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Yea, I think I should slowly start moving towards the lower end and just listen to my bodies' "Real Signals."


How's the boy?




Hope you are getting better.....seems like once you get sick this time of the year it sticks with you.




Yea, I got an email and thought I' tempted.........they won't give you the finer points, you have to sign up......I'm saving at least $12 a month not using it now, lol.




Got 20 mins. on the treadmill last night. My knee did hurt a bit and I did have to ice it later, but it doesn't show serious signs of damage this morning, so I think I'm okay as long as I just stick to about 20 mins. and add some upper body resistance.


We have a staff lunch today and I forgot and had packed my lunch. Now I'm gonna have to rethink b/c we don't get a preview to what is served in our cafeteria. I'm going to try and just go straight to the salad bar and just fix a really nice salad and ignore the hot dishes b/c all you can eat and desserts and several choices are just too much for me.


Good Choices guys.

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I'm proud of myself for taking the plunge and going to kickboxing. I felt so much better after I went, not to mention the girls I work out with from work make awesome partners. :D


Annette - Thank You. I don't have really any other words to describe my feelings on the subject, so I'll leave it at that.


Brooke - He is good. Only get to seem him once or twice a week if I'm lucky because of conflicting schedules and it's only going to get worse because he will be skiing a lot (and instructing) once more snow comes and he also plays ice hockey..so it's hard to get together. But we try to make Fridays date night (we will be going to see the new Narnia movie Dec. 10th also..and it's on a friday!). I might see him tonight though before he has his hockey game.


How's the scottish guy?

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Well, we decided to be "complicated" on FB, so that we could be free to see other people if the opportunity should arise. But we really haven't changed anything. He was really sweet about it when I brought the whole thing up. He almost made me cry being so nice.


I got my 20 mins in last night early b/c we had a working lunch, so I just left an hour early and hit the gym. I did well with the lunch too. My co-worker promised to keep me from getting anything, but the salad bar if I promised to do the same for her. And I thought I would give in when I saw those yummy yeast rolls, but my other coworker told me they were dry. I don't know if she was being nice or telling the truth, but I didn't have one. I also got a bit of a hunger pang last night while watching Rudolph and I was debating on something to eat, but I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't take me too far to the calorie line. My body at some point has to learn to "shhhhh." It came and went for about 2 hours..........so I figured it was just faking me out, so I just ignored it and went about things until time for bed. I woke up kinda hungry, but I suppose that should be normal.


I have to get the the grocery b/c I'm low on foods and that only leads to me eating bad things. I have a friend who offered some low cal. menu items and I need to do some searches and come up with some things too. But at least I'm not back to the dreaded 320's........I thought I'd never get out of them. I hope I don't see them again.


So, I got my new luggage last night and its AWESOME. There is a bit of a smudge on the duffle bag, but I'm not going to worry about it, its like a clear liquid, probably where they treated the bag or something. The luggage looks and feels sturdy and the $134 price tag was good and doesn't seem to be getting less on the website.


I also got my sundress they messed up the order on and I'm happy with that. Then I order a shirt for $10 and about 7 pairs of flip flops from ON for $2.50 a piece. I tried and looked for better flip flop prices, but even out of season the rubber ones are still like $5 or more.


Some good news is I might be getting some of that medical bill back. Apparently, I didn't understand that my employer pays 50% of my deductible ($1000), so anything I had done that went towards my deductible was subject to me getting 50% of it back, but I had to fill out the forms. The way I figure it I should get around $500 back in reimbursement money and all that goes towards my credit card and what I already have budgeted. I probably won't get the money right away, but whenever I get it...........it's just nice to get a little back when I seem to be putting so much out (tehe.....that almost sounds dirty).


Anyway, I've really go on today.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I know what it's like being in a long distance relationship and it's very difficult...In fact we are still friends but we did what you said also..and the opportunity did in fact arise for me. :o


What kind of luggage did you get?


I wanted to place a huge order on Monday from onestopplus but I couldn't find my credit card and I guess that's a good thing! lol

So I used my debit card and bought a set of pj's.


oh and I ordered from Sally's Beauty Supply. I got a full size hair dryer, mini flat iron, curling iron, large cosmetic case, 3 hair care products and 3 limited edition nail polishes and a $5 membership card for less then $28 and free shipping! :eek:

and that's because they let you stack promo codes, so I stacked 4 of them. Kinda felt bad ordering but I couldn't let it go for that price, especially since I needed a curling and flat iron, so the cost alone for all that was worth it IMO.


