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Cruising to Healthy


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Great morning. We are back to more casual wear at work. YAY......my toes can be free.




BK-Egg mcmuffin, small smoothie


L-Roast beef-green beans-mac n cheese-1 slice of roasted potato.


S-Fruit of course




Workout-I should have no problem getting a workout in........just gotta make sure the gym is open.


I sooooooo want my cruise to get here, but I keep thinking........165 days to lose weight............


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I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about weigh in this morning, but it turned out okay.


Weigh in: 326, -1lb.


I said I wanted to lose one pound per week and there it is. I wish I could have a few weeks of more than one pound just to cover for other times where I might gain or not lose at all, but you have to be happy with a positive result and this is one. I didn't get as much actual workouts in last week b/c of my schedule, but this week I started off in the gym and plan to continue that way.


BK: Egg mcmuffin and smoothie


L-chicken salad on light wheat, tortilla chips and black eyed pea salsa. I was just going to bring some corn left over, but I thought, "the salsa has corn in it and peppers, onions, vinegar, and black eyed peas. The extra protein would be better if I'm going to have corn." I brought about 3tbsp of the salsa and 1 1/2 serving of chips.




D-There is salmon in the fridge and mom bought some potatoes.........I think that will work.


W: I did 15 on 2.9 speed and 15 on 3.0 speed yesterday. I will try and move the 2.9 down to 10 mins. I'm hoping by next week I can do a full 3.0 for a full 30 mins. The Dr. said she didn't think that was a fast enough speed, but you guys know how hard I've been working to hit that goal and I'm so close. My body is adapting and I think I will be able to move up to higher speeds soon. If I can't push the speed, I will push the time. I told her my back just doesn't like impact and the faster I got the more impact I get, so she understood that. She wants me at an hour everyday. I'm working on that. Today will be 30 mins on the treadmill, 15 on the bike, squats with a ball. I have to keep my body guessing.


PS-Back on that stuff my friend sells. Had to go off it when I was on Mucinex D b/c the caff. in the pill you take. The caff. pill def. has an effect, but for how long? Once your body gets used to it......its like soda right? I don't mind the powdered drink mix. I mean it does have a lot of vitamens in it, so that can't be bad for you. I will see.


Going on my date this weekend to the movies.


Good choices.

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Had some meetings this morning, which always puts everything back. I did 30 mins on the treadmill. My back was getting really sore, so I decided that was enough for that day. I did 20 mins at 3.0, so that might have been why. I will see what happens tonight. I did have the salmon with baked potato last night and then some ice cream.


BK-Oatmeal w/ 1% milk, sugar and light wheat toast with smart balance


L-Salmon fillet, 1/2 cup of corn




D-mmmmmmm, dk.


Workout-I'm gonna go for 45 mins. I think I can, I think I can...........


Good choices.

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Well. I'm going on a date Friday night. We will see how this goes. I'm excited. My mom and SIL are more excited, lol. I told my boss this morning, just so I cover my basis since we both work at the same place, but not the same dept. Not that we are official or anything. At this point its really like two friends going out.


BK-egg and ham biscuit and smoothie


L-Salmon and corn (I went for subway yesterday b/c they had to do some drilling in my office.




Workout: I'm trying for 30 mins at lunch after a meeting. The gym is open from 12-1, so I will be cutting it close b/c my meeting is over at 12 and then I have walk over and change too. I will see what happens. I have a haircut after work. WHICH I NEED!


I didn't workout yesterday. I KNOW I should have, but everything in my body wanted to go home. I went shopping before that. I bought some capris to supplement the dresses in my wardrobe for summer. When I got home I cooked some BBQ and those small shoestring frozen fries in the oven. I ate them slowly while I talk to my date on the phone for an hour. Then my brother and SIL came over to give mom her present (31 purse) and we spent a few hours talking. Lucky I've got to come into work late b/c I was up to 11pm (That is late for me.). If I get to workout at lunch I'm going to try for a full 30 mins at 3.0. It will be a great achievement.


Oh, my SIL actually bought one of the ON dresses I was returning off of me for her beach trip. She is a little shorter than me and more top heavy, so it looked great on her. On me, it hugged my middle area and then went straight down. Yea, not pretty. Ohhhh, looking for cheaper maxis........Cato had some cute ones! About $25-$35 and the material felt like silk, but was that heavy stuff. I almost bought one just b/c it felt good, but again.......too straight of a cut for me.


