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Cruising to Healthy


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I read this tread often and do not post often.


Jessica: I understand your reluctance in not having Mr.G pay for the gym but I hope you take him up on the training offer. A trainer to get you started on a weight lifting routine is awesome! He can show you proper form and modifications for your knee and back issues. Go for it and build that calorie burning muscle!

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I read this tread often and do not post often.


Jessica: I understand your reluctance in not having Mr.G pay for the gym but I hope you take him up on the training offer. A trainer to get you started on a weight lifting routine is awesome! He can show you proper form and modifications for your knee and back issues. Go for it and build that calorie burning muscle!


Thanks Bellfree


I talked to my family and my mom and I came up with an agreement so she's going to help me out on the payment because I really am not losing as much and I think I need to be working out every single day not just two or three times and like you said (and Mr.G) weight lifting helps and I'm really hoping it will and improve my indurance also.

Thanks for the encouragement!

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Thanks for the the talk :). I know I need to, but right now, my insurance plan won't cover it. I will have to wait until January and can change back to the other plan so I don't have to worry about paying all my deductible upfront. I know my health should come first, but that's the health system for you.


On that note....my dad got a call yesterday from one of his sisters saying that his other sister was taken to the hospital for a possible heart attack. My Aunt Becky is only 40 years old, but my size or bigger (?) and is on every medication in the WORLD. HBP, fiber mialga (?), nerve pills..I can't name them all. She also has brittle bones from not liking milk or drinking it and we have osteo in our family. She has already broke a hip (in her 20s) and broke her leg and had to have pins in three spots. She is a nervous nelly. She is one of those people who make you nervous when your around her and you don't know why. She has two kids that can be more than a handful and a husband that is in progression of MS, not to mention she helps take care her mother one weekend a month with the other sisters (My grandmother that had the stroke.). She lets everything stress her out. I can only imagine what her body is going through. She is also the one who drinks the 72 oz sheetz cup of soda.......I don't how much a day.


Last night I got on the scale before I took a shower and it said 333 :eek:. I was in the shower feeling sorry for myself, being mad at myself.....etc. Then I told myself to take a deep breath. I may not be at a good place for my health, but I'm not hopeless or in a place like my aunt. She can't really control the stressors in her life. She is one of my favorite aunts b/c we have the love of theatre and music in common, but she def. has a lack of love for herself. She will love everyone around her until she can't anymore, but not herself. Not enough to help herself at least. I have my moments of stress, but I don't let things build up like a unsteady jenga tower one after another. I'm in a much better place (as harsh as it may sound) and I should be able to do better with myself. Plus, I think 333 means something. 3 is the number of the trinity (father, son and holy ghost), so it may not be.......but I will take any encouragement I can get.


So, I gotta think skinny. I have to do this for my aunt. If she won't do it for herself I will set an example.


Last night I did 30 mins on the treadmill. My back was hurting with the impact, but I kept going and just put my hands on the sides of the treadmill and used some of my upper body to take the impact off my back. But I started at a speed of 2.5 and every five mins. I went up a notch. I ended at 3.0.


I got off the treadmill and was going to walk out with just that, but I just though......why? Are you really that tired? What is at home that you have to hurry back so fast? So I went to the bike and did 15 mins. So I got my 45 mins. in. When I started losing speed I just pictured me on my cruise. I pictured the bathing suits I ordered, I pictured dresses I wanted to wear...I pictured my reward.........a fun vacation.


Right now with the impact bothering me so much I think I might need to go back to the pool, but I will have to wait until they finish construction on the poolhouse at the college (we are getting a women's swim team). I hope to start back to work with my trainer this summer.


Well, I think exercise hasn't been my problem. I think anybody reading this knows that food is my problem. And though last night I had my "moment" I still stuffed my face to quail the emotion I was feeling about my aunt. (She is okay btw, they are holding her for test, but they think it was stress or a panic attack.......we will find out tonight). I didn't check my calories though, I have to enter dinner in. I had mom's veggie/deer beef soup (bowl) and then mom makes this salsa that I would have never eaten just looking at it (darn me trying new things), but its sooooo good. Its like canned black eye pea (the brown bean with the black in the middle, right?), corn, red and green peppers, onions, vinger and oil and red pepper spice. I think that's it. Anyway. I had some of that with corn chips before dinner and then some after. I mean with the beans, it has protein and the corn isn't horrible, vinger and oil is better than something creamy based, but the corn chips kill it all. But it taste the best with them, lol.


