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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi everyone,

Well, I weighed in this morning and have lost somewhere between 2.6 and 1.0 pounds this week... yes... I think my scale is broken. It would say something different everytime I stepped on! Talk about frustrating!!

This week I tracked what I ate and even though it didn't really change my eating habits, it did help me to realize how many and what types of calories I am taking in. I definitely eat too many sweets, not enough protein, and a little bit too much wine. :o


So, any ideas of adding protein to a diet? I like the idea of adding beans to different dishes. I don't want to do any type of protein-shake. The idea is kind of gross to me. :p I'm thinking I should buy some cottage cheese for snacks, and maybe buy some tofu to add to stirfrys, too. I'm not sure. I know greek yogurt is high in protein. The only brand I like is Chobani with pineapple. I should try to pick up some of that, too, but I don't know if they have it at my grocery store. I know they sell it at Target, but in order to get to Target I have to take the subway for like 15 minutes to get there. :rolleyes: (We don't have a car since we live in a downtown area)


Anyway, any exciting weekend plans? We are going out to visit my husband's family because it was his mom's birthday. I guess I'm lucky in that I really like hanging out with my in-laws. I'm sure there will be lots of food, and we might even be going out to dinner, so I'll just have to be sure to make good choices.


Good luck everyone, and have a great weekend!

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Morning everyone. Congrats to all those who lost weight and made better choices for themselves. I have made some big desicions of some things I need to change and plan to do them but they are more spiritual and emotional changes so hopefully the peace I receive from them will lead to better food/workout choices.


Have a great weekend!

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Just checking in...


I have been doing HORRIBLY the last couple of days and paying for it dearly now with what I call "restaurant revenge". I tend to have "issues" when I over-indulge eating out.


Thursday afternoon, we went to Sonic for lunch. Not good. Won't even discuss. Thursday night, I had a party for my husband's work. I did fine with the regular food and only had one margararita. But, the dessert table was a whole other issues. :mad: It is the devil.


Friday night, the kids spend a night a my mom's, so hubby and I went out for Chinese food. It was fabulous, but we made horrible choices.


Saturday breakfast and lunch were fine. The afternoon was ice cream and dinner was leftover Chinese.


Now, I feel as though I am going through detox. It has all caught up with me and I feel just gross. This reminds me of the story "The Hungry Little Caterpillar". I think I just need to eat "one nice green leaf" as the caterpillar does and I will feel "much better".


I won't even talk about the scale. I wil NOT be getting on it for another week. What amazes me is that this is exactly how I ate (and then some!) prior to my weight loss journey. How could I do that? After a couple days of over-indulging I feel sick. How is it that I managed to do that for years?


Anway...back on track today. I had cereal for breakfast and I am having a salad for lunch. Then off to the grocery store to stock up on fruit and veggies for the week!! :)

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Just a quick check in, I have a 8:30 meeting and then a 9:30 opening session to go to.


Had a bad weekend. I ate a bunch of bad stuff for no reason other than I was at my brother's and I was bored and I ate. I hope I can make up for it this week. I did record my points though, so I'm getting better.


Good Choices.

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Hi ladies,

I had an AWFUL weekend too. :mad: Well, I had fun, but ate way too much and had margaritas, carrot cake, etc.... Just bad. I did weigh myself this morning, but I am back up to where I was a week ago... so it's like all my hard work this last week was for nothing. GRRR. I am hoping some if it was water weight. My in-laws had a mexican dinner for us. Chips, salsa, etc... I am glad that I faced the scale sooner rather than later, because now I have a lot of motivation to get back to where I was and down some by this Friday.


This week will be hard though, I have a co-worker that just rejoined us so lunch out today. Then I am seeing friends on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then a happy hour on Thursday to celebrate the co-worker coming back.


Well I have the extra motivation from weighing more this morning, so I am just going to have to start up and fight back one more time... or else I am not going to be near my goal by November! Time is going by FAST!

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Well I bought my new notebook, but nothing is in it yet. Hey one thing at a time LOL

I've been on the internet to try and find some new healthy meals I can make ahead of time and take to work. Also need to get back to my healthy snacks I cAn dO tHiS!!


