa for dinner...For a snack try a handfull of Triscuits with hummus or Laughing Cow cheese. There are some great recipes out there to experiment with...I know you had mentioned that you do not like to cook but you never know until you try. Most recipes are pretty basic and I can share some if you'd like.

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Like I said, that sounds great. It sounds like you are getting results and I think that is GREAT!




Sorry that Brittany has to have surgery, but hopefully it will fix the problem.




I'll ask my aunt to do salad dressings this Thanksgiving, lol. We always have something to try at her house. Its become a tradition. One year it was olive oils and the next it was salsas.


Mom actually bought the cut oats and I had some this past weekend b/c I was out of cereal. I'd def. have to get used to it b/c they are chewy compared to the min. oats. I have issues with oatmeal though b/c I can't eat it without milk or loaded with sugar. I've tried like brown sugar or cin., but I just need sugar in it. If I can cut back on the sugar maybe it will be better.


I've tried hummus.....bleh...I don't know how ppl eat that stuff. But laughing cow isn't bad.


I know, I know. Excuses Excuses. Like I said. I'll try anything once.


Last night I made hamburgers for us. I don't like to cook, but hamburgers aren't cooking, lol. I had my lean burgers and I fixed reg. burgers for mom and dad, then threw some frozen fries in the toaster oven.


I had to pat off my burgers b/c they got some of the grease from the other burgers on them, but they were okay. I used Arnold's thin wheat buns with a little bit of reduced mayo, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, pickles. Then 1 serving of fries (baked). I had two hamburgers b/c I felt hungry and wanted two. I know I could have done without the fries, but I wanted them. I had fiber cereal when I got home and then a small slice of this fudge cake mom brought home with some milk. End of food for the night. I got up after I let the food settle and went straight upstairs for my workout.


I took my trainers advice and mixed it up. I started with my DVD and 20 mins of the Fat burning basics part b/c it has a warm up in it, then 15 mins of moderate pace on the bike, 5 mins of weights, ending with the 20 mins of the Cardio dance part of the dvd b/c it has a cool down. So, I got a total of 60 mins with varied levels of exercise. I'm not as good at the Cardio dance yet, but I kept moving even when I messed up b/c thats the point right?


Today I have my afternoon workout. I hope I break a nice sweat and he challenges me. Last time he did. There were a few times I just wanted to stop and say enough, but I just kept going. I plan on going to the gym on Thurs. lunch too since we are off on Friday and they won't have the group fitness. I will just do like 30 mins on the treadmill or something and maybe some weights. This will help get some extra in before my family comes in for the weekend.


I'm really worried about this. I really just want to be good, but its like old habits come back. No matter how much I prepare I still seem to slip around them. I just have to focus. Enjoy them without food. Simple, right?


Anyway, my boss is on a weightloss program from her dr. and she has been dropping weight too. She isn't as big as me, but it kind of works out. B/c we both wear the Lane Bryant right fit pants and they were out this weekend when I went to buy some. Well, she said she had some at home that she couldn't fit anymore and she'd bring them in. Well, if you aren't familiar with them-they are color coded according to your shape. Blue is curvy, which is what I wear. Well, she is a red and though I wear a 7 in the blues and she is a 7 in the reds I thought for sure I couldn't fit them. Well, they are a bit snug, but they fit. She had a pair of 8's in there too and they fit perfectly. So, now I know I can wear 8s in the reds, lol. I'm happy to work my way into fitting into the red 7's and I think its my new NON-Scale goal.



BK: Fiber one cereal with low fat milk, skinny latte

Snacks: Fruit cup, Special K bar, Special K protein water (for after workout today), Veggie cocktail jucie

Lunch: Subway chicken breast sandwich with apples. I'm not going to get the meal b/c it comes with a drink and they have nestea and not brewed tea, so I always get diet soda. Its not good for me, so I'll just come back and drink water.

Dinner: ???


