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Cruising to Healthy


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It was just one of those days, lol. But it all worked out in the end and I got a good workout in. We have our treadmill in our storage shed.....I don't think its working anymore. I probably should invest in more equipment for the house in the event I can't get to the gym or what not. Yep, time for snakes. Dad killed a black snack in the front yard last weekend. Fat Dog walked right by it and didn't even see it. She is our special dog. The cat wasn't there or I bet she would have alerted us. Thank God is was just a black snake though and not a cottonmouth. I'm glad ur hubby killed it though. How is he doing with the working out?




Those are good pointers and all very down to earth and doable. I hate when people give you advice, but it seems like its from another world or its some crazy grape fruit diet cleansing thing. LOL. I know how you feel about those cupcakes. That's how I felt about that stupid lemonade chiller. We have a bubblecake shop in the city next to us....I'm very glad it is 45 mins away and downtown b/c I hate downtown areas. I will def. remember those things on my cruise.


Which I guess this is a good time to write out some goals for my cruise. Very realistic goals.


1. On the trip down I want to try and eat as healthy as I can. Mom wants to stop and eat lunch b/c we will need to get out and stretch, so I plan on choosing lite proteins and veggies. Same deal with the ride back. So hopefully, that will save me some calories during the week.


2. I want to try and get 2 workouts in while on board. Maybe while mom lays in the sun since I'm pale. I'm going to work with my trainer to plan something out I can do on my own.


3. Write the food down. This will help with my review when I get back, but I will also have a journal of what I ate.


Back to back workouts with the trainer this week and then Thurs. and Fri. I'm on my own. He worked with me yesterday on my nerve hurting. We forwent any high impact and weight training. Instead we did core, stretching and cardio. I think the nerve felt better after all that and if feels better today too. Although now my SI hurts a bit. I'm going to try and work around it for now and hope that its just annoyed with me for some reason.


Yesterday I had

BK: Skinny latte, fiber cereal

Snack: cereal bar, 1/3 cup of fiber cereal leftover

Lunch: Arby's Roast beef sandwich and fries

Dinner: Baked Almond crusted salmon and baked potato. (mom fixed it)

Dessert: Skinny Cow ice cream truffle


Today so far:

BK: Fiber one cereal


I've noticed that I change my lunch or add things here and there and usually don't have dinner when I say what I'm having, so I'm just gonna have to only say what I've had so far and then come back with a accurate report the next day. I think this will keep me honest and when I ask for help on what I'm doing wrong you guys have the full story.


Good Choices!

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Good morning!


Annette - I am SO glad we don't have snakes where I live. Well, we have garden snakes, but they are rare, small and harmless. We actually don't have many "exotic" critters here (I live in Seattle). I think snakes are actually quite beautiful, but I wouldn't want one anywhere near my house.


Brooke - sounds like you've got a good start on your cruise plan. I definitely encourage you to save calories at every meal you can. For me, I knew dinner was going to be a calorie budget buster, so I'd try to make better choices during my other meals. That said, don't be too hard on yourself. It's about making good decisions, but you don't want to be in a place where you are feeling sorry for yourself for not being able to eat what you really want. You also don't want to beat yourself up for eating something that you think you shouldn't have. If this is truly for the rest of your life, there are going to be stumbles. You just have to get right back on the horse again when you fall.


I found with the buffet (where we ate most meals except for dinner), I would take a cruise around the whole place and pick out what looked good before I ever grabbed a plate. Then I would grab a salad or small dinner plate and make sure half of it was veggies. I would get small amounts (key word: small) of things that looked appealing and if I really wanted more of something, I would allow myself to go back and get a little bit more once I finished eating.


Another thing that might help is visualizing the size of a standard low-cal frozen entree. If you can envision your food fitting into one of those, without overflowing, you are probably on track. My mom actually keeps some washed frozen entree containers around so she can more easily eyeball her portions. I love that study that shows that Americans will typically finish everything on their plates and that their level of satisfaction didn't seem to change post-meal whether the amount of food was very large or relatively average.