This morning. I tried to think it out today. 300-500 calories for BK, 200 for a snacks (2 a day) 500 calories for lunch, 500 for dinner and I'm still at 1900. Sparkpeople has be on the lower end at 2300 and higher at 2700. So, I will aim at 2300. 2300 calories, plus 1070 calories burned in exercise is suppose to get me to 15lbs lost by my cruise.


So it was BK


Wildberry smoothie (sml)-210 calories (I looked it up and it is actually decent for a fast food drink) .5 fat, 30 g of sodium, 44 g of sugar......not bad compared to what it could be.


Egg McMuffin w/out cheese-290 calories


Unsweet large tea-30 calories just for the volume.


I have a Stouffers meal in the freezer that is alfredo and fresh steamed veggies. It is the new harvest ones that are suppose to be better, but the sodium is still through the roof. But its 530 calories.


Dinner........I have to think about.


But Zumba is tonight. I will try to be careful, but last time I felt like I got have the workout and I actually only counted it as 35 mins b/c I felt so much that way. I will just have to deal with the pain, its only like 4 more classes to go, so my body will have to tough it out til then.


I will do my best this weekend while hunting ghost, but I know there will be redbull in my future if I'm going to stay up all night.


Sorry so long.


Good Choices.

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The only thing I can think about is the word SNOW. What makes it worse is that we could be getting a foot or more of it. :( I wanted to get my car prepared for next winter by getting water resistant seat covers, different floor mats..etc..oh well guess I'm gonna have to deal with it and hope my car rides good in the snow and that my brand new interior doesn't get soaked, dirty or ruined. Hopefully though this will be the LAST of it and the snow will melt fast as we get higher temps.


Brooke - as for excercising vs the food, for me it's always been about the food also. I've been on a swim team, basketball team, soccer team, went hiking and biking ALL the time as a kid and even tried indoor floor hockey and cross country skiing and no matter what kind of excercise or sport I was doing, I was still heavy and no losing weight. I might have stayed the same as I am now but I was never losing weight.

I will say that not doing any excercise will make me gain weight like crazy..especially if I'm not doing anything about my eating habits. When I quit my last sport (Soccer) in highschool it was undoubtedly the worse thing I could have done. I had broken my ankle the first day of soccer try outs and didn't go back, mostly because I felt inferior and had a hard time keeping up when we ran around the field at practice and felt very insecure about my weight. When I started highschool I was at a size 18 womens when I graduated 4 years later I was a 26/28.


Point of the very long story here is that even if I continued with my bad eating habits I still would have gained weight anyway but if I had stuck with soccer and excersing I probably wouldn't have gained as much weight as I did..because I never gained as much weight so much and so quickly as I did in those 4 years of bad eating and no excersing (especially since I got my license and was driving a lot).


You know all those times when I was a kid and my mom and other people told me I was going to get fatter and get high blood pressure..etc, I never really believed them and being a kid that's not what I was thinking about and it's not until I've gotten older that I've look back and wish I could have listened and though I wish I could have made my own changes, I do admit I wish my family would have tried a bit harder also (not that I completley blame them for my weight gain) but I wish they had been more strict in that way.

The important thing now is too make the change for the future. If I ever become a parent I will try my darn hardest to not let my kid(s) go in direction I did. However before I can even think of getting to that point, I have to focus on me.


Brooke, like you said with your Aunt, you should set an example. You (or me) don't have husband, kids, or whatever and the only thing that should really really matter right now is your own well being.


I got an apartment so I could focus more on me. When I went home to my parents and with my disabled sister I was thinking more about them, more about my sister and relying on what they had for groceries or would make for meals. Not saying that getting an apartment

has solved all my problems and bad eating habits (obviously) but it has helped. Make me be more responsible for my own actions and I don't have to take anyone else's advice if I don't want too because the only person I want to listen to is myself and what I need.


I could end up in a worse situation then I'm in now, but I choose not too.

Seriously there are times when I literally tell people that the only person I truly need to take care of and put all my energy into is myself.

I've had to tell my parents that and tell them that as much as I want to be almost like another parent to my sister I can't. They can't rely on me so much anymore or at least right now because they understand how much I really need to only focus on me and lose weight. If I don't then I won't be able to take care of her later in life and she will need me more then, then she does now.


