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Cruising to Healthy


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It took me 2 seconds to forget what I was going to write to you.......hold on......Okay, got it. I would so come up and go to a concert with you, if I didn't have the work load right now :rolleyes:. I can't hardly believe that no one wants free tickets to a concert!




Logging is important. I've found that now that I've got back to logging that I've done better. I use paper when I can't get online. And no I haven't written the review yet, but I got my pics up on Photobucket which is the first step, lol. I should try this weekend.




I can see that. You probably have heard all the scenarios of people who do silly things. I will try to keep my wits about me this time.


Annette: Safe Travels!


yesterday: You guys are gonna laugh


BK: Skinny latte, fiber cereal, bagel with butter, and chicken off the biscuit b/c the biscuit was nasty.


Lunch: Nothing


Snack: After blood work was peanut butter crackers and diet black cherry juice


Dinner: Steamed broccoli, 1/2 fried rice w/ veggies, 1 cup Lo Mein with chicken


Snack: ff whipped cream/little debbie


Sooooooooooooo........if you have FB then you know that I totally passed out. Yep....started getting dizzy after she stuck the needle in, then the spots came, then my hearing went........then that god awful smelling salt came. I had three nurses standing in front of me and the Dr. The bad thing.......they had to stop taking my blood when I passed out so they had to take another vile. I actually made it through that one though. This time the nurse listened to me and talked to me.


Mom told me to lay down, but they had be sitting in a chair and I felt so calm and not nervous at all. I think it was b/c my blood was coming out slow, so it was taking longer for her to fill the vial. I can't imagine what my blood sugar is gonna regstr. He said he'd call me with results.


I didn't ask about diet pills though, I just didn't want have to deal with them. But I did ask about my weight loss. I asked if 30lbs in a year was okay. He said he ask his patients to lose at least 2-3lbs a month, so thats between 24-36lbs a year. That puts me in the middle, so he says that is good. He also says he likes the WW program and its the best. So, I'm gonna cont. to do what I'm doing and see how it goes. I'm gonna give it a month from today and see how much I lose. If I'm still stalemating then I might go back and ask.


So just remind me.......Aug. 23rd (hmm thats the day I will be training...well around that week) to look and see how much I've lost.


Good Choices

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Wow Brooke. Have you ever passed out before when you have gotten blood taken? I never have. That's stinks, I'm sorry. :(


So I asked one girl at work if she wanted to go and she said she would ask the boss but I have a feeling she hasn't and won't. My mom couldn't because she's going back to work...well she had a PT appointment today and she may not be going back just yet..however I don't know if I want to even bother asking my boss to leave early on Wed. :( Darn it. Brooke and Kim I wish you guys could go. Yeah nobody on FB has commented or ask to go. :rolleyes:


The good news is today is Friday, we have to go o my great Uncle and Aunts 50th wedding anniversary party. Still haven't gotten anything for them and I'm at a loss as to what to get.


Sunday we have to go to my cousins daughters 4 or 5th b-day party. My aunt who passed away last December that was her granddaughter and although we are not close to her kids and grand kids, we were invited and go for her and try to be there for when they need us or at family events because it's important I think to show support. Still gotta buy the little girl a gift although I think that won't be hard.


I have Monday and Tuesday off, still no idea what we will be doing although I know at least one visit to the Ocean is in order.


Oh and this morning I woke up late and totally ran out the door, forgetting my cell phone and wallet that has everything in it! :eek: I'm lucky to have great parents though, my father came down and gave me money for lunch.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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B: fried egg (in Olive Oil) sandwich on rye

L: 1 cup Homemade chex mix

D: pork chop, zuchini, squash, pumpkin blossoms, cucumber salad, dr pepper

S: bannana yogert to full for dessert

Tons of water today with heat index was 110 degrees Whoa!



B: fried egg (in Olive Oil) on muffin



Jess-sorry about your concert and no one to go with


Brooke- I hate needles myself and the one test I had to get every 3 months was a two step process. There was one nurse i will not let touch me again after teh 3rd try I said she was DONE. Then her boss a handsome man came in and took it I did not feel a thing. I asked for him everytime until he got promotion and moved and then my insurance changed and have to go elsewhere but there I have been 3X and the girl ther is just as good. I have never passed out but felt like it a time or too. Once they would not let me leave and drive I had to call a ride and it is 30 min from home. So know what you've been through.