Well I have not made it through all of the entries. So I will say Congratulations to everyone have a good week!


Brooke-Thanks about the audit -that was stressfull but it is over so know I have been consentrating on my upcoming cruise and then I need to go back and read entries.


I've been on facebook more than here, so I apologize if I am not up to speed yet.

Routine to start soon.

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openhouse at the school tonight and leave it to dear Natalie to embarass the snot out of me. First, I have to admit that I like to look at photos even if I don't really know the people or if I want to know more about them. Well I was looking for my sons teacher on there because her 2 year old has cancer and I was wanting to see how she was doing while on hers I saw Natalies teacher. I made the mistake of showing Natalie her teachers dog and she goes to school and tells the teacher. :oThen we go to Ellens room and see the lady who takes the kids photos and our family photos and Natalie asks her if she's having a baby.:o:mad: Let the little faces say it all. SHE is NOT having a baby and just tells Natalie she is bloated so now Natalie keeps saying that she is loaded.:eek: I am always worried when we are out in public because you never know what she is going to say.:eek:


All last week the Lord was dealing with me because he has been telling me something to do and I was not doing it. Well early last week it got to the point I was just crying and praying and telling the Lord to help me and you know what He said. "WHY YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME ANYWAY!" It got to the point that I was driving down the road all by myself and had to say out loud. "OK GOD I AM GOING TO DO IT!" Well I did what He said and realized that I was hardening my heart to him for not being in His will the last few months so hopefully everything else will now get back on track and I fell a lot lighter already.;)


I am just ready for bed. Goodnight all!

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I think it was just one of those weekends. I always just say.........."its a new day."




Hehe..........weren't you the one that it took forever to even get you on FB? Now, remind me again..........when is your cruise? You need a countdown thingy, lol.




Sometimes God does nothing, so we have to do something.


My trainer had to nix on me yesterday and there I was turning and getting in my car and starting it up..........then I realized............I'm dressed to workout, the gym is literally 2 feet away from me.........So, I turned the car off and got out and got my butt in that gym for at least 30 mins.


Then went home and had pizza for dinner, lol.



I might have to cancel my workout tonight too b/c I promised my boss I'd do running for her in town and it would be an utter waste of gas to drive all the back here.......we will see.



Good choices

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I think it was just one of those weekends. I always just say.........."its a new day."




Hehe..........weren't you the one that it took forever to even get you on FB? Now, remind me again..........when is your cruise? You need a countdown thingy, lol.




Sometimes God does nothing, so we have to do something.


My trainer had to nix on me yesterday and there I was turning and getting in my car and starting it up..........then I realized............I'm dressed to workout, the gym is literally 2 feet away from me.........So, I turned the car off and got out and got my butt in that gym for at least 30 mins.


Then went home and had pizza for dinner, lol.



I might have to cancel my workout tonight too b/c I promised my boss I'd do running for her in town and it would be an utter waste of gas to drive all the back here.......we will see.



Good choices



Wow, do I love this website! I have not only found great info on cruising, but now seeing this thread, really lets me know that I am not alone! I've enjoyed reading your posts (all of you) and know that weight loss plays in my mind daily. All these years, knowing that there are others who fight the same battle as I do everyday, I still don't do anything about it, until recently, watching my toddlers growing and running around, I know that I have no choice but to get my rear in gear! Altho, I'm not on a great regimen, I am watching what I eat... some good and bad choices. In my research of weight loss things (including reading about WW, Jenny Craig, joining a gym) I found this website, that has astounded me, and if it's been mentioned before I apologize, it's called www.shrinkyourself.com It really has opened my mind to WHY I overeat vs, I eat because I can. I will be subscribing to this thread, but thanks to all that have participated, I enjoy reading the stories and watching the friendships being made! :D

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Well my day hasn't started out so well. I went to bed with a backache from h*ll. I was laying on my futon before so I don't know if I was laying in a wrong position or what but it was awful. I was hoping to wake up to some relief but no luck. I could barely bend over, sit, uhh awful and it still hurts. I'll give it a day or so if it's still really bad I'll have to see someone if possible.


