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Sounds like it might be serious! Exciting!:D




Hey, You are most certainly welcome to join! We are all here for help and support.




I hope things are getting better and Thanks! :p


Well, day four..............I'm getting a bit tired of meat...........lol. Its not that I want sugar, its just that I'm tired of the protein. But I can do this..........veggies are just 3 days away. Which includes soups and such.


My chiro was able to help me. He said that I was overcompensating on one side of my knee b/c of a nasty blister that busted on my little toe. My hamstring was tensed. Gosh! Man, that hurt when he pressed on that. I was laughing (My way of getting through pain). But it seem to have worked as this morning its a bit sore, but not nearly as painful to climb the stairs.


My chiro also talked to me about the new diet, he is a jack of all trades. He said that he understands a low carb diet, but only b/c of the lack of sugar. He says that Americans over eat sugars, simple sugars, and thats why we can't regulate our blood sugar,which is a big component in weight loss. Sooo, I haven't had a drop in blood sugar on this diet yet, but a couple days isnt' enough. But I haven't felt tired in the middle of the day either. He also says that pure protein is really hard on your liver and can't be sustained b/c your body can't handle it. So adding the veggies back is good and he said adding a bit more complex carbs like more oat bran (for my digestion) would be good.


I think I'm gonna read some on this subject and try and get a handle on it. Maybe work my own diet. But for now........I'll follow the Dr's orders.



Good choices!

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Welcome Ashley!!



Annette - thanks, good to hear from you again.


Brooke - Right now we are just friends. I think he's hesitant to get right back into a new relationship because he broke up with his ex a month before I met him and they were dating for about a year I think. I'm not rushing anything either..so it's nice to have a friend. Who knows where it will end up...just taking things one day at a time. ;)


keep going on the diet. Having no sugar is very very hard for me because I'm a sweet tooth addict. Your doing great, keep it up!

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes :)


What are everyone's weight loss plans, etc? For me- I have significant amount to lose... about 75 lbs. I have followed South Beat Diet and LOVED it... but messed my knee up when ice skating several months ago and kind of strayed away from healthy eating when I couldn't exercise. However, I am feeling tired all the time again, my clothes that were big are getting snug, etc... I just know it's time for a chance. Looking at doing the South Beach again since I had so much success and found it really easy... (lost about 45 lbs. in 5 months.... have gained about 20 lbs. back from just not caring about healthy eating/exercise).

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes :)


What are everyone's weight loss plans, etc? For me- I have significant amount to lose... about 75 lbs. I have followed South Beat Diet and LOVED it... but messed my knee up when ice skating several months ago and kind of strayed away from healthy eating when I couldn't exercise. However, I am feeling tired all the time again, my clothes that were big are getting snug, etc... I just know it's time for a chance. Looking at doing the South Beach again since I had so much success and found it really easy... (lost about 45 lbs. in 5 months.... have gained about 20 lbs. back from just not caring about healthy eating/exercise).



Well Ashley I recently came off the Weight Watchers plan after about a year and half and 32lbs lost. Now I'm trying the Dukan/Atkins diet. Though I'm finding it really hard for now b/c the Dukan calls for one week of pure protein, which means nothing, but meat and dairy. I'm really feeling the strain of that.


Is the South beach the diet you can have complex carbs on?

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I've tried Weight Watchers before (heck- I feel like I've tried about every diet out there. haha). I got tired of counting points though.... but I do feel like WW is a great program! As for the Dukan diet, I've never heard of that! Wow- meat and dairy for a week? I bet that has been a challenge! I've done Atkins for a while... but it was hard on my kidneys and I started having several kidney stone attacks - yuck!! :(


Anyways, with South Beach diet- yes, it is the one with the complex carbs. The first two weeks are very similar to Atkins (no carbs, except you can have beans during those first two weeks). After that- you introduce whole grains, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc. I found a GREAT website of a lady who has done South Beach for years and has great recipes... so that helped a lot! I really enjoyed the South Beach diet because I really never felt like I was on a diet... I didn't get hungry and my energy was through the roof! I could kick myself that I stopped this way of eating after my knee injury..... oh well, time to dust myself off and hop back on the track :)

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My chiro lost 200lbs so he often talks diet shop with me. He said that he would recommend complex carbs, no need in cutting out carbs all together. I was thinking of doing a big mess up of diet plans,lol. I was gonna sit down and look at Atkins, Dukan and South Beach and see if there was a reasonable way to combine them. I mean they all eventually let you have carbs again............