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Well, I had a lazy weekend and loved it. I didn't do much of anything and I feel fine about that. With passing out and work stress I think doing nothing for a weekend is good. Although, my back is aching and I was kept up by strange dreams. And I ate a little crazy too, I'm sure I will see it on the scale tomr, but that's okay I'm planning to actually get more gym time this week. Starting with today. My trainer had to switch days, so I'll go and get in a workout today and by the end of week if I do that I will be up one day in the gym, lol.


I'm hoping to hear from the Dr. about my results soon, just for peace of mind. I was wrong about no bruises.......it looks like I'm a drug addict, lol.


On a personal note. Jess, I joined Okcupid and have got at least one interest so far. The other website is making me have a complex. First the firefighter drops me with no warning, then I met this guy who is a physical therapist and from VA and I even added him to my FB (he asked me to add him btw) and that was last night. This morning, we aren't friends anymore:rolleyes:. I normally would just shrug my shoulders and move on, but I was mad that I was totally honest with him and everyone really......I post my weight and everything and yet they just don't pay attn. or something. I'm mean I'm on a BBW website.....who do you expect to find? Anyway, I wasn't mean or anything. I just sent him a message saying, "I'm sorry I wasn't his type and that's okay. I just wish he was up front about it, but I wished him the best of luck in finding someone." But I can't deny that it makes me feel crappy. I put a full length pic of me up and everything, I spell it out that I'm full sized all over, I'm on a bbw website, I put my weight up........maybe its my personality.......am I horrible? I'd almost want it to be my personality.




My mom thinks I do it b/c all the time i spent with my grandmother when she was sick. Its all in my head, lol.




I hadn't passed out from needles in 5 years, but I hadn't have my blood drawn in 2, so maybe........IDK. Did you get someone to go with you?



Hope your having a great time!


I let you guys know about the test as soon as I know.


Good choices

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Fiber ceral and toast

Subway grilled chicken breast on garlic bread/baked chips/apples/diet soda


Homemade spaghetti, garden green beans, toasted bread

FF whipped cream and a little debbie



20 mins @ 75mph on the bike

5 mins. of core

10 mins @ 4.2 speed on the elliptical


Well, I'm up to 320.4 now, but I think I mentioned I expected that, so no biggie.


I'm already up one workout this week, so I'm happy for that.


As for personal stuff, the guy messaged me back and said that it had nothing to do with me as a person, he just found another girl he thinks is better for him and he was sorry for acting like a a** like other guys. I simply told him thanks for being honest and best of luck. Could be bullcrap, but hey, he took the time to make up a lie, right?

On the other end, lol....I had this guy on the site IM me......and I have the rule where if they meet all the things I want then I at least have to talk to them. So, this guy IM's me and he meets the criteria, so I give him a chance........the conversation is a bit flat and then he tells me he is jobless. Of course I ask why? He says b/c he just got deported for the US, lol. Well, I try to give him the benefit of the doubt......aggravated assault. And he is telling me all this. Well, he starts ending the convo, so I say okay, bye and click close.......he IM's me back and is like, "Why did you end it like that?" Well, I thought he was done. "I was going to give you my email." Me, "I only communicate on here." Him, "Fine, you Fat a** B***h. :eek::rolleyes:. Wow, what could I say, but, "I see why we deported you." BLOCK. LOL. I had to giggle b/c he was like 35 years old and his reaction was that of a 15 year old.


Now, there is more work drama too........apparently we don't dress fashionably enough for our new boss and she even commented on the "country" accent of one of my co-workers.........I was mad about that. I'm sorry.......you can't pick on someone's accent. You can tell me to dress nicer, but an accent isn't exactly something you can change! My poor co-worker cried.......that was so hurtful. I thought I was beginning to like this new boss, but I'm sorry that just crosses a line with me. Its like her looking at me and going......."You need to hurry up and lose weight, you are a bad image for us." Why do people have such rude behavior! I told mom I was gonna go all Eliza Dolittle on here, "The Rain in Spain stays Mainly on the Plain, " and in "Hartford, Harafford, and Hampshire Hurricanes Hardly ever Happen." LOL.


