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Cruising to Healthy


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Brooke, I hope that the snow in the Northeast doesn't mess you up! Hopefully the system will be gone by then, and they will have time to clear everything up. You are so lucky to only have 2 more days of work!


Jess, that sounds really tough. From what I can tell you are doing the best you can, and your parents are really lucky to have you around.


Well, I'm sorry I was so negative with the weight gain yesterday morning and talking ... I had a good day and exercised and when I weighed myself this morning, I was back down 2.2 pounds. So I'm guessing a lot of that really was from water weight. I did feel bloated from all that sodium. So now I am back down to 3.2 pounds lost total over 2 weeks. I would really like to keep the pace of 1.5-2 pounds a week, so I'm happy.


Have a great day ladies!!!

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Brooke, good luck, and if we don't hear from you, have a great time on your cruise!!! :)


I went grocery shopping yesterday, and I'm really excited about meals this week. I want to make a lot of interesting salads. I'm thinking a greek version, with tzatziki as the salad dressing. It uses Greek Yogurt, which is packed with protein. I think I'm going to do this recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/easy-tzatziki-with-toasted-pita-crisps-recipe/index.html

Also with the greek salad I'm going to have grilled chicken, and add bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and feta (which is a fairly low-fat cheese).


I'm also going to do a mediterranean version, and make some hummus to use as a dressing. I really like this one, and it doesn't add any extra oil, and you get all the fiber and protein from the chickpeas: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Spiced-Sweet-Roasted-Red-Pepper-Hummus/Detail.aspx

I'm also going to make some quinoa to mix in with the salad, along with peppers, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Quinoa is really good for you - there is a ton of protein in there for a grain, and fiber, too.


Actually both salads I'll throw in the same veggies - they are kind of similarly themed... I was contemplating doing a southwest version with beans and corn, and add some homemade guacamole for dressing, since it has healthy fats and is good for you in moderation. Maybe next week.


I also bought apples because I love an apple, goat cheese, and walnuts salad with a basalmic vineagrette. And apples w/PB is one of my favorite snacks.


Also for snacks: Cottage cheese and mini crackers (cottage cheese has a ton of protein too, and is low-cal. I didn't realize that. I love it, but never usually buy it), and the hummus or tzatziki with sliced carrots or cucumbers. I'm trying to have a bit of protein + fiber with each snack.


I also bought one greek yogurt w/honey to test... I'm going to have that with a banana and some granola for breakfast this week (I usually just do cereal w/fruit).


So tonight, I'm going to make the tzatziki, hummus, and quinoa to have on hand... I also will probably grill and cut up some chicken so it's prepped, and cut up some veggies too. If I eat the veggies in a day or two, they should last I think. Maybe I won't cut them all up, though. ;)

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Well I thought my week would get better..but it hasn't. My parents stayed another night in CT because of the weather and my aunt took my sister for the night. Was running late this morning, my cousin came over to snowblow the yard and it runs out of gas. Neither of us had cash and I didn't have time to hit the atm and since he doesn't have a bank account, we had to go digging for change (mind you my parents also live a half hour from civilization). :rolleyes:

Got my sisters stuff (as she stayed yesterday last minute decision and had no meds. clothes or anything) and was planning on dropping it off before work. Well I couldn't even get out of the driveway. 10 inches of snow and glare ice I finally got out after I burned my tires trying.

Didn't have time to drop her medication and stuff off.


Then I get a call from my doctors office. Remember I mentioned I had a blood test because I was having stomach issues? Well they said I have inflammation and they need to do a colonoscopy next week! :eek: Not even sure work will let me take a day and a half off because it's our "busy" season and technically you are not supposed to take any days off from January-March. :rolleyes: Then the Dr. office they said they may not take the insurance I have but will have to check on that. But I'm freaked out all the way around.


They said it would just be cloudy today too and it's been snowing all day and will on Friday also (Sorry Brooke, I really hope Boston doesn't get any, I got my fingers crossed for you).