Okay, I have a desk full of papers to file...........


Good Choices.

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Well, no exercise....the meeting ran long........then I got my haircut and then it was home to decide what to wear on my date. I went with my new pink hippie skirt and a long black embellished tank with a long black shrug. Mom didn't like the shorter dress :p.


BK-Smoothie and ham and egg biscuit


L-Probably something from subway......I did pack anything.


D-Wherever we go I guess.






I ate grilled chicken sandwich and fries from Wendy's I had 29 points to burn b/c I ate a late breakfast and I had a small lunch and fruit doesn't count. So I grabbed a bit of a treat I suppose. Then I still had like 10 points to get rid of so I had bit of ice cream. I just haven't been hungry. I don't know if its me changing or that stuff my friend gave me. I mean it says that it helps with appetite b/c it supplies your body with all the nutrition it needs from the vitamens it has, so you are balanced. Idk. Guess I might find out b/c I ran out of the samples.


Anyway, movies tonight, then my friend and I might go to a "barrel tasting".....whatever that is.


Good Choices.

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Well, the weekend was a little blurry between my date and a friend's graduation party. I really didn't get to track my food. But today is a new day and its a start over, right? Come tomr. I weigh in and start a whole new week over.


BK: ham and egg and smoothie with unsweet tea


L: Lean cuisine panini


S: Oranges, some wheat crackers, and peanuts.


D: Maybe some southwestern chicken and rice....


W:Gym today. I'm not sure what I'm up for. I will have to see how my back does today.


Well, the date went well. Movie, then dinner and a drive back to my car. Good conversation. I guess at a first date I shouldn't feel too comfortable, but I didn't feel nervous, just not comfortable. IDK. I'll give it some more time I guess.


Good Choices.

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I did 30 mins in the gym last night and I did 25 mins on 3.0. Tonight I will try for the full 30 mins. I felt like I got a better workout. If I do well, then I think I will extend my time at 3.0 for a week or two, then try speeding up. I can only go so fast before its running and I can't do that yet.


BK: ham and egg, smoothie


L: Mmm, maybe subway


S: fruit, peanuts (small bag), wheat/cheese crackers


D: IDK-last night I did southwest grilled chicken with a southwest rice mix and a few broken pieces of tortilla chips. It was really tasty.


W: 30 @ 3.0




Weigh In: 326. -1lb


So I'm meeting my goal so far of 1lb a week and that makes me happy. I would be lying if I didn't say I'm worried about a stalemate.


So my date.....well the more time goes by the more I worry about starting something with someone who works at the same place. Apparently, everyone already knows about our date and he works on the other side of campus. Not that I'm hiding anything or that its against the rules even, but I don't really like people IDK in my business. Maybe I'm just putting up walls. Maybe I say I want a relationship, but I really don't. I mean judging by past "relationships" of mine I didn't have the greatest luck. Maybe I'm afraid I will let someone treat me the way I did before. I haven't really tested the waters since I left college and most of my dating behind. Nothing like psychoanalyzing yourself right?




Good choices.

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I stink. I didn't workout b/c I couldn't find my earphones and trying to do 30 mins on a treadmill without music really is impossible for my attention span. The rain didn't help either. I thought I left them in the car and so I ran back out in the rain and they weren't there and then I didn't want to go back in with no music and in the rain. I went home and dyed my hair. But I was really good about not sitting down all night. I did at the very end, but then I just went to bed. Not that not sitting counts. I have a meeting in the next town today, so I won't be at the gym today either. I still have Thursday and Friday though!


BK: Ham and egg biscuit and smoothie. I'm wondering when I will get tired of these. I think I'm going to go back to oatmeal for the next few days. I think the extra protein and eating a bit later really helps me stay full though. I mean I've been really good at not really wanting to snack at all.


L:I will have to grab something on my way to my meeting. Probably a grilled chicken sandwich.


S:Fruit, peanuts, wheat/cheese crackers


D: IdK, maybe salmon.


W: If I have time I will do a 30 min workout at home on the bike. But while I'm in the next town I want to swing by the dress shop that I won a gift card to and see if they have some dresses I might want for the cruise.


Good Choices.

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I had bbq and green beans last night. I did 20 mins on the bike at home, but I know now why I don't exercise at home........distractions. The phone rang, the dog, my dad.......geez. I also was threatened by my brother to go to the hospital to see my grandad. Not that I don't like my grandad.......I don't like hospitals. But I went. So at least I was loafing around all night.