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Anne-Thanks for the pointers I agree with Brooke they are down to earth and manageable. I have already found out that McDonalds meals are higher calorie than what I thought.


Brooke-glad you have the snakes I do not like them.

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Hi Anne! Thanks for all the pointers!


Sorry girls I've been away for awhile been so busy busy with so much. It doesn't look like it's going to slow down for me this summer either. I have every single Saturday and Sunday from June too mid July planned for people's events. Weddings, party's, get together's. My Aunt and Uncle are coming up in a week or so and the family is having a gathering to lay my aunt's ashes where she wanted them, so that will be a difficult weekend I'm sure.


Will have to catch up later with you all I'm at work and don't have much time but I different forget about you guys.


Hope everyone is well.


Good choices. Brooke your cruise is coming up soon, so exciting! :D

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Anne- Great tips. I think I would do wonderful with all prepared meals and staying on the same routine because that is right up my ally. I am just a crazy routine person. AMEN to what you said about when you get back from splurging since I have the world worst time at doing this. Ok forgive me if I am wrong but I have to ask anyway. Are you the same person who's husband got the job recently?? I hope I am right because otherwise I will feel stupid.:confused:


Brooke-You have some great goals. My goal for Nashville is just to have a nice time. lol I know I should plan better then that but I just really want a mental break from everything and hopefully that will make it that much easier when I get back home and I will have a lot more willpower.


Jess- Wow busy busy summer for you. Good thing you will be able to go to your own home and just relax.


Kimmers- I despise snakes and of course I was doing so well because of the freak out (for example calling my husband on the cell phone and yell while the phone was actually backwards or opening the back of my minivan-yes I am one of those moms lol- and standing in the back while pointing to Richard where I had seen the snake) I did not think about my Nana and how much she hates snakes and wouldn't even allow fake WOODEN snakes in her house. My dear sweet honey kindly comes in and says wow your nana would have been flipping out:(

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Okay busy bee.......just let us know your alive once in a while, lol.




How are the smart starts doing? I know they have a few flavors, so you shouldn't get bored. That's my problem, I get bored after a while. Fiber One might be a cereal that I eat for a year and then I won't touch the stuff again,lol.




I say go and enjoy. I just wanted to set goals and then I will see if I achieve them. I think it will be okay if I don't though. :D



BK: Fiber One cereal

Snack: Cereal bar

Lunch: lean pocket and light popcorn

Dinner: Mom bought McD's grilled chicken and she shared fries with me.


Workout with the trainer was good. We stayed away from impact again, but added the weights back in.


Gonna do some cardio today and tomr. and then take the weekend off to make sure whatever was annoyed gets some rest.


I love sleeping with a window a/c on. I love waking up to a cool room. I think its b/c its comforting. I remember waking up in the RV at Myrtle Beach to the sound of the a/c running and it being almost ice cold in the RV and I would snuggle back under the covers until mom came over and moved me to the couch, so they could put the table back together (the table converted to a bed). Then of course I open my door to my room to go downstairs and the heat and humidity hit me just like when I use to open the RV door and the ocean air would blast you. I def. sleep better in the summer.


Okay, off topic, lol.


Good Choices!

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Good morning, ladies!


Well, I am still on track! The scale hit below 182 this morning! I have been at or around it for about six months now bouncing around from 182-186. However, I haven't exactly been trying to lose weight since January either. I wasn't motivated to lose,wanted to give myself a break, and see what life was like maintaining for a bit. Now I am ready to get going again!


When I saw that 181.8 this morning I was very excited! Only 2.8 more lbs until I hit my "official" 70 lb mark and will officially be in the 170s for the first time in... gosh, 17 years? The least I've weighed as an adult was just after high school and got to 155.


We had guests in at the office yesterday and had a whole spread. I avoided plates of cookies and brownies ALL day yesterday.