Workout with the trainer tonight.


Good Choices.

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Wow Brooke. Sounds like your new boss has some discrimination issues that need to be addressed. :rolleyes:


As for the men - I have gotten some awfully mean comments in the past as well. I think it good that they come out with it the the beginning rather then being verbal or physically abusive as time goes by. Gotta weed out the nasty ones. I hope things get better on the dating sites. It's hard to find the good ones.


So I sold a Coach bag and some accessories and the woman traded with me a $100 Visa gift card. Well when we went to Mass, I used $25 on gas. Well anywhere else I went the card was declined, unless it was under $5. So today I call to find out my balance and it was only like $20 left! :eek: I went online and it said I paid $75 for gas. So now I have to fill out a dispute form. Geez! :rolleyes: I was hoping to use that for the week.


So now I'm back to the daily grind, hope you all are doing well. I need more time off. lol


BTW Brooke - you are a really fast biker. 75 mph! lol you could beat my car. :-) And no I didn't find anyone to go with so oh well. Next time maybe...

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Hey girls,




I know, the sleazy ones are pretty see-through though. And boo on the card thing........mom had one of those and one gas station wouldn't even take it, go figure!


Sorry I'm late today, but it was a long night. I had stomach pain again and decided that maybe I needed a laxative.............yes I'd never taken one before. Woke up an 2am with craps that were so bad I couldn't hardly catch my breath, then I ended up laying in the bathroom floor feeling like I was going to pass out, cold sweats, and feeling like I was going to throw up. Poor mom was trying to rub my back to see if it would help and Fat Dog was just sniffing me, lol. Let's just say I will NEVER take those things again and can not believe that ppl take those things to lose weight!! I thought I was going to die.


Needless to say I asked my boss to come in late b/c I was up half the night. Fat Dog would have none of that and demanded her breakfast by at least 7:30, so I got an extra hour. Feel much better today though.


Working out with the trainer again and I think we've figured that once he starts back to his normal job, then we will meet once a week for an hour and more if I need more help.


Going to the chiro tomr. b/c my back has been aching when I'm sitting at work and since my new boss I think I'll be doing a lot of work at my desk. They've sent me yet another Grant request and its due next week! I'm about to tell them they can't expect me to do any grant proposals until my training at the end of Aug.!



Fiber cereal, english wheat muffins with butter

I ate in our cafe, so a hamburger patty (no bun) a bit of rice (bland), fries, green bean casserole stuff, then cookies and a rice crispy bar (small)......this is why I don't eat there.......i eat too much.


Applebees Asiago steak meal

Wendy's frosty.


It was after workout was over that I got the stomach problems....I thought maybe b/c I got too hungry and that's why I went ahead and ate.


Still no info. from the Dr.



Any ideas on fall plus size fashions? Gotta get up to speed for the new boss, can't be out of style :rolleyes:


Good Choices.

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Brooke - At work here a lot of the girls use a big medicine/excercise ball and they sit on that all day. They say it's even better for your back and body then sitting on a chair. I plan on getting one soon. Not a cure but maybe it would help your back?


BTW- Onestopplus.com and womanwithin.com had a coupon code for 50% off your entire order!

Not sure if it's working now though - but they often have good coupon codes to use!

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Hi Ladies,


I haven't written anything it a bit, but I been reading.


Brooke- I hate that you had someone be so rude to you on the dating site. Keep plugging away, though. Mr. Right is out there. :o I can't believe that your boss brought up someone's accent. Completely unacceptable. As far as what you wear. Does your employer have a dress code? If you are following it, she really can't make you change how you dress. I don't have any tips on fall fashions. I wear jeans every day to work (capris/crops in the summer) as I work with kids.


Jess - Is it possible that the gas station placed a temporary hold on the card. Yes it is a gift card, but has a Visa logo. I know that at some gas stations, they will place a temporary $75 hold on my debit card (with a Visa logo) until the payment clears - even if I spend $5 or $10. Check again in a day or so just in case. Just a thought, but I could be completely wrong.


I have been doing really well. My biggest challenges continue to be when I eat out. For example, I take my kids to Friendly's almost every Wednesday. I am always looking for a dining out bargain and they have kids meals for $1.99 on Wednesdays. It is sad, but the ice cream is often the best thing there for you! The sandwiches and salads are so high in calories! We did go there today and I opted for a BLT with very little B and a side of cole slaw (no dessert!).


