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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey guys,


The stress is still on, but I'm trying to deal with it better. Although we went to a fish place for lunch for a co-workers bday and they had only fried foods. I scraffed the whole plate.........then I felt ill.


I told my mom that I was too tired to go exercise. Truly, my body just isn't getting the nutrition that it needs to function. I know if I get back to eating better I will feel better.


Plus I keep putting myself 2nd and my job 1st. I have to get to that number one spot again or I will fall into that, "I'm too busy to eat right and exercise," box. And I just don't want to get there.


Tomr. I want anyone who has me on facebook to write me a message on my wall to go to the gym or take a walk (the gym might not be open).




Thanks for the push...........I know it..........just gotta practice it!



good choices.

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Horrible, horrible, horrible!! It's been a disaster the last few days!! I went away for a couple of days and so did every common sense diet bone in my body. Fish and chips, pulled pork sandwiches, caesar salad, donuts, muffins and the list goes on.... I am so happy to be home and away from all the bad choices!


Tomorrow is back-to-school for my son and back-to-reality for me!



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I know the feeling and I'm so blaming it on mother nature, but its really just me. We just gotta remember, "It we aren't giving up, we are still winning."


Did I mention last night that I got 5 pairs of LB Right Fit work pants for $100! I was so excited. I needed more and they were on sale for $30 when they are normally $50 and I had $50 off $150.........and I saved on shipping my sending them to the store for pick up. I got 2 pair that are slim leg b/c those seem to be popular right now and b/c they are suppose to go with my B/F blazer I got. I'm a little worried about the fit b/c they are not Right Fit brand. I just hope they fit and if they don't..............guess I gotta work on it,huh?


I'm going to the gym today or I'm taking myself on a walk around campus......on or the other........just remember to remind me. If its on my FB, then I gotta do it, right?


Good Choices

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No exercise or good choices today. Stomach virus going around my house so its simply whatever I think I can eat I will try. Although besides coke (which mostly get watered down and thrown out) haven't really felt like much today. We are suppose to go to the beach this weekend but right now my house is a mess and nothing is packed so praying I feel 100% better tomorrow.


We can all do this girls! We just have to remember why it is we wanted it in the first place.

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Brooke, I know EXACTLY what you mean about work. I am really letting the stress get to me about something that is out of my hands. I gave my boss something to review awhile ago, which a client wants ASAP. I have to keep telling the client that we need more time, but they come to ME asking why there is a delay, when it is because my boss hasn't had a time to review it yet. It is really stressing me out. I hate disappointing people, especially when it is not my fault and there is nothing I can do. Grrr. Yet of course they call ME about it!


Well, I've stayed the same for like 2 weeks now. I really need to jump back into cardio. When I work out at night and then have a light dinner, the pounds seem to melt away in the morning. My evenings have been really busy lately so it's hard, but I did workout yesterday for 35 minutes on the elliptical, did 4 loads of laundry, and walked to the grocery store and carried back all of our groceries for the week (included were a gallon of milk, a sack of flour, etc. so they are were quite heavy).


I found a new breakfast which I love. I take 1/2 cup of granola (measured out since it is high in calories, about 180 for the half cup), and a half cup of organic yogurt (100 calories), and top with lots of fresh fruit. It is so good and very filling! I buy the larger size container of yogurt instead of individual cups, and it is a lot cheaper. I've also found "High fiber O's" from Trader Joe's, a grocery store here... and they have 9 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein per serving... and I actually like them!!! So that's good too.


I have an out-of-town wedding this weekend, so I am going to try to behave myself... or at least make better choices! Good luck everyone!

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Brooke so sorry things have took such a turn to Stressville lately. Of course your next cruise will be here before you know it. lol


Still not feeling great. I have a nasty taste in my mouth that is lingering from my stomach virus. On a happy note I am 2 lbs lighter.

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Thanks Annette!


I hope you are feeling better. Stomach Viruses are the WORST!


Well, its Friday and I finally have a bunch of stuff off my list and just a few clean up things to do today...........and my boss said I could leave at 4pm. I'm hoping that nothing happens in between.


