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Cruising to Healthy


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Sorry Brooke I wasn't meaning to imply that you should save your money and move out. I personally needed to move out not only for me but to improve my relationship with my family and I needed to learn more responsibility. Really I never cooked when I was living at my parents (mostly because they already had eaten by the time I got home at 6:30pm every night) So now it's a challenge to me but I need to learn it and it helps me learn how to budget more. Still I admit it's hard not being able to buy a Coach bag whenever I want or just take a random trip to foxwoods with $300 in my pocket. Everyone has there own paths in life and right now this is mine and just have to see where it goes from here.


Well my dad came to visit me yesterday for lunch. I told him I had a lunch but he brought veggie soup he made from scratch anyway..funny thing was when he got here I went to get my lunch from my car and realised I totally forgot my lunch at my place! So luckily my dad brought that soup and it was pretty good too.


I got my jacket in the mail and though I love the warmth of it and design..it's just too big. Since I'm only 5'3" it goes down to my knees and the arms on it hang down like a foot and the arms are too long also. I'm debating whether or not I should exchange it for a smaller size or just return it. :(


I did go to kickboxing last night..good class but Monday was better. Had an awesome omelette I made for dinner, inculding broccoli, tomatos, cheese and a little bit of shredded chicken.


Got on the scale this morning- bad idea. I'm up .6 from yesterday morning. I used to have my scale at work (everyone used it) and I never used it..but decided to bring it home and now I'm weighing myself everyday which is probably a dumb idea.


Anyways, brought the same lunch I was supposed to have yesterday and not going to kickboxing tonight, I have some laundry to do but I will go again tomorrow.


Have a great day everyone!


I knew didn't imply that Jess:p. I was saying I needed to take that same responsibility, but its just something about me and money.........

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So my countdown is official. :D I wanted to put up my countdown clock right away, but I thought it would be bad luck if I put it up before I was officially booked. I'm excited, but I didn't realize it would be around 8 months, lol. Le sigh........I guess you have to wait for good things. lol. Plus the way things are going I think I will def. need a break by then.


Did 30mins on the bike last night. I'm going to stay after for getting my taxes done tonight, so I'll hit the gym to kill time between work and that.


Short today.


Good Choices.

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Brooke :D I think we both get it.


Forgot my protein drink so I'm having an english muffin with peanut butter from dunkin donuts (one of the best simple food items I could think to get rather then a bagel or donut). Lunch- didn't have time to make one so I will probably order a greek chicken wrap next door and have half. No soda so far though I was tempted once to get a pepsi yesterday.


Tonight will be another round of kickboxing and my weight is down .4 from yesterday and I really need to stop weighing myself everyday it's already becoming a habit. :rolleyes:


Brooke you have no idea how much I really want to go on a cruise..the two things stopping me are money and being afraid of getting on a plane. I need a new car really bad though so I guess I will have to wait and try to figure it out later if I can really afford a cruise but I think booking in way in advance could be a good thing because you can make payments along the way...


Have a great day everyone!

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Hi all,


Well, I thought I replied with a long response yesterday, but I see now that it didn't post! Bah!


Mostly I just wrote that my co-worker's friend leads Zumba classes, and my co-worker asked me if I would go with her next week to support her friend. I said definitely, because everyone I know who has gone to those classes LOVES it. And they are only $5!


I have NOT been very good at working out lately... or tracking my food. I guess I'm in a rut. I watch all these shows like The Biggest Loser or Heavy, and they all just do such a great job so QUICKLY. I know how unrealistic that is for most people, because they have 6-8 hours a day to just do cardio and burn calories. And most people don't have that.


I think Jess like you, I have been weighing myself everyday, and seeing the weight hover around the same is just so NOT motivating. Especially when you can do everything right one day, and gain weight, but eat worse the next day and skip a workout and be down weight. It just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I need to start weighing only once a week like they do on those shows, to get a more dramatic drop. I don't know... I just need to keep going.