But, I have still managed to lose. I have lost 24 lbs. now! :D My goal was 50 lbs by November 15. I am beginning to feel like that just may possible.



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Kim - Way to go! That goal is totally reachable, you can do it!


Thanks for reminding me by the way on that Visa gift card I have. I think that was why and you know what? I did it today again. I checked the balance and it was back up to over $50 and then I used it again for gas ($20) and then a few hours later I went to get a cold drink and it was declined. I don't think I will try to use it for gas anymore. PITA!


Seriously I have eaten out 4 out of 5 days during my weekend and days off. Today and last night I felt really awful about it. I really haven't eaten a lot but sometimes when I think about what I eat or how bad things are I just want to vomit. Sometimes I get to the point where I don't want to eat anything at all and just live on water. That's how I have felt a few times in the past couple weeks. It's like the food I eat is put of habit but in reality I am not "really" craving or hungry for it. I don't know... it's just weird. Anyway leaving to go home now.


Hope you all have a great evening!

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I believe in honesty, mainly b/c if I’m honest with strangers I suppose that I have to be honest with myself. Sooo…

I’m 25 years old, 5’7 and I weight 345lbs. Yep, sure do, no lie.

So here is the deal. I’ve been gaining weight since I was in the 3rd grade. Slowly I’d add on the lbs year by year. My mom tried her best to stop the bad habits, but that just led to me sneaking food and obviously rebelling as a teenager. In high school I lost 40lbs on Atkins….gained it back…In college I lost 40lbs on Weight Watchers…gained it back and then some. Then the late night paper writing and pizza eating and other bad habits along with not exercise and afternoon naps led to even more weight. Got out of college and got a job and started WW again and lost 30lbs…..gained it back and then some again. So I was going to go with the only option I thought I had left, Lapband. Unfortunately, I got laid off my job and lost the insurance. My new job doesn’t cover it although I feel lucky to have a job and health insurance after going 8 months without either.

I recently went on a cruise with my friend (skinny girl) and just got a wake-up call. Though my friend is very supportive and we met another girl (plus size, not nearly my size tho) that made me feel better about myself….It hit me in my face. I couldn’t walk as far, my friend was constantly asking me if “I was okay?”, I couldn’t do half of the excursions even listed b/c they had weight limits or ability limits and of course I felt like the world was staring at me when I had my bathing suit on. So as not to forget, God sent me a reminder when I got home. My friend had taken a video on my camera of me dancing…..Okay, this is one of those moments I should have had about 100lbs ago. I used to pride myself on having curves. I don’t mind curves or being plus size. I think being a zero is ridiculous. I want some meat on my bones, but I’m in the far too extreme of that where it stops being attractive and more morbid. I watched that video and saw a girl who had no figure at all anymore. I was literally just “round.” I felt like that girl from Willy Wonka when she ate that gum and blew up like a blueberry. It’s sad when you look down and see your belly before your boobs.

Bottom line this time, I got one more chance to lose this weight through hard work and lifestyle changes. After this I’m going to take out a loan or save the money or borrow it and have the Lapband anyway. I’m not living some of the best years of my life in poor quality just b/c I can’t keep food out of my mouth.

I plan on cruising again in April 2010. My goal is to get to 300lbs by then. Not much of a diff., but hopefully I can do it.

I thought confessing my honest feelings and responses to myself and what I’ve done to myself would help move me forward. Saying stuff like that to people you know evokes sympathy and pity. Why should I have pity or sympathy when I did this to myself knowingly and willingly? But they say confession is good for the soul, so maybe this is good for me.

300 by 2010 is the goal if anyone wants to join in.

Thanks you for the post.

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Way to go! You can do it!


Jess and Kim,


I've been eating out more too........mom hasn't been cooking as much as she usually does in the summer b/c its hot (not central air) and dad has been gone the last 2 weeks on a job, so no leftovers. I've been trying to make good choices when I eat out though. We live in a fast paced world and sometimes eating on the fly or eating where you can afford it is how we have to live, but we just make the best of the worst choices.



Bagel w/butter from sheetz and a skinny latte w/ a low cal gatorade.