I also had a doctors appointment this morning although I didn't bother telling her about my back because I was in a hurry. The appointment was for 8am and I was there at 7:30am as so I wouldn't miss work because I have to be to work at 9am. Well I had to give my new insurance info, then had to get my vitals, then they had to go throw my whole family history and then I waited a half hour for the doctor! I went out of the room to ask what time it was (forgot my cell in the car) they said it was 8:30! and I was half hour away from work. So I told them I had to skip this appointment, one of the nurses interuppted the doctor and the doctor came right out. I felt terrible but we spoke for 15 min and she let me call work on her cell phone and she gave me a doctors note. Next time I think I will just leave early from work for a doctors appointment instead. :rolleyes:


This was my first appointment with this doctor and even though it was brief I was suprised how much I really liked her so I'm keeping her as my doctor and I am to see her again in October. Have to get my thyroid checked and check for diabetes.


She also set my up for an appointment with a therapist..so we will see how that goes. Maybe it might help with the mind set issues.


Good luck all, I have tomorrow and Thursday off just to hang with my niece and do whatever needs to get done for errands.

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Jess, glad you found a new doctor you like, even though things went kind of slow... I hate that. Especially first thing in the morning, you would think that they wouldn't be that far behind yet!


Brooke, thanks for the encouragement... You're right, I do just need to keep going and not let a bad weekend get me down.


In fact, I weighed myself and I am down 1.4 pounds from yesterday, so I do think a bit of it was salt/water weight... although I am still up 2.2 from my low last Thursday. :mad: I also think my stomach has felt a bit blaoted and this may be TMI, but I think I ate too many beans this weekend. :o Sorry if that was TMI. Anyway, I'm hoping that a bit more will come off before my next weigh-in... I have been pushing myself with the workouts and eating really "clean."


In fact, I was thinking that it has been at least 5 weeks since I had my last diet soda... yay! I just made the decision that if I really wanted a coke or something, to just have a real one every week or so, instead of diet all the time.


My co-worker likes to mix fresh orange juice with club soda (I think club soda, whichever one is just fizzy water and no cals), and says it tastes like an Orangina and is very refreshing for her.


I have friends coming over tonight. My goal is to sneak in a workout with hand weights/etc. before they come over... and limit myself to 1 - 2 glasses of wine, and then water the rest of the night.

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Ok Rach what is an Orangina? I have no clue. I tell you soda and anything CHERRY like cherry limeade, shirley temple is a big downfall for me. If your friend has any ideas on how to make a shirley temple with less calories let me know. I am sure using diet sprite would help but most resturants don't have that. Congrats on the weight loss.


Someone on my FB went to a trainer yesterday and he posted that he wasn't to eat redmeat because it takes longer to digest and the longer it takes the more fat you are absorbing. I am going to think about that when making my choices.


Jess finding a dr you like is a wonderful feeling. Hope you get to feeling better fast.


Brooke Have you always had to run around town for work or is this something new or like a one time favor thing? They sure are keeping you busy lately.


All you KIMS have a great day! LOL

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Annette, an Orangina is kind of an orange soda, but it has some orange juice mixed in too, I think. I know they have it a lot in Europe and sometimes see it at the store here now, too. Anyway, it kind of feels like a "treat" but cut with the club soda it is less calories.


I too LURVE Shirley Temple's, have ever since I was little! I would have to think about a low-cal sub for that though... maybe the maraschino cherry juice with club soda? They should have both those things out at a restaurant/bar. I'm not sure how that would taste though.

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Once again, no time today. But I know as long as i make the effort just to write something then I feel better.


Musical offices, official move happens today, so it will be chaos around here, hope I can get some work done (I NEED TO!).


Workout with the trainer this afternoon.


Need to lose at least 5lbs by end of Oct. b/c I gotta fly to FL for my training and the seats are 17inches wide on the express jets. I know I'm at the least 20 inches wide or more.


Welcome to our new friend, I don't remember if you left a name.


I will be repeating the serinity pray today as God will grant it to me as I hope no more drama occurs in the office today.


Good Choices.

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Since I left my kids story about what they say that makes you want to crawl in a hole I thought I would post a funny story about what JC said yesterday.


