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Cruising to Healthy


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P.S. Forgot to mention, that I keep getting into the elevator with people that have McDonald's! It's really making me want some... now I can smell it, even though no one around me has it... is my mind making things up or what! Today has been a rough day. :o

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McD's is so hard to resist. Probably why I have a chicken biscuit and diet dr. pepper in front of me right now.




My friend who is a manager at Walgreens says they are phasing out PF stuff. She said they already did at Walgreens. I can't find the airbrush stuff at any store and I want to try it so bad. I can't even buy it off the PF website. Annoying. But hey I'll take their discounts.


We got about an inch of snow last night. Just enough to be annoying. Had to go to work though b/c students are back on campus. As I'm counting down the days.....work gets more hectic. I've had two cases of "Ooops, we had a report due for that grant, but we forgot to tell you." Even though my great work study has organized my files, we are still missing paperwork. Too many things slip through the cracks around here and it bugs me.


I can't keep myself from snacking. I wish I could focus. Its like I'm conscious of what I'm eating, but I just do it anyway. Is it b/c I'm getting ready for this cruise and think, "What the Hell?" Not sure. I gotta get my health groove back. I did almost cop out of my exercise last night, but I got my 30 mins in despite myself. Every little bit helps.


Ordered two dresses from Old Navy for my cruise and work (dual wearage) and I could have got free shipping, but it said up to 9 business days and I was worried that would take too long. So I opted for the $7 shipping for 3-5 days. I ordered it before 12pm, which usually means it will ship that day, so I should get it by Tuesday at the latest.


I'm bringing my own bath robe to the cruise. They provide them on Carnival, but to be honest.........One size does NOT fit all.......these hips. I don't know Shatha well enough to have a gap in my bath robe, lol. But with having decided to actually check a bag I should have plenty of room for it.


OMG, I have to shut up and get to work.


Good Choices.:D

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Brooke -Everyone upstairs is probably wondering why I'm sitting downstairs by myself laughing. LOL you almost made me spit out my drink!



Do you have a CVS extra care card? Heard from my deal websites that if you scan your card this week, you could possibly get a $10 off Physicians Formula coupon (for face I think) but that's still really good cause you can use it on clearance AND there is $7 that comes off instantly, supposedly.


The Physicians Formula Concealer Twins are $7.99 and apparently an instant $7 is coming off from that at the register..so it would be .99¢ and you wouldn't even need a coupon!


Well I'm gonna have to go either tonight or tomorrow to check that deal out myself...I do love makeup :D.



Oh and I could not tell the difference last night, eating the moose meat. Tasted just like regular beef stew.



So far this week, I have done good but it's only been a day. lol


Had two boiled eggs for breakfast yesterday, turkey sandwich for lunch and a small portion of that stew for dinner and before dinner I had a Nutrigrain bar and I did an hour at kickboxing and was extremely exhausted and my back hurt after and I was developing a headache. But I still managed to put together a crockpot soup dinner for today even though I ended up in bed late.

I still want to go to kickboxing again tonight. I did have a few too many deviled eggs this morning (whoops)...I knew I should have just made 2 boiled eggs and ate it plain. I took some of the crockpot soup for lunch today.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hi Everyone!


Brooke, hang in there, you get to go on a cruise soon! I'm very jealous that you will be getting some warm weather. We have snow right now. :) The cruise just might jump start you - although the food is delicious, you will probably be moving a LOT. That was really funny about the bathrobe.


Jess, it sounds like you are doing great! You are really making me think I should get out my crock pot again. I use it, but rarely. It would be nice to come home and have dinner all ready, and not to have to wait 30-60 minutes after a workout to have something to eat.


Yesterday, I hung in there, no McDonald's, but I did have a small piece of chocolate in the afternoon. :o I did have a great workout and then a small dinner (chicken leftovers) and a glass and a half of 1% milk. After my workout I wanted to do a little something more, so I walked up 10 flights of stairs to my apartment. That was hard, but I'm going to try to do that at least a few times a week.