Lunch: Honey wheat bagel with turkey/ lettuce/ tomato and arbys' sauce (lol, I didn't have mayo, so I used what i had). w/ applesauce

Dinner: A steak and baked potato.


Workout w/ trainer: We did good, he had me do a lot of lunges (sp).


Had to go to the chiro today b/c I was hurting........he said my hip flexors were really tight and that some of the exercises the trainer is doing aren't helping, so I have to relay that info. He also said that I might have a sinus infection beginning. My ear still hasn't drained all the way and he pressed on my sinuses and that side of my face (with the stopped up ear) is the only side that is sore. He said to try the nettie pot and see if it helps.


Results from the Dr.: Everything looks fine except for my Vita D is 28 and should be around 50. So 2,000 IUs of OTC vita D for me everyday for 6 months and then more blood work.


I've been having all this stress about work, soooooooo much is going on and its nerve wracking. I talked to my SIL who is in the banking business and she helped me see a few things a little better and I talked some things over with mom. I think just talking about it helps anyway. I think I also got some signs from above. There was a wreck in our town that killed 2 fire fighters and I drove through it on my way home one evening. The yesterday I drove through a wreck coming home from working out with a car flipped on its top in a ditch, then today I drove through another wreck. In a small town like this (non on a open highway) that is weird. So, I decided that it was a knock on the head from up above saying, "Hey.........aren't YOU lucky." And I sure am.:D


I accepted the evening teaching position and my SIL gave me a pointer on how to handle it with my boss. She said, just go in with a positive attitude and don't ASK for approval, just talk to her like you are a friend wanting to share good news and wanting some support. My SIL says, no good leader will take away opportunity for someone to grow.


Okay, Now I gotta get to work and start getting somethings done.


Good Choices.


Oh, and Nicole................Your Welcome:)

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Morning girls!


Vacation was good but I am still exhausted. We actually got to go to Disney for 7 days in a row but with that and the classes that I did go to (I skipped some because they were usless for our clients) I am really dragging since I got home late Friday night.


Brooke- Congrats on the job and hope all goes well with your boss. I got a laugh at your comment about the deported guy. lol I am thankful that I never went to one of those because I could see how easy it is to let others to give you a complex but just remember if they are not the one they are simply not the one. By the way what is BBW or whatever the initals were? I have no clue on that and you put it a lot so I had to ask. Hope you feel better soon.


Jess- The medicine/exercise ball sounds like a really good idea. My posture has gotten really bad lately since I have not been doing any yoga and I can see how that would help. I am going to have to break down and get me one of those one day. How are things going at your job?


Kim-Great job with your weight loss. I see you are really determined and that I believe is the most important step. I have so got to get there.


Kimmers- Miss you getting to come on everyday.

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Glad you're back! You will have to tell us all the fun stories.


Starting off tired today, but maybe its b/c I just took my vita D pills. I didn't do any caff. this morning either. And I had wild dreams last night and they say if you remember your dreams then you didn't get good sleep. Dang, I usually always remember my dreams and I always dream.


Trainer workout today and I bought fruit and yogurt and some beef jerky (naturally low fat and high in protein, low in calories and the sodium isn't bad either) for snacks today instead of crap.


Got some awesome clothes at lane Bryant this weekend and saved $140 with coupons and sales items. I also got one thing at the Avenue. Looks like my fall wardrobe is shaping up.


Good Choices.

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This is what happens when I try to make a stand for myself.........I make a mess out of it!


I had to go ask permission from my VP today to teach the class b/c they have to have a written letter. She seemed positive about it and I apologize for not understanding the policy and possibly making her feel undermined. She seemed receptive, but she didn't say "yes" or "no." She said to send her an email with the information. Well, if she says no, my old professor who interviewed me and all said it was really his fault b/c he should have known better as well. And if she says no, I will be fine with that, but I was just worried about what he would think of me and him having to find a replacement that fast.