Anyway, though you and I have different situations in our lives - the fact remains the same- It's got to be about YOU! and I find you really do start to love yourself more when you do put yourself first.


Now I gotta get some work done. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Wow, some very deep thoughts going on here, girls. That is great though. Sometimes everybody needs a bit of self-reflection, myself included.


I COMPLETELY agree that it is all about food. That is why I wish shows like the Biggest Loser focused more on food and less on just showing the contestants sweating and working out. For long-term maintenance, they will need to get their food under control. It's easy to lose weight while working out 6-8 hours a day at a fantasy ranch, but when they get back to the real world and are faced with 1,000 desserts at restaurants, etc. it will be easy to put pounds back on unless they understand their body's calorie needs.


Well, in the 3 months since I've started, I'm down 9 pounds. Not the 10 I wanted, but close. I was away this week visiting some family, and I didn't eat the best, but I did make some better choices. Side salads in lieu in fries, etc. When I weighed in this morning, I was expecting a bad number, but I was down 0.2. If I stay at this pace, I will be down 40 pounds by the end of the year, which would really be great (my end goal). Hopefully I can do it faster though. I want to be realistic. And in better shape by my birthday in July (so that I can wear a cute dress, ha). So far, what I have done has been more of a lifestyle change without completely changing my life (if that makes sense). Just little changes here and there, so it hasn't really been difficult at all, but is working bit by bit. Just keep on going.


Oh, I almost forgot to mention, that our renovated exercise room looks great! We have 6 ellipticals instead of 3! And there are about 8 treadmills instead of 4. I'm really, really excited. They also painted it and new carpet. I did notice a lot more people in there last night, so I'm glad they also got more machines.


Tonight we are going out to an italian restaurant with friends that is family style. Meaning you order 4-5 dishes and share. So that will be a challenge. I'm thinking portion sizes will be key. And I need to stay away from the bread basket. I'm also planning on having a really low-calorie but high protein lunch so that I have some calories to spare.


Brooke, you know when you were talking about what worked for you? I remember that you used to post almost everything you ate. I don't know if it would help, and I think you are already tracking calories, but that was one thing I noticed.


Jess, sounds like the car is great! I hope it doesn't get too dirty from snow. :( I am so ready for spring. You are right that you need to focus on you, and I hope that you can find a way to make the gym fee work! That is so kind of that trainer to offer to pay. You should at least take him up on the offer to show you around the machines. They should really help boost your metabolism. On every weight loss tv show, they are always doing the machines, so I think it is a big key to weight loss. And it's not as much impact as some cardio can be.


Have a great weekend everyone!!! Keep on going and making good choices for YOU! :)

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Welcome back Rachel! Missed your posts and was wondering how you were doing. You are very close to 10 pounds and that is excellent! and awesome they have more machines at the gym, that's always a good thing. Good luck tonight at dinner.


I'm torn between what I should do about the gym situation. There is another gym directly next door to work and it's open 24/7 and you only have access if you are a memeber with a membership card that lets you inside. I heard from girls at work that this gym has more machines then the other one Mr. G wanted me to go too.


There is a new girl that started at my workplace and she is heavy set, not as heavy as me but she has started going to kickboxing and we have been partnering up. We were talking about excercise and what helps the most and she said that for her doing more cardio first and after losing weight then do more weights and stuff to tone and gain muscle. I'm kinda thinking I should do both though and I'm not sure if the gym right next door has machines for weight resistence or just weights in general. She is going to join the gym next door and we found out we take the same time during lunch and we also talked about walking during lunch. So I'm kinda leaning towards joining the gym next door. But then again, I'm not sure since the Mr.G talked to the trainer at the other gym and he would make a chart of the things I should do.


As for food, I've tried a few different things and some have worked and some haven't but hopefully I will get time this weekend to look up some recipes that I can make in bulk and freeze so I can have them when I need them and not have to worry about making dinner at 10pm at night during the week. :rolleyes: I didn't make many lunches this week, which hurt my wallet (but I made healthful choices) so this weekend I'm gonna plan my meals out and hopefully that will make an even better improvement. I'm seeing where I'm doing good and I'm seeing where I'm not doing good..I think it's making slow small changes that will make a big difference later on...at least I hope it will.


Brooke - Hope you get a lot of ghost hunting action. Let me know how it goes and have fun!


doesn't seem to bad right now because the roads are not as cold so it's not sticking so much. Summer can't get here fast enough!!




Hope everyone has a great (healthy) weekend!!