This morning was a little rough. I put on a sweater and realized that it shrunk in the wash. Then I put on my favorite pair of jeans, and they ripped right in the crotch where they were getting a little worn. :( BUT I did have a good weigh-in and was down another pound! Yay. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but I do.


Today we are getting Burrito Beach for lunch. I think I might just get one half of a burrito, because I know I will get guacamole to put on it. No chips, though. And water to drink. I just hope that will fill me up.... must eat slowly. AND I forgot snacks again! Grrr I'm so mad at myself!


I'm hoping that 1 pound loss will help motivate me to stay healthy this week... at my work party on Thursday... and this weekend too. How great would it be to see another pound next Monday? I just need to think of that.


On a side note, has anyone watched the new show on MTV called "I Used to be Fat?" The people on there lose like 7 pounds/week, or 90 pounds over a summer, and I just don't understand how they are doing that. That's a deficit of 3,500 calories a day. That's a LOT of straight cardio... I just don't see how that is possible for a normal person. Same with the Biggest Loser. It's wonderful that they are able to lose weight through diet and exercise, but I think it can give people unrealistic expectations if they have a full time job, etc. There is no way I could fit that much cardio in... 2 pounds a week is GREAT for me.


Ok, end of rant, sorry about that! Have a good day ladies.


Edited to add: Sorry I forgot to mention that I realized Spark People have an app for the Droid phone! So I'm switching form the Daily Plate to Spark. I'm really excited because it seemed really easy to use and add foods, and if I can log things on my phone, which is always with me, it will be a lot easier than having to get to a computer to do it. This way, I think I will not forget to add things and will stay on top of it. Also, Spark gives you a daily range of calories, which I like better than, "You can eat no more than XXX Calories!!!" like it is on the daily plate. It's just a lot more realistic, some days I eat more than others, some days I work out, etc.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Well I jinxed myself today. Had a meltdown and felt like I was starving all of a sudden and I was trying to just ignore it but the craving would not go away. I was debating between a donut at dunkins and a bagel with cream cheese. So I decided to go to the bagel shop to get a plain bagel with sundried tomato cream cheese, I get almost there and turn my car around because I was thinking that maybe 1 donut might be better calorie wise vs. the homemade plain bagel with lots of sundried tomato cream cheese. Now I don't know how many calories that bagel has but after I ate that glazed stick donut..I looked up the calories. Well it couldn't have been much of a difference, as it was 390 calories :eek: Now that I feel terrible about it I don't have a choice as to whether or not I'm going to kickboxing (as I was debating earlier if I should go or not)...

On top of that I had to go to my parents house during lunch and only had 5 minutes to literally take a bite of my lunch that I over cooked in the crockpot. It cooked for 8-10 hours and in the morning I was supposed to add the Gnocchi pasta type stuff and peas..which I did but only for 30 min on high, so I put it in and it looked like a lot of Gnocchi but I went directly but the directions, so I got in the shower. Got out, got dressed and by the time I went to put it in a container for work it looked more like mush then a soup! Well I didn't think it would be so bad (afterall it had, salt, pepper and thyme as well) well it tasted like crap!

I don't want to waste the $25 I spent buying the ingredients (which may not be a lot to some but when you are single and have no money, it is), so maybe I can try to fix it tonight (like I'll be in the mood for that!) :rolleyes:.


The day has taken a toll for the worst food and work wise and it seems that everyone I've talked to today is not in a good mood so I'm sure that hasn't helped.


I'm only praying the day and the week get better that what it has been today.


Hope everyone else is having a good day.

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Awww Jess, I'm sorry that you are having a rough day of it. Do you think that the Crockpot was just on too long, and it got a little dehydrated/concentrated? Was it pretty salty, etc? If so, maybe you can add a bit of water to it to thin it out.