I'm up to 321.4 this week..........but gosh........I was expecting like 5lbs. Does stress burn calories? Maybe its the straight hike up three flights of stairs and not taking a break anymore. Idk. But I'm proud that I didn't gain a bunch of weight. I feel good about it.


Today I asked my co-worker to make me go to our school dining hall and eat a salad.........now its gonna be a decorated salad, but never the less........a salad. Its friday and my start over day on WW, so I must record points!!!!!!!!


My ear is trying to get better. The nasal spray and allegra is helping I think, but I got back in a month to see if my ear has fully drained the fluid. I think at that time, if I haven't made progress in my food area I will ask for a apt. suppressant. I'm just really worried about my food choices. I want my body to get used to eating less and less, but I haven't change point counts in almost 6-9months. And with the "eating" holidays coming........I might just need the help. I'm so close to the 200's I can taste it, but I'm so far away in my habits.


I might talk to my trainer about smaller session all week long, just to change things up, but he is busy now too, thats why no training this week and the exercise is my fault.


17 inch seat, 17 inch seat, 17 inch seat..............................I need to find a 17 inch seat and make myself sit in it for a hour..............that's what I call motivation.


Good Choices.




How close are you?

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I have finally hit the 30 lb mark! So excited! I am still 20 lbs shy of my November 15 goal and am dealing with the fact that I may not make it, but I am okay with it. I just have been yo-yo-ing up and down for the last month and so not proud of my downfalls. This is such a busy month with back-to-school for my soon-to-be 8 year old and my 4 year old starting preschool. I have also had a change in my work schedule. I am hoping that the jam-packed schedule will keep me away from the refrigerator!!


Hope everyone is enjoying this labor day weekend. It's a a beautiful weekend in Rhode Island. Hurricane? What hurricane??

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Hi girls another day where I am just not carig about foods diet etc... We were at the beach yesterday for a family vacation when we got word that my Mom's best friend since school daughter passed away. I mean I know death happens I have dealt with it a lot in the last few years it seems but this young girl was 30 years old. She was married and had a 2 and 3 year old daughter. It just seems unreal. She had surgury on Thursday for her tonsils and then dies in her sleep early Sat morning. So as if thats not enough to make you think about the value of life and how fast it is I see on facebook where someone who is a few years younger then me had her 1 month old daughter die in her sleep. :(:( How do you deal with all that. I praise the Lord for my childrens health and just have to remember that I will never understand why things like this happen. There is a song (you know I am a song girl) that's called "Broken Hallajuah" (spelling all wrong lol) and that's really how I feel. The girl that passed away was in my wedding but time has took us in different directions and I didn't even know this young mother who lost her child but my heart truly breaks for these families. We took some food over but I was not one who was blessed with words to say for comfort but that I am praying for you.


On a side note the 30 year old that passed away had her last facebook post on Wednesday the day before her surgury and it was "Falling in love with my Savior" Those are powerful last words to be left on your facebook if you ask me.


Hope everyone has a good labor day and remember be SAFE and let those you love know it. Don't wait till they are no longer hear to let others know how you felt.

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Sure most of you are enjoying vacay..........I'm not.........have to work. Oh well.


Right now I'm just trying to get through work........constant motion sickness from my ear is making it tough, but I put in a call to the college health center.


Went to some caverns in our area and walked around in there, total of 360 steps.........cardio Check! lol


I'm making better food choices, not the best yet, but one step at a time. Gotta get back to the gym. 30 mins a day until friday and that will be my trainer day from now until summer again b/c of our schdls.


Got my new pants, most fit, some a snug and others are really snug, but I feel like I can work towards that. 10lbs and I think they will fit. Still gotta hem all them though. They are all Avg. and I'm at least 5'7, and they are all about 2 inches too long. I guess they are made for ppl who wear 3 inch heels.


I think I will do the cafe again today and get another salad. Like I said......full on salad, but I feel better when I eat it.


I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and nice day off, if you got it.




Great Job on the 30lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a remarkable thing and you'll get to your full goal before you know it.