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Hi girls,


Kim- Just wanted to say sory again about your Dad. I imagine that it is harder dealing with all the emotions of not being in each others life. I am glad that you got the chance to learn about your family medical history and know things to look forward to in life. You can't help but feel sorry for someone who ended his life with no family. March 31st was the year date of my Nana's passing and she was surrounded by family on all 3 sides of her bed when she passed not to mention the family that couldn't handle staying at the hospital and wanted to wait at home. Your Dad missed out on you and your kids and that can never come back. Life really is a hugh part of what we make it.


Jess- You really must have got a wonderful deal on your new car. Glad that you finally got something new and I think it was a great idea to get the extended warrenty.


Brooke-I know you want to be a good example for your aunt but just remember some may not want to follow your lead but you can do with or without them. I am sorry for all your aunt's health trouble. I imagine that she sees lots and lots of dr's for all that.


Rach-Sounds like things are going well. Good job on almost being at your goal.


I have done well all week on my points. I am eating fruit for all my snacks since they are 0 points. Needless to say I am getting all my fruits and veggies in. 2 days I fell asleep and didn't get my points in. I was just to tired to get anything else. I have only used 4 points of my weekly points. I can honestly say that my back was feeling much better after just 2 days. I think the fact that I am not bloated and going to sleep with a stuffed stomach helps with that. I have even walked 3 times for 30 minutes and I am planning to do another 30 in a little bit. I will weigh again Monday and praying that I see a difference because it will truly help but even if I don't I know I feel better. I haven't had coke in a week. I am very proud about that. I did drink some Cherry 7up to help me reach my points. I will keep you updated. By the way, I am not doing the meetings just using my hubby's stuff. He is enjoying his new job and I am counting down till tax season is over. April is getting so busy already.


Have a great weekend ladies!

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There is a new girl that started at my workplace and she is heavy set, not as heavy as me but she has started going to kickboxing and we have been partnering up. We were talking about excercise and what helps the most and she said that for her doing more cardio first and after losing weight then do more weights and stuff to tone and gain muscle. I'm kinda thinking I should do both though and I'm not sure if the gym right next door has machines for weight resistence or just weights in general. She is going to join the gym next door and we found out we take the same time during lunch and we also talked about walking during lunch. So I'm kinda leaning towards joining the gym next door. But then again, I'm not sure since the Mr.G talked to the trainer at the other gym and he would make a chart of the things I should do.


Jessica: A mix of cardio and weight training is THE best way of losing weight. If you do not strength train while on a calorie deficient diet, you will lose muscle mass along with fat. The goal is to keep your lean muscle mass that you currently have. Muscle burns calories more efficiently. Cardio for your heart, Strength Traning for your muscles and bones. Hope that makes some sense and ask Mr. G about it. I am sure he can explain it better face to face than I can in a message board post! :)

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So many post on Friday.........


Weigh in: 328.8. Yes, I'm not happy about it AT ALL. I'm going in the wrong direction.


I've noticed that I've been too "busy" to worry about things and I believe that its one of the problems. Planning. I used to at least think through what I was going to eat, now I just go look in the fridge and pull something out. Not a good habit. Its that and that on weekends I don't track. Simple as that I think.


This morning I tried a little bit of planning.


BK: Oatmeal


L: Reduced sodium Peanut butter and honey on whole light wheat, snack size Doritos, banana


S: Turkey bites, banana, whole grain cheese crackers


Drink: Water and one 12oz Dr. Pepper (purely b/c I'm still tired from 24 hours up and moving)


That's 1,002 calories for breakfast, snack, lunch. (not counting the banana b/c I'm trying to give myself a freebie to encourage eating more fruits and veggies-only if they are plain of course)


My knee is feeling better. My back is still sore. Anti inflam......here I come. I'm gonna try like one alieve a day, so I don't mess my stomach up and don't have to go to the Dr. We will see how that goes.


Zumba tonight for exercise. Gotta add back in my weights and resistance training.




Hope the new car is great!




You are right on target.......GREAT!




WW is a great program, so easy to follow. If I wasn't being cheap I'd so do it again.


Well, ghost hunting was fun. We think we got maybe a few pictures and one voice recording. I was scared, but I got more comfortable as the night went on, so I was okay by the end.