Sorry I know I'm only posting negative stuff but that's really what's been going on this week. And all this snow and sleet/ice stuff is enough to make any snow hater miserable.


I'm hoping for a better week though and hope the weekend is fabulous.


Hope everyone has a great day!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Well, last day of work............had to change my flight out. Boston was poised for bad weather and I was scared, but Jetblue did me a favor and switched me to a later flight and a nonstop. So I actually don't leave until 6pm tomr. But I'm heading to RIC tonight anyway, just to avoid weekend traffic. I don't know if I can post tomr. or not.




I hope you get your test, your health is important.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I hope you have fun and take lots of pictures!! From what I hear it will start after 12am and run until about 2pm...so I think you should be good but I will be thinking of you tomorrow!



Well I thought yesterday evening was going to be the icing on the cake when I was called into boss's office. Turns out I got good news. We are getting more in incentives..the more we make in 1 week, the more money we get and you know that was such a big relief and I was extremely happy about that!!


It's sunny out and I'm hoping the worst of the week is over, after all tomorrow is Friday!


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Brooke - I hope you have fun and take lots of pictures!! From what I hear it will start after 12am and run until about 2pm...so I think you should be good but I will be thinking of you tomorrow!



Well I thought yesterday evening was going to be the icing on the cake when I was called into boss's office. Turns out I got good news. We are getting more in incentives..the more we make in 1 week, the more money we get and you know that was such a big relief and I was extremely happy about that!!


It's sunny out and I'm hoping the worst of the week is over, after all tomorrow is Friday!


Hope everyone has a great day!


I don't even have to stop over in Boston. Its a direct flight now....its a stress off my shoulders


GREAT NEWS. More money is always better. I'm waiting for our raise, lol.

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I don't even have to stop over in Boston. Its a direct flight now....its a stress off my shoulders


GREAT NEWS. More money is always better. I'm waiting for our raise, lol.



Well that's even better!


and I'm still waiting for my raise too, been over a year..lol


BTW I just got to thinking..what if they tell me I have to wear a colostomy bag? OMG that would be horrible. i just want to get it done and over with so I can get the results back because I am stressing about this a lot after they told me I have inflammation which is probably an inflammatory bowel disease.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Have a great time on youy cruise, if we don't hear from you!!! Enjoy the sun + warmth.



I'm so sorry to hear that you need a colonoscopy. Those are no fun. I know several people who had to have one. But it would be positive in that they can better diagnose any potential problems. I wouldn't think that you would need a colostomy bag - that would be a really drastic decision! Were you the person who had chronic digestion issues? I couldn't remember. I know a little about digestive issues as I know someone with Crohn's Disease. Crohn's can vary, but with the person I know, there are small adhesions on the intestines which make it difficult to keep food down long enough to be absorbed. These adhesions can occur anywhere along the digestive track. Inflammation is also an issue, so the person I know takes Humira, which has helped a lot. Humira is also prescribed for other inflammatory problems like arthritis, too. Other people can manage inflammation problems by the type of diet they have. I know that eating a lot of Omega 3 is wonderful for that (so things like fatty fish, omega-3 enriched eggs, flax, etc.). I just happened to be reading the chapter about anti-inflammatory foods in the book I just bought, "the Whole Foods Diet" when I caught your post. There are also a ton of recipes in there. It has been really interesting reading, so far I recommend it. It makes me want to go out and buy flax seed (for sprinkling on food and adding to baked goods) & oil (for salad dressings, etc.) to work into my diet.


I hope everything goes well, and they have success in determining any potential health issues for you. :( We will be thinking of you and wish you the best!