Annette - no, that is not me and please don't feel dumb. ;) Actually, mine found out yesterday that his contract will probably end at the end of July instead of in February. I asked if we should adjust our cruise plans and he said we should be fine. So, positive thoughts for DH getting another job soon!


And yes! The prepared food thing was awesome. The trick is staying on it long enough to see some pretty significant results so that when you do go out on your own, you are petrified about eating the wrong thing. :) Fear is a great motivator! But, as I mentioned, you can be prepared in advance for making your own meals. It's just much more work.


When I had hit just about the 48 lb mark on Jenny, I hit a serious plateau. I started thinking that my body just did not want to be under 200 lbs (and I was SO close). That's when I decided it was probably time to put the last 30 or so lbs in my own hands so I started South Beach. The first six or so lbs came off quickly, so not only had I gotten under 200, but I realized my body could still lose weight.


Kimmer - my favorite "splurge" meal at McD's is a cheeseburger, a diet coke, and a vanilla soft serve cone. The cheeseburger is 300 calories and the cone is only 150! So, for a fast food out meal when I really am craving something a little naughty, it totally does the trick! I have to thank my mom for turning me on to that one. :)


Brooke - I know what you mean about having the window open. Unfortunately, we have had a dreary, chilly, wet spring in Seattle this year so no open windows yet for me. I can't believe our HEAT is still coming on in June! Most everyone I know is sick of this weather.


Gosh, I write long posts! :)


Have a great day!


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Ann-very interesting stories I feel I am not the only one that goes through the weight issue. The calorie thing was very interesting too, Thanks for posting.


Brooke- I need to get some more but I love them and they are easy in the morning. Thanks for asking.



tue B - fresh fruit, one scrambled egg, rye toast

tue L- raspberry white tea - my mom had surgery and nothing in vending machine good but peanuts

tue D- hamburger no bun/bread, sun chips, ff pudding


wed B- scrambled egg, rye toast

wed L 2 pieces pizza, water

wed D stuffed peppers, cottage cheese, water


Thurs B- special K cereal

thurs L- undecided need to go to grocery as Ann said I do better if I have planned meals or at least know that I have the ingredients for a planned meal LOL

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Anne- Sorry it wasn't you. I am telling you guys I just think for someone who is only 31 and not even close to 32 I have such a bad memory. At times I worry that something must be wrong with me. No one in my family has had alzheimers thank God because I would be really freaked. I am glad you posted that about the vanilla cone because now I will allow myself on when the kids want a happy meal. I can skip the food I have actually had times where I had to force myself to eat in this hot weather. Then a day like today comes along and I have ate so much junk.


Brooke- I too enjoy sleeping when it is very cold. I can not sleep at all when I am hot.


kimmers- Was your yardsale today or this weekend? Good luck with it. I am just not organized enough to so that.


Anne- Prayers for your husband and a new job.


Goodnight everyone my mind turned off a while back.:o

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I gotta work on more protein in the morning......I don't think the fiber one is cutting it.




I hope you enjoy your girls weekend!




I would die to in the 180's, lol........that is a long way to come.



BK: Fiber One

Snack: Cereal Bar

Lunch: 6 inch chicken breast sub with apples and chips

Dinner: Hot dog, baked fries

Snack: Skinny Cow Brownie ice cream, toast.

Exercise: 30 mins on the elliptical


I'm going out to eat for a co-workers bday this week and next week we are a goodbye lunch for our VP. We are going to Mexican today. last time I got some kind of chicken dish, but it had lots of melted cheese and they didn't say that way in the dish. I'm just gonna stick with the taco salad and not eat the shell.


I need caffeine!


Good Choices and Great Weekends!

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Soooo....there is a lot of office drama going on at my job right now and it just seems more and more "stuff" is hitting the fan. Today another director yelled at my director (it was her bday lunch we were going to) over some rumors.


We have two new bosses coming in, our president kicked out the previous VP to redecorate his office for the new VP. She is on the war path b/c the board of trustees are after her...


