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The good news is it's FRIDAY!!! Bad news is it's snowing and we are going to get 6-12 inches :(


I went to kickboxing last night and was totally exhausted. With did a lot of cardio and even short distance running which seems okay with my knees but I will say I did have a lot of fun. He changes things up every class so it's not the same ol' boring stuff everytime.


Eating wise, hasn't been as good as last week and I definitley have had major cravings and just overall feeling more hungry not sure if it's partially because of the shot I got on Tuesday.


Anyway it hasn't been horrible, just not as good as last week was. Hopefully this next coming week will be better.



Hope everyone has a great Friday and great weekend!

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Day 6 of behaving. I had one of my best weeks ever. I truly believe that I am addicted to sugar and am going throuh a withdrawl. But, I feel better than I did this time last week. I bought a dvd a few weeks ago (Walk Away the Pounds) and it is a one mile "walk". I did it 4 days so far this week. I lost 4 lbs. Of course I am still 6 lbs up from November, but it's a...another...start.


I cleaned out my closet this week and pulled out 2 gowns that I wore on a cruise in 2000! I so want to wear one of them again on this year's cruise. It is a very simple black gown with a shrug. So, 11 years later, it is not dated. I am about 45 lbs away from fitting in that puppy, but it would be so cool if I could.


I hope that everyone has a great weekend.



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well, congrats to all of you on weight loss, I don't fall into this catagory, but would still like to share what a selfish B about weight I can be..( used to be) my husband was told by doctors his blood presure was high and bla bla bla lose some weight, so I said I will help, well we went to costco bought all fresh veg's ect.. came home washed, sliced and diced, so they were always ready.. and we started eating fish alot... well by week 2 I was mad, i was really angry at him, I was tired of the work involved i was tired of him going to the gym, and just sick of the whole lifestyle change.. so by week 3 I would say have your fish and veg's I'm going to get a big mac... well then after about a month something clicked and I understood how damn hard it was for him, and its time for me to change, well its been nearly a year now, he works out twice a day looks better and he feels so good, I'm so proud of him! now we both eat better together:) so all I'm saying its hard work and you should be proud of your self for every pound:)

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well, congrats to all of you on weight loss, I don't fall into this catagory, but would still like to share what a selfish B about weight I can be..( used to be) my husband was told by doctors his blood presure was high and bla bla bla lose some weight, so I said I will help, well we went to costco bought all fresh veg's ect.. came home washed, sliced and diced, so they were always ready.. and we started eating fish alot... well by week 2 I was mad, i was really angry at him, I was tired of the work involved i was tired of him going to the gym, and just sick of the whole lifestyle change.. so by week 3 I would say have your fish and veg's I'm going to get a big mac... well then after about a month something clicked and I understood how damn hard it was for him, and its time for me to change, well its been nearly a year now, he works out twice a day looks better and he feels so good, I'm so proud of him! now we both eat better together:) so all I'm saying its hard work and you should be proud of your self for every pound:)



Thanks Getsy!:D

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Okay.......stress, stress, and stress and not enough exercise. We don't have use of the gym or Zumba until the students get back from break......bleh. Back to the using of the bike at home.


Between work stress from working on a short deadline and several projects and then my boss really upset me on a personal level. She stuck her nose in a personal problem and caused issues and then turned it around a blamed it on me........come to find......she lied and it was her pour judgment that caused the problems, not me. I'm was so mad about it and I'm still a bit upset about it, but I don't have the time or energy or fight in me right now to do anything...not that I can do much about it.


So it doesn't help that the scale said 326 this morning. So mad at myself. I let all that interfere with my own health. It that stupid scale goes up one more lb I might as well just start all over again..or at least that is what I feel. This week it has to go down. I don't care if its just a lb......down is the way to go.


As far as the boy goes he is nice and I kind of like him more and more every time I talk to him, but we have to meet to move to the next step and between his work schdl. and my I don't know how that is going to happen.


Well, back to the list of things I might get accomplished today......


Good Choices.....better than mine at least :rolleyes:

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Hey everyone!


This week I was on track to lose 0.6 pounds. Well, actually, it would be 2.4 pounds, but I only count from my previously lowest weight, if that makes sense.


