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One more day before my new official weigh in. I don't know how much it will help, but maybe.........I'm trying to be good, but maybe I just haven't put myself in that mind frame yet. I hope I see some results tomr.


BK: smoothie and egg mcmuffin no cheese


L: I'm gonna eat my salmon today b/c yesterday the girls wanted to go out, but I had a grilled chicken sandwich w/ a serving of crinkle fries and peaches for dessert.


D: Hopefully something better than last night. I didn't get home til 7pm b/c of my workout and everyone else came home late too, so it was really hot (remember, no central a/c) and it was late and I was tired........so.........pizza in the toaster oven. I opted for 4 slices. But small slices of the tombstone and 2 slices of the thin crust tuscan. I had 19 points to cover it. I did go over b/c I had 3 mini muskateer bars. I did have some tomato juice, but its the home canned stuff from out garden, not like V8, which for some reason has enough something to have to count a point or so.


S: Blueberries, strawberries, black berries, peanut butter crackers, banana (if its not brown by now).


W: I did 20 mins on the bike at 80 speed, then 3 sets of squats at 10 reps and the last one I used a weighted ball to hold out in front of me. Then 30 mins at 3.0 on the treadmill. It felt really good, but I was def. tired.


Today I'm going to try 10 mins. on the elliptical to start, 10 mins on the bike, 3 or 10 reps of hand weights at 10lbs each and 30 mins. at 3.0 on the treadmill. Trying to mix things up a bit.


I'm under a little pressure at work w/ some more surprise deadlines added to ones I've already been working on. I can do this.


Good choices.

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I'm really trying not to be in a crappy mood today. I gained another .4lbs. I'm pretty much back at 330lbs. Its taking everything I have not to stamp my feet, roll on the ground and scream bloody murder. My logical side is fighting my emotional side. It doesn't really help that my hormones are at their own game.


So my logical side is saying:


You've been gaining .4lbs at a time and your trainer told you that when you go into more exercise that your body might actually gain weight and you tell if its small gains.


You probably need to drink more water to help flush the salt you intake (I like salt)


Its been hot, that can make your body retain fluid


Mother nature is here and you always gain a little with that


You are stressed at work with 4 projects on your lap, all important and all a sort time line.


My emotional side is saying:


WTH, you worked really hard to change habits this week that were bad the past two weeks, you stayed in your points range and increased exercise you should be losing, but you are right back where you started. Now you have a little less than five months before the cruise to meet your goal. You suck.


I take a deep breath every five mins. and I'm playing classical to help calm me down. I may shut the world out at lunch and lock myself in my office in the dark and just meditate for a while.


BK: ham and egg biscuit, 2% milk, blueberries


L: okay the salmon, I ate out again yesterday. But I was decent. I had the turkey club, but I only ate half and the chips, but I did have a brownie with a scope of ice cream.


S: 1/2 pack of peanut butter crackers, fruit, carrots


D: I think I will stop by the store on my way home after workout and grab some ingredients and try something I found online. I ate the second half of the turkey club for dinner last night.


W: I sat down this morning and tried to figure out a workout plan. I was thinking I should get in enough exercise that adds up to my daily points and weekly points. That would be 100 points in exercise. That would be about 16 points a day of exercise. That would be about 2 hours or so a day. Mmmmm, I think that is pushing myself too hard too fast. Soooo, I halfed it. If I do 9 points a day for 6 days, then I get 54 points. I think that is reasonable. I created 4 different workouts. They move around time spent on different machines and add in squats and weights. The weekends I just have the bike at home, so I will just have to make due. That's why I only came up with 4.


I'm gonna talk to mom about the cooking deal and see if she will help me. I'm kind of hoping she will eat it with me. At least my back is feeling better.


Good Choices.

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Well, the weekend was nice and I did a good job staying in my points. I relaxed a bit on the exercise a bit, but it wasn't that bad. I did do 30 mins of exercise on Sunday and I kept moving for the most part of the morning.


BK: Yoplait's frozen smoothie mix. It has like the frozen cubes of yogurt and berries, then you add low fat milk and blend. I thought it would be better than McDs. Well......b/c of the serving size its only about 150 calories (I use 1% it says ff milk, so I added more calories). Its okay. I think its too sweet. I like the bitter taste of the wildberry at McD's and if I had made 12 oz instead of 8oz it probably would have been the same calories, plus its only two servings in one bad and I think its like almost $4 a bad. I'm actually better off going to McDs. I brought oatmeal w/ brown sugar and whole milk today (I forgot to bring milk, so they only had whole milk at the drive through).