Came home and had got my bathing suits I ordered. I tried them on and was excited that they fit and looked pretty good. The boobs don't fit that well though. Its normal though. I mean with my hips being so wide I have to get a 28, so the top doesn't roll up on me, so that means the upper area will be bigger too and I'm just not that big on top. I will have to figure something out. But they made me feel more comfortable and confident, so I think I will keep them.


We are looking towards doing another ghost hunt......at some point. Its a bit more expensive, but might be better. We will see.


Good Choices

Ghost hunting was fun, but I'm sooooo tired from staying up so long. I slept a bit in the car on the way back, then I got home and slept for 6 hours, got up for 3 hours and went back to sleep, lol. They say you can't make up sleep though. I tried.

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Not really much to say here except today is not going so good and I've been sick all morning, don't know if it's the stomach bug or something I ate but with my job I get about two bathroom breaks a day otherwise I cannot leave my desk. That's great when you are sick and need the bathroom. :( Oh well I'm used to holding everything in for long periods of time.

At least most of the weekend was good (up until last night anyway)..


Brooke - Sounds like the ghost hunting was fun and at least 328 is better than 333, right?


Good to hear from you again Annette!


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Hi girls,


I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. I didn't get in any workouts but did go few a few walks. I think I need to start doing some light weight lifting w/dumbells a few nights a week. I was doing that in the gym with the weight equipment, but I think I would rather do it at home. I don't know. I don't like to spend hours in the gym so will just go and get the cardio done. I also like to do sit-ups, etc. I really feel slimmer the days after I do weights and stuff. So that is my main goal this week. I agree that cardio AND weights both really help with weight loss. Even though with weights I don't really feel like I am burning a ton of calories, and sometimes think my time would be better spent doing cardio, it's not always true. Weights really do help.


Yesterday we cleaned out our ktichen cabinets and I used up quite a few things. We made Lipton's noodle soup for lunch, and I whisked 2 eggs into it for a little protein. Kind of like egg drop soup. I also made some not-so-good things. Like Rice Krispy treats and chocolate chip cookie dough. The dough, though, I froze. I'll wait until we have a bunch of people over to bake them off. The Rice Krispy treats are not so bad as long as you have a small portion. Just a lot of carbs, is all. It did feel good to go through everything and throw stuff out. Kind of like spring cleaning.


We now mostly have staples like rice, pasta, flour, sugar, oats, spices, vinegars, oils, etc. The only other "food" things we have in our pantry are cereal, which we currently eat, so I am not counting, a broccoli and cheese soup kit, which I might make this week (but add some fresh broccoli), a packet of asian-style noodles that I might make (maybe will add shredded chicken to it), 2 cans of cream of chicken soup, a can of black beans, and two progresso soups. I'm really trying to keep away from buying tons of stuff that we never eat. Keep the panty staples-only, and buy fresh meat and veg every week. It is a process though (cleaning out the pantry), because I hate throwing stuff away, but always want to find a way to use it.


Oh, I also made pizza dough yesterday, froze one and refrigerated the other, so we'll have that this week (should be enough for 2 meals for both of us, if we supplement with a salad).


Talk to you soon,


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Got a meeting this morning, so I gotta make this quick.


Zumba was much better last night. I think I do better with certain routines. Got about 2500 calories in yesterday........it was the soda.........I gotta get rid of it again.


B-low fat whole grain kelloggs waffles w/ tbsp of light peanut butter and tsp of honey


L-I have two cans of soup to choose from.....both about the same calories


S-Grapes, banana, wheat cheese crackers, the black eyed peas salsa and some chips (I'm gonna share it).




No exercise tonight b/c the gym on campus will be closed for an event. If I can make myself not go into shut down mode when I get home I will use my bike when I get home and get in 20 mins or so.


Good Choices.

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I am down 3 lbs!! I will admit that I am feeling a little hungrier today but other then that doing well. I didn't use but a 5th of my weekly bonus points last week. Some nights I have to make myself eat more to get my points in. I have been doing a little bit of exercise everyday.


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Didn't have time to post yesterday because I'm backed up on my work from helping other people with their work!! I was so mad yesterday I spent 5 hours helping someone check something and then they tell me they gave me the wrong one too check! So I'm backed up against the wall doing my work I'm now behind on.


Good news and not so good news - I signed up for the gym next door to my work! Haven't gone yet. Mr G. Informed us yesterday that starting in May he will only have kickboxing classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Kind of bummed because I've worked myself up to going 3-4 times a week now. But I'm glad I signed up for the gym..now I just have to get some new sneeks and go. They were talking about setting up a group on Mondays and Wednesdays for P90X or Zumba. If they do Zumba- I'll definitely give that a go.