We have no more spaces for offices for new people, but they are hiring a new grant manager and possibly another person. The President and her assistant were upstairs in our attic scouting offices. Then I get a call from her assistant telling me not to tell anyone, but they want to move our web designer downstairs to "technically" a really big closet, but that closet is storage for the academic dept, so they have to move that storage somewhere. So, she asked me if I liked my office, but pretty much they have already decided that I need to move into the web designers office across the hall (smaller, also on the side of the building that was hotter from before, but I'll have a window), so they can put storage in my office. And they will most likely take our workstudy room, so workstudies will probably have to go back into our offices.


Okay, so I needed to get this off my chest b/c I feel like I needed to tell my boss, but I def. don't want to piss off the president's asst. or the president, so I have to keep it under wraps. Why is moving offices such a big deal? Trust me, in the world of office politics its a big deal.


Anyway, all this made me want to stop at every fast food place for a hamburger and fries and milkshake, but I didn't. I went home and had some sherbert. My stomach is still in knots b/c I hate when people who are suppose to be in charge are so chaotic.....it leads to chaos everywhere.


Thanks for letting me write that.

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Brooke - good for you for not succumbing to temptation! I know a crappy day at work can make you want to eat everything in the house (or on the way home). Hang in there!


Annette - thank you! I am trying to stay positive! I just realized that we have almost the same wedding date! We were married 12/11/1999.


Scale said 180.6 this morning... then I had Mexican food for dinner. I was good, only ate half, no cheese, but the guilt monster was whispering in my ear the whole time. It was a GORGEOUS day in Seattle! 70 and sunny. We drove to a lookout spot and watched the Golden Princess and the Rotterdam both sail off for Alaska.


Tomorrow, I am doing the Susan G. Komen 5K walk. My boss has breast cancer, so there is a large group of us participating. Should be fun! Weather probably won't cooperate, but we'll make the best of it. :)

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thurs L - hamburger no bun, sun chips (10) SF/FF vanilla pudding green tea

thurs D- spagehetti, water


fri B- smart one muffin, cantelope, water

fri snack - almonds (15)

fri L- tenderloin

fri D- ribs, baked potato, green tea


sat B- 1/2 all meat omlet, coffee, rye toast

sat L- chex mix

sat D- grilled chicken, fries, water


sun B- smart one muffin, bannana, water

sun L-unknown


Annette-garage sale was Thurs & Fri and we did well, thanks for asking. Hope you are enjoying your girls weekend. With a lot of caios it is ok to get confused at times, probably caused by STRESS. Life will get better.


Brooke- dear I understand work Politics, great that you vented on here and did not give in to food. I wanted to Thank You for gettting me hooked on the weight watcher smart ones. They are good for less the calories.


Anne- good work! I love Mexican. . .


Found a yummy treat - our family eats lots of ice cream which I love but I don't want to plump up more than I have I'm trying to get rid of the weight so when they had bannana splits I made my own. I took 1/2 bannana cut in 1/2 then put SF/FF vanilla pudding then FF whip cream and some nuts, and a drizzle chocolate. Mine looked liked theres without the calories LOL. They also had marshamallow, Strawberry and Carmel but I did not have those. I did not know how to count the bannana, whip cream was 10 calories, chocolate drizzle 10 calories pudding 60 calories, nuts 10 calories. I would say less than 125 calories! Wanted to pass it on . . .


Jess- I hope all is going well in the new apt., have not heard from you lately but understand no computer accesss in the apt.

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Anymore snakes? lol. We've only had to kill the one so far, so we are doing good.




You are so close.......keep going.




Haha, did I do that? Well, don't give me full credit just in case later you decide they are gross, lol.


Well, I must confess.............