I was doing an exersice dvd and JC was "trying" to do it with me and they lady says think about that bikini bottom that is the area we are working on with this move. JC says "I'm not going to think about bikini bottoms I am going to think about swim trunks." I say "OK". Then about 10 seconds later he goes "I am going to think about my Thomas ones." It was all I could do not to fall over from laughing. He was so serious.


I worked out for the 3rd day in a row so I am proud of myself for that. I also got on the scale and I have gained back all the weight that I had lost to the exact amount but was very happy that it wasn't worse. I was praying a lot before I got on there and was so thankful when I stepped off.


I do have an opinion ? though.


I don't like coffee and I really need a little something to help me in the mornings. I usually do good with sugar free redbull no calories and gets me going but for whatever reason it just doesn't taste good anymore. I really really really love Cherry Amp but it is 200 calories but just the thought of it makes me jump out of bed so I can have some. Do you think I should just keep forcing down the Redbull or give into the Cherry Amp and know that it is adding on 200 calories to my day? I am kinda torn about it. I made some good and some bad choices yesterday but I am going to focus on the good ones that I made and try to make even more good ones today.

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Annette, that is a funny story about JC. Kids say the funniest things, especially when they are so serious!


Personally, I would stick with the Sugar Free RedBull if you need something to perk you up in the mornings, unless you cut 200 calories elsewhere from your diet daily. I guess what I would do is have 1-2 Cherry Amps a week, when you really need one or need a treat, maybe on Monday mornings to get out of bed, and then the sugar-free Red Bulls every other day. :p That way you can have both.


I'm trying to think of other good pick-me-up alternatives rather than coffee... do you like Diet Cherry Pepsi? Or tea? I'm personally trying to stay away from "fake" sugar now, but that is kind of new for me and I can certainly understand the desire for it, since I drank diet often over the few past years.


On another note, I'm now down again today, to only 0.2 lbs over my low weight last week. So, while I started off this week with a really "bad" weekend, I'm slowly getting back to where I was. Hopefully this week I will be able to undo the damage from that and stay the same, or even have a small loss. Thanks everyone, for encouraging me to stick with it and not just give up!


P.S. Made stuffed green peppers this week... really good and automatically portioned! Just made rice, mixed with some lean grass-fed ground beef, vegetables, and tomato sauce... stuffed into peppers and baked for 30 minutes at 350 degrees... a little cheese on top, too.;) Super easy and we have leftovers too! Lots of options too... you could make them mexican themed with mexican rice and spices, or italian-themed, etc.

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Okay, now I want stuffed peppers. I used to make them years ago, but haven't in a really long time. It could really be a healthy meal - turkey rather than hamburger, brown rice, etc. Thanks for the idea!!


Well, I got rid of the weight that I put on over the weekend. That has been my story lately - gain a couple of pounds and then lose it again. I am still 20 lbs away from my goal. Discouraging, but also very doable!

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Afternoon everyone! I just got done with a workout 4th day in a row. I did have a cherry Amp this morning then ran (drove) around town taking care of some things but when I contemplated skipping my workout I thought about the extra 200 calories I had with my Amp and made myself do it. I didn't actually have the "extra" calories this morning because I realized I skipped breakfast. It wasn't till 10:30 that I realized it and boy my tummy was letting me know. lol


So for today I have had a can of soup which was 140 calories total and my cherry amp. Tonight I am planning to stay strong we are having a little suprise bday party for my uncle with fried chicken and cake. I am going to allow myself a small piece of cake or either pick a kind that I don't like and skip the chicken. Had my cereal the last 2 nights for bedtime so that is my plan for tonight. I know that some are against cereal for supper but it really helps me sleep better because sometimes I will overeat or eat something that is harder to digest and my sleep is not as good. Plus I wake up feeling thinner even if I am not. That mind is a funny thing. I will wait about a week before I get on the scale and hope to see at least 2 lbs gone. My husband and I have a goal this month for him to lose 15lbs and me to lose 5. I am still trying to add some different things to our foods of choice and the seasoned black beans were ok. Most everyone ate their share.


Brooke- Man I hope they give you a bonus for all this extra moving stuff you do.