BK: Oatmeal


L:Lean cuisine chicken something


S: Fruit, peanuts and crackers


D: maybe a wheat pasta, grilled chicken and a steamable veggie with garlic and butter (already on the veggies).


W:30 mins on the treadmill. I have my ear phones this time!


I think I might buy that stuff from my friend. Its $200 for a 2 month supply. But I can tell the diff. in my energy and appetite. It didn't hurt me while I was taking it. I might give it a try for 2 months and see what the results are. I mean, I signed up for 3 months of WW, so the results could be good.


I decided on my goal's name.......double digits in double digits. lol.


I calculated and it will be around the second week of July when I hit the double digits of my countdown. That should give me two extra weeks (1lb a week) to loose in the double digits (10lbs). Just another motivator.


Good Choices.

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Yesterday I did get the gym, but it was an experience. About 20 mins at 3.0 I started feeling dizzy and icky. I was not going to leave that gym without 30 mins. I thought I could just push through it, but instead I decided to slow down a bit. I felt a little better, but it came back, so I slowed some more. I spent the last 10 mins at 2....something speeds. But I got in 30 mins. I blame this on myself. I had a crappy lunch. I had a grilled cheese and chips. I ordered a loaded baked potato, but it had some much stuff on it I was like......mmm.....I'll take it home for dinner (I did). The grilled cheese and chips obviously didn't have any sustainable value and therefore my blood sugar dropped later. I had green beans and an orange, so I thought I'd be fine, but no. Then I got home and devoured my potato and then ate a couple spoons of sherbert, a little debbie cake and a glass of milk...oh and about 5 tortilla chips. I sat down and made myself stay there until I felt the milk hit the bottom of my stomach (milk always makes me feel full). I got in the shower and then went upstairs for the rest of the night. I was merely protecting myself from myself not eating healthy and going on a rampage. I didn't do that much damage though and I was happy about that. I didn't give up on my 30 mins either, even if I had to slow down. I also think the oatmeal wasn't enough yesterday, so I went back to my reg.


BK: ham/egg biscuit and small smoothie


L:That lean cuisine I gave up on yesterday most likely.


S: I bought watermelon and cherries. I still have wheat/cheese crackers


D:I already entered McDonald's grilled chicken and reg. fries b/c mom is going to a concert and asked me to pick something up for dad. I know I don't have to, but after working out and making him wait........I will. So, I might as well count it and not go over today.


W:Let's see about a full 30 mins at 3.0 today. Geez.


Reading a new blog. Shrinking Kenzie on blogspot......I forget the link name. But she was about 400lbs and has lost about 100lbs over a year and I believe it is on WW. I haven't read all her post yet. But she was featured on the Today show b/c of how Southwest airlines treated her and her mother when trying to fly. I like her blog. I can see a lot of me in what she says and I think its a great tool. I'm reading from the beginning to end (old to new) b/c I think it will help me notice timeframes of when you get down and how to stay up and even when you stop losing on the program. It might be a good experiment for me. She was losing 2-3lbs a week on avg. though. I really want to ask her about her eating/exercise habits that got her there. I LOVE that I'm losing my goal of 1lb a week, but a few 2lbers here and there wouldn't hurt:rolleyes:.


I'm going to write a new blog myself. She inspired me to be a little more controversial again. A comment on her blog made me think about it. I'm going to tackle expectations and how media can inspire or harm. I'm going to try and write it with an open mind and think about both sides as I write. Its a pet peeve of mine when people are so one sided they absolutely CAN NOT see another side to a situation and won't take another opinion at all. So, I will try and be "both sided."


Good Choices.

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Ugh, I just sat here and ate a half a bag of tortilla chips and frito lay cheese dip........I could eat the rest......really. I think its just compulsion though. My hormones seem to be pre-preparing me for the end of the month. I just had to put it out there......it had to be real. Now I have to log that into facebook.




BK: Oatmeal w/ brown sugar and 1% milk, wheat toast with smart balance butter.


S:Jolly Rancher (We were shopping and I got hungry, but figured that would tide me over for less points that a soft pretzel and it did.


L: IHOP grilled chicken sandwich with fruit, but I couldn't give up the fries. They are my arch rival. Water.


D: Didn't really have any b/c we ate lunch so late (about 3pm).