After my rant on here this weekend......I hit a breaking point. I was starting to calm down from the whole office politics thing and was kinda dozing in the chair when the news announcer butted into my sleepy state and I heard that they were recalling the gas pedal on my car. I sat straight up and almost cursed at the tv. No one was inside for me to tell and vent to........soooooooo my breaking point turned to food. It was just impulse. I just went and grabbed the bag of chips and just started eating and then I grabbed the sherbert out of the fridge and took a spoon and started eating.......then mom finally came in and asked me to put pizzas in the oven......I managed to stay away from food from that time until the pizza came out.........then I ate 3 slices. I finally managed to calm down and avoid food for the rest of the night. Between Mother Nature coming this week, stress, and that last added punch I just had no control over myself. It was scary and ridiculous. I should have went upstairs and jumped on the bike, but it was like 100 degrees upstairs b/c the AC wasn't on yet. I can still feel that feeling right now as I write about it. It makes me feel nauseous. I'm gonna try to let go of it and I did it better the next day and today I have training so I can just jumpstart back. I know I will gain for the pure fact of mother nature being here, but I just hope that I can drop it by next Tuesday. I'm afraid I will just fall short of 35lbs.


After all that depressing stuff........I got all my new clothes I ordered and they all fit and I'm excited. I'm starting to put together all the last min. things that need to be done. I even laid out in the sun this weekend.....to no avail. Gain or lose.......I've made it this far and I can go the mile.


Good Choices.

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Good Morning, Wow a busy one.

Sun L- 2 tacos, SF/FF vanilla pudding, water

sun D- baked potato, pork chop, green bean casserole, green tea & watermelon for dessert


mon B- Smart start muffin, bannana, gatorade G2

mon L-


Brooke- you remind me of myself so much. I think you handled it well, you did not eat that much extra. I'm glad your clothes came in and your getting your items ready to pack.


Hey was watching rachel ray and she had a lady on with low calorie recipes the one that caught my eye was captain crunch shake. Thought I would share. All recipes on rachel ray website.

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Good Morning, Wow a busy one.

Sun L- 2 tacos, SF/FF vanilla pudding, water

sun D- baked potato, pork chop, green bean casserole, green tea & watermelon for dessert


mon B- Smart start muffin, bannana, gatorade G2

mon L-


Brooke- you remind me of myself so much. I think you handled it well, you did not eat that much extra. I'm glad your clothes came in and your getting your items ready to pack.


Hey was watching rachel ray and she had a lady on with low calorie recipes the one that caught my eye was captain crunch shake. Thought I would share. All recipes on rachel ray website.


Thought I'd copy and paste for you.....it took me a min. to find.




  • 1 tsp. Coffee-mate Sugar Free French Vanilla powdered creamer
  • 2/3 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze, cold
  • 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla ice cream
  • 1/4 cup Cap'n Crunch cereal (original)
  • 2 tbsp. sugar-free calorie-free vanilla syrup (like the kind by Torani)
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 no-calorie sweetener packets (like Splenda or Truvia)
  • 3/4 cup crushed ice or 4 to 6 ice cubes
  • Optional topping: Fat Free Reddi-wip

172 calories 3.5 grams of fat.

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Thanks for the heads up on the shake......I might try that one. I also hooked back up with Hungry girl, which I used to subscribe to and I forgot how helpful it is.


Weigh in: 318.8. Mother Nature? I hope.


I felt good this morning. I had to stop and grab some snacks this morning, so I got low fat cheese sticks, apple, and pineapple slices and a skinny latte, of course. Now sometimes sheetz puts coupons on the latte "don't burn yourself" cover thingies and for the last few weeks its been get a free glazed donut. Now, I need a donut like a hole in the head, so I have been giving them to my co-worker b/c her hubby is a police officer and is on the road a lot. She isn't in this week, so I walked out thinking I would just throw the slip away and forget it. I walked to my car and there was this older couple in their car with a GPS in the window (they must have been getting ready for a trip or stopping to rest on their way) and they were eating some donuts. Their window was down and so I just turned around and asked if they wanted the free donut coupon. They happily accepted. They even waved to me as I pulled away. So, not only did I avoid getting a free donut, but I made some people happy too. Score.:D



BK: Fiber Cereal

Snack: Cereal bar (I really need to stop with these.)