I'm still having issues with losing weight. I got my blood drawn to check my thyroid levels, so I'm hoping they come back withthe results soon so I can get my thyroid back in order. Could be why I am having such a difficult time losing weight...in fact I am gaining! The thing is I don't even think I eat that much and I am going to kickboxing. I'd rather think it's muscle but I doubt it- who knows. I'm just very frustrated at this point, that's why I don't even talk about it much.

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I can't see it because I'm at work and we don't get full internet access, only to certain sites like this one. I'll look when I get to my parents house though.


The Pj set I got was I think $10 for the shirt and pants (they were the flannel plaid kind, I got the red tartan one), shipping was $5.99 I think.


EDIT: Good thing I double checked my self I almost posted until I noticed I forgot the "r" in shirt! lol




American Flyer




PJs! Ohhhhhh.........thank you for saying that. This cruise will be with my friend I met on my 2009 cruise..........I must have decent PJs to wear! LOL.

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Ugh, I can't get started and I'm a little annoyed with work right now, so motivation has to be forced.


Seems mom is setting me up on a date this weekend.........her and a coworker have fixed me and the coworker's son up. We will probably all go to a movie........mmmm.......I think its going to be a disaster, but I'm kinda curious of what kind of guy my mom sees me with.


Just a quick check in............


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I think that's exciting! Some dates can be good and some are not so good..but I think that's normal in the world of dating. You will have to let us know how it goes!


Went to kickboxing last night, went good except I felt like I was going to pass out from not getting enough oxygen. Then at the end I snapped my elbow and that hurt but it seems fine now. But they say, no pain no gain right? Overall it was a good work out. The company I work for was able to strike a deal with the gym next door from us for $40 a month (usually it's $65). It's kind of a private gym..you have to have a membership card to even get in the door. I decided to turn it down though because kickboxing is really fun, I feel like I get more of a workout with kickboxing, the owner is great and it keeps me accountable. So to me those things are more important. Unfortunately I can't afford both places, but I think I made the right decision in staying where I am with kickboxing.

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Yea, apparently the guy is excited and he is also older than me. Mom keeps trying to describe what he looks like and she isn't doing a good job. Then she tells me last night that he looked up my picture in our HS yearbook (he was a senior when I was a freshman!). I was a little mad, lol. Number one....I don't have my freshman yearbook, so I can't see him, but I really don't look the same in HS. Though I was smaller, I actually think I look better now. I took horrible pictures back then and I still had a baby face with baby fat on my face. Ugh. I don't know what mom thinks gonna happen, but I would really hate it if we go out and I really don't like him. Might be awkward for her at work.


Well its Friday, but I'm not sure what the day will bring.......I have a few big things going on at work that I'm a little nervous about. I might go to a wine and Christmas thing on Sunday if my aunt has enough tickets in NC and I have an event on Monday evening for work. I don't think I will get any rest this weekend. But such as life during the holiday season.


Good Choices and Happy Weekend!

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Well good luck with that Brooke. I don't blame you for being kinda mad about the yearbook thing.


Well I HAD plans for a date tonight but my date has to help his father with something so tonight it's just me and tomorrow it's just me. I have cleaning and such to do anyway. We might meet up Sunday though...hopefully.


Lots of work for me today too. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hi girls,

Sorry its been a few days my computer got hit by a virus again:mad: I have a good security package on it but the dumb thing still got it. When we ran all the scans it said everything was fine but stuff kept popping up and then the last time I was on it a horrible naughty site popped up. I was down with it after that. Thank God one of the kids was not on there when that happened. My husband was making fun of me and asking me what I have been looking at on the internet but I know that I haven't been looking at anything close to that and my kids are too young to be searching for stuff like that. They don't even know about the birds and the bees. LOL


Brooke- I can not wait to hear about the blind date. It sounds so interesting. I have never been on a blind date. I pray to the good Lord that I never have to go on a first date again. My husband is a little crazy but I love him:)


Jess- When Richard and I first dated he worked out of town so we only saw each other about 8 times before we got married. Of course it was 11 months of dating so that means many phone calls. I think you can get to know someone better when you have to talk more then see each other on person on a date.