The problem was the weekend! I had some birthday parties and a lunch out, and I wasn't really sure how to track my calories... so I didn't. I don't think I did too terribly, but now that loss isn't showing up anymore on Monday morning. Boo. Hopefully it's mostly from sodium, I don't think I actually consumed that many calories. I also exercised to help keep things moving.


I might have to start weighing in on Friday mornings only. I do really well all week... track my foods, exercise, stay within range, etc... then usually by Monday the scale goes up a bit because I'm not on my typical routine. But anyway, weighing Fridays only might help me stay motivated and stop me from making too much importance of these small changes.


With me, it's always 2 steps forward, one step back... but I'm getting there little by little. I was on track to have lost 7.4 pounds total. Hopefully that loss shows up again by mid-week, and more! Once I get to 12 pounds lost, I'll be in the next tens digit, which will be so cool.

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Good Afternoon


Rachel - I am the same way. The weekends are always the hardest and I feel guilty come Monday because I get off the usual weekly routine. For me it's also easier during the week.


I was going to go to kickboxing this morning but found out the trainer only wants to be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays now. :( I'm really bummed about it because I was getting up to 3-4 times a week.


Anyway, I have a headache, it's monday and today sucks - so I'm right there with you Brooke.

I know how you feel with work too, I've been through a lot at the company I've worked for, for the past six years. Don't take it home with you, it will cause you more stress...at least it does for me..think about something else, like how much fun and planning it's going to be for your birthday cruise! :D

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GREAT! Any loss is GREAT!




Thanks, it was pity party time, but I know what I have to do and feeling sorry for myself won't help. I'm trying to remember work isn't something to stress about and life will go one. Thanks.


And I know how you feel with kickboxing.....I'm gonna have to go through being sore all over again with Zumba b/c of this little break. Arggh.


Well, early staff meeting this morning and that through me off schd. so now I have to get into my work frame of mine a little later in the game. But I have a great lunch today. Leftover med. salmon, whole wheat rice and steamed garlic butter veggies...oh and fruit. Yum.



Yesterday I said I was just going to look at my wins, so yesterday I:


1. Only had one slice of (extra large slice as they sell them here) of pizza.

2. I choose the cheese b/c it has the least calories.

3. I was going to get breadsticks, but I decided to come back after I finished my pizza if I wanted them....I did not.

4. Avoided the cin. sticks.

5. Came home and though I wanted nacho cheese and chips, then pretzels, then snack cakes, then bbq chips, then ice cream, and the pound cake mom made all before dinner....I sliced a very thin piece of pound cake and ate very slowly as I made my dinner.

6. Ate my lovely med. salmon and rice and veggies.

7. After checking calories I took a small bowl out of the cabinet and put a couple scoops of orange swirl ice cream in it.

8. I did not eat anything after the ice cream though I had opportunity.


All victories. Yay!


Good Choices!

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Brooke -


So proud that you are looking at the positives. We often forget to do that and only blame ourselves for the wrong reasons.

I also wanted to ask you if you have looked back since you first posted on this thread almost 2 years ago? Sure we haven't met our goals in the time frame that we wanted but you have lost about 20lbs in between that time (give or take a few here or there) but the important thing is..you have slowly managed to still get down in weight and keep it off for the most part. Even if you stay the same for awhile..it's okay because you are evetually and slowly dropping the weight. So I just wanted to put that in perspective for you because I went back reading our posts and thinking "Wow Brooke actually lost about 20 pounds and has been keeping it off" I was wondering if you realized that.


Though I don't want to focus on the bad for me..I saw that at one point I lost 10 pounds in two weeks but then the holidays came and I gained it back. So I'm taking a step forward and a step back. But the point is that at least I looked back and calculated what things I had been doing and realized what was and what wasn't working when I was losing and then gained the weight back.


So Brooke, you have inspired me to think about the positives so I'll list a few I have learned by reading back on these posts and what's happened in the past (almost) two years.