I'm finding it tougher the long I stay on this diet....thought it was suppose to get easier. Anyway, I need fiber like WHOA and I intend to get some no matter what rules I break. I'm sorry, I gained 2lbs according to my scale and I can only guess what that is from. I'll be getting some benefiber or something later, maybe even lunch today if I can. I can feel my kidneys not liking this either. Between the extra water and protein its rough on them. Hopefully I can make it to 7 days and some veggies...............


Good Choices.

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Good morning Brooke :)

I am sure there is a way to combine them all that would lead to success! I understand about the fiber thing- I experienced similar results when I did Atkins! Being bloated is just miserable....


That's awesome about your chiro! Did he follow a certain plan losing the 200 lbs?


As for some of my stats- I'll just put it out there and be brutally honest. (It keeps me accountable). I am 5'10'' and 259 lbs. I would ideally like to be around 175? Right now... just getting out of the 200's sounds divine!


I haven't started back on South Beach as I have to wait until I get paid again and can go stock up on must needed items.... I am hoping to start "strict" on Monday the 29th... I know that is about 2 weeks away, but with all the Thanksgiving parties I'll be attending, it is doubtful that I will stick to plan.... so from now until then, I am just going to focus on making better choices. I'll keep myself accountable by also posting how much I've lost each week. I'm not sure if this is something you guys do on here- like a weekly weigh in on a certain day? If not, I think that would be great!


Have a great day ladies :)

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Good morning Brooke :)

I am sure there is a way to combine them all that would lead to success! I understand about the fiber thing- I experienced similar results when I did Atkins! Being bloated is just miserable....


That's awesome about your chiro! Did he follow a certain plan losing the 200 lbs?


As for some of my stats- I'll just put it out there and be brutally honest. (It keeps me accountable). I am 5'10'' and 259 lbs. I would ideally like to be around 175? Right now... just getting out of the 200's sounds divine!


I haven't started back on South Beach as I have to wait until I get paid again and can go stock up on must needed items.... I am hoping to start "strict" on Monday the 29th... I know that is about 2 weeks away, but with all the Thanksgiving parties I'll be attending, it is doubtful that I will stick to plan.... so from now until then, I am just going to focus on making better choices. I'll keep myself accountable by also posting how much I've lost each week. I'm not sure if this is something you guys do on here- like a weekly weigh in on a certain day? If not, I think that would be great!


Have a great day ladies :)



Your stats are bad. I started at 352lbs and I'm 5'7........I'm at 321.4 the last weigh in. I posted on my WW weigh day, but now I'll do Mondays. We are pretty free and easy here. Some choose to post their weight or weight lost and others just come for support. Its up to you what you want to put out there, but no one here will judge you.


I'm dreaming of pizza and pumpkin pie. I think I might have to break protocol and buy some canned pumpkin and add it to a bit of whipped cream with splenda. Not a full break, but I went out for lunch today and it wasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss so painfully hard to say no to the fries and burgers, even the toast they had with my omelet. Then I saw pumpkin pie on their board...............I think I would have cried if I could. I thought it was suppose to get easier.


Anyway, like I said, post what you are comfortable with!

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If I ever start losing again instead of gaining I will post it but right now the scale is not my friend. I am trying so hard right now because my weight gain has me very depressed. It is possible to be blessed and depressed at the same time. I don't want to focus on the negative because it really gets me down and I don't see the point in it.