L: I'm going try and reheat my Chicken Tikkia Masala leftovers. You know how I feel about leftover chicken, but I will try. I have the min. rice and broccli and cheese single serves too. I have soup if those things don't work out.


S: oranges, apples.


D: I have just a few more frozen chicken tenders (grilled), so I might make a stir fry tonight w/ bird's eye veggies.


W: I have one planned......I forget which one it is.


Well, on to work........got some stuff to get done.

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Hey everyone! I know I haven't been in here in a long time (a lot has gone on in the last year or so!), but decided to pop in since I'm back on the weight loss train. I have about 5lbs to lose. Doesn't sound like much and you'd think I'd lose it in like a week, but nope! It's freaking hard!!! Counting calories/fat and working my butt off!!!


I got a Timex watch and HRM and have been tracking accurate calories burned rather than letting a website tell me what I burn.


I have a week long vacation in SC I'm prepping for......and then a cruise we just booked for September! Woohoo!!!


How has everyone been?

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It was a good day yesterday. Well, I have a soar throat and it makes my ear hurt from pressure and then I found a knot on my neck on the other side.......its probably just allergies.


Been doing well with points. Yesterday I had a lot more planned for a workout, but I only did 30 mins at 3.0 on the treadmill.......why? B/c there were these two ppl in the gym that I didn't know and for some reason my insecurity came back and when I was finished with my treadmill I just left. I don't know what it was, but I just didn't want them there. Not that there aren't normally people in the gym (well, its summer and its not crowded), but Idk.......they weren't staff or students, so I just didn't know.


BK: egg and ham and a McD smoothie......its so much better.


L: mom unfroze some leftover lasagna last night so I put a piece in for lunch with some single serve broccoli and cheese and a apple


S: fruit and some peanuts.


D:Whatever doesn't make me have to be in a hot kitchen that long. Its that time of the year where we have no central air and cooking sucks.


W: Barring insecurities.........I've got a workout planned.


Ugh, mother nature.........your bloating sucks so bad. It makes me feel 10x bigger.

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Hey everyone-


Well, I have not been doing that great lately. After last weekend, I was plus FOUR from my lowest weight. Grrr. After yesterday, I lost a pound of that, so I am hoping some of it is from salt, etc. I went to a BBQ on Saturday, had Dairy Queen on Sunday, too much wine, etc. Meh.


I'm trying to be positive though. Tomorrow, our summer CSA starts! I'm so excited. We will be getting a box of vegetables and fruits from a farmer in Indiana once a week. I've been trying to hold off on grocery shopping until I know what we are getting. From experience, I bet we get maybe asparagus, kale or greens, maybe rhubarb or strawberries, lettuce in the beginning. There isn't much growing yet. We have to wait until later in the summer for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchinis, etc. But I am very excited to eat "in season", and want to start a weekly meal plan with the produce we get. Brooke, I was excited about the idea of your cooking plan, have you worked on that at all?


My plan is to see what fruit and vegetables we get on Wednesday, and Wednesday night evaluate what we have and what meals we can make with it. Someone else in a CSA that I was talking to recommended having one theme night a week. So on Mondays, for example, you know you will make some type of pasta with whatever vegetables you have. Another night might be a hearty salad with chicken, and other night may be homemade pizza. The main thing I need to do is have quick and easy recipes that we like on hand, that are adaptable enough so that I can interchange vegetables if I need to.


So this week, I am back on track and hoping to shed that extra bit of weight so that I can be on my way back DOWN again.


It's super hot out, so I think I will go swimming after work! Yesterday I did 35 mintues on the elliptical. My goal is just to move a bit everyday, and if I don't make it downstairs to exercise, to at least do some hand weights/situps, etc. Or, if I don't work out because we go out after work, to at least incorporate a long walk home into it.


Have a good day everyone-



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Kim so didn't see your post, lol. I've noticed you shredding on FB. It sounds like..........work, lol. But good for you. I hope you get through your challenge. Oh boy, your going out to sea month before me!!!


Rachel I haven't been able to do the cooking thing yet. I think I'm gonna have to wait until after I get through this month at work, its just crazy. My mind is in too many places and my house is too hot, lol.


BK: Kroger mixed berry tub (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries), ham and egg biscuit and 2% milk (I will drink the milk in a little bit I save it for more of a snack)


L: Leftover taco salad stuff from mom and dad's dinner


S: fruit, carrots


D: Things that make you go hmm?