Well, I of course grabbed 2 burrito halves at lunch, instead of my plan for just ONE half, but they looked REALLY tiny. NOT half of a regular Chipotle-type burrito, smaller than that. But only ate one half and then a few bites of the second. So I'm putting that down as 3/4 burrito... which is over 600 calories! Ugh. I had salsa, not really counting that, since it's probably less than 50 calories total, and a little bit of guacamole... must count that though. Sparkpeople is saying that 4 oz of Chipotle guacamole is 180 calories... so I'm guessing Burrito beach is similar. Everyone else was crunching chips, which really made me want some... they have really good chips! But at least I didn't get those. It was a high-calorie lunch as it is! Grrr. AND we are getting lunch tomorrow (pizza, meh, maybe I'll supplement by bringing a salad or something) and Thursday (probably boxed lunch sandwiches), so I hate not having any control over the meal at all. It's nice that we are getting free lunches, so I don't mean to complain... but then we also are expected to give up our lunch hour, which kind of annoys me. We don't get paid for lunch, so we are basically strongly encouraged (I mean, you pretty much have to go) to give up our free time to attend these things.


Anyway, I too must work out tonight to get to my desired calorie range for the day. I was thinking of buying a Zumba fitness video - has anyone tried it? It seems like fun. Tonight I'm short on time so I might just do elliptical for 30 minutes. Thankfully I have some leftovers I can heat up quickly.


Well, now I have some minty gum for the afternoon, those burritos/salsa have a LOT of onions! And if I have an unpleasant taste in my mouth, I notice I'm more likely to grab some fruity candy or something.


Edited to add: Don't feel too bad about the donut... these things happen. And next time now you know the calories going in... it's a learning process. I found out the same thing about the glazed donuts from Starbucks... they are not that big but really really bad for you! I used to get those at least once a week. So now I figure if I am going to eat breakfast out, I'll go ahead and get a breakfast sandwich, because at least that will keep me fuller longer, and have some protein, etc.

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Well the snow from the west and south combined while traveling up the north east and has now hit us and we are expected to get about 15 inches of snow or more! :eek: It started last night and will continue through today and tomorrow maybe. I should be used to it by now but I'm not and I hate it every year..though I can't complain much about last year since we barely got snow for the first time in years.


Rachel - My work also does the same thing. We get 1 hour of lunch time total for the day (but you HAVE to take at least a 30min break at one time) I don't smoke or anything so I take my full hour at once. We don't get paid for it either. We sometimes get free lunches..but they are catered and everyone kind of goes when it's there scheduled break time or whatever...it's not mandatory since our company doesn't pay for it..it's from our business partner companies. But when they do lunch they get salads, wide variety of appitizers, entrees and desserts. And they get it from the most exspensive place in town. Hey I'm not complaining..most times though I have a little salad and a little bit of whatever food they are serving. I am picky about the sweets I eat and most times they do not appeal to me so I don't eat it.


I did go to kickboxing last night, though I felt my energy level was not the same as the night before but then again I don't normally to two or three days in a row, I usually let my body rest for a day because it is strenuous workout. Tonight they are probably closing the class/gym, as they said they probably would yesterday.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more clear and I can go again.


Anyway hope everyone has a great day!

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No paid lunch hours? I'm not sure what you mean. I get 8 hours a day in for 40 hours a week, but I get an hour lunch, so technically I'm here for 9 hours. Is that what you mean?




Came home to mom saying dad had been throwing up half the morning. Needless to say I went upstairs and didn't come down unless I had to AND I wore a mask AND I washed my hands every time I touched something. Mom says he stopped throwing up half the day and he is eating this morning a bit, but went back to bed. I'm hoping that it means it was just a quickie bug or something wrong with just him (Not that I want dad to be sick, but I don't want to be either).


As far as eating.....I suck and I have to stop sucking at it, lol. But I did get 20 mins. in on the bike.


Single digits.......9 days and counting.


Good Choices, better than mine lately.