Lunch: Grilled Chicken breast from subway with baked chips (they were out of apples)

Snack: Cereal bar (my last one in the box)

Dinner: Lasagna with a baked potato with ff sour cream and smart balance butter, Arnold's bread toasted.

Snack: A few dill pickle chips (mom bought them, evil), a skinny cow truffle ice cream bar, and cereal.


yes, I admit that was too much snackage that night. I'm trying to fix that.


Also, I noticed I stopped putting fruit in my snacks and I think I was feeling a lot better and doing better with weightloss when I had fruit cups or apples and such.....so gonna trade the cereal bars for fruit for a while.


I'm going to do more exercise this week. I'm going to do 60 mins divided between the bike, the treadmill, and the elliptical. I think its the only way I'm gonna make 35lbs by next Tuesday. I also plan on weighing everyday, so that if I hit 316.....I will count it! lol.


I've decided that after the cruise I will have new goal of 50lbs total loss by October. I figure I will gain a few lbs on the cruise so that will put me back about to 30lbs, so 20bls by October is totally doable (I think). My trainer is on vacay the week I come back from the cruise, so we will start back the first week of July with training, but I told him I'm coming straight back to the gym on the Tuesday I get back to work b/c If I don't I will be hurting. Please let me keep that promise to myself.:rolleyes:


I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday! Good Choices.

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Hey Brooke thanks for posting the recipe I didn't have time yesterday. But it sure sounds good.


I think you are right on track and your new goals are manageable ones. I agree with the exercise once you get out of the routine it is easy to go the other way. Last week was a busy one and didn't make it to Curves at all - I'm really trying this week but their hours do not jive with mine that is 1/2 the problem.


mon D- Mexican restaurant but I chose 1/2 good choices.

tues B - cantalope, weight watcher muffin, water

tues snack- chex mix with almonds and gatorade

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Hi girls!


I had an amazing weekend - if you saw some of my pics on facebook you would know why! :D


I don't think I ever came back to work on a Monday so happy about my weekend. lol


I did pretty good with food all weekend. I danced the night away too and was pretty much dripping with sweat by the end of the night because it was hot, crowded and I was shaking it. lol


Today I have been on my feet all day filing. :rolleyes: Right now is the first time I've been able to sit all day.


BTW- Thanks Brooke for the recipe. ;)


I have no idea what I'm doing for dinner tonigt but will try to use what I have in the pantry and freezer.


Thanks for the compliments on facebook btw! :)

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Thanks. I really want to meet my goals. I'm gonna try extra hard this week to hit that 10% before I leave. And with your kind of schd. I think anyone can understand why its hard to get to curves. But, you make good food choices, sometimes you have to work on what you have available.




I'm so glad you had a good time! Events are never easy b/c you kinda don't have a choice about what your eating or where you are going. But I think the dancing and walking will have a good balancing effect.



BK: Fiber One, Skinny latte

Snack: Apple, low fat cheese stick

Lunch: light spam with dill chips, pineapple

Snack: Cereal bars ( I wanted something sweet)


SIDE BAR: I went to our bookstore to get a diet coke and something sweet. I was going to stay away from the cereal bars, but when I started looking at calories.......it was ridiculous! I'd been picking up the wrong bag of m&ms the last few times I got a snack bag.....it had two servings instead of one, ARGH! So, instead of 220 calories for a pack.....I was eating 440! For M&Ms!!!!!!!!! Then I started looking at the candy bars......400 here......390 there.......OMG.........I could eat 3 or 4 of any of those and still be hungry. Needless to say I just went with the cereal bar for my sweet craving b/c for a whole bar its 180 calories. It may not have any real nutritional value, but at least its 440 calories of no nutrition. Geeezzzzzz, why do foods have sooooo many calories ( i should say bad foods that we like).