I want to lose this weight that I have gained so bad. It is starting to be on my mind more and more. I hate to even sleep in the bed with my husband because I feel so YUCK. I know that is not healthy to feel but it is true. I AM GOING TO WIN THIS! Well with a lot of prayer I will. LOL


Treadmill is not working right for some reason and getting a new one is not an option for now but I feel that I have proven that I use one because I know I walked over 1500 miles on mine so I will put a little more money the next time I buy one but that will probably be 6 months to a year since I am not sure when my husband will get a job and I have a cruise for 6 people to pay for before next Oct. Richard does graduate in DEC! I am looking forward to the next phase. I pray he finds a job that makes him happy and makes us comfortable. We have our house and cars paid for and I am not looking for getting "rich" just to be able to pay bills and do a few extras with the kids, a vacation every year or so. I guess I should be putting money into saving for the kids as well. ;)

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I think we are all struggling right now. The holidays are upon us and it is pretty much diet hell.


Personally, this new diet is killing my will power to stay positive. For the past three days I've been on the verge of tears just trying to get through the day. I'm not sure if its biological (bathroom issues) or mental. Mom says its b/c I'm so addicted to carbs, its like a addict coming off drugs, they try to rationalize why they should keep taking them. That makes since, but I'm just miserable. On WW I could stay positive. I knew what the problem was and how to fix it. Here.............Well, I weighed this morning (Day 6 of 7 I'm suppose to do the pure protien) done 3lbs. So, I'm suppose to lose another 3 in 2 more days? B/c 6-7 is the avg. weight loss. Ugh, I'm in a nasty place and I don't mind telling you that I'm in one hell of a foul mood and very emotional right now. Not to mention the pity party going on right now. I know when I'm truly down b/c there are two thoughts that always come into my head (and mainly when I want to give up)


Thought 1: "Why is it fair that I will always have to watch my weight. I will NEVER be able to not watch what I eat. Others will gain 10-15 maybe even 30lbs........but my worry is gaining 50 and more. Why did God give me a body that wants to eat all the time."


Thought 2: "Why can't I just be Fat and Happy."


So many things wrong with both those statements, but its where I'm at. A crossroads of sorts. Its not SHOULD I continue.......But CAN I continue and if so, HOW?


So many gimmicks to lose weight and they say........all it is.......reducing calories and increasing activity........so simple, right? Then why can't I do it?


I'm wishing you all good choices today and I hope I can make just one good one today.

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Brooke- I understand completely and hate that you are feeling that way. I hope it gets easier for you fast rather then slow. I am sure that with each other we will get over this. I know that I think about it a lot these days. It really stinks but I admit I am glad that I am not the only one. I could fuss and say you are setting yourself up for disaster blah, blah, blah. It's nice though that we can be honest about our feelings and just say today I feel like a loser (not in the good way) and I am mad at myself for getting this way again.


I say we set a small goal to make one good choice and stick with it. Mine is still go to be drinking no coke. I haven't had one in 2 days but it is still very hard. I challange you to set aside 15 min thinking about all your good qualites. You are strong, obviously a hard worker, smart, dedicated young lady, a great friend, a good sister, a good daughter, care about others and get to go on a cruise in Jan! (and you have great makeup skills)

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Thanks Annette,


I know I can do this, but I have to do it my way. I was such in a dark place. It was horrible. Mom got me out yesterday, but I pretty much said nothing all day. I just kept running through my mind what was wrong with me, why was I acting this way, why did I feel so mentally and physically bad. I was also very tired.


I just had to make the decision that this wasn't for me. The high protein part is great, keeps you full, the low fat part is good too. Once I got into the veggie phase I would see the fiber increase. However, I just can't see doing without carbs. Yea, I'm probably addicted to them, which could be why I acted the way I did. But I couldn't see me dealing with my attitude for the next 6 months that I couldn't have any carb.


I'm going with my chiro on this. Complex carbs aren't bad. Its the simple ones and simple sugars that causes the problems, especially with my blood sugar level. So, I need to sit down and think this through. Make my own diet plan based on nutritional information.


I gotta start with getting back to exercise. Since its Sunday and no one can hunt today........I think I will take a walk outside and maybe take my camera.