S: McD's ice cream cone (small), Icee, soda (14oz), Tortilla chips and cheese, sips of mom's flavored lemonade.


W: I just walked around at the mall and stuff, didn't do that much though.


I need to drink about a gallon of water tomr. I feel so bloated. I also plan to clean my room, do laundry, iron, and clean my car inside and out. We have a family cookout at some point tomr. too. But I just need to move tomr. I have little weekly point left this week.


I told my friend I'd buy a 2 month supply of her product. I think it helped and I want to see if will cont. to help for long periods of time. I will see the chiro on Monday my back is having issues. I think I will need the anti inflam drugs again. Maybe one month on and one month off will help with my stomach and taking prevacid or something.


I will do better. I know I can.


Good Choices.

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Well, tomr. is weigh in and I'm dreading it b/c of my own actions. No one to be blame on this one, but me. But there is positives and negatives in each situation and I look at both:


Negatives: I ate all but 2oz of tortilla chips and about 4 oz of jalopeno cheese dip in about 2 hours. This not only made me go over my daily points, but finished off my weekly points and over my exercise points.


Positives: I actually logged it. In the past I would have "looked past" it and just not have put it in my journal, but this time I logged it very honestly and saw the consequences of my actions. Another positive is that I just didn't resign myself to going over every point I had. I knew there was a way I could earn more, exercise. So, even though it was 11pm, I went upstairs and jumped on the bike for a good paced 20 min. ride. Knowing that this was NO where near enough to make up for my "in the red" points I went online and planned for the next day. Best laid plans don't always work out. I slept in, unintentionally, b/c of my late night and got a late start to the day. Then we had a family reunion, which meant less time to work out and more food problems. I had planned to workout in 20 min. increments for a few hours before i had to leave for the reunion, but mom needed me to fix some food to take and clean up a bit. Being that she is in her, "School is coming to an end and my kids are driving me nuts and I have 20 million things to do and not time to do them, plus my dad has been in the hospital for a week." mood, I didn't argue. Second positive, I didn't waste my time. I turned on the radio and tried to move constantly when preparing the food. Even when i was cutting the fruit, I tried to do a little butt shake, lol. I worked out some of my Zumba moves inbetween. I was sweating at the end, so I logged 15 mins of dance. Went to the reunion and had a plan. I got a hamburger (small, homemade) with just the basic stuff, no cheese, green beans, one cooked potato, a tblspoon of my aunt's squash casserole, spoon of corn, one roll and a canned Dr. Pepper. I went back for a slice of chocolate cake and whipped cream, one brownie, another roll and another Dr. Pepper. I hadn't eaten since breakfast. So, I had about 75% of my daily points left and it worked out perfectly. I didn't touch food when I got home. I bought a new water bottle that will fit in my cup holder and holds 32 oz. I had 3 of those that day and some tea. When I got home, I threw some laundry together to help mom and then went upstairs and jumped on my bike to watch a movie. 30 mins. at moderate pace. It felt good. I got up and did a few things around my room (cleaning) and then got back on for another 30 mins moderate pace. It was about 8pm, so I stopped and started calming my body down for the night. I plan on getting in another 60 mins tonight on the bike after my chiro visit.


Don't you love how my positives outweigh my negatives!!


Anyway, I bought into my friends nutrition supplements for 2 months. I'm going to try it. It can't really hurt to try it. I've tried worse things for me to lose weight. I did my research too, so I feel comfortable with it. I will def. let you guys know how it works. In fact, my friend wants me and her to do a blog about our experiences with it. We would write it together. I think that will help.


Okay, today:


BK: I made an egg (1) scrambled (1)sp of oil in the pan a splash of milk. (2) slices of bacon, (1.5) slice of tomato, (1.5) tsp of reduced fat mayo, (2 ) slices of reduced calorie wheat bread, (.25) dried oatmeal, (1)tbsp of brown sugar (.5) cup of 2% milk-forgot it at home and had to pick some up through Dairy Queen-I ate the oatmeal when I go to work. I ate the sandwich on my way in. I feel that if I split it up I think I get more and I spread the food out.


L: I have a severing of mom's homemade lasagna she made for the reunion the other day, some raw baby carrots.


S:Cherries, bananas, one small bag of salted peanuts


D: I haven't had fish in a while. Maybe a fillet of salmon, some steamed baby carrots with some butter, and a baked potato.