I've been doing my Fat Girl Perspective Blog and linking it to my facebook and a lot of people have been positive about, but then again they are mostly my friends, haha. I decided to start a travel blog too. So, I'm going back and trying to write blogs about my Carnvial Freedom cruise and the trip I took the PA and of course I'll come back and do one about this cruise. I also want to do a blog with just photos of my hometown and the surrounding area. I think its a good outlet for my creative side that has been suffering from lack of attention for a while. I'll let you guys know when I have it up if you want to read the travel blogs.


Good Choices!

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Just throwing another lite dressing out there: (amounts are approx - I just guess at it cause I've been making it for so long) :)


2-3 tbs spicey brown mustard

1/3 cup olive oil

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

2-3 tbs honey

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Tues dinner- chicken breast bites, red beets, hasbrowns, green tea

wed breakfast-chicken biscuit, coffee

wed snack-steel cut oats

wed lunch-peanut butter & jelly, green tea

wed snack ?

wed Dinner- pizza -no crust


Bellfree bat-good suggestions you gave brooke, I am going to try it. I am like Brooke try anything once.


Brooke- keep up the good work! Thanks for posting about Brittany that must have been on facebook?


Annette- Sorry things are not going well with Brittany

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Brooke and Kimmer: I am glad you liked my suggestions. If you don't get used to the steel cut oats, go back to the rolled. Just stay away from the instant flavored ones due to the sugar content. No problem adding milk to your oatmeal. Good added protein and nutrients. Have you tried adding fruit to your oatmeal to cut down on the sugar? I add frozen peaches and cinnamon and nutmeg and a little brown sugar. Reduction of sugar is important but total elimination is not necessary. There is a great steel cut oats with peaches on the Weight Watchers site that you make in a crock pot. When I make a batch, I freeze individual portions to eat later in the week. Just add a little water and nuke. So much better than a fast food breakfast sandwich when running late.:)

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I'll probably be a little late posting tomr. We got the day off, so I intend on sleeping and being lazy for at least part of the day until I have to start cleaning and stop by the Chiro for a quick adjustment.


Had a great workout with my trainer. We did more cardio and strengthening. I know he is keeping me on my toes b/c he takes me right to the brink of me wanting to say "I'm Done!" and then I really am done, lol. I need to write down all that he has me do, so I can start putting that into my workouts at home. I was going to go to the fitness center today, but they will close early b/c students are on break starting this evening. But they will be open tomr., but not sure if I want to drive 30 mins to go. Either way, I will get my exercise on tonight and tomr. before the family gets here and I will be too distracted.


Last night I fixed myself Fiber One pancakes (yea, they have a mix) and a ham and egg omelet like thing. I only used one egg and way more ham (lunch ham, so thin), so it wasn't exactly an omelet, but plenty of protein. I did use reg. syrup though, but I tried to not use a lot. I had a glass of milk with it and then I had some cereal for a snack (1/2 cup) and some chips and melted cheese later. I find I'm stressing myself, stressing about how I'm going to eat with my family around. So, I fell off the horse last night. Its okay though b/c I just climbed back on.


BK: Fiber cereal

Snacks: Fruit/Special K bar

Lunch: Lean pocket



PS-This count down to the cruise is killing me:rolleyes:. Can I go now please?


Good Choices.

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Brooke-thanks for posting about Annette Nana. - I'll have to try the fiber one pancakes did not know that mix was out. Brooke B-R-E-A-T-H-E- and you will make the right choices for your Easter dinner with family around.


Bellfree bat- Thanks for your suggestions on making more and freezing. Maybe that will help me stay away from Fast food being as I know that is my problem. LOL I want to try it with peaches maybe the texture would not be that bad then.


Annette-Sympathies are with you . . . remember even though we don't want to let them go GOD wanted her now.


Everyone have a great Easter!

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Annette - So sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and your family.


Brooke - I know what it's like to be pushed to the brink during workouts but keep going..it's worth it. ;)


Kimmer - just want to say: Good Job! ;) :D


Good news - I got the apartment! :D I signed the lease today and I'm very excited to move right in. I'll be moving most of it on the weekend but I still haven't showed my mom what it looks like and since I have the key - I'll show her tonight after work.


Hope everyone has a great weekend! Happy Easter!