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Wow! I so appreciate all the honesty spoken from you ladies... Yesterday was a very bad day for me too. I just felt so "BLAH" all day long. I couldn't shake it. Just some background info.... I have been married 3 years, no kids and am convinced that I am married to the best man on the planet! However, he is VERY health conscious and physically active. Sometimes I wonder why he married me. Actually, yesterday, I asked myself that all day. It was a beautiful day and he wanted to go for a hike together with our dog.... I hated that I was out of breath 5 minutes into it... I hated that I just wanted to be at home on the couch watching a movie... I just kept asking myself- How is this living!??! Am I always going to be the "fat" wife? I feel the looks when we are out on a date.... I know people are saying "How in the world did that girl end up with him?". It was just a very down day for me.....


But, today is a new day. And this week is a new week. And I just have to make better choices.... I have to realize that I CAN do this. Even if I have failed 949830248 times in the past. This time CAN be different. This time WILL be different. It has to be.


I'm ready to live.

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Morning Ladies,


This weekend was a difficult one. Not only did I think about my weight and own issues like the rest of you but I attended two heartbreaking funerals on the same day, we continued service for one on Saturday which was the most difficult, heartbreaking funeral I have ever been too and I hope I don't have to (or anyone else) expierence that again. I didn't really watch what I ate either as I wasn't thinking about myself this weekend and didn't care what I ate.

I will say I wish I was as tall as you ladies, I am only 5'3"...it's awful. My legs look like stumps. lol


Brooke - I'm sorry you were in a bad place. Sometimes if one thing works for one..that doesn't mean it works for everyone. I have been in that dark place so many times and usually turned it to anger and lash out at my family because of my own issues and depression..I had to seek therapy and be on medication since my early teens..most of it I think was due to my weight but there was a lot of underlying family issues as well. But it always comes down to my weight and my own self image. I recently have gone off my medication in the past couple months because I am trying to channel my depression/and or anger in another way (such as Kickboxing, which really does help). It's not easy and there are days or moments went I really go off the edge but I am trying and dont want to be on medication for the rest of my life..meds can only do so much..not to mention I can't afford meds anyway.


I get most upset when I realise I need more clothes and need to get more. I HATE trying on clothes and I don't use that word often..but that is one thing I really do hate. You know I live in New England and I don't even have a winter jacket (haven't for years now) because I can't find one that fits. Sad but true. It's torture trying to find clothes. I mention it because it was really cold on Saturday morning and I had no jacket (we were going to the cemetary) so we went to Fashion Bug before the services started and they didn't have my size and nothing fit...I was very upset. I walked out of there very angry. Then of course I had to get a mouthfull from my mother saying I should or should have done something about it. Well you know if I can't lose the weight over night am I suppose to walk outside in very cold or snowy below zero weather without a jacket WHILE I am TRYING to lose weight? NO! But I do anyway because it's life and I have to deal with it I guess.


But my point is that all these anger issues and negative feelings are unfortunatley normal I think for people with weight issues and the only thing I can do about it is try to channel it in, in a positive way and kept working on losing weight and keep myself occupied. I'm more likely to think about these bad things when I am doing nothing and that just makes it worse.


On a positive not my mom's best friend (she is the one that lost her son) had gastric bypass 6 months ago (which I knew nothing about and haven't seen her in at least a year) and she lost over 80lbs. She looks incredible and feels it too. She said she has so much energy and her husband can't even keep up with her when they go for walks and such. She feels fuller quicker and no longer feels the need to get into her old eating habits. She works at it still though, everyday. She is only 2lbs from her goal weight which is fantasic.

My plan was to have the surgery too but you know in the program I'm in (or was in) I have to lose between 40-50lbs just to start! So It's a challenge, but I know I will get there.

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Guess it was just a down weekend for everyone, huh?

Jess- I am very sorry you had such an emotional weekend with the funerals. :( I am sorry for your loss. And also sorry about the coat dilemma- I, too, understand. I live in VA and it gets cold during the winter and I'm usually in just a jean jacket- who does that??? I hate putting on a coat because it makes me look even bulkier... and, God knows I don't need help in that department.