W: 60 mins (split into two 30 mins, b/c my back hurts and my feet get numb if I try for a full 60).


I'm kinda just praying I don't gain anything tomr. I wouldn't mind seeing, the same as last week, if it just isn't a gain. If it is a gain, well.........I know what I did wrong, straight up.


I should get my Zija supply on Wednesday and I hope it will help me get through the next couple weeks of hormones.


Good Choices (long one today, geez)

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Well the damage report is in: +1.4lbs. I lamented about it for a while, but I can't change what I've done, so I'm moving on. I'm wondering if its mother nature or something else b/c I feel so bloated. Like my stomach is ten feet in front of me and though it usually is a few inches in front of me.......I feel miserable. Probably the salt from that bag of chips :rolleyes:. Oh well. I tried to counter act and who knows it could have been worse if I didn't try. I'll work hard this week to do better. I mean if I stay on point everyday and only eat a few weekly points........that will be a big change from last week, lol.


BK: ham and egg biscuit, banana, milk


L: Lasagna, green beans


S: Peanut butter crackers, cherries


D:I'll go for the salmon tonight b/c last night I was too hungry and didn't want to snack while waiting, so I just ate lasagna in place of the salmon.


W: 30 mins on the treadmill........after last week I will see how I feel about speed and more exercise after.


Chiropractor thinks I need to go back on anti inflam drugs again b/c I seem to be having more disc problems again. I will check with my dr.


Good Choices.

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Hey Brooke! Thanks for all the posts, I only just now got caught up! I haven't posted in awhile because I found out from a reliable source that the IT people at work monitor our internet usage VERY closely. So now I'm scared to type too much about losing weight, etc. Because I'm afraid they are reading it! Also, we just got back from our visit to Istanbul on Sunday. It was great! The food was so good (lots of hummus, eggplant dip, grilled meats, pita, etc.) I didn't track anything, but we did walk about 5 miles a day. Lots of sightseeing, I'm still up 2 lbs from when I" fell off the wagon." But I'm starting new now. We will be getting our farm veggies soon weekly, so I'm excited about that!


Sorry if there are lots of typos and this is short, but I'm on my phone. :)


Brooke, keep up you positive nature! How do you like the new WW?


Talk to soon, Rachel

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Brooke - I am so impressed that you are keeping up with this board. I had been having so many problems with this site, that I had given up. I would type long posts only to have it time out. Oh well. I see improvements in the speed of the site lately, so I thought I would give this another try.


Are you doing WW online or going to meetings? I really think I need to get back to going to meetings. The only time I have any real success with significant weight loss (80 lbs) was when I actually went to WW meetings. What are they charging these days for meetings? Does anyone know.


I have been super sick with allergies for the past couple of weeks that have developed into a nasty sinus infection. The upside? Not much of an appetite!! If only that could last.


I will try to check in more frequently. I hope everyone is doing well.

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Hey Brooke! Thanks for all the posts, I only just now got caught up! I haven't posted in awhile because I found out from a reliable source that the IT people at work monitor our internet usage VERY closely. So now I'm scared to type too much about losing weight, etc. Because I'm afraid they are reading it! Also, we just got back from our visit to Istanbul on Sunday. It was great! The food was so good (lots of hummus, eggplant dip, grilled meats, pita, etc.) I didn't track anything, but we did walk about 5 miles a day. Lots of sightseeing, I'm still up 2 lbs from when I" fell off the wagon." But I'm starting new now. We will be getting our farm veggies soon weekly, so I'm excited about that!


Sorry if there are lots of typos and this is short, but I'm on my phone. :)


Brooke, keep up you positive nature! How do you like the new WW?


Talk to soon, Rachel


Your trip sounded fun. I would love to travel more outside of the US! The WW system is different, but I think it still works. It no longer bases the points on Calories, Fat and Fiber. Its Fat, Carbs, Fiber, Protein. They are promoting a low fat/carb high fiber/protein diet. You get more points, but food is more points than before. If I can just stop eating tortilla chips:rolleyes:. I think it was pre-hormones. Mom has got the tomatoes planted and some of the green beans. Some squash and stuff too. We hope that the tomatoes don't get bottom rot this year. I'm looking forward to some fresh tomatoes. We have pretty much used all of the canned green beans from last year too. Fresh veggies, mmm.