Take care,


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P.S. On a completely different note, I wanted to report back on that greek tzatziki dip with the greek yogurt + cucumber - it was DELICIOUS!!! And very healthy since it was made with greek yogurt & a shredded cucumber, lemon juice, garlic, and spices. I omitted the sour cream, mostly because I forgot to buy some. We had it with small turkey meatballs that I made with greek seasoning, and lots of veggies with a sprinkle of feta, stuffed inside a wheat pita bread. I was really full after dinner, but overall it was pretty healthy & low-cal, minus the pita bread, which was like 200 calories alone. :eek: I bought pita chips too, since my husband will like them to dip in the tzatziki, but I stayed away. You could also dip carrots, peppers, cherry tomatoes, etc. in it too, kind of like a ranch dip.

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Brooke-If you see this have a great time and if you get to meet up with Kim#1 tell her hello and good job with all that working out. I will be praying that everything works out wonderful for you.


Jess- Sorry your week was so bad. I know that you normally help with your sister a lot so I imagine that it must have been something really big that happened. I am sorry that people think you are not doing your part. I hope it gets better and you stay safe in that weather.


Rach- Good job. I will be honest you have a lot of foods on your healthly list that I will probably never try:o but I envy you for being able to do it. I had a stare down with my friend today when she was trying to get me to taste rutabegas. Good job on the weight loss. Glad that it turned out to be water weight.


Kim- Glad you got to jump in here for a second. Come back soon.


I am down another 1. Yay I am pretty sure that means 7 lbs since I last weighed which I can't remember when that was but I know it wasn't more then a month ago. I think it was about 3 weeks ago. This bad memory stinks.:confused: I am at 400 minutes. Some of my random number posts on facebook are starting to make people ask questions.

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Rachel thanks for all that info! I am sure I don't need a colostomy bag either..but I have seen then and took care of patients who have had them and I would never want one. I know that's really only for SEVERE cases.


I got another problem though. I checked with my employer and my regular doctor referred me to the Gastro doctor who is NOT in my insurance network. So I had to cancel my appointment for next week and call my regular doctors office and also I already had an appointment with the gastro doctor and was told because my insurance doesn't cover it I could be paying almost $300 just for the inital visit. Now my regular doctor referred me and I had the appointment the next day and they never said anything when I gave them my insurance card about not taking MVP insurance :(..so I talked to someone in my regular doctors office who is going to try to get an appeal from my insurance for that appointment I already had and basically she said I have to go find someone myself "in network" to do the colonoscopy. I would think the doctor would refer me to someone "in network" so I have no clue who I should see. It's confusing and to tell you the truth...ever since we changed insurance plans last summer..it's worse and we are paying a lot more for everything! I guess it's better then not having any insurance at all though.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Ugh, Jess, I really feel for you. I HATE dealing with health insurance companies. They always make it so confusing. I get bills and am never sure if I am supposed to pay them, or if it is just a notification that my insurance is paying them.... figuring out what doctor is in my network, etc. Ugh.


I did find the best way to find a doctor in my plan was to go to my health insurance's website. On there I can search for the type of doctor (specialty) I am looking for, and the location, within how many miles, etc. I can even search for a male or female doctor. And you can see their credentials. Does yours have something like that?


Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend! I am very jealous of Brooke being on a cruise... the thermometer said 0 degrees F this morning... ugh. Wind chill of minus 19. Stay warm everyone!


I'm going to watch a football game on Sunday... I might need to bring a healthy dip to snack on. I might bring the hummus since it travels well and I actually haven't had time to make it yet. I'll bring some pita chips for everyone else, and some carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, etc. for me. :) (Of course I will share the veggies with other people... they just usually prefer the chips, haha).

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Hi everyone!


This last week, I've lost 1.4 pounds! Woo! That is a total of 4.6 overall, and 1.5 pounds/week average. At this rate, I should be at my goal by June 13. Although I'm hoping once the weather gets better it will be easier. I won't feel like such a slug and can actually go on long bike rides and walks!


We are thinking of going to Alaska this summer to hike and see some nature, and it will also be my 30th birthday, so I would love to be at goal by then.