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I slept practically 12 hours last night! I went to bed at 8pm and slept until 7:30. My allergies kicked up yesterday b/c they started mowing the grass at work and then I came home and dad was mowing the grass. I tried to just lay down in quiet for a little, but I couldn't get my head to stop pounding, so I just went to bed.


I had egg, bacon and lettuce sandwiches last night and then cereal for a snack.


This morning actually had the steel cut oats, we had not fruit to add to it, so I had to have sugar and I had some wheat toast.


My family wasn't suppose to come in until Sat. but we got a call last night from my aunt saying they wanted to come in tonight. So, I had to make sure the house was clean and everything was situated. Then I have to go to the chiro this afternoon. Then I'll come back and get my exercise in and then hopefully have some time to enjoy this beautiful weather. I might even lay out on the porch and get some sun.


It suppose to be in the 80s!!!!!!!! I'm just gonna pretend I can hear the ocean.




I'm gonna breath and the pancakes are awesome. I used olive oil on the pan instead of butter, so that golden color didn't happen, but they aren't so heavy and only 190 calories for 3. Happy Easter.




GREAT! Your living the life now and I wish I could do it with you! I wanna see pics on facebook:D Happy Easter.


Good Choices (to myself, lol)

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You generally do not appreciate what I have posted in the past, even though from experience and expertise, I really do know what I am talking about. Processed foods need to be avoided and a healthy way of eating needs to be adopted for life. It is not just about losing weight (which of course we all want) but it's about a life long healthy approach to food.



The article below, written by Dr. Oz offers some important information which you can chose to ignore or might benefit from.

Fuzzy fruit packs health punch


April 2, 2010 The You Docs









If you've only thought of kiwifruit as a nice garnish or an occasional treat, think again. Kiwis (meaning the fruit, not people from New Zealand or the bird from that country) can knock down your heart disease risk.

They do this in two ways: by helping to lower levels of triglycerides and by reducing platelet clumping. Triglycerides are a nasty blood fat that can start a process that fuels the growth of plaque in your arteries. Platelets, a type of blood cell that keep you from bleeding to death from a paper cut or a razor nick, also have a down side. They grab onto rough spots inside your arteries and can end up blocking an entire artery. And that spells trouble for you (otherwise known as a heart attack).

So, why does kiwifruit help? Each one is a package of heart-healthy nutrients: more vitamin C than in an orange, more potassium than in bananas and lots of magnesium. EAT YOURSELF THIN: Eating to lose weight requires a plan you can – or would – stick to for life. So, try these flavourful foods:

1. Salmon: The omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA especially) in this fish may help your body lose fat – especially when coupled with exercise.

2. Eggs: They're back on the healthy-foods list. Eating them instead of carbs for breakfast staves off hunger longer.

3. Peanuts: They are high in fat and calories but a small daily serving – 20 dry-roasted peanuts – keeps your waist thinner. Just make sure you substitute the nuts for a high-calorie food that's already in your diet.

4. Apples: Munch on an apple before every meal, and you will be less likely to clean your dinner plate (and anyone else's). Apples are packed with filling fibre, but aren't high in calories.

5. Fava beans: These creamy beans are loaded with flavonoids. And a 14-year study in women showed that high flavonoid intake wards off the worst fat – belly fat.


FEELING YOUR OATS: One of the sneakiest problems in your body is inflammation. Even though you can't feel it, it goes about its business, encouraging the buildup of gunky plaque in your arteries. But new research suggests a humble grain – oats – might be able to fight this bad player.

The key compounds in oats are called avenanthramides, a type of friendly molecule that dials back levels of inflammatory cytokines (potent immune system chemicals) in your body. When cytokine levels in your body stay high, they can spur the development of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic conditions. Besides their effect on cytokines, oats help whittle your waist, keep your arteries youthfully flexible, discourage heart-threatening blood clots and whisk lousy LDL cholesterol out of your body.

Don't do oatmeal? Try sprinkling oats into other foods; use them to thicken soups, add them to whole-wheat flour in muffins, use oats as a yogurt topping or make an oat crust for a healthy berry crisp.