BTW, I forgot who asked, but I sort of followed this recipe for the tomato soup w/beans: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/hearty-tomato-soup-with-lemon-and-rosemary-recipe/index.html


The only changes I made were: used 6 medium fresh tomatoes instead of canned, used beef stock instead of chicken because I wanted to use some up, no lemon, rosemary, or creme fraiche were added. Instead I added a bay leaf while it was simmering (be sure to fish it out), and 3/4 cup of half and half after pureeing everything. Not sure on the calories, but I would enter it into a recipe calculator like on sparkpeople or something like that. You could totally omit the half and half if you wanted.

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I so would be super excited if you could go!! But I know that's its a tough call. I hope you at least get to go with your parents.




Zumba kicks my butt. My mom nags me everytime I come home from the class. "You better be careful and not hurt your back!" It's the same old story. I can't seem to get the exercise I need for the fact that my back is so easily annoyed and injured. I just had to tell her, "I'm in a catch 22.....either I exercise enough to lose weight to make my back better and possibly hurt myself or I don't exercise and protect my back, but still have to deal with the pain b/c of the weight." I guess moms never stop worrying.:rolleyes:




Thanks, that is interesting. Might try it just to see.



I really want to shop. I have an addiction. I'm trying really hard to behave myself and going almost 2 months without buying clothes is really good for me. But now I'm planning for the cruise already and want to buy somethings. Of course, you know me, I'm not going to buy unless I can have it for dual purposes, like work and play. ON has a 20% off $75 or more today and I have about $250 of stuff on the site I want, lol. I might return a couple I'm not sure of though. This raise is going to be gone before I know it, lol.


I think I have a sinus infection. Its been leaning that direction for a couple of days now. (Sorry for this) bloody mucus when I blow my nose and stuffiness. Now my cheeks feel hot and swollen. Well, I guess I'm not Brooke if I don't get at least a few of these a year.


Oh well........to work.


Good Choices

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Brooke I have been getting bloody noses alot this season..for me though I think it's the dry air or something..I hope it doesn't turn out to be a sinus infection for you.

As for the clothes (for cruising anyway) wouldn't you want to wait a few months? who knows, with this zumba you've been doing you might drop a couple sizes. Your choice though..I'm totally opposite then you when it comes to clothes. I will wear nice clothes only if I have to but I HATE clothes shopping with a passion. I guess because it only reminds me how fat I am and how much I need to lose and I get frustrated to easy. Handbags and makeup is a different story though..even though I hardly wear makeup. :rolleyes:

BTW I am returning that jacket (sorry might have mentioned this before) it was waay to big. I felt like a huge puff ball in it. I saw a different jacket I might get but geez today will be a heat wave at 50 degrees. Kind of late to get a winter jacket.


On another note I have gone to kickboxing three nights this week (not open on fridays) so I happy I got my goal in for that..I've been eating heathly stuff and less but not seeing the weight drop. Seriously thinking about getting my thyroid checked again. I've made some big changes in the past two weeks but it could be I need to give it a little more time. The kickboxing trainer (Mr. G) was proud because before I could barely do a sit up and had to have something behind my back and last night I was whipping them out like crazy with no help..then at teh end of class he was saying I should go to the gym next door and do weights and stuff for my muscles because he thinks I would start losing more if I added that in. It's $35 more a month but I have having things taken out of my account automatically every month...expecially now when I need to get my car fixed desperatley. He asked me "well if you had the extra $35 a month would you do it?" and I said probably. So when I was outside with another girl from class talking he came out and said "The reason I asked is because I would pay the $35 a month for you to go next door too the gym" :eek: I was floored. Of course I refused but the thought and offer was so nice and I started crying. Of course I'm too overly sensitive but sometimes when I think not many people care or I have the wrong impression..someone (especially someone I don't know very well) comes out and suprises the heck out of me. Then I realize there are people who care. So now I feel bad that I was complaining of money and thinking I should just do it (though I'd only have time to go on weekends or during lunch break which is fine anyway).