W: Its planned on my WW tracker, but I've been just doing 30 mins.....I haven't felt it this week, but I know I need to at least do 30 mins.


I had a mother nature moment. I felt that pulsing feeling all day of the need to eat. I ignored it for most of the day and tried eating fruit and carrots, but you how it is. I gave in to 3 chocolate chips cookies from subway and a cup of milk. It killed my points left for dinner, but I still had to eat, but lucky I had most of my weekly points left, so I went with 3 oz of grilled chicken, asian medley veggies from Bird's eye, 1/2 cup of brown rice and made a stir fry. I also ate my mix of rice crispy and 1 fruit bar (like 1 point), so I know I went over by a bit, but I'm crossing my fingers I fed the beast it and it will shut up. That's why I'm eating a big breakfast and kind making it last over a couple of hours. I ate my biscuit, but not I'm munching on my berries and a little later I'll have the milk. I also bought gum. I'm proud I counted my points though. I hope for a good next two days!!


Good choices

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Ugh, I was so worn out yesterday from too much use of my brain which wasn't alot b/c I only got one page of a 12 page proposal done. So quick today b/c I have stuff to do.


BK: ham and egg and smoothie


L: I guess subway


S: fruit and milk


D: Hmph.....its HOT


W: 30 mins of something.


Good choices.

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Hey everyone,


We got our first box of CSA veggies yesterday! I'm so excited. Who knew you could get so excited over this stuff? Here is what we got: 3 heads of lettuce, 4 red tomatoes on the vine, 2 heirloom tomatoes, small box of orange cherry tomatoes, bunch of asparagus, a bunch of basil, and 3 small radishes.


So I spent some time yesterday planning what meals we would have this week. Last night I made asian tyle lettuce wraps (like from P.F. Chang's). They had ground turkey breast, onion, bell pepper, water chestnuts, garlic, and green onions in them. They were great, and we used up one of the entire heads of lettuce! I used about 3/4 of a pound of ground turkey, and we have enough to have it again one night (so 4 servings).


Other than that, I think I am going to make some type of pasta with the asparagus and cherry tomatoes (Giada DeLaurentis has a recipe). I might add shredded chicken breast to it. Then I will make some caprese salads with the tomatoes and basil (I bought fresh mozzarella). I have so many tomatoes that I might make a fresh cream of tomato soup, too.


The farm didn't tell us what we were getting, and I did NOT anticipate tomatoes! I had just bought a bunch on Tuesday. Tomatoes are usually coming in around August. But I think they grow some in the dirt under a hot-house type of protection. Well, I love tomatoes so it is no big deal to me!


That's it for now. I've done pretty well this week, exercising everyday, and stayed within my calories yesterday too. With all this fresh stuff I'm really excited for making some healthy meals. Oh and we will make lots of salads too, with the lettuce. To make it more enticing, I bought croutons, tortilla strips, and wonton strips from the grocery store to top them. :)


Have a great day everyone-


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Rachel: I can't wait for our garden to start producing. We had to wait so long b/c of the rain we had and now we aren't getting any, lol. I hope our tomatoes come in this year-last year they got bottom rot. We don't do much fruit, but the veggies are nice. Mom cans a lot of it so we can have them throughout the year.


Well...........I knew that I was write in keeping the 329.8 as my weigh in last Friday b/c this time it was 328.4. Thats 1.4lbs down. If I had used the 327.8 I would have gained. Just goes to show. MN is still here, but hopefully that will just make a better impact next week when I weigh. The bloating and water retention will be gone and it should help a little bit. If I was being honest I hoped for a better result b/c I thought I did 50% better this week than last. I did more exercise and I ate within my points and had plenty of weekly leftover. I really want this new WW program to work. It helps me so much to have a structure and though sparkpeople is free and nice, its just not structure enough. I'm hoping its not the program that is causing me such problems, but me just having some bad timing.


BK: ham and egg w/ 2 servings of grapes


L: My co-worker is taking me out b/c I watched her fish, lol. I planned for a grilled chicken sandwich and chips.


S: berries, apple, milk


D: Its friday and hot so we will probably be traditional and throw a pizza in, so I planned to have 3 slices in my points already.


W: I'm taking the day off unless I feel the need when I get home. I still got some work on this proposal.......a lot.........so off I go.


Good Choices.