Dinner: Taco salad......yea I splurged a bit with the chips and we used hamburger not deer.

Snack: cereal


Workout: I did 40 mins split between the bike and treadmill. My ear was hurting again.....it almost made me a little dizzy. So, I didn't want to fall off the elliptical b/c my balance is bad enough on that thing as it is. Still got 10 more mins of exercise than usual though. I had mom pick me up some sinus meds to see if I could dry up my sinuses in hopes thats why my ear is hurting. It feels a little better this morning.


Sooooooo............I'm in the single digits today and its exciting! Mom has a half day with the kids today and then just meetings on Thursday and Friday and she is done with school. We have a birthday cookout for a friend of ours little boy this weekend and the next thing you know.......I'll have 3 days of work (if that's what you will call what I'll be doing those three days) and its off to the races!!!!!


That is if Dodge will let me know if my stupid car is drivable or not.


Good Choices!

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tues L- awesome 3 cheese ziti meal from weight watchers 240 cal - and it was good!

tues D- 3 pieces of pizza and wine cooler ( I needed that one to relax!) and blueberrys & whip cream for dessert

tues snack- chex mix, water


wed breakfast- breakfast sandwich from weight watchers



Brooke-see that was how I felt about McDonalds think your counting one thing when really your doubling or tripling ther calories. Keep up th good work though.


Jess- saw your pictures, it looked like you were enjoying yourself.

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It really irks me, lol. Just even more reason for these new nutritional laws to be passed so people can really see what they are eating.


PS-Applebees finally put a nutritional menu on their website!


Our boss is leaving tomr. so we are going out to lunch for her today, but they still haven't told me where, so I couldn't prepare for what I was going to eat. She said she was going to give us the rest of the day off, so I've decided that I will go home and clean out my car and then do some house work for mom so we don't have to worry about it this weekend. I won't workout in the gym today......so I'll probably hop on the bike at home.



BK: Fiber One cereal.

Snack: Popcorn

Lunch: grilled chicken sub with baked chips and apples

Snack: nature owns honey and oats bar, low fat cheese stick

Dinner: Lean hamburgers and tator tots-baked, cereal


Good Choices!

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Brooke-I agree at least if you know where you are going you can plan ahead via internet. I always kinda of like some nutritional values before going out to eat. I usually give myself 3 different choices so I can look at the menu like everyone else and decide.


I cleaned my car out last night too. Smelled fresh this am. Getting excited for you as the days are getting closer. I still have to wait until Sept. for mine:(


wed L - smart meal broccoli & fettuccine - 240 cal. & green tea

wed snack vanilla pudding, blueberries whip cream

wed D -shrimp and rice with vegetables in the rice my sister made

dessert/snack had ice cream from our local ice cream shop - 2nd time visited this year so proud of myself. This is a Prime hot spot people drive 1 & 2 hrs and you have to wait sometimes too.

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Well............why does my life seem to be getting more difficult? I'm just going to laugh now.........I'm not gonna let it stress me or make me eat or cry or fret......I'm just gonna laugh b/c I just think in the long run I will look back on this part of my life and wonder why I would get all upset.


My boss just came up here and as we were chatting about our farwell lunch to our VP she said that the rumor mill was going around again that our new VP will be our old Director of Alumni Services who left last year and whose job I applied for. She also told me that if that happens, she was leaving and she told me to just start putting feelers out for jobs b/c she just didn't want me to be blind sided and the waters were getting shakey around here.


Now, I know.....don't put any stock in rumors, however, in a small school like this the rumors always seem to be true. We heard rumors about our Area VP leaving months ago......he left.....we heard rumors about our VP leaving........she left.....other rumors have been proven true also........


Again.......I'm just gonna laugh and start saving some money back just in case.


VACATION CAN NOT COME SOON ENOUGH! Forget finding a man on this cruise.......how about a new job.

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