How come my posts end up being a chapter? lol sorry guys


Hoping today today goes by quickly. Happy Friday everyone!

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Weigh in was 324.8. Totally expected. I haven't been looking at calories at all. Just trying to meet my weekly goals and I did!


1. Get back in the gym-Check

2. Give up all soda-Check

3. No drive thrus for a week-Check

4. No snack cakes-In progress

5. Tracking food intake-Coming Soon


I'm just trying to see my problem areas and get rid of them one at a time. I did go to a drive thru today, but I only got a unsweet tea and brown sugar oatmeal. My co-workers and mom gave me all their free coupons. But its 290 calories, so its not that bad.


We start Zumba 2wice a week this week, so I hope that will help me with exercise. Although I got in cardio at least 4xs last week. It was the eating that did me in. It could be a bit of mothernature raring up......I got two weeks.


Got to prepare for some meetings today.




Your instructor was really nice. Some people really do care.



Good Choices.

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Didn't dare to weigh myself this morning. Have my protein drink for breakfast and I have beans and broccoli for lunch, raw baby carrots and fruit for snack. Kickboxing tonight. Nothing too exciting happening.


Monday Monday..wish I had presidents day off. :(


Hope everyone has a good one!

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Good morning everyone,


So, I got really upset and embarrassed this weekend - I'm SURE I'm just being overly sensitive, I don't know.


I went to a retired co-worker's house for a visit, along with 2 other co-workers. I am Rachel and there was another Rachel there too (one of the other co-workers). She is probably 8 or 9 inches shorter than me, and an average weight, whereas I want to lose 30 more pounds to put me nicely in the "normal" BMI category. I don't like talking actual numbers, but you can figure out roughly where I am based on that... :cool:


Anyway, being a taller person, I have a huge pet peeve when short girls giggle and exclaim how "little" they are. Examples: Jumping into the back middle seat of a car while saying things like, "Oh, don't worry, I'll squeeze back here because I'm little." Etc. My problem is that it then implies that the other person is "big," and "big" definitely has negative connotations. Why not something like, "Oh, it's ok, I have shorter legs" etc.


I guess I should embrace my tall-ness and be happy I can reach things on the upper shelf... I have no problem getting into a middle back seat of a car, so don't act like you are the only person that can fit. Grrr. Anyway, that is just a side-note pet peeve, nothing to do with the story, but kind of related.


So to get back to the story...


The retired co-worker was originally from another country, and she introduced me to her grand-daughter as "big Rachel" and the other as "little Rachel." I don't think this was meant to be rude or anything, it's just a language thing. It still bothered me, but I know it's because I AM bigger, taller, everything. I give her a pass because I don't think she meant any harm by it....


But then of course it puts that description into the little girl's head... so when we were going to leave she gave us each a hug, and she she hugged me first, then the other Rachel, and said, "Wow, you are a lot smaller than the other one!!!"


I was SOOO embarrassed! Mad, because obviously if the grandmother had not used those descriptive words in the first place, the little girl probably would not have thought to say that. I'm a little overweight, but geez. It just made me really upset... I don't mean to be overly sensitive, but they are just my feelings so I can't help it. :mad:


It was so awkward... everyone just kind of ignored it, and the short Rachel said something like, "Yes, I am much lower to the ground, huh!" to kind of ease the tension... but I'm still upset about it. I don't think if I was a super-thin tall person she would have said that.


So this week, I really need to get back to counting my calories... I have not done so in 2 weeks and the scale has hovered near the same. I really want to get down to a healthy weight by my 30th birthday in July... so I am re-focused and going to do it!