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Good morning ladies,


Well I had a decent night last night... I did a little bit of shopping (needed stuff to clean up my suede boots, now I just have to figure out how to use it. Walking in salt & snow in the city just did not agree with them :(), and I had a $40 Groupon to the Body Shop that only cost $20 so I got some body butters. Those work so great but they are expensive!!! So I was glad to have the Groupon.


By the time I got home it was 7:30, and I put on some workout clothes, did all the weight machines twice, and then did sprints/walking speed for 1 minute rotations on the ellliptical for 20 minutes. Sometimes I think that is harder than just going at a steady pace! By the time I got upstairs and took a shower, I was too tired to cook anything so I ate some yogurt and granola with fruit. I was still within my calorie range for the day, but on the low side. I watched the Biggest Loser too, which I had DVR'ed. It a necessity for me so I can fast forward through parts (like all the beeping... why do they drag it out so long?) :rolleyes:


When I weighed in this morning, I was down 1.2 pounds from yesterday... so that was exciting for me. That's 4.4 pounds total and a number I haven't seen since summer, I think. (My weight usually stays within a 2 pound range). I'm trying not to get too excited in case it is phantom water weight, because sometimes you get a low number day and then a higher number day. As long as the long-term trend is downward, that is good for me. I'm going to try to stay focused this week on staying the same or going down from here. 32.4 pounds to go until I get to my goal weight. I'd really like to be there by May, I'm putting the Biggest Loser finale as my deadline (May 24th). That's 19 weeks away, so I would have to lose 1.7 pounds a week.


We can DO this!!!



Brooke, are you getting super excited for your cruise? Not that much longer!


Jess, great job on the kickboxing! I usually try to alternate workout days, too. But this week I'm similar to you because I won't have a chance from Thursday on, so I am trying to get in 3 sessions of working out in a row(tonight will be my last for the week).

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P.S. Regarding the lunch hours... I have a 9 hour day too, but only 8 hours of work (have a 1 hour break for lunch). I think that's typical and I don't have a problem with that, because I usually go home or go shopping or do what I want on my lunch hour, so I consider it free time. The only time I get annoyed is when they "strongly encourage" us to attend presentations, and they are over lunch... essentially they are making us stay for a work-related event over what I consider to be my free time. And we have 3 of them this week! Jess, I only wish we got salad, it's always pizza or burritos or something usually fairly unhealthy for us. Today I brought a salad from home to supplement my pizza though.

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Yes Brooke, it's as Rachel said. I'm here 9 hours technically but one hour is lunch time I also consider free time.


I'm excited for you Brooke that you are leaving for your cruise soon. Looking outside..now I'm wishing I could have been able to go with you!


I don't want to drive anywhere cause it's horrible out and we have a sandwich shop next door and the special of the day is grilled cheese with tomato on wheat and italian wedding soup. Since I didn't bring lunch I will probably order that. Plus it's cheap and I get two extra punches on my lunch card. lol

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You are right, we can do this. You have a great mindset. I gonna find my groove and I'll be right there with you.




Thanks, I'm excited. Can you try to ward off the snow up there please? I have to connect in Boston for my flight.


Okay, me and my body are gonna have serious conversation when I get back from this cruise. We are gonna talk about its addiction to food and how it just has to stop.


The good news is that though I try and talk myself out of it each night I do end up on the bike for at the least 20 mins. It may not be much or enough, but I'm not stuffing my face and stopping exercise all together, which makes me have hope.


I'm becoming useless at work. I have things to do, but I have to force myself to do them. In all honesty, it makes the day go by faster if I actually do work, but its like I'm already in vacation mode. I've got at least two deadlines and a staff retreat before I go.............Lord help me keep my attention focused for a little longer.


Good Choices

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Not having a good start to my morning. Again I tried making dinner last night but that didn't work out. All I ended up with was a big mess, as usual. It's very frustrating to go out and spend money and waste it on nothing and end up cleaning all night and barely getting any sleep. Not to mention snow always puts me in a bad mood. I brought an apple to work, thought I had another one and it wasn't a good one so I had to throw it out. Then I went to grab a packet of hot cocoa and it had a hole on the bottom and I was reaching in a high cupboard..yeah got all over me and all over the kitchen at work.