Well on the weight issue I have not weighed but I feel a lot better. I am getting up earlier in the morning I have a lot more energy and keeping the house clean day and night. Not an easy task with 6 people living hear. I have not missed one day of working out in the mornings. Its only 12-15 mins but I am putting my all in it. I am burning more calories during the day as well because I am keeping busy. I am not sure when I will actually get on the scale because I don't want it to depress me and get me off track. I am going to try and do good Christmas but I do plan to eat out with my husband for our anniversary Dec 23rd. It will be 11 years!!


Hope everyone has a great week!

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That is so great.........every bit counts and you are doing better than me right now. Go get them girl!



As far as my date, didn't happen. We went on the trip with my aunt, but b/c of the snow that was coming we left on Sat. afternoon instead of Sunday morning, so we had to cancel. So we drove all the way to SC and back in a day in a half, lol. Whirlwind, but fun.


I weighed this morning and got 319.2. I weighed Sat. Morning before we left and I got 316.4...........


All I can think is that something caught up with me........then there is mother nature who is in town..........then I didn't get hardly any water in this weekend b/c we were driving for long I didn't want to make them stop for the bathroom, then salty foods, wine tasting............a little bit on the constipated side.......I'm hoping that is the cause. I'm drinking my water today and I added some powdered fiber to it too.


Oh well, been on this street before and I know what has to be down, so no big deal.


Okay work has to be done.


Good Choices!

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Good morning all! It is a very cold one around hear. Yesterday I had Jury duty then got picked for all 3 trials????? Thanks the Lord they kind of giggled and excused me for the last one so I didn't have to do all 3 trials. I spent 4 hours at the court house yesterday and get to report back at 8:45am on Thursday. :rolleyes:


This time of year gets so busy. I keep thinking ahead of what all I have to do and then just stop because it makes me get a little nutty.


I hope all is well with everyone and that you are all getting in the Christmas spirit. :D

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EDIT- This is a long one. lol




Went to kickboxing last night, got my shot yesterday. My niece helped me get my tree up..am I that excited for christmas? Not really. I have no money to buy gifts and every year for the past 3 years we have gone to foxwoods on Christmas Eve (we come back xmas day) and I won't be going because I have no money and I'm not going to sit in the hotel all day or just walk around looking stupid. Didn't realize how much I would be sacrificing just to have an apartment on my own. I don't regret it one bit but it really sucks not being able to give too others on Christmas or birthdays. Too top it all off the most/worst bills are this month and next month. Also have to renew my license and get my car registered by January 5th..did I mentioned it snowed last night and I have bald tires? :rolleyes:

Guess something has to improve by next year, either my budgeting or my salary. Sorry Annette that was my negative response to being in the Christmas Spirit. lol

But at least I have a tree up and a loving family (for the most part anyway. lol)


I will say the only thing that makes me feel more fortunate is when I know there are other people in worse situations then myself. My mom works with a lady who is a single mom and doesn't make a good salary at all and her ex husband has never payed child support, this woman get's basically no help from family..this woman told my mom that her and her two children that she had to split one piece of chicken between all three of them for dinner one night because she didnt have a dime to her after paying rent..etc. Also my mom made a giving tree at her work, someone can pick a child's name off the tree and shop for them on the list. My mom is helping the lady she works close with (they have worked in the same office for at least 10 years). The mother doesn't know people are buying her kids gifts and it's also private so knowbody in the company knows who it is...so the person won't be embarassed.

My point is when I start complaining of my life or money issues I also try to remember that there are others who are in worse situations. I thought of that a few days ago. My mom told me the youngest had more items then the older 14 year old and that she is getting into makeup, jewlery and stuff. I realized I already had a lot of that stuff I have never used, so I was able to (without spending money), put together a nice makeup kit with jewlery.

If that is the only thing I can give this Christmas to someone then I was still be very happy because at least I know I did a good thing out of what I already had and don't feel so selfish.


By the way..on one of those Christmas List the children made (gifts they would like Santa to bring them for xmas)..one thing they put for a wish was Peace On Earth! I thought that was soo sweet.