Grocery shopping tonight... I think I might make more soup this week, and am definitely going to buy some fish... I really think I need to start eating fish at least once a week. Definitely should be 2-3 times a week, but we'll start with that. My problem is cooking it... I don't really know many recipes, am I supposed to leave the skin on? Bake it? Saute it? What if it is frozen? Etc. I am soooo much more comfortable and familiar with chicken and things like that. :o

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First I must say that you are not the only one who might be overly sensitive. I am too, probably even more so. I can see how that would hurt your feelings, so I can't blame you there.

From only what it sounds like, I think she might have meant it because you are taller and the other girl is shorter but I do think the grandmother could have said something like "This is Rachel A and this is Rachel B" or something to that extent..because otherwise it mixes up the meaning of big and small.

I've had so many embarassing situations come up that now I try to shrug it off even if I know it was really meant to be harmless but sometimes still it always taunts you and sits in the back of your mind for a long time.


I myself am short (5' 3") and fat and I've probably mentioned this before but I have twin cousins who are taller, long great legs, I was always jealous of them being taller and having beautiful long legs. We would be out tanning by our grandparents pool and they had the most amazing tans after but my legs looked like white chalk.

Now I look at it as, ok tanning is not good for your skin anyway and we each have our own look that god gave us and I can embrace it instead of hating it. Of course when it comes to my weight it's hard for me to think that way but I do try anyway. Our grandmother's best friend always had the most amazing skin, barely any wrinkles and she didn't even look her age (think she was close to 90 when she died) and she only said one thing that she did and that was staying out of the sun and if she did go out in the sun she had a hat, sunglasses etc..now my grandmother on the other hand (her complexion is darker any because of native american heritage) but she was always in the sun, gardening and being near/in the pool and she has a ton of wrinkles..not saying that it's because of being in the sun but I'm sure it didn't help it.


Anyways going off topic here...Also I wanted to say good for you girls that can eat fish and seafood...seriously when I younger I liked shrimp and loved swordfish and tuna but now I will not even touch the stuff. Not because I don't like it (because I'm sure it tastes good) but I just get this sick to my stomach feeling when I even think about it and that stinks too because fish is soo good for you and since I don't eat much beef either, the only meat I'm pretty stuck to is turkey and chicken..which I hate eating from the bone and I won't cook it from the bone, Am I weird or what? lol

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I have not been writing lately because I am a fat girl! I have been soooo bad with food. But, alas, it is Monday again, so, let's go.


I have gained 10 lbs since my last cruise....yes 10 big pounds. Blech. I have a dreaded doctor's appointment in 3 weeks that I am considering cancelling because I haven't lost the weight I wanted to. But, then again, if I keep the appointment, he may just give me the additional kick the pants I need. What I hate is putting on that lovely paper dress that will undoubtedly rip as soon as I sit down on the exam table because the dress is not made for us big girls. The doctor will then take a look at all of my lab results (from the blood work I need to have done) and then whip out his dry erase marker and start writing on his white board. I am so not in the mood. I am fat. I know it. I know how to lose it. I don't need to see numbers on a white board to tell me that.


Anyway....so far, so good today!! It's now just about 3:30pm and this is usually the point in the day that I completely fall apart and head for the pantry. I am not going to do it. I am going to sign off, pack up the kids and go to the library.


Hope everyone has a good rest of the day!


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Thanks Jess, for the reply. Sometimes I just need to vent so I appreciate having the opportunity to do so... re-reading my post and looking back, it was really not a big deal, and I think I need to try to things a little less personally. :o


It did make me realize that probably everyone has something that they are unhappy about with the size/shape God gave them... like I said I have always been tall so I have never appreciated it, or thought about things the opposite way, like how a shorter person could actually want to be tall. I just always thought shorter girls were flaunting their small cuteness whereas I felt like a giant. Luckily once I got into high school the boys caught up.


It's always good to put myself in other people's shoes I guess. The grass is always greener!


In regards to fish - I can totally understand. I don't like really "fishy" tasting fish either. Makes me gag. I think I'm going to look for some tilapia which is sustinably farmed... and I might make this as a sidedish to go along with it: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/skillet_gnocchi_with_chard_white_beans.html


That way I could get fish, beans, and greens in one meal... three powerfoods. I found whole-wheat gnocchi at Trader Joe's.