1. Short term sucess (quick weight loss) does not equal long term sucess.


2. Being responsible for everything yourself (eating, excercising) and moving out has helped me with that.


3. Making time is so important. I try hard now to get up early, make a good healthful breakfast and make a lunch to take to work instead of going out and it's saved me $ too. This is part of being responsbible too and making time to make and prepare your meals ahead of time is making time for yourself and making healthful decisions on what you eat.


4. Excercising as much as possible and sticking through it even when you want to quit or feel tired or depressed. So many times I didn't want to do it..but when I stuck through it, I felt really good about it after and wanted to go again the next day! and it's okay to not do it every single day, because even going at all in a weeks time is better then nothing and I have that found that if I give my self a minimum like 2 times at kickboxing but still strive to better that goal and I felt extremely satisfied and proud of myself when I do. Finding things that I really like too. I wasn't going to stick going to the gym when I was forcing myself to go because I hated it. I like kickboxing, I like the trainer. I love riding a bike too so that is hopefully a goal I can get too this summer and buying the dream bike I saw and tried out last year.


5. Every little change counts. I've stopped soda for about 2-3 weeks now and have only craved it once since and feel I really don't want nor need it and can find plenty of other flavored drinks to drink instead. Also taking my meds at the same time, everyday. My mood swings are less and I get better sleep and get up earlier and have more energy. Reading back on the posts I was complaining of practically falling asleep at my desk or even driving to work in the morning..and I know and lot of that had to do with not taking my meds correctly..could be the eating part too but it's important to take medication like your supposed too everyday. There is a huge difference with my energy, mood and overall health when I miss my meds or don't take them correctly..so I've been doing a good job at organzing them and taking them every day like I'm supposed to for the past few months.


There is more to lists but since this post is already too long I'll leave it at those 5 points for now. Not everyone has the same goals or see/do the same things as me..these are just my personal things I've learned along the way and am still learning and trying to point out the good things I've accomplished. Reading back on the posts was like looking back at a journal..so even posting here and sharing our good and bad days, what was working and what wasn't has inspired me in a lot of ways and to learn from each of those days.


With that being said I hope everyone has a great day! :D

Edited by Jesscap5
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Brooke -


So proud that you are looking at the positives. We often forget to do that and only blame ourselves for the wrong reasons.

I also wanted to ask you if you have looked back since you first posted on this thread almost 2 years ago? Sure we haven't met our goals in the time frame that we wanted but you have lost about 20lbs in between that time (give or take a few here or there) but the important thing is..you have slowly managed to still get down in weight and keep it off for the most part. Even if you stay the same for awhile..it's okay because you are evetually and slowly dropping the weight. So I just wanted to put that in perspective for you because I went back reading our posts and thinking "Wow Brooke actually lost about 20 pounds and has been keeping it off" I was wondering if you realized that.


Though I don't want to focus on the bad for me..I saw that at one point I lost 10 pounds in two weeks but then the holidays came and I gained it back. So I'm taking a step forward and a step back. But the point is that at least I looked back and calculated what things I had been doing and realized what was and what wasn't working when I was losing and then gained the weight back.


So Brooke, you have inspired me to think about the positives so I'll list a few I have learned by reading back on these posts and what's happened in the past (almost) two years.


1. Short term sucess (quick weight loss) does not equal long term sucess.


2. Being responsible for everything yourself (eating, excercising) and moving out has helped me with that.


3. Making time is so important. I try hard now to get up early, make a good healthful breakfast and make a lunch to take to work instead of going out and it's saved me $ too. This is part of being responsbible too and making time to make and prepare your meals ahead of time is making time for yourself and making healthful decisions on what you eat.


4. Excercising as much as possible and sticking through it even when you want to quit or feel tired or depressed. So many times I didn't want to do it..but when I stuck through it, I felt really good about it after and wanted to go again the next day! and it's okay to not do it every single day, because even going at all in a weeks time is better then nothing and I have that if I give my self a minimum like 2 times at kickboxing but still strive to better that goal and I felt extremely satisfied and proud of myself when I do. Finding things that I really like too. I wasn't going to stick going to the gym when I was forcing myself to go because I hated it. I like kickboxing, I like the trainer. I love riding a bike too so that is hopefully a goal I can get too this summer and buying the dream bike I saw and tried out last year.