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Jess- I think you are getting the REAL Christmas spirit now! That is what is really important. Your friends and family that love YOU will understand what you can and can't do. I understand that it is stressful thinking about money at Christmas. They just cut off Richards unemployment so now I am thinking ok I have not finished the kids Christmas. I do not think that I usually go overboard on them but with 4 kids it is still spendy. My sister and her ex husband have spent $600 on their one child:D:D:D That to me is just crazy. If they were both super rich it would be one thing but just 2 months ago she was going to be evicted. Thats my rant. I just keep reminding myself that time and values is the most important thing to pass on. This will not be the first time that Christmas "looked" very small at our house but I am very thrilled that my children didn't really even seem to notice. That makes me just as happy as spending $$$$ on them, maybe even moreso. Christmas to me is about Joy in the Lord and Love (not gifts) for others. I think it is so wonderful about the makeup and stuff. I bet that family will remember this Christmas forever.


Have a great day everyone!

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That is a wonderful thing. I know how much it means to single moms as my friend is a single mom with twin 4 year olds and has been in a woman's shelter for a while. The least I always did was make sure they had some toys for Christmas and that she got a gift too. She is in much better shape now, but I always remember that its not just "other" people it could be your best friend.


We have a Christmas party in the town next to us on Friday so I'm gonna stay in town and go to the mall and find one of those angel trees and just buy something and turn it right back in.




My mom used layaway for our Christmas presents and if she could, she'd buy a last min. gift if she could. But I never went without and I never remember being totally disappointed as a child. I think if you raise your children to appreciate what they have then they won't need to feel like they "have" to have something. Good Job!


I knew I should have sat down Sat. morning and planned my meals for the week. I had a feeling and I ignored it and then we took off for the weekend and came back with no time to plan or go to the store. So, I've been living day to day with making a menu and it has been pushing me over my calories by maybe 50-100 calories the last couple of days. And mother nature isn't helping either. I think I've let proccessed sugar creep back into my diet and I'm craving it again. I have to say one thing about the 6 days of pure protein.......I got the sugar cravings to subside. I'm gonna see if I can plan my meals again this weekend and if I stay in calories and the cravings stop after mother nature leaves. If it doesn't I might have to go on a week of pure protein and veggies again (veggies will have to be a MUST this time though).


Well, on to work ladies.


Good Choices.!

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Annette - $600 that is a lot but do you know what my 11 year old niece is getting for christmas? an ipad..that's her big gift but not her only gift. I want to guess they spend between $1000-2000 on her every Christmas..and her birthday is only 17 days after Christmas. She is an only child also. And it's the same with them they are not rich either..far far from it. Not to mention that my sister in laws mother owns a family chain resturant and she ALWAYS buys her things..like to show she cares.

My niece knows that her dad's side (my brother) we don't have much but we try hard to still be able to give her a gift here and there but most importantly interact with her, have fun, we do crafts, watch movies...and to honest I think that she will remember these things more then "things" she recieves from her other grandmother or what ever.


So I'm not worried about that but I do like to give to my parents the most during x-mas just because they do so much for me...even though they say they don't want anything. They know I won't be be able to afford this year but we know the real meaning.

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Ugh, I hate mother nature, she is evil. I have at least two days of pure uncomfortableness (not a word, I don't think.) and this is day one. Bleh.


I have to go look on the website for the menu for our lunch tomr. so I can have an idea. I go to the chiro this evening too.


I called that guy and he seemed nice on the phone, so I say why not. He has to figure out his work schdl. and then we can plan something.


Sorry, so short and blunt, I'm really not just bleh.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I got the shot on Monday for the first time so it will stop mother nature :D It basically tricks your body into menopause. lol

I hope it goes away for you soon. I hate it too.


Mine will be short also. Feel bad I only went to kickboxing once this week. But around the holidays there is soo much going on.


Well have to get back too (Cringe) work! :cool:


Hope everyone has a great day..tomorrow is Friday!!

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I know how you feel. I've had something every weekend this month and it doesn't look like its gonna change. Its throwing my routine off and that throws everything off.


My chiro said I was looking good though, just my something or nother bone was being pushed together and getting sore. I feel much better today. He said I looked like I was keeping my weight down and that's true, it's staying down, but not going down,lol.


I had a mother nature party last night......I hate jalepeno dip and chips and then milk and mini donuts, lol..............well its not funny, but I felt good that I didn't eat the whole bag of chips or the whole bag of donuts, so maybe its progress that when I indulge Its not as much anymore.