I can also understand about meat on the bone - I think I am just used to it by now, but it used to weird me out. I didn't want anything to look like what it used to look like (living). But if you look at it the other way, you are eating closer to nature because obviously if it has bones, it isn't processed! :) I usually pick boneless chicken (still) though, just because it is a bit easier for me to prepare.


Yes, I am going to start looking at food in a positive light, such as what is really GOOD for me, instead of in a negative light. Try to eat from the rainbow each week - meaning, getting at least one fruit/vegetable from the spectrum. Here's my plan this week:


Red - Tomatoes, frozen strawberries for a smoothie, bell pepper

Orange - Butternut Squash Soup, bell pepper

Yellow: Bananas, bell pepper

Green: Spinach, green apples, cucumber

Blue: Frozen blueberries for smoothie

Purple: Eggplant (might add to a lasagna or make a roasted eggplant dip)

White: not sure if this is a color, but white beans, garlic, onions, milk, cottage cheese, greek yogurt (smoothies), etc.

Brown: Spouted wheat bread


I think I might start making smoothies with fruit and greek yogurt and bringing them to work... not sure how well those are going to keep though??? We do have a refrigerator.


P.S. Kim you posted as I was writing... hello! I agree about seeing doctors... I don't like it at all. Most people KNOW what they need to do and don't need to be lectured...


P.P.S. Sorry my posts are always so LONG!!! I guess I have a lot on my mind today!

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Zumba was a workout as usual......I hate when she makes my butt jiggle, lol.





We all have had those moments. Its not that you are over sensitive, its just that you are in that zone right now. You are thinking about losing weight more than usual b/c its what you are focused on, so its easy to make the connections. Kind of like...when you plan a trip to like Vegas......and you keep seeing travel shows on Vegas or tv shows based in Vegas. Its not that there is more than normal, its just that you are noticing it more.


Just to make you feel better though. I once had a friend of the families little girl ask me why my butt was so big. LOL. She was like five and in that "why" stage, so I didn't take offense to it, she was being curious. I just told her I ate too much ice cream. Hope I didn't traumatize her about ice cream, lol.




I know the feeling. Its like you eat that food on a cruise and when you get home you are just used to always having food around (even though I only ate like 3 meals a day) and your body is like.........fooooooodddddddd. I'm still working on it. I only gained like 2lbs from the cruise, I've gained like 2-3 extra since I've been home. Just keep swimming, lol.




I have a friend (actually the one cruising with me) she is a good 6'1, but she is plus size too, but b/c she is taller.......of course she carries it better than me. Although people often think we are sisters, well when I had blonde hair they did.


We have an alumni event tonight that I'm going to, its like 1990s-2010, so who knows who will show up. Oh well, they needed the bodies there and I do fall in that alumni base.


Good choices.

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Well I didn't end up going to kickboxing and I feel really bad about it but I had a semi emergency and needed to get home. But I still have my gear and plan on going tonight. Went to get a shot at the doctors this morning and yep they asked me to get on the scale :rolleyes: I didn't want to because I new I would be let down from this weekend. Not as bad as I thought, one pound up but still one pound is still one pound to many.


Brooke - the remark you made on the little girl asking you that question made me think of a time when I was in Target with a friend. My friend was trying on shoes and a little girl came up to me and said "look mommy she has a huge belly" and in shock, my friend and I just looked at each other and I would have laughed it off...until I saw the mother just look at me and agree with the little girl and walk away. I think the way the mother handled it shocked me the most.

Personally if it was my kid I would have explained why it's not nice to say or at least have the little girl apologize and then maybe explain why she had to apologize in private.