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You generally do not appreciate what I have posted in the past, even though from experience and expertise, I really do know what I am talking about. Processed foods need to be avoided and a healthy way of eating needs to be adopted for life. It is not just about losing weight (which of course we all want) but it's about a life long healthy approach to food.


It's not that we don't appreciate your thoughts, its just that we feel that you come across as harsh and un caring with the way you offer the advice. We're not children, we don't need kid gloves, but no human wants to be made to feel bad about themselves and their choices. Its creates the opposite effect of what you want. We resent the advice instead of taking it and trying it. It puts a wall between the good advice b/c of the "seemingly" bad attitude that comes with it. Maybe if you just tried to offer your advice in not such an antagonizing way.

So, why does kiwifruit help? Each one is a package of heart-healthy nutrients: more vitamin C than in an orange, more potassium than in bananas and lots of magnesium. EAT YOURSELF THIN: Eating to lose weight requires a plan you can – or would – stick to for life. So, try these flavourful foods:


I highlighted in red the probably the most important part of this text. It has to be something you can stick with. Otherwise you have a bunch of yo-yo'ing dieters. Gaining and losing and gaining more than they lost the first time. Although, I agree with fresh foods and have been trying to put more fresh fruit into my diet a little at at time (replacing processed foods) its a gradual process and it works for me.


FEELING YOUR OATS: One of the sneakiest problems in your body is inflammation. Even though you can't feel it, it goes about its business, encouraging the buildup of gunky plaque in your arteries. But new research suggests a humble grain – oats – might be able to fight this bad player.

The key compounds in oats are called avenanthramides, a type of friendly molecule that dials back levels of inflammatory cytokines (potent immune system chemicals) in your body. When cytokine levels in your body stay high, they can spur the development of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic conditions. Besides their effect on cytokines, oats help whittle your waist, keep your arteries youthfully flexible, discourage heart-threatening blood clots and whisk lousy LDL cholesterol out of your body.

Don't do oatmeal? Try sprinkling oats into other foods; use them to thicken soups, add them to whole-wheat flour in muffins, use oats as a yogurt topping or make an oat crust for a healthy berry crisp.



I just had some steel oats the other morning and they were good and feeling. I have no arguements with that. I grew up on oatmeal and cereal for the most part. I'm only having trouble with the sugar, which I hope I can gradually fix.


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We're not asking you to stop what you think is the right diet, but just simply respect our decisions to go with our own diet plans and do at our own pace. Information is appreciated.




Happy Easter Everyone! I'm spending a great weekend helping take care of my Mawmaw and spending great times with my aunt. They are both really proud of me and how much weight I've lost and my determination. I even might have put a spark of inspiration for my aunt to lose weight too!


Gotta get back to my family.


Good choices guys!

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Brooke- see the people in your family do not see you every day so they can see the results of the past months you've been working your butt off. Now it shows, I know your gloating and you should! Congratulations thus far girl! :)


Jess- Congratulations on getting your apartment! Now maybe you'll have some down time to yourself LOL


Annette- Hope to see you soon on here . . .


thurs breakfast- (2) scrambled eggs, 1 turkey sausage patty, 2 pieces rye toast, coffee

thur snack- apple & 1 TBSP peanut butter

thurs lunch- meatloaf slice, jello

thurs dinner- chips & salsa, (2) chicken taco, rice 1/2 of it, water


fri breakfast-1 blueberry pancake, coffee

fri lunch- grilled cheese, veggie sticks, water w/ lemon

fri dinner-frog legs (3), fish fillet (1), broiled red potatoes, salad, lemonade


sat breakfast - basted egg & wheat toast, coffee

sat snack- pears

sat lunch- pork rinds, chicken bites, green tea

sat snack - milky way bunny-bite size (the creamy carmel) a must for me at Easter

sat dinner- chicken breast, baked potato w/ butter buds, salad, water w/ lemon


sun breakfast-whole grain cereal, milk, coffee

sun lunch- unknown don't want to eat to much as our Easter meal is at dinner

sun dinner- bbq ribs, potato casserole, veggies

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