Off to work!! Hope you all have a great day!


PS - Great Job on losing 3lbs Annette, keep going- sounds like your doing great!

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Got bombarded this morning......know how you feel Jess........doing other people's work when i have pressing matters. This guy that I work with, nice guy, but....only Part time....he comes to me and ask me to type up a list of people we have riding a bus to an event. I'm going to be in charge of getting them on and off the bus, so I need the list. But its like it got passed to him and he didn't want to do it, so it got passed to me. I told him I'd get to it this morning. Well, this morning I had 3 things that had to take priority. Then my other co-worker needed me to help fix folders for this event (3rd time we had to change them) and I was going to help, but he walked in my office asking for the list within the hour b/c he was leaving..............yea, he just walked out of here about 10 mins ago. Then he popped in my office throughout the day bugging me about calling the drivers and making sure we know where to park. I know he just wanted things to be right, but I DO have other work to do.


Anyway, I have to be up at 4am tomr. to get to work by 5:45am to get these kiddos on the bus and then ride with them to make sure they get back on. College kids.....seriously........they need a babysitter? Well, maybe. I'm not really mad about it, just don't like getting up early, but once I'm up I will be okay and then I get the afternoon of b/c I would have got my 8 hours in.




Def. do Zumba if you can. Great workout. Might have to modify a few things though, as I do. I'm having trouble with the gym this week b/c they are having events in there this week that limits my use. But I'll get in 3 workouts.




3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up girl! That's what those extra points are for.......use them.


Okay didn't do well today at all, but I wasn't on a WINNING streak anyway, just on a better streak.


BK-Ham and egg biscuit, orange juice, donut


Snack-Pineapple, banana, carrot sticks with a bit of dip (I have snack bad of chips, half pack of wheat cheese crackers extra)


Lunch: 2 hot dogs, bbq chips, coke (12oz) (gave the cookie away!)


Dinner: IDK


Extra: Probably will have another donut b/c we brought junk food in for our work studies and my mind can't stop thinking about it........:mad:


Exercise: I'm gonna do the treadmill and I'm gonna start at 2.6 mph and move up every five mins. I think every week I will move the mph up a notch to work my way up a little at a time. Then I'll do the bike for 15 mins. I'm thinking if my knee holds out I will do the elliptical for 5 mins. Then maybe some hand weights and squats, depending on how I feel.


Good Choices.

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Sorry I'm doing two post today, lol


Me and a co-worker were discussing at lunch about calorie intake and how much you burn just by being....i guess "at rest." Then how you calculate that to give you a how much you burn at rest, then your exercise and subtract that from your calories for the day.


I HATE MATH, but I did it and I even remembered how to do the parenthesis stuff too.


So here is the calculation for a woman:


655 + (4.3 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) = ____ calories

Mine came out to be 2,254 calories I burn just being at rest for a day.


Today, my fitness calculator says I will burn 753 calories


I added in dinner to my calories (salmon with a sauce I got off here, brown rice, steamed veggies with a bit of olive oil, dry seasonings), so with that I will have eaten:


1975 in calories ( I will probably eat more...not counting veggies and fruit remember) I rounded up to the min. that spark people recommends, which is 2300 calories:


That puts me at a deficit of 307 calories for the day and that my friends is a good thing. Burn more than you take in. I think I will set my goal at being at negative 300 a day for a while and see how that comes out.

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Hi everyone,


Brooke, sounds like you have really started to fine-tune the calories in vs. calories out! That's awesome. One thing I just want to warn you, although I agree that a 300 calorie deficit a day is do-able and a good goal, at that rate it would take a little over 11 days to lose a pound. Personally, I think that is ok, as slow and steady wins the race. In fact, I've been averaging about 3 pounds/month which is about the same pace.


I just know how frustrating it can be when you don't see fast results - I know I can get discouraged. So I wanted to warn you about that. But definitely slow and steady wins the weight-loss race, in my book - I think the slower it comes off, the less likely you are to put it back on, because it is a true change.


I hope that this doesn't sound negative at all, because I don't want to do that, just warn that the slow movement of the scale can be worrisome. But if you are prepared for that, it'll be fine.


Also since you rounded up, it's possible your deficit is bigger than you thought. :)


I'm going grocery shopping tonight, I need to figure out if there are any new recipes I want to try this week. Maybe I'll go and see what fresh veg looks good.