It's funny that you say you wish you were taller.... my older sister is 5'1'' and I often wish that I were shorter like her.... I feel so overpowering being tall and fat. I hate that feeling. Oh well, grass is always greener, right? :P


I hope that all of you ladies have a WONDERFUL Monday! Monday is certainly my least favorite day of the week, but this morning I took a few moments to watch the leaves fall off the tree into my yard and just admired its beauty. I realized that I don't do that enough. So my mission today- to be more positive about myself. If you were to ask anyone that knows me, they would tell you that I am a VERY positive person! And I am.... when it comes to anyone else, just not myself. I have got to stop beating myself up.... life is hard enough, without me kicking myself when I'm down.

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Thanks Ashley.


I wish I could say this Monday was a good monday but for me it's not. I wasn't able to get my check on Friday and turns out I can't get it today either because all the boss's are out...since I am on my own I rely on my pay check that comes in every week. :( Almost everyone is out on a work "fun" trip so there is like 10 people in the company today and we are slammed. Most likely won't be able to go to kickboxing tonight because we will have to help customer service get caught up. Only reason I couldn't go on this trip with work is because I couldn't afford air fare...especially since I'd probably have to buy two seats.


Well trying to think of something positive..hmm well I have great parents. lol. Without them being on my own would not be possible at this point in my life.


So that's one great thing that I can say today that I am very grateful for! :D

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Sorry for the bad day, Jess :( I hope it only gets better!!! I understand about needing your paycheck every week! My husband is recently self employed and money has been really tight.... Not knowing week to week IF he is going to get paid, and if so, how much, is certainly stressful. And then the stress leads me to eat. And then I come on here and vent about how I'm fat :) haha


Way to look for something positive!!! Having great parents is wonderful! I have an AMAZING mom! I had a wonderful dad too, but he passed away during my senior year of high school. I am thankful for every day that I had with him :)

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I love the conversation, but hate that I kinda brought a negative rain cloud over everyone.




I can't not cry at a funeral. Anyones! I cry. Even if I didn't know them personally. I can't imagine.




I had this problem. Fashionbug goes up to 30/32, but its not always the size, its the fit. Most coats are fitted in style. I don't know the style you are looking for, but try Womanwithin, they go up to a 34 and run big. But if your anything like me............I'm all HIP, so sometimes it doesn't matter.




or Roamans........they are having a coat sale!




I hate to buy things on the net just b/c I can't try them on, but if I simply can't find it in the store, I figure a couple bucks to return it vs. going without is worth it. Google coupon codes for either of those and sometimes you can get extra off.





You are right. We just have to keep pushing forward and find positive outlooks.



Well, yesterday I think I said I was going for my own thing. So far today hasn't been bad. I'm still feeling hungry pain in the morning, but I ignore it. Its not like.........make me dizzy or my sugar dropping or starving, so I just figure its my body mouthing off about getting less food. I'm gonna do 20 mins on the bike or treadmill, whichever one my knee will let me do today.....at the gym...I get too lazy when I go home.


I planned every meal for this work week. I'm gonna try to finish out the weekend. I have a few things I need from the grocery and mom will probably have to help me cook a few things, but it feels good. It took a long time to put it together though. But I bet the more I do it the easier it will get.


Somethings I'll be eating this week:


Chicken and brown rice with carrots and broccoli chopped up inside

Turkey chili, no beans

Chicken Stir fry

Low carb tortilla tacos

Venison/veggie stew

Pork chops baked in Lipton cup of soup, veggie




Kashi go lean cereal


toast and low sod. low sugar peanut butter with a bit of honey

canadian bacon

oatmeal, organic

whipped cream cheese on Wasa cracker with honey




Some of the leftovers of the chili and soup

Salad from subway (I planned it so I could eat with a co-worker)


Today I had low carb tortilla wrap with carving board turkey from oscar mayer, light mayo, mustard, lettuce and pulled a couple of pieces from my string cheese and wrapped it all up. Then I had a wasa cracker with the peanut butter and the rest of the cheese stick.