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ok brook, i just read almost this entire post. and you know what i discovered, i had been reading your blog last year! that is funny. you have a great personality, and all of you are so encouraging.


Haha, that is funny. Yea, I tend to write a little of everything, lol. Funny thing is I've never been much for writing b/c I'm not the most technical writer (as you may have noticed), but I like interacting with people and writing adds to that.

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I've noticed that I've been more "regular" active than ever. I mean like getting up and not sitting in the recliner all day. I've been making sure that I get up on the weekends and short of icing my back for about 30 mins. then I get up and put dishes away, do laundry, I've even been dragging the ironing board upstairs the last three weekends to iron all my clothes that were washed that week. I've been cleaning up my room on a daily basis almost. I'm a little weary of this "natural caff." stuff in this Zija product. Yesterday it made me a little jittery until I got up and went upstairs for some exercise. It wasn't making me jittery and I would think that after a while it would lose much of its effect b/c my body would simply get used to the caff. No heart palps though. Heart palps would concern me. However, I've noticed that I don't get allergy headaches as much. I think i would like to try this product without the pill and just do the mix and tea. I want to see if the vitas giving me the energy or the caff. pill. Idk. I might end up going through withdrawls.


Anyway, started the week off with some exercise. Sunday I got on the bike for 30 mins, then did some small hand weights too. Of course I did some domestic stuff, but I don't like counting those as actual exercise points. So I'm gonna try and get 150 mins of exercise in this week. If I do 30 mins a day for 5 days I can do it. I've been giving myself Friday and Sat. off.


BK: Smoothie, ham and egg biscuit


L: salmon, 1.5 cup of bird's eye long grain rice with veggies and soy sauce. Berries


S: berries, grapes, oranges, peanut butter crackers


D: I'm getting into the horrible habit of not knowing, but honestly mom didn't go to the store this weekend, so we are running low. Might do a blt.


W: At least 30 mins. I was thinking 10 on the elliptical, 10 on the bike, 10 on the treadmill and a set of ball squats with a ball weight.


Anyway, still working on that proposal, so I gotta get going.


Good choices

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Hi everyone!!!


I'm SO excited today to report that I am EXACTLY 10 pounds down from when I started! Meaning this week, I lost about -4.0 pounds, but about minus 1.0 pounds from my prior lowest weight (in like April)! Woo! Finally I broke that barrier. Yay. I'm sure the reason my weight was so high in the start of last week was due to all the salt/alcohol I had the weekend prior. :o


I had a pretty active weekend THIS weekend, and actually stayed on track (for calories) for once. Yesterday we went for a long bike ride, and when we got back, we google mapped the mileage, and it was 15.6 miles! No wonder my legs were jelly. I did have a splurge when we got back, an ice cream cone form McDonald's. But I knew I could have that for 150 calories, and we rode our bikes for over 2 hours, so I didn't feel guilty (also I picked that in lieu of a shake or a sundae, which have more calories).


On Saturday I went out shopping and bought a lot of really good basics. Black skirt, black shorts, black capris, 2 pairs of jeans, jean shorts, black sandals, and a few cute tops. Wow it sounds like a lot when I type it all out! But I found a lot of sales, so that helps. I needed a lot of basic stuff, a lot of time I end up buying lots of tops and things like that, but sometimes you need to stock up on the basics. So now I am set for awhile.


I was talking to DH and I think we might try for a cruise next year! This year, he is out of vacation days. I really want to splurge on a longer cruise to some islands we've never been to. Maybe on a nice new ship. So maybe I can start looking into that for like next Spring!


It's taken me about 5.5 months to lose these 10 pounds, ouch! Let's hope the next 30 go a bit quicker... I want to stay really active this summer... with that and my veggie boxes I think I can really start having a healthy lifestyle.


Hope everyone has a great week! Lots of leftovers for me until we get our new box on Wednesday.

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Rachel!!!!!!!! YES! You did it. And who cares how long it took....you did it and did it right, so it will stay off! Onward and "downward":D


Well, I got my workout in last night and it was a good feeling. I ended up eating spaghetti last night, mom cooked. It was made with deer and maybe low carb pasta, I don't know what mom decided on. She uses tomato paste instead of a sauce, so it wasn't that bad. It was with some green beans and garlic toast. I had some cereal after.


BK: ham and egg (Okay I know, I'm just on one of my binges of food. I think we all know I get addicted to one thing for a while and then I won't touch it for months(ex: chicken biscuit)), milk, and strawberries


L: Well I have a meeting today and they provide lunch so I'm not sure what they will have. Last time it was subs, so I can kinda have a sense.