Its so hard............it just makes you think about your own mortality. But sometimes God sends those messages as a reminder..........LIVE.



Good Choices

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Well, I didn't exercise yesterday. I was just too dizzy. I hope the Dr. or the nurse calls me back today. I fear that if my ear doesn't clear up the next step will be a tube in my ear............that makes me sick thinking about it. My boss' reschdl. bridal shower is this afternoon, so I don't think I'll make it today. Not that I feel less dizzy either. But I have to get something in this week. My body can't go another week without exercise.


I had a salad and they had a Hibachi grill in the cafeteria and it was grilled steak a serving of rice and grilled veggies. It was really good and pretty good choice I thought. Of course I go in there and they have cookies..........bleh.


Anyway, I got some research to do.


Good Choices.

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Annette - I'm very sorry for all the bad news :( We don't decide when our time is up here, only he does and for that we will not understand it but we learn from it and it reminds us how precious life is.


Kim - Congrats on the 30lbs! That's excellent!


Brooke - Sorry you had to work on Labor Day. If it helps at all, mine sucked and I did nothing. We drove home from Canada and then I stayed in my apartment the rest of the night. I did a lot of walking with my flip flops on the weekend and my ankles and legs were very very sore, it was hard to even walk.


We went to the Zoo in Granby Quebec on Sunday and my niece and I were looking forward to going to the water park, problem was that it was cold, windy and rainy :( Oh well, it was nice being in Canada anyway and we did go swimming in the heated in door pool - except after 3 min about 10 kids 12 and under showed up and took over the pool.


I'm tired today, sore and have a headache. I think I need a vacation alone next time..somewhere peaceful, no parents or kids.


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to check in quickly, things have been crazy busy here. I had an out-of-town wedding this weekend, and also became a first-time aunt (yay!). I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought a lot of good healthy stuff. This week I'm going to focus on making good dinners and walking at least an hour everyday. Hopefully on Friday I will have a change to report!

Good luck everyone! I'll try to write more later.

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Hi everyone, Sorry MIA but too much happening this month. Going on a cruise in 16 days and well you guessed it my weight didn't come off like I wanted but that is the fact of life.


So neededless to say I have been getting all my plans in order and others have been adding to my plate of things that need to be done before I go. So I had a couple of minutes to at least read the posts tonight.


I am checking facebook daily and reading posts there. Hopefully after vacation I can get on a schedule and post regularly.


Thanks for understanding :)

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Just a quickie.............4:30 yesterday and my inbox lit up, lol. I put it off until today.............



Mother Nature is being pretty nice as far as food is concerned...........I still need to work on:


writing it down

better choices



My ear is better............I say that now, lol.


Jess, Kim, Annette, Rachel: You guys are great and we all have our moments, mine has been a few months now, but we can do this............lets keep trucking.


Good Choices





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A question for you ladies....have any of you ever done the water slide on the Carnival ships? What about water slides in general? I really would like to try the one on the ship and we are thinking about doing an excursion to Atlantis in Nassau. My fear? That I won't fit! I am in the mid 200's. Any input?

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A question for you ladies....have any of you ever done the water slide on the Carnival ships? What about water slides in general? I really would like to try the one on the ship and we are thinking about doing an excursion to Atlantis in Nassau. My fear? That I won't fit! I am in the mid 200's. Any input?



The senior cruise director, John Heald, has video of him going down the slides......if he can go down a slide........anyone can.

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I have went down them, suggestion keep your mouth shut I got a mouth full of water at the end as I was laughing so much and the water is salt water from the ocean. If it is windy they will not run them. Hot tubs are more my thing but the slide was FUN! I am 250lbs and fit just fine.

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Morning ladies! I hope you all aren't mad at me for popping in and out. I'm doing good, just maintaining my weight. After this cruise, I'll be doing some hard soul searching for my motivation to lose about 5 pounds. It doesn't sound like a lot or even hard to do, but it just won't come off, so I'll need to increase my exercise time.

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Hello everyone. I have managed to workout today and yesterday so thats a plus. Trying to make some better choices but haven't done as good at that.