So, I was feeling good about how I handle everything, until I went upstairs b/c my supervisor asked me to see her after I talked to my VP. I thought she was being nosey, as usual, but nooooooooooooooooooo. She wanted to lay into me about accepting the position when she told me NOT to before I talked to Kim. "Insubordination" and she said I got snippy with her that morning. Well, I did get snippy, but I wasn't digging her tone with me either. I didn't mean for that to be what happened and I'm truly sorry she felt that way, but I was just trying to stand up for myself. I really didn't know there was a policy on working at the college in two different depts. even if its after hours. I just thought everyone was being overly dramatic b/c we had a new boss. I'm still a little mad at her though b/c she acts like I did something horrible, like steal from the company. I've only been here for 2 years, I don't know all the policies and when you are never serious with me how 'am I suppose to know you were being serious.


I'm caught in the middle here. She still wants to treat me like a "child" and have me put everything through to her, but my new VP wants me to think on my own and make decisions. My two bosses are on two different management styles and I'm not sure who to go with. Though I do like my supervisor, she interviewed for another job last week and was pretty sure she was getting it..........and I think, career wise, it will be best if she does leave.


Every time I turn around its a new drama in this place and I'm pretty sure it mostly comes from her. Like my VP just told me to send out my new request forms for research and grant. I did so b/c she told me to and I put in the email, "Please let me know if there are any issues or problems." Who is the first and only person so far to send me something..........my supervisor. It was a valid concern, but it just seems after our recent convo that she still doesn't like me to do things without her.


I prayed for God to help me this morning for the meeting and I think he did give me the right attitude, but I was blind sided by my supervisor, so my gut only got about 30 secs. of worry relief before she got to me. I really just feel like I need a good cry. Just need to get it out of my system to clear my head and all the nervous energy.


My supervisor said, "I know I'm gonna have to talk to her about this." No, no you don't, unless she ask.......and I don't think she will. But I have a feeling that my supervisor is gonna to pick up the phone and get in the middle of it anyway, when she doesn't have to and I have this bad feeling that I'm gonna get thrown under the bus so she feels like her butt is safe, when I don't feel like its in jeopardy in the first place (if she keeps her mouth shut).


Wow, I'm sorry to vent you guys........I just needed to type that out before I exploded.

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Brooke I'm sorry things are crappy right now at work. :( I know how that feels. I hope things look up for you real soon.


Well I tried making banana bread last night for the first time :rolleyes: yeah it didn't turn out quite how I expected. I think it was a bit too liquidy to begin with. Yesterday though was a nice suprise as I was working my family stopped by..I didn't notice until I saw a great aunt whom I don't see very often walking by the office window and she just waved and kept walking. I thought maybe she didn't reconize me. LOL but then each one of them did the same thing..it was funny but it's a nice suprise. It's just sucks when they leave and I have stay at work. We all ended up going to the movies after I got out of work but they wanted to see Charlie St. Cloud but I had already seen it on Sunday, so my dad and I went to see Salt which was actually better then I expected. This is a theater that you can also eat dinner at. Well unfortunatley they don't have very healthy choices. It's basically between, fried food, pizza and burgers :rolleyes: and the food is not that great quality. They make it like fast food because they have to make it quick for a lot of people but still they should at least have some healthier options.

On Saturday we went to Wells, Maine. My mom couldn't go because of her knee and my sister was not a good girl the last time so she didn't go..I went with my cousins wife and kids, my aunt and the guys (including my dad) were already there by 7 am. The water was probably the warmest I have felt Ocean water in a long time. It was great but I definitley don't feel as safe in it as I do at our Lake.


Brooke this may not matter to you but I found this site helpful cause I was looking for beach chairs that were wide enough and would hold my weight...also I found they have other things for bigger people. They even have a larger bike seat that I was looking for. The site is Brylanehome.com under "Plus Size Living". We were eyeing the 5 piece beach set but I'm waiting for a coupon code to use. LOL


Anyway, enough rambling from me- how is everyone doing?

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Sorry about not posting yesterday, I wasn't in a good mood and didn't want to bring the negative. Its seems things have worked out for the last drama, at least. I can't teach this semester, my VP wants me to concentrate on learning my new job and then maybe next semester. I hate letting my old professor down like that though. My boss is getting back to her old self. It was like she was scared of me yesterday. I'd moved past the situation after a good nights sleep and was ready to get back to normal. But it took her most of the day before she started getting back to actually talking to me. I'm like, this isn't high school, I'm not going to be mad at you for a week and then cry when we make up.........let's move on.