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I have stopped counting calories the last week or two. I know I'm getting in enough calories and I know I'm not going overboard either (except the weekends are a killer). I've tracked many times before but this time I'm just going on instinct. Sure I've lost 6 or 7 pounds in the past two months or so..but I'm not happy with that. I don't mind even 1 or 2 pounds a week but not 1 or 2 pounds a month. Sure it's better then nothing but as motivated as I am now, I'm going for the gold. lol

Seriously I'm putting my everything into it even more now that I've also joined the gym next door to my work. I went for 45min yesterday and did 10min on the elliptical and the rest in strength training. Then after work I did 1 hour of cardio kickboxing. If I can next week, I'm going to try to add another hour in the mornings (not everyday though) but my goal is to get in at least an hour of cardio/strength training everyday. I'm going to start going on weekends also.


Breakfast: 1 thin slice whole wheat toast with 1 boiled egg


Since I boiled a few eggs together, I'm making meals out of it.


Lunch: egg salad sandwich on thin sliced whole wheat bread

1 cup (think it's more like half a cup) of no sugar added applesauce


raw carrots and celery sticks for snack.


Dinner I have no idea but need to do more grocery shopping tonight.


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Was at a conference all morning and I was so bored (I stayed outside in the lobby) I did nothing but eat the food laid out.......................................I've def. eaten all my calories for the day. I need to work out like no ones business, but the gym closes early b/c the kiddies are having a Christian group come play and they use the court area for it. So, I was trying to get home early and take at least a walk, but I left my purse with my keys at the conf. and my co-worker is having to bring them to me............gosh knows when she will get here. Then my boss had a bit of a hissy over the fact that our VP (both our boss) told me to leave when I got done with the report I needed to do today and take tomr off too. Geeeezzz, I'm sorry, she is the VP and she fussed at me when I tried to argue with her.


Saw a friend's mom today and she had lost so much weight like her daughter, doing this diet plan that is around here. They both look soooo great, but I think its a no sugar diet thing........I'm not sure I can do that. They have a place here called Phases.........my SIL recommends it. Of course you have to pay for them all. Idk. Do I need a gimmick to help me lose the weight?


Probably, I need structure.


Talked to our web guy today about dieting. I don't know why, we got on the subject of food and it went that away................hmm.......he had good advice though. He eats a special diet. I'm not giving up is all I got to say.


Good Choices.

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Jess, sounds like you are getting in a lot of exercise, and your diet is looking really good, too! Great job! I went grocery shopping yesterday too. I've been eating 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with my sandwich everyday. It has so much protein in it, but not many calories. If you like it, I would recommend it as an easy lunch side - I think it has been helping to keep me feeling full. I know not everyone likes it though. I think it is good on a baked potato instead of sour cream, but maybe that's weird. :) But if you are working out a lot - the protein might help you stay fuller longer.


Brooke, sounds like you are having one of those busy yet frustrating days! Hopefully you get home in time for some relaxation and a walk. Is it nice outside where you are? Don't let the conference food get you down, just remember that tomorrow is a new day and keep going like you always do. You are great at keeping a positive attitude.


Tonight I'm going to make homemade pizza and a big salad. DH and I usually eat 1/4 of the pizza each. I like to put chicken, peppers, goat cheese, homemade marinara, greek olives, etc. on mine. I'm also going to get in 35 minutes on the elliptical, right when I get home. I'm up to level 10 and usually go hard for 30 minutes with a 5 minute cool down. I really like my list of songs that help me keep pace. What do you guys listen to while working out? I enjoy it so much that I just kind of go into a daze and listen to the beat, almost like dancing, although not as expressive, or people would look at me like I was really weird, probably!!!

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Rachel - I can only eat cottage cheese if it's mixed with something. It's of course better if you can eat it plain like you can. I use sweet pepper jelly relish, mix and add a little to a whole grain cracker. Tastes so good that way for me. Of course you just can't over do it with the crackers.


I am getting a lot of exercise but starting to wonder if it's too much to soon? :confused: I don't know. I did 45 min at the gym this morning, 20 min elliptical, 10 min treadmill and 15 min doing strength training and did 30 crunches on the medicine ball.


English muffin with peanut butter is my breakfast today


another egg salad sandwich on thin sliced whole wheat bread


cup of fruit and I brought a spinach dip I made with whole grain wheat crackers (they are all natural and are really small, about half the size of a ritz cracker).