As I'm driving to work this morning the roads were still covered in snow and slush and I had this woman behind me on my tail for 10 miles and when she finally got to pass me she went 60-80 mph and soaked my windsheild with snow and slush and I had just run out of windsheild fluid. Ohh I was so mad and a second later she was gone. Good thing she wasn't going to my work place (it's in like a plaza, dunkin donuts, etc..) cause I would have really given it to her. I lost two people from road accidents in Novemeber and one was from an irresponsible driver, seriously why do people drive 60-80 mph after a big snow storm? It puts everyone in jeopardy. I know I'm not a perfect driver but come on, that's just ridiculous.


Anyway off my rant, just had too vent there.


Brooke - the skies are clear here, some parts in Mass got a lot more then we did. You and I are both hoping it stays clear..I pray for no snow everynight. lol

At least you are excercising. I'm the same way I was going to kickboxing but not eating the right way at the same time but I knew that if I didn't go to kickboxing I'd feel horrible about it and I'd probably gain more weight then if I wasn't exercising at all and eating badly.


Good luck on your last days at work.

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Good morning,


Well, I didn't get to my workout last night. I went shopping instead. :o Then I had wine and cheese and baguette for dinner at 8 at night. :rolleyes: Not the best. This morning I am back up those 1.2 pounds. Somehow I knew they were phantom weight! Hopefully I just need to keep drinking more water to flush that stuff out.


Now tonight is our Holiday party, so I need to be careful there. Going to watch my alcohol intake and stay away from the bread basket, dessert table, and house-made potato chips during appetizer hour... Wish me luck! :eek:


Have a great day ladies! Brooke, just think about all the healthy and tasty options available on the cruise. There will be bad stuff, too, but there will be a chef making really good healthy stuff too, and you don't have to cook it or clean up. I'm jealous of you! :) Also, think of all the exercise you will be getting just walking around. It will be a great thing!

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Welllllllllll.........I tried my hardest not to get sick, but failed. Lucky, I have plenty of time to recover. I don't seem to have it as bad as my dad did. Its a funny thing when you are hoping you throw up.


Hey, positive side...I might lose a pound...:D

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Oh no, Brooke! I hope that you feel better soon for your cruise! :eek:


I am not doing so hot today myself... overindulged at our party last night a bit. Not food... alcohol. :cool: I did really great with the food. I stayed away from the house-made chips during cocktail hour, ate a nice basic salad with vineagrette for my starter and a breast piece of chicken with some roast veggies for dinner. I also restrained myself from having any bread from the bread basket (and it looked GOOD). I did have a tiny, maybe 1.5-2" brownie square. My weight is the same this morning, so that's good... Still up 1.2 pounds, but as long as it didn't go up even more I'm glad.


I did have 2 cranberry vodkas with a splash of club soda and a lime during the 1.5 hour long cocktail hour... and some wine with dinner. Hence why I feel tired and dehydrated today.


Now if I can just stay on track this weekend... the bad part of being hungover is that I just want greasy food like McDonald's or pizza. I might let myself have a Happy Meal this weekend with a 4 piece nugget, because I think that will satisfy my craving I've had all week for them... Not sure. My husband (who is skinny) wanted to order a 50 piece the other day and split it. I told him he was crazy. There is no WAY I would do that. But I think a little 4 piece indulgence here and there is ok.

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Hi ladies! It's a little hard for me to jump on as much during tax season but I came and read up on everybody.


Rach sounds like you are doing pretty good. Keep it up. I think your goal of when Biggest Loser ends is great. You can do a weigh in while they are! Maybe I will have to give myself a goal for then as well.