I still have my job though, lol and I have lots of people around, including our President giving me advice and encouragement, so I must say that the positives out weigh the negs.


I forgot to tell you my weight yesterday: 319.4. About 1/2 a pound, not bad after almost eating a whole pizza on Sunday b/c I was stress eating. Then on Monday and Tuesday I had not appt. b/c I was extremely stressed and that has NEVER happened to me before. Of course it could be my body getting use to eating less also.



Fiber cereal and toast

We ate in the cafe and it was grilled chicken with some kind of sauce that was tomato based on it, fries (baked), and 1/2 pasta with 1 tbsp alfredo sauce, then a cup of cookie and cream ice cream. (We have ice cream from a creamy in our area, it is to die for, but they make it with the real stuff, butter and fatty milk and all........mmmmmmm)

Snack: Cherries, and beef jerky

Dinner: BBQ on thin bread with 1/2 cup of macoroni salad, then hot coco mix with milk and some reese bits.


Workout: I didn't yesterday I just went home and ate, then to bed to give myself some recovery from stress.


Today is a trainer day, hopefully our gym won't be locked this time, but last time we walked around campus and he had me do things like sprint on the stairs or use the railings for push ups, etc.




Thanks for the love and thanks for the store. You know I'm always the one going, "Whats the weight capacity on that?" This will be helpful.


Good Choices

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Brooke - that is crappy about your work situation. You are handling it all extremely well. It is a shame that they don't want you to teach this semester. Why hold you back? Yes, you have a new job to learn, but wouldn't the class be on YOUR time? I worked in 2 different jobs at the same hospital for about a year. I did have to get permission from my immediate supervisor and VP.


Anyway... I have been in some bad work situations over the years. I have been out of the full time work force for years now. I have worked part time in non-professional positions while raising my kids. I don't miss the drama and the office politics. I love my job now - I work with kids with autism - one-on-one behavior therapy in their homes. I have a special education degree that I am finally putting to use. I worked mainly in Human Resources prior to this. My job is rewarding, and gives me time with my own kids, too. The pay is not what I used to make, but I really like it.


On the weight loss efforts, I have lost 26 lbs. I can't believe it. It's as if my metabolism has just kicked in and has decided to respond. I feel great. I have a long way to go. In all honesty, I should probably lose 100 more, but this is the first time in a very long time that things are clicking. My goal - which now seems possible - is 50 lbs by November 15.


I got a new swim suit in the mail today. I got it from Avenue. With a coupon, it was $30 with shipping. I haven't put it on yet, but it is a black tankini with a little blue ruffle around the bust. It is really nice actually. I did purchase a couple sundresses from them, too, but those are going right back - they are paper thin. I ordered 2 jersey maxi dresses from Target that I hope will be better - one is black, one is blue. I want something that I can put on over a suit, but still look nice. Between finding stuff for the cruise and buying school uniforms, the UPS man has been at the house almost daily lately.


Jess - I love Wells! I haven't been since 2002 when I was 5 mos pregnant with my first son. We traded our time share and stayed at the Nautical Mile. Not the nicest place, but a great location. Maine is just wonderful; I need to get the kids there. They would love it.


I hope everyone is doing well - hang in there! Kim :)

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Kim- Great job! I am so happy for you.


Brooke-Still hate that work has been so yucky lately. By the way I know you were very offended by that commercial for Drop Dead Diva but did you ever watch it? I admit I really enjoy it. She really learns a lot about how superficial she was in her past life and lots of other life lessons. So even though the commercial for it was not nice at all the show really goes past that.


Jess- Glad you are getting to come on here more often. I can only imagine the people walking by you at work. lol That sounds like it would have been funny to see.


Kimmers- Miss you as always but glad you have been able to spend some time with your family lately.

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This is gonna be a quickie..........thanks for all the support.......I'm just gonna be happy I have a job and take it all one step at a time.




We have a actual policy here that says you can't work in the same organization (the college) without permission from your primary supervisor regardless of the time. I just know they have to be breaking some kind of freedom law, lol.


Try Old navy for some summer dresses.........online they have up to size 30 and if you catch a sale, you can rack up. I got two maxi's from there and a pink ruffle sun dress, a black sundress, and recently a purple dress for work. All jersey, but throw a necklace on there and you just made it formal looking, lol.