5. Every little change counts. I've stopped soda for about 2-3 weeks now and have only craved it once since and feel I really don't want nor need it and can find plenty of other flavored drinks to drink instead. Also taking my meds at the same time, everyday. My mood swings are less and I get better sleep and get up earlier and have more energy. Reading back on the posts I was complaining of practically falling asleep at my desk or even driving to work in the morning..and I know and lot of that had to do with not taking my meds correctly..could be the eating part too but it's important to take medication like your supposed too everyday. There is a huge difference with my energy, mood and overall health when I miss my meds or don't take them correctly..so I've been doing a good job at organzing them and taking them every day like I'm supposed to for the past few months.


There is more to lists but since this post is already too long I'll leave it at those 5 points for now. Not everyone has the same goals or see/do the same things as me..these are just my personal things I've learned along the way and am still learning and trying to point out the good things I've accomplished. Reading back on the posts was like looking back at a journal..so even posting here and sharing our good and bad days, what was working and what wasn't has inspired me in a lot of ways and to learn from each of those days.


With that being said I hope everyone has a great day! :D

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I want to play! Yes, absolutely, Brooke, you have a lot to be proud of. I look at this as a process and journey. Every single day is hard and has it's challenges, but every day that we are successful will take us to our goals.


I have lost 30 lbs overall in the last year. (I had lost 35, gained 10 and then lost 5 again)


I started exercising this year.


I have cut down significantly on drinking soda.


I feel better. I have more energy. My clothes fit better. My "fat" jeans are way too big now.


I want to also thank the girls on this board for sharing their stories. Whenever I feel a little down or need inspiration, I can go to this board and check in.


Again, if anyone wants to be facebook friends, you can find me at facebook.com/kimberly.mazzola


Have a great rest of the day!


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OMG I accidentally posted twice! Opps, sorry guys!


Kim I sent you a friend request!


and congrats..30 pounds is a large chunk of weight to lose and you should be very proud of yourself also! Even if I just post here if I've had a good or bad day, it makes me feel better and sort of gets things off my chest and it's good to see other's postings too that can inspire us. :D

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Hey everyone,


You guys have a lot to be proud of! You are caring about your health and that is awesome. Although I have not been around as long as everyone else, I think it's important to reflect on what we have done RIGHT instead of always blaming ourselves for messing up. I totally do this all the time.


I weighed in today, even though I promised myself I shouldn't, and I am back down to only +0.2 since this weekend. So, that was a total loss of 2.2 pounds last week so I'm so excited. Just need to keep going, keep going. 27.8 to go until my goal.


The other day I looked up how many calories I would be eating at my goal weight, and it's about 1990! That is a lot! I'm getting about 1300-1500 on average now. I wonder what I will fill those 600 calories with... planning on sticking with the tracking during a maintenance phase, anyway, so to get in the rhythm of things. I don't want to do it forever, but I've vowed that once I get there I will weigh in every week and make small adjustments if I EVER see the scale start jumping up. I guess it leaves room for snacks and eating out, as well as higher-calorie foods that are good for me but that I try to be mindful of (avocados, nuts, etc.)


Well I still have awhile to go before I get to that phase.. but glad that I can check in with you all here while I'm doing it. :)

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Thanks Jess for reminding me. 26lb loss and I've kept that off up and down for over a year and half now.


I guess we all have to remember where we could be at this point. I could have been well over 352 by now and probably is much pain b/c of my back. I'm lucky that I have support and I may have setbacks, but its the drive to keep going that makes me a winner.


Battles won yesterday:


1. Instead of sucking down my breakfast on the in yesterday, I sat through an 1.5 meeting before I ate, so I could enjoy it.


2. I didn't eat at 12pm just b/c I normally do......I waited until I started feeling hungry.


3. I didn't get a snack after lunch, so I was starving by the time I got home, but on the way home I was planning my dinner in my head, so I could begin it as soon as I got there.


4. Though I tried hard not to eat while cooking I did anyway eat a huge banana nut muffin (well I fed the top with the nuts on it to Fat Dog), but after dinner when I'd normally have something sweet, I didn't b/c I'd already had something.