Jess-Hope your week got better. It sounds like you have had some crazy mishaps although I imagine I would have laughed at you if I saw the hot chocolate thing. I am sure it was not funny to you but in my mind it was. Sorry.:o I totally understand about the meal mishaps. It is very annoying when that happens. We had snow hear as well. 3rd time in less then a year!!!! Hear in the south that is so not normal. We had snow days Mon and Tuesday which worked out well for us since my brother had a heart cath Tuesday. Poor guy now has 4 stents. He had a heart attack at 36 in 2007 and they put in 3 stints and now had to put in another. They actually had to use the paddles and shock him while they were in there so that has scared the mess out of him. I imagine it would anyone to be awake and hearing the Dr screaming at you to cough then blacking out and waking up 15 sec later to be told they had to use the paddles on you. The strangest part is that he is not really over weight. If he is its only a few pounds. He only smoke 2 cigs a day and just started eating junk again in the last few months. So basically he can not have any junk, NO smoking at all, and exersice often. Dr said we were passed some bad seeds in our genetics. It does seem to hit the men worse then the women in our family though. He is home and doing ok but sore now


Brooke- Hope you are feeling better. Stomach virus is no fun for anyone. Glad that it was one of those quick ones that didn't make you feel like death like some do. I hope you are all ready for your cruise. The warm weather is going to feel so nice compared to everything going on around hear. TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PHOTOS PLEASE. And post them ASAP. We need to live through your photos for a while.


I am up to 280 minutes of exercise so all on track there and the last couple days I have done well as far as eating goes.


Have a great weekend ladies and stay safe

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Good morning:)


I am down at least 1 lb maybe 6. lol I can't remember what my starting weight was. lol I think I am down 6 lbs so that is what I am going to go with. If I find that I am wrong I will let you all know. I know that it is a loss though! I want to lose 34 more pounds by the cruise and if I stick with it I know that it will happen. One thing is I don't want to have to spend money on new dresses etc. I am using the ones I have as a guide. 330 as far as minutes go and I think I am going to like the results versus the treadmill because I am getting a lot more toning in. I am trying to switch it up as much as I can because I don't want to burn out to soon.

My neck and shoulder have been giving me a fit but I am rubbing them down and trying to push through it. I have to be very careful about how much I work my arms because for whatever reason they are so weak/sore. Brushing my hair at times really sends pain down my arms.



Brooke- I know you must be excited because I have been looking around on the boards and I am excited and I have until Dec.:eek: You will probably go on another cruise after this one before I get to mine. lol



Have a wonderful week ladies.

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You are doing great. Count those mins. girl! And I don't know about another cruise, but we will see, lol. I'm excited. A little scared I haven't heard from my travel partner, but she is in sales and its the end of the month, sooooo..


Feeling much better so far. Lost 5lbs, lol. I just threw up once, but I barely ate anything, so I guess I burned lots of calories. Now, I get to go on a cruise and make them all up, lol. But I got back down and that was my goal........terrible way to get there though.


Oh well,


I have a retreat all day today, so I guess things won't be too horrible.


Good choices.

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Annette - Good Job on the weight loss! and yes I have a lot of crazy mishaps..it's part of my everyday life ( like this morning at work I slammed my thumb hard in the drawer at work when I went to get a spoon and it still hurts!) but I guess I'm used to it by now it's just some days are worse then others.


And don't feel bad about the bad genes..a lot of people have them. I do! my brother had stints too and he's 35 (think he had it a couple years ago now). my brother and sister from my mother also have hypothyroidism like I do and my other two brother and sister from my dad..we all have high blood pressure.


I got two bad genes combined in one big bad body. lol


I am watching my sister for the next too days at my parents and already forgot my meds and feel like crap. Tomorrow we are supposed to get another 5-10 inches and ICE. Great..nice add to the already 2 feet of snow and ice we have..:rolleyes: oh happy day..I swear I'm more of a depressed complainer when it's winter time.