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Brooke - I am so impressed that you are keeping up with this board. I had been having so many problems with this site, that I had given up. I would type long posts only to have it time out. Oh well. I see improvements in the speed of the site lately, so I thought I would give this another try.


Are you doing WW online or going to meetings? I really think I need to get back to going to meetings. The only time I have any real success with significant weight loss (80 lbs) was when I actually went to WW meetings. What are they charging these days for meetings? Does anyone know.


I have been super sick with allergies for the past couple of weeks that have developed into a nasty sinus infection. The upside? Not much of an appetite!! If only that could last.


I will try to check in more frequently. I hope everyone is doing well.


Accountability, even though I hate it sometimes, it is good. I told mom I was bloated on Tuesday and she said, "I wouldn't even get on the scale." I said, "But I have to responsible for myself."


I do WW online. The meetings in my area are only two days a week, one during my work hours and one an hour after work where I'd have to wait around in town for it to start. I'd rather use that time in the gym. Besides I have you guys to go to :D. I hate allergies. 90 degrees today and even though it rained last night I can feel the pollen going back up. I've been forgetting to take my tsp of honey in the mornings. I think it helps.

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Well, went out for mom's bday last night, so I thought I could squeeze in a workout after dinner. MMM, mom was late getting home, we were late going out, then we stood outside the restr. for an hour talking. It was 10pm when I got home and I had to shower and blow dry my hair. It was 11pm for bed and I'm def. and early to bed kind of girl. However, I have plans for this afternoon. I had the under 550 signature steak and garlic herb shrimp. I was starving though and snacked at home, then mom got mozerella sticks and I ate four of those. I ordered a baked potato instead of the roasted red potatoes too. I went into my weekly points by about 15 points. But, looking at other things in the nutritional guide.......I could have done worse, trust me.


BK: egg mcmuffin w/out cheese, smoothie


L: I will have to grab something quickly b/c I'm going to workout on my lunch break. I figured I will walk over to the gym and on my way back I will go by subway and get a grilled chicken wrap (DQ's is 6 points w/ TL, ranch) and some chips.


S: I have blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, watermelon and grapes, I have half of the pack of peanut butter crackers too.


D: Well, salmon keeps getting pushed to the side, but I think I will eat it tonight. We have the almond crusted ones. I think I will do some corn with it.


W: My plan is to go over to the gym and take an early lunch around 11pm and do a 45 min. workout, grab lunch on my back and eat while working. If I'm not tired or my back isn't hurting (I need some anti inflam bad, I can feel the heat and swelling in my back. That disc is MAD.) I really need a double workout to make up for yesterday, but I can't put my body in danger.


The new blog I read says that the girl does a 1,000 mins. of exercise a month. Thats about 37 mins a day or so. But sometimes she does an 1.5 hours and some days she can only do 20 mins. But 1,000 is her goal a month. I kind of like that. I can do that. I think. We will see if I can get the inflamation down.


Good choices.

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Well, I got my workout in. It was only 30 mins b/c it took more time than I thought to get dressed and over there, but I did 30 mins at 3.0!!!!!!!! I walked to the gym and I walked back.


I felt better during the day (although a little sweaty for a bit) and I felt more awake when I got home. I could have done more, but I thought the point was for me to not have to worry about exercise after work, to go home and start winding down. So, I let myself have a bit of reward. Today, I will try to go again. I will drive around this time b/c of time and it will be nasty outside today. I want to do 40 mins. b/c I stayed after about 15 mins. yesterday, so I can add some time in. If I have the energy again, I think I will put it to good use at home on the bike this time.


BK: oatmeal with 1% milk and light brown sugar, 1 scrambled egg w/ a bit of oil (no stick), 1 1/2 slices of bacon, 1 tsp of reduced mayo on light wheat bread, cup of raspberries and blackberries


L: I had another almond crusted salmon and mom used the coupon I got for free Oleda sweet potato fries and made those last night for her and dad, so I brought the left overs for today. (Thanks Jess for the coupon link)


S:Cherries, berries, 2 pieces of watermelon.


D: Ummm, hamburger and chips probably.


W: Hoping for 40 mins at the gym at lunch and possible at home, 30 mins. on the bike.


I hope everyone is doing well. I'm trying to stay positive and get the most out of my week. I have a special dinner thing that my aunt bought tickets for on Monday and I need to pad my points with some exercise to prepare for ever that is b/c we don't really get to choose what we eat. I also need to watch my weekly points. I've been getting into them again and I know I will probably need them on Monday.