I brought tons of water (okay only two 20oz's) lol but I'm getting better.


Brooke - it has been one of those weeks for me at work. One of the girls I am working with (and helping out a lot :rolleyes:) has been being pretty malicious to me for no reason..so I am more then happy today is finally Friday and I can take the next two days for myself relaxing.


I'm going to TRY to hit the gym this weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Your food looks good, I might have to steal some of it, lol. I wonder too sometimes if I'm pushing exercise too far too fast b/c where can I got if I hit my max???? But I think I can also do more than I think I can.


Well......weigh in: 326.4. Yepper, rounds about 2lbs gone. I think it must have been the extra 15 mins on exercise I added. Plus I did have some days at work where I wasn't sitting on my butt all day too. I thought after that conf. eating and then relay I had pizza and cotton candy that I'd be ruined, but goes to show. I did get more fruit into my diet this week and a few more veggies, so that probably helped. I intend to keep working on all of that.


This morning: (I was running late and the oatmeal was down in the basement in the deep freeze-don't ask)


BK-Egg mcmuffin without cheese, wildberry smoothie (mom forgot to get fruit at the grocery, so I will have to get some later), unsweet tea.


L-Health choice steamable red pepper chicken alfredo (The peppers are frozen, so I can pick them out)


S-Whole Grain Lance cheese crackers. I might can get a work study to steal me some fruit out of the cafeteria :rolleyes:.


D-We have some frozen grilled chicken strips that I think I will throw in the pan with some frozen veggies and low sodium soy sauce for a stir fry. That' way I can eat a lot of veggies for free!


Sooooo, I posted pics of me in my new bathing suits on my blog:eek:. I'm feeling a little quesy over it. Mainly b/c I can see the keyword searches that people use to view my site and there have been some perverted ones that have creeped me out. I mean, liking fat girls is one thing, but having a fetish for them is another........icky.


Anyway, I will hit the gym today for my 50 mins. at the least. I tried for a full hour last time and I got the shakes during my squats. I decided to listen to my body and stop there. It wasn't my sugar either..it was different, but it was def. not a positive thing.


Good choices.

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Brooke I just went to look at your blog just now. The bathing suits are nice. The legnth looked good too. Since I'm about 50lbs heavier then you I think it would a bit different how it would look on and we carry the weight differently...but it gave an idea for someone of your/our size of how it might look on- depending on their size and how they carry the weight. Took a lot of courage to post that so good for you.


Well I did not do the gym this weekend. I tried to bring myself to it but then I remembered all the things I needed to do. I went to Maine on Saturday with my mom and Aunt. Finished washing my clothes and went home. Next morning I decided it was time to bring my x-mas stuff to my parents shed that was still in my apartment (taken down and packed away). While I did that I brought all my sheets, blankets and pillowcases and washed them all. Then I had to go grocery shopping and clean my apartment, put the bedding all back together and finally eat my thai food that I had ordered and picked up because I knew it would be too late to good by the time I got done everything. So I am eating the rest of it for lunch today and I brought a cup of fruit. Brought my gym stuff as I plan to hit the gym during lunch and kickboxing after work. I didn't go this morning but will try to make it a couple mornings before work this week.


Hope everyone has a great start to the week!

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Hi everyone,


Ugh, the weekends are so hard for me! I had way too much wine this weekend, and the scale is not happy. On Friday, I was down 9.6 pounds total, so REALLY close to that first 10 pounds! But not today... now I will do my typial routine - get back to that by Weds-Thurs, then maybe lose an additional few tenths of a pound. It's so slow-going!


I don't have time to type a bunch, but have a great week everyone - going to work out tonight... we also really need to do our taxes - ugh!


I guess I am just not happy with it being Monday - yesterday it was SO nice out (like in the 80's!) and now it is gray and 50's again. Boo.

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Quick note b/c I'm full of meetings this morning.




The only thing I don't like is the stop is a little loose. My body type is little at the top, but big at the hips, so the tops always fit loose b/c I have to buy big enough for the bottom. I'm gonna see if I can just tack it a bit to fit tighter.




Your so close you can taste it! You can do it!


BK-egg mcmuffin, no cheese, small wildberry smoothie, doughnut:mad:


Lunch-Have a business lunch....don't know what will be there.




Dinner: BBQ and potato salad.


Gotta get some work done.


Good Choices.

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