Rach- I will ask you about the bellpeppers recipe again one day when I want to cook it. My husband said he would try it. No to just convince the kids. They like most veggies but not sure that they will welcome that change.


Kimmers- I really would have starved if I tried that one chopstick thing. Esp with soup for lunch. Maybe thats how I should eat my cake tonight.


Kim#2- I understand the gain and lose gain and lose routine all to well.


Kim#1- Hope you are getting plenty of baby time. I got to keep my neighbors 2 months old Sat while they were grilling outside and it was so nice getting to rock her.


Jess- Hope you are feeling better.

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Please God, save me from myself.........in fact you could have done it before the frosty and the peanut butter and chocolate waffers...........geeezzz I can tell mother nature is just around the corner!!!!!!!!! There goes my lb this week.



Extremely busy today. I got to read Federal codes today to try and figure out what we can or can not do for our HUD grant. FUN!


Now I must read this book for my training in Oct.........more Fun!


Thanks for putting up with me when I get in these moods.


Good Choices.

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Hello everyone seems as though everyone is doing well.


I'm trying to get back on track.

tues B - toast with simply fruit, 8 oz milk

tue L- green beans from garden, lean hamb, red potatos, mushroom soup casserole had 1 cup, green tea

tues D - fish, baked potato, tea


wed B - toast w/ simply fruit, 8 oz milk

wed L - peanut butter sandwich, cheese curls, tea

wed D- wendys dollar menu hamburger, vanilla frosty


thurs B - sausage, egg, sandwich, 8 oz milk

thurs L - peanut butter sandwich, tea

thurs D- pasta, homemade tomatoes, green peppers, chicken, tea, ice cream baby cone


I think I'm doing ok, but need to buckle down more. But I love all the veggies coming from the garden and that will stop soon.

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Morning! It so nice to see your food lists again Kimmers. I had an ok weekend outside of a lady at my husbands family reunion (whom I didn't even know her name) tell me how little I was THE LAST TIME SHE SAW ME:eek: What do you say to that????


Anyway weekend eating was not good but today will be better. I am going to do better today. I walked 2 miles already this morning.


Hope everyone has a great week.

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Hey guys,



So sorry I left you hanging. Friday was so busy and tiring, but I was up .5lb.


Then I pigged out all weekend, only to find out I can't pig out as good as I used to. Guess that's good.


Today was the Monday from hell......I had so much to do, but I kept getting sidetracked by other stuff I needed to do.


So what am I doing........eating my stress in food. Yep.Only had time to eat BK b/c I was home, then had subway for lunch, no snacks.........now Wendys, grilled chicken, no mayo........biggie fries, biggies unsweet tea, small frosty.




I have to find better ways to express my stress. My BP was like 152/90 today!!!!!!!


Oh, I have fluid still in my ears, but I have to take nasal spray to stop the fluid from getting in there then hopefully it will have a chance to drain. I go back in a month to see.


I have to be like 3lbs up by now.........but I just have to re-focus myself. That stupid 17 inch seat isn't gonna magically expand.


Tomr. will be a better day...........I will make better choices.......I will deal with my stress better..........I will put myself first for a change.


Good Choices guys.

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Hello everyone.


I've been MIA also but still reading the posts. I've had some issues the past week or so but am getting better. I'm trying a program that's within my town and work is doing the "biggest loser" again. I've talked with my sister in law and decided I would walk their St. Bernard (Scooby) for a mile walk in their neighborhood circle. Also I'm really looking for this weekend. This will be our second year going to Canada on Labor Day weekend, we are hoping to stick to this new tradition. We are taking my niece and going to Granby Zoo, it's nice because we take one day to just relax by the pool and shop around. They have a store called Penningtons that carry sizes 14+ it's like Lane Bryant, so I like to go there and look around.


Hopefully I will get to check back in before I leave. Brooke my advice to you (and this has worked for me) is if your going to go to fast food places. I make myself get a small of everything. So instead of getting a meal I would get a small fry and one burger and maybe a small drink if I didn't already have one. So yours still getting fast food (if you are craving it or in a pinch) but in smaller portions. Small changes make a big difference in Calories. What's done is done, just move on from what you already had and keep focused. Remember Small Changes..you can do it! ;)

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