Good choices.

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Brooke, way to go on the 30 minutes at 3.0! Keep up the good work. I've been doing pretty good with food this week, so I can't wait to see what I weigh on Monday. Hopefully I will blow past that 10 pounds that has been hard to get past. Will keep you posted!


Hope everyone else is doing well too.

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Rachel, Good Luck!!!!!


Let's see..........I'm calling a do over on my morning. Massive storm woke me up, then no electricity this morning, so went to get food at McDs and they had no credit card machines. Had to do my make up and hair at work. Forgot my ice pack for my back and lunch. Etc. I could nit pick everything, but I won't b/c I started my day over at 8am.


I did 25 mins. at 3.0 yesterday at lunch. I got the shakes. I knew I should have got some peanuts and ate them before hand. But WW still counts 25 as the same about as 30, so I made myself do at least 25 mins. I did go over into my weekly points and I AM blaming it all on hormones. I can feel it, that compulsive feeling you get. Its okay though, b/c I plan on really get some exercise in. I did an additional 30 mins on the bike last night. I feel good about that. The gym is closed today on campus, so I will go home and do exercise. Hopefully our power will be on so I can have some A/c while doing it. I did grilled cheese last night and chips instead of hamburgers b/c the hamburgers were a little high in points (9) for just a patty, then you had to add the buns and toppings. I could have two grilled cheese and chips for less.


BK: Ham and egg biscuit, 1 bottle of whole milk ( I noticed that my dairy was lacking on my tracker and I know its whole -the only thing they had-but I just read an article saying that low fat milks aren't really better for you.)


L:IDK, I forgot to get stuff out of the fridge......subway, DQ, or this little cafe place down the road is all my choices.


S: I have cherries left and some "heat" peanuts


D: Probably pizza


W: I'm going for two sessions of 30 on my bike at home.


Got my Zija stuff from my friend yesterday and started it today. You have to take the morning stuff on an empty stomach, so I'm waiting to eat right now. I hope this helps curve my cravings.


Good choices

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Well, today was a better day for me. Although I've eaten through most of my weekly points by now (4 left) I have earned (by tomr.) 42 in activity points!! I was a hunger monster last night, but today I made sure mom bought some fruit to supplement my food choices. It helped a lot!!!


Tomr. is our "Farm to Table" dinner thing and I have no clue what to really expect, so my plan is to get up, get some protein in my system and then get 60 mins of exercise in before we have to leave to make it there. I'm also gonna pop an apple or orange in my bag to supplement b/c I don't know when we are actually eating.


70 mins of exercise alone today and I think that it is good. Its day four of my Zija product and I'm feeling good, so I can't wait to see the long term impact (if any).


BK: Venison sasuage (1oz), 2 scrabbled eggs, 2 tsp of oil, 6 slices of deli turkey, light wheat bread toast, 1 tsp of reduced mayo, banana in 1/2 1% milk, grapes (12 points) Good right? It was brunch I laid around in the bed for a while.


L/D: Hamburger on the grill, small bun, 1 tsp of reduced mayo, 1 slice tomato, 1 tsp mustard, 1 tsp ketchup, 15 baked wedge fries ( I thought at least the wedge fries might have more nutrition that potato chips)


S: Plenty of fruit and I made a treat today. Mom bought chocolate marshmellows, so I put those in a bowl with a tbsp of smart balance butter and melted them. Then I took my fiber one cereal (like the bran type w/ the twigs and rice puffs) and poured it in. It was like a healthier version of rice crispy treats and it was pretty good. I ate half of it then, then stuck the rest in the fridge and had it later after dinner.


W: 70 mins of exercise. 2 20 mins rides on the bike, then one 30 min.


Wish me luck tomr.


Good Choices.

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Well today is suppose to be weigh in, but I'm changing my day to Friday. I've noticed my eating habits and I want to see if changing my points turnover will help make things better. I eat my weekly points during the week and then don't have any during the weekend or not enough when I got out and such. So, I'm going to change to Friday to see if my weekly points starting over on the weekend helps my usage.


I did weigh today at 328. I weighed yesterday and I was 326 after eating.I know we can change on an hourly basis, but I just can't figure it. I went over some excuses in my head this morning:


I drank beer yesterday and I'm bloated

I didn't drink enough water yesterday and I'm retaining fluid

I was out in the heat yesterday and I'm retaining fluid

Mother nature is a week away

I'm building muscles........