5. Got 20 mins on the bike in.


6. Tracked my food for Monday and (I will track my food for Tuesday in a min.)


Thanks for being a support system :D


Good Choices.

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Rachel congrats on the 2.2 pound weight loss!


Went to kickboxing last night though I really didn't "feel" like it, I went anyway and glad I did and my energy raised when we started. I didn't get home until around 10pm though because my sister was in the walk-in care at the hospital (my mom called me to tell me after kickboxing), so I went there for support and to make sure everything was alright (she's fine btw).


I've had 5 people tell me this week that it looks like I've lost weight and according to the scale I really haven't. I don't know if it's just inches or if it's just the clothes I'm wearing that makes it look like that. Either way it's a nice encouragement. I'm not counting calories and that maybe why I'm not losing but I have to tell you I HATE counting calories. I get so frustrated when trying to figure every little thing out. I suppose I should quit complaining about it and find my little calorie book or I suppose use my android phone.


Have a great day everyone!

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Hey everyone,


UGH so our kitchen sink backed up overnight. It was all the way to the top of the sink and even spilled onto the floor. So, we called the maintenance person (we live in a condo building), and they were going to come route out the blockage. It's so gross. All the dirty water from the kitchen sinks above us is coming out of our drain. Yuck.


So, I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning, but I did stop at McDonald's, so I wanted to thank you, Brooke, for telling us about the Oatmeal there. It was tasty and filling. I think I got it with brown sugar so it was 290 calories. It tasted pretty sweet, anyway. But that will keep me on track for the rest of the day. My breakfast is usually 250-300 calories.


I'm really glad because I don't usually like fast food breakfasts, it's too much grease too early in the morning for me. So thanks!

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It must be one of those weeks. Me and exercise aren't getting along this week and the scale is being rude......but ppl still seem to think I'm losing weight. I can't wait for zumba to start back even though it will hurt again.




The oatmeal is pretty good. I don't like the fruit and stuff, just the brown sugar. I read a yahoo article on it the other day and they were debating if it was good for you or not. The lady made valid points that the egg mcmuffin only has 20 more calorie than the oatmeal. However, the oatmeal has less fat and higher fiber and healthy oats. So simply, calories can't be the only thing you look at......so I will def. try and choose the oatmeal over other bk fast foods. Although here I am eating a chicken biscuit:rolleyes:.




1. We have software companies pitching to us on campus and you know they always supply food. Well our cafeteria just started making their own donuts....guess what they had for our 10am meeting! Okay, so I had two donuts.......but I also picked up a banana and apple to take back with me.


2. Didn't eat anything after dinner. That is a big one for me.


Only two battles won yesterday, but that's okay. OPPs


3. Stayed in my calorie range for the 2nd day in a row!


Now I just have to get the exercise I need in.


Good Choices.

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Good morning


It's zero degrees here in NH and the wind is whipping. Good thing I sit right in front of the main entrance door. :rolleyes: Not.


Brooke - Yeah it's the same for me. Maybe it's inches? I don't know but I haven't been going to kickboxing everynight (have only gone once this week and will go again tonight) and the scale isn't moving.


I was on a website figuring out my calories that I had eaten for the day. I will say that I don't feel it's accurate. Because more times then not, I have to guess as to how much I think I had. I don't measure every little thing out so I'm guessing and that's why I hate tracking calories because I don't feel I'm getting a true calculation out of it. Maybe I do have to start measuring.

Yesterday I had a two egg omelette with shredded cheese, diced tomatoes and shredded chicken. I took a guess at porportions and the calories came out to 477 calories! :eek: Maybe it's true but really I wasn't using but a handful or less of each, so I don't know if that's accurate or not.


So this morning I tried to stick to something simple (and I ran out of my favorite omelette ingredients) I had 1 slice of whole wheat bread (toasted) with about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. 1 single serve cup of mott's no sugar added apple sauce. Used the Spark people app this time and it's telling me it's 273 calories total. The other site doesn't have an app and really you can't get around on it with a cell phone, so I think for now on I'm going to stick to the SparkPeople App.