My work study gave me a King size Kit Kat yesterday and then I had a meeting and they put reese mini cups in front of me. Tehe, I shared the Kit Kat and only had two of the little bars, then I let my VP eat 2-3 of the reeses and then someone came in and I offered her one, then waited and ate one, then my VP was like, "Do you want the last one?" "No, thanks." She is super skinny, so she can stand to eat more, lol. Plus she is breast feeding, so I'm sure she burns major calories. So, I was proud that I only ended up eating 1 reese out of about 6. Then of course I went home and had a party, lol. But I feel like I don't have any cravings this morning, so I think maybe you just have to feed the monster and then maybe it will shut up.


Holiday party today......I already picked out my meal and then going to the symphony with my fam. and having a picnic (in the civic center). The guy called me last night and said he had to work on Fri. and Sat. but Sun. was open, so we might go to the Christmas parade or a movie. He sounds nice.........


Anyway, that was my long report for the week. I will see you ladies on Monday!


Good Choices!

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Good for you Brooke..you have better control then I do and it's really really hard for me to give up the sweets or control how much of it I eat.


I also have a date on Sunday..hopefully. He was supposed to show up last Sunday but couldn't make it and then tonight we were supposed to go see a movie but he cancelled because his niece wanted him to take her skiing for the first time this season. So hopefully nothing weird happens between today and Sunday.


Also when I left my apartment yesterday I was wondering why I saw police line and all kinds of police outside a laundromat (which has an apartment above) about 2 buildings away from my apartment. Then later when I came home at 6:30pm there was still a State trooper there. Come to find out someone was stabbed in the apartment. :( I guess a woman stabbed this man who was helping her get on her feet because she was homeless. He took her to church and helped her find a job..and from what I hear was always helping out people in need. It's very sad. :(


At least it was a secluded incident so I'm not worried about being alone in my place.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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Brooke- I hope mother nature leaves you soon altough she will be finding me:mad: I can't wait to hear ifyou went on the blind day.


Jess- I am sure that your parents understand. I would love to get my parents something nice one day but this is not the year. lol


I am still doing pretty good. Sneaking bites of stuff that I am cooking but at least not over eating it like I was last month.


We have a little bit of snow coming down and the kids think that it is a blizzrd. LOL


Have a great week and everyone try to stay warm

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Mother Nature has left and I must get things under control. So, I don't care how close Christmas is........everyday I do well is a +.


I did go on the blind date.......mom is not allowed to set me up on "non-dates" anymore. The sterotype of "He is a nice guy" is perpetuated. Nice guy, but attraction and chemistry is not there. Plus I have a thing about ppl's teeth and his teeth looked like someone took a chisel to them........


But I gave it a try and that is what counts.


How was everyone's weekend? Any blizzards? lol.


Its just cold here.


I weighed this morning and I'm 317.8........I'm happy that I seem to be maintaining and not gaining at this point. But I would love to see myself out of the teens by cruise time. If I could just reach 312.........I'd meet that goal, that's only 5lbs. :rolleyes::o


Well I've got a meeting here in a bit and then I only have 8 days left of work before we have Christmas break until Jan. 4th. But I've got some major work to get done between now and then, so I will just be a busy bee. Hopefully, that will make the time go by fast.




Did you get your date?


Good Choices!

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Brooke - I got a short one on Sunday. Still not sure it's going to work. Seems like we are just friends at this point and honestly I'm not building up any kind of feelings for him. I know that might sound awful but it's the truth. :o He's not bad looking, not exactly the man I picture in my mind but I'm not feeling like it will work in the long run. I'm looking for someone who likes to have fun and be adventurous, go places and try new things..but I get the feeling he's not like that at all. I don't know.


It was very cold here last week, got down to about 5 degrees on Friday. Then we got maybe an inch of snow and Sunday was a mess of sleet, rain and snow..most of the day, the roads got a bit slick. But today was unusually warm like in the 50's so it has cleared. Still clowdy out but at least the temps went up and there wasn't any ice this morning.


Brooke - That's a lot of time they give you off. THey only give us Xmas eve and Xmas Day..but I put in my vacation to get the week after Xmas off...as we are not allowed to take ANY time off from January-March. :rolleyes:

I wish I could afford a cruise right now. I don't even know what I'm going to do with a week off...not going anywhere.


Have a good day everyone!

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