Was I offended by Drop Dead? I've never seen it, but heard of it.......I don't remember ever seeing anything on it. I don't have cable.




Enjoy some family time!




Looked at that site......those might come in handy!

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Brooke - I was so upset about what happened to me at work, that now I have just gotten to the point that I had to say..well I need to keep my apartment so I'm not gonna give in, I'm just gonna do my job and shut up. I get paid decent for what I do and I don't want to give up my apartment. I don't know about your state but here if you quit, you can't collect unemployment but if your fired you can. That's probably why they haven't fired me yet. LOL Anyways, Keep your head up and always keep an eye out for good opportunities. ;)


Last night I was able to finally do some more couponing. It feeds my shopping addiction when I can't afford the exspensive things I want. I went to Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens and ended up with 34 items for a PROFIT of over $9.00! I get sooo excited about saving money and getting good deals LOL :p


At CVS Sobe is buy one, get one free. If you didn't know this you can combine Buy one, get one free coupons with those sales too get both for FREE. So I went to headsortails.sobe.com, played the game and was able to print two coupons. Well I've been doing it a few times already so I went to CVS and was able to grab 16 bottles of Sobe for Free.


I got the 0 Calorie ones too. Thought I'd share that deal in case you like Sobe or like getting things for free. :D

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Jess- Wow Again I am so impressed with your saving skills. I might just try that idea if I get time before they go off sale.


Brooke- It has been a while (I also want to say GO ME for remember something that everyone else forgot!!!!!!!) you said you heard a commercial on the way to work I think about a super model who dies and get punished (or something equally as mean) by coming back in a fat girls body. Like I said although the commercial was really harsh the shoe itself is really good. The lady in it has learned so much about how fake her life was before. I don't think she was mean in her 1st life more legally blonde movie type but was not very bright. It comes on Lifetime which I also remembered about your cable after I asked but I think you can check in out online as well.


Brittany get released from her Otho dr on Tuesday morning then loe and behold she goes to the dentist and he refers her to another dr because she has a TMJ disorder??? I had just gotten out of the grocery store from a really really really bad shopping trip with the other 3 kids and honestly thought I was going to cry. I confess I went straight to Sonic and got a Cherry Limeade. Didn't even make it a diet like that was going to punish the kids:mad:. Well there is only one dr who takes medicaid and they are no longet taking TMJ pts so I have to look around in Columbia which is about an hour away.


I am taking my Mom and the kids to Charlotte tomorrow to spend the day with my Aunt and her family.

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I feel so guilty about not being on here. But I have to agree with Brooke you probably do not want me on here as I have been going thru some issues and very negative lately!


1st- I cannot get used to a schedule since being on 3rds. (July 1st) I am so L A Z Y! Sometimes I am hungry sometimes I have to force myself to eat.


2nd- cannot get into exercising so I have not been to Curves in 3 weeks, I am so bad. But I have a swimming pool and have been using that along with riding bike and walking so when I force myself to get out of the house I do those things. But me and the couch have been best friends. I want out of this rut. I want my life back. LOL My mom had knee surgery so she has not gone to Curves and now the doctor will not release her to go back so she is quitting and my other workout partner wants to quit because of the hours she can only make it twice a week so I am thinking of quitting but if I do I have to come up with something for winter.


3rd - was having some stress issues at work :( like Brooke it is all politics and working with other females LOL. I think we have it resovled but will find out next week.


4th -because of all the above I have not been writing in my journal and chocolate has been my best friend. But I found a simple pie that is easy to make and not much calories.


I've seen some of you on facebook and I've been posting daily on there. So my friends on here I again apologize for being MIA.


Recipe ~ Heath Bar Pie

1 9 oz cool whip light / or sugar free

1 individual package of Swiss Miss Sugar Free Hot chocolate mix

1 TBSP baking cocoa

1 graham cracker crust

3 Heath bars (or I use 1/2 bag Heath pieces located in bake isle)

Mix all ingredients together and reserve 1/2 of the Heath. sprinkle on top chill for 12 hrs in refrigerator. I also made it with reese's cups. If you get the bigger Cool whip you can add more white on top then sprinkle the Heath. I've done it both ways. Enjoy~


Thanks to all for listening

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