Brooke - when is your cruise? hope you two have fun! I'm so jealous. lol

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Hi ladies, hope you had a nice weekend. I had FUN but I'm upset to report that I am up 1.8 pounds. Now I'm only down 1 overall! :mad: I can't believe that I ate that many extra calories, so I'm hoping part of it is from eating sodium-laden foods, and once I get back to my regular diet some of that water weight will drop. We ate out all weekend but I didn't think I was THAT bad (and could certainly have made WORSE choices, although some weren't ideal).


So I thought I would post what I ate, since I was really bad about logging some of it, and I don't even know how to count some things... :cool: This will give me a chance to unload so I hope that you all don't mind.


Oh well this is a new week, and I don't think I have to eat out at all. Last week I ate out so much or had food provided for me so much that I felt like I didn't have much control. Although when I could I did bring things like a salad to accompany some pizza, so at least I tried, and that is a big start in the right direction.


Here is what I ate:


Friday night after the drive:

Wendy's - You pick two, Chicken Salad & a Chicken wrap, a few sips of my husband's Frosty



Morning: Breakfast at hotel: Small bowl of raisin bran, hard boiled egg, small yoplait yogurt, and coffee


Lunch: Chicken wrap from a bar, one beer (we were watching a game)


Dinner: Half a chicken quesadilla, 10 chips + salsa, 2 frozen margaritas (we split 2 60 oz pitchers in between 5 people)


Later: One more beer




Morning: Yogurt parfait from Panera + plain coffee


Lunch: Pizza Hut - One full plate from the salad bar, 2 breadsticks, half a personal pan pizza (those little individual-sized ones) with chicken & veggies on it (red sauce)



Dinner: Bowl of cereal when we got home



So as you can see, there was a lot of fast food in there, which my body is not used to... and I could have made some better choices here and there for sure, but I didn't think I was completely out-of-control, either.


Well I will get back to my routine for a few days and check in here again.


Brooke - Hope you are feeling better, you must be getting really excited! I hope everything is ok with your friend, too.


Jess - I am a total klutz so I can certainly understand your frustration!!!


Annette - great job on the exercise, I'll be jumping back into it tonight after only 2 days of exercising last week. Thanks for posting your progress, as it is inspiring! :)

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Could we talk about bad genes.....geesh. I hope you have fun with your sister, I know how much you adore her!


And I fly out on Friday.......pending that the snow that in the forecast for Boston doesn't hinder me.




We all have those times when eating out is inevitable. You do the best you can. Just remember that what looks healthy can be deceiving. Like you wouldn't think that a chocolate chip cookies with a blob of ice cream on it would be 1700 calories..........but Applebees chocolate chip cookie sundae........def. is!!!!! Also, note the portion sizes. A 7oz steak is 2xs the normal serving size of 3oz. I try really hard to check calories before I got to a restr. or only eat part of my food. But "fast food" is so sneaky!!!


Well, thought I was doing well and then I think I tried to eat too normally yesterday and at the end of the day things went south.......I won't go into details, but lets say I had to drink lots of water to make sure I didn't dehydrate. Now, I'm like have hunger pains and my stomach kind hurts like a sour stomach. I think I may try a pepto just to see if it helps. Mom says that having all this bacteria could cause a ulcer.........who knows. I'm taking a vitamin and I'm drinking lots of fluid and eating "bready" things. I should be fine by Friday. It sucks when you are hungry, but afraid to eat.


Just have to get through 2 more days of work and then I'm heading out, barring the snow in Boston.


Ugh, deadlines to get to and 3 flights of stairs to the bathroom...........wish me luck.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - it's snowing now and supposed to be bad tomorrow too. I hope it clears for you the next few days!


Let me say yes I adore my sister but today is an extremely stressful day. Basically because the programs my sister has, my parents rely on me to take care of her or deal with things when they are gone and let me say that it is not easy at all!

I love my family and would do anything for my sister but my parents have put me in a bad situation I wasn't prepared for. So this morning was some kind of crazy and my aunt is watching my sister overnight and my parents continue to make me feel bad and that I can't be relied on.What can I say? I'm not perfect.


yeah bad day and I want to go away on a permanent vacation.

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