I did pretty well all week, although now I've got a bit of chest congestion/cough. I'm not sure if I should workout, or just take it easy. The good thing is, I don't have much of an appetite. :cool: Maybe I will just grab a book and go downstairs to ride one of our exercise bikes for awhile, just to keep moving, but I don't want to strain too much since I don't want start strugging to breathe and have a coughing fit.


I tried quinoa over the weekend. It was really easy to make, kind of like rice. I believe it is a "complete" protein, which means it contains all of the amino acids, which is unusual for a grain. It also has lots of fiber. It was pretty good, actually. I might starting making that instead of brown rice.

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Hi Rachel!



Whoo hoo to you for losing more weight, that's great!


I have no idea if I've lost weight. I also didn't attend kickboxing classes at all last week. I'm not even sure I want to go tonight but I'm paying for the classes whether or no I go..it's just soo cold out like below zero. Last night it was around -25 outside and my car had little bit of trouble starting and my mom's car didn't start at all!

I just want to curl up with a ton of blankets and have some soup.

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How is everyone?


I went to kickboxing two nights in a row and by the end of the class yesterday, both my calves were cramping up something awful. I didn't do well food wise yesterday so I made myself go to kickboxing no matter what. Tonight we are possibly getting more snow and will continue through tomorrow so tonight I probably won't be going and tomorrow the trainer will not be there and they are not open on Fridays. The whether has been just horrible (we had up to -25F this week) My heat in my apartment isn't really working either so I am piling on the blankets at night. I cannot tell you how much I am ready for spring and summer!


Hope everyone is well.

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GREAT job on the 10 pounds!!!


I am feeling a little better today, but still have a cold. I have not been working out because the cold was in my chest and a had a big cough, and I did not want to start having trouble breathing. :( But I am feeling slightly better today.


I also didn't want to work out, because I didn't want to spread my germs! I have a feeling that I picked this sickness UP from the gym! There was a guy in there coughing the other day. :mad: I would hate to be sneezing and coughing all over the place next to other people. So I'm just going to rest up and make sure my body has the energy to heal itself.


Tonight I'm going grocery shopping again - not sure what to make for meals this week. Maybe something southwest or mexican themed... large salads with shredded chicken, corn, peppers, onions, etc.? And a guacamole dressing. My friend makes shredded chicken by putting it into the crockpot with some salsa... cooks it a long time, and it just falls apart. I'm going to see her at lunch today, so I'll ask her how she does it. Then you can put it in salads, tacos, enchiladas, etc.


I've already looked at the menu for the restaurant we are going to, and there are some interesting salads, so I'm going to stick with one of those. There is one with walnut-encrusted goat cheese that looks tasty. I am loving goat cheese. It's soft and spreadable, and you can have a nice sized "medallion" for maybe 70 calories. There is also a mediterranean salad that looks good.


I think that as long as I stick with a house-made vineagrette, I'll be ok. (and I'll ask for it on the side)...


Jess, sometimes my legs cramp if I don't get enough potassium, I've found that eating bananas helps a lot. Hope they get better. I too am sick of the cold and flurries!


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Annette - Great job with 10lbs lost! that's excellent!


Rachel - I just started taking a multi-vitamin this week. So maybe that will help. I hope you feel better soon, it's no fun being sick at all!



Not much to say here except I fell last night on glare ice and got yelled at by the boss this morning for something ridiculous.


Positives? Well at least the sun is shining and it's getting closer to the weekend.

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You too!!!


I just was asked by a bunch of co-workers to go to lunch to a local restaurant that has $5 burgers on Fridays. Eek! I think I might go, just eat half, and get a side salad instead of fries.


Tomorrow we have a birthday party, but the good news is, I'm feeling better. I think I might try to get a good workout in tonight.


It's a beautiful sun-shiny day here, and I'm SO GLAD it's Friday!!!


Anyone know when Brooke gets back?

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