How about I ate every point I had for each day and my weekly points and into some (not alot) of exercise points. I mean it was only a .4 gain. The amount of exercise I got in could have off set enough for me only to gain that much. But the premise of WW is you are suppose to be able to eat daily and weekly points and still lose weight. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've been eating more fruit than ever, trying to add more veggies in, making better choices, but not depriving myself. Maybe this new WW system doesn't work for me. So many variables. I'm just gonna keep trying and see what happens. I'll make changes as I go and see if it helps.


BK: Smoothie and ham and egg biscuit


L: leftover grilled hamburger on bun w/ ketchp and mustard, carrots or chips (which ever one I want). Small snack baggie of chips, 1oz.


S: apple, banana, orange, peanut butter crackers, hot peanuts


D: That crusted salmon sounds good tonight w/ baked potato and green beans.


W: I'll do 30 at 3.0 on the treadmill, bike for 15 mins. ball squats, 3 reps of 10 of hand weights (10lbs).


The Zija is doing okay. I think I feel better. I feel like I'm have more energy and I don't get as sleepy as often. I've been more leisurely active. Like, when i get up and ice my back, I get back up and go and do laundry, clean up my room, vaccum, clean out my car. I don't have to think about it and moan. I just do b/c I have the energy. Its best in the mornings when I have the most effect from the energy pill, but I'm still good in the afternoons too.


My back is much better. I think its the anti-inflam pill, but I can't discount the Zija b/c I started both around the same time. But my back feeling better means I can do more w/out hurting which is very discouraging when you are trying to exercise or do simple things like bend over. Even standing up putting make up on was causing me pain and stiffness.



Oops, meant to say that I did have some smaller measurements this week. about an .5 inches on avg.

Good Choices.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Hopefully this board will behave enough for me to post. I am beginning to think I am having internet issues, too. Anyway....


I thought it would be good to check in when I was doing well, not just to complain about how poorly I am doing!


I feel like I am back on track. :) I just went back to my cutting down on all foods, one snack in the afternoon, no fried food, no junk food plan. We all know it's not rocket science. We all know what to eat and what not to eat.


Brooke...you mentioned that you are not sure if WW is working for you or not. It's been a looonnng time since I was on that plan. I am sure there have been a ton of changes. But, do they give you a range of points based on your height/weight like they used to? When I was following that plan, I tended to stay in the lower portion of the range most days. It really worked for me. You are exercising a lot, that's for sure. Muscle does weigh more. Can you tell the difference in your clothing? I have a friend that lost 120 lbs. She always tells me not to pay attention to the scale. I sure know that is next to impossible not to do. You seem to be doing all of the right things! Whenever you mention here or on FB that you are exercising, I get twinges of guilt thinking I should be doing the same!


Time to put my little boys to bed and avoid the kitchen for the rest of the night. ;)

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The new WW points plus does not have a range. They haven't had the range since about 2004 I think. Its a set daily points and a set weekly points, then you can still earn your activity points. The new Points + actually calculates Fiber, Fat, Carbs, Protein. No calories. You get more daily points, but the points values are higher for most foods now. You get more weekly points too. You have to use your weekly points up before you can use your activity points. All fruits are 0 points now and most veggies. I'm just wondering if not counting calories in their equation is causing me issues. But I've been going over points so much its probably just me.


But you are right, we get the chance to start over after each bad start, so its never too late.


I want a new challenge, just for me. I found this blog http://www.skinnytaste.com/


She has recipes that are low calorie and she has the WW points for them too. Most of the time when I read recipes I don't like have the ingredients in them, but I went through a lot of hers and I seem to like most of them. I'm thinking of a week challenge of cooking her recipes for at least dinner if not more meals. If my mom will help me I think it would be great and I could blog about it. I would need to get organized and find and print the recipes for the week and then make sure I get all the ingredients that weekend, maybe even do some pre-cooking. I'll let you know if I do it.


BK: Ham and egg, 2% milk


L: Medterian Salmon, 1/2 cup of brown (min) rice, broccoli and cheese (green giant single serve), apple.


S: I bought grapes, carrots, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, I have some peanuts left and peanut butter crackers.


D: I'm gonna think on this and get back to it.


W: 30 mins on treadmill, 20 on the bike, 5 on elliptical, squats


Good Choices

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