I again didn't bring a lunch but I plan on doing something simple and healthy.


Brooke I do agree with you about the calories. Though it's good to count your calories and stick within a range, you have to be kind of picky of what you use your calories on. Weight Watchers was kind of like that for me. I would base everything I liked on points. So if it was a mini 100cal bag of oreo's I would calculate that..but that's not the type of calories or snacks that is healthy. Sure if you have one or two in a week it's not going to kill you..but the more natural foods you eat, the better. I would rather bring a low cal granola bar for a snack but it would be a wiser choice to stick with a cup of fruit or I like to bring applesauce. Yesterday I did have a large chocolate chip cooke (which I did calculate into the site yesterday for)..wasn't the wiser choice to make. But I can gurantee you that, that will be the only day this week that I had a chocolate chip cookie for a snack during work..otherwise I'm having a single serve of no sugar added applesauce or other fruit. It's also the same as getting drinks. One girl came into work with a mcdonalds frappe. Looked sooo good. I went home and looked at the calories and I think for the size she had (which I don't even think was a large) was about 500 calories! :eek:


But talking about it and really putting effort into thinking about your choices before you make them is a big step, I know at least for me it is. Not every choice is going to be the right choice but hey we are not perfect afterall.


Hope everyone has a good day (hopefully it's warmer where you guys are then it is here!)

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Hi everyone,


I am using the sparkpeople app too. I actually like it better than the website, because the website has SO many ads and I think it is hard to navigate. Especially at work when I'm trying to look busy and like I am doing something productive. Ha.


Anyway, my favorite feature is the recipe calculator. This is on the website, though. You can put in all your ingredients and it will figure out the calories. Otherwise, it is just WAY too hard. Say you make chili or a lasagna or something, it's really hard to estimate how many noodles or beans or whatever you had in each serving. But this way I can just say ok, one pan of lasagna is 8 servings, this is what was in it, and it will figure it out from there. So yes, it is a huge pain the first time, but I figure I just have to be really accurate ONCE, and from then on, then info is already there.


I also like to make my most-often eaten foods "favorites" so it's so much easier to find them. You just click on the blue star to add them.


I also like to use the "copy meal" feature if I'm having the same meal a few times a week.


Another tip is searching for "user entered" foods... I find that most every commercially prepared thing I buy has already been entered by someone else!


And finally, I wouldn't stress out about being perfect with entering foods. I try my best to get everything in there, but sometimes it doesn't happen. If I know I have say, 200 calories left at the end of the day, and I decide to have a glass of wine with dinner, I don't run and get my phone to add it, because I know I have a cushion there.


It's also hard with food from certain restaurants, but I usually just search for a user-entered food that sounds similar and hope for the best. It's probably going to be close. The important thing is that we are recognizing what we are eating, moderating the portion sizes, etc.


Hope everyone has a great day!


Edited to add:


Jess - I took at a look at your omelette:


2 Large Eggs - 140 Calories

1/4 Cup of shredded cheese - 110 Calories

1/2 Chicken Breast, no skin or bone - 130 Calories

One medium tomato - 25 Calories


So, I get a total of 405 Calories... I would maybe just confirm the amount of cheese and chicken you are using so you can get a good handle on that. Eggs are easy to track, and I wouldn't worry too much about tomatoes. But once you enter it as a "meal" once, you can then copy it to another day, which makes things so much easier!


Still, I think 405 calories is a good size for dinner, so I wouldn't freak out... I try to keep my breakfast around 300, lunch around 400, and dinner around 500, which totals 1200, so I can have some snacks during the day.


Good luck everyone! Have a great day.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Thanks Rachel! Around 400 I don't feel so bad but I probably went a bit more on the cheese so that might have been why my total was higher..but now I know that I just have to not put much in the omelette and especially watch the cheese!


When you guys mentioned the spark people app I downloaded it to my phone and at first was not sure how to use it but now it seems easier. Thanks for pointing out some of the features you like, I'll have to check them out.


Also wanted to ask about the app, do you add what you drink during the day? I saw a place where you can count how much water your drinking. But if you have a coffee, orange juice or whatever, do you add that in?