D: Idk


W: Well depending on how long this meeting is this afternoon. Its an hour there, hour 1/2 there, hour back............I will either come back and do a workout at the gym or go home and use the bike.


I can't wait for the end of the month for my week off. I will get to go up and spend time with a family friend and my mom and the the July 4th weekend more friends and family will come to hang out.


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Thanks, I am super excited about the 10 pounds. Today I was plus one, though! :mad: I don't know why. It might be because of mother nature. I am going to just keep going, my new goal is to break into the next set of digits, only 1.8 pounds until I do that.


We had lunch provided today too. A burrito bar! I had half a small burrito, about 6 chips, and about 2 tablespoons of guacamole. Usually, I would have that, but with an entire burrito, and then feel really full afterwards. So this was perfect. Tonight I have a networking event with foods and drinks. Hopefully there will be some veggies and dip that I can have, maybe a bit of cheese, and maybe a glass of wine. If it is more than that, I will have to make it my dinner!


Tomorrow we get more veggies form the farmer, hooray! It is so exciting to find out what we get each week.


Brooke, it sounds like you have some fun time off coming up! How exciting! I will have to look back for the name of your blog. I forgot you had one! I might start one with the veggies I get each week, along with pictures of the food I make. I thought it might be fun, and then I can stop talking about it (and probably annoying people), but that way, people who are interested can read it. We'll see!


Have a good one,


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Rachel, you got it. Did you read that article about the scale that was posted? It was a good article, it helped me not worry about what the scale says so much. Mom says our tomatoes will come in late this year b/c of the weather, but I'm just hoping we get some this year. Last year was pitiful. We are also on our last three jars of green beans from last year. We just barely made if with enough canned, lol.


Oh, my blog is http://www.fatgirlperspective.blogspot.com and you should start a blog about your veggies and food. Its a fun outlet.


Okay, so I was close to not working out yesterday. I went to a mid-afternoon meeting which was a long drive to and fro in the first place, by the time I got back to work I have about 1.5 hours to work b/c I didn't take but a 30 mins lunch, so I left early. This also meant the gym wasn't open yet, so I took the time to go home. Mom cooked deer burger and I had two. But I took a break between eating one and the second to make sure I really wanted it and I didn't have any side dish. Fat Dog was kinda hoping I wouldn't want it.:rolleyes: At about 9pm after dying my hair and blow drying I went upstairs and said if I was just gonna sit there and watch tv then I should get on the bike............and I did.


Also, yesterday I had lunch meeting with no clue what I was going to eat. Well it ended up being wraps with a tbsp of like potato salad, drink and cookie. There was Thai Chicken and Chicken salad left. I never had Thai chicken, but had an idea of what it was and I knew what chicken salad was, so I made what I thought would be the less caloric choice, Thai chicken. I think I made the right choice. It had cucumbers, lettuce, shredded carrots, grilled chicken and a brown spicey sauce. Now I didn't LOVE this wrap, but I didn't hate it either. It was a large wrap, so I decided since I didn't LOVE it and it was so large and I didn't know the calories I would just eat half (and i left the last bite). I did eat the little bit of potato salad and the cookie and I had a sprite (look at those run on sentences, lol). I was proud I did that and still felt satisfied. But since I was on a little trip I really wanted something sweet. I kept thinking ice cream and all the shops in this area we didn't have in my area, but I also kept thinking about the calories involved in these places. So, instead I opted for dropping by the McDs for a smoothie that I knew the calories for, but I got a medium instead of a small for a bit of a treat. I wanted that Frozen strawberry Lemonade, but I thought I had remembered reading somewhere that it was one of the most horrible summer drinks with a lot of sugar and pointless calories. At least the smoothie had real fruit, natural sugar, and yogurt.


BK: ham and egg biscuit w/ small smoothie


L: I have another lunch meeting today, so I will have to just watch myself.


S: Fruits


D: Idk


W: Gotta get a gym workout in. I think I might do 20 mins on the bike, 10 on the treadmill, 10 on the elliptical and some weights.


The stress is on today. I have a proposal that needs to be off........really today, but I can over night it tomr. and I have no one who will review it and I'm being very critical of myself and I think its just horrible b/c I didn't have the proper amount of time to get it done. The pressure is on.