2oz of chicken salad (I haven't got around to eating actually)

Breyers carb smart ice cream bar (have to have some ice cream, but not every night)

Bought protein and whey shake mix




Those are just some examples, not everything I ate today, lol. I'm coming in around 1800 a day and my range is 1500-1900. My fat is still above my range, but my carbs are below range and my protein is perfect. So I consider it a win.


I have print out of my meals that I will check off what I ate to make sure I don't forget something or try to sneak something in. You are suppose to check it off on the site, but I figure I should put in the meals and adjust only if I have to.


I even adjusted for Thursday night when I know I will be at the midnight showing of the HP movie and will be in the movie theatre and will want the nachos..........so I added them in and I still have some moving room with calories.


Hope is alive ladies.............


Good Choices.

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Thanks Brooke - Once I start talking negative I just keep going. Then I get everyone down. :o


Okay so I did exaggerate just a little on the coat thing. I went to onestopplus last night and saw a couple different jackets but they were over my price range..even with a coupon code. I have to get my card paid off first before I can make other purchases. lol

I too also hate buying something, waiting a week and then find out the darn thing doesn't fit but hey like you said, it's better then nothing.


I think what you are doing with the meal planning is great! I always try to do that but never usually stick to it. So good luck and stick too it!


Thanks for providing the links and info, your always so helpful.


Oh and thanks girls for letting me vent, nobody quite understands like you girls do.


PS Brooke - I have been loving canadian bacon. I used to only eat bacon but recently I've just been making an omelet for either breakfast or dinner and use canadian bacon, diced tomatoes, ff cheese. I should probably just use egg beaters or just egg white..but I know I'm getting protein in which is important.

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Brooke- I think planning out your meals is awesome!!! I used to write down everything I ate which was helpful... but I just got out of the habit. Your food choices sound excellent!


This will be a short post as I just got home from work and am absolutely exhausted. Sweet dreams, ladies :) Talk to you tomorrow!

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Good morning ladies :) I hope you are having a great Tuesday so far!!! I desperately need to go to the grocery store... but will have to wait until I get paid on Thursday. There are not many healthy choices in my fridge and I forgot to bring my lunch to work! Which means I will be going out for lunch.... hmmmm, what to get.


One of my friends on facebook posted this, and it made me laugh.

1- go to google.com

2- search for "where is chuck norris?"

3- click the "I'm feeling lucky" button

4- laugh and thank me later.


Enjoy!!! :)

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I totally started the negativity, lol.


I know coats are so expensive. But the one I have has lasted me 4 years now. I just got a basic black thick pea coat, so it should never go out of style ;).


Protein is important, my chiro hates all the neg. attn. eggs get. He says they are good for you and you should eat the whole thing, just not 20 of them.




The issue is whether I can cont. to work out my meals every week. That, I'm afraid, will be the hardest and it will be the downfall if I let it.



In all the hurry yesterday I forgot to say that at least I have lost 4lbs in this ordeal and that is a positive.:D I truly hope it continues in that direction.


Okay, I have to get back to work.


Good choices.

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That's awesome! See it has started to pay off!


I eat eggs but two at the most per day usually.


Ashley that was funny. My Uncle used to look like Chuck Norris and we would call him Uncle Norris. lol Now that he's getting old..it's a different story. lol

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Hey guys, quick check in, got a lot of things on my plate today.


Still staying in the lines. Last night I just wanted to eat, but I wasn't hungry, but it was like my body was testing me. It was a tornado watch so I prob. stayed up a little longer than usual b/c I'm on the second floor. So, I ate a few green beans, then had a couple tsps of chocolate and reg. whipped cream. Then I finally went to bed. I didn't get as much water in yesterday, maybe that was it.



Gonna eat lunch out today. Subway, salad. I brought my own dressing (Light done Right) and turkey bacon bits, no crackers or croutons either. I was gonna bring some carrots, but forgot them due to trying to get the turkey chili ready this morning. I'll live, I'm sure.


Good Choices.

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