Well the visitation was Tuesday night and there was over 1000 people that came.:eek: Just goes to show how you can be touching people lives and never know it. There was at least 500 at the funeral and I know this may sound very strange but it sure makes me ready to get up to heaven. This was a funeral like no other. It lasted 2 hours and touched so many people. Did make me take a look at my life and what I am doing to witness to others or increase the Kingdom of God. I am filled with the Spirit and even these pounds I need to lose can't bring me down.



Hope you all have such a great afternoon.

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Hey guys,


Ugh..........my day was long. I had 15 emails in my inbox when I got into work. They are working on a grant for our science dept. so now I get copied on everything. Not that I don't need it, but it sure sends a stress volt thru your system when you walk into that! I also had 3 profiles to research and type up and a meeting with a staff member about 2 grants they want to go after.


Sorry, boring stuff to you guys....


I did make it to the gym yesterday for 40 mins, today for 30 mins and tomr. I will work with my trainer. I do feel better when I get it done.


My food choices still suck though. I think I might have to go for the apt. sup. at the end of Sept. I just think I need to get my body to the next level of food consumption........meaning less.




You have like less than 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jealous




I'm having to fight buying clothes, lol...............I want them so bad, its my addiction.




Exercise is good!!!! One thing at a time. I need to take my own advice.


Who am I missing? Geesh there are getting to be a lot of you.......


Mrs Co5,


Simply b/c all these Kims are getting hard even for me. Sometimes you have to focus on other things. For the past couple of weeks I've felt like my job has taken priority and maybe that is okay for a short term..........


Good Choices.

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Hi all

My name is Joanne and while I have not read this whole thread :eek:

I read the beginning and the end, LOL. I was hoping I could join in with you all.


A little about me ... I am 43 yoa 5 ft 4 and 235 lbs. I don't excercise at all and tend to eat WAY too much fast food and binge on potato chips and other snack chips. I work nights as a dispatcher from 6pm to 6 am and one week I work m,t,f,s,s and the next just wed and thurs,so that makes things a little more challenging too.


I have started doing water aerobics a couple of times a week and I am going to try to either do that or walk on the treadmill (we have a gym at work) most days. I haven't had any soda in over a week and only one iced coffee today. I did get a chicken sandwich from chic fil a today but that is the first fast food in about 10 days and no french fries. So that was pretty good.


I have set a goal to lose 30 lbs by Jan and then it will be another 5 months until my cruise. Work always has a weight loss challenge starting in January so I will set a new goal then. Each person puts in $20 and you can do it as a team or individual and top prize last year was $300.

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Welcome Joanne - I am also a dispatcher working 3rds for now. We work 8 hr shifts thank god I don't think I could do 12 all the time. For sickness and vacation we do 12 but that is here and there. Good suggestions. You'll get their in time. Good Luck on your diet journey!


Brooke- Thanks for being jealous for me. I have had so much on my plate that I am just now deciding what outfits to pack. Sorry work is not going so well. You are amazing fitting in your exercise daily. I try but sometimes it justy does not happen.


Annette- sorry about your friend's funeral. I think exercise is easier to do once kids go back to school easier to be on a schedule. Plus nothing really exciting happens in the winter months.


Kim- Glad you and Tommy get to go on a cruise. Once you are back you will be able to take off your weight I'm sure. Might have to take Jax for a walk and give your sis a break. They say walking is the best exercise you can do for your body at any age.


Too the others I have not mentioned-good luck in your journey


Food Log

tues B - one egg, one slice wheat toast w/ simply fruit apricot, orange juice

tues L- one grilled cheese using wheat bread, 20 baked BBQ chips, green tea

tues D- meatloaf, corn, cucumber salad, fresh tomatoes, 1/2 baked potato, green tea

snack- 20 cheez -its


wed B-80 calorie chicken soup, water

wed L-bannana, 6 chicken nuggets,water

wed D- 1 cup pasta, a tomato creamy sauce with chicken, green tea


thurs snack - blueberry poptart w/ fiber

thurs B-

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