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Hey all,


Just picked up our farm box. We got many of the same things as last week, including tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, and lettuce. We also got a zucchini this week. With so many tomatoes, I might make some marinara sauce. I might buy an eggplant and bake some eggplant parmesean or something like that with the marinara. Or I could do stuffed shells - I have some leftover shredded chicken, so maybe I can throw that in with some ricotta. Just thinking of ideas. :)


I also didn't get a chance to make the asparagus and cherry tomato pasta last week, so I might do that too. But I might make it with couscous instead of using pasta (don't want to get pasta' ed out!)


Tonight I'm going to a baseball game, so I'm planning on having a hot dog and a beer. For lunch I had a whole wheat hamburger bun with shredded chicken, some BBQ sauce, cheese, and tomato, along with a bunch of grapes to the side. For breakfast I had cereal. For a snack I have cashews, will probably count out 10 or so... they can add up quickly. I'll eat those around 4 p.m. if I start getting hungry...


Brooke good for you for getting on that bike last night! The thai chicken wrap sounded good. I probably would have picked that too, because I'm afraid chicken salad always has mayo in it, and I despise mayo. :)


Tomorrow we have another lunch provided for us, and I think it will be a sandwich platter. So hopefulyl I will have some good choices there.

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Rachel, You make me jealous.......I want our garden to get done!


So, I didn't exercise last night. I was very stressed about work and mom tried to help by reading my proposal and so I had to stay up and be close by b/c she isn't familiar with the editing part of Word. I know exercise helps relieve stress, but I was tired from fighting with my emotions all day and just wanted to go to bed. I had two hot dogs, no buns with mac and cheese last night and then some rice crispies. I could have done worse. Chocolate and other emotional foods were calling my name, but I just tried to breath and think about how food would not help the situation.


BK: egg and ham, berries, milk


L: I don't know again b/c we have a lunch for work again.


D: Idk


S: fruit


Ugh, this day is not getting better, just got another denial for a grant. I didn't write this one, but it always hits me and on top of other pressures its a lot. Just got an email from the President too.......I didn't read it yet, but the headline says, "failure to submit......something......" great.........have this stuff isn't even my fault b/c it happened when I didn't have the job. I'm just gonna repeat the serenity prayer to myself over and over again and find strength in the fact that God never gives us more than we can handle.


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Okay, I'm frustrated. This is so silly. I'm not losing weight at all. I stayed the same this week. I did over indulge, I exercised.....I should be seeing results. I've got these thoughts:


1. I'm seriously messing up WW and don't know it


2. WW's new program doesn't work for me


3. I'm not exercising enough


4. I don't think so, but maybe this Zija is having a adverse effect on my diet


I don't know. I just don't know. I know people will say, "stop eating fast food." That makes me so mad. I'm eating within the points system of WW and the whole thing is that if I do that I SHOULD lose weight. Just like that lady who went on the McDonalds diet to counter Super Size Me and lost weight. It was about calorie intake. She chose salads, fruit, smaller portions and lost weight. I don't understand why I'm following the protocol and I'm not losing. I have one more month on WW and if I'm not seeing results I'm quitting. I'm not paying for something that is NOT working. I will just go back to Sparkpeople and try to count calories again.


This is sooooooooooo silly and I thought my stress was over for the week b/c I got the proposal done (at the last min.), but this is NOT helping.


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Ohhh Brooke, I'm so sorry that WW isn't working. I am not very familiar with the new system, so I don't really know how to comment on that. I can just be here for support. That must be so frustrating, because you are doing all the right things, following WW and exercising, and it's just not working. For me, when things aren't working I pretty much know why (usually it's because I'm not following something like I should). :o


I made a pretty good salad for dinner last night, and had it again for lunch today. It is a TON of veggies. I chopped up a red and green bell pepper, cucumber, onion, tomato, and jalepeno, rinsed a can of corn, cleaned and tore all my lettuce, and cooked my shredded chicken with a little taco seasoning and water to get a bit more flavor on it. All the veggies went into their own container, so this morning, I threw a mix of everything into a tupperware. I topped it with a pinch of ranch dressing and shredded cheese. Very tasty and a LOT of veg!


Hope everyone has a great weekend. Brooke, keep on trucking, you have such a good attitude, but I know things can get frustrating too.

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I know how frustrating it can be Brooke! You see how much I am working out on FB, but have I lost anything? Nope! I'm just trying to focus on the way my clothes fit instead, but that's really hard to do.


My DH has really been pushing me to start jogging more which I am getting better at, I think. Hope you guys have a great night! It's storming here, which we desperately need!!

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