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Cruising to Healthy


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Did half hour workout during lunch yesterday and one hour at kickboxing. Went to the gym for one hour this morning, will go for half hour at lunch and one hour tonight again at kickboxing.




english muffin with peanut butter, water and I did have a small glass of OJ.


Snack - brought a handful of triscuits


lunch - 1 lean cuisine (american chop suey) and a cup of fruit


Dinner - Not sure..maybe an omelet. I barely have time to make anything by the time I get home and now that I'm going to the gym in the mornings, I'm going to bed even earlier.


brought lots of water..I'm getting better, I drank 2 liters yesterday so I'm hoping to get at least that or more today.



Hoping I will be able to take my lunch at my normal hour today instead of whenever the girl feels like coming back from lunch. Spoke to her nicely this morning about this issue and I got a nasty remark. The next time I'm just gonna have to head straight for the boss.:rolleyes:


Hope everyone has a good healthy day!

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I would just give her one more chance. Nicely say that if she were in my place that I would respect that she needed time for lunch, bathroom, whatever and I was just hoping she'd do the same for me. If she gets nasty again, then just say, "Well, I was hoping that we would be able to solve this by talking amongst ourselves, but I see that may be an issue. Maybe we need to talk to the boss about it." I would let her know I intend to go to the boss....then she wouldn't be able to claim you went behind her back and didn't come to her first, etc. People like that will always pull those lines.




BK-Oatmeal.........last donut in the office is gone....I did it.......but its GONE!!!!!:mad:


Lunch: Maria Calendar steamed chicken stir fry around 260 calories. Maybe some chips.....depending on my hunger. I might have to go out for lunch. Its such a beautiful day I want to get out.


Snack: Wheat cheese crackers (I need to remember to bring pickles, low cal, salty and crunchy.......good snack and they are homemade)


Drink: I'm drinking a cherry coke to clear out my allergies. I know it isn't proven or anything, but when my allergies kick up (they are mowing at work) soda helps get that film out of my mouth and seems to get the drainage to go down. I'm gonna drink half the bottle and put the rest in the fridge.


Dinner: I have to go to a dinner for our students tonight and represent our department. Its a dinner we give our seniors to show them how to act during interviews (esp. interviews where you might have to eat at), how to dress, all the protocols, etc. It will be served, so at least I will be kept to a certain portion.



I'm soooo ready for this cruise and its so far away. But I think 6 months is a long time to cruise, but a fairly short time to lose the weight, so I try to think of it that way.


I won't get to exercise, but I will get in Zumba tomr. and then I'll try for an hour again on Friday.


Next weekend is Easter and my dad's family is coming in..........I hate to say it, but its a bad time for me......I get around them and I just EAT! I'm hoping to be strong this time. My aunt will be there, the one who recently was in the hospital, so I want to be strong around her.

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Brooke - It's funny you mention "if she were in my place.." because she was when she first started here and I asked her what time she wanted to go to lunch and she said 12:30 and I told her I go at 1:00. I was always on time for her to go..and if I was late..I would tell her ahead of time. So now we have switched positions in the office (almost a year ago now) and she still goes at 12:30 and comes back sometimes not until 1:30! There have been times where she's had a parent teacher conference and never told me so she ended up taking over an hour lunch. But she also smokes so she doesn't usually take all of her break at once..I take one hour, all at once because I don't smoke and because it's easier and I'm being nice by not having her or someone else come down to take my place several times during the day because I know it can be a PITA. So then she tells me she will "try" to come down but if she's really busy she can't just stop what she's doing..so I said "Well Maybe you can go earlier?" and she didn't say anything and later had another girl come down. Really since she does get here one hour earlier then me in the morning she should go at 12 (it's always been that way whoever has covered me in the past 6 years, they go at 12, I go at 1)

I know for a fact she goes at 12:30 because her husband goes to lunch at the same time. :rolleyes: so she meets him for lunch everyday. The past year I have never complained. Never said anything about it because I never had any prior commitments and sure my dad one time showed up a 1pm and I couldn't have lunch with him because she came back at 1:40. I probably should have mentioned it before and not waited till it boiled up but it makes me so angry when people only care about themselves. I'm too nice and naive. One of the other girls who sometimes covers me..whenever I would walk next door to Dunkin Donuts I would ask if she wanted anything and sometimes I would get her an ice coffee and half the time she doesn't pay me back or she will walk right by me, go to Dunkin Donuts and get an ice coffee and not ask me if I wanted anything. The last time she didn't pay me back..I was like screw this I'm not asking her anymore.