Since my breakfast was less then usual I got hungry around 10:45 and went to dunkin donuts. I was thinking what would be low in calories but couldn't think of anything, so I asked how many calories are in a sausage, egg and cheese wrap and it was 250..so I decided to just get an orange juice. So far it's holding me over. I would just rather spend the calories on a good lunch and not 250 calories just for a snack.

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I,too, love the oatmeal at McDonald's. I started just making my own using those packets of regular instant oatmeal (100 cal.) and then adding my own fruit (1/2 box of raisins - 50 cal.) and a little apple and a little bit of brown sugar (probably 50 cals for both of those). It tastes just as good and saves money and a few calories.


I was tracking on Sparkpeople last year and I should get back to it. It definately helps. I honestly don't have the time to dedicate to breaking down each of my meals. I know what I should eat vs. not eat. If I have a question, though, it's great to be able to check!


I am on day 10 of behaving. My only "splurges" in that time were 3 golden Oreos. That is like some kind of record for me. Someone I work with who I see rarely called me "skinny" today. I know it's not true, but it's nice to know that someone is noticing. :)

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I often think I'm not eating that much.......that stupid banana nut muffin. But that's why tracking is so helpful, you can really break down the food. Like eggs are like 90 calories a piece. But they have a good dose of protein, so they will keep you full. So, you omelet may have been higher in calories, but I bet it lasted a while.




1. I ate whole wheat light bread with low sod. peanut butter with honey for a dessert last night instead of ice cream.


2. Stayed in my calorie range.



I spent all day yesterday trying to clean up the files my work-study was suppose to be fixing. She had just about everything wrong, from alpha order to date order, paperwork was in the wrong files, files are missing.......my bp went through the roof. Every time I uncovered something new I got this punch in my stomach. I will have to re-explain things to her and hope she understands b/c otherwise I will have to do OT to fix the files myself. Sweet girl, but a little confused.


Anyway, forgot my cell today. Hope the boy won't try and text and ask me out this weekend the one time I don't have my phone. Thought several times about turning around to get it or going home during lunch to get it, but its 30 mins and hour for back and forth........gas prices $3.42. Hmmm.


Good Choices, great weekends!

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Hope everyone had a great weekend.


After a Sat. of shoveling food in my mouth and feeling stupid for it. I decided Sunday was going to be different.


How many times have I said I need to get back on track and then ignore myself......can't keep count of that. So, I'll just say........try again.


I think I did good on Sunday coming in with about 1900 calories, which is under my range, but i didn't exercise, so that should be fine. I kept my calories at about 2300 the entire week, which was middle of my range.


So weigh in this morning was 325.8. Hey, its something. And very important to show even a little change in diet helps.


So, this week Zumba starts back and twice a week, so we will see how I do.


I watched that movie, SUPER SIZE me, a while back and so on my netflix I saw the movie FATHEAD (the follow-up by another guy). I only got to watch half, but it def. had an effect. He was talking about how Super Size me was pretty much stating that fast food was making people fat and we were smart enough to know not to eat it. The Fathead guy was arguing that the avg. person was smart enough to say no and that no fast food companies MADE you eat their food. He also started a diet of fast food, setting a calorie range and keeping to a certain amount of carbs b/c of insulin spikes. I hope to finish it later. I know you have to take these documentaries with a grain of salt b/c even this one doesn't reflect all the information, but it still makes sense. It made sense to me. I choose to put the food I put in my body, no body makes me. And its not that fast food is truly that bad for you it's just that we don't eat it in moderation. Double cheese burger, with a large soda and large fries is two meals, not one. Unless you're like Michael Phelps and burn that much energy by moving.........


Anyway, hoping my workstudy comes in today b/c we have to have a powwow about my files, lol.


Good choices.

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Well food wise I did pretty good this weekend, although I wasn't counting my calories and I had one can of soda on Saturday. I just really limited my portions. I was gone the whole weekend so I didn't have time to really plan and make my meals yesterday for the week so after kickboxing tonight I will have to do that.


Nothing much else going on except to say I'm so excited we get to change the clocks ahead next week! I get to get out of work when it's actually daylight!


Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Edited by Jesscap5
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