Hey I said stuff like that too when I was a kid..first time I saw a colored person I shouted out loud that he was dirty because I didn't know it was the color of his skin ....until my mom explained it to me. So in otherwords you can't blame the kid..yeah it still kind of moves a nerve in you in some way (not that your angry at the child..just the comment in itself and the shock of it).


Forgot my breakfast drink and forgot to pack a lunch so it looks like I will have to choose something healthy for lunch from the sandwich shop next door.


Oh yeah and for those that are not on facebook - I officially cannot drive my car anymore. :( I'm so bummed because I was going to fix what I could so I could pass inspection, then save as much as I could for a new car..but my dad took it to my uncle's shop yesterday (uncle's a mechanic) and said there was so much to fix..I would have to put more money into the car then what the current value of it is now..so it's not worth it.

Now I'm stuck with my dad's car and he doesn't have one at all, so he's stuck at home..bad timing. I got my money's worth out of my car since I've paid it off and had it for seven years but now I'm lost because I'm not even sure if I'll be approved for anything or even afford a car payment. :rolleyes::(


Hope everyone has a great day..


PS - My posts are always long too. lol sorry.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Your stories of rudeness made me recall one of my own...


I was grocery shopping and and elderly man walked by me and just said "eat less, weigh less". I was mortified and shocked.


I wanted to give my link to facebook just in case anyone wanted to be friends, or just stalk my page to see pictures. My user name is kimberly.mazzola - If you do send a request, just please include a little note saying you are from these boards.


Monday went really well. I even exercised. I got on the scale and was down 2 lbs from yesterday. Probably not completely accurate, but I will take it!!


Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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Man, I wish I could think on my feet b/c I would have had a good response to him, but I can't ever think of them at the moment, but I'll share here.


I would have walked up to him and said:


"Wait, are you my mama, my dad, my Dr.....oh wait you must be Jesus b/c those are the only people who could say that to me.........you just must be RUDE :cool:."


Well it sounded good in my head......lol.

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Hey everyone,

I brought a lunch today too! :D We had a lunchtime presentation, but they were going to give us pizza. When I have pizza, I feel like I could eat a ton and never feel full and/or I get hungry 1-2 hours afterwards! It's just not very satisfying. So I brought a turkey, cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on sprouted whole wheat bread, pita chips (counted out 10 chips = 1 serving), and red pepper hummus from Whole Foods.


I am really excited for my snack today. I made a fruit smoothie this morning with 1/4 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 banana, frozen berries, and a little bit of orange juice. I tried a bit of it this morning and it was REALLY good! I might start doing this daily for my afternoon snack. The greek yogurt has a lot of protein and calcium, the berries have fiber and vitamins, and it will keep me really full! I brought it in a thermos that can be kept hot or cold, although right now it is in the fridge here.


For breakfast I had a bowl of cheerios w/ the other half of the banana and a half glass of grapefuit juice. For dinner I think I might make the salmon I bought the other day, and roast some zucchini, bell peppers, red onion, and mushrooms on a sheet pan with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. I like them in big chunks.


I will use the leftover roasted vegetables in a lasagna later this week.


Been a lot better about tracking food this week, so I hope that I see some results!

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Rachel - Sounds like your on the right track and that smoothie sounds delicious! I have been tempted to get Jack Lalanne's power jucier but right now it's bad timing and my apartment is so small with such little space, I don't have anymore room for another appliance! I do have one of those generic versions of the magic bullet so I guess I could use that.


I've been making really the easiest meals lately only because I'm not getting home until 8:30-9pm at night! I've been making omelets for dinner a lot. I bought those individual serving size broccoli and cheese things, 40cal and I think 0 ww points (which I'm not doing but just in case anyone else wanted to know). I put that in the microwave for about 3 minutes, whisk up two eggs and put the broccoli in and add diced tomatoes and if I have some shredded chicken left I add a little of that too. I think it's a good way to get in protein and vegtables and quickly because I can't spend the rest of the night making dinner..I'm practically going to bed right after I eat and that's not good.

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