Seriously I am done going out of my way for people..and now since I have had a new attitude about taking care of myself , I'm going to make sure it's all about me!! The other girl I go to the gym with..her boss CHANGED her schedule so she could go at 1pm (my "normal" lunch time) and we could work out together during lunch because it's nice having a partner to go with and push each other to keep going and it really has helped.


Anyway now that I've made this whole post about work I will say I've lost about 3lbs in the past week! :D


Enjoy your beautiful day Brooke, it's gloomy, chilly and raining here!


I hope everyone else is doing well and has a great day!

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GREAT job on the 3 pounds Jess! That's awesome work!!! See, it really is paying off!


I can't believe how rude some people can be. I also have a problem speaking up sometimes. If I were you, I would definitely bring it up, but be super nice about it (just because I am non-confrontational). I would probably say something like, "You know, I have a workout buddy that can only meet me at 1:00 (or 1:15), so I was wondering if you would mind taking your lunch from 12:00-1:00? I hate to ask but I'm really trying to start working out. I was going to ask our boss about the schedule, but I thought I would check with you first." I would think someone would have to be totally heartless to say no to that! But I don't know the girl. :) Or, could you email her, but copy the boss on the email?


As for buying people things - yes, they can be totally clueless. I have stopped doing that type of thing, except for certain people. Not that you are doing it just to get something back, but it would nice to at least be acknowledged... I know someone who does this too. My coworker said we should all bring in treats at Christmas-time. And we each did, one person per week in Dec. Except he was the ONLY person who didn't bring anything in! :rolleyes: So I pretty much just laugh when he brings up stuff like that now, and remind him of it.


So I am hosting Easter brunch for the first time, and I'm super excited about it. I like hosting parties though. I'm going to make spinach and cheddar souffles, bacon wrapped dates, popovers w/strawberry butter, salmon nicoise salad (which is really just a big platter of roasted salmon, hard boiled eggs, green beans, tomatoes, olives, etc. with a viniagrette), fresh fruit, and a blueberrry crumb cake that is delicious. And we'll have mimosas, bloody marys, and coffee of course.


Really, most of that stuff is pretty fresh and good for you. I will have to watch portions, especially of the popovers & butter and blueberry crumb cake. But I like hosting things, because then I can control the menu!!! We're going to use our wedding china too. And nice tablecloths, etc. We've only used it once so far and have been married for 3.5 years...

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Some people are just rude. Plain and simple. I hope you get it solved. On the other hand....3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yea! If you are working out you should picture her face at the end of the treadmill.........or on a kick boxing pad.......lol.





Easter is going to be fun. Its always exciting to be ur first dinner though. I'm pretty sure the host is always busy though and I only say that as a positive. If you are the host and busy, then you will probably not eat as much. And you will be moving more. Bonus!


Yesterday was a long day...12 hours. The dinner lasted 3 hours b/c we are taught eating protocol while eating, lol. Oh well. Eating slow helped me not eat as much too. I was def. full at the end. I didn't eat everything on any of the food served. It was all pretty healthy too, nothing really fattening.


I went to the chiro this morning and he said i did a good job of getting my back out of place, lol. He fixed it.......after several pops and its a bit sore, but much better than it was. I'm not sure if I should do Zumba tonight or not.......I think I will have to see later on. If not Zumba it would probably be more than okay to do my reg. workout on the treadmill and such.


Well, I'm already on a rampage of looking for more new cute cruise clothes. But you know me I look for stuff I can dual purpose for work too. I've found some cute stuff on Old Navy and a few pieces on One Stop Plus. I'm pretty proud of my bathing suits and I even started a thread on the Fashion boards about swimsuits. I think its catching on.


Well, gotta get to work since I missed half the morning (comp time from last night)




BK-Oatmeal with milk (3 mini milkyways, stupid)


Drink: Mr. Pibb


Lunch: Bagel bite pizza (I had to go to the bookstore and that's all they had.)


Snacks: Stole fruit from the cafeteria yesterday.........2 bananas, 2 apples and wheat cheese crackers if I want them.


Dinner: Mom made something last night, i will probably just eat leftovers.


Good choices.

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Jess- Wonderful about the weight loss. I know that this has to really help kick the motivation up a notch. Hope things at work get busy.


Brooke- I know what you mean about cruise dreaming. I keep thinking of all the things that I would be researching right now if things had gone as planned. Esp since I just found out that Richard could have went on the cruise because he gets 1 week off every 6 months. Its a use it or lose it thing.


Rach- I am not a party host type of person. It seems like so much work to me but my Aunt loves it.


I haven't been on this week but I lost another lb. I would have like to see more but it is a loss. Hopefully Monday will bring good numbers.


After Mon I am really planning to kick up the workouts. Thanksfully I have soooo much cleaning to be done around my house I will have to see lots of calories burned.:p

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Weigh in 327.8.........eh........I know what I did.


I have a deadline today at 5pm that I found out about on Friday. I really want to get it done NOW, but I'm waiting on others........




BK-Oatmeal w/ 1% milk


Lunch-I'm gonna each that steamer lunch I was suppose to eat last week about 260 calories


Snack-I bought a bag of apples/oranges, carton of strawberries and some bananas. I think this should last me for the week. I didn't do veggies.....I didn't see any I wanted to eat raw. I will try to get veggies in as side dishes for meals.


Dinner-Gotta look something up.


Workout-Gonna do the 60 mins if I can of treadmill, bike, elliptical, strength.




I can't stop the cruise dreams. The last three days I've had a dream. Its always about me cruising with people that aren't supposed to be cruising with me. They are late or the cruise director is rude or we have two diff. dinner times. lol. I'm sorry about your cruise. Think positive though!


You keep up the good work on the losing. You will be super healthy/hot when you cruise again!



Good Choices!

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Hi everyone,


I hope you all had a great weekend. I definitely have a case of the Mondays today. Ugh. Plus, it is SNOWING!!! Last week it was 80, now it is snowing. I can't believe it!


Well, I shouldn't let the weather get me down. I've been kind of stuck in a rut workout and food wise. In fact, I have gained a pound last week. Yesterday we went to see a movie, though, and had popcorn for lunch (bad, I know), so maybe it is from sodium. We shall see.


I really just want to have a great week food-wise, and get my workouts in, and I think it will help motivate me again. So, here I go again! :\

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Sooooo busy today........just a bunch of small stuff gaining on me, lol.




BK-I had egg/ham biscuit and oatmeal (held me over til now)


Lunch: Steam lunch I didn't eat yesterday


Snack: apple and wheat cheese crackers so far.


Dinner: Ha!


Workout: Just doing 30 on the treadmill today


Yesterday I got in 45 mins. The gym picked up and I couldn't use the bikes. So I did treadmill (30), ellpt (6), squats (3 x 10), weights (3x10), core planks forward (2 x10secs), core plank side (1 side 20 secs).


Well, I gotta get to work again.


Good Choices.

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Whoooo, yesterday was a whirlwind......I guess I should be thankful that all that work means I have a job!


I did 30 mins progressively on the treadmill yesterday. At the end I ran out of energy.......I had a banana before I went, but I think I was more hungry than I thought. Oh well........I made myself finish the last 7 mins of the 30 mins. then I went and got a small vanilla cone at DQ. I KNOW, but I wanted a blizzard.........the cone was a diff. of about 400 calories, so I think I made the better choice. Made two hamburgers when I got home and put some bagel chips on the side. Started eating them and realized......I don't really want them. I fed the rest to the dog. Then I had a little debbie cake, some pickle juice and two mini milkyways. Yea, I gotta work on the snacking. I need to bring some of my fruit home.




BK-1/2 serving of oatmeal w/ 1% milk and ham and egg biscuit (found that if I have a bigger breakfast I last longer with no snacks)


Lunch-Mmm I have a can of soup in my office, but I will probably head to subway for a bite.


Snack: Plenty of fruit and pickles, lol.


Dinner: Idk, I need to plan ahead, but it will have to wait until after Easter.


Workout: We might have Zumba today, I'm waiting to see. If not I will go do a hour workout. I need to bump up my times at the gym, even more so this week with family coming and Easter Breakfast and Dinner!!!!!!!! Not to mention that when the WV family comes in we have a full breakfast every morning.............


I hope everyone is doing well!!


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone, hope you are doing well. I'm not having a great week. I'm sick (congested), and having a tough week at work, plus it's freezing outside. :cool: WHERE IS SPRING??


Last night when I got home from work I was really stressed from work issues. And I was freezing cold from my walk home. I told myself I would NOT eat any Cool Ranch Doritos. I really wanted to stuff my face from stress. But I told myself I had to do something else first, since I wasn't really hungry, just anxious feeling. So I went downstairs to sit in our hot tub for awhile (it's indoors, we're lucky since we live in a big building). Then when I got back upstairs I started making dinner. Leftover swedish meatballs, egg noodles, and green beans. By that point I was actually physically hungry so I did eat a few Doritos while I was cooking. :( But not as many or as much damage if I had just came home, sat on the couch, and ate them.


Well hope everyone else is doing well. Brooke it sounds like you made a better choice with the cone, and then throwing away your bagel chips.

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I understand the actually hungry thing. I've been feeling more of that lately and I don't think its bad as long as you can control yourself (like you did). There comes a point where you are so hungry you just start eating and don't really stop.


We didn't have Zumba last night, but we have it tonight and as much as I want to get out of work early I will stay and do Zumba.


BK-egg and ham biscuit, strawberries (maybe two mini chocol chip cookies)


Snack-Plenty of fruit around.


Lunch-Probably pizza or the cafeteria


Dinner: IDK


So excited. My family is coming in for Easter and my SIL and Brother are going to tell them about them being foster parents. I get so excited for them. They have so much love to give and there are so many kids who don't what love is like.


I will spend tomr. cleaning......lol. That's okay, I'll count it as extra activity.


Gotta get back to work.


Good Choices.

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Hello everyone,


Happy Easter. Hope everyone got to be with their families.


I'm in the middle of writing a proposal, but I needed a sanity break, so I thought I'd check in. Had a great weekend with my family in. We ate too much and didn't do much either, so I'm sure it wasn't good to my waist line, but it was sure good for my heart :D. My bro and sil told everyone of their plans for foster care and it was a great celebration. We are all so excited.


I'm back to the grind and I'm going to workout this evening. I know if I don't I will slack off. I didn't weigh b/c the family didn't leave til this morning, so I didn't really have time. I'm actually thinking about going back to weight watchers. My mom thinks that I just get tired of it and slack off, but that if I took a break and went back I would lose weight again. Well, I think it seems to work for me about 6 months and then I get stuck. Idk, I'm gonna see if they offer a special anytime soon for the "Summer" swim suit season, lol. Until then I will just work out and watch what I'm eating.


Anyway, gotta get back to my proposal.


Good choices.

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Soooo............okay I went back to WW. It was a MUST. I think I have the exercise down. Exercise doesn't bother me. But my food intake is out of control. I don't think its so much eating bad foods as it is eating too much of food. WW for some reason seems to help me control that, at least for a time. I signed up this morning after the scale said:




10lbs gained back since I lost the 32lbs. I'd probably be fine if I wasn't losing, but gaining back is not an option. I'm praying this will work. If fact I did pray about it last night and when I saw the scale I knew it was a sign. The WW system has changed, but I think I like it. From what I know about nutrition and the way they explain it.....they don't actually count calories into their formula. What they are doing is giving you lower points for foods that are higher in protein and fiber, lower in fat and non complex carbs. So, they are essentially encouraging you to eat filling foods with better nutrients. Of course all fruits are 0 points now and "most" vegetables. The point values have changed too.......they have increased things a bit, but I guess its b/c they changed the formula. Its a 3 month online membership. I want to know what I can do in 3 months and if I can do well, then I'll go for another 3 months...........then I'll take a break for about 3 months......and probably go back. I think I just have to keep re-starting my motivation and system.


My aunt really motivated me. She told us this weekend how her dr. is all over her to change and even suggesting surgery, but I still saw her fill her 72oz cup up with diet soda. I mean I stuffed my mouth this past weekend, but I KNEW I was doing it. She was talking to me about it and had we not been interrupted every time I tried to talk to her I might have helped her. But that's what happens when you are caring for a bed ridden mother and a house full of people :D. Anyway, her complaint was they wanted her to give up so much stuff at one time. She just didn't have the mind or willpower to think about all the stuff she had to give up. Sugar, soda, low calorie, low fat, add in exercise (she works two jobs and her husband is no help at home though he is disabled (ms)) , lower salt........etc.


I know how she feels being overwhelmed with so many aspects of nutrition. I think this is why so many people turn to diet programs. Diet programs give you a structure to follow and take away a lot of the "thinking" part of it. Just like I said........WW is basically giving me a healthy diet plan without me having to think......okay......I need high protein, high fiber, low fat, low carb and low calories.............they do that thinking for me by saying: "This has lower points........


I'm hoping they will send me one of those cards "for a friend." I will send it to my aunt and try not to offend her by doing so.


BK-2 oz of dried oatmeal with 1/2 cup of 1% milk


Extra-Sugar free stride gum


Snack-Banana (E-Eaten), apple, orange


L-4 oz slice of ham, 1/2 cup of green beans, 1 cup of corn


D-Mom said we had to filter out all the food we prepared over the weekend. Hmmmmm.


The gym was closed yesterday....well it didn't open til 7pm. That's a little late for me to be waiting. I went home. Today it should be open b/c students are back for a week of exams, so I'll go in today. Zumba is tomr. and then I'll do Thursday too.


Good choices.

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I avoid this board like the plague when I am not doing well. The last month has been very difficult for me (with my father's death), but am just starting to feel human again. So I am hopeful. I have my follow-up doctor's appointment in 2 weeks, so I am behaving. Maybe I should schedule a weekly appointment just so I stay on track!!


I still love reading everyone's posts. It is so awesome to know I am not alone in this. :)



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Kim- I'm sure it has been super hard on you lately. Our bodies can only handle so much stress and pressure. Don't worry about what happened while you were (are) grieving. When you are ready you will get back on track (if you aren't already).


Well......first day on WW again and I had a bit of a panic. I'm not sure what happened. I only got in 30 mins. on the treadmill b/c my stomach started feeling like I was hungry, but I was reacting like my blood sugar was down. When i got home I made an egg and ham omelet and had a piece of it on light wheat toast. I still felt hungry and sick after that. Then I had planned for some of my easter candy and a glass of milk........I ate more than I had planned (using my weekly points more) and I finally started feeling a little better, but not much. Then..........finally.........I started burping. SERIOUSLY! Gas can make you feel hungry??????? Maybe that was just part of the problem. My stomach felt sour too. Idk. It was weird. I'm hoping for a better day. I made sure to go to the store and pick up my fruit for the week.....which brings me to food:


But first: My friend going on my cruise is selling this nutrition powder stuff. Something made from the Moringa tree. The company is called Zija. Well, she sent me a sample pack to try. I googled it and found a John Hopkins medical paper on it and I didn't read anything that would cause me concern. Although they have a weightloss product that they add "natural" caffeine too that concerns me a bit, mainly b/c of how the tell you to take it and what not to drink or eat with it. Its mainly just the natural product from the tree and the paper said that the natural product will not hurt you. The pods from the tree have been eaten for years, kinda like peas. national hunger groups actually use as a nutritional supplement b/c it has every vitaman in it except D3. So, I'm gonna do the sample and see how it goes.


Now food:


BK: Had to drink the Zija drink mix before I ate, so I'm about to dive into some oatmeal with skim milk and two tsps of sugar.


L: I got a salad from sheetz b/c I had a $1 off coupon. It is a "Brooke" salad so don't be too proud of me.


S: For the week I have blackberries, oranges, apples, pineapple. I will try to have veggies as parts of my meals, like the salad.


D:I think I will have salmon with a baked potato with sour cream and butter, salt, and pepper. maybe some green beans too.


There is a challenge on the WW for people cruising in October! how great is that?! So I signed up. They started on 4/8, so they were doing 30lbs. I looked and I have 26 weeks, so I said I'd do 26lbs.


here goes another try...........:D


Good Choices.

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Well. went through about 2 tornado watch breaks on the radio on the way to work. I was looking for a ditch, lol. Not to mention I work in the attic.....penthouse whatever you want to call it. Good news is the rain helps with allergies!


I did the last Zumba last night. It was a little hard b/c of my knee being a pain, but I did what I could. I think they have asked to lady to come in for the summer for a couple classes for staff still here. I hope so.......it will help me a lot!


I did pretty good last night. I came home and mom is off this week so she has been having dinner ready. She had fixed hot dogs, coleslaw, and potato salad, beans. I went straight to the fridge and pulled out the salmon. I forgot we used all the potatoes for mashed potatoes for Easter, so I just pulled those out and added corn and green beans. I tried a piece of a peanut butter chocolate moon pie (a small bite) and it didn't have marshmallow, so its NOT a moonpie, so I didn't finish it b/c why waste calories if its not what I thought it was. Then dad bought some spicey potatoe stick things.......and I LOVE spicey stuff so I have a pitch of those. The salmon was a bit bigger than I had thought, so at the end of the evening when I had about 4 points left I tossed them up to all that stuff +1. I wasn't hungry anyway.


BK-I'm having a egg/ham biscuit b/c no milk for oatmeal. I should have remembered that.


L-I'm having the salad from yesterday and some soup b/c there is a new place that opened here (this is a BIG DEAL b/c we have like 2 places to eat off campus) and we went to support economic growth. Funny story...ate with one of the Dr. from our clinic, the one who fussed at me about my BP. My boss went with the salad bar b/c of her. I went for the turkey/ham/swiss with a big of mustard and mayo on wheat with chips. Actually did better than the salad I had. lol


S-Fruits!!!!! Pickles, lol.


D-I will have to think about this.......maybe look at WW site for something. I wish they had sites with full meals. Like not just the main course, but like the sides that go with it too. I'm bad at sides.


Fitness-I was going to workout today......looked in my bad at work and NO TENNIS Shoes!!! Ugh! Its okay, I will just do a workout tomr. I will still get my time in. WW wants about 6 Activity points earned a day. I'm gonna start with 3x a week and work up.


My ear is acting up again. I think the CT might be a must. My aunt said that she worked with a speech therapist once that told her that small children have ear infections a lot b/c their tube isn't fully developed. Then she said that as you get older the tube straightens more, but sometimes it has more of a U shape than a C shape, which keeps it from draining correctly. Well, my deductible is $1,800 and then they pay 100%, so I figure the best thing to do is save up the $1,800 and then go to the Dr. and then get the CT scan. I don't know how long it will take to save up the $1800 though when I'm paying for this cruise, but we will see.


Anyway, this stuff my friend gave me isn't too bad. i tried the weight loss pill this morning. I feel a bit of a buzz from it. Its not bad. No worse than a appt. supt. my dr. gave me once. Maybe it will help me get this second proposal done today. lol. Well, back to work.


Good Choices.

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Well, the royal wedding was pretty......I watched a bit b/c that's all that was on! lol. I was teary eyed.......yes. I mean pomp and circumstance is wonderful, but why shouldn't you cry we two people who are in love commit to love each other for their lives in front of God and family. I'd rather watch that than stories about government overthrow.......:rolleyes:


Anyway, at least I feel like I have some more time to find my "one." If the prince can get married at like 30........I'm good.:D


No gym yesterday b/c I forgot my tennis shoes......almost did today too, but ran back in for them, lol.


I didn't get to eat my salad again! If its not wilted by now I will eat it for lunch. Yesterday afternoon was busy. I helped taking pics for my boss, then I was asked to go to an event to take pics (I wanted to go, so no big deal.), but I didn't really get a lunch. I had to grab a slice of pizza and a soda b/c I had like 10 mins before I had to take pictures. After that I had to run to a tour of our archives that I'm writing a grant for. I got back and made some adjustments to the archive grant and then it was 5pm. Fast day. The stuff my friend gave me kinda helped I have to say. It gave me a buzz feeling and let me get some work I had been putting off done that morning b/c I was alert. I don't know if its the drink mix with all the vitas in it or the natural caffine, but I lasted. And I didn't crash later. Actually, I ate pretty good considering. I threw away most of the soda I got and I had cheese pizza and not pepperoni. I had one apple and 3 pieces of reese as my treat for the day. Got home and had one of the cakes in a little debbie pack (THAT IS USUALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME!), then we cooked sloppy joes with light hot dog buns and deer instead of beef. I had chips instead of the macorni salad and deviled eggs. I had my Zija tea, two slices of cheese and pickle juice later. Haha, weird eating huh? I will have to go back to WW and add in the sloppy joe sauce I forgot last night, so it will put me a bit over into weekly points, but I'm still on track. I'm just want the 10lbs back off.


Lets see today:


BK: Ham and egg biscuit. This is my fault. I bought a little thing of skim milk for oatmeal, but I kept hitting the stupid snooze button. My back was hurting, so I found a comfortable position and I didn't want to get up. But the biscuit is about 9 points. I add an orange to it and it kept me full until about 1pm yesterday. I have to wait a little while though b/c I just finished my Zija mix and you are suppose to let it have time to get into your system before eating.


Lunch: The salad, I hope. If not I think I might go to our cafe and eat a fresh salad. A Brooke Salad no doubt.


Dinner: Maybe bunless hamburgers with chips or corn.


Snack: Plenty of fruit for me to eat.


I'll do a workout tonight. Not sure what my back will handle, but I will do something.


Good choices.

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Quickie b/c I'm not feeling well and I'm starving for lunch and a proposal deadline looming tomr.


I will weigh tomr. so cross your fingers.


BK: ham and egg biscuit and orange, soda


L: subway 6 inch ham and turkey-mayo/mustard/cheese slice-baked chips-coookie-soda






workout: depends on how this sinus infection feels.


Good Choices.

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Hi everyone,


Hope all is going well. Sorry I have not posted in awhile. Brooke, great job, sounds like you are doing great! I can't wait to hear about your weigh-in.


I haven't posted as much because I kind of fell off the wagon during the month of April... I don't know if I am burned out or what. I got really tired of posting my food, especially if I ate something that wasn't listed - when something is difficult to track, I will just "forget" to do it. :( Add in a stressful month at work and I haven't lost any weight during the whole month. Easter candy has also been my nemesis.


May is a new month, so although we still have some leftovers that are hard to track, I'm just going to do my best estimate for it and at log in something.


Going grocery shopping after work tonight - I need to get some stuff for lunches and dinner this week. I think I might make some shredded chicken to have on hand. I'm also going to workout right after I get home from the store but BEFORE dinner. That's the only way I will actually do it. :o


I have 11 weeks until my birthday -I'm going to shoot for a pound a week. If I lost 11 pounds, I will be ecstatic!!!


I will keep you all posted on the progress... here we go!

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I won't keep you waiting...


weigh in: 327, -3lbs


I will TAKE IT! I'm 25% to my 10lb goal!




You have the right attitude! Just re-start. You will always win if you don't give up. Gosh knows I've thought about it many a time.


Let me see...


Yesterday I stayed at work to 7:30pm working on the proposal. I grabbed McD's on my way home b/c it would be 8pm before I got there. I made a decision, not a great one, but it means something to me. I've been wanting fries for a while and well........I gave in. But I could have got a quarter pounder and a larger fry or two cheese burgers......and in a soda. But I decided if I really wanted fries then I should get the large fries and just a small burger and an unsweet tea. I still managed to not use all my weekly points this week and baked 15 exercise points. With a 3lb loss, I feel good.


I didn't exercise, b/c of the work I had to do, but i feel like my sinus infection will let me today and my proposal will be done.


Speaking of........got a meeting.


Good Choices.

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Well, grant submitted. Whoossh.


The work for the next two begin, lol.


Let's see..........no workout last night b/c the gym was closed. Was going to go tonight, but now I have a chiro apt. at 5:15 b/c I woke up in a lot of pain. I pray for tomr, but Friday I have an event. My co-worker and I are going to try and do a walk before it starts. I guess i will have to make up for exercise this weekend.


BK-Oatmeal, blackberries and pineapple, pickles, lol


Lunch: We are have a lunch meeting, so it will be in the cafeteria, don't know what they are serving with the students being gone its not as much.


S-I'm gonna steal fruit form the cafeteria, lol


D-As usual IDK.


Exercise: I think I will just have to jump on the bike at home. Which means I have to really motivate myself! I CAN DO IT!


Good Choices.

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Just trying to get through this week.


I didn't get to exercise yesterday b/c I went to the chiropractor and he said to ice it and give it a night before exercise, so I guess I will have to make up some time this weekend.


I ended up having grilled cheese and some tortilla chips with two spoons of corn salsa. I wanted something sweet so I went and got 3 oreos and two mini chocolate chips and some milk. I ate the chocolate chips and one oreo. Got through the oreo and was like.........eh.........I don't really want anymore. So, I tossed it.


BK: Wildberry smoothie and egg mcmuffin, no cheese.


L: I brought two hamburger patties to eat with a tomato on top and some condiments. So, bunless. I brought some doritos to eat with it, an apple and two of those mini cookies.


S: banana and orange


D: I might have to break out some salmon. I need to get a baked potato or some rice to put with some steamed veggies though.


Workout: I HOPE nothing will stop me from the gym. I won't move my speed up this time since its been so long since I've been in. But I'm going to go for a full hour with the treadmill, bike, strength.


I keep having cruise dreams, lol. They aren't upsetting really, just kind of funny the way I always get lost, or that I added a grocery store to the ship (lol), or they've moved our room........just worry wart stuff. I still like dreaming about a cruise though....good or bad.


Good Choices.

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FINALLY got a workout in. 45 mins only, but its better than nothing. I went to the dr. b/c my eyes were dilating and I was feeling dizzy. She said the Mucinex D was causing the dizziness and the fluid behind my ear. Nasonex for me. No more Mucinex b/c it was raising my bp. Then she went into my weight. She was mostly nice about it, but its just that I've been dealing with my weight since i was like 5 and I know the information.......I just have to have the strength to implenment it. 3lbs is a start though. She gave me so tips, just small changes like certain fruits that have more sugar than others to stay away from. I will try to take her advice. I just hope this fluid goes away b/c I'm getting headaches again...........boo. The bad thing is that the MD was helping b/c it was drying things up..........mmm.


Had chicken stirfry for dinner. I had a scoop of ice cream and some milk. I had bad heartburn, so I figured that would help cool things off. Proud that I put the ice cream scoop down after one (well maybe one 1/2), but I usually do 3 or more.....I felt perfectly satisfied.


BK: Ham and egg biscuit with fruit smoothie


L:Subway something......only thing open for lunch


D:Probably Papa Johns b/c it will be the only thing for dinner and I have to work late.


S: Well, I'm kinda out of fruit and didn't really bring anything. I have some skim milk in the fridge though. I think I will survive.


W: It depends on if I can workout without getting nasty before this evening. I have to work an event and I've got about 3 hours inbetween and with gas prices ($41 for 10gallons!!!) I don't want to drive home and back.


Good Choices.

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Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms! Bless you for what you do.:D I hope one day I get to know that feeling.:)


Well, I don't usually check in on the weekend, but I just wanted to say that I actually just sat down and made sure I tracked the last two days I forgot to track. I get distracted on weekends and usually just do things in my head, but I know I need to physically track, so I sat down this morning and went back and tracked.


I worked late on Friday and we had the choice of Papa Johns or Dairy Queen. No one wanted to go off campus, so pizza it was. I had a slice of pepperoni and two bread sticks. I had a wing from a friend and soda. So, I ate into all my points and weeklys too. But I suppose that is what they are there for.


But then I spent the night walking up and down stairs, and up and down sidewalks and standing the rest of the night. So, I tracked about 30 mins of leisure walking.


Then I got asked out on a date.


Yesterday mom and I went out to the strawberry festival and had to walk a bit to get there and then we went to a chicken and waffle place (famous in our area) and I had a grilled chicken sandwich, fries, and green beans. I had a little guilty pleasure with the fries, but I knew I would have a strawberry short cake waiting for me so I behaved with the other pieces. I gave myself 15 mins of walking for that day.


This morning I'm ice'ing my back and having a bowl of oatmeal and light toast. Then I need to clean for mom and I'll hopefully have time to finish by cleaning